Issued by Authority of the President of the Legislative Council s1
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54th Parliament
Issued by Authority of the President of the Legislative Council and the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly The Parliamentary Committees of the Victorian Parliament are appointed pursuant to the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968. The functions of the Joint Investigatory Committees are detailed in sections 4C to 4EF of the Act which, by section 4F, also makes the following provisions regarding their role, sources of references and priorities in considering references: (1) A Joint Investigatory Committee — (a) is required to inquire into, consider and report to the Parliament on any proposal, matter or thing relevant to the functions of the Committee which is referred to the Committee —
(i) by resolution of the Council or the Assembly: or (ii) by Order of the Governor in Council published in the Government Gazette; and (b) may inquire into, consider and report to the Parliament on any annual report or other document relevant to the functions of the Committee which is laid before either House of the Parliament pursuant to a requirement imposed by or under an Act. * * * * * (3) A resolution of the Council or the Assembly or an Order of the Governor in Council referring a proposal, matter or thing to a Joint Investigatory Committee pursuant to paragraph (a) of sub-section (1) may specify a period of time within which the Committee is required to make a final report to the Parliament on the proposal matter or thing. (4) In carrying out its functions a Joint Investigatory Committee is required — (a) to give priority — (i) firstly, to all proposals, matters or things referred to it by resolution of the Council or the Assembly; and (ii) secondly, to all proposals, matters or things referred to it by Order of the Governor in Council published in the Government Gazette — before all other proposals, matters or things being inquired into or being considered by the Committee; and
(b) to comply with any limitation of time specified pursuant to sub-section (3). * * * * * In the 54th Parliament, the Economic Development Committee is established as a Select Committee of the Legislative Council.
Its functions, role and term of appointment are detailed in sections 37 to 41 of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968. References may only be given to this Committee — (a) by resolution of the Council or (b) by Order of the Governor in Council published in the Government Gazette.
Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (03) 9651 3541 Facsimile: (03) 9651 3603
Email: [email protected]
Members: (Council) The Hons B C Boardman and S M Nguyen. (Assembly) Hon R R Cooper, Mr K Jasper, Mr H R Lupton, Mr B Mildenhall and Mr R Wynne. Chairman: The Hon B C Boardman, MLC Executive Officer: Ms Sandy Cook
Reference from the Legislative Council on 1 March 2000 to inquire, consider and report on the incidence of crime and to report every 6 months on the levels of crime, areas of emerging concern and (where suitable) options for crime reduction or control.
Activities during August 2001
Ongoing statistical analysis of police unit record data for investigation into ‘Crime Trends and Perceptions in the Melbourne CBD’. Continuation of writing of draft Report ‘Crime Trends and Perceptions in the Melbourne CBD’. Audio tapes of overseas meetings transcribed. A bibliography of materials collected on overseas trip compiled. Mateials catalogued.
Future Activity
Complete, adopt and table Report ‘Crime Trends and Perceptions in the Melbourne CBD’ in October 2001.
Reference from the Governor in Council on 18 April 2001 to inquire into the issue of inhalation of volatile substances for the purpose of intoxication and report to Parliament by the first day of the Autumn 2002 sitting.
Activities during August 2001
Bruce Mildenhall, Sang Nguyen, Richard Wynne, Sandy Cook and Pete Johnston attended a forum organised by the Aboriginal Justice Forum ‘Chroming and the Impact on the Koori Community’ which was held on 16 August 2001. Sandy Cook and Pete Johnston attended a planning meeting with regard to this forum. Tapes of Forum being transcribed Pete Johnston attended the seminar ‘Substance Abuse Practice and Policy Forum’ organised by the Children’s Welfare Association of Victoria’, parts of which were devoted to the chroming issue. Research methodology and time lines for the inquiry being developed. Ongoing liaison with key researchers/practitioners in the USA re emerging and current trends in VSA that country. Liaison with key Indigenous groups, researchers, policy makers and practitioners in Victoria, Northern Territory Western Australia, South Australia in relation to VSA. Ongoing scrutiny and analysis of relevant literature. Call for submissions closed 31 August 2001. State Coroner Mr Graeme Johnstone spoke to the Committee regarding deaths related to volatile substance abuse. Sandy Cook and Pete Johnstone met with Dr Joanna Wynn and Ms Sarah Nicolson from Youth Research Centre, the University of Melbourne.
Future activities
Discussion Paper to be written and circulated mid November 2001
Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (03) 9651 3541 Facsimile: (03) 9651 3603
Email: [email protected]
Members: (Council) The Hons R A Best, A Coote, G R Craige, K Darveniza, N B Lucas, J M McQuilten and T C Theophanous. Chairman: The Hon N B Lucas, PSM MLC Executive Officer: Mr R A Willis
Terms of Reference received from the Governor in Council on 29 February 2000.
The Committee tabled its Final Report in Parliament on 12 June 2001.
Future activities
Await Government Response, due November 2001
Terms of Reference received from Legislative Council on 6 September 2000.
The Committee tabled its final report in Parliament on 20 June 2001.
Terms of Reference received from Legislative Council on 1 March 2000. Report due 31 December 2001. Informal meeting held with exporters in Mildura. Informal meetings held with Austrade and the Department of Natural Resources & Environment, Agribusiness Section. Strategy paper prepared outlining proposed inquiry direction and timetable. Chairman and Executive Officer attended Agribusiness Forum Summit in Healesville on 28 March 2001.
Activities during August 2001
Regional Hearings in Horsham and Nhill (27-28 August) and on-site visit to Wimmera Grain Company in Rupanyup on 27 August.
Future Activities
Planning of forthcoming meetings/hearings in Melbourne with key government bodies and other groups. Regional visits/hearings to be organised.
Terms of Reference issued by Governor in Council on 29 February 2000. Report due first sitting day of Spring 2001 sitting. Terms of Reference advertised on 13 November seeking written submissions. Letters sent out to over 350 organisations and individuals. 35 written submissions received to date.
Activities during August 2001
Interim Report tabled in Legislative Council on 16 August 2001. Final report to be completed in Autumn 2002 Session.
Public hearings conducted on 13 August 2001. Evidence received from Australia Post, Department of Infrastructure – Public Transport and Office of Local Government.
6 Public hearings conducted on 22 August 2001. Evidence received from Public Transport Users Group and Department of Employment, Education and Training – Employment Division.
Regional hearings conducted in Ararat, Horsham, Edenhope, Nhill, Warracknabeal and Avoca from 27-29 August.
Future Activities
Melbourne public hearings. Further regional visits/hearings to be organised.
Terms of Reference received from Legislative Council on 1 March 2000. Report due 31 December 2001.
Activity during August 2001
Committee wrote to President of Legislative Council seeking an extension to the reporting date to end of 2002 Spring Session. Matter requires resolution of Upper House.
Future Activity
To be determined.
Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne, 3000 Telephone: (03) 9651 3541 Facsimile: (03) 9651 3603 Email: [email protected] Website:
Members: (Council) The Hons R F Smith and Graeme Stoney. (Assembly) Mr H Delahunty, Ms J T Duncan, Mr C Ingram, Ms J M Lindell, Mr T W Mulder and Mr G Seitz. Chairman: Mr G Seitz, MP Executive Officer: Mr B Miles
Referred to the Committee by the Legislative Council on 1 March 2000 under section 4F (1) (a) (i) of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968. The Committee has resolved to undertake the inquiry concurrently with its inquiry into fisheries management across Victoria (see below).
Referred to the Committee by Order of the Governor in Council published in the Government Gazette (on 29 February 2000) under section 4F (1) (a) (ii) of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968. Also referred to the Committee by the Legislative Assembly on 14 March 2000 under section 4F (1) (a) (i) of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968. The Committee has resolved to undertake the inquiry concurrently with its inquiry into the sustainable management of the Victorian abalone and rock lobster industries. Briefing by Minister. Advertisements placed in national and statewide press for research officer to assist the inquiry. Advertisements in metropolitan and country Victoria newspapers announcing commencement of the Inquiry.
9 Media release prepared and distributed. Discussions with senior representatives of Northern Territory fishing sector and agencies - Amateur Fisherman’s Association, Northern Territory Seafood Council, Marine and Fisheries Enforcement Unit, NT Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries. Also briefing and inspection of the Darwin Aquaculture Centre. Briefing given by the Executive Officer to the Fisheries Co-Management Council. Briefing given by the Executive Officer to Seafood Industry Victoria Appointment of consultant to assist preparation of Discussion Paper. Publication and distribution of discussion paper. Call for submissions. Media release and advertisements placed advising of release of discussion paper and inviting submissions. Appointment of new research officer to assist with the Inquiry. Submission period extended to 22 December 2000. Second printing of the Discussion Paper and further distribution. Study tour to New Zealand involving inspections and discussions held with representatives of the New Zealand Recreational Fishing Council, NZ Marine Transport Association (fishing and cruise charter operators), the Ministry of Fisheries, the Kaumatua and Kaitiaki tribes (Maori customary fishing rights), Department of Conservation (marine reserves), University of Auckland’s Leigh Marine Research Station, Fish and Game NZ (freshwater fisheries), Sealord Group Ltd, Challenger Scallop Enhancement Company, Port Nelson Ltd, Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commission, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (stock assessment), Rock Lobster and Paua (abalone) commercial fisheries, and the NZ Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment. Assessment of written submissions. Inspections and discussions in South Gippsland and Western Port – with representatives of the Shire of South Gippsland, Southern Shark and Gill Net Fisherman’s Association (fish habitat), Port Franklin fishers (codes of practise), Lang Lang Coast Action Group (seagrass beds), and the Kilcunda Abalone Farm (public water aquaculture). Inspections and discussions in Melbourne - Melbourne Fish Market (managers and agents), fish processing plants (Lonimar P/L and Australian Sea Urchins P/L) and restaurant sector (John Rubira). Inspections and discussions in Central Victoria – Snobs Creek Research Station and Hatchery, Goulburn River Trout P/L (trout aquaculture), Goulburn Valley Fly-Fishing Centre, and Australian Aquaculture Products (warm water recirculation-system aquaculture).
10 Public Hearing in Alexandra – Nagambie Angling Club, Goulburn Valley Fly-Fishing Centre Inc, Goulburn River Trout P/L, Goulburn Valley Association of Angling Clubs Inc, Fisheries Co-management Council – research issues. Inspections and discussions in East Gippsland – estuarine fishery issues (Lake Tyers Beach Sports Angling Club, East Gippsland Estuarine Fish Association, and Lake Tyers Aboriginal Trust), eastern zone scallop boat (Scott Horden), processing and wholesale sectors (Consol Fish), trawl boat (Chris Newman), fish charter boat (Peter Euman), local compliance issues (Department of Natural Resources and Environment), water quality and catchment issues (Gippsland Coastal Board), eel fishery (East Coast Eels P/L) and goldfish aquaculture (Boolarra Fish Farms P/L). Public Hearing at Lakes Entrance – Gippsland Lakes Bait Fishery Association, Mr Scott Horton, East Gippsland Fishermans Association, Mr Roger Bilney, Mr Lyton Barr, Mr Tom Davies, Gippsland Coastal Board, Lake Tyers Beach Sports Angling Club. Inspections and discussions in western Victoria – live fish fishing (Rob Davies), western zone rock lobster boat (Rod McDonald), processing plant (Sou-West Seafoods), abalone boat (Len McCall) and abalone processing (South West Seafoods), native fish hatchery (Wartook Native Fish Culture), and native fish angling (Wimmera Anglers Association). Public Hearing in Portland – Portland Professional Fishermans Association, Western Zone Wrasse Association, Mr Tony Crapper, Ms Robyn Curtis, Mr Dennis Jeffs, Mirimbiak National Aboriginal Corporation, Mr David Johnston, Mr Rod McDonald, Portland Angling Club, Framlingham Aboriginal Trust, Mr Andrew Levings, Mr Don Edmonson, Mr Vincent Gannon, Mr Jamie Espie, Mr Rod Crowther, Fisheries Co-Management Council (mainly consultation issues). Public Hearing in Melbourne – Mr Anthony Amis, Mr Tony Hocking, Mr John Dougall, Lonimar P/L, Mr Mark Nowak, Mr Peter Kidd, Goulburn-Murray Water, Mr David Fitzpatrick, VRFish, Mr Nik Phizacklea, Mr Tim Mirabella, Victorian National Parks Association, Victorian Aquaculture Council. Second Public Hearing in Melbourne – Victorian Abalone Divers Association, Victorian Abalone Processor’s Association, Eastern Zone Rock Lobster Association, Mr John Barnett, Mr Brian Bolding, Ms Tia Navanteri, Victorian Fishing Charter Association, Community and Public Sector Union, Seafood Industry Victoria, Mr Cyril Mitchell, Mr Ron Lewis, Native Fish Australia, Corner Inlet Fisheries Habitat Association, Lang Lang Coast Action Group, Fisheries Co-Management Council, Fisheries Victoria. Confidential hearing – various witnesses regarding enforcement issues. Additional public hearing – Mr John Hammond, Tasmanian Rock Lobster fisher and Prof Tor Hundloe, Fisheries academic and economist. Assessment of written submissions and public hearing evidence. Discussions with Canberra based agencies: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australian Fisheries Management Authority, and Environment Australia.
11 Consideration of issues arising from the written submissions and the hearings.
Activities during August 2001
Preparation of draft report.
Future Activities
Consideration of draft report.
Referred to the Committee by the Legislative Council on 1 March 2000 under section 4F (1) (a) (i) of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968. Commencement of Inquiry. Distribution of media release. Compilation of mailing list. Call for submissions. Placement of advertisements announcing the commencement of inquiry and inviting submissions. Assessment of submissions. Preparation and adoption of Interim Report. Tabling of Interim Report in Parliament (Legislative Council – 28 November 2000) Printing and distribution of Interim Report Inspections and discussions in western Victoria – waste water and farm-based irrigation (South West Water), ground water management (Southern Rural Water), water savings and piped irrigation systems (Wimmera Mallee Water). Preparation of draft final report.
Activity during August 2001
Consideration of draft final report.
Future Activity
Consideration of draft final report.
Referred to the Committee by the Governor in Council on 20 March 2001 under section 4F of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968. The Terms of Reference received and resolved to commence the Inquiry following completion of the Committee’s Water Allocation Inquiry.
Activity during August 2001
Nil – inquiry has not yet commenced.
Referred to the Committee by the Governor in Council on 5 June 2001 under section 4F of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968. The Terms of Reference received; to commence at a date to be defined.
Activity during August 2001
Nil – inquiry has not yet commenced.
Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (03) 9651 3520 Facsimile: (03) 9651 3691
Email: [email protected]
Website: Members: (Council) The Hons E J Powell and G D Romanes. (Assembly) Mr B P Hardman, Mr H Lim, Mr D A Nardella, Mrs I Peulich and Mr R Wilson. Chairman: Mr H Lim, MP Executive Officer: Mr P L Bourke
Referred by Governor in Council on 18 April 2000. Witnesses appearing before the Committee- Representatives from Consumer and Business Affairs Victoria, Mr. Denis Fitzgerald, Assistant Director, Policy and Information; Ms Dianne Bryans, Manager, Assessment and Analysis Branch, Consumer Services and Compliance Division; Ms Kristen Murray, Policy Officer. Representatives from the Equal Opportunity Commission, Dr Dianne Sisely, Chief Executive and Mr. Ben Rice, Research Officer. Representatives from the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, Mr Michael Levine, Deputy President, Civil Claims List and Ms Anne Coghlan, Deputy President, Discrimination List. Ms Sandra Campitelli, General Manager, Hairdressing and Beauty Industry Association. Mr Timothy Piper, Executive Director and Ms Lisa Hurley, Marketing Officer , Australian Retailers Association. Site Visit with the Drycleaning Institute of Australia to Bancroft’s Dry Cleaner’s, South Yarra. Ms Virginia Redding, Westpac Bank and Ms Amanda Ellis, Bank of Melbourne
15 Witnesses appearing at Public Hearings Mr Colin Neave, Australian Banking Industry Ombudsman Ms Jenny Lawton, Financial and Consumer Rights Council of Victoria Ms Sandra Campitelli, Hairdressing and Beauty Industry Association Ms Mary Crooks & Ms Gemma Morgan, Victorian Women’s Trust Mr Michael Meere, Dry Cleaning Institute of Victoria Ms Leyla Yilmaz, Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce Ms Allyson Foster & Ms Catriona Lowe, Women’s Legal Service & Consumer Law Centre
Activities during August 2001
Review of Draft Report Chapters. Consideration of Recommendations.
Future Activities
Review of Draft Report Chapters. Adoption of report.
Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (03) 9651 3644 Facsimile: (03) 9651 3674 Email: [email protected] Website: Members: (Council) The Hons D G Hadden and P A Katsambanis. (Assembly) Mr T Languiller, Ms A L McCall, Mr A J McIntosh, Mr R E Stensholt, and Mr M H Thompson. Chairman: Mr M H Thompson, MP Executive Officer: Ms M L Mason
Referred by Governor in Council on 29 February 2000 and by the Legislative Assembly on 14 March 2000.
Referred by the Legislative Council on 1 March 2000. [Because of the similarity of these references, the Committee has decided to combine and conduct the inquiries concurrently]
The Final Report was tabled in the Legislative Council on 5 June 2001.
Future Activity
Await Government response, due November 2001.
Referred by Governor in Council on 29 February 2000 and by the Legislative Assembly on 14 March 2000.
17 The Final Report was tabled in the Legislative Council on 5 June 2001.
Future Activity
Await Government response, due November 2001.
Referred by the Governor in Council on 18 April 2001. Activities during August 2001 Meeting held with Department of Justice representatives to discuss the background to the reference. Legislation search completed and summaries and tables of relevant sections in Victorian legislation close to completion. Relevant agencies and organisations identified and a mailing list established. Letters send to identified agencies requesting a preliminary response to the Terms of Reference and the identification of issues. Agencies advised that a discussion paper will be prepared before final submissions are called for. Drafting of discussion paper commenced. Further discussion of overseas trip in January/February 2002 and possible destinations. Applications for Legal Research Officer position short listed and interviews arranged. The Office Manager position advertised internally.
Future Activities
Preparation and release of discussion paper. Reference to be advertised and submissions called for. Public hearings will be undertaken after the discussion paper is released. Interstate travel likely in September or October to undertake comparisons of other legislative regimes. Legal Research Officer and Office Manager interviews to be undertaken and appointments made.
Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (03) 9651 3551 Facsimile: (03) 9651 3552
Email: [email protected]
Members: (Council) The Hons D M Davis, R M Hallam (Deputy Chairman), G K Rich-Phillips and T C Theophanous (Assembly) The Hon L Asher, Ms A P Barker, Ms S M Davies, Mr T J Holding, Mr P J Loney and Mrs J M Maddigan. Chairman: Mr P J Loney, MP Executive Officer: Ms M Cornwell
Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). Committee sought advice from the Auditor-General on the current status of the issues relating to the reporting of unfunded superannuation liabilities in the financial reports of Victorian universities. Auditor-General’s response discussed at the Committee’s meeting on 27 April 2000. Background briefing paper prepared on unfunded superannuation liabilities in the financial reports of Universities. On 9 November 2000, the following witnesses gave evidence: Mr Neil Taylor, Director, Financial Policy and Compliance Branch, Department of Treasury and Finance; Mr Nick Daicos, Assistant Director, Financial Policy and Compliance Branch, Department of Treasury and Finance; Mr David Percival, Vice-Principal, Corporate Services, University of Melbourne; Mr Russell Walker, Assistant Auditor-General, Strategic Planning and Sector Leadership, Victorian Auditor-General’s Office; and
19 Mr Greg Pound, Assistant Auditor-General, Accounting and Auditing Policy, Victorian Auditor-General’s Office. On 13 and 14 December 2000, the Sub-Committee took evidence in Sydney and Canberra from the following witnesses: Mr Michael Watson, Group Executive Director, Australian National Audit Office; Ms Lynne O’Brien, Executive Director, Australian National Audit Office; Mr Brett Kaufmann, Head, Commonwealth Accounting Centre of Excellence Team, Commonwealth Department of Finance and Administration; Mr Bob Sendt, NSW Auditor-General; Ms Maria Spriggins, Director of Audit, Audit Office of NSW; and Mr Sam Kalagurgevic, Director of Audit, Audit Office of NSW. Draft report prepared. Draft report considered by the full Committee on 8 and 15 March 2001. Report amended and adopted. Report No. 39 tabled in the Parliament on 22 March 2001. Report distributed on 23 March 2001. On 23 March 2001 Chairman wrote to the Chairman of the Australasian Council of Auditors-General seeking comments on issues raised in the report. On 30 July 2001, response received from the Convenor of the Australasian Council of Auditors-General.
Future Activity
Await Government response to the report, due 22 September 2001.
Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b) All departmental annual reports for 1999-2000 reviewed. Questions relating to the Budget Outcomes for 1999-2000 forwarded to all departments on 22 December 2000. During January and February 2001 following up outstanding responses. Responses from departments reviewed. Draft report prepared and forwarded to Chairman to review. Draft report considered, amended and adopted by the Committee on 26 April 2001. Report tabled in the Parliament on 3 May 2001.
20 Report distributed.
Future Activity
Await Government response to the report, due 3 November 2001.
Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b) Letter forwarded to Ministers inviting them to attend estimates hearings on particular dates. Draft budget estimates questionnaire completed. Confirming dates for estimates hearings.
Draft estimates questionnaire considered and adopted by the Committee on 8 March 2001.
Estimates questionnaire distributed to all departments. A briefing for Members of Parliament on the Budget Papers for 2001-2002 held on 17 May 2001. Background briefing papers prepared. Estimates hearings held on the following dates: Friday, 25 May Premier and Minister for Multicultural Affairs 9.30 am – 12.30 pm Friday, 1 June Treasurer and Minister for State and Regional 9.30 am – 12.30 pm Development
Friday, 1 June Minister for Major Projects and Tourism and Minister 2.00pm - 5.00pm for Gaming
Friday, 8 June Minister for Sport and Recreation and Minister for 9.30 am – 12.00 noon Youth Affairs
Friday 22 June Minister for Education and Minister for the Arts 9.30am – 12.30pm
Friday, 22 June Minister for Community Services 2.00pm – 5.00pm
Tuesday, 26 June Minister for Environment and Conservation and 9.30 am – 12.30 pm Minister for Women’s Affairs
Wednesday, 27 June Minister for Planning, and Minister for Health 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm
21 Thursday, 19 July Minister for Industrial Relations 9.30 am – 11.30 am
Wednesday, 25 July Minister for Energy and Resources, and Minister for 9.30 am – 12.00 noon Ports
Follow-up questions forwarded to Ministers. Responses received from the Minister for Youth Affairs, Secretary of the Department of Treasury and Finance, and Minister for the Arts.
Activities during August 2001
Estimates hearings held on the following dates:
Thursday 2 August Minister for Local Government and Minister for 9.30 am – 11.30 am WorkCover
Thursday, 2 August Minister for Small Business and Minister for 2.00 pm – 4.45 pm Consumer Affairs
Friday, 3 August Attorney-General, Minister for Manufacturing 9.30 am – 12.30 pm Industry and Minister for Racing
Friday, 3 August Minister for Police and Emergency Services and 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm Minister for Corrections
Tuesday, 7 August Minister for Finance and Minister for Post 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm Compulsory Education, Employment & Training
Wednesday, 8 August Minister for Housing and Minister for Aged Care 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm
Friday, 24 August Presiding Officers of the Parliament 9.30 am – 11.30 am
Work commenced on preparing draft report.
Responses to follow-up questions received from the Premier, Minister for Education, Minister for Gaming, Minister for Health, Minister for Major Projects and Tourism, Minister for Sport and Recreation, Minister for State and Regional Development, and the Minister for Women’s Affairs.
22 Future Activities
Estimates hearings to be held on the following dates: Thursday, 6 September Minister for Transport (incl. Roads/Citylink) 9.30 am – 12.30 pm
Wednesday, 12 Minister for Agriculture and Minister for September Aboriginal Affairs 9.30 am – 12.00 noon
Follow-up questions to be forwarded to these Ministers. Draft report to be completed by 30 September 2001. Draft report to be considered by the full Committee. Adoption, tabling and distribution of report.
Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). Report (No. 30) relating to the Auditor-General’s Reports No’s. 39 to 41 tabled in the Legislative Council on 3 June 1999. Government response tabled on 29 February 2000. Follow up of all other reports commenced. Executive Officer and Research Officer met with officers from Department of Human Services to discuss developments since the government’s response to Auditor-General’s Report No. 43. Briefing papers prepared on Auditor-General’s Report No. 43 (Protecting Victoria’s Children) and No. 46 (Public Housing and Law Enforcement Assistance Program). On 12 April 2000, a Sub-Committee was appointed to review all outstanding matters raised in the reports of the Auditor-General. On 8 June 2000, the Committee considered briefing papers on Auditor-General’s Reports Nos 43 and 46. Correspondence forwarded to various Ministers seeking further information. Response received from the Minister for Housing and Aged Care.
23 On 8 August 2000, response received from the Acting Director, Community Care, Department of Human Services, to various issues raised by the Sub-Committee. On 16 August 2000, response received from the Minister for Police and Emergency Services in relation to issues raised by the Sub-Committee concerning the Law Enforcement Assistance Program. On 11 October 2000, a public hearing was held on Report Number 43 – Protecting Victoria’s Children: The role of the Department of Human Services. The following witnesses gave evidence: Ms Coleen Clare, Chief Executive Officer, Children’s Welfare Association of Victoria; Mr Ken Patterson, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Children’s Welfare Association of Victoria; Mr Bernard Lamb, Anglicare Victoria; Mr Brian Mitchell, MacKillop Family Services; Mr John Avent, Salvation Army; Mr Victor Coull, Glastonbury Family Services; Ms Rosie Lever, Chief Executive Officer, Children’s Protection Society; Ms Karen Flanagan, Senior Manager, Children’s Protection Society; Ms Lou Hewitt, Senior Manager, Children’s Protection Society; Ms Muriel Cadd, Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency Cooperative; Mr Alf Bamblett, Executive Officer, Victorian Aboriginal Community Service Association; Mr Graeme Schaeche, Assistant General Manager — Student Welfare and Support, Department of Education, Employment and Training; Ms Colleen Murphy, Student Welfare Officer, Department of Education, Employment and Training; Ms Margaret Wagstaff, Director, Community Care Division, Department of Human Services; and Ms Jenny McAuley, Assistant Director, Child Protection and Juvenile Justice, Department of Human Services. On 8 November 2000, the Sub-Committee took evidence from the following witnesses: Mr P. Steele, Vice-President, Primary, Australian Education Union; Ms C. Stewart, Deputy Secretary, Australian Education Union; Mr J. Fogarty, Board Member, Children’s Protection Society; Professor D. Scott, Department of Social Work, University of Melbourne;
24 Mr J. Tucci, Chief Executive Officer, Australians Against Child Abuse; Mr M. White, Director of Schools, Department of Education, Employment and Training; and Ms C. Murphy, Manager, Student Welfare, Department of Education, Employment and Training. Submissions and correspondence received in relation to Report No. 43. On 20 December 2000, the Chairman gave a presentation to the Board of the Glastonbury Child and Family Services Society. On 23 January 2001, the Sub-Committee met with Ms Gilian Calvert, NSW Commissioner for Children and Young People. Further research work undertaken. On 5 March 2001, the Sub-Committee took evidence from the following witnesses: Ms Moira Rayner, Director, London Children’s Rights Commissioner Ms Patmalar Ambikapathy, Tasmania’s Commissioner for Children Dr Barry Perry, The Ombudsman, Victoria On 11 April 2001, draft report on Auditor-General’s Report No. 43 forwarded to Chairman to review. Draft report revised. On 28 June 2001, revised report forwarded to Chairman to review. Draft report reviewed and further revised.
Future Activities
Awaiting advice from the Chairman on when the report is to be scheduled for consideration. Draft report to be considered at a Sub-Committee meeting in September. Adoption, tabling and distribution of report. Public hearing to be arranged on Report Number 46 (Public Housing and Law Enforcement Assistance Program). Briefing papers on Auditor-General’s Reports Nos. 55 (Child care and Kindergartens: caring about quality); Report No. 58 (State Revenue Office: A customer service focus towards improving taxation collection); and Report No. 59 (Automating fare collection: a major initiative in public transport) to be considered by Sub-Committee. Public hearings to be arranged.
Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). Interim Report (No 31) tabled on 3 June 1999. Report also available on the Internet. Submissions received concerning the recommendations contained in the Interim report. Government response tabled on 2 December 1999. Committee considered a briefing paper on 23 March 2000 which proposed terms of reference for the follow-up Inquiry. Terms of reference adopted by the Committee on 23 March 2000. Researching and writing issues paper continued. Sub-Committee appointed on 12 April 2000. Issues paper completed. Mailing lists compiled. On 23 May 2000, the Executive Officer and Research Officer attended a seminar on environmental reporting organised by the Institution of Engineers. Issues paper and work plan for the Inquiry considered by the Sub-Committee on 8 June and adopted. Inquiry advertised on 10 June 2000. Issues paper and request for submissions sent to government agencies, business and community groups and interested individuals on 27 June 2000. 42 submissions received. Deadline for receipt of submissions extended to 21 August 2000. On 4 August 2000, the Chairman met with the New Zealand Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment to discuss matters raised in the Issues Paper. On 14 August 2000, the Sub-Committee was briefed by officers of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and the Environment Protection Authority. Public hearing held on 25 August 2000 with: Mr Claudio Senese, Group Manager Corporate Environment Group, Telstra and Ms Joanne Saleeba, Environmental Analyst, Telstra and Ms Anne Learmonth, Government Relations Group, Telstra; Dr David Bowman, Senior Environment Adviser, The Shell Company of Australia; Mr Chris Davey, Associate Director, Project and Structured Finance, National Australia Bank; Dr Jean Raar, Lecturer in Accounting, Faculty of Business and Law, Deakin University;
26 Ms Toni McCormack, Chief Executive Officer, and Mr Andrew Clooney, Industry Officer, Victorian Water Industry Association Inc; Public hearings held on 11 and 12 September with the following witnesses: David Sinclair, Group Manager, Environment, Pasminco; Mr Deane Belfield, Team Leader – Global Environmental Solutions, and Ms Corinne Proske, PricewaterhouseCoopers; Dr Fiona Solomon, Research Fellow CSIRO Minerals; Mr Keith Wiltshire and Dr Ross Ulman, Save Albert Park; Mr Peter Christoff, Lecturer - Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences, University of Melbourne; Mr Simon Molesworth, AM, QC President, Environment Institute of Australia; Dr Neil Byron, Productivity Commissioner, and Mr Robert Kerr, Head of Office, Productivity Commission; Ms Libby Chaplin, Co-convenor, and Mr Trevor Thornton, Victorian Network Environment Management Industry Association of Australia; Dr Phillip Johnstone, Manager Environmental Policy, Bayside City Council, and representing the Metropolitan Environment Forum of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives; Professor David Yencken, Environment Liaison Office (Victorian National Parks Association, Australian Conservation Foundation, Friends of the Earth, Environment Victoria, and The Wilderness Society Victoria); Cr. L. Johnstone, and Mr Peter Lyon, Senior Policy Advisor – Environment, Municipal Association of Victoria; Mr Terence Jeyaretnam, Manager, Corporate Environmental Services, and Mr Ken Fung, Manager, Planning and Environment, Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation On 9 October 2000, public hearing held with the following witnesses: Ms Michonne Van Rees - Executive Director, Parks Flora and Fauna, Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE); Mr Peter Sutherland - Executive Director, Catchment and Water, DNRE; Mr Steve Jacoby - Director, Land Information Group, DNRE; and Mr David Parkes, Policy Analyst, DNRE; Cr. Julie Hanson, President, Victorian Local Governance Association; Cr. Don Chambers, Vice-President, Victorian Local Governance Association; Mr Bernie Potter and Mr Stephen Ray, Environs Australia; Ms Louise Hicks, Lawyer, Maddock, Lonie and Chisholm;
27 Mr Phillip Sutton, Green Innovations Inc; Mr Rob Joy - Executive Director, and Mr Terry A’Hearn - Manager, Policy Co-ordination Branch, Environment Protection Authority; Mr Stan Neild, Manager, Legislation Review, Mr Gerard Meade, Chairman, Legislative Review Board, Mr Colin Parker, Director-Accounting and Audit, CPA Australia, and Mr Ian Nash, The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia; Sub-Committee met with the following witnesses in Sydney on 17 October and in Canberra on 18 October 2000: Mr Drew Collins - Executive Director, Economics and Environmental Reporting, and Mr Peter Maganov, NSW Environment Protection Authority; Ms Vivienne Filling - General Manager, Environment and Energy Services and Mr David Bell - Public Environmental Reporting Extension Officer, Australian Industry Group; Ms Jan Lee-Martin – Director, The Futures Foundation; Ms Myra Craig - Manager, Policy and Research Branch, NSW Department of Local Government; Mr Robert Verhey, NSW Local Government and Shires Associations; Mr Marc Newson - Principal Consultant on Environmental Accounting, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Member of the Environmental Accounting Taskforce, Institute of Chartered Accountants; Associate Professor Gregory Rose - Faculty of Law, University of Wollongong; Associate Professor Ronnie Harding - Director, Institute of Environmental Studies, University of New South Wales; and Dr Stephen Dovers - Fellow, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University; Dr Steve Hatfield-Dodds - Director, and Ms T. Brierly, Environmental Economics Unit, Environment Australia; Dr Helen Sims - Office Manager, Office of the Commissioner for the Environment, Australian Capital Territory; Mr Con Boekel - Head, Environment and Technology Strategies Branch; and Ms Jenny Boshier - Director, State of Environment Reporting Section, Environment Australia; Ms Judith Kendrick, Director, Financial Sector Projects Branch, Mr David Pinch, Assistant Director, Sustainable Industries Branch, Environment Australia; Mr Duncan Paterson – Researcher, Corporate Ethics, Australian Ethical Investment Ltd; Mr Dick Osborn - Principal, Green Measures; Mr Bob Harrison - Director, Environment Statistics Section; and Mr Zia Abbasi - Regional Director, Victoria, Australian Bureau of Statistics; Dr Clive Hamilton - Executive Director, The Australia Institute Ltd;
28 Mr Rob Bastian - Chief Executive, Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia; Ms Molly Harriss Olson and Mr Phillip Toyne, Directors, EcoFutures. In February 2001, draft report prepared and forwarded to the Chairman of the Sub- Committee to review. In March 2001, draft report further revised and forwarded to the Chairman of the Sub- Committee to review.
On 12 April 2001, third version of the draft report forwarded to the Chairman of the Sub- Committee to review. Await advice from Chairman of the Sub-Committee, Hon. Gordon Rich-Phillips, MLC, about the revised draft report. On 28 June 2001, revised draft report forwarded to the Chairman of the Committee to review.
Future Activities
Draft report to be considered at a Committee meeting in September. Adoption, tabling and distribution of report.
Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). Seminar on the GST and its implications for Victoria held for Members of Parliament on 1 March 2000. Briefing by Professor Klaus Luder, Professor of Public Sector Financial and Business Administration, German Postgraduate School of Administrative Sciences, Speyer, Germany. On 23 March 2000, the Committee briefed Members of the Public Accounts Committee of the North-West Province of South Africa on the work of the Committee and its role in reviewing aspects of the Financial Management Reform Program. On 23 March 2000, the Committee was briefed by officers of the Department of Treasury and Finance on the Financial Management legislation. On 29 March 2000, the Chairman a presented paper on Achieving Performance Improvement in the Public Sector – A Parliamentary Perspective, at the International Institute of Research Conference in Canberra. On 5 April 2000, a seminar on the work of the Auditor-General’s Office and the Budget Process was held for new Members of Parliament and their staff. Detailed response prepared to the Australian Society of CPA’s discussion paper on whole of government financial reporting.
29 On 22 May 2000, Chairman gave a presentation to the Director-General of Infrastructure and other senior officials from the Chinese Ministry of Finance. On 16 August 2000, a seminar for Members of Parliament was held on the Future of Health Care in Victoria. Members of Parliament surveyed on possible topics for seminars. On 17 August 2000, the Chairman gave a presentation “On the role of the PAEC in evaluating public finances and public administration in Victoria” at the Australasian Evaluation Society Conference at Geelong. Response to CPA’s discussion paper considered at the meeting of the Committee on 17 August 2000, and tabled at ACPAC conference on 6 February 2001. On 25 August 2000, the Chairman gave a presentation “On the role of the PAEC in responsible financial management”, at the Department of Treasury and Finance Open Day. On 15 November 2000, a seminar for Members of Parliament was held on Victorian Government’s Finances, 1999-2000. On 15 February 2001, Chairman gave a presentation on “Examining Government Reporting Requirements” to an IIR Conference in Canberra. On 5 April 2001, the Committee met with Dr Sahala Benny Pasaribu from the Indonesian Parliament to discuss governance and accountability issues relating to the financial management reform program. On 4 May 2001, the Chairman briefed senior Indonesian public officials on the work of the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee. On 29 and 30 May 2001, the Executive Officer attended a conference on Performance Measures for State and Local Government. On 1 June 2001, Chairman met with Mr Martin Peck, MP, Chairman of the New Zealand Finance and Expenditure Select Committee to discuss financial management issues. On 18 July 2001, a Member of the Committee, Mrs Maddigan, and the Committee’s Executive Officer briefed a Member and an Officer of the Gautent Provincial Legislature, South Africa, on the work of the Committee in relation to financial management issues.
Activity during August 2001
On 15 August 2001, Executive Officer of the Committee participated in a briefing of Malaysian Government evaluators.
Future Activities
Seminar to be organised on the Auditor-General’s Report on the Finances of the State of Victoria 2000-2001.
30 On 6 September 2001, the Committee to brief Members of a delegation visiting from Mongolia. On 17 September 2001, the Chairman and Executive Officer to brief Members of the Vietnamese Parliamentary Committee on Economic and Budget Affairs.
On 11 February 2000, the Chairman and Executive Officer attended mid-term meeting of ACPAC in Canberra to discuss the theme of the Biennial Conference and the papers to be presented. Committee Members attended a meeting of Australasian Council of Public Accounts Committees and Auditors-General in Canberra between 4 and 6 February 2001. Chairman gave presentations on the following issues: Commercial in Confidence – Striking the Balance A Response to CPA Australia’s Paper on the Examination of Whole of Government Financial Reporting Statement of Activities for 1999-2000 Mr Loney, MP appointed Chairman of the Australasian Council of Public Accounts Committees (ACPAC). The Chairman and staff of the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee secretariat met with officials from the Commonwealth Joint Committee on Public Accounts and Audit for a briefing on the arrangements for the previous ACPAC conference. Letters sent to all Members of ACPAC seeking information about their meeting arrangements for February 2002. Responses received from Members of ACPAC on the preferred date for the mid-term meeting.
Activity during August 2001
Delegates advised that the mid-term meeting will be held on 7 February 2002.
Future Activities
Organise mid-term meeting of ACPAC for February 2002. Organise 7th Biennial Conference of ACPAC for February 2003.
Source of reference: Audit Act 1994, section 16(2). On 17 December 1999, a meeting was held with the Auditor-General to discuss audit priorities. On 10 February 2000 a Sub-Committee, comprising the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Mrs Maddigan and Ms Asher, was appointed to provide advice on the specifications for each performance audit. On 21 February 2000, the Sub-Committee met with officers from the Auditor-General’s Office to discuss the objectives of the performance audits on the non-metropolitan water authorities; and intellectual disability services. Sub-Committee also met with the following witnesses to discuss the specifications for these audits: Mr Peter Doughty, Director, Water Agencies Branch, Department of Natural Resources and Environment; Ms Sue Jackson, Executive Officer, Council of Intellectual Disability Agencies; Ms Toni McCormack, Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Water Industry Association; Mr Arthur Rogers, Acting Director, Disability Services Division, Department of Human Services; Mrs Margaret Ryan. On 24 February 2000, the full Committee endorsed proposed changes to the specifications. On 29 February 2000, the Committee advised the Auditor-General. On 20 July 2000, discussions held with officers of the Auditor-General’s Office on the proposed scope of the performance audit on grants to non-government organisations. On 6 October 2000, the Sub-Committee met with various officials from the Auditor- General’s Office to discuss the specifications for the following audits: Teaching Equipment in the TAFE Sector; Implementation of Local Priority Policing by Victoria Police; and Managing Victoria’s Changing Health Care Service Delivery. On 20 December 2000, the Sub-Committee met with various officials from the Auditor- General’s Office to discuss the specifications for the following audits: Salinity; Claims Management by the Victorian WorkCover Authority; and Claims Management by the Transport Accident Commission. On 23 January 2001, the Sub-Committee met with the Victorian Chief Commissioner of Police to take further evidence in connection with the performance audit of Local Priority Policing.
32 Auditor-General’s Reports on Grants to Non-Government Organisations; Non-Metropolitan Water Authorities; and Intellectual Disability Services discussed at Committee meeting on 8 March 2001. On 8 March 2001, discussions held with the Auditor-General concerning the performance audit program for 2001-2002. On 26 April 2001, meeting held with the Auditor-General and senior officers of the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office to discuss the performance audit reports on Grants to NGOs; Non-Metropolitan Water Authorities and Intellectual Disability Services. On 8 June 2001, meeting held with officers from the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office to discuss the scope of two performance audits on Departmental Performance Management and Reporting; and Teacher Workforce Planning. On 26 June 2001, Sub-Committee suggested changes to the specifications for these audits. On 26 June 2001, Sub-Committee meeting held to discuss the scope of performance audits of Mental Health Services: Crisis Prevention and Response for Adults and Adolescents; International Students in Victorian Universities; and Investment Attraction and Facilitation in Victoria. On 27 June 2001, Sub-Committee proposed changes to the scope of the performance audit of International Students in Victorian Universities and requested a briefing from the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office on the other two audits. On 19 July 2001, the Auditor-General responded to the Sub-Committee’s suggested changes to various performance audits.
Activities during August 2001
On 7 August 2001, meeting of the Sub-Committee held with officers of the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office for a briefing on the audits of mental health services; and investment attraction and facilitation in Victoria. Briefing papers prepared on performance audit reports on Salinity; and Teaching Equipment in the TAFE sector.
Future Activities
Response to be prepared suggesting changes to the scope of the two audits on mental health services; and investment attraction and facilitation. Briefing by Victorian Auditor-General’s Office on performance audit reports tabled during the Autumn session of Parliament.
Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). On 23 March 2000, the Committee considered a briefing paper and adopted terms of reference for the Inquiry. On 3 April 2000, the Executive Officer and Research Officer met with Mr Brian Joyce, Assistant Director, Business Development Branch, Department of Human Services, to discuss the present arrangements for service agreements. Inquiry advertised in metropolitan and national newspapers on 15 April 2000. Requests for submissions forwarded to various Ministers, organisations with Department of Human Services service agreements, peak community, health and welfare organisations and other interested individuals. Sub-Committee appointed on 12 April 2000. On 25 May 2000, the Executive Officer and Research Officer met with Mr Shane Solomon, Director, Policy Development and Planning, Department of Human Services to discuss the strategy for the Inquiry. Work plan for the Inquiry adopted. On 9 June 2000, the Sub-Committee met with Members of the New Zealand Social Affairs Committee to discuss the funding arrangements for community, health and welfare services in New Zealand. On 16 June 2000, the Chairman and Members of the Sub-Committee attended a forum for agencies under the auspice of Catholic Social Services to discuss DHS service agreements. One hundred and sixty-one submissions received. Submissions analysed and key issues identified. On 24 August 2000, the Sub-Committee was briefed by Mr S. Solomon, Director of Policy Development and Planning Division and Mr L. Wallace, Director of Resources Division, Department of Human Services and by Mr A. McCallum, President, Ms D. Fifer, Chief Executive Officer and Ms M. Webster, a Board Member of the Victorian Council of Social Service. Sub-Committee sought further information from Department of Human Services on a number of issues raised in the Department’s submission. Public hearings held in regional areas with the following witnesses: Bendigo (19 September 2000): Ms Anne McLennan, - Manager Community Services, Macedon Ranges Shire Council Mr Alan Taylor - Chief Executive Officer, Cobaw Community Health Service Mr Geoff Fawkner - Chief Executive Officer, Wattle Human Services
34 Ms Jan Snell - Manager, Partnerships and Service Planning. DHS Loddon Mallee Region Office, Bendigo Ms Kathy Byrne - Chief Executive, Bendigo Health Care Group Mr Andrew McCallum, - Chief Executive Officer, St Lukes Anglicare, Bendigo
Echuca (20 September 2000): Ms Maxine Brockfield – Manager, Community Health Services, Kyabram and District Memorial Community Hospital Ms Pam Whipp - Acting Business Manager, Kyabram Community and Learning Centre Mr Colin Jones – Nurse Manager, Lockington and District Bush Nursing Centre Ms Jean Andrews - General Manager, Community and Culture, Shire of Campaspe Ms J. Hope Black - Hon. President, Northern Disability Services Inc. Wodonga (21 September 2000): Mr Luke Rumbold – Director, Upper Murray Family Care Mrs Nancy Wright – Chairperson, Yarrawonga Neighbourhood House Mr Mike Jarrett – Coordinator, Disability Advocacy and Information Service Ms Ruth Tai – Manager, Community Services, Indigo Shire Council, Beechworth Ms Christine Giles - Director of Nursing, Wangaratta District Base Hospital Public hearing held in Melbourne on 26 September with the following witnesses: Ms Margaret Wagstaff, - Director, Community Care, Department of Human Services Mr Malcolm Cooke - Freehill Hollingdale and Page Ms Margaret Hamley – Director, Social Program Consultancy Unit, The Salvation Army Mr Dan Romanis - Chief Executive Officer, Mr Richard Alderson – Director, Asset Management, and Ms Pat McPherson - Policy and Planning Officer,Royal District Nursing Service. Private meeting held in Brisbane on 27 September 2000 with the following witnesses: Ms Helen Gadsden - Senior Policy Officer, Community Services Strategy Secretariat, Department of Premier and Cabinet Ms Helen Gadsden, Community Services Strategy Co-ordinating Group Ms Shirley Watters, Queensland Council of Social Service Catherine McDonald and Ms Di Zetlin, The University of Queensland Associate Professor Neal Ryan - Queensland University of Technology Public hearing held in Melbourne on 28 September 2000 with the following witnesses: Mr Chris Pearson - Director of Services, Centacare Catholic Family Services
35 Ms Annette Coy - Executive Officer, South East Palliative Care Ltd; and Ms Judie Hind-Roff - Acting Executive Officer, Peninsula Hospice Service Ms Mavis Smith - Executive Director, Victorian Healthcare Association Mr Mark Grant - Infoxchange
Public hearing held in Melbourne on 11 October 2000 with the following witnesses: Ms Sandra de Wolf, Chief Executive Officer, Berry Street Inc. Ms Marilyn Webster, Catholic Social Services Ms Clare Hargreaves, Senior Policy Adviser, Municipal Association of Victoria Ms Carol Blair, Director, Council Services, Bass Coast Shire Council Mr Sauro Antonelli, Director, Community Programs, Banyule City Council Reverend R. Cleary, Melbourne Citymission Mr J. Fendyk, Director, Aged Care and Disability Services; and Mr R. Nicholls, Social Policy Officer, Wesley Central Mission.
Public hearing held in Melbourne on 19 October 2000 with the following witnesses: Ms Dimity Fifer, Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Council of Social Service Ms Marilyn Webster, Board Member, Victorian Council of Social Service Ms Angela Were, Operations Manager, Anglicare Victoria Ms Merial Clark, Executive Officer, Association of Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres Ms Marilyn Beaumont, Executive Director, Women’s Health Victoria Ms Licia Kokocinski, Executive Director, Action on Disability within Ethnic Communities Ms Hanna Kaiser, Coordinator, Women’s Liberation Halfway House Ms Zwlle Thlebane, Group Worker, Women’s Liberation Halfway House Ms Mignon Mant, Chief Executive Officer, O’Connell Family Centre (Grey Sisters) Inc. Mr Ian Goldsmith, Mercy Health and Aged Care Group Mr Ross Buscemi, Program Manager, South Central Region Migrant Resource Centre Reverend David Pargeter, Director, Justice and World Mission, UnitingCare Victoria; and Ms Mandy Leveratt, Policy Officer, UnitingCare Victoria
Public hearing held in Melbourne on 8 November 2000 with the following witnesses: Mr Nick Foa, Director, City Services, City of Maroondah Ms Terry Wilkinson, Manager, Community Services, City of Maroondah
36 Mr Doug Dalton, Chief Executive Officer, UnitingCare Connections Ms Lesley Oakley, Director, Outer Southern Region, UnitingCare Connections Ms Sue Kirkegard, Executive Officer, ACROD Ms Vici Funnell, Spastic Society of Victoria Mr Brendan Lillywhite, Vision Australia Ms Sharon Moore, RMIT University School of Management Ms Sue Jackson, Executive Officer, Council of Intellectual Disability Agencies Mr Paul Linossier, Chief Executive Officer, Mackillop Family Services Public hearing held in Melbourne on 20 November 2000 with the following witnesses: Mr S. Capp, Chief Executive Officer, Southern Health Mr C. Putt, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Southern Health Mr M. Sammells, Chief Finance Officer, Southern Health Mr R. Hermanus, President, Volunteering Victoria Mr M. Yore, Director, Good Shepherd Youth and Family Service Ms M. Kenny, Assistant Director and Youth Coordinator, Good Shepherd Youth and Family Service Ms V. Ayres-Wearne, Social Policy Research Worker, Good Shepherd Youth and Family Service Ms C. Clare, Chief Executive Officer, Children’s Welfare Association of Victoria Mr K. Patterson, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Children’s Welfare Association of Victoria Mr C. Marshall, Policy Development Officer, Children’s Welfare Association of Victoria Mr A. Stripp, Regional Director, Southern Metropolitan Office, Department of Human Services Ms F. Milsom, Programs Officer, Aboriginal Affairs Victoria Professor J. Carter, Deakin University.
Public hearings held in Melbourne on 6 December 2000 with the following witnesses: Mr Tony Nicholson, Chief Executive Officer, Hanover Mr David Murray, Policy Director, Jesuit Social Services Mr Rob Cavanaugh, Manager-Finance and Administration, Jesuit Social Services Professor Stephen Duckett, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, LaTrobe University Ms Maria Bohan, Executive Director, Carers Association Victoria
37 Mr Boris Struk, Executive Director, Muscular Dystrophy Association
Public hearing held in Sale on 7 December 2000 with the following witnesses: Ms Thelma Kingwill, Secretary, Headway Gippsland Mr Peter Craighead, Chair, Central Gippsland Regional Youth Committee Mr N. Smith, Small Rural Health Group and Lakes Entrance Community Health Centre Mr Ian Fraser, Chief Executive Officer, Central Gippsland Health Service Mr John Lau, Director-Corporate Services, Central Gippsland Health Service Ms Leona Mann, Director-Community Care Services, Central Gippsland Health Service Mr Bruce Graham, Director-Strategic Development, Wellington Shire Council Ms Glenys Butler, Social Planner, Wellington Shire Council Mr Laurie Harkin, Regional Director, DHS Gippsland Region Office Ms Dorothy Wee, Partnerships and Service Planning Manager, DHS Gippsland Region Office Public hearing held in Geelong on 8 December 2000 with the following witnesses: Ms Moyneen Curtis, Chief Executive Officer, Bellarine Peninsula Community Health Service Ms Anne Condon, Regional Director, MacKillop Family Services (Barwon), Bethany Family Support Inc. Mr S. Murphy, Executive Officer, Barwon Association of Youth Support and Accommodation Ms Penny Cash and Ms Carol Adams, Zena Collective Dr John Gallichio, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Barwon Health Mr John Linke, Chief Financial Officer, Barwon Health Mr David Dillon, Senior Financial Officer, Barwon Health Ms Anna Fletcher, General Manager - Community and Mental Health Services, Barwon Health Mr Neil Klemm, Community Services Manager, Golden Plains Shire In March 2001, work commenced on preparing draft report. Final hearing held on 6 March 2001 with Vice-President and Chief Executive Officer of the Victorian Council of Social Services. Chapters 1 to 5 of the draft report prepared. Chapters 6 to 10 of the draft report prepared.
38 Activities during August 2001
Chapters 11, 12 and 13 of the draft report prepared. On 30 August 2001, draft report forwarded to the Sub-Committee Chairperson to review.
Future Activities
Draft report to be considered by the Sub-Committee in September. Adoption, tabling and distribution of report.
Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). Briefing paper considered by the Committee on 23 March 2000 and terms of reference for the Inquiry adopted.
Activity during August 2001
Draft issues paper revised.
Future Activities
Issues paper to be reviewed by the Sub-Committee Chairperson. Issues paper to be considered by the Committee in September 2001. Inquiry to be advertised. Sub-Committee to be appointed. On 26 September 2001, the Chairman to present a paper on “Assessing the implications that outsourcing and contracting has on corporate governance within government departments” at a conference in Sydney.
Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). Briefing paper considered by the Committee on 23 March 2000 and terms of reference for the Inquiry adopted. Inquiry advertised in major metropolitan newspapers on 1 April 2000. Sub-Committee appointed on 12 April 2000.
39 Requests for submissions forwarded to the Treasurer, some government agencies, councils, accounting organisations and interested individuals. Thirty-two submissions received. Submissions analysed and key issues identified. On 12 October 2000 a public hearing was held with the following witnesses: Mr Ian Langfield-Smith, Specialist Adviser to the Inquiry Mr Greg Pound, Assistant Auditor-General, Accounting and Auditing Policy, Victorian Auditor-General’s Office Mr Erik Hopp, Director, Accounting and Auditing Policy, Victorian Auditor-General’s Office Mr Martin Hallett, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Museum Victoria
Mr Tim Stranks, Executive Projects Officer, Museum Victoria Mr Doug Thompson, Director of Finance, VicRoads. Public hearing held in Melbourne on 10 November 2000 with the following witnesses: Mr G. Newcombe, General Manager, National Gallery of Victoria Professor J. Ross, Chief Botanist of Victoria Ms L. McAllister, Research Officer, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne Professor G. Carnegie, Head of School of Accounting and Finance, Deakin University Mr K. Alfredson, Chairman, Australian Accounting Standards Board Mr J. Paul, Senior Project Manager, Australian Accounting Standards Board Mr F. Micallef, General Manager — Accounting, North Limited Public hearing held in Canberra on 13 December 2000 with the following witnesses: Professor Alan Barton, Department of Commerce, Faculty of Economics and Commerce, Australian National University Mr Brett Kaufmann, Head of the Commonwealth Accounting Centre of Excellence Team, Commonwealth Department of Finance and Administration Ms Margaret Baird, Head of Finance, National Gallery of Australia Mr Mark Dawes, Head of Corporate Services, Australian War Memorial Mr Mark Whitmore, Assistant Director - National Collections, Australian War Memorial Ms Leanne Patterson, Assistant Director – Finance, Australian War Memorial
Public hearing held in Sydney on 14 December 2000 with the following witnesses:
40 Professor Peter Wolnizer, Dean, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Sydney Professor Bob Walker, Professor of Accounting, School of Accounting, University of NSW and Chairman of the Board, Superannuation Administration Corporation of NSW Mr Martin Smith, Senior Policy Adviser, NSW Treasury Mr Andrew Waddington, Finance Manager, Crown Transactions, NSW Treasury Professor Des Griffin, Former Director, Australian Museum Mr Richard Llewellyn, Manager, Collection Valuation Project for Australian Museum, Powerhouse Museum, State Library, Royal Botanic Gardens and NSW Parliamentary Library Mr Bob Sendt, NSW Auditor-General Ms Maria Spriggins, Director of Audit; Audit Office of NSW Mr Sam Kalagurgevic, Director of Audit, Audit Office of NSW. Public hearing held on 7 March 2001 with the following witnesses: Mr Steve Gurr, Acting Director, Financial Policy and Compliance; Department of Treasury and Finance; Mr Warren McGregor, Stevenson McGregor (Consultants); Mr Graeme Addicott, Regional Manager, Darwin Region, Australian Valuation Office; Mr Allan Molland, School of Accounting and Law, RMIT University; and Ms Carmel Capitanio, Lecturer, Department of Accounting and Management, School of Business, LaTrobe University. Further public hearing held on 10 April 2001 with the following witnesses: Mr Robert Marsh, City of Melbourne; Mr Bill Forrester and Mr Anthony Connelly, Melbourne Water Corporation; Mr Andrew Bainbridge and Mr Keith Caldwell, Moorabool Shire Council; Mr Jack Dunham, Valuer-General of Victoria, and Mr Graeme Balfour, Office of the Valuer-General of Victoria; and Mrs Ruth Picker, Partner and Business Unit Director, National Accounting and Auditing Standards, Ernst & Young. Options paper prepared. Options paper reviewed.
41 Future Activities
Options paper to be considered by Sub-Committee in September. Draft report to be prepared and considered by the Sub-Committee. Adoption, tabling and distribution of report.
Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). Briefing paper and draft terms of reference considered by the Committee on 27 April 2000. Sub-Committee appointed on 12 April 2000.
Activity during August 2001
Executive Officer of the Committee/Research Officer attended seminar on Public/Private Partnerships.
Future Activities
Draft terms of reference and briefing paper to be revised and re-considered by the Committee. Discussion paper to be prepared. Inquiry to be advertised.
Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). Terms of reference adopted by the Committee on 12 April 2000. Terms of reference advertised and submissions called for in metropolitan and national press on 4 April 2000. Sub-Committee appointed on 12 April 2000. Requests for submissions sent to a number of statutory office-holders on 18 April 2000. Ten submissions received. Submissions analysed and key issues identified. On 3 and 4 August 2000, Sub-Committee met with New Zealand statutory Officers of Parliament, the Speaker of the New Zealand House of Representatives, the Officers of Parliament Committee and officials from the New Zealand Treasury. On 22 August 2000, the Sub-Committee met with the Victorian Auditor-General, Mr W. Cameron, and the Assistant Auditor-General, Mr J. Manders.
42 Further research undertaken. On 9 October 2000, a public hearing was held in Melbourne with the following witnesses: Mr Peter Salway, Commissioner for Public Employment Dr Wayne Chamley, Management Group, The Purple Sage Project Professor Colin Clark, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Business and Law and Head of the Public Sector Research Unit, Victoria University of Technology Mr Michael De Martinis, Lecturer, School of Accounting and Finance, Victoria University of Technology On 10 October 2000, a public hearing was held in Canberra with the following witnesses: Mr Harry Evans, Clerk of the Senate Mr John Parkinson, Convenor of the Australasian Council of Auditors-General and A.C.T. Auditor-General Mr Ron McLeod, Commonwealth Ombudsman Mr Oliver Winder, Deputy Commonwealth Ombudsman Mr Bob Charles, MP, Chairman of the Commonwealth Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit Dr Margot Kerley, Secretary to the Commonwealth Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit Dr John Uhr, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University Professor Roger Wettenhall, Visiting Fellow, Research School of Public Sector Management, University of Canberra.
On 29 March 2001 the following witnesses gave evidence: Dr John Tamblyn, Victorian Regulator-General; and Dr Barry Perry, The Ombudsman Victoria
Future Activities
Draft report to be prepared and considered by the Sub-Committee in September. Adoption, tabling and distribution of report.
Source of reference: Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 4F(1)(b). On 9 March 2000, the Committee considered a briefing paper to follow up the implementation of the recommendations contained in the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee report (No. 21). Committee wrote to the Attorney-General on 4 April 2000 requesting a briefing on the status of the draft legislation relating to the fines enforcement system. Briefing deferred until after Cabinet has considered draft legislation.
Future Activity
Briefing by Officers of Department of Justice to be arranged.
Source of reference: Audit Act 1994, sections 7A(2) and 7D(2). On 12 April 2000, officers of the Department of Treasury and Finance briefed the Committee on proposed amendments to the Audit Act. On 27 April 2000, the Committee considered a letter from the Auditor-General concerning the annual budget and annual plan for the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office. Response sent to the Auditor-General. On 17 May 2000, Committee met with the Auditor-General for a briefing on the Auditor-General’s 2000-2001 budget and annual plan. On 24 May 2000, the Committee forwarded comments on the annual plan to the Auditor-General. On 8 June 2000, the Committee considered a submission from the Auditor-General concerning capital funding needs. Committee endorsed the Auditor-General’s proposed course of action. In September 2000, draft protocol forwarded to Committee. On 9 November 2000, the Committee considered the Auditor-General’s report for the period ending 30 September 2000. On 9 November 2000, the Committee reviewed the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office objectives and strategies for the next three years and strategic priorities for 2001-2002. On 22 November 2000, the Chairman and Executive Officer met with Dr John Mayne, Principal Director with the Office of the Auditor-General of Canada to discuss issues relating to performance auditing.
44 Meeting held on 8 March 2001 with the Auditor-General to discuss the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office draft annual plan and draft budget estimates for 2001- 2002. Committee sought and received further information that was considered at the Committee's meetings on 15 and 29 March 2001. On 8 March 2001 the Committee discussed the draft specifications for the independent financial and performance audits of the Victorian Auditor-General's Office. Draft specifications forwarded to the Auditor-General for comment. Auditor-General's comments on the draft specifications considered by the Committee on 15 March 2001. Specifications for the performance and financial audits adopted by the Committee on 15 March 2001. Tenders called for on 17 March 2001. Closing date for receipt of submissions is 6 April 2001. Specifications forwarded to a number of consulting and auditing organisations. Sub-Committee appointed to review all tender proposals. Chairman discussed the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office's budget with officials from Department of Treasury and Finance. Committee's response to the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office's Draft Annual Plan prepared and forwarded to the Auditor-General. On 23 April 2001, Sub-Committee met with short-listed tenderers for the performance and financial audits of the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office. Draft report prepared recommending the appointment of the financial and performance auditors. Draft report considered, amended and adopted at Committee meeting on 26 April 2001. Report tabled on 2 May 2001. Contracts for the appointment of the auditors prepared and finalised. On 16 May 2001, preliminary meeting held with independent performance auditor. On 25 May 2001, Chairman met with Auditor-General and Assistant Auditor-General. On 5 June 2001, Chairman and Deputy Chairman met with independent performance auditor. Proposed audit plan for the performance audit received and reviewed by the Members of the Sub-Committee. On 27 June 2001, the Sub-Committee endorsed the audit plan.
45 Advice received that the independent financial auditor, Mr Christopher Lewis, had resigned; Sub-Committee sought probity advice on arrangements for appointing a replacement.
Activities during August 2001
Probity advice received. On 2 August 2001, Committee met with Mr Stuart Alford, independent performance auditor. On 7 August 2001, Sub-Committee interviewed a tenderer for the financial audit of the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office. On 14 August 2001, the Chairman and Deputy Chairman interviewed another tenderer for the financial audit. On 22 August 2001, the Committee adopted a report recommending the appointment of a replacement auditor to undertake the financial audit of the Victorian Auditor- General’s Office. On 23 August 2001, Report No. 42 tabled in the Legislative Assembly. On 24 August 2001, the Committee with Mr Stuart Alford, the independent performance audit, for a briefing on his preliminary findings.
Future Activities
On 6 September 2001, the Committee to continue discussions with Mr Stuart Alford on the preliminary findings of the performance audit. Committee’s report no. 42 to be tabled in the Legislative Council on 18 September 2001. Motion for the appointment of the auditor to be endorsed by both Houses of Parliament. Contract for replacement financial auditor to be prepared and finalised.
Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (03) 9651 3632 Facsimile: (03) 9651 3691 Email: Members: (Council) The Hons Andrew Brideson and Elaine Carbines MLC. (Assembly) Mr. Don Kilgour, Mr. C A C Langdon Mr. Tony Plowman, Mr. Garry Spry and Mr. Ian Trezise, MP. Chairman: Hon Andrew Brideson, MLC Acting Executive Officer: Ms. A Douglas
Reference from Legislative Council on 1 March 2000. Submissions received up to October 2000.
The Committee has sought a reporting date of late 2001. The purpose is to allow further comparative evidence to be sought.
Activity during August 2001
Writing of Draft Report commenced.
Terms of Reference issued by Governor in Council on 22 May 2001.
Activity during August 2001
The Committee has returned from a month long study tour of Europe, United States and Canada. Meetings were held with:
Ministry of Transport, Public Works & Water Management Directorate-General of Public Works & Water Management AVV Transport Research Centre
Dr Joop H. Kraay, Programme Manager, Road Safety
47 Dr Willem P. Vlakveld, Senior Consultant Traffic, Safety Section
Mr Willem Vermeulen, Senior Research Officer SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research
Dr Ragnhild Davidse, Researcher, Behaviour, Decision Making & Analysis.
University of Groningen
Professor Dr J. A. (Talib) Rothengatter, Experimental & Work Psychology
Central Bureau Rijvaardigheidsbewijzen (CBR)
Dr Ruud A. Bredewoud, Head of the Department of Medical Affairs
Mr Rien Fluit, Traffic Advisor
Swedish National Road & Transport Research Institute (VTI)
Dr Per Henriksson, Researcher Traffic & Road User Behaviour
Mr Satu Heikkinen, Research Assistant
Karolinska Institute, Traffic Medicine Center
Dr Kurt Johansson, Chairman
European Transport Safety Council
Ms Jeanne Breen, Executive Director
European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy & Transport
Mr Dimitrios Theologitis, Head of Unit Road Safety, Technical Standards & Technology
European Commission, Directorate-General VII – Transport
Mr John Berry, Principal Administrator
48 Mr Mark Watts, Member of European Parliament, Co-Chair ETSC
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)
Dr Wolfgang Hübner, Head Transport Division
Dr Anthony Ockwell, Transport Division, Directorate for Science, Technology & Industry
Ms Martine Micozzi, Administrator
European Conference of Ministers of Transport
Mrs Martine-Sophie Fouvez, Principal Administrator
Ms Mary Crass, Administrator, Environmental & Urban Issues
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
Mr Paul Jackson, Assistant Secretary
Department of Transport, Local Government Regions (DTLR)
Dr Ann Frye, Head, Mobility & Inclusion Unit
Dr Richard Jones, Head of Division Licensing, Roadworthiness & Insurance
Dr Paul Jackson, Research Manager – Driver Impairment Road Safety
Dr Christopher G. B. Mitchell, Transport Scientist & Engineer
MAVIS – Mobility Advice & Vehicle Information Service
Rolf Lamsdale, Business Manager
Brian Ellison, Senior Driving Advisor
Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS)
Mr Robert Gifford, Executive Director
49 Ms Clare Maltby, Policy & Campaigns Officer
David Kidney, MP House of Commons
Viscount Jan Simon, House of Lords
The Pedestrians Association
Mr Ben Plowden, Director
Gloucestershire County Council
Garry Handley, Road Safety Team Leader
Transport Committee
Gwyneth Dunwoody, MP Chair
Richard Cooke, Clerk of the Transport Committee
New York
Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee
Mr Robert Dingman, Assistant Commissioner
Ms Sandy Foster, Program Manager
Ms Jennifer D. Hogan, Community Liaison
New York State Office for the Aging
Ms Patricia P. Pine, Director
Mr Neal E. Lane, Executive Deputy Director
Dr Philip R. LePore, Coordinator, Older Driver Program
Mr Nick Rogone, Director, Program Development and Implementation
Mr Frank DeMarinis, Deputy Director, Local Program Operations
Mr Marcus Harazin, Acting Deputy Director, Policy and Program Development Division
50 Washington
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Dr John Eberhard, Senior Research Psychologist
Dr Douglas B. Gurin, Social Science research Analyst
Ms Laurie Flaherty, Office of Communications & Outreach
Dr Esther Wagner, Research Psychologist
Dr David L. Smith, Senior Mechanical Engineer, IVI Light Vehicle Director
Federal Highway Administration
Dr M. Joseph Moyer, Engineering Research Psychologist, Development & Technology
Dr Kenneth S. Opiela, Highway Research Engineer, Safety Research & Development
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Professor Cynthia Owsley, Director, Clinical Research Unit Opthalmology
Transport Canada
Mr Paul Boase, Chief, Road Users, Road Safety & Motor Vehicle Regulation
Dr Y. Ian Noy, Chief, Ergonomics Division,
Ms Deborah Collard, Research Officer
Traffic Injury Research Foundation
Dr Herb M. Simpson, President & CEO
Mr Donald W. Little, Chief Executive Officer
Dr Allen Dobbs
51 Mr David Treece, Manager, Financial Operations
Mrs Barb Carstensen, General Manager
Univeristy of Alberta
Dr Bonnie M. Dobbs, Assistant Professor – Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
Alberta Transportation
Mr Gregg A. Hook, Chair, Transportation Safety Board
Mr Mitch Fuhr, Director, Driver Records
Level 8, 35 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone: (03) 9651 3618 Facsimile: (03) 9651 3674 Website: Email: [email protected](Scrutiny of Bills) [email protected](Scrutiny of Regulations) Members: (Council) The Hons. M A Birrell, M T Luckins (Deputy Chair), J Mikakos and C A Strong. (Assembly) Mrs E Beattie, Mr C Carli, Mr M Dixon, Ms M J Gillett (Chair), Mr T Robinson. Chair: Ms M Gillett MP Executive Officer: Mr A J Homer
Regulation Review Subcommittee The Hon. Jenny Mikakos MLC (Chair) Mr Martin Dixon MP Ms Mary Gillett MP The Hon. Maree Luckins MLC, and Mr Tony Robinson MP. Redundant Legislation Subcommittee The Hon. Chris Strong MLC (Chair) The Hon. Maree Luckins MLC Mrs Liz Beattie MP Mr Carlo Carli MP, and Mr Martin Dixon MP Parliamentary Committees Act Subcommittee Ms Mary Gillett MP (Chair), The Hon. Mark Birrell MLC, Mr Martin Dixon MP, and Mr Tony Robinson MP. Information Privacy Subcommittee Mr Carlo Carli MP (Chair) Ms E. Beattie MP Mr Martin Dixon MP, and The Hon. Maree Luckins MLC
Parliamentary Committees Act 1968 – [Parliamentary Committees Act Subcommittee]; Summary Offences Act 1966 – [Redundant Legislation Subcommittee]; Vagrancy Act 1966 – [Redundant Legislation Subcommittee]; and the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994 – [Regulation Review Subcommittee]. Privacy Code of Conduct for Members of the Victorian Parliament – [Information Privacy Subcommittee]
Activities during August 2001
FULL COMMITTEE The Full Committee met on 13 August to consider the following Bills –
Alert Digest No. 8 of 2001 Crimes (Validation of Orders) Bill Fundraising Appeals (Amendment) Bill Transport (Further Amendment) Bill
Ministerial Correspondence Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Bill Country Fire Authority (Amendment) Bill Gas Industry Bill Judicial College of Victoria Bill
The Subcommittee met on 20 August and considered the following Statutory Rules -. SR No 28 Subdivision (Body Corporate) Regulations 2001 SR No. 30 Local Government Regulations 2001 SR No. 38 Electricity Safety (Equipment)(Fees) Regulations 2001
The Subcommittee also met on 27 August and considered the following Statutory Rules -. SR No 41 Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 2001 Deferred SR No. 47 Road Safety (General)(Traffic Infringements) Regulations 2001 SR No. 52 Metropolitan Fire Brigades (General) (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2001 SR No. 49 Supreme Court (Chapter V Amendment No. 3) Rules 2001 SR No. 50 Supreme Court (Chapter 1 Amendment No. 17) Rules 2001 SR No. 44 Wildlife (Whales) (Further Amendment) Regulations 2001 SR No. 53 Occupational Health and Safety (Plant) (Amendment) Regulations 2001
54 SR No. 54 Equipment (Public Safety) (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2001 SR No. 42 Evidence (Examination of Witnesses Outside the State) Regulations 2001 SR No. 45 Mental Health (Amendment) Regulations 2001 SR No. 46 Psychologists Registration Regulations 2001 SR No. 51 Health Services (Community Health Centre Elections) Regulations 2001 SR No. 43 Fisheries (Mallacoota Top Lake) Regulations 2001 SR No. 48 Transport Accident (Administration of Charges) Regulations 2001 SR No. 56 Road Safety (Road Rules) (Road Rules Modification No. 3) Regulations 2001
The Subcommittee met on 29 August 2001 concerning the Inquiry into the Summary Offences Act 1966.
The Subcommittee did not meet during August 2001. The next meeting of the Subcommittee will take place in September 2001.