St Mildred’s Primary Infant School Receptionist/School Secretary

Job Title Receptionist/Clerical Assistant

Responsible to Headteacher, The Governors and The Office Manager

OVERALL RESPONSIBILITY  To assist in the effective and efficient running of the School office.


Reception Duties 1. Reception duties – To greet visitors ensuring they sign in and are issued with a visitors badge. Direct them to their appropriate destination or inform the member of staff of their arrival. Arrange refreshments when necessary. 2. Answer office telephones, determine the nature of all enquiries and either deal with these if possible or transfer to appropriate member of staff. Take messages and pass them on at an appropriate time. 3. Operate school security gate and direct visitors as necessary

Administration 1. Ensure weekly milk lists are passed to class teachers and liaise with the ‘Cool Milk’ the school milk provider. 2. Collect pupil contributions for trips and activities, check the monies and issue receipts if and when necessary. 3. Take in deliveries, check the contents and unpack if required. Pass on the delivery note to the Office Manager and inform the relevant member of staff receipt of goods. 4. Liaise with the School uniform shop and maintain stock levels of book bags and water bottles. 5. Assist in monitoring pupil attendance by first day calling. 6. Keep an accurate record of pupils who have school dinners, informing the cook on a day-to-day basis of the numbers of pupils who will be eating a school dinner. Act as a link between parents/carers and the school meals contractor. 7. Support the management of formal and informal communications in the School. 8. Responsible for producing the weekly newsletter with the Senior Leadership Team: ensuring any photos have been agreed by parent/carers’ 9. Be responsible for the archiving paperwork/information for all areas of responsibility as per the Record retention file

Supporting Staff 1. Support staff by the provision of general clerical work and photocopying in the school. 2. Liaise with the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher, to ensure all school documentation for public distribution is prepared to set deadlines. 3. Maintain the schools policies ensuring that the policy review log is up to date and the relevant policies are published into the website. 4. Responsible for booking all staff on courses and when necessary the class teachers supply cover. Enter these details on the computer database which will ensure an accurate CPD record for each member of staff.

D:\Docs\2018-04-22\0bbe97a3441bccabfc4301a264a60921.doc 5. Manage staff sickness, making sure the staff complete the relevant forms and enter the details on the computer. Email the spreadsheet to our payroll provider on a monthly basis. 6. Assist the Office Manager with Personnel. This will include keeping the staff details up to date and preparing paperwork and other documentation related to the recruitment process.

Supporting Pupils 1. Manage pupil sickness and welfare procedures including assistance to outside agencies carrying out medical examinations. 2. Administer medicines to pupils when required. (Ad-hoc not individual careplan) 3. Provide for individual pupil welfare needs, monitor pupil sickness requirements, and make arrangements with parents to collect sick children. 4. Attend to pupils who are feeling unwell. 5. Deal with or report, to the nearest member of the teaching staff, incidents that are seen or reported regarding pupils’ welfare.

Health and Safety 1. Be aware of the responsibility for personal Health, Safety and Welfare and that of others who may be affected by your actions or inactions. 2. Co-operate with the employer on all issues to do with Health, Safety & Welfare.

Continuing Professional Development – Personal 1. In conjunction with the line manager, take responsibility for personal professional development, keeping up to date with research and developments related to school efficiency, which may lead to improvements in the day-to-day running of the School. 2. Undertake any necessary professional development as identified in the School Improvement Plan taking full advantage of any relevant training and development available. 3. Maintain a professional portfolio of evidence to support the Performance Management process – evaluating and improving own practice.

SECTION 2 – ADDITIONAL DUTIES FOR THIS POST The following tasks will be negotiated and agreed at the time of appointment and at annual review. These additional tasks are seen as an important part of the School’s continuing professional development programme.

This job description will be reviewed annually and may be subject to amendment or modification at any time after consultation with the post holder. It is not a comprehensive statement of procedures and tasks, but sets out the main expectations of the School in relation to the post holder’s professional responsibilities and duties. Elements of this job description and changes to it may be negotiated at the request of either the Headteacher or the incumbent of the post.

Compiled by: J Read Revision Number 2 Approved by: Revision Date
