Computer Applications Ii

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Computer Applications Ii

2016-17 School Year

Digital Design Class Requirements

Mrs. Amer – Room 122

Objective: This course will enable students to develop proficiency in the area of desktop publishing and digital design.

Software: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, GoogleSite, Photostory, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Audacity, MovieMaker, Gimp.

Textbook: The Non-Designer’s Design Book 3rd Edition by Robin Williams Publish It! 1st Edition by Rebecca Olson-Brown

Course Content: 1st Marking Period 2nd Marking Period Desktop Publishing tools Basic Web site development Business Application Google Sites & Dreamweaver Gimp, Fireworks Projects: Basic Website Projects: Logos, Business Promo

3rd Marking Period 4th Marking Period Audio creation & mixing Movie Maker Podcast/Vodcast Basic Programming Digital Design Projects: Podcast & Vodcast Projects: Infomercial, photo creation

Method of Instruction:

 Lecture  Application Exercises  Projects  Quizzes and Tests

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Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on completion and accuracy of assignments along with class participation, projects, quizzes and tests. All assignments must be saved in their individual file under the appropriate file name assigned in the book or by the teacher. If the file is not saved, it will be considered incomplete and a zero will be given.

Make-Up Work Guidelines:  Students must successfully complete all parts of each lesson before going on to the next lesson.  If students are frequently absent or get behind in completing lessons, they will need to come in to catch up either during study halls, quiet study, or if necessary, after school.  Students will have three days after their return to school to make up work. It is the student’s responsibility to make up work as needed.  Any student who does not work during class time will not be granted extra time during quiet study to complete assignments.

Classroom Expectations: As well as the rules and policies set forth in the Griffin Handbook, the following guidelines will be expected of each student. Consequences for not meeting the outlined expectations will result in:

1st Offense – Warning to change the behavior 2nd Offense – Parent contact 3rd Offense – Behavior Conduct Report to the Principal (Detention)

 Please be in your seat with all required class materials (i.e. pen/pencil, books and completed homework assignments) when the bell rings.  Stay in your seat and at your desk unless you have permission to do otherwise.  Use appropriate language – this does not include swearing, suggestive language, insults or a loud/rude voice. i.e. Communicate constructively!  Do your own work! A zero will be given to all parties involved in cheating.  Students may sign out to use the Lav Pass one time per class period. Prior permission must be given before signing out and leaving. You must use the lavatories and/or drinking fountain in the front hall only – NO WANDERING THE HALLS!  No Instant Messenger of Any Kind. The use of Instant Messenger in class is strictly prohibited.  Stay Off the Internet. While in class, you are expected to follow what is being covered that day. There will be many times when you will be using the internet in class, however, when a subject is being covered, you are expected to pay attention.  No Personal Conversations during Instruction.  No Food or Drink in the Classroom.  Complete All Assignments on Time. No late assignments will be accepted. You are responsible for knowing when assignments are due.  Treat the room, classroom materials, and equipment with respect.

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 Respect All. We are all unique. Please respect all of your classmates and instructors. While we may not always agree, we all have the right to express our opinions in a constructive way.  Relax, Learn and Have Fun.

Student Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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