November 12, 2014 Combined C.O.W./Voting Meeting

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November 12, 2014 Combined C.O.W./Voting Meeting

SHALER AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT Combined C.O.W./Voting Meeting November 12, 2014 – Administration Building Minutes

The Board of School Directors of the Shaler Area School District held a combined COW/Voting Meeting on Wednesday, November 12, 2014, at the Shaler Area Administration Office, Glenshaw, PA, with Mr. John Fries, School Board President, presiding. This meeting began at 7:34 p.m.

Board Members Present: Mr. William Couts Mrs. Suzanna Donahue Mr. James Fisher Mr. John Fries Mr. Tim Gapsky Dr. April Kwiatkowski Mr. Steve Romac Mrs. Susan Hunt

Board Members Absent: Mrs. Jeanne Petrovich

Others Present: Dr. Wes Shipley, Superintendent Mrs. Kara Eckert, Assistant to the Superintendent Mr. Charles Bennett, Director of Business Affairs Mr. Gary Mignogna, Director of Human Resources Mr. William Watson, Director of Pupil Services Mr. Bryan O’Black, Director of Curriculum and Technology Mr. Matt Hoffman, Solicitor Mr. James Belany, Student Representative Mr. Brian Whitaker, Student Representative

Notice of this meeting was posted as required.

 Dr. Shipley recognized the following volunteer coaches for their service during the year.  Tom Sandherr Girls Basketball  Shawn Pilyih Bowling  Sam Bair Cross Country & Track  John Hart Softball  Ray Reilly Girls Volleyball  Carrie Bernesser Girls Volleyball  Cam Saddler Football  Craig Steidl Football  Jordan Popinski Football  Mike Ferraro Football  Dan Tolomeo Soccer  Samantha Smyers Girls Golf

 Mr. Fries recognized the Public to Speak on Agenda Items.  There were none.

 Mr. Fries called the meeting to order and asked the Board and audience to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

 On a motion by Mr. Fisher and a second by Mrs. Hunt, the following Minutes were approved by a unanimous voice vote:  COW Meeting – 10/8/14  Voting Meeting – 10/15/14 November 12, 2014 – Combined C.O.W./Voting Meeting  Mr. Fries then announced items tabled or removed from the agenda:  There were none.

 On a motion by Mr. Couts and a second by Mr. Gapsky, the agenda was approved by all Board members in attendance.

Mrs. Eckert then announced the following Educational Items:


A.1 Approve the proposal from Apple Inc. to purchase 690 iPad minis as part of A.1 iPad purchase the 1:1 iPad initiative for Middle School students. Cost of purchase is $223,560 - $100,000 (due December 1, 2014) to be funded thru the Ready to Learn Grant. Lease cost to the district – payment #2 $64,470.88 (due December 1, 2015); payment #3 $64,470.88 (due December 1, 2016).

A.2 Approve the following out-of-district/overnight trips: A.2 Out-of-District/ a. Shaler Area Cheerleaders travel to Orlando, FL – February 5- Overnight trips 10, 2015 to compete in the National High School Cheerleading Championship and High School Worlds. Cost per student approximately $850 to be offset by district-approved fundraisers. Cost to the district two substitute teachers for four days. b. Grade 7 trip to Washington, D.C. – May 21-22, 2015 to explore our nation’s capital and national monuments. Cost per student approximately $305 to be offset by district-approved fundraisers. Cost to the district 15-20 substitute teachers for two days.

A.3 Approve the first reading of the following revised policy: A.3 Revised policy – Policy No. 404 – Employment of Supplemental Contract Employees 1 st reading

A.4 Approve the second reading of the following revised policies: A.4 Revised policy – Policy No. 224 – Care of School Property 2 nd reading Policy No. 237 – Electronic Devices Policy No. 618 – Student Activity Funds Policy No. 815 – Acceptable Use of Internet

A discussion occurred to clarify that the lease payments for the iPad minis in year 2 and 3 will come out of the General Operating Budget of the Technology Department. The variation in amount totals takes into account interest. Also, all of the revisions to policies in Item A.4 are associated with the one-to-one iPad initiative. Mr. Couts requested additional language be added to Policy No. 404 to take into account what happens to the years of service if there is a plan of improvement for coaches.

Page 2 of 9 November 12, 2014 – Combined C.O.W./Voting Meeting A motion was made by Mr. Fisher with a second by Mr. Couts, to approve Items A.1-A.4. ACTION: After no further discussion, these items were then approved by a roll call vote. Approved Items A.1-4 Motion Carried: 8 aye; 0 nay; 1 absent

Couts Donahue Fisher Fries Gapsky Hunt Kwiatkowski Romac Petrovich Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X

Mrs. Eckert then presented the following information items:

Discussion Items:

1. Student Representative Comments – Bryan Whitaker & James Belany reported on student-related news.  Fall play went well  Nov. 10-14 the High School held a food drive for Bread of Life food pantry with a friendly competition between 9th period classes  Powder Puff football game is Nov. 25; the $5 donation for admission goes to the Susan G. Komen Foundation  Volleyball season recap  Bri Schwartz signed with Colorado State  Nov. 8 was the Veteran’s Day parade, Shaler Area Band marched  Dec. 2-12 is the Angel Tree at the high school and Presents for Patients drive

2. Strategic Plan Update – Dr. Shipley reported the strategic planning core committee met for the first time to develop a new mission statement: “Inspiring, Engaging, Growing the Future.” The committee is working to develop value statements now. The next meeting is Dec. 10.

3. Ticket pricing for school events – Mr. Romac recommended lowering the gate price to $2 per student per game to encourage more students to attend Shaler Area sporting events. Adult prices would stay the same. Reserve prices would stay the same. Students would be considered anyone K-12. This would eliminate presale tickets. Season passes currently exist. “I see this as a gesture to our students,” Romac said. The board agreed to put the item on December’s agenda.

4. High School Placement Exams – Mr. Tom Misko, one of four high school assistant principals, presented the idea of establishing a committee to create a math placement exam to ensure students are placed in the best math class option upon entering high school. The committee would review the topics covered in Algebra 1, develop the exam and hope to implement it by the end of the school year (summer 2015). The goal is to catch students early and make sure students coming in are placed in the correct class level. Dr. Shipley asked that the committee make sure they account for students who test poorly and that there are other criteria for placement as well as there being a mechanism for students to accelerate or move forward if they are motivated to be in a higher level class.

5. Shaler Area Foundation Update – Dr. Kwiatkowski reported the Foundation was approved for the EITC tax credit program and recently received a $2,500 unrestricted gift. The next meeting is Dec. 9. Dr. Tim Royall, high school principal, said the STEAM Advisory Committee is planning a STEAM Community Expo on Jan. 29 during the High School curriculum night to increase community awareness of STEAM related corporations.

Information Items:

1. Adopt a School Board Member – Mrs. Donahue presented an update on the Adopt a School Board Member program and the positive feedback she’s received from the teachers who participate in the program. Mrs. Donahue asked the School Board Members if they want to continue the program to which the Board agreed.

Page 3 of 9 November 12, 2014 – Combined C.O.W./Voting Meeting 2. School Resource Officer – Dr. Shipley reported that while the grant to fund the SRO has not yet been awarded, the Township committed to providing a School Resource Officer. Officer Frank Spiker will be stationed at the Middle School and available as a resource to the entire District.

Mr. Mignogna then presented the following Personnel items for approval.


B.1 Approve the following Leaves of Absence (LOA’s): LOA

a. Lisa Comello, English teacher, High School, for an extension to her unpaid parental leave of absence effective January 20, 2015, and returning to work on or about January 4, 2016.

b. Kelly Himes, Elementary Ed teacher, Elementary School, for an extension to her unpaid parental leave of absence, effective January 20, 2015, and returning to work on or about February 25, 2015.

c. Anna Plant, Class IA-Nurse’s Aide, Rogers & Jeffery Primaries, for an unpaid personal leave of absence, effective retroactive to November 3, 2014 to the end of the 2014-15 school year.

d. Kristen Paul, English Teacher, Middle School, for a leave of absence effective on or about April 1, 2015 (non FMLA leave, and returning to work at the beginning of the 2015-16 school year.

B.2 Approve the following FT 1.0 Long-Term Substitutes (LTS): LTS

a. Nancy Golio, a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, for an extension to B.2a. her FT 1.0 Long-Term Substitute (LTS) contract, for Lisa Comello, English teacher, High School, January 21, 2015 to June 5, 2015 (the second semester of the 2014-15 school year), at a Master’s Step 2 salary level (prorated)

b. Carrie Heim, a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, as a FT 1.0 LTS Art B.2b. teacher, Elementary School, for Monica McElwain, effective retroactive from November 3, 2014 to on or about June 5, 2015, at a Master’s Step 2 salary level (prorated).

c. Scott Daly, a graduate of West Chester University of Pennsylvania, for an B.2c. extension to his FT LTS contract for Kelly Himes, Elementary Ed, Elementary School, effective January 20, 2015 to on or about February 25, 2015, at a Bachelor’s+20, Step 2 salary level (prorated).

d. Beth Marsiglio, a graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania, as a FT 1.0 B.2d. French LTS teacher, High School, for an extension to her FT LTS contract for Connie Stover, effective January 20, 2015 to on or about June 5, 2015 (the second semester of the 2014-15 school year), at a Master’s Step 1 salary level (prorated).

B.3 Approve the following Change in Status from Temporary Professional Change of Employee (TPE) to Professional Employee (PE) for the following teacher: Status Name/School PE Effective Date Page 4 of 9 November 12, 2014 – Combined C.O.W./Voting Meeting Steven Balsomico, High School November 17, 2014

B.4 Approve the following supplemental contract for Sponsors for the 2014-15 Sponsors school year:

HIGH SCHOOL a. National Honor Society Deb Shvach (100%) b. Senior Class Sponsor Kristin Demsey (50%)

B.5 Approve the creation of a Boys 7-8 Gr. Asst. Volleyball Position for the 2014-15 Creation of school year. Stipend for 2014-15 year is set at $2,840 as per the Collective Coach Bargaining Agreement. position

B.6 Rescind the following supplemental contracts for Coaches for the 2014-15 school Coaches - year: rescind

Wrestling (Winter) a. Assistant 7-8-9 Mike Yuiska b. Volunteer Asst. Coach Paul Barkley

B.7 Approve the following supplemental contract for Coaches for the 2014-15 school Coaches year:

Wrestling (Winter) a. Assistant Varsity Mike Yuiska (50%) Kraig Nellis (50%) (pending receipt of current clearances) b. Assistant 7th – 8th – 9th Paul Barkley B.7b.

B.8 Approve the following day-to-day Substitute Clericals for the 2014-15 school Substitutes – year: Clerical

a. Genise Costic b. Jennifer Facher

B.9 Approve the following day-to-day Substitute Custodian for the 2014-15 school Substitutes - year: Custodian

a. Christopher Kagle, Jr.

B.10 Approve the following candidates in the Community Rec Swim Program, Community effective November 13, 2014: Rec Swim Program

a. Jay Grubic, Supervisor & Lifeguard b. Andrea Volle, Supervisor & Lifeguard

B.11 Approve the motion to open Athletic Director position the Athletic Director Page 5 of 9 November 12, 2014 – Combined C.O.W./Voting Meeting position for the consideration of other candidates for appointment to that position upon the conclusion of the current term of the Employment Agreement with Paul Holzshu, which expires on July 31, 2015, and, as provided by such agreement, to provide written notice to Mr. Holzshu of the Board of School Directors' election not to permit the automatic renewal of that agreement.

A motion was made by Mr. Gapsky with a second by Mr. Romac to approve Item B.9. ACTION: Approved After no further discussion, these items were then approved by a roll call vote. Item B.9

Motion Carried: 8 aye; 0 nay; 1 absent

Couts Donahue Fisher Fries Gapsky Hunt Kwiatkowski Romac Petrovich Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X

A motion was made by Mr. Fisher with a second by Mr. Romac, to approve Items B.1-4, B.7-8. ACTION: Approved After no further discussion, these items were then approved by a roll call vote. Items B.1-4, B.7-8 Motion Carried: 8 aye; 0 nay; 1 absent

Couts Donahue Fisher Fries Gapsky Hunt Kwiatkowski Romac Petrovich Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X

A motion was made by Mrs. Hunt with a second by Mr. Romac, to approve Items B.5-6, B.11. ACTION: Approved After no further discussion, these items were then approved by a roll call vote. Items B.5-6, B.11 Motion Carried: 7 aye; 0 nay; 1 abstain, 1 absent

Couts Donahue Fisher Fries Gapsky Hunt Kwiatkowski Romac Petrovich A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X

Page 6 of 9 November 12, 2014 – Combined C.O.W./Voting Meeting Mr. Couts abstained due to his professional relationship with the Athletic Department. ACTION: A motion was made by Dr. Kwiatkowski with a second by Mr. Romac, to approve Item B.10. Approved Items B.10 After no further discussion, these items were then approved by a roll call vote.

Motion Carried: 7 aye; 0 nay, 1 abstain, 1 absent

Couts Donahue Fisher Fries Gapsky Hunt Kwiatkowski Romac Petrovich Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y X

Mr. Fries abstained due to his familial relationship with the Swim Program Director.

Mr. Bennett then presented the following Finance items for approval:

Item FINANCE AND OPERATION ITEMS RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL Sup. ACTION # # TAKEN C.1 APPROVE FUND PROFILES: A. General Fund – Schedule of Bills and Addendum C.1A Fund Profiles B. Cafeteria Fund – Schedule of Bills C.1B C. CR&R Fund – Schedule of Bills C.1C D. Year-to-Date Financial Reports C.1D E. Budget Transfers C.1E F. Fund Profiles and Investments C.1F G. Cafeteria Fund Operating Statement C.1G H. Student Activity Funds & Investments - High School, Middle School, and C.1H Elementary School Accounts – July 1, 2014 through September 30, 2014

C.2 Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the Shaler Area School District’s C.2 Resolution Participation in the Allegheny Intermediate Unit #3 Joint Purchasing Board for year 2015.

C.3 Additional Drivers and Monitors for the 2014-15 school year. C.3 Bus Drivers

C.4 Approval to declare items listed as surplus property and dispose of them C.4 Declare accordingly. Surplus Property

C.5 Approval to enter into a license agreement with SchoolDude for the Facility C.5 License Permit & Work Order Software System at a cost of $ 5,908.11 through Agreement June 30, 2015.

Mr. O’Black stated that the secondary math textbooks to be declared as surplus property were ones that vendors would not accept through buy back programs and instead will be donated to Brother’s Brother Foundation. Mr. Bennett added that the cost for C.5 includes training.

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A motion was made by Mr. Romac with a second by Dr. Kwiatkowski, to approve Items C.1-5. ACTION: Approved After no further discussion, these items were then approved by a roll call vote. Items C.1-5

Motion Carried: 7 aye; 0 nay; 1 absent

Couts Donahue Fisher Fries Gapsky Hunt Kwiatkowski Romac Petrovich Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X

Mr. Bennett then presented the following information items:

Acknowledgement: Maintenance of Effort acknowledgement from the Pennsylvania Department of Education

Discussion: Structure at Biles Field – Dr. Shipley reported that the district has a general cost estimate for a simple building, but the architect is looking for more detail. After a brief discussion of options, the Board directed Dr. Shipley to contact Greer Hayden, the architect completing the feasibility study, to draw plans for a simple building with the option to add electricity and plumbing.

Mr. Fries then announced the following upcoming meetings:

 Thursday, November 20, 2014 – A.W. Beattie, Babcock Blvd. o A.W. Beattie Committee – 6:30 p.m.  Wednesday, December 3, 2014 o 7:00 p.m. – Reorganization meeting o 7:30 p.m. – Combined COW/Voting Meeting

Mr. Fries then recognized the Committee Meeting Minutes collected this month (attached):

 Athletic Committee – 9/22/14  Buildings & Grounds Committee – 11/5/14

The announcement of past executive sessions was made by Mr. Fries:

 October 8, 2014  October 15, 1014  November 5, 2014

Mr. Fries then asked if there was any other business to come before the board.

 Mr. Fisher said A.W. Beattie will have its reorganization meeting on Dec. 4. Dr. Shipley will be the new Superintendent of Record.

After no further items were presented, on a motion by Mr. Romac and second by Mr. Couts, the Business Meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.

Mr. Fries then recognized the public to speak on any non-agenda item:

 Scott Harris, of Venango Ave. Page 8 of 9 November 12, 2014 – Combined C.O.W./Voting Meeting  Mr. Harris said he hosted a group of five Freshmen girls at his house and they wanted to know why if they were in Geometry class, they were practicing Algebra. Dr. Royall said the question was too classroom specific and there could be many reasons that may occur. Mr. Paul Stadelman, math chair for high school, added that there are Algebra skills in Geometry concepts.  Mr. Harris asked about the concept of having iPads in the classroom and if the District is striking the prohibition of electronic devices in the classroom from policy, why don’t students have WiFi access in addition. Dr. O’Black said all of the District-owned equipment has access to the District WiFi. Mr. Couts added that the District needs to make sure it’s not pressuring students to use their own devices to complete work.  Mr. Harris asked why the School Board members do not have email addresses posted in their contact information. Dr. Shipley said it was because the Board members do not have District email addresses. Mr. Fries added that each Board member is only 1/9 of the School Board so when replying to an email it can be unclear to the recipient if he is replying as Board President or as 1/9 of the School Board.  Mr. Harris said it is the fourth time he is asking how can he get SATV to a varsity swim meet before the end of the year. Dr. Shipley said it has a lot to do with the schedule of the contracted employee who does the videography.  Dorothy Petrancosta, of Skylark Dr.  Ms. Petrancosta said Homecoming was awesome and one of the best ones she has been to. The security guards were a nice enhancement for the football game as well as the barriers at the sidelines. The football team did better this year, and she is pleased about Item B.11.  Ms. Petrancosta asked how many 7th grade teachers go on the Washington D.C. trip. Mrs. Eckert said the 15- 20 teachers who are chaperoning the trip are from across the District. Dr. Shipley added that almost the entire 7th grade student body goes.  Ms. Petrancosta added that she has some concern with the idea of creating a placement exam. She said she believes the teachers are savvy enough to evaluate students. She can see the need for an exam to place transfer students, but a placement exam as a matter of course concerns her.  Ms. Petrancosta said creating a structure at Biles Field should be a priority and that whatever the Board decides something needs to be done and it can’t wait five years.

 Steve Adams, a Burchfield area parent  Mr. Adams recommended the district reach out to the architectural firm regarding the cost to upgrade the pool. All of the District students go through the pool and also the community uses it. Mr. Bennett said that in the comprehensive plan, the pool is part of the Shaler Area Elementary School building upgrades and it would be rehabbed.

When no one else approached the podium, the meeting’s Final Adjournment occurred at 9:42 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Charles Bennett Board Secretary

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