Gainesville-Alachua County Regional Airport Authority s1
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GAINESVILLE-ALACHUA COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY Thursday, September 19, 2002 - 5:00 p.m. Flightline Gainesville - Conference Room Monthly Meeting AGENDA
CALL TO ORDER BY THE CHAIR ROLL CALL GACRAA APPOINTMENT On July 23, 2002, the Alachua County Commission reappointed Dr. T. James Gallagher to a term expiring July 31, 2005.
On August 26, 2002, the Gainesville City Commission appointed Mr. C.B. Daniel to a term expiring July 31, 2005.
Governor Bush has not announced his appointment for GACRAA member Mr. Charles Perry whose term expired on July 31, 2002.
RECOGNITION OF OUTGOING MEMBERS Presentation of plaques to Mr. Mac McEachern and Mr. Charles Perry.
APPROVAL OF MEETING HIGHLIGHTS The Airport Authority will review and approve the GACRAA monthly meeting Highlights of August 15, 2002. Recommendation: Motion to approve the meeting Highlights of August 15, 2002, and authorize the Chair and Secretary/Treasurer to execute the document on behalf of the Airport Authority.
Citizens Input – Non-Agenda Items
Airport Authority Input – Non-Agenda Items
Consent Agenda - None
Airport Business: 1. Election of Officers 2. FAA Grant Acceptance - Resolution 02-012 3. FDOT JPA Amendment – Resolution 02-014 4. Task Order for Master Plan Update 5. Task Order for Runway 10-28 Pavement and Storm Water Drainage Improvements Study 6. Task Order for Runway 6-24 Environmental Assessment 7. Minimum Standards 8. Hipp Construction Change Order 9. Budget Committee Report Schedule of Rates and Charges Capital Improvement Program Adopt FY03 Budget– Resolution 02-011 10. Airport Police Department Resolution 02-013 11. General Aviation Committee 12. Bank Resolution 02-009 Information Items
Project Summary Passenger / Cargo Statistics Fuel Statistics Budget Report
Tenant Reports
Airport Authority Attendance
Adjournment Page Number _____
1. Election of Officers
The Airport Authority will conduct the annual election of GACRAA Officers – Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer. The Nominating Committee, consisting of Mr. Cain Davis, Dr. Jim Gallagher, and Dr. Janice Honeyman-Buck, met on August 15, 2002, to develop a nomination slate for each office. The Nominating Committee unanimously recommended: Patrick Bainter – Chair Dr. Jon Morris – Vice-Chair Dr. Janice Honeyman-Buck – Secretary/Treasurer
GACRAA's By-Laws provide that nominations for elected office may also be made from the floor at the time of the election for that office.
Recommendation: Conduct election of officers. Page Number _____
2. FAA Grant Acceptance - Resolution 02-012
The U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration has offered grant funding
Both GACRAA and the City of Gainesville must accept the Grant Offer. The City of Gainesville will address a resolution accepting the Grant Offer on September 23, 2002.
Recommendation: Motion to approve Resolution 02-012 and accept a Grant Offer from the U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration in the amount of $675,000 authorize the Chair and Secretary/Treasurer to execute the Resolution, and authorize the Director of Aviation to enter into and sign such documents as may be necessary, and request that the City of Gainesville also approves accepting the Grant Offer. Page Number _____
3. FDOT JPA Amendment – Resolution 02-014
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) had previously awarded state grant # 21676519401 for the expansion of the rental car return lot. State law allows for, and staff has requested a conversion of this grant, so that the Authority may use this state funding to reimburse, at the 100% level, increased operational and security costs associated with heightened measures after the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Recommendation: Motion to approve Resolution 02-014 and accept a grant offer from the Florida Department of Transportation, authorize the Chair and Secretary/Treasurer to execute the Resolution, and authorize the Director of Aviation to enter into and sign such documents as may be necessary, including the Joint Participation Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation. Page Number _____
4. Task Order for Master Plan Update
Staff was directed at the August 15, 2002 Board meeting to enter into an agreement with Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc., for General Airport Consulting Services. A fully-executed agreement has since been accomplished for a five year period, though no monetary value is associated with this agreement as each task will be brought to the Gainesville-Alachua County Regional Airport Authority for consideration and approval.
Task Order #1 of this new agreement is for a Master Plan Update of Gainesville Regional Airport. Data collection from the Runway 10-28 pavement and storm water drainage improvements study will be utilized in this Master Plan Update. It is anticipated that this Master Plan Update will take approximately 18 months to complete.
Recommendation: Motion to direct the Director of Aviation to fully execute Task Order #1 of the General Airport Consulting Services agreement with Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc., after 90% federal funding has been secured through a grant from the FAA, as well as all necessary documentation to accomplish a Master Plan Update for $319,320. Page Number _____
5. Task Order for Runway 10-28 Pavement and Storm Water Drainage Improvements Study ______
Staff was directed at the August 15, 2002 Board meeting to enter into an agreement with R.W. Armstrong and Associates, Inc. for General Airport Consulting Engineering Services. A fully-executed agreement has since been accomplished for a five year period, though no monetary value is associated with this agreement as each task will be brought to the Gainesville-Alachua County Regional Airport Authority for consideration and approval.
Task Order #1 of this new agreement is for a Runway 10-28 pavement and storm water drainage improvements study, which will include topographical survey, aerial photogrammetry, geotechnical survey, and alternative analysis. The data collection and survey limits of this Task Order are broad enough to satisfy the needs of this study, as well as the airport master plan and the environmental assessment to relocate the thresholds and extend Runway 6-24. Once this study is complete, staff anticipates a second task order for the design of the Runway 10-28 rehabilitation and storm water drainage improvements.
Recommendation: Motion to direct the Director of Aviation to fully execute Task Order #1 of the General Airport Consulting Engineering Services agreement with R.W. Armstrong & Associates, Inc., after 90% federal funding has been secured through a grant from the FAA, as well as all necessary documentation to accomplish a Runway 10-28 pavement and storm water drainage improvements study for $262,591. Page Number _____
6. Task Order for Runway 6-24 Environmental Assessment
Staff was directed at the August 15, 2002 Board meeting to enter into an agreement with Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc., for General Airport Consulting Services. A fully-executed agreement has since been accomplished for a five year period, though no monetary value is associated with this agreement as each task will be brought to the Gainesville-Alachua County Regional Airport Authority for consideration and approval.
Task Order #2 of this new agreement is for an Environmental Assessment of a shifting of Runway 6-24 thresholds, to de-conflict runway safety areas of the closed-V runway configuration, thereby lengthening Runway 6-24 to the northeast. Data collection from the Runway 10-28 pavement and storm water drainage improvements study will be utilized in this Environmental Assessment. It is anticipated that this Runway 6-24 Environmental Assessment will take approximately 18 months to complete.
Recommendation: Motion to direct the Director of Aviation to fully execute Task Order #2 of the General Airport Consulting Services agreement with Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc., after 90% federal funding has been secured through a grant from the FAA, as well as all necessary documentation to accomplish a Runway 6-24 Environmental Assessment, in draft form ready to present to the public and the FAA, for $149,009. Page Number _____
7. Minimum Standards
A draft version of the Minimum Standards was approved by the Authority at its June 20, 2002 meeting. Staff has reviewed the draft version with the Attorney for the Authority and with the Airport’s Insurance Consultant and has prepared the Minimum Standards for final approval by the Authority.
Recommendation: Motion to approve the Minimum Standards dated September 19, 2002. Page Number _____
8. Hipp Construction Change Order
During the Rehabilitation/strengthening of General Aviation Apron project, the contractor experienced base material that was much poorer than anticipated and described in the construction specification. Substantially more material and labor was required to rehabilitate and strengthen these ramps, resulting in a substantial increase in construction cost. These increases are beyond the limits that staff is authorized to increase the contract price, and require Board authorization before the contractor can be paid. Airport staff and the consulting engineer (Hoyle, Tanner & Associates) agree with the additional quantities, and costs are justified.
Recommendation: Motion to increase contract with John C. Hipp Construction and Equipment Co. dated 1/10/02 no more than $417,938.59 and authorize the Director of Aviation to execute all necessary documentation, including pursuit of state and federal funding, to pay for these additional expenses. Page Number _____
9. Budget Committee Report
The Budget Review Committee met on August 21, 2002 to consider the FY2002-2003 Budget proposed by staff.
The Airport Authority will conduct a public hearing on the proposed Airport budgets for the period beginning October 1, 2002 and ending September 30, 2003.
Recommendation: Listen to the Committee’s report and any recommendations from the Committee Chair and take any action deemed appropriate by the Authority
Motion to approve the proposed Schedule of Rates and Charges and review the Schedule as needed on an on-going basis.
Motion to approve the Capital Improvement Plan as presented and review as needed on an on-going basis.
Motion to approve Resolution 02-012 approving the Airport’s budget for the period beginning October 1, 2002 and ending September 30, 2003; and authorize the Chair and Secretary/Treasurer to execute the appropriate documents on behalf of the Airport Authority, in substantially the same form as submitted, subject to the approval by the Attorney for the Airport Authority. Page Number _____
10. Airport Police Department Resolution 02-013
Section 4, Powers and duties, paragraph (17), of the Airport Authority’s enabling legislation authorizes the Authority “to appoint or employ and constitute its own airport guards or police officers … to provide law enforcement services and protection through its duly sworn officers, and all such officers shall have full power of arrest to prevent or abate the commission on any offense against the ordinances of the city or county, the laws of this state, or the laws of the United States, when any such offense, or threatened offense occurs upon any airport lands.”
Recommendation: Motion to direct airport staff to establish a Gainesville - Alachua County Regional Airport Authority Police Department; to give the City of Gainesville notice that Gainesville Police Department staffing at the airport, and funding for such services, will cease on April 1, 2003; and hire sworn law enforcement officers consistent with local, state, and federal law to fulfill requirements at Gainesville Regional Airport.
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11. General Aviation Committee Report
The General Aviation Committee met on August 21, 2002 and on September 18, 2002 to consider the drafts of the Requests for Proposals for FBO services.
Recommendation: Listen to the Committee’s report and any recommendations from the Committee Chair and take any action deemed appropriate by the Authority. Page Number _____
12.Bank Resolution 02-009
______The Airport Authority will need to insure that it has authorized by resolution, its newly elected officers to execute Sun Trust Bank of North Central Florida signature cards. As incumbents, Mr. Bainter and Dr. Morris are currently authorized as signatories on the Sun Trust accounts. This motion is necessary only if members other than Patrick Bainter and Jon Morris are nominated and elected as officers for the next year.
Recommendation: Motion to approve Resolution 02-009; and authorize the Chair and Secretary/Treasurer to execute the appropriate documents on behalf of the Airport Authority, in substantially the same form as submitted, subject to the approval by the Attorney for the Airport Authority, only if officers other than Patrick Bainter and Jon Morris are nominated and elected. Page Number _____
GA Tenant Leases Port-A-Port pad leases are all signed.
The Tango Air bi-fold door hangar has been leased on a month-to-month basis to Gulf Atlantic, effective October 1, 2002.
Airline Terminal Signs All new blue signs that match the color of the airport logo have been installed. Cleaning of the entrance sign will be accomplished.
FBO Request for Proposal A memorandum of agreement has been worked out to place the Flightline management contract on sixty days notice when appropriate. A draft RFP is being developed for the GA Committee to review, which meets again on September 18.
Fencing/Access Control Project The fencing is approximately 98% complete; the contractor still needs to install gate controllers. The estimated completion date is the end of September. Training for GA pilot gate operation and access, and ID production is underway.
GA Ramp Rehabilitation Project The project is complete. Tie-down and striping has been completed, repairs to a damaged Port-a-Port has been completed, and the Gulf Atlantic septic tank repairs are underway. The estimated completion date is the end of September.
Airfield Lighting Project The project is 98% complete. The new beacon tower has been installed. REILs for R/W 10 are on site. FAA training on RVR is pending. Cable is on order. The final completion of this project is scheduled for October. Page Number _____
Recruitment of Military Operations to the Airport Mr. Cain Davis is meeting with military units in need of facilities. Bob Van Riper will begin an outreach to military units to encourage military aircraft operations.
Access Road Projects Funding for a new access road from Waldo Road to the airline terminal, an upgrade to the existing access road to the airline terminal, and an extension of the Airport Industrial Park road will be requested as a demonstration project in the upcoming USDOT reauthorization legislation. The North Central Florida MTPO endorsed the projects as part of their plan on August 8, 2002. These three projects were identified in the 1987 Master Plan.
Runway 10-28 Rehabilitation A Task Order to perform geotechnical survey, topographical survey, aerial photography, and alternative rehabilitation analysis will be brought to the Board for consideration.
Airport Master Plan Update A Task Order for Reynolds, Smith & Hills to produce a Master Plan Update will be brought to the Board for consideration.
PFC Application The Orlando Airports District Office of the FAA has substantially completed their review of the application, and we are awaiting final FAA determination in October.
Archery Range A land appraisal was ordered for the archery range after the City expressed an interest in extending its license agreement with the Authority and making repairs to a building destroyed by arson. The land appraisal was significantly higher than before, and the City has elected to move the archery range to land it owns off Wacahoota Road effective January 2004.
Skeet Range The lease expires December 31, 2002. Staff is working with personnel from the Skeet Range to develop and implement a new lease agreement before the expiration date. Staff will check with the Airports District Office (ADO) during October 2002 for any special FAA requirements. Page Number _____
TENANT REPORTS: Airport Tenants Association Gainesville Pilots Association
NOTE: If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Airport Authority, with respect to any matters considered at a public meeting, they will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
Person with disabilities who require assistance to participate in the meeting are requested to notify the Airport’s Administrative manager at (352) 373-0249 at least 48 hours in advance, so that their needs may be accommodated. Page Number _____
The GACRAA invites and encourages participation by petitioners and members of the public. This may be done by appearing at GACRAA meetings and meetings of GACRAA Committees.
REQUEST TO ADDRESS GACRAA being placed on the printed agenda for monthly meeting)
1. Call the Director of Aviation’s Office no later than 4:00 PM ten (10) days preceding the monthly meeting.
2. Provide the following information to the office:
a. name, address, and occupation;
b. persons, group, or interest represented;
c. general subject of request; and
d. action sought by GACRAA
3. Routinely the monthly meetings begin at 5:00 PM; locations vary.
4. At the appropriate time on the agenda, the Chairman will recognize the citizen wishing to address GACRAA.
5. After being recognized, the citizen should step up to the microphone on the lectern, unless otherwise indicated by the presiding officer, and give his/her name and address in an audible tone of voice.
ADDRESSING GACRAA (if not on the printed agenda)
1. A citizen may ask to be recognized under the category CITIZEN INPUT - NON- AGENDA ITEM.
2. See 5 above.
Or Page Number _____
1. A citizen may ask to be recognized to speak on a particular topic that is under discussion.
2. See 5 above.
1. The following are sources for where and when GACRAA meetings will be held:
a. Airport Administration Office (373-0249).
2. A citizen may ask to be recognized by the Chairman of the Committee to speak on the topic under discussion.
ADDRESSING GACRAA: All remarks shall be addressed to GACRAA as a body and not to any member thereof. No person other than a member of GACRAA and the person having the floor shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of GACRAA, without permission of the presiding officer. No question shall be asked except through the presiding officer.