Professional Development (Home Base / TNL)
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Professional Development (Home Base / TNL) Module Opportunities for Lateral Entry Requirements #30 NC Teacher Evaluation: Understanding the Process: Self-Paced
This module explores the steps of the North Carolina Educator Evaluation Process, including self- assessment, goal-setting, observations and conferencing, planning professional development, and summary evaluations. Please note that all documentation within the Educator Evaluation Process is completed in the online tool. At the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year, the online tool will be housed within Home Base. Although the online tool is changing, the North Carolina Educator Evaluation Process will remain consistent. This module will take approximately 5 hours to complete.
#245 Developing and Maintaining a Positive Learning Environment in Your Classroom: Self Paced
Classroom management has always been a topic of concern for teachers, particularly those beginning their teaching careers. Surveys of novice teachers indicate that even when they have mastery of content knowledge and delivery technique, they often lack confidence managing their classrooms. This course offers strategies that will enable teachers to shape the management of their classrooms by building relationships with students, establishing procedures, and planning lessons. Beginning teachers who have completed a teacher preparation program as well as those who are entering the profession via alternative routes will benefit from this module. It will also help veteran teachers who would like to refresh their management techniques. This module offers opportunities to collaborate with other educators through discussion boards and to reflect on practice through personal journaling. The module will take approximately 10 hours to complete.
#22 Digital Literacies in the K–12 Classroom: Self-Paced
Students need continual guidance in building digital literacy, and teachers need continually to reflect on how best to provide that guidance — and to refine their own skills. Just as basic literacy — reading and writing — must be a part of teaching and learning in every content area, so must digital literacy. This module offers a sound and thorough grounding in digital literacy as it pertains to the classroom — or of digital literacies, as the title of the module says, for there are many ways of thinking about digital literacy. The module will take approximately 12 hours to complete.
#66 Global Awareness, Diversity and Cultural Sensitivity in the Classroom: Self Paced
As we prepare students for college and career, knowledge of the world is invaluable. What are we doing to foster global awareness and global empathy in our classrooms? What responsibility do educators in North Carolina have to teach students about the world? How prepared are our educators to understand and serve the students in North Carolina’s diverse school community? In this module, we will share ideas for global education and examine the Final Report of the State Board of Education's Task Force on Global Education. We will also focus on the correlation between global education and the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards. It should take approximately 10 hours to complete the module, and 1 credit (CEU) will be awarded on completion of the module. Professional Development (Home Base / TNL) Module Opportunities for Lateral Entry Requirements #10 Responsibilities of the 21st Century Educator: Self Paced
This module is intended to help the professional growth of teachers and educational leaders. The module deals with crucial components of 21st century learning and teaching and strategies to bring them into practice. The module begins at the foundational 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity) and how those components contribute to educational practice. It provides the opportunity to explore Professional Learning Networks and tools to create them; explore global awareness, global empathy and how to connect a classroom to the global community; and takes a look at student-centered instruction and the use of digital strategies to promote such instruction. The module will take approximately 10 hours to complete. Be sure to read the syllabus before beginning.
#37 Understanding Young Student Behavior in the Classroom: Self-Paced
This module is for preschool through grade 5 teachers. The module will serve as a tool to assist teachers in developing an enhanced awareness of behavioral health issues in young students. The module will extend that knowledge to foster long-term connectivity and academic achievement for all students, decrease the dropout rates; and ultimately, increase North Carolina's graduation rates. This module will take approximately 5 hours to complete.
#39 Understanding Student Behavior in the Classroom: Self Paced
This module is for middle and high school teachers and school staff. The module will help teachers and staff develop an enhanced awareness of behavioral health issues in the classroom which may foster academic achievement for all students, decrease dropout rates, and increase North Carolina's graduation rates. This module will take approximately 5 hours to complete.
#235 The WIDA English Language Development Standards: Self-Paced
This module introduces the World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) English Language Development Standards. The benefit of using the WIDA Standards is delivering instruction that increases comprehensibility for every student, and the goal of this module is to facilitate all teachers' embedding explicit language instruction in their teaching and learning. This module will take approximately 20 hours to complete.
#27 Universal Design for Learning: Self Paced
Today’s classrooms consist of a diverse group of learners. This module will focus on ensuring that every student has equal access to learning by removing barriers that are often present in curriculum. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) consists of a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn. You will observe and analyze model lessons to identify UDL principles and design a lesson that incorporates UDL principles using the tools and guidelines provided by Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST), the educational research and development organization for Universal Design for Learning. This module will take approximately 10 hours to complete.