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The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 98th Student Congress 12 September, 7:30pm Genome Sciences Building, Room 010
1. Call to Order 1.1. Called to order at 7:39pm 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of the Minutes 4. Receipts of Petitions and Messages i) Messages from the Student Body President ii) Messages from the GPSF President iii) Messages from the Student Body Treasurer iv) Messages from the Director of State and External Affairs v) Messages from the Student Attorney General Wanted to talk through how congress and honor system work together. Committee of student conduct works on the instrument. When revisions are made they need to be approved by Congress. There will probably be 2 sets of revisions at some points this year. Will be academic sanctioning section -possibly to edit the category names. Uses deliberate/reckless in plagiarism section so it makes it difficult to separate the categories. Also, changes to student-instructor resolution - was an attempt to make new hearing format because it is student led. If it is the student's first violation it gives them the option to sit down and discuss with the professor about it. Have run into issues logistically - professors can still be uncertain, as part of the chair's review process likes to listen to recording - but can have had before time period or happens over emails. Leaves the chair in the dark. To complete this process the student has to accept responsibility - some students don't think they are guilty but still opt for this process because the professors recommend it. Misunderstanding that this process can be faster but not always the case. Can approve a front end check or reform to the process itself - having a person on leadership sit in on the process or allowing chair to edit sanctions. Just recruited new group of counsels and the pool is great. Pool is choosing from is more diverse than actual campus - heads up having training on sept 24 and 25. Part of training is simulating situations with students and faculty members. It is easy to get lost in the case and not see themselves as a part of a bigger whole. Wants to ask if anyone could be those mock students and it be important that they are from other parts of governance. Wants to extend the invitation for sept 24 from 1-3pm. vi) Messages from the Honor Court Chair 1. Reports of the Officers of Congress 1.1. Speaker’s Report 1.1.i. There is an ongoing sexual assault case - there will be a response from congress later on down the road. Because of the lack of information we do not want to take action until full knowledge is available. Is available for questions. The rest of the meeting will largely be consent
Certified correct & proper ___, Speaker calendar and will be 8 bills on general orders. Will be hearing nominees tonight and two cannot make it. Should move through. 1.2. Speaker Pro Tempore’s Report 1.1.i. We have finished Legislative assistant interviews and hopefully everyone will get to meet the new additions to the team. Also Town Hall will be November 1st at 6:30 before Full Congress - attendance is mandatory for all representatives. 1.2. Finance Committee Chair’s Report 1.1.i. Have one bill that was reported favorably but we pulled it off consent because of Bobby's hesitations and want to discuss it in full congress 1.2. Rules & Judiciary Committee Chair’s Report 1.1.i. Meeting last week went well - approved special select committees and made appointments. Looking at the Constitution. 1.2. Oversight & Advocacy Committee Chair’s Report 1.1.i. Will be meeting with more graduate students. Will be doing things to complete deadlines for October 1.2. Ethics Committee Chair’s Report 1.1.i. Still need to send Kat proof of district. Will get nasty email about coming to ethics committee if you don't send it in. 2. Public Comment Period 3. Introduction of Concurrent Resolutions 4. Unfinished business of preceding meeting 5. Unfavorable Calendar 1.1. Finance Society External Account 2. Consent Calendar - motion to pass by Chair Albert. Seconded by Chair Shriver. 1.1. Carolina Beach Volleyball 1.2. Carolina Debating Union 1.3. Dance Team 1.4. Epidemiology Student Organization 1.5. Executive Branch 1.6. First Nations Graduate Circle 1.7. Honor System Outreach 1.8. Lambda Phi Epsilon 1.9. Minority Student Caucus 1.10. Modernexternsion Dance Organization 1.11. National Press Photography 1.12. Natural Girls Discuss Natural Curls 1.13. Student Congress 1.14. Tar Heel Transfers 1.15. UNC Asian Students Association 1.16. UNC Muslin Students Association 1.17. Undergraduate Art Association 1.18. Union Board of Directors Bylaws 1.19. Gender Specific Language in the Student Code 1.20. Select Committees
Certified correct & proper ___, Speaker 1.21. Speaker’s SLS Nominee 1.22. Changes to Documentation Requirements 1.23. GPSF Appointee to COSC 1.24. GPSF Appointee to SSC 1.25. GPSF Appointee to STV 1.26. GPSF Appointee to WXYC 1.27. GPSF Appointees to SACC 1.28. GPSF Appointees to SFAC 1.29. GPSF Appointees to RESPC 1.30. Speaker’s Appointee to RESPC 1.31. Speaker’s SLAB Appointee 2. General Orders Calendar 1.1. GPSF Carolina Union Board of Directors 1.1.i. Madelyn is the secretary of GPSF and has joined CUAB 1.1.ii. Vicky is a MAC program student. Interested in the Union. Wants to get the MAC program students more involved on campus. 1.1.iii. Friendly amendment to add a Section 2 to appoint Vicky and changed the spelling of his name 1.1.iv. Motion to report favorably by Chair Jester. Seconded by Chair Shriver. Consented. 1.2. GPSF Hardship Parking Nominee 1.1.i. Nominee was operating on provisional appointment. Hardship parking is already completed. Suggested we pass favorably because her job is done 1.1.ii. Moved by Rep. Hennessey. Seconded by Chair Shriver. Consented. 1.2. GPSF Student Legal Services Nominee 1.1.i. Nominee not available to come. Simons has spoken to her in person. She is teaching a course during the time period of Congress. Great nominee. Suggest passing. 1.1.ii. Chair Jester - anything in particular that made her qualified? 1.1.i.1. This is more of an outreach thing - just want them filled and want to make sure they are completing their outreach. Not necessarily great interest in this area 1.1.i.2. Rep. Coussens - she is one of the GPSF cabinet members and this is one of her duties 1.1.i. Motion to approve Rep Hennessey. Seconded by Chair Shriver. 1.2. Graduate Attorney General 1.1.i. Second year law student. He went to UNC Bio undergrad. He has been this since March. Has 10 cases under his belt. Was acting under provisional appointment. 1.1.ii. Motion to approve by Rep. Prachith. Seconded by Chair Shriver. Consented 1.2. Graduate Honor Court Chair 1.1.i. Third year pharm student. GPSF since 2014 and started working as honor court chair this past spring. Wants to help things run smoothly
Certified correct & proper ___, Speaker 1.1.ii. Asked to explain job - he helps schedule all the cases on the docket and train and manage all the honor court members from the graduate side of things 1.1.iii. Rewarding part of position? - Pharm is insulated, this gives him a way to get involved in campus as a whole and give back and be a part of campus as a whole 1.1.iv. Motion to approve Rep. Prachith. Seconded by Chair Shriver. 1.2. Speaker’s Appointee to RESPC 1.1.i. Natalie came highly recommended from RESPC leaders. They create projects that implement renewable projects on campus. She works on conference fund - go to renewable conferences and bring back ideas. Almost done with that project. Starting solar furniture around campus this year. 1.1.ii. Motion to approve by Rep. Hennessey. Seconded by Chair Shriver. Consented. 1.2. Speaker’s Appointee to Safety and Security Committee 1.1.i. Chris Canter stepped up to SSC. He has been interested in this. Wants to get involved on campus because he is a transfer student. 1.1.ii. Do you have any specific ideas on campus that you would like to bring to the table - from State he had a bunch of blue lights on campus. Here they seem few and far between. Wants to address that. 1.1.iii. Motion to approve by Chair Hudak. Seconded by Chair Shriver. Consented. 1.2. Special Election 1.1.i. On the 20th of September. Allows us to be competitive with exec branch as far as timing. Process has begun with signature gathering period. Same process. 1.1.ii. Why wasn't GPSF alerted? Contacted Russell and never got a response. 1.1.iii. Do you expect grad seats to actually be filled? Not in this election probably. The seats will still be open for fall election. 1.1.iv. There will be a re-run for better together and 2 for 2 election. Calling this special election will not change those being run in general election. 1.1.v. Motion to approve by Rep. Prachith. Seconded by Chair Shriver. Consented. Ix) Muslim Students Association 1. Wants to use this account for a fundraising effort for campus. Will end by the end of this year. Not for their club - separated for this fundraising tool for one year. Once raised enough money then they want to close the account and use the development office. Usually not allowed to have external accounts but just want one for one year. 2. Chair Albert - can you discuss the logistical issues from development and SAFO? 1.1. Want fundraising - most of the way they raise money is by credit cards. This is against SAFO regulations. So are wire transfers
Certified correct & proper ___, Speaker - expecting a lot of money coming from overseas from other countries. Also have a language barrier. Majority of donations come from these people from foreign countries - need to make it accessible in order to raise enough money. 1. Hope to raise $300,000 by end of the semester and $500,000 by the end of the year 2. They will continue to keep coming back to student congress for regular funding. All the donations will go through proper SAFO accounts. 3. Bobby's concerns 1.1. University sponsored organization we serve as a department of the university. Lines 21 and 22 in the whereas statement in the bill. We can't endorse PayPal card readers - opening us up to liability if credit card fraud happens in anyway. Wants to strike 21 and 22 before approval to cover our asses. This is creating precedence in some way - we need to be cognizant of what we are creating as of precedence. Need to make sure that this is worth creating precedence. 1.2. This was vetted and approved by Finance committee - want to support it. 1.3. Motion to strike likes 21 and 22 by Rep. Prachith, Seconded by Chair Shriver. Consented. 2. Chair Albert- wanted to pull off consent because wanted the opinion of Congress 1.1. Rep Levine - Not concerned because it was a one year only thing - there is a deadline. Congress still has power. It has low risk. 2. Rep. Hennessey - Who specifically is it coming from? Tunisia, Morocco, and Middle East has heard about acts of violence - they have family overseas that wants to donate 3. Chair Hudak - how does the oversight work on external bank accounts? 1.1. Speaker Simons - it is falling under non-profit organization there is oversight there. They have to record everything that is coming in . Congress does not have oversight but we do have the control to extend their bank account. Student fee money will not be held in this account. 2. Rep. Coussens - wants to add the non-profit in the Whereas section. 3. Chair Albert - friendly amendment to change line 23 to be about logistical difficulties 4. Rep. Hennessey - motion to approve. Objection by Martin 5. Rep. Martin - wanted to say something about a unique situation 1.1. Friendly amendment to line 23 about unique situation 1.2. Friendly amendment to delete 25 and 26 1.3. Hennessey - do we need to put motivation in the bill and anything about wire transfers?
Certified correct & proper ___, Speaker 1.1.i. No to wire transfers. Can add something about specific situation 1.1.i.1. Chair Albert - wanted to draft a summary of why they granted this for institutional memory 2. Rep. Hennessey - motion to report favorably. Seconded by Chair Shriver. Consented.
1. Notices & Announcements 1.1. Election to select committees 1.1.i. Campus climate 1.1.i.1. Martin to chair 1.1.i.1.1. Hennessey 1.1.i.1.2. Prachith 1.1.i.1.3. Shriver 1.1.ii. Campus Development 1.1.i.1. Chair Jester to chair - was chair of committee last year. Wants to be more proactive this year. 1.1.i.1.1. Shriver 1.1.i.1.2. Canter 1.1.i.1.3. Lucky 1.1.i.1.4. Vercauteren 1.1.i.1.5. Levine 1.1.ii. Health 1.1.i.1. Chair Hudak to chair 1.1.i.1.1. Elkins 1.1.i.1.2. Vercauteren 1.1.ii. Academics 1.1.i.1. Rep Lai - wants to be chair because 3rd year grad student interest in academics. Served as TA in her department 1.1.i.1.1. Nothing on her mind. 1.1.i.2. Rep Echeverria - served on SG for the last 2 years in the academic affairs department 1.1.i.1.1. He does not like the flipped classroom - wants to change that 1.1.i.2. Rep Echeverria Voted as chair by 11-3 1.1.i.1.1. Lai 1.1.i.1.2. Hudak 1.1.i.1.3. Martin 2. Adjournment
Certified correct & proper ___, Speaker