Summary of Commonly Used Theories of Development
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Summary of Commonly Used Theories of Development
Age Erikson's Conflicts Freud's Stages Piaget Kohlberg In years Psychosocial Psychosexual Cognitive Morality 0-1 Trust vs. Mistrust Oral 1-1 1/2 Sensorimotor 1 1/2-2 Autonomy vs. Shame 1-2 Anal 2-4 Initiative vs. guilt 4-5 Phallic Preoperational 5-6 6-7 Preconventional morality 7-8 Industry vs. Inferiority 8-9 Latency Concrete 9-10 Operational 10-11 11-12 Conventional 12-13 Identity vs. Morality 13-20s Identity Confusion 20s-30s 30s-35 Intimacy vs. Isolation 35-40s 40s-50s Generativity vs. Genital Formal Stagnation Operational Postconventional 50s-60s Morality 60s-70s Integrity vs. despair 70s-80s Above 85
Note: As nurses refer to this chart, it may be helpful to understand that Erikson based his theory on his understanding of Freud's work and that Kohlberg believed that moral development was preceded by cognitive development. References
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