Pietermaritzburg Gem and Mineral Club
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Treasurer: Merle Deare News Editor: Val Spearman Tel: 033 - 344 2170 Tel: 033 – 3865018 e-mail : [email protected]
Field Trip Managers : Craig A’Bear (082 818 4204) L Muller : c/o [email protected]
WELCOME : It is now time to prepare ourselves for another year of activities and to review current circumstances. Please keep this newsletter handy as it will be covering dates for future meetings, dates for future outings and to request members to assist with items for tea at the monthly meetings, according to the tea roster below. Club meetings are the second Saturday of the month and continue to be held at Abe and Les’s home, from 2pm. The dates for future meetings for 2013 are as follows :
9 February 13 July 9 March 10 August 29 Mar – 1 April (Easter) Gemboree, 14 September Pitseng, Lesotho 12 October 13 April 9 November 11 May December – Xmas Party 8 June
FEES : The membership fees agreed to at the 2012 AGM are R100 for a single member and R120 for a family membership. (see Sept /Oct newsletter). These are due at the beginning of the year. A member, Sheila Taylor, who is a very enthusiastic rock and gem collector, left our club last year to settle in Harare, Zimbabwe. We wish her well there. I am sure that if any members visit Zimbabwe, she would welcome a visit. She can be contacted by e-mail.
END OF YEAR PARTY (2012) : This was held at Val and Richard’s home and was a very festive and fun occasion. Thanks to everyone who brought items for the live auction which brought in much needed funding for the club.
FIELD TRIPS FOR 2013 : Craig and Lood have put together a tentative field trip roster for the current year. The trips will provide a wide range of rock hunting activities. The dates of the trips are given below, followed by where specimens will be collected and what they are likely to be :
Sat 16 March Port Shepstone (calcite) Fri 29 Mar – 1 Apr Gemboree (Pitseng, Lesotho : 4 days) (agates/crystals) Sun 12 May Kranskop (calcite/unakite) Fri 14 June – 17 June Jozini (4 days) (quartz/amethyst/agates) Sat 29 June Port Shepstone (calcite) Sat 27 July Seven Oaks (agate) Sat 17 August Port Shepstone (calcite) Sat 24 August Ashburton (bring and sell day at “Toprock” : visit museum and braai) Sat 21 Sept – 24 Sept Jozini (4 days) (fossils/agate/amethyst) Sat 16 November Port Shepstone (calcite)
The last trip to the quarry at Port Shepstone at the end of 2012, was not very well attended. Although it was an extremely hot day, those who attended the outing enjoyed it and collected blue, green and white (speckled with graphite) specimens. Rain did call off an earlier trip last year, so the trips to the quarry can be affected by the weather. However, thanks go to Mary Neethling for arranging the trips for club members.
You are reminded that for members (including family and friends) who would like to visit Jozini in June/Sept bookings may be made at the Baobab Inn (035-5951169) where we gather to socialise and where we co- ordinate the various outings. Lood Muller makes arrangements for members to visit the amethyst quarry which is worth a visit, and we appreciate his efforts in making this possible.
The dates for trips and locations may change and will be confirmed prior to the date indicated above. It is important to remember the safety rules on these trips, regarding the carrying of plenty of fluids, simple food packs, hats (hard hats are essential for the trip to the quarry at Port Shepstone), substantial footwear, cell phone, satchel type bag, hammer and chisel and finally to check that your vehicle is in good working order. Weather conditions can be unpredictable.
2013 GEMBOREE : Information about the 46th Gemboree in Pitseng, Lesotho, has been circulated. This is the first one in Lesotho. We should find specimens of blue Maluti agates and quartz crystal clusters. You can find all the latest about the organized events and activities on the PMGC website : www.pgmc.co.za.
MEETING HELD ON 9 FEBRUARY : A well attended meeting was held on 9 February, at Abe and Les’s home. There were 19 members and visitors. One of the visitors was Murray McCrystal, one of the founder members of this club. Margaret and Chris Calvert were also welcomed to the meeting. Chaz and Debbie King sent their apologies. Rose Winser attended with Les Pelser from Pinetown. Rose was recovering from an injury suffered from a fall and as such, she will miss the Gemboree. We wish her a speedy recovery.
Club Finances : Merle gave an update of the club’s finances and handed out a balance sheet. She explained that as the ABSA account had been closed, a decision was required confirming which account to open to deposit the funds. It was agreed that a cheque account at Nedbank be opened. It was confirmed that Craig, Val and Merle have signing powers. A letter, confirming this decision and the club’s constitution was required for the bank. The matter of a new treasurer to take over from Merle was discussed, and it was agreed that this matter be held over until the next AGM.
The cost of the Lap Mag : it was pointed out that R90 of the R100 subs was going towards payment of the magazines. It was therefore agreed that for 2013, any member who participated in club activities, and wanted the Lapmag would be asked to pay an extra R100. This amount would help to cover the cost of postage/future increases. (This extra does not apply to members who are not able to attend meetings/outings on a regular basis as they live out of town). It was pointed out that club funds collected were to be used for the purchase of grit and repairs and maintenance to equipment which club members use. Les Liebenberg agreed that in future, the Lapmags be sent to Val’s address from 2013. Val to inform F0SAGAMS. The magazine Vol 44 No 3, had been received and was handed out. There seemed to be some discrepancy about outstanding payments which Val would investigate.
Cloth badges : it was suggested that embroidered cloth badges for members be investigated. They had been made in the past. Les Liebenberg to find a previous example. There was a company in the Park Lane Centre who made cloth badges. Prices to be investigated by Val.
Club House Venue : It was explained that Abe and Les’s Liebenberg’s home had been used as the club house venue for a number of years. There had been some concerns about Abe and Les’s health as they had experienced some bouts of ill health last year and whether the hosting of the club was too much for them. There was also concern about the cost of electricity when running machines. Both Abe and Les said that they had recovered well and agreed that they would like to continue to have meetings at their home. They would look into the matter of electricity costs. However, Murray made an offer for his home in Blackridge as a possible, future venue. He said that he had plenty of space, as he had 3 workshops which could be used and were accessible during the week. It was agreed, that as Abe and Les’s home was central, it remain the current club venue. However, if hosting the club became too much for Abe and Les, then Murray’s facilities be investigated. Murray was thanked for his offer. Some improvements to the club house were suggested such as: a bigger fan; polystyrene in the ceiling to reduce heat; wire along the brick boundary wall to improve security. Club Equipment : Bill pointed out that the club equipment which he had used worked well. He would however, like more regular access to them. It was agreed that he contact either John Hudson or Abe to make arrangements for use of the machines outside of meeting days. It was identified that a saw needed repair and that the polishing equipment be upgraded. It was agreed that JJ and John to investigate these issues. New equipment : a suggestion was made about acquiring a faceting machine, however this was not supported because it needed to be used regularly and members would need to be trained to use it. Murray said that a machine could be made for non-precious stones. In the meantime, faceting could be investigated at the Durban club
I hope to see you at the March meeting or at the Gemboree but I will be away for the April meeting.
February : Merle Deare March : John Hudson April : Lood and Crystal Muller May : JJ and Hettie Viljoen June : Craig A’Bear July : Bill Jardine August : Sagran September AGM : club October : Les and Abe Liebenberg