Lutheran Church of Prayer
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THE PRAYER LINE 8001 Panorama Dr., Bakersfield CA 93306 Phone 661/871-1289 + Fax 661/872-6302 + Email [email protected] + Website
VOLUME 5, ISSUE 5 MAY - 2013 ______
PASTOR’S PAGE Rev. Mark Airey Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia! Through the month of May we continue to celebrate the season of Easter. We celebrate how our God defeats the brokenness of the world on our behalf. We celebrate the confidence and hope that we have in the resurrection of the dead.
But, at the end of this month, we move into the season of Pentecost. At Pentecost we celebrate the continued work of God on this Earth. We do not have a God who rose from the dead and then left His creation. No, we have a God who still is active in the life of his creation. We have a God that is still active in your life.
We see this in Acts chapter 2, when the Holy Spirit descends upon the church and miraculous things start happening. “When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.” The Holy Spirit descends and everyone could under-stand in their language the gift and promise that God had given each of them. This is what we celebrate at Pentecost.
As we look to celebrating Pentecost it’s a good time to reflect and see how God has acted in your life. We all have the hope of the life Christ gives to us. But, God has also gifted us uniquely with gifts of service and love to serve Him and our neighbor. It’s a joy to celebrate that God continues to work in our lives. It’s a joy that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, God still uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things for His Kingdom.
By the power of the Holy Spirit I look forward to working together with you, as the body of Christ to do those extraordinary things God has prepared for us to do.
2 OFFICIAL ACTS ards, calls and prayers are much appreciated by our od’s blessings to everyone Watch for changes or homebound members: on your special occasion! additions posted in this C official acts section, and At Home GIf you don’t see your name then please record the in print please call the office to * Don & Ruth Jones changes in your church make corrections or additions. We *Margaret Snyder directory. want to include everyone! * Mary Smith
Glenwood Gardens ♥ MAY ANNIVERSARIES ♥ * Martha Jones Nursery Care 8 Lew & Gayle Frye od is blessing LCoP with some Please keep in your prayers all new families and lots those who are hospitalized or ♥ MAY BIRTHDAYS ♥ Gof babies so we need some recuperating at home. 3 Nancy Case more help in the Nursery Care during Harry Kraley service. If you have prayerfully Kyndall Raasch considered serving in the nursery + + + + + + + + + Bruce Torgerson about once a month, please put your 5 Patricia King name and contact information on the Ruth Ulreich sign-up sheet in the Narthex or LCoP Prayer Chain 6 Donald Jones contact Gayle Henke. hen you have any 11 Sarah Kritsch prayer concerns, 13 Brian Andrews Wplease let our prayer Becky Cressy chain pray for you by contacting 17 Marcus Moreno either Ruth McClure by phone at Else Palos 661-872-8788, or to Chuck 18 Conner Deramus Jordin at 661-873-9565 or you 19 Jeffrey Hathorn may send an e-mail to 20 Halley Craig [email protected] or use Brian Douglas the prayer link on our website; 21 Addie Bettencourt 23 Robert Palmbach Margaret Snyder Women’s Fellowship 27 Tyler Loudermilk he Woman's Fellowship group 31 Michael Lehmann will meet on Tuesday, May 7th Thank You Tin the library at 10:30 am. A special thank you devotion will be given by Vivienne goes out to the We honor birthdays and Kuster followed by fellowship prior to ATuesday morning bible anniversaries on the Second Sunday having lunch at Coconut Joes, 4158 study group for their of every month. If you would like California Avenue. donations to the Oildale to help with refreshments for those Ladies, you are most welcome to MOPS group. Your who are celebrating bring your treat attend this meeting and join the generosity was greatly to church that morning. group for lunch. appreciated. Lunch reservations can be made with either Carol Kritsch, 871-2993 or Vivienne Kuster, 872-2164. Properties Chairman Roy Eynaud he April workday was attended by Bob Kuster Tand Tom King, we 3 worked in the Sanctuary on 3. Repairs to the West parking Wednesday May 15th @ 6:00 pm lights, plaster repairs, and doors. lot. and our Graduation & Spring In addition to the workday 4. Repairs or replacement of the Program on May 19th @ 6:00 several projects were completed sound system. (Jim & Barbara pm. You are all invited to attend in April. Brink are working on this) these events and we look 1. The painting on the Cross 5. Remove old caulking and forward to seeing you there. and tower (Jim Brink). sealant around the windows and As of this time, I haven’t 2. The lights were repaired on reseal. received updated financial the Cross. reports from the bookkeeping 3. The large trees in front of the Thank you and God’s Blessing service, so I will include Sanctuary have been trimmed Roy Eynaud updated figures in the June and shaped (Bill Gresco). newsletter. We are continuing 4. The back lot and banks were our efforts in controlling sprayed. expenses and investigating new 5. The Altar Circle purchased 6 ways to continue to increase new tables and 24 chairs for the enrollment to our target library. numbers. We currently have 55 The next workday will be held students, an increase of 2 on the Saturday May 4th at 8 students over last month. am. We will be doing the yearly We met with the playground sprinkler testing and repair, equipment company again in cleaning windows, and begin April, and will receive a new painting the outdoor hand rails. proposal for the upgrade. When If you would like to help or you the order is placed, we will have know of an area that needs some 6 to 8 weeks to remove the attention, please feel free to join existing equipment and prepare us or please contact me for more Special Dates the area for the new install. We information. will set dates and contact This is the list of current and • National Day of Prayer, volunteers when all the details future projects. May 2, 2013 have been completed. 1. Repair stair lights. • Christian Family Week, I would like to thank all of you 2. Wash Windows. May 6-12, 2013 for your continued prayers for 3. New Wonder Window play • Ascension of the Lord, the staff and students at Wonder ground equipment. May 9, 2013 Window. Your support of our 4. Install benches around the • Mother’s Day, May 12, 2013 ministry and the effort of our planter. • Armed Forces Day, dedicated staff will insure an We also have some major May 18, 2013 ongoing bright future for our projects that we would like to Preschool. • Pentecost, May 19, 2013 complete this year. Most of • Memorial Day, May 27, 2013 these projects will be contracted Continuing Ministry Project to companies, but we need n the first Sunday of people to head the projects and each month there will obtain proposals and bids. If you be are interested, please contact O brown Roy. shopping 1. Replacement of sound and Wonder Window School Board Chuck Jordin ~ Chairman bags for visual equipment. anyone in the congregation to 2. Replacement of 3 sections of his is a very busy time of take home and fill with non- the sidewalks on the west side of the year for our perishable items. The the parking lot. Preschool. We have our Trd 3 Annual Pot Luck Picnic on following Sunday, they are to 4 be returned to the church. join us for tea and This is a volunteer project. dessert on Examples of non-perishable COUPLES GOLF EVENT Saturday, June 22 at items are: here: Kern River Golf 2:30PM at the Airey’s Canned foods (vegetables, WCourse Home. Get started now, fruit, soups, pork and there is still plenty of When: June 2, 1:00 p.m. beans, time to enjoy this Cost: $50 per person – includes etc.) thoughtful family story of Canned meats (chicken, tuna, green fees, cart, 1 -- 50/50 putt ticket. Open to LCoP members the multiple generations etc.) as they encounter life’s Bags of rice or beans and friends. If you have a guest joys and struggles. It’s Peanut butter and Jelly please put their names on the set in the 1930’s to Mac and cheese and other sign-up sheet. There will be 1940’s traveling from boxed pasta items longest drive, closest to pin, low Switzerland to Central Cereal and oatmeal couple score, low women’s Flour and sugar score, low men’s score, and high California. Any questions Remember -- this is a once a couple’s score as well as a contact Barbie Airey. month project so you might putting contest for the 50/50, The book is available want to choose a month in Magic putts, Mulligans, and at the local Christian more. 2013 to make your donation bookstores and online We are also looking for sponsors and contribute to this much at Amazon and other of the 18 holes, so if you would needed ministry. distributor sites. like to sponsor or know Please be advised that someone who would like to the book contains no sponsor one or more holes, bad language but does VBS is Coming! please contact us. The minimum th th have adult themes uly 15 to 19 LCoP cost is $100/hole. will hold our Fruit of For more information please Jthe Spirit Vacation contact: Bible School. We need Mike Lehmann – 661-805-5258 lots of volunteers to Bruce Torgenson-661-444-0073 share their gifts and show the fruit Newsletter Deadline of the Monday, May 20, 2013
Spirit to the kids. If you have questions or concerns, please call Barbie Airey at 374-4731. Thank you! Like To Read? You might enjoy Her Mother’s Hope by Francine Rivers. CHILDREN’S CENTER It’s a Ms. Charla Herider long one. Director After ear Wonder Window and you’ve Lutheran Church of read it DPrayer family, 5 As the year draws to an end, I the school year. The younger Please have them wear their look back at how much the classes will be finishing up their Wonder Window t-shirts and children have all changed. Sure, alphabet with the letters of X, Y blue denim bottoms. We will they’ve all grown a bit physically and Z and the numbers 24 and follow the program with Pizza on but the bigger changes have 25. They will be making the Patio. Please watch for sign- come from within. They started rectangles and reviewing all of up sheets soon so you can let us the year in new classes with new the colors. Our Bible stories will know how many people will be friends and they’ve grown be God Makes Saul a New joining us and can order the together as a family. If you think Creation, Paul and Silas Sing for appropriate amount of pizzas about it, many of the children Joy in Jail and God is With Me All There will be treats as well. here spent as much time with the Time. Our curriculum themes Yummy! their classmates as they do with will focus on Community helpers. The last day of instruction will be their siblings. This creates a The staff and I would like to wish on Thursday, May 30th. This will feeling of family as well as all of our Mom’s a very Happy also be our “party day”. Again, friendship. They have learned Mother’s Day! we ask that you be on the lookout how to work together in There are a LOT of fun things this for a sign-up sheet in your child’s cooperation, to respect month. We would love it if you room. Because it is the last day of boundaries set by others and to would all join us for the Wonder the school year…. we’re allowing achieve a common goal. They Window/Lutheran Church of treats that aren’t sugar free. Hey, have prayed for hurts and said Prayer Potluck Picnic. We have it’s a party! Let’s have some fun! thanks for happy news. They so much fun with this event that For those who are not joining us have formed lasting friendships we’re planning on holding it this summer, you will be missed! and strengthened ties to those forevermore. It’s an evening of We hope you will have a they already knew. They have food, fun and fellowship. Come wonderful summer full of fun, discovered the true meaning of a and get to know some of the laughter and memories made. If color, that the letter B has its own other parents as well as the your child is headed off to unique sound and that having 12 members of LCoP who had the Kindergarten this fall, we ask that stickers is so much better than foresight to make Wonder on occasion, you swing by to see only having 9. Window a ministry 40 years ago. us. For those of you who are off More importantly, they have We’ve all been richly blessed by for the summer but are returning heard the word of God, attended their decision. We’re asking that this fall…hurry back! And if chapel and know that God loves you “SAVE THE DATE” of May you’re staying with us this them very much. So much that 15th from 6:00-?? Please bring a summer, be ready to have some he sent His own son, Jesus, just dish of your choosing and plan on fun! for them. That Jesus loves them enough to feed at least 8 people. We are closed on Friday, May 31st so much, He chose to take their You’ll be surprised at the variety for summer prep but we will sins upon Himself so that they of food that comes in…and at how reopen on Monday, June 3rd for can have eternal life. They know quickly you’re reaching for our summer session! that He rose again and that if they seconds of that yummy May God bless you richly, simply ask Him to, He will live something you just discovered. Charla Herider with them in their hearts. While The children will have a bounce we are thankful that they have house and the playground to play learned so incredibly much, it is on while we adults get to know bittersweet as many of “our kids” one another a little bit better. will be graduating this month On Sunday, May 19, our Spring and heading out “into the real Program and Graduation world”. They have become a part program will be held. This is an Ms. Nati’s Class of our family and it’s with pride exciting time for the children as appy May to all of you. I we let them go…and with hope they have been practicing daily hope everyone is enjoying that we will see them again in the for their chance to entertain you the warm weather. This future. with their sweet voices. We need H month the 2’s will be introduced to That said….before they leave we to have them meet in the choir the letters X, Y and Z. We will have many more things to room at 5:45 p.m. and the learn the numbers 24 and 25 and experience this last full month of program will begin at 6:00 p.m. 6 the shape will be a rectangle. We throughout the summer….keep it will review all of the colors we all fresh for Kindergarten. God have studied this year. We will bless. also learn about fire fighters, Ms. Charla’s Class doctors and nurses and mail OW! How is it already carriers. I want to remind you all th the start of the last to “Save the Date” of May 19 . month of our school This is the day that we will be W year? We’re not done just yet having our Spring Program and though and we will be busy Graduation. I want to wish reviewing our numbers, colors, everyone a happy and safe summer. sounds and shapes. We’ll continue I hope to see all of you next school to practice the FOUR songs that year! Have a blessed month. your children decided we NEED to sing. We’ll be working on a few special projects that you will receive the last week of school and Important Dates to for our special mom’s…we’re Remember: creating a special surprise. We’re going to try and soak up as much time together playing and enjoying Pre-K Trip to Ms. Rachel’s Class one another’s company as we can. Mercy Southwest Hospital ell, the school year is If you know your child will want to Thursday May 9 winding to an end. The see a classmate over the summer, W3’s have enriched their don’t forget to exchange phone + + + lives and learned so much. This numbers this month. We have a Wonder Window Annual month, we will be closing off our field trip on the 9th to Mercy Potluck Picnic letters with X, Y and Z. Our Southwest and we need help Wednesday numbers will be 24 and 25. Our driving the kids over and back. It topics will cover doctors, nurses, would be great if some of you May 15 @ 6:00 p.m firefighters and mail carriers. could join us. Our last book order + + + Wishing all of our Moms a very will be going out this week. Be Wonder Window Happy Mother’s Day. Hope to see sure to look for something you everyone for our Graduation know your child will enjoy! Have Graduation th program on May 19 . God bless! a great month and enjoy the grace And Spring Program Ms. Stephanie’s Class that God grants us. Sunday May 19 @ 6:00 p.m. appy May, Parents and Mr. Jacob’s Class + + + families. Almost the end ay is a big month for us Wonder Window CLOSED Hof the school year. at Wonder Window. Thanks for everyone who has We have graduation, Monday, May 27 and helped our classroom throughout M end of the year parties, Mother’s Friday May 31 the year. It has been so Day and summer prep. May is appreciated. We have our picnic, going to go by fast and we will be Mercy Southwest field trip, the having a lot of fun to go with it. Wonder Window Potluck Picnic We will be practicing our songs and Graduation (followed by pizza and creating our Mother’s Day on the patio) all coming up this gifts. This year has gone by super month. We want to wish Logan fast and I’ll miss all of the kids that th th (5 ), Jack (7 ) and Ms. Rachel are unable to attend this summer. th (11 ) all a GREAT BIG HAPPY May you all be blessed with a great BIRTHDAY!!! We will be summer! reviewing all of our phonic sounds, colors, shapes and numbers through 20 for the rest of the school year. Continue to review them 7