Our Sharing Space Previous Weeks s1
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Our Sharing Space – Previous Weeks
August 15, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “I give thanks, I Give Thanks, I Give THANKS.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Namo Narayanaya” (Om Nah-moh Nah-rah-yah-nay-yah) (In the words of Thomas Ashley-Farrand in “Healing Mantras” “{This mantra} takes the sayer to sublime spiritual realms where spiritual questions are answered and great truths are revealed.”) Weekly Quote: “Orders of life surround and interpenetrate us and are only separated from our conscious knowledge by rates of vibration.” “Cycles of Opportunity” by Carole Beckham
August 9, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “I listen and take positive action on the messages that my body-temple sends to me.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Shrim Shriyei Swaha” (Om Shreem Shree-yea Swah-ha) A mantra to make manifest to us the many possible paths to renewed health. Weekly Quote: “The vibrations of these ancient formulas (mantras) work through the chakras to increase the flow of beneficial energy throughout the subtle body where these (accumulated) latencies and tendencies (our karma) are stored.” “Mantra Therapy Healing Intensives I & II” by Thomas Ashley-Farrand
August 1, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “In accord with my Higher Will I co-create my life.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Brahma Jnanayei Namaha” (Om Brah-mah Jnah-nah-yea Nahm-ah-hah) A mantra to strengthen the intelligence and the intellect. Weekly Quote: “By the chanting of the Sanskrit formulas, people were experiencing a net gain not just in energy but in usable spiritual energy.” “Shakti Mantras” by Thomas Ashley-Farrand
July 26, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “I am ever thankful for those who love and support me on my path.” Weekly Mantra: “Namo Kwan Shi Yin Pu Sa” (Nah-moh Koo-ahn Shee Yin Poo Sah) This chant to Kwan Yin brings compassion, grace and mercy to our world. Weekly Quote: “You may have reasons to kill a person, but there’s no reason to burn a book.” Lon Milo DuQuette Presentation at Pathways, July 22, 2006
July 19, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “I recognize, acknowledge and access my strength and power.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Katya-Inicha Vidmahei Kanya Kumari-Cha Dhimahi Tanno Durgihi Prachodayat.” (Om Kaht-yah-ee-nee-cha Veed-mah-hei Kahn-yah Koo-mah-ree-cha Dhee-mah-hee- Tah-noh Door-gee-hee Prah-choh-dah-yaht). Weekly Quote: “Each time we work with the (tarot) cards – each time we lay them out and allow our eyes to drink in their interwoven and interconnected colors – we silently activate those same connective webs of universal influences within ourselves.” “Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot” by Lon Milo DuQuette July 12, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: I am clear and focused as I attend to daily matters. Weekly Mantra: “Om Budhaya Namaha” (Om Bood-hah-yah Nahm-ah-ha) A mantra to the presiding spirit of the planet Mercury. Weekly Quote: “It may be ‘in our planets,’ Walters (Donald Walters, Swami Kriyananda) said, ‘that when a specific moment arrives we will fall down a flight of stairs and break a leg. But this need not be. We can prepare ourselves spiritually, so that when that moment arrives, all we do is stub our toe.’” “Healing Mantras” by Thomas Ashley-Farrand
July 5, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: My abilities develop as I realize, accept and utilize them. Weekly Mantra: “Om Shrim Siddhayei Namaha.” (Om Shreem Sid-hah-yea Nahm-ah-ha) A mantra to release to manifestation the magical abilities we have within us. Weekly Quote: “Everyone is an unrealized master.” Dr. White, Deborah’s Doctor of Philosophy Spirit Guide
June 28, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “My Creator and I are One.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Khagaya Namaha” (Om Khah-gah-yah Nam-ah-ha) One of the Twelve Gifts of the Sun, being the “All Pervading Light”. Weekly Quote: “We are already – right here, right now – the perfect reflection of a perfect deity. The problem is that we do not have a clue who or what we really are.” “Understanding Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot” by Lon Milo DuQuette
June 20, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “I drink in the Universal Light Energy and with discernment and balance I apply it in my life.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Pushne Namaha” (Ohm Push-knee Nam-ah-ha) One of the Twelve Gifts of the Sun, being the “Light of the Mystic Fire”. Weekly Quote: “Growth for growth’s sake is the ideology of a cancer cell.” Unknown
June 13, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: The Light pouring through me sustains me, nourishes me and furthers my soul’s growth.” Weekly Mantra: “So Hum” (Soh Huhm) The sound of the breath and the energy that moves on those subtle tides. Weekly Quote: “I am lord of my thoughts, not slave to my words.” From Brother Lorenzo, at the National Convention of the American Federation of the International Order of Co-Freemasonry, Le Droit Humain, on the value of silence. June 6, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: The Light of Divinity pours into me and, in service, I send it out to nourish a hungry world. Weekly Mantra: “Om Satyei Namaha” (Om Saht-yea Nahm-ah-hah) Brings in the Spirit of Truth. “That spirit of truth can act as a shield against intrigue and a buffer against deception designed to undermine your position.” “Shakti Mantras” Thomas Ashley-Farrand. Weekly Quote: “You will no longer be shocked or repelled by anything; you will accept and understand that humanity in all its stages is in the process of evolution or return towards God, from Whom all came.” “Spiritual Unfoldment Book 1” White Eagle
May 29, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: I am an eternal divine being of light, unconditionally loved by Father-Mother God. Weekly Mantra: “Aham Prema” (Ah-hahm Pray-ma) “I am Divine Love.” Weekly Quote: “If we are healed in all ways, we inevitably arrive at a state of love.” “Mantra, Sacred Words of Power” 6 CD set by Thomas Ashley-Farrand (a GREAT set! D.B.)
May 12, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “I am enfolded in the wings of my Guardian Angel; I am protected and safe.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Maha Lakshmicha Vidmahae Vishnu Patnicha Dhimahi Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayat.” (Om Mah-hah Laksh-mee-chah Veed-mah-hae Vish-noo Paht-nee-chah Dee-mah-hee Tah-no Laksh- mee Prah-cho-dhah-yaht) Lakshmi Mantra asking assistance to lift us towards her energetic oneness. Weekly Quote: “It is wise to learn from others, but foolish to give up responsibility for yourself.” Kundalini and the Chakras” by Genevieve Lewis Paulson
May 2, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “I am one with the abundance, vitality and life of Spring.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Eim Klim Sauh Sauh Klim Eim” (Om I’m Kleem Saw Saw Kleem I’m) Saraswati Mantra to promote great knowledge & action. Weekly Quote: “If one considers the physical body as a universe unto itself, each of us is a ‘god’ of our own universe.” “Kundalini and the Chakras” by Genevieve Lewis Paulson
April 25, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “The best for me flows to me, in the proper order and in the proper time, every moment of my life.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Eim Hreem Kleem Chamundayai Vichhe Namaha” (Om I’m Hr-eem Kl-eem Cha-moon-die-yah Vich-he Na-ma-ha) A Mantra for Wisdom, Wealth and Protection Weekly Quote: “You are manifesting every moment of your life with your every thought, word and deed” “Golden Keys to Ascension and Healing” by Joshua David Stone Ph.D.
April 18, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: I give thanks, I give thanks, I give thanks. Weekly Mantra:”Saraswati, Mahalakshmi, Durga-Devi Namaha” (Sarah-swatee Mah-hah-lock-shmee, Durga-dave-ee Na-ma-ha) Weekly Quote: “The circumstances of your life are actually a form of initiation through which you are daily passing.” “Spiritual Unfoldment 1” by White Eagle
April 11, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: I am a vessel being filled with the Light of Spirit. Weekly Mantra: “Sat Chid Ekam Brahma” (Saht Cheed Eh-kahm Brah-mah) Weekly Quote: “…your thoughts float out into the ethers to be utilized by humanity, you then perform a great injustice to humanity when you generate or add force to an unworthy thought.” “Astara Lesson Material” channeled by Earlyne Chaney
April 4, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: The way before me is made open and clear; I move forward with ease, sureness and Divine protection. Weekly Mantra: “Om Eim Hreem Kleem Chamundayai Vichhe Namaha” (Om I’m Hr-eem Kl-eem Cha-moon-die-yah Vich-he Na-ma-ha) A Mantra for Wisdom, Wealth and Protection Weekly Quote: “Limitation is the first law of manifestation, therefore it is the first law of power.” “Cosmic Doctrine” by Dion Fortune
March 29, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: The great unseen healing force moves through me, I am made whole. Weekly Mantra: Om Apa-damapa Hataram Dataram Sarva Sampadam Loka Bhi Ramam Sri Ramam Bhuyo Bhuyo Namam-yaham. (Om Ap-pah-dah-mah-pah Hah-tah-rahm Dah-tah-rahm Sahr-vah Sahm-pah-dahm Loh-kah Bee Rahm-ahm Shree Rahm-Mah Boo-yoh Boo-yoh Nah-mahm-yah-hahm) A powerful healing mantra to Rama Weekly Quote: “When we work with mantra we are working with energy, and energy is never lost. It will appear in some way. But we must not attempt to dictate through belief systems just how that energy will work.” “Healing Mantras” by Thomas Ashley-Farrand
March 22, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: As I honor truth, so is my way made clear. Weekly Mantra: “Om Dum Durgayei Namaha” (Om Doom Door-gah-yei Nahm-ah-ha) (A mantra invoking the powerful protection of Durga, a goddess with the strength and will to stand for, and defend, that which is correct and true.) Weekly Quote: “…two of the forces opposed to evolution: the force of desire for what is superfluous and the force of illusion that presents the physical level as the only or the most important reality.” “Beyond Karma” by Trigueirinho
March 15, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: I move forward with sureness, balance and power. Weekly Mantra: “Om Hum So Hum” (Om Huhm Soh Huhm) (A mantra to balance masculine and feminine energies and to focus their combined force.) Weekly Quote: “Nature seeks to serve humanity by its balancing energies.” Carol Parrish-Harra in a lecture at Sancta Sophia Seminary, March 11, 2006.
March 8, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: My choices and abilities are unlimited. Weekly Mantra: “Om Eim Saraswatiyei Swaha” (Om I’m Sah-rah-swah-tee-yei Swah-ha) (A mantra to Saraswati to bring success to scientific endeavors and to artistic studies.) Weekly Quote: “The main key is detachment – detachment from blind urges and drives, emotional traps, mental crystallizations and the slavery of self-interest.” “Symphony of the Zodiac” by Torkom Saraydarian
February 28, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: The Holy Light dwells within me. Weekly Mantra: “Om Ram Ramaya Namaha” (Om Rahm Rahm-eye-yah Nahm-ah-ha) (A mantra to balance energy and to awaken and enliven the chakras, especially the solar plexus chakra.) Weekly Quote: “The mind must be integrated and used properly. The instincts, emotions, thinking and the spirit all must be balanced in integrated in the proper alignment.” “Golden Keys to Ascension and Healing” by Dr. Joshua David Stone
February 21, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: Issues in my life drift by; I attend to them but I am independent from them. Weekly Mantra: “Om Sri Dhanvantre Namaha” (Om Shree Don-von-trey Nahm-ah-ha) (Dhanvantre is the Celestial Physician. Doing this mantra provides a path towards healing of health issues.) Weekly Quote: “Make material things preferences and no longer attachments. Once they are preferences, your happiness and inner peace no longer are tied in with them” “Golden Keys to Ascension and Healing” by Dr. Joshua David Stone
February 15, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “All events that occur in my life are part of a Divine Plan.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Namo Narayanaya” (Om Nah-moh Nah-rah-yah-nay-yah) (In the words of Thomas Ashley-Farrand in “Healing Mantras” “{This mantra} takes the sayer to sublime spiritual realms where spiritual questions are answered and great truths are revealed.”.) Weekly Quote: “Aquarian energy is the energy which connects you with the One to Whom you aspire and from Whom you draw your life energy.” “Symphony of the Zodiac” by Torkom Saraydarian
February 7, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “I am balanced and centered on my path.” Weekly Mantra: “Tattwam Asi” (Taht-Wahm Ah-See) (You are that which you seek. Through the Law of Attraction we draw to us that within which we are most in accord.) Weekly Quote: “To use a big occult potency is like driving a high-powered car at a high speed, all depends on the control; unless you have the nerve for it, you are safer on your feet.” “Esoteric Philosophy of Love and Marriage” by Dion Fortune
February 2, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “I release, in love, all that pulls on me.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Hum So Hum” (Om Huhm Soh Huhm) (A mantra to balance masculine and feminine energy and to elevate consciousness.) Weekly Quote: “Everyone is crippled in some area, and everyone is somewhere on the path of evolution, some ahead of us and some behind. In the steps we have walked are the old lessons of life, and before us are the new teachings.” “Power vs. Force” by Dr. David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.
January 23, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “The Holy Light dwells within me.” Weekly Mantra: “Narasimha Ta Va Da So Hum” (Nah-rah-seem-ha Tah Vah Dah Soh Huhm) (A mantra for protection and to bring freedom from negative forces.) Weekly Quote: “(T)he astral plane is also known as the plane of Desire, and desire is always referred to as the bondage of the soul.” “Spiritualism & Occultism” by Dion Fortune
January 17, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “I am an eternal being of light, a soul that at this time has a body.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Sri Rama Jaya Rama, Jaya Jaya Rama” (Om Shree Rah-mah Jah-yah Rah-mah, Jah-yah Jah-yah Rah-mah) (A mantra for spiritual liberation, chanted by Gandhi daily throughout his entire life.) Weekly Quote: “Through meditation you increase your light, which magnetically attracts the attention of the Hierarchy.” Symphony of the Zodiac by Torkom Saraydarian
January 10, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “I do, I accomplish, I grow.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Eim Saraswatiyei Swaha” (Om I’m Sah-rah-swah-tee-yei Sawh-ha) (A mantra to bring through the creative energy of Saraswati, propelling our plans and goals towards success.) Weekly Quote: “What you become tomorrow depends upon what you learn today!” Astara’s Book of Life, Book 1 by Earlyne Chaney
January 3, 2006 Weekly Affirmation: “This physical life is but a small portion of my total self.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Nama Shivaya” (Om Nah-mah Shee-vah-yah) (A mantra to propel spiritual growth, bringing higher insight and spiritual maturity.) Weekly Quote: “”For a full understanding of any form of existence, more than one plane of consciousness is necessary.” Spiritualism & Occultism by Dion Fortune
December 27, 2005 Weekly Affirmation: “I move forward into a New Year, I release the old and embrace the new.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha” (Om Shreem Mah-ha Laksh-mee-yei Swah-ha) (A mantra to Lakshmi, Goddess of Abundance, bringing abundant success to the areas of our lives in which we have focused our energies and requested assistance.) Weekly Quote: “The authors of ancient texts…instruct us to identify our desires clearly in order to achieve the desired result.” Healing Mantras by Thomas Ashley-Farrand
December 20, 2005 Weekly Affirmation: “I set my course, I progress, I achieve my goals.” Weekly Mantra: “Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha” (Om Gum Guh-nuh-puh-tuh-yei Nahm-ah-ha) (A mantra to Ganesh to remove obstacles thereby opening the way for new positive changes, situations and/or persons to enter our lives. Frequently this mantra is said prior to other mantra practice to make way for the other mantra work to more easily produce the desired effects.) Weekly Quote: “A goal is a magnetic center established in the domain of the future. It is this magnetic center which pulls a person up and establishes a direction for him.” Symphony of the Zodiac by Torkom Saraydarian
December 13, 2005 Weekly Affirmation: “I co-create and live in a positive healthy environment.” Weekly Mantra: Hung Vajra Peh (Hoong Vahj-rah Pay) (A mantra invoking Vajrapani, the Protector of Dharma and the Great Initiator, used to clear negativity {physical, emotional or mental} by neutralizing and dispersing negative thoughtforms.) Weekly Quote: “Chanting mantras works directly on all types of karma, helping to overcome what may have been created inadvertently or ignorantly in this life or some past life.” Healing Mantras by Thomas Ashley-Farrand
December 5, 2005 Weekly Affirmation: I am an eternal being of Light, loved unconditionally by Father-Mother God. Weekly Mantra: Om Shanti Om (Om Shahn-tee Om) (A mantra for radiating dynamic world peace.) Weekly Quote: A narrow perspective makes even a small problem unbearable. How to Practice, the Way to a Meaningful Life by His Holiness the Dalai Lama