1338 PRESENT Cllr C Turner (Chairman), Cllr G Berry, Cllr T Beswarick, Cllr P Body

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1338 PRESENT Cllr C Turner (Chairman), Cllr G Berry, Cllr T Beswarick, Cllr P Body


Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday 28th September 2015 in the Skyrm Room at the Public Hall, Beaminster at 7.00pm

1338 PRESENT – Cllr C Turner (Chairman), Cllr G Berry, Cllr T Beswarick, Cllr P Body, Cllr R Cheeseman, Cllr P Elliott, Cllr M Jupp, Cllr S Norris and Cllr Mrs J Page.

1339 IN ATTENDANCE – Mrs Christine Bright (Town Clerk) and WDDC Cllr A Alford, DCC Mrs R Knox and one press representative.


(a) Dorset Police Representative In the absence of a police representative no report was received.

(b) West Dorset District Councillors Cllr Alford reported on the following issues:  Local Plan – following modifications the Inspector had ruled the Draft Local Plan to be sound, and the document was not going through the District Council’s committee process with a view to adoption by the Council on 22nd October 2015  Service Reviews – the District Council were reviewing the way in which it delivered its services, in particular those which were voluntary, in order to identify financial savings. The findings with regard to the consultation in respect of Tourist Information Services had recently been published with over 72% of responses coming from local residents.

Two other reviews were underway (1) support to the Local Area Partnerships and (2) grants the District Council give to voluntary sector organisations.  Dorset Waste Partnership – the ‘recycle for Dorset’ service would commence on 19th October and the household recycling centre at Broomhills, Bridport would open to the public on 1st October 2015.

In response to a question from Cllr Mrs Page regarding the Community Land Trust and the Government’s Right to Buy Scheme, Cllr Alford advised that a voluntary scheme would be introduced to replace the previously announced scheme.

(c) Dorset County Councillor Cllr Mrs R Knox reported on the following issues:  B’Fit – Cllr Mrs Knox was pleased to report that B’Fit had been successful in its application for a grant from the County Council’s Legacy Fund – the project aimed to run courses specifically targeted at those more vunerable members of the community.  Superfast Broadband – with just one more box to install, superfast broadband had arrived in Beaminster.

Page 247  Youth Centres – the County Council, currently operate 22 Youth Centres in the County and they need to ensure funding reaches the children who need it most – currently there were 34,000 children in the County eligible to attend a Youth Centre only10% visit a Centre, 2% from families in most need. The County Council would be visiting schools and other organisations to talk to young people as part of a fact finding mission.

1341 APOLOGIES – Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mrs Gould who was on maternity leave.

1342 MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 27TH JULY 2015 The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 27th July 2015 having previously been circulated were signed as a correct record by the Chairman.

1343 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations of interest were received.


(a) Dorset Age Partnership – Cllr Beswarick had recently attended a West Dorset Locality Group meeting and gave the following report –

Karen Payne of Quality Improvement Healthcare, gave a presentation on Pressure Ulcer prevention, sometimes known as bed sores. Some of these pressure ulcers can take up to 2 years to heal and were often caused by patients resting for long periods and not moving their back, bottom, legs and heels.

Safer Neighbourhood Team – the police station had been closed and a room at the Beaminster Fire Station had been made available for police use. PCSO Dave Ash spoke about making people aware of rouge traders, in particular those phoning elderly people pretending to be from the bank, trying to get them to transfer funds. He also spoke on Neighbourhood Watch and emphasised the danger of storing tools etc. in outbuildings.

Non-emergency Patient Transport Services – explained how patients can obtain free transport to hospitals if they meet the criteria. The company contracted to transport patients were E_ZEC.

Dorset Partnership for Older People Programme (POPP) – POPP Wayfinders can give advice and help on many different topics

(b) WATAG – Cllr Body advised that he had recently attended a WATAG meeting, a copy of his report is attached to these minutes.

1345 PAYMENTS AND RECEIPTS Members were tabled with a list of payments, cheque numbers 1042741 – 104272 issued, together with direct debit payments between 1st August 2015 and 31st August 2015 totalling £9,273.85; also receipts totalling £1,338.19.

Members were tabled with a list of payments, cheque numbers 104274 – 104289 issues together with direct debit payments between 1st September 2015 and 30th September 2015 totalling £ 7,990.83; also receipts totalling £64,932.60.

Members RESOLVED to APPROVE the lists, copies of which are attached. Page 248 1345 MINUTES OF RECREATIONS & AMENITIES COMMITTEE Members APPROVED the minutes of the Recreations & Amenities Committee meeting held on 8th September 2015.

(a) Memorial Playing Field – Tree planting The Town Clerk advised that Mr Dower had kindly produced a plan indicating the specific locations and species of trees he proposed for consideration at the Recreations & Amenities Committee meeting scheduled for 4th November 2015.

(b) Cemetery – Vehicular access The Town Clerk advised a quotation had been obtained for the supply and installation of a collapsible post, to be sited in a suitable location on the path to prevent vehicular access but accommodate a mini digger and disabled access in the sum of £325.00. RESOLVED to ACCEPT the quotation (budget code 4081/303).

(c) Football Pitch – Drainage problems The Town Clerk advised that, having made enquiries, Mr Hansford had reported that the tractor would not be suitable for use with a ground spiking machine however he had sourced an ex demo Green Tek Double Quick system at a cost of £5,490.

The Town Clerk advised that a contractor was due to meet with Daryl Chambers with a view to obtaining a quotation for the works to install a French drain behind the goal post.

(d) Control Orders First meeting of the Working Group scheduled for Friday 2nd October at 10.30am.

(e) Hedge laying – Allotments The Town Clerk reported that following a visit to the allotments Mr Dower had advised the growth within the hedge would be unsuitable for laying and he recommended the hedge should be cut back for which a cost had been obtained in the sum of £350 to include clearing of stinging nettles etc. RESOLVED to ACCEPT the quotation subject to the Town Clerk identifying appropriate funding within the current budget.

1346 PUBLIC HALL WORKING PARTY Members APPROVED the Minutes of the Public Hall Working Party meeting held on 16th September 2015.

(a) Mosterton Art Group – storage The Town Clerk advised on investigation it was found that the gutters and down pipes had been blocked with moss etc. this had now been cleared and the situation would be monitored.

(b) Public Hall heating The Town Clerk sought clarification on the timescale for commissioning an assessment of the existing heating, hot and cold water and gas installation. Following discussion it was AGREED the roof had to take immediate priority therefore the assessment was deferred until the appropriate time.

1347 INSURANCE REVIEW The Town Clerk advised the annual insurance review had taken place on 4th August and briefed members on a number of minor amendments and points of clarification that had arisen during the review. NOTED and APPROVED. Page 249 1348 INTERNAL AUDIT PROVISION 2015/16 Members had previously been circulated with the proposed audit programme and terms of engagement for the provision of Internal Audit services for 2015/16 received from Darkin Miller Limited. It was RESOLVED to ACCEPT the quotation based on 2 x five hour day visits at a cost of £389.66 + VAT. Mrs Darkin had also offered a 2.5% discount on her hourly scale rate should the Town Council wish to enter a three year contract, a modest saving of approx. £8.75 over the three years. Members AGREED to a three year contract.

1349 PUBLIC HALL – PREMISES LICENSE The Town Clerk outlined the detail of the premises license application and took members through item by item with regard to activities and timing. It was RESOLVED to SUBMIT an application for a premises license based on the detail submitted.

1350 CORRESPONDENCE One item of significant correspondence had been received since the last meeting:-  Bruno Peek – Fly a flag for the Commonwealth – members RESOLVED to participate in ‘Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth’ on 14th March 2016.  NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group – Paediatric Care at Dorset County Hospital, Dorchester – members NOTED correspondence received acknowledging the Town Council’s concerns about the future of paediatric services. The letter confirmed that no decision had been made to close Kingfisher inpatient unit or change the neonatal provision at Dorset County Hospital as discussions were ongoing and subject to external review by the Wessex Clinical Senate and NHS England.  HM Courts & Tribunals Service – HM Courts & Tribunals service estates reform – Members NOTED consultation documents on the provision of courts and tribunals services in England and Wales. The consultation put forward proposals that aimed to reduce surplus capacity by closing those courts and tribunals that were unused or underused, included in the proposals were the closure of Bournemouth Magistrates Court and Dorchester Crown Court.

In addition to the closures there were eight integrations proposed, the most local to Beaminster would be the Weymouth and Dorchester Combined Court offices to be integrated within Weymouth Magistrates Court and Yeovil County Court to be integrated within South Somerset and Mendip Magistrates Court (Yeovil).

The consensus of the Council being that travelling to Weymouth would not be easy, particularly for those who do not have access to a private motor vehicle. The Town Clerk was asked to comment accordingly.  Annual Return for the financial year ended 31 March 2015 – the Town Clerk advised that the audited Annual Return had been received from BDO with one matter giving cause for concern – The Council did not undertake and minute a full risk assessment during the year. The council cannot evidence that it has assessed and taken appropriate steps to manage all the risks it faces. This is contrary to Regulations 4(1) & 4(2) fo the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011. The Town Clerk outlined the background behind the omission and confirmed that risk assessments had now been carried out in accordance with the Regulations.

Page 250  BAVLAP – the Town Clerk drew attention to correspondence received via email from BAVLAP in connection with the District Council’s service reviews and funding for Local Area Partnerships. The document being quite lengthy, would be forwarded to all members electronically following the meeting.

The email also advised that plans were being drawn up to form a steering group with the aim to get Beaminster registered as a ‘Dementia Friendly Town’.  Mr D Beazer – correspondence had been received from Mr Beazer expressing his concern at the amount of overhanging vegetation in Tunnel Road that, in his view, was a danger to pedestrians. He also drew attention to blocked (across pavement) channels in Hogshill Street which would require clearing before the winter. The Chairman AGREED to follow up the complaint with County Council highways department.

1351 PROGRESS REPORTS Members had previously been circulated with a written progress report on all outstanding issues. NOTED.

Cllr Jupp advised that he had been in contact with Beaminster School with regard to custom made planters for the Square – a response was awaited.

1352 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No items identified.

1353 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The date of next meeting was set for Monday 26th October 2015.

1354 PUBLIC BODIES (Admission to Meeting) ACT 1960 Members RESOLVED in accordance with the terms of the Act, the public and press be excluded from the meeting whilst discussion takes place on agenda items 15 and 16 on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted in respect of the consideration of lease agreements.

1355 FLEET CLUB With the lease dated 2nd February 2015 between the Town Council and Mr & Mrs Moody for a term of one year from 1st September 2014 due to expire members had previously been circulated with a report by the Town Clerk outlining the detail of discussions with Mr & Mrs Moody regarding the future of the Club.

Members RESOLVED to ACCEPT the recommendation to offer Mr & Mrs Moody a three year lease with effect from 1st April 2016 with a rent increase of £1,000 per annum.

1356 PHOTOCOPIER LEASE Members had previously been circulated with the Town Clerk’s report detailing quotations received from suppliers of photocopier equipment and RESOLVED to ACCEPT the quotation received from Concorde. It was NOTED that the statutory 90 days notice would be served on the existing machine.

1357 MEETING - The meeting, which started at 7.00pm, closed at 9.25pm. CHAIRMAN 26TH OCTOBER 2015

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