KCAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards
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KCAS-KAAP Aligned Content Assessment Standards Instructional Alignment Chart 3-HS
Compiled by Karen Campbell
River Region Cooperative
August 2011 READING Third grade Fourth grade Fifth grade Sixth grade Seventh grade Eighth grade High school Key Ideas and R-3.1 R-HS.5 Details Literature Informative Anchor Standard Answer questions Cite details from 1 Read closely to to demonstrate the text that determine what the text understanding of support inference. says explicitly and to a text. make logical inferences from it; cite textural Critical Standard evidence when writing or Foundational and speaking to support conclusions drawn from essential across all the text. grades and content areas Anchor Standard R-4.5 R-5.3 R-6.2 R-7.2 R-8.2 R-HS.3 2 Determine central Literature Literature Literature Literature Literature Literature ideas or themes of a text Determine a Determine a Determine a Determine a Determine a Determine a and analyze their development; summarize theme of a story theme of a story theme of a text central idea of a central idea of theme of a text they key supporting from details in the from details in a and how it is text and analyze text and analyze and analyze its details and ideas. text. text including how conveyed through its development its relationship to development over characters in a details; provide a over the course of the character, the course of the story respond to summary. text; provide a setting and plot. text including how challenges. summary. it is refined by details; provide an objective summary. R-3.3 R-4.3 R-5.4 R-6.4 R-8.4 R-HS.4 Informative Informative Informative Informative Informative Informative Determine the Determine the Determine two Determine a Determine a Determine a main idea the main idea of a text main ideas of a central idea of a central idea of central idea of text. and how it is text and how they text, how it is text and analyze text and analyze supported by are supported by conveyed through its relationship to its development details. key details. details, and supporting ideas. over the course of provide a the text, including summary. how it is refined by details; provide an objective READING Third grade Fourth grade Fifth grade Sixth grade Seventh grade Eighth grade High school summary. Anchor Standard R-3.5 R-4.4 R-5.5 R-7.4 R-HS.2 3 Analyze how and why Literature Literature Literature Literature Literature individuals, events, and Describe how a Describe a Compare and Explain how Analyze how ideas develop and interact over the course character’s character, setting contrast two character, plot characters of a text. actions contribute and event in a characters, and setting develop over the to the sequence of story using details settings and interact within the course of a text, events of a story. from a text. events in a story. story. interact with other characters, and advance the plot. R-5.6 R-7.5 Informative Informative Determine the Explain the relationships interactions between two between events or ideas in individuals and an historical, events in a text. scientific or technical text. READING Third grade Fourth grade Fifth grade Sixth grade Seventh grade Eighth grade High school Craft and R-3.4 R-4.1 R-5.2 R-6.3 R-7.1 R-8.1 R-HS.1 Structure Literature Literature Literature Literature Literature Literature Literature Determine the Determine the Determine the Determine the Determine the Determine the Determine the Anchor Standard meaning of words meaning of words meaning of meaning and meaning of words meaning or tone meaning, tone and 4 Interpret words and and phrases as and phrases as figurative impact of and phrases as and impact of cumulative impact phrases as they are used they are used in a they are used in language as it is figurative and they are used in a figurative and of figurative and in a text, including determining technical, text, text, including used in text. connotative words poem or story; connotative words connotative words connotative, and distinguishing those that allude and phrases as determine the and phrases as and phrases as figurative meanings, and literal from non- to significant they are used in a impact of rhymes they are used in they are use in analyze how specific word choices shape literal. characters found text. and other text; analyze the text. meaning or tone. in mythology. repetitions of tone and impact sound on a of analogies in specific verse or text. stanza from a poem or section of a story. R-4.2 R-5.1 R-6.1 R-7.3 R-8.3 Informative Informative Informative Informative Informative Determine the Determine the Determine the Determine Determine the meaning of meaning of meaning of meaning and meaning of tone specific words or specific words or figurative and impact of and impact of phrases in text phrases in text connotative words figurative, figurative, relevant to 4th relevant to 5th and phrases as connotative and connotative and grade content. grade content. they are used in technical words technical words text. and phrases as and phrases as they are used in they are used in text. text; analyze the tone and impact of allusions to other text. READING Third grade Fourth grade Fifth grade Sixth grade Seventh grade Eighth grade High school Anchor Standard R-8.6 5 Analyze the structure Literature of texts, including how Compare and specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger contrast the portions of the text (e.g., structure of two section, chapter, scene, texts and identify or stanza) relate to each other and the whole. how it contributes to meaning and style. Anchor Standard R-6.5 R-8.5 R-HS.6 6 Assess how point of Informative Informative Informative view or purpose shapes Determine an Determine an Determine an the content and style of a text. author’s purpose author’s purpose author’s purpose and explain how it and interpret how in text and analyze is conveyed in a the author how an author text. responds to uses rhetoric to conflicting advance the viewpoints in the purpose. text. READING Third grade Fourth grade Fifth grade Sixth grade Seventh grade Eighth grade High school Integration of R-6.6 R-7.6 Knowledge and Literature Literature Ideas Compare and Compare a contrast reading a written story, to Anchor Standard story to viewing a its audio, filmed, 7 Integrate and evaluate live version of the staged or content presented in text. multimedia diverse formats and media, including visually version, explaining and quantitatively, as the effects of well as in words. techniques unique to each medium. R-3.6 R-4.6 Informative Informative Use information Interpret and gained from explain how illustrations to visually, orally and demonstrate quantitatively understanding of presented the text. information contributes to understanding of the text. Anchor Standard R-3.2 9 Analyze how two or Informative more texts address Compare and similar themes or topics in order to build contrast the most knowledge or to compare important points the approaches the in two texts on the authors take. same topic. WRITING Fourth grade Fifth grade Sixth grade Eighth grade High School (9-10) High School (11-12) Text Types and W-8.2 Purposes Write informative/ Anchor Standard explanatory texts to 2 Write informative/ examine a topic and explanatory texts to analyze relevant content. examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization and analysis of content. Anchor Standard W-4.1 W-5.1 W-6.1 W-8.1 W-HS-9-10.1 W-HS-11-12.1 3 Write narratives to Communicate Communicate real Communicate real Communicate real Communicate real Create or communicate develop real or imagined real experiences by experiences by experiences by engaging experiences by engaging real experiences by experiences or events using effective experiences by orienting the engaging and and orienting the reader and orienting the reader engaging and orienting technique, well-chosen orienting the reader, orienting the reader, by establishing a singular by establishing a singular the reader by establishing details and well- reader, introducing introducing point of view, introducing point of view, a singular point of view, structured event sequences. introducing characters, characters, characters, organizing a introducing characters, introducing characters, characters, organizing a organizing a sequence of events that organizing a sequence of organizing a sequence of organizing a sequence of sequence of events unfolds naturally using events that unfolds events that unfolds sequence of events naturally, that unfolds dialogue, description, and naturally and logically naturally and logically, events, using using dialogue naturally using pacing with precise words using dialogue, using dialogue, descriptions with concrete dialogue, and phrases, using description and pacing description and pacing to with concrete words and description, and descriptive details, with precise words and develop experiences and words to phrases to convey pacing with precise sensory language, basic phrases, using characters, using a variety convey experiences, and words and phrases, transition words and descriptive details, of transition words and experiences, provide a using descriptive phrases to convey sensory language, a phrases to create a and provide a conclusion. details, sensory experiences and manage variety of transition coherent whole, using conclusion. language and basic time and setting changes words and phrases to precise words and transition words to to show relationships create a coherent whole phrases, descriptive convey experiences between experiences and and capture the action, details, and sensory and manage time or provide a reasonable and provide a language to capture the setting change, and conclusion and reflection reasonable conclusion action and experiences provide a reasonable on the experiences. and reflect on the and develop settings and conclusion. experience. characters, and provide a reasonable conclusion and reflect on the experiences. WRITING Fourth grade Fifth grade Sixth grade Eighth grade High School (9-10) High School (11-12) Production and W-4.2 W-5.2 W-6.2 W-8.3 W-HS-9010.2 W-HS-11-12.2 Distribution of Produce clear Produce clear and Produce clear and Produce clear and Produce clear and Produce clear and Writing and organize organized writing coherent writing in coherent writing in which coherent writing in coherent writing in which writing in which the which the the development, which the development, the development, Anchor Standard development is development and organization, and style are organization, and style organization, and style are 4 Produce clear and appropriate to the organization are appropriate to task. are appropriate to task appropriate to task, coherent writing in task. appropriate to the and purpose. purpose and audience. which the development, organization, and style task. are appropriate to task. Anchor Standard W-4.3 W-5.3 W-6.3 W-8.4 W-HS-9-10.3 W-HS-11-12.3 5 Develop and With guidance With guidance With guidance and With some guidance and Develop writing as Develop and strengthen strengthen writing as and support and support from support from peers support from peers and needed by planning, writing as needed by needed by planning, revising, editing, from peers and peers and adults, and adults, develop adults, develop and revising, editing, planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a adults, develop develop and and strengthen strengthen writing as rewriting, and focusing rewriting, and focusing on new approach. and strengthen strengthen writing as needed by needed by planning, on what is significant for what is significant for a writing as writing as needed planning, revising, revising, editing, and a specific purpose and specific purpose and needed by by planning, editing and rewriting, focusing on audience. audience. planning and revising, and rewriting. how well purpose and revising. rewriting. audience have been addressed. Anchor Standard W-4.4 W-5.5 W-6.5 W-8.5 W-HS-9-10.4 W-HS-11-12.4 6 Use technology, With some With some Use technology, Use technology, including Use technology, Use technology including including the Internet, to guidance and guidance and including the the Internet, to produce including the Internet, to the internet to produce, produce and publish writing and to interact support from support from Internet, to produce and publish writing and produce, publish, and publish and update shared and collaborate with adults, use adults, use and publish writing present information and update writing products writing products including others. technology, technology, as well as to interact ideas efficiently as well as and to display new arguments and including the including the and collaborate with to interact with others. information. information. Internet, to Internet, to others. produce produce and writing as well publish writing as as to interact well as to interact and collaborate and collaborate with others. with others. WRITING Fourth grade Fifth grade Sixth grade Eighth grade High School (9-10) High School (11-12) Research to Build W-4.5 W-5.6 W-6.6 W-8.6 W-HS-9-10.6 W-HS-11-12.6 and Present Conduct short Conduct short Conduct short Conduct short research Conduct short research Conduct short as well as Knowledge research research projects research projects to projects to answer a projects or solve a more sustained research projects that that use several answer a question, question drawing on problem, demonstrating projects to answer a Anchor Standard build sources to build drawing on several several sources and understanding of the question or solve a 7 conduct short as well knowledge knowledge sources and generating additional subject under problem; broaden the as more sustained through through refocusing the related, focused investigation. inquiry when appropriate; research projects based on focused questions, investigation of investigation of inquiry when questions. demonstrating demonstrating different different aspects appropriate. understanding of the understanding of the aspects of a of a topic. subject under subject under investigation. topic. investigation. Anchor Standard W-4.6 W-5.4 W-6.4 W-HS-9-10.5 W-HS-11-12.5 8 Gather relevant Recall relevant Recall relevant Gather relevant Gather relevant Gather relevant information from information information from information from information from information from multiple multiple print and digital sources, assess the from experiences or multiple print and multiple print and digital print and digital sources; credibility and accuracy experiences or gather relevant digital sources; sources; assess the use advanced searches of each source, and gather relevant information from assess the credibility usefulness and effectively; assess the integrate the information while information print and digital of each source and credibility of each source usefulness and credibility avoiding plagiarism. from print and sources; quote or paraphrase in answering the of each source in terms of digital sources summarize or the data avoiding research question; the task, purpose, and and categorize paraphrase plagiarism. integrate information audience; integrate information. information in selectivity to maintain information selectivity to notes. flow of ideas. maintain flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism. MATH Third grade Fourth grade Fifth grade Sixth grade Seventh grade Eighth grade High school Number Sense M-3.2 M-5.1 (3.NBT.1) (5.NBT.4) Demonstrate Use place value understanding of understanding to place value by round decimals rounding two digit to any place. whole numbers to the nearest 10. M-3.1 M-4.1 M-5.2 M-6.1 M-7.3 (3.OA.1) (4.OA.2) (5.NF.6) (6.NS.3) (7.NS.1) Interpret products Multiply and divide Solve real world Fluently add and Apply and extend of whole numbers. to solve word problems subtract multi-digit previous problems. involving decimals using the understandings of multiplication of standard addition and fractions. algorithm. subtraction to add and subtract rational numbers on a horizontal or vertical number line diagram. M-6.2 M-7.4 (6.NS.5) (7.NS.3) Use positive and Solve real-world and negative numbers mathematical to represent problems involving quantities in real the four operations world contexts. with rational numbers. M-7.1 (7.RP.3) Use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems. M-4.2 M-HS.1 (4.OA.5) (N-Q.1) Generate a number Choose and pattern that follows MATH Third grade Fourth grade Fifth grade Sixth grade Seventh grade Eighth grade High school a given rule. Identify interpret the scale apparent features of and the origin in the pattern. graphs and data displays. Algebraic Thinking M-6.3 M-7.2 M-8.2 M-HS.5 (6.EE.1) (7.EE.3) (8.EE.7) (A-REI.3) Evaluate Solve real-life and Solve one Solve linear numerical mathematical variable linear equations and expressions problems posed with equations inequalities in one involving whole positive and variable. number negative rational exponents. numbers, (whole numbers, fractions and decimals) converting between forms as appropriate. M-6.4 (6.EE.4) Identify when two expressions are equivalent. M-5.3 M-8.1 M-HS.4 (5.OA.3) (8.EE.5) (A-CED.2) Generate two Compare the When given real world slope of the equations using numerical graph in two two or more patterns using different variables, graph two given rules. proportional their relationship Form ordered relationships. on a coordinate pairs and graph axes. the pairs on a coordinate plane. M-8.5 (8.F.1) Demonstrate an understanding that a function is a rule that assigns to each input exactly one output. MATH Third grade Fourth grade Fifth grade Sixth grade Seventh grade Eighth grade High school Measurement M-3.3 M-4.3 M-5.5 Data (3.MD.1) (4.MD.2) (5.MD.4) Statistics Tell time to the Within the following Measure volume nearest minute systems of by counting unit and measure time measurement, cubes, using intervals by express cubic in., cubic solving word measurement of ft., and problems. time and length as improvised units. larger and smaller units and record measurement equivalents in a two column table. . M-4.4 (4.MD.3) Apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real world and mathematical problems M-3.4 M-6.6 M-HS.2 (3.MD.4) (6.SP.4) (S-ID.1) Generate Display numerical Represent data on measurement data data in plots on a the real number by measuring a number line and line using variety of lengths histograms. histograms and to the inch or half- dot plots.. inch using standard units of measurement and show the data on a line plot. M-HS.3 (S-ID.2) Use statistics appropriate to the shape of the data distribution to compare center (median, mode) of two or more different data sets MATH Third grade Fourth grade Fifth grade Sixth grade Seventh grade Eighth grade High school Geometry M-3.5 M-4.5 M-5.6 M-8.3 M-HS.6 (3.G.1) (4.G.1) (5.G.3) (8.G.2) (G-MG.1) Understand that Identify points, lines, Understand that Demonstrate an Use geometric shapes in different perpendicular lines, attributes understanding of shapes and their categories may parallel lines and belonging to a congruency properties to share attributes. right, acute and category of two between two- describe objects. Recognize obtuse angles in dimensional dimensional rhombuses, two dimensional figures also figures. . rectangles and figures. . belong to all squares as subcategories of examples of that category. quadrilaterals. M-3.6 M-4.6 M-8.4 (3.G.2) (4.G.2) (8.G.4) Partition shapes Classify two- Demonstrate into equal parts dimensional figures understanding of and express each based on similarity part as a unit perpendicular lines, between two- fraction of the parallel lines and dimensional whole. angle measure figures M-5.4 M-6.5 M-7.5 M-8.6 (5.G.2) (6.G.1) (7.G.1) (8.G.9) Represent real Find the area of Solve problems Given a volume world and polygons by involving scale formula, solve mathematical composing into drawings of real-world problems by rectangles or geometric figures, problems graphing points decomposing into including computing involving cones, in the first other shapes in actual lengths and cylinders and quadrant of the the context of areas, (triangles and spheres. coordinate plane. solving real-world quadrilaterals) from problems a scale drawing. M-7.6 (7.G.6) Solve real-world or mathematical problems involving volume and surface area of three dimensional objects composed of cubes and right prisms