Mid-Carolina Rural Transportation Planning Organization
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RTCC Minutes November 10, 2011 9:30 a.m. @ East Regional Library
Members Present Members Absent
Mr. Mark Locklear, Harnett County Ms. Cindy Burchett, Town of Wade Mr. Cecil Combs, Cumberland County Mr. Willie Dixon, Town of East Arcadia Mr. Charles Young, Fort Bragg Ms. Amanda Beatty, Town of Roseboro Mr. Harvey Cain, Stedman Mr. Arthur Whedbee, Town of Clarkton Mr. Delane Jackson, Bladenboro Ms. Patsy Druzak, Town of Tar Heel Mr. Bryan Martin, Elizabethtown Mr. Jeffrey Smith, Town of Dublin Mr. Greg Elkins, Bladen County Ms. Theresa Vaught, Town of Garland Mr. Coke Gray, NCDOT Mr. Bryan Thompson, Town of Erwin Ms. Samantha Lloyd, City of Dunn Mr. Charles Moore, Town of Harrells Mr. Arnold Page, Town of Salemburg Mr. Greg Martin, Bladen County Mr. Joel Strickland, Mid-Carolina RPO Ms. Sarah White, Town of Turkey Mr. Jim Caldwell, MCCOG Ms. Brenda Clark, Town of White Lake Ms. Faye Lewis, MCCOG (AAA) Ms. Belinda White, Town of Falcon Ms. Mary Rose, City of Clinton/Sampson Co Mr. Mack Royal, Town of Godwin Mr. Dominique Boyd, NCDOT TPB Ms. Diane Autry, Town of Autryville
Others Present
Ms. Monita McLaurin, NCDOC
130 Gillespie Street P.O. Drawer 1510 Fayetteville NC 28302 Phone (910) 323-4191 Fax (910) 323-9330 Call Meeting to Order Vice Chair Mark Locklear called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. A quorum was established.
Approval of Nov Agenda Vice Chair Mark Locklear requested a motion for approval of the Nov agenda, whereby Mr. Jim Caldwell made a motion to approve the Agenda as written and it was seconded by Mr. Delane Jackson. It passed unanimously. Action: Approved
Approval of July 2011 Minutes Vice Chair Mark Locklear requested a motion to approve the minutes of the July meeting, whereby Ms. Diane Autry made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Mr. Delane Jackson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Action: Approved
SPOT & TIP Project Rankings/Points Mr. Joel Strickland referred to the list of projects outlined in the handout distributed. He stated the process of assigning ranking points had been a difficult endeavor which prompted a handout attached to the spreadsheet outlining the process of how points were derived. Mr. Delane Jackson stated the prioritization process revealed a fair distribution of points throughout and made a motion to recommended approval of the project listing prioritization. Mr. Greg Elkins seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Action: Recommended for Approval
Statewide Transportation Plan Presentation: Mr. Dominique Boyd Mr. Dominique Boyd of NCDOT presented new information regarding the status of the 2040 Statewide Transportation Plan. Mr. Boyd stated the draft would be available this spring for review and the product would go before the Board of Transportation in the summer of 2012. Mr. Boyd stated even as there had been local participation, any additional information that could be shared from a local standpoint was always beneficial and he encouraged members to submit ongoing feedback. Action: Information
RPO Merger/Concurrence Resolution Mr. Joel Strickland informed members the merger meetings bring all pertinent agencies to the table to confer and make decisions regarding specifics of individual projects. Stating historically the RPO organizations were the only group at the table that did not have signatory authority and the purpose of the resolution outlines the need for our organization to have equal rights throughout the merger process. Mr. Strickland stated the resolution was a statewide effort. Ms. Mary Rose made the motion for recommendation of approval for the resolution in support of establishing full partner status for Rural Planning Organizations in the merger process. Mr. Jim Caldwell seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Action: Recommended for Approval
130 Gillespie Street P.O. Drawer 1510 Fayetteville NC 28302 Phone (910) 323-4191 Fax (910) 323-9330 Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Grant Resolutions Mr. Joel Strickland stated the resolution for the Town of Autryville request funding for pedestrian planning grant funds and City of Clinton request funding for bicycle planning grant funds. The funding is provided for municipalities to help create comprehensive plans for either bicycle or pedestrian facilities. Mr. Cecil Combs made the motion to recommend approval for both resolutions. Mr. Greg Elkins seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Action: Recommended for Approval
2012 Meeting Dates Mr. Joel Strickland referred members to the schedule included in the packets. He stated the dates coincide with the second Thursday of the first month in each quarter. Vice Chair Mark Locklear requested a motion to adopt the proposed schedule, whereby Mr. Jim Caldwell made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Arnold Page. The motion passed unanimously. Action: Recommended for Approval
NCDOT Division Reports Mr. Joel Strickland referred to the handouts obtained from Divisions 3 and 6. Action: Information
Adjournment Vice Chair, Mark Locklear adjourned the meeting at 10:30 a.m.
Ms. Cindy Burchett, RTCC Chair Mr. Joel Strickland, Secretary
130 Gillespie Street P.O. Drawer 1510 Fayetteville NC 28302 Phone (910) 323-4191 Fax (910) 323-9330