Whole Lot of Practice #1

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Whole Lot of Practice #1

Whole Lot of Practice #1 US History/Napp Name: ______Part I: Matching 1. ______House of Burgesses A. - Colonies must benefit the mother country - Colonies provide raw materials for the mother country; import manufacture goods of higher values from the mother country, and do not compete with the mother country in economic activities 2. ______Mayflower Compact B. – Drafted by Benjamin Franklin, who proposed that the colonies unite in a permanent union for defense. -Although it failed, it introduced the concept of a federal plan of representative government, with specific powers given to a central authority. 3. ______Mercantilism C. - Virginia, the earliest successful English colony, was founded in 1607 by the Virginia Company of London under a grant from the Crown. D. In 1619, the governor allowed the eligible voters in the colony to elect a local representative assembly. E. This was the name given to this lawmaking body. F. It was the first elected legislature in the colonies and marked the first step toward representative government in the colonies. 4. ______Albany Plan of Union G. - In 1620, before they landed at Plymouth, the settlers on board realized that they had no authoritative government and made plans for self-government. - The adult males signed this agreement. - They agreed to obey the laws that they would adopt. - They agreed to consult each other about matters affecting the community and to abide by majority rule. 1. ______Proclamation of 1763 A. It was passed in February 1765 in an attempt to raise revenue to pay for Britain’s costs in defending the colonies and required that certain documents be written or printed on paper carrying a stamp from the British treasury office 2. ______John Locke B. This English philosopher influenced Thomas Jefferson with his belief in natural rights 3. ______Baron de Montesquieu C. It included new taxes and stricter enforcement of the existing mercantile laws 4. ______Stamp Act D. Most colonists strongly opposed the Intolerable Acts and on a call from Virginia, all colonies except Georgia sent delegates to it 5. ______James Otis E. He wrote Common Sense; a pamphlet that had tremendous influence causing many colonists to favor independence 6. ______Townshend Acts F. “We hold these truths to be self- evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” 7. ______Boston Massacre G. The British issued it to forbid settlement west of the Appalachian Mountain to avoid further conflicts with the American Indian tribes 8. ______Continental Congress H. The use of writs of assistance, or search warrants, by British customs officials to search colonists’ businesses, homes, and ships for smuggled goods was opposed by many colonists, particularly this individual, a Boston attorney 9. ______Thomas Paine I. On March 5, 1779, a few British soldiers fired upon a hostile crowd, killing five persons 10. ______Declaration of Independence J. This European philosopher of the Enlightenment believed in the separation of powers [Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches of government] 1. In writing the Declaration of 5. Which feature must a nation have to Independence, Thomas Jefferson was be considered a democracy? influenced most by John Locke’s idea (1) a strong president of (2) citizen participation in (1) due process of law government (2) natural rights (3) elected judges to conduct trials (3) the rights of the accused (4) a set of laws (4) the right to privacy 6. The Supreme Court has the power to 2. During the Constitutional (1) control the federal budget Convention of 1787, the plans for (2) vote to end a tie in the Senate Congress proposed by delegates from (3) approve presidential New Jersey and Virginia differed appointments mainly over the issue of (4) interpret the Constitution (1) life terms of office or short terms of office 7. Conflicts between Jeffersonians and (2) appointed legislators or elected Hamiltonians during President legislators George Washington’s first (3) equal state representation or administration led directly to the proportionate state representation (1) end of the Era of Good Feelings (4) power to check other branches or (2) decision to replace the Articles of power limited to lawmaking Confederation (3) addition of the elastic clause to 3. Which governmental action the Constitution illustrates the system of checks and (4) start of the first political parties balances? (1) a senator helping a governor solve 8. Which statement is most accurate a state problem about the movement for (2) the president negotiating a trade independence in the thirteen agreement with foreign diplomats colonies? (3) the Senate ratifying a peace treaty (1) The independence movement (4) Congress raising taxes to pay for began soon after the founding of the federal programs Plymouth Colony. (2) Protests against British colonial 4. A major criticism of the electoral policies gradually led to demands for college system has been that independence. (1) party loyalty is weakened after a (3) The King of England required the presidential election colonists to become economically (2) electors frequently fail to vote for self-sufficient. a candidate (4) The movement for independence (3) members of the electoral college was equally strong in all of the are appointed for life terms colonies. (4) a president may be elected without receiving the majority of the popular vote What would be the best title for this map? (1) British Domination of the Americas (2) Colonial Trade Routes (3) Spanish Colonies in the New World (4) The United States in 1750

What is the best title for this series of maps? (1) Industrialization of the United States (2) Sectional Conflicts in the United States (3) Transportation Revolution in the United States (4) Shifting Frontier of the United States Thematic Essay Practice:

Directions: Write a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs addressing the task below, and a conclusion.

Theme: Political Systems

The U.S. Constitution is based on a number of important principles aimed at preventing the abuse of power.


Choose two principles from your study of U.S. history and government.

For each principle:

 Describe the Constitutional principle.

 Explain how that principle was designed to prevent an abuse of power.

Suggestions: You may use any principles for your study of United States history and government. Some suggestions you might wish to consider include: popular sovereignty, federalism, checks and balances, limited powers, and the separation of powers.

You are not limited to these suggestions.

Notes before Writing:

First Principle: ______Second Principle: ______ 

  The Essay:

Introduction: ______

Body Paragraph #1: ______

Body Paragraph #2: ______

Conclusion: ______

On the night of December 16, 1773, a band of Bostonians disguised as Native Americans boarded three British ships anchored in Boston harbor and threw overboard 342 chests of tea.

Name the historical event taking place in the illustration. ______

Describe the circumstances that led to this event. ______Thematic Essay Practice:

Directions: Write a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs addressing the task below, and a conclusion.

Theme: Government: The Power of the Judiciary

Shortly after the formation of the new constitutional government, the Supreme Court established itself as an equal to the legislative and executive branches.


From your study of the Supreme Court under the leadership of Chief Justice John Marshall, identify two cases that strengthened the power of the Supreme Court.

For each case identified:

 Discuss the facts of the case.

 Describe the court’s decision.

 Explain how the decision strengthened the power of the Supreme Court and the federal government

Suggestions: You may use cased decided during the Marshall Court era. Some suggestions you might wish to consider are Marbury v. Madison (1803), McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), and Gibbons v. Ogden (1824).

You are not limited to these suggestions.

Notes before Writing:

First Case: ______Second Case: ______ 

 

 

The Essay:

Introduction: ______

Body Paragraph #1: ______Body Paragraph #2: ______

Conclusion: ______

1. Which geographic factor most helped 5. Acquiring New Orleans as part of the the United States maintain its foreign Louisiana Purchase was considered policy of neutrality during much of important to the development of the the 1800s? Mississippi and Ohio River valleys (1) climate of the Great Plains because the city (2) oceans on its east and west coasts (1) provided protection from attacks (3) large network of navigable rivers by the Spanish (4) mountain ranges near the (2) provided migrant workers for Atlantic and Pacific coasts river valley farms (3) served as a port for American 2. A major criticism of the Articles of agricultural goods Confederation was that too much (4) served as the cultural center for power had been given to the the nation (1) British monarchy (2) House of Burgesses 6. The Mayflower Compact and the (3) state governments Virginia House of Burgesses are (4) national government examples of (1) equal opportunities for women 3. Which action can be taken by the during the colonial period United States Supreme Court to (2) steps toward representative illustrate the concept that the government Constitution is “the supreme law of (3) economic agreements between the the land”? colonists and Native American (1) hiring new federal judges Indians (2) voting articles of impeachment (4) limitations placed on colonial (3) declaring a state law Americans by the British unconstitutional government (4) rejecting a presidential nomination to the cabinet 7. One similarity between the Declaration of Independence and the 4. In the early 1800s, the Mississippi Bill of Rights is that both documents River was important to the United (1) provide for a government with States because it three separate branches (1) served as a major highway for (2) discuss colonial grievances trade against the monarchy (2) led to wars between Great Britain (3) stress the importance of and Spain individual liberty (3) divided the Indian territories (4) criticize the practice of slavery from the United States (4) served as a border between the United States and Mexico

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