In Charge of Services: Dwight Dearth

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In Charge of Services: Dwight Dearth

THOSE SERVING TODAY Elders GOD'S PLAN FOR SALVATION Jeff Allen 740-432-7571 In Charge of Servers At The Table Brent Fisher 740-425-2729 Services: Dwight HEAR THE GOSPEL Brad Wilson 740-425-1004 Dearth  Romans 10:17 Song Leader: Brad Wilson 1. Charles Sells John 8:32 Deacons Prayer: Tim Powell 2. Frank Brock Jim Andrews 740-425-3365 BELIEVE THE GOSPEL Lords Table: Jim 3. Bill Davis Carl Foster 740-484-4260 Andrews 4. Tim Shaw Mark 16:16 Acts 8:37 Terry McCort 740-425-3130 A.M./P.M. Andy Sellers 740-213-5987 Scripture: Harold REPENT OF SINS Dailey Acts 2:38 Minister Speaker Today: Val Acts 17:30-31 Val Roxby 740-310-7664 Roxby CONFESS CHRIST Wed. Eve. Pulpit Mission Fields Announcements: D. 1…2..Table..3…4 Matthew 10:32-33 Romans 10:9-10 Ghana - Ted Wheeler Dearth Ukraine - Jim Orrison Wed. Eve. Song BE BAPTIZED – IMMERSED Costa Rica - Phil Grear Leader: Brad Wilson Acts 2:38 Honduras - Dan Doak Usher Romans 6:3-5 Mid-Western Children’s Home Don Grear Potter Children’s Home In Search of the Lord’s Way REGISTER OF ATTENDANCE AND OFFERINGFERING Bible Study Morning Evening Wednesday Offering Last Week 43 70 39 38 $1,827.93 ><>><> Please check the bulletin board for further announcements <><<>< East Main CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday - July 9, 2017 Issue 28 ‘WHEN GOD IS OUR PARTNER’ (Romans 8:31)

The Genesis record gives us the story of Jacob’s attempt to overcome the ‘sharp’ business practices of his father-in-law, Laban (Gen.30). When Jacob announces his intention to return to his homeland, Laban entices him to stay by offering to pay Jacob whatever he asks for in wages. The ‘labor contract’ stipulates that Jacob gets to keep all the speckled, spotted, and brown livestock born into Laban’s herds. Laban quickly removes all the animals from the herds that manifest these markings giving them to his sons. He further ‘stacks the deck’ by putting three days journey between himself and those animals that Jacob is tending (Gen.30: 35, 36). None of this prevents Jacob from becoming exceedingly prosperous. It was in God’s plan to bless Jacob. The Angel of God spoke to him in a dream, “Lift up your eyes now and see, all the rams which leap on the flocks are streaked, speckled, and gray-spotted; for I

a have seen all that Laban is doing to you” (Gen.30: 12). 329 East South Street  Barnesville, Ohio 43713 Often it seems as though those who are not God’s people go out of Church and Office 740-425-2397 their way to keep us ‘down’. It can be discouraging if we live in the Schedule of Services moment and fail to remember that God is our Father. Sunday AM Bible Study 9:30 However, we walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor.5: 7). Sunday AM Worship 10:30 PM Worship 6:00 Paul assures us through the Holy Spirit that “All things work together Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 for good to those who love the Lord, who are the called according to Good Morning and Welcome! We are especially glad for our visitors His purpose” (Rom.8: 28). That which others do to bring us harm can who have chosen to worship with us today. It is our hope that you will be used by the Almighty to bring us blessing. feel welcome in our assembly and be uplifted by the service. Please It remains for us to be motivated in our actions (despite what fill out a visitor card and pass it to the center aisle or put it in the others may do) by “whatever things are true, whatever things are collection basket. noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever Our e-mail address: [email protected] things are lovely, (and) whatever things are of good report” (Phil.4:8). Visit us on the web at: Val IN SEARCH OF THE LORD’S WAY WTRF-TV Reprinted from April 13, 2016 SUNDAY MORNING AT 7:30 AM

Please turn off cell phones and pagers. Thank You!

EAST MAIN CHURCH OF CHRIST THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYER Sunday - July 9, 2017 Issue 28 " prayer and supplication, ..., let your requests be known to God" Phil 4:6 BARB McCORT is home recuperating from her recent bout with pneumonia. TONY MACKEY was at Beckett House for treatment for an infection. He was to be back in Barnesville yesterday. FREDDIE WELLS remains in Emerald Pointe room 106. He is over the pneumonia and is in therapy to build strength and mobility. He welcomes cards and visitors. JOHN G CARPENTER was a little bit better last week. He is getting up and moving around a little better with a walker and trying to build strength in his leg and arms. He welcomes cards and visitors. CARL FOSTER remains in Emerald Pointe for some rehab. He is in room 114 and welcomes visitors and cards. PATTY REYNOLDS is about the same this week. ANGIE WIGGINS has asked for our prayers as she is experiencing some health problems at this time. Her mother, Sandy Morris, is not doing well at this time and Angie asked for prayers for her also. CASSIE GILFERT, Jita Knox's friend, had surgery to repair a hernia last week at OVMC. She may be home by now and her address is posted on the bulletin as she welcomes cards and notes. She said to tell all the church Thank You for the prayers of concern on her behalf.

NEWS-N-NOTES "And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus..." Col 3:17

Emerald Point and Astoria Place afternoon services will be at 2:30pm and 3:30 pm respectively, today. Song Practice this evening after a sermonette. Care Group #2 will meet this evening after services. East Main will be hosting our annual Friday Night Sing August 4th beginning at 7pm. We will sing for about 1½ hours and ten enjoy light refreshments. Plan now to be part of a joyful evening praising God! Welcome Back Val & Juanita! We missed you and hope you had a good trip to Idaho and back! Birthdays This Week: Don Grear, 15th. Anniversaries This Week: Andy and Amanda Sellers, today; Happy Birthday/Anniversary to All!

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