North Town Primary School s2

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North Town Primary School s2

North Town Primary School

A guide to the curriculum for Parents/Carers of children in Year 4 Second half of Summer Term 2017

The Arts Topic Our topic for this half term will focus on the Arts, with activities based around the whole school theme of Water. The children will be exploring instruments and comparing music written with an influence from Water. They will also be colour mixing powder paints and experiencing silk painting. We will be imitating Hokusia’s ‘The Great Wave’ in clay and Modroc. Writing - In our writing lessons we will be continuing to expand our skills in writing and will be focusing on writing narratives using the art work we are looking at as a stimulus. We will also be looking at poetry and song writing. We will be further developing and showcasing the skills we have been learning throughout the year.

Reading – The children will continue to have daily guided reading sessions working on developing their reading and comprehension skills while exploring a variety of texts. Please continue to encourage your child to use Bug Club and read at home. English Spelling - Daily spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons continue to equip children with the skills needed to progress in writing, as well as supporting them with their Spelling Log homework.

Library – Library sessions will continue to be on a Friday afternoon.

We will continue to have a focus on number looking at addition, multiplication, subtraction and division. We will also focus on fractions, decimals and a range of reasoning and problem solving tasks. We will revisit shape, space and measures and algebra. Mathematics Times Table Challenge - Children will continue to be tested weekly on their progression within the times table challenge. This half term we will be focusing on Sound and States of Matter. Both these topics will be revised and elements link well to our Arts focus this term.

Science This half term we will be continuing to look at coding using Espresso coding, using the internet for research and internet safety. Computing Art As outlined above we will be exploring colour mixing with powder paints so it will be beneficial for the children to have access to their own painting apron or oversized T-shirt/shirt to protect their school uniform.

This was a focus earlier in the year.

Geography This was a focus earlier in the year.

History We move on from describing places in towns to give directions for places in Taunton, testing the children’s local knowledge & using new verbs. Old Spanish Languagenut has this vocab in section 15. New languagenut has a search function or you can look at topics. If you need to be reminded of your logon access or password for this do not hesitate to contact me or the class teacher. As a main focus this term we will be listening to many pieces of music that have a link to Water and will be exploring instruments that can create ‘watery’ sounds. Music #realgym with Mr Templeton on Wednesdays

Physical Education The theme for the half term will be ‘Apparatus Sequences’. The skills focus for the half term will be ‘travel and balance using apparatus’. The children will be working on performing simple sequences with control and linking movements with quality.

#realPE with Mrs Purchase (4MP) / Mrs Lawrence (4HL) on Thursdays

This half term the focus in Physical Education sessions will be health and fitness. The children will have the opportunity to apply their skills through co-operative and competitive games.

The two main areas for our fundamental movement skills development will be static balance focusing on small base balance and agility focusing on ball chasing.

In PSHE our focus will be a unit called Changing Me. The focus aims to give children an understanding of different types of change, positive and negative, and equip them to manage their feelings. As part of this unit the children will take part PSHE&C in lessons focusing on SRE (a separate letter and parent’s/ carer’s information session were provided for more details of this). If you require further information please see your child’s class teacher/s. This term we will continue to learn about Pilgrimage and think about the special reasons why people go on pilgrimage and how they choose to remember their RE special journey. Topic & maths homework - The children will continue to receive termly homework with a topic focus. A reminder that there are also MyMaths tasks in the children’s MyMaths accounts – details of Logins in their Reading Records.

Spelling Log - Please continue to support your child with their spelling log that they will be bringing home weekly, they will continue to receive support in school Homework with this in their daily SPaG lessons. Please ensure that your child brings in this spelling homework every Friday. They will also be tested on their spellings on a Friday.

This half term the children will be learning about the following rights through our topic sessions:

Article 28 – Every child has the right to an education. Wealthier countries must help poorer countries achieve this. Children’s Rights Article 29 - Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. Events Monday 5th June Mufti – (donations of chocolate) The week of the 5th June – Whole School Health Week Tuesday 6th June – Yr3/4 Sports Day (1.30 – 3.00) French Weir – we will need volunteers to help score for the group they’d like to travel around activities with. Thursday 8th June Polling Day – School Closed The week of the 12th June – Visit to Goodlands Gardens – we will need volunteers to come with us. Wednesday 28th June – Orienteering festival at Norton Manor Camp- we will need volunteers to come with us. Thursday 29th June – Open Morning The week of the 3rd July – Arts Week Thursday 6th July - Talent Show – (auditions in class) Friday 7th July – Reports go home Wednesday 12th July - Parents and Carers are invited into class to share our learning at 8:30am Thursday 20th July - Leavers Service Friday 21st July – last day of term

You can keep up to date with all our learning by following us on Twitter @NorthTown4MP and @NorthTown4HL

Thank you for your support this year. If you have any questions please pop in to see us.

Many thanks, Mrs Heywood & Mrs Lawrence 4HL, Mrs Monk & Mrs Purchase 4MP (Class teachers) and Mrs Linegar, Mrs Tidmarsh, Mrs Marr, Mrs Waterton & Mrs Duke (Teaching Assistants)

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