Sshrapplication Setup Document

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Sshrapplication Setup Document


Creation Date: 06-Dec-2006 Last Updated: 06-Dec-2006 Control Ref: FT/SSHR/BR100-v1.0 Version: v1.0

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 1 1 1 四月 2010 Document Control


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06-Dec-2006 Susan Miller Self Service HRMS Implementation

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06-Dec-2006 Susan Miller V1.0 No previous document


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06-Dec-2006 V1.0

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 2 2 1 四月 2010 Approvals

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04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 4 4 1 四月 2010 Contents

Document Control...... 2

1. Responsibilities...... 7

2. System Profile Values...... 10

3. Define Menus...... 12

3. Define Functions...... 22

4. Security Profiles...... 33

5. Information Types Security...... 35

6. Personalization...... 36 Header Level Personalization...... 36 Personal Information...... 37 View Special Information Personalization...... 43 Employee Sickness Proof Details...... 45 Employee Associations...... 46 Programming Proficiency...... 48 Contact Sickness Proof Details...... 49 Personal Information (Manager Self Service)...... 50 Education and Qualifications (Manager Self Service)...... 54 Employee Sickness Proof Details (Manager Self Service)...... 55 7. Messages...... 57

8. Workflow Configuration...... 63

9. Workflow Error Process...... 64

9. Define Email Address...... 65

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 5 5 1 四月 2010 10. Workflow Cleanup Process...... 66

11. Enterprise Branding...... 67

12. Bulk User Creation...... 68

13. Approvals Setup...... 69

Open/Closed Issues...... 70 Open Issues...... 70 Closed Issues...... 70

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 6 6 1 四月 2010 1. Responsibilities

Description: Use the Define Responsibility window to define responsibilities.. Each application user is assigned at least one responsibility. Responsibility determines if the user accesses Oracle Applications or Oracle Self-Service Web Applications, which applications functions a user can use, which reports and concurrent programs the user can run, and which data those reports and concurrent programs can access. SSHR is supplied with predefined responsibilities, however, it is recommended to create own responsibilities based on the seeded responsibilities.

System Administrator > Responsibilities

FT Employee Self-Service Responsibility Name

Human Resources Application

FT_EMP_SSHR Responsibility Key

Standard Data Group

FT Employee Self Service Menu Name

Request Group Name

Menu Exclusions

Type Name Description

Function FT Consulting Staff Personal Information Personal Information

FT Manager Self-Service Responsibility Name

Human Resources Application

FT_LINE_MANAGER_SSHR Responsibility Key

Standard Data Group

FT Manager Self Service Menu Name

Request Group Name

FT HR Professional Responsibility Name

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 7 7 1 四月 2010 Human Resources Application


Standard Data Group

FT HR Professional Menu Name

Request Group Name

FT HR Manager Self-Service Responsibility Name

Human Resources Application

FT_HR_MANAGER_HRS_SSHR Responsibility Key

Standard Data Group

FT HR Manager Self Service Menu Name

Request Group Name

FT Consulting Staff Self-Service Responsibility Name

Human Resources Application


Standard Data Group

FT Employee Self Service Menu Name

Request Group Name

Menu Exclusions

Type Name Description

Function FT Personal Personal Information Information Function FT Leave of Absence Leave of Absence

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 8 8 1 四月 2010 04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 9 9 1 四月 2010 2. System Profile Values

Description: Profile options specify how SSHR controls access to and processes data. In general, profile options can be set at one or more of the following levels: site, application, responsibility, and user.

System Administrator > Profile > System

Profile Name Value Default Site Application Responsibility User

Yes No HR: Self Service HR Licensed √

No Yes HR:Defer Update After Approval √

Yes No Human Resources AME:Installed

No No HR:Cross Business Group √

Yes No Yes Yes FND: Personalization Region Link √ Enabled

No No Disable Self-Service Personal √

FocusThread FT Employee Self- HR:Business Group Service FocusThread FT Employee Self- HR: Security Profile Service FocusThread FT Manager Self- HR:Business Group Service FT SSHR Supervisor FT Manager Self- HR: Security Profile Security Service FT Personal Actions FT Employee Self- HR:Personal Actions Menu Menu Service FT Manager Actions FT Manager Self- HR:Manager Actions Menu Menu Service FocusThread FT HR Professional HR: Security Profile

FocusThread FT HR Professional HR:Business Group

FocusThread FT Consulting Staff HR: Security Profile Self-Service 04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 10 10 1 四月 2010 Profile Name Value Default Site Application Responsibility User

FocusThread FT Consulting Staff HR:Business Group Self-Service

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 11 11 1 四月 2010 3. Define Menus

Description: User menus group together a number of functions. SSHR includes predefined menus for employees, managers, and system administrators, but it is recommend to create own user menus using the seeded menus as a basis. To create user menus, use the Menu window.

Application Developer > Application > Menu


Global Self Service Functions Custom User Menu Name

Menu Type

Global Self Service Functions - Available Menu Description for all legislations Custom Functions

Seq Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant

10 FT Personal Information √ 20 FT Professional Details √ 30 FT Special Information √ Types 40 FT Contact Extra √ Information 50 FT Change Cost Center, √ Location and Manager 60 FT Transfer √ 70 FT Worker Status Change √ 80 FT Leave of Absence √ 90 FT View Special √ Information Types 100 FT Sickness Proof Special √ Information Types 110 FT Associations Special √ Information Types 120 FT Programming Special √ Information Types 130 FT View Contact Extra √ Information 140 FT Sickness Proof √ Contact Extra 04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 12 12 1 四月 2010 Seq Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant

Information 150 FT Consulting Staff √ Personal Information


FT Employees Menu User Menu Name

Menu Type

Menu for employee related functions Menu Description


Seq Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant

10 Hierarchy Tree View √ 20 My List My List √ 30 Search Person Search √


FT Employee Self Service User Menu Name

Standard Menu Type

Menu Description


Seq Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant

10 All Actions Awaiting Your FT Halted Actions √ Attention 20 Personal Actions FT Personal Actions √ 30 FT Employee Enter √ Process Menu 40 FT Personal Actions Menu √ 50 Personal Information FT Personal Information √

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 13 13 1 四月 2010 Seq Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant

55 Personal Information FT Consulting Staff √ Personal Information 60 Professional Details FT Professional Details √ 70 Special Information FT Special Information √ Types 80 Contact Extra FT Contact Extra √ Information Information 90 My Information FT My Information √ 110 FT My Information Delivers My Information √ Functions Menu functions 120 Leave of Absence FT Leave of Absence √ 130 View Special/Other FT View Special √ Information Information Types 140 Employee Sickness Proof FT Sickness Proof Special √ Details Information Types 150 Employee Associations FT Associations Special √ Information Types 160 Language Proficiency FT Programming Special √ Information Types 170 View Contact Extra FT View Contact Extra √ Information Information 180 Contact Sickness Proof FT Sickness Proof √ Extra Information Contact Extra Information


FT Employee Enter Process Menu User Menu Name

Menu Type

Employee Menu Menu Description

Seq Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant

10 My Actions FT Personal Actions √

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 14 14 1 四月 2010 XXFT_HR_LINE_MANAGER_FUNCTIONS Menu

FT Manager Actions Menu User Menu Name

Menu Type

Manager actions that can be performed Menu Description on an Employee. Functions

Seq Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant

10 Personal Information FT Personal Information √ 20 Education and FT Qualification √ Qualifications 30 Resume FT Resume √ 40 Special Information FT Special Information √ Types 50 Contact Extra FT Contact Extra √ Information Information


FT Manager Self Service User Menu Name

Standard Menu Type

Menu Description


Seq Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant

10 All Actions Awaiting Your FT Halted Actions Mgr √ Attention 20 Manager Actions FT Manager Actions Tree √ View 30 FT Manager Enter Manager Enter Process √ Process Menu Menu 40 FT Manager Actions Menu Manager Actions Menu √ 50 FT Personal Actions Menu Personal Actions Menu √ 60 Personal Information FT Personal Information √ Mgr 04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 15 15 1 四月 2010 70 HR Manager Self Service Manager Self Service √ Pages Pages 80 Professional Details FT Manager Professional √ Details 90 Special Information FT Special Information √ Types Mgr 100 Contact Extra FT Contact Extra √ Information Information Mgr 110 My Employee Information FT My Employee √ Information 120 FT My Employee Delivers My Employee √ Information Functions Information functions Menu 130 Leave of Absence FT Leave of Absence Mgr √ 140 View Special/Other FT View Special √ Information Information Types Mgr 150 Employee Sickness Proof FT Sickness Proof Special √ Details Information Types Mgr 160 Employee Associations FT Associations Special √ Information Types Mgr 170 Language Proficiency FT Programming Special √ Information Types Mgr 180 View Contact Extra FT View Contact Extra √ Information Information Mgr 190 Contact Sickness Proof FT Sickness Proof √ Extra Information Contact Extra Information Mgr


FT Personal Actions Menu User Menu Name

Menu Type

Personal actions that can be performed Menu Description on an Employee. Functions

Seq Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant

10 Personal Information FT Personal Information √ 20 Education and FT Qualification √ Qualifications 04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 16 16 1 四月 2010 30 Resume FT Resume √ 40 Special Information FT Special Information √ Types 50 Contact Extra FT Contact Extra √ Information Information


FT Manager Enter Process Menu User Menu Name

Standard Menu Type

Menu Description


Seq Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant

10 Employees FT Employees Menu √ 20 Employee Actions Manager Actions √


FT Professional Details User Menu Name

Menu Type

Professional Details Menu Description


Seq Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant

10 Education and FT Qualification √ Qualifications 20 Resume FT Resume √


04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 17 17 1 四月 2010 FT Manager Professional Details User Menu Name

Standard Menu Type

Professional Details Menu Description


Seq Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant

10 Education and FT Qualification Mgr √ Qualifications 20 Resume FT Resume Mgr √


FT HR Professional User Menu Name

Standard Menu Type

Menu Description


Seq Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant

10 HR Views FT HR Views Person √ Search Initial Screen 20 HR Views Menu √ 30 SSHR hierarchy and √ search functions


FT My Information Views Sub Tab Menu User Menu Name

Standard Menu Type

Menu used for controlling sub tabs in My Menu Description Information Views Functions 04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 18 18 1 四月 2010 Seq Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant

10 Employment Employment Tab Employment Tab √ 20 Salary Salary Salary √ 30 Performance Performance Tab Performance Tab 40 Training Training Tab Training Tab √ 50 Absence Absence Tab Absence Tab √ 60 Job Applications Application Tab Application Tab √


FT My Information Functions Menu User Menu Name

Standard Menu Type

Menu for delivering My Information Menu Description functions Functions

Seq Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant

10 FT My Information My Information: Person √ Details 20 FT My Information Views √ Sub Tab Menu 30 Salary Details My Information: Salary √ Details


FT My Employee Information Views Sub User Menu Name Tab Menu Standard Menu Type

Menu used for controlling sub tabs in My Menu Description Employee Information Views Functions

Seq Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 19 19 1 四月 2010 10 Employment Employment Tab Employment Tab √ 20 Salary Salary Salary √ 30 Performance Performance Tab Performance Tab 40 Training Training Tab Training Tab √ 50 Absence Absence Tab Absence Tab √ 60 Job Applications Application Tab Application Tab √


FT My Employee Information Functions User Menu Name Menu Standard Menu Type

Menu for delivering My Employee Menu Description Information functions Functions

Seq Prompt Submenu Function Description Grant

10 Simple Search Simple Search √ 20 Advanced Search Advanced Search √ 30 My List My List √ 40 FT My Employee My Employee Information √ Information 50 Person Details My Employee √ Information: Person Details 60 FT My Employee √ Information Views Sub Tab Menu 70 FT My Information √ Functions Menu 80 Salary Details My Employee √ Information: Salary Details

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 20 20 1 四月 2010 04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 21 21 1 四月 2010 3. Define Functions

Description: A function is a part of an application's functionality that is registered under a unique name for the purpose of assigning it to, or excluding it from, a responsibility. The Employee Self Service menu contains the functions that employees can perform on their own records, for example, the Personal Details function. The Manager Self-Service menu contains the same functions as the employee menu plus additional functions that the manager can carry out for the employees for whom they are responsible.

Application Developer > Application > Function


FT Contact Extra Information Mgr User Function Name

Contact Extra Information Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pCalledFrom=XXFT_HR_CEI_SS&addBreadCrumb=Y Parameters

OA.jsp?akRegionCode=HR_PERSON_TREE_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800 HTML Call


FT Contact Extra Information User Function Name

Contact Extra Information Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pAMETranType=SSHRMS&pAMEAppId=800&pProcessName=HR_CEI_JSP_PRC&pI Parameters temType=HRSSA&pCalledFrom=XXFT_HR_CEI_SS&pPersonID=&pFromMenu=Y OA.jsp? HTML Call akRegionCode=HR_CREATE_PROCESS_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800&OA Func=XXFT_HR_CEI_SS


FT Halted Actions Mgr User Function Name

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 22 22 1 四月 2010 Halted Actions Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pMode=LMDA Parameters

OA.jsp? HTML Call akRegionCode=HR_PROCESS_MY_REJECT_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800


FT Halted Actions User Function Name

Halted Actions Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pMode=EDA&pFromMenu=Y Parameters

OA.jsp? HTML Call akRegionCode=HR_PROCESS_MY_SUS_EDA_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=80 0


FT Personal Information Mgr User Function Name

Personal Information Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pCalledFrom=XXFT_HR_PERINFO_SS&addBreadCrumb=Y Parameters

OA.jsp?akRegionCode=HR_PERSON_TREE_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800 HTML Call


FT Personal Information User Function Name

Personal Information Description

SSWA jsp function Type

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 23 23 1 四月 2010 pAMETranType=SSHRMS&pAMEAppId=800&pProcessName=HR_PERSONAL_INFO Parameters _JSP_PRC&pItemType=HRSSA&pCalledFrom=XXFT_HR_PERINFO_SS&pPersonID =&pFromMenu=Y OA.jsp? HTML Call akRegionCode=HR_CREATE_PROCESS_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800&OA Func=XXFT_HR_PERINFO_SS


FT Personal Actions User Function Name

Personal Actions Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pAssignmentID=&pPersonID= Parameters

OA.jsp? HTML Call akRegionCode=HR_PERSONAL_PROCESS_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800


FT Manager Actions Tree View User Function Name

Manager Actions Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pDestination=HR_ACTIONS_SS&pCalledFrom=&addBreadCrumb=Y Parameters

OA.jsp?akRegionCode=HR_PERSON_TREE_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800 HTML Call


FT Qualification Mgr User Function Name

Education and Qualifications Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pCalledFrom=XXFT_HR_QUALIFICATION_SS&addBreadCrumb=Y Parameters

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 24 24 1 四月 2010 OA.jsp?akRegionCode=HR_PERSON_TREE_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800 HTML Call


FT Qualification User Function Name

Education and Qualifications Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pAMETranType=SSHRMS&pAMEAppId=800&pProcessName=HR_QUALIFICATION Parameters _JSP_PRC&pCalledFrom=XXFT_HR_QUALIFICATION_SS&pItemType=HRSSA&pCa lledFrom=HR_QUALIFICATION_SS&pPersonID=&pFromMenu=Y OA.jsp? HTML Call akRegionCode=HR_CREATE_PROCESS_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800&OA Func=XXFT_HR_QUALIFICATION_SS


FT Resume Mgr User Function Name

Resume Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pCalledFrom=XXFT_HR_RESUME_SS&addBreadCrumb=Y Parameters

OA.jsp?akRegionCode=HR_PERSON_TREE_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800 HTML Call


FT Resume User Function Name

Resume Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pCalledFrom=XXFT_HR_RESUME_SS&pPersonID=&pFromMenu=Y Parameters

OA.jsp?akRegionCode=HR_RESUME_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800 HTML Call

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 25 25 1 四月 2010 XXFT_HR_SIT_MGR_SS Function

FT Special Information Types Mgr User Function Name

Special Information Types Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pCalledFrom=XXFT_HR_SIT_SS&addBreadCrumb=Y Parameters

OA.jsp?akRegionCode=HR_PERSON_TREE_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800 HTML Call


FT Special Information Types User Function Name

Special Information Types Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pAMETranType=SSHRMS&pAMEAppId=800&pProcessName=HR_SIT_JSP_PRC&pI Parameters temType=HRSSA&pCalledFrom=XXFT_HR_SIT_SS&pPersonID=&pFromMenu=Y OA.jsp? HTML Call akRegionCode=HR_CREATE_PROCESS_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800&OA Func=XXFT_HR_SIT_SS


FT Proxy Page User Function Name

Employee Directory Proxy Page Description

SSWA jsp function Type


OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/per/selfservice/empdir/webui/EmpDirProxyPG HTML Call


04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 26 26 1 四月 2010 FT My Information User Function Name

My Information: Person Details Description

SSWA jsp function Type


OA.jsp? HTML Call page=/oracle/apps/per/selfservice/mgrviews/webui/EmployeeViewsPG&akRegion ApplicationId=800&OAFunc=XXFT_HR_EMP_VIEWS_SS


FT My Employee Information User Function Name

My Employee Information: Overview Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pCalledFrom=&pDestination=HR_ACTIONS_SS&pManagerEnabled=N&addBreadC Parameters rumb=Y OA.jsp? HTML Call page=/oracle/apps/per/selfservice/mgrviews/webui/ManagerViewsPG&OAFunc=X XFT_HR_MGR_VIEWS_SS


FT HR Views Person Search Initial Screen User Function Name

Search module for HR Views Description

SSWA jsp function Type


OA.jsp? HTML Call akRegionCode=HR_SUPER_PERSON_SEARCH_TOP1_SS&akRegionApplicationId= 800&pViewMenu=HR_VIEWS&pDestination=


04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 27 27 1 四月 2010 FT Leave of Absence User Function Name

Leave of Absence Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pAMETranType=SSHRMS&pAMEAppId=800&pProcessName=HR_LOA_JSP_PRC&p Parameters ItemType=HRSSA&pCalledFrom=XXFT_HR_LOA_SS&pPersonID=&pFromMenu=Y OA.jsp? HTML Call akRegionCode=HR_CREATE_PROCESS_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800&OA Func=XXFT_HR_LOA_SS


FT Leave of Absence Mgr User Function Name

Leave of Absence Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pCalledFrom=XXFT_HR_LOA_SS&addBreadCrumb=Y Parameters

OA.jsp?akRegionCode=HR_PERSON_TREE_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800 HTML Call


FT View Special Information Types User Function Name

Special Information Types Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pAMETranType=SSHRMS&pAMEAppId=800&pProcessName=HR_SIT_JSP_PRC&pI Parameters temType=HRSSA&pCalledFrom=XXFT_VIEW_HR_SIT_SS&pPersonID=&pFromMe nu=Y OA.jsp? HTML Call akRegionCode=HR_CREATE_PROCESS_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800&OA Func=XXFT_VIEW_HR_SIT_SS


04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 28 28 1 四月 2010 FT View Special Information Types Mgr User Function Name

Special Information Types Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pCalledFrom=XXFT_VIEW_HR_SIT_SS&addBreadCrumb=Y Parameters

OA.jsp?akRegionCode=HR_PERSON_TREE_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800 HTML Call


FT Sickness Proof Special Information Types User Function Name

Special Information Types Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pAMETranType=SSHRMS&pAMEAppId=800&pProcessName=HR_SIT_JSP_PRC&pI Parameters temType=HRSSA&pCalledFrom=XXFT_PP_HR_SIT_SS&pPersonID=&pFromMenu =Y OA.jsp? HTML Call akRegionCode=HR_CREATE_PROCESS_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800&OA Func=XXFT_PP_HR_SIT_SS


FT Sickness Proof Special Information Types Mgr User Function Name

Special Information Types Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pCalledFrom=XXFT_PP_HR_SIT_SS&addBreadCrumb=Y Parameters

OA.jsp?akRegionCode=HR_PERSON_TREE_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800 HTML Call


04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 29 29 1 四月 2010 FT Associations Special Information Types User Function Name

Special Information Types Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pAMETranType=SSHRMS&pAMEAppId=800&pProcessName=HR_SIT_JSP_PRC&pI Parameters temType=HRSSA&pCalledFrom=XXFT_ASS_HR_SIT_SS&pPersonID=&pFromMen u=Y OA.jsp? HTML Call akRegionCode=HR_CREATE_PROCESS_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800&OA Func=XXFT_ASS_HR_SIT_SS


FT Associations Special Information Types Mgr User Function Name

Special Information Types Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pCalledFrom=XXFT_ASS_HR_SIT_SS&addBreadCrumb=Y Parameters

OA.jsp?akRegionCode=HR_PERSON_TREE_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800 HTML Call


FT Programming Special Information Types User Function Name

Special Information Types Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pAMETranType=SSHRMS&pAMEAppId=800&pProcessName=HR_SIT_JSP_PRC&pI Parameters temType=HRSSA&pCalledFrom=XXFT_LAN_HR_SIT_SS&pPersonID=&pFromMen u=Y OA.jsp? HTML Call akRegionCode=HR_CREATE_PROCESS_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800&OA Func=XXFT_LAN_HR_SIT_SS


04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 30 30 1 四月 2010 FT Programming Special Information Types Mgr User Function Name

Special Information Types Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pCalledFrom=XXFT_LAN_HR_SIT_SS&addBreadCrumb=Y Parameters

OA.jsp?akRegionCode=HR_PERSON_TREE_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800 HTML Call


FT View Contact Extra Information User Function Name

Contact Extra Information Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pAMETranType=SSHRMS&pAMEAppId=800&pProcessName=HR_CEI_JSP_PRC&pI Parameters temType=HRSSA&pCalledFrom=XXFT_VIEW_HR_CEI_SS&pPersonID=&pFromMe nu=Y OA.jsp? HTML Call akRegionCode=HR_CREATE_PROCESS_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800&OA Func=XXFT_VIEW_HR_CEI_SS


FT View Contact Extra Information Mgr User Function Name

Contact Extra Information Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pCalledFrom=XXFT_VIEW_HR_CEI_SS&addBreadCrumb=Y Parameters

OA.jsp?akRegionCode=HR_PERSON_TREE_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800 HTML Call


FT Sickness Proof Contact Extra Information User Function Name

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 31 31 1 四月 2010 Contact Extra Information Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pAMETranType=SSHRMS&pAMEAppId=800&pProcessName=HR_CEI_JSP_PRC&pI Parameters temType=HRSSA&pCalledFrom=XXFT_PP_HR_CEI_SS&pPersonID=&pFromMenu =Y OA.jsp? HTML Call akRegionCode=HR_CREATE_PROCESS_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800&OA Func=XXFT_PP_HR_CEI_SS


FT Sickness Proof Contact Extra Information Mgr User Function Name

Contact Extra Information Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pCalledFrom=XXFT_PP_HR_CEI_SS&addBreadCrumb=Y Parameters

OA.jsp?akRegionCode=HR_PERSON_TREE_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800 HTML Call


FT Consulting Staff Personal Information User Function Name

Personal Information Description

SSWA jsp function Type

pAMETranType=SSHRMS&pAMEAppId=800&pProcessName=XXFT_HR_PERSONA Parameters L_INFO_JSP_PRC&pItemType=HRSSA&pCalledFrom=XXFT_FC_HR_PERINFO_SS &pPersonID=&pFromMenu=Y OA.jsp? HTML Call akRegionCode=HR_CREATE_PROCESS_TOP_SS&akRegionApplicationId=800&OA Func=XXFT_FC_HR_PERINFO_SS

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 32 32 1 四月 2010 4. Security Profiles Description: SSHR uses security profiles to control a user’s access to person records. For example, a security profile can give a manager access to the records for all the employees and workers in the department.

HRMS Super User > Security > Profile

FT SSHR Supervisor Security Name

FocusThread Business Group

Restricted View Employees

Restricted View Employees

Restricted View Applicants

Restricted View Contacts

None View Candidates

Yes Allow Granted Users

Organization Security

Position Security

Payroll Security

Restrict By Supervisor (person-based) Supervisory Security


Custom Security

Static Lists

FT HRS Division Security Name

FocusThread Business Group

Restricted View Employees

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 33 33 1 四月 2010 Restricted View Employees

Restricted View Applicants

Restricted View Contacts

None View Candidates

Yes Allow Granted Users

Secure Organizations by Organization Organization Security hierarchy and/or organization list FT_Organization_Chart  Organization Hierarchy

Human Resources & Services  Specify Top Organization

Yes  Include Top Organization

Position Security

Payroll Security

Supervisory Security


Custom Security

Static Lists

Note: The remaining security profiles of other divisions will be created in the same way as above.

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 34 34 1 四月 2010 5. Information Types Security

Description: Use this form to attach Extra Information Types (EIT) to self service responsibilities

HRMS Super User > Security > Information Type Security

FT Employee Self-Service Responsibility

FT Manager Self-Service Responsibility

Code Name Legislation Table Name


04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 35 35 1 四月 2010 6. Personalization

Description: The Oracle Applications Personalization Framework, a component of the OA Framework, enables you to modify the appearance and behavior of self-service pages. You can customize your web pages in line with corporate standards and data requirements, and streamline your self-service process flows to reflect working practices.

Header Level Personalization

Employee Self Service > Personalize Region

Region: /oracle/apps/per/selfservice/common/webui/SummaryContainerRN Scope

FT Personal Information Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

FT Employee Self-Service Responsibility

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

PersonSummaryRN > Prompt Organization Email × × Email Address × × Organization Email Address Address PersonSummaryRN > Prompt Employee Number × × Staff Number × × Employee Number

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 36 36 1 四月 2010 Personal Information

Employee Self Service > Personal Information > Personalize Region Basic Details Region: Basic Details Scope

FT Personal Information Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

FT Employee Self-Service Responsibility

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

TableLayout > Social Prompt Social Security × × SSN Number × × Security Number Number TableLayout > Prompt Employee Number × × Staff Number × × Employee Number TableLayout > Prompt Organization Email × × Email Address × × Organization Email Address Address

Region: Basic Detail Update Name Entry Scope

FT Personal Information Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

FT Employee Self-Service Responsibility

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 37 37 1 四月 2010 Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Prefix Rendered True × × False × × Middle Name Prompt Middle Name × × Second Name × × Suffix Prompt Suffix × × Third Name × × First Name Tip Message Name × XXFT_HR_TIP_FIRST × × _NAME First Name Tip Type × × × longMessage × ×

Region: Basic Detail Update Other Entry Scope

FT Personal Information Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

FT Employee Self-Service Responsibility

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Town of Birth Rendered False × × True × × Country of Birth Rendered False × × True × × Nationality Rendered False × × True × × Blood Type Rendered False × × True × × Social Security Prompt Social Security × × SSN Number × × Number Number Organization Email Prompt Organization Email × × Email Address × × Address Address Flex: Add Per Details Segment List × × × FT_PER_DET|Bah SS × × F... No|OMAN SS No.|UAE SS No.|City of Recruitment Flex: Add Per Details Rendered False × × True × × F... Flex: Add Per Details Read Only False × × True × × F...

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 38 38 1 四月 2010 Main Address Region: Main Address Scope

FT Personal Information Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

FT Employee Self-Service Responsibility

Note: 1. Same personalization required in Overview Page, Correct Address page, Enter New Address Page and Review Page 2. “Main Address” title will be replaced with “Base of Employment Address” in all self service pages

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Flex: Address Segment List × × × BH|House/Flat| × × Description Building|Road|Block| Area|P.O. Box| Country Default Single Text × × × Base of Employment × × Column: Main Address Address Static Styled Text: Message Name × × × XXFT_HR_INST_NEW × × Hrnewhireaddressinst _HIRE_ADDRESS Static Styled Text: Message Name × × × XXFT_HR_INST_MAIN × × Hraddressnewchginst _NEW_CHG_ADD

Other Address Region: Other Address Scope

FT Personal Information Function

United States Location

Include Site

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 39 39 1 四月 2010 FocusThread Organization

FT Employee Self-Service Responsibility

Note: “Other Address” in all self service pages will be replaced with “Home Country Address”

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Default Single Text × × × Home Country × × Column: Other Address Address Static Styled Text: Message Name × × × XXFT_HR_INST_SCN × × Hraddressnewchginst D_NEW_CHG_ADD

Territory Address Region: Other Address Scope

FT Personal Information Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

FT Employee Self-Service Responsibility

Note: This region personalization is to remove the territory address

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Default Single Column: Rendered True × × False × × Other Address

Emergency Contacts Region: Emergency Contacts Scope

FT Personal Information Function

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 40 40 1 四月 2010 United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

FT Employee Self-Service Responsibility

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Default Single Text Emergency Contacts × × Emergency × × Column: Emergency Contacts/Next of Kin Contacts

Region: Dependents And Beneficiaries Scope

FT Personal Information Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

FT Employee Self-Service Responsibility

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Default Single Text Dependents And × × Dependents × × Column: Dependents Beneficiaries And Beneficiaries Message Text Input: Prompt Select Dependent × × Select Dependent: × × Select Dependent And Beneficiary: And Beneficiary:

Region: Contacts Selection Content Scope

FT Personal Information Function

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 41 41 1 四月 2010 United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

FT Employee Self-Service Responsibility

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Static Styled Text: Message Name HR_289382_CONT_S × × XXFT_HR_450000_CO × × (HrInstruction1) ELECT_TEXT NT_SELECT_TXT

Dependents and Beneficiaries Region: Dependents and Beneficiaries Scope

FT Personal Information Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

FT Employee Self-Service Responsibility

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Static Styled Text: Message Name HR_INST_CONT_EMR × × XXFT_HR_INS_CONT × × (HrInstruction) G_UPDATE_PAGE _EMRG_UPD_PAGE Static Styled Text: Message Name HR_INST_CONT_DPB × × XXFT_HR_INST_CON × × (HrInstruction2) EN_UPDATE_PAGE T_DEP_UPD_PAGE

Review and Confirm Region: /oracle/apps/per/selfservice/review/webui/ReviewRN.InstrRN Scope

FT Personal Information Function

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 42 42 1 四月 2010 United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

Responsibility FT Employee Self-Service

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Static Styled Text: Message Name HR_INST_REVIEW_F XXFT_HR_INST_REVI × × × × (MsgInstFormReg) ORM_REG EW_FORM_REG

View Special Information Personalization

Employee Self Service > View Special/Other Information > Personalize Region

Region: Special Information Type Scope

FT View Special Information Types Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

Responsibility FT Employee Self-Service

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 43 43 1 四月 2010 Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Switcher: Status > Segment List × FT_EMP_CONT_DET| × × × × Flex: Key flex for Sit Contract Type| Contract Start Date| Contract End Date| Remarks|| FT_Dsci_Act|Type of warning|Reason| Article No.|Date| Expiry Date|Action Taken| Remarks Flow Layout: Rendered True False × × × × (SitTableActions) >Submit Button: Add Single Selection: Rendered True False × × × × Check box to selection > Selection Button: Delete

Single Selection: Rendered True False × × × × Check box to selection > Selection Button: Update

Message Styled Text: Rendered True × × True × × Start Date Message Styled Text: Rendered True × × True × × End Date

Page: Oracle Self-Service Human Scope Resources: Special Information FT View Special Information Types Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

Responsibility FT Employee Self-Service

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 44 44 1 四月 2010 Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Page Button Bar: Rendered True False × × × × Navigation Bar > Submit Button: Cance&l Page Button Bar: Rendered True False × × × × Navigation Bar > Submit Button: Save For Later Page Button Bar: Rendered True False × × × × Navigation Bar > Submit Button: Ne&xt

Employee Sickness Proof Details

Employee Self Service > Employee Sickness Proof Details > Personalize Region

Region: Special Information Type Scope

FT Sickness Proof Special Information Types Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

Responsibility FT Employee Self-Service

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Switcher: Status > Segment List × FT_EMP_Pass_Det| × × × × Flex: Key flex for Sit Sickness Proof No.| Date of issue|Place of issue|Expiry Date| Remarks

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 45 45 1 四月 2010 Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Selection Button: Rendered True False × × × × Delete

Region: /oracle/apps/per/selfservice/review/webui/ReviewRN.InstrRN Scope

FT Sickness Proof Special Information Types Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

Responsibility FT Employee Self-Service

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Static Styled Text: Message Name HR_INST_REVIEW_F XXFT_HR_INST_REVI × × × × (MsgInstFormReg) ORM_REG EW_FORM_REG

Employee Associations

Employee Self Service > Employee Associations > Personalize Region

Region: Special Information Type Scope

FT Associations Special Information Types Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

Responsibility FT Employee Self-Service

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 46 46 1 四月 2010 Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Switcher: Status > Segment List × FT_Associations| × × × × Flex: Key flex for Sit Name|Position in associated body|Start Date|Expiry Date| Remarks Selection Button: Rendered True False × × × × Delete

Region: /oracle/apps/per/selfservice/review/webui/ReviewRN.InstrRN Scope

FT Associations Special Information Types Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

Responsibility FT Employee Self-Service

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Static Styled Text: Message Name HR_INST_REVIEW_F XXFT_HR_INST_REVI × × × × (MsgInstFormReg) ORM_REG EW_SUBMIT

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 47 47 1 四月 2010 Programming Proficiency

Employee Self Service > Programming Proficiency > Personalize Region

Region: Special Information Type Scope

FT Programming Special Information Types Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

FT Employee Self-Service Responsibility

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Switcher: Status > Segment List × FT_Language_Pro| × × × × Flex: Key flex for Sit Language|Read| Write|Speak|Mother Tongue|Remarks Selection Button: Rendered True False × × × ×

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 48 48 1 四月 2010 Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Delete Message Text Input: Rendered True × × True × × Start Date Message Text Input: Rendered True × × True × × End Date

Contact Sickness Proof Details

Employee Self Service > Contact Sickness Proof Details > Personalize Region

Region: Contact Extra Information Scope

FT Sickness Proof Contact Extra Information Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

Responsibility FT Employee Self-Service

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Selection Button: Rendered True False × × × × Delete

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 49 49 1 四月 2010 Region: /oracle/apps/per/selfservice/review/webui/ReviewRN.InstrRN Scope

FT Sickness Proof Contact Extra Information Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

Responsibility FT Employee Self-Service

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Static Styled Text: Message Name HR_INST_REVIEW_F XXFT_HR_INST_REVI × × × × (MsgInstFormReg) ORM_REG EW_FORM_REG

Personal Information (Manager Self Service)

Manager Self Service > Personal Information > Personalize Region Basic Details Region: Basic Details Scope

FT Personal Information Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

FT Manager Self-Service Responsibility

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Submit Button: Rendered True × × × × false Update

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 50 50 1 四月 2010 Region: Phone Numbers Scope

FT Personal Information Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

FT Manager Self-Service Responsibility

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Submit Button: Rendered True × × × × false Update Submit Button: Add Rendered True × × × × false

Main Address Region: Main Address Scope

FT Personal Information Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

FT Manager Self-Service Responsibility

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Submit Button: Rendered True × × × × false Update Submit Button: Add Rendered True × × × × false

Other Address

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 51 51 1 四月 2010 Region: Other Address Scope

FT Personal Information Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

FT Manager Self-Service Responsibility

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Submit Button: Rendered True × × × × false Update Submit Button: Add Rendered True × × × × false

Emergency Contacts Region: Emergency Contacts Overview Scope

FT Personal Information Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

FT Manager Self-Service Responsibility

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Submit Button: Add Rendered True × × × × false

Dependents and Beneficiaries Region: Contacts Overview Scope

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 52 52 1 四月 2010 FT Personal Information Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

FT Manager Self-Service Responsibility

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Submit Button: Add Rendered True × × × × false

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 53 53 1 四月 2010 Education and Qualifications (Manager Self Service)

Manager Self Service > Education and Qualifications > Personalize Region

Region: Education and Qualifications Scope

FT Qualification Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

Responsibility FT Manager Self-Service

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Button: Add Rendered True × × × × False Qualification

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 54 54 1 四月 2010 Employee Sickness Proof Details (Manager Self Service)

Manager Self Service > Employee Sickness Proof Details > Personalize Region

Region: Special Information Type Scope

FT Sickness Proof Special Information Types Function

United States Location

Include Site

FocusThread Organization

Responsibility FT Manager Self-Service

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Submit Button: Add Rendered True × × × × False

Selection Button: Rendered True × × × × False Update

Selection Button: Rendered True × × × × False Delete

Page: Oracle Self-Service Human Resources: Special Information Scope

FT Sickness Proof Special Information Types Function

United States Location

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 55 55 1 四月 2010 Include Site

FocusThread Organization

Responsibility FT Manager Self-Service

Personalization Personalization Original Definition Function Location Site Organization Responsibility Object Property

Page Button Bar: Rendered True × × × × False Navigation Bar > Submit Button: Cance&l Page Button Bar: Rendered True × × × × False Navigation Bar > Submit Button: Save For Later Page Button Bar: Rendered True × × × × False Navigation Bar > Submit Button: Ne&xt

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 56 56 1 四月 2010 7. Messages

Description: Messages Dictionary can be used to create long or short messages for your SSHR users. You can create field text to assist users when entering data in particular fields and replace delivered instructions and messages or add text to items or regions that are delivered without text.

Application Developer > Application > Messages


US Language

Human Resources Application

0 Number

Correct or complete the current details. Original Current Message Text

Correct or complete the current details. (e.g. spelling Current Message Text mistakes)


US Language

Human Resources Application

0 Number

Original Current Message Text

The first name is the initial name as shown in your Current Message Text Sickness Proof.


US Language

Human Resources Application

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 57 57 1 四月 2010 Number

Original Current Message Text

Review your changes and, if needed, attach supporting Current Message Text documents. Otherwise your request will not be approved.


US Language

Human Resources Application

0 Number

Your changes have been submitted for manager approval. Original Current Message Text

Your changes have been submitted for Manager Approval. Current Message Text Please make sure you attached the supporting document if needed, otherwise your request will not be approved.


US Language

Human Resources Application

0 Number

Original Current Message Text

Enter the date your change takes effect. Select your Current Message Text country and enter your address. For California this will be the home/resident address


04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 58 58 1 四月 2010 US Language

Human Resources Application

0 Number

Original Current Message Text

Enter the date your change takes effect. Select your Current Message Text country and enter your address. For California this will be the home/resident address.


US Language

Human Resources Application

289368 Number

Enter or update information about people you want Original Current human resources to contact in the event of an Message Text emergency. You can designate more than one person as an Emergency Contact, but only one Primary Contact. Enter or update information about people you want Current Message Text human resources to contact in the event of an emergency. You can designate more than one person as an Emergency Contact, but only one Primary Contact (Select Next of Kin as Primary Contact).


US Language

Human Resources Application

289338 Number

Add or update information about your beneficiaries or Original Current dependents. Message Text

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 59 59 1 四月 2010 Add or update information about your dependents. Current Message Text


US Language

Human Resources Application

289338 Number

Note: People you enter here become dependents or Original Current beneficiaries only after you complete Benefits Enrollment. Message Text

Note: Please make sure you attached/send the Current Message Text supporting document if needed, otherwise your request will not be approved.


US Language

Human Resources Application

450000 Number

Original Current Message Text

Use this page to update an existing contact, or enter a Current Message Text new contact. To enter a new contact, click Continue without selecting an existing contact from the dependants list.


US Language

Human Resources Application

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 60 60 1 四月 2010 0 Number

Original Current Message Text

Use this page to provide emergency contact information. Current Message Text In the event of an emergency, the company will try to reach your Primary Contact first.


US Language

Human Resources Application

0 Number

Use this page to remove this contact. Enter an End Date Original Current to specify when to remove the contact. Message Text

Use this page to delete a contact. To do so just Enter an Current Message Text End Date to specify when to delete the contact.


US Language

Human Resources Application

0 Number

Original Current Message Text

Use this page to provide information about a dependent Current Message Text and specify the person's relationship to you.


04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 61 61 1 四月 2010 US Language

Human Resources Application

0 Number

Original Current Message Text

Review your changes before submitting. Current Message Text

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 62 62 1 四月 2010 8. Workflow Configuration

Description: Oracle Self-Service Web Applications utilize the capabilities of Oracle Workflow to manage transaction flows. The workflows are embedded within SSHR and control the flow of information between the HR professionals, the managers, the employees. The Oracle Workflow Builder enables you to copy the delivered processes and modify them to suit your requirements. The delivered workflow processes are within the HRSSA item type.

Workflow Builder > HRSSA > Personal Information

HR_APPROVAL_REQ_FLAG Basic Details  Set Value to Yes in the review page HR_APPROVAL_REQ_FLAG Main Address  Set Value to Yes in the review page HR_APPROVAL_REQ_FLAG Secondary Address  Set Value to Yes in the review page HR_APPROVAL_REQ_FLAG Contacts  Set Value to Yes in the review page

Workflow Builder > HRSSA

Create the following new processes in HRSSA workflow based on standard process

Standard Process Name New Process Name



04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 63 63 1 四月 2010 9. Workflow Error Process

Description: Every workflow-enabled function has an error process. The process runs when a system error occurs. The process sends a notification and a description to the System Administrator’s ID.

To configure a workflow error process:

1. Edit the workflow error process in HRSSA workflow:


2. Change the text of the error message by editing the Self-Service HR System Error Message:


04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 64 64 1 四月 2010 9. Define Email Address

Description: Email addresses of key people in your error messages throughout SSHR. You set up the email addresses for your enterprise in the Workflow Builder.

To change email addresses:

1. Open the Oracle Workflow Builder.

2. Open your configured HR item type (HRSSA)

3. Select Attributes.

4. Select the following attribute and enter the appropriate email address in the Default Value field:

 HR Department Email ID

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 65 65 1 四月 2010 10. Workflow Cleanup Process

Description: The workflow cleanup process enables you to remove workflow processes that are left running if a system crashes or a user ID is disabled or removed. The process cleans up temporary tables by removing redundant transaction information. You can specify which transactions are queried by the process by setting the Transaction Status parameter. You run the cleanup process by running the concurrent program Complete Defunct HR Workflow Processes from the Submit Request Set window. Before you run the cleanup process, you must define a request set that runs the Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime Data (FNDWFPR) concurrent program before the Complete Defunct HR Workflow Resources (HRWFDFCT) concurrent program.

A request set will created with the following steps.

1. In the Request Set field, enter the name of your request set. 2. Place your cursor on the Parameters field in the row for the Purge Obsolete Workflow Runtime Data process to open the Parameters window. 3. Select the item type for which you want to remove obsolete workflow runtime data. If you leave the field blank, the process will purge obsolete data for all item types. 4. If applicable, enter an item key. 5. Enter the number of days for which you want to run the process. For example, if you want to purge obsolete data for the last 7 days, enter 7. 6. Select the persistence type of the data to be purged (Temporary or Permanent). 7. Choose OK to close the Parameters window. 8. Place your cursor on the Parameters field in the row for the Complete Defunct HR Workflow Processes process to open the Parameters window. 9. Select the item type to be included in the process. 10. Enter the number of days for which you want to run the process. For example, if you want to run the cleanup process for the last 7 days, enter 7. 11. Select the transaction statuses to be queried in the program

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 66 66 1 四月 2010 11. Enterprise Branding

Description: You can replace the default Oracle Branding with Company Branding, which appears in the upper left corner of the Web pages, with your own Branding.

To overwrite the default Branding with your own Branding:

1. Create a Branding 2. Save and name the Branding:  FNDSSCORP.gif (Oracle Branding) 3. Place the gif in the $OA_MEDIA/ directory.

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 67 67 1 四月 2010 12. Bulk User Creation

Description: Every Oracle SSHR user needs to be registered with a user name, password and responsibility. The creation or deletion of these user accounts can often be time consuming, particularly if you are restricting a user’s access with a responsibility associated with a security profile and a menu. A set of concurrent programs have been created for Oracle HRMS applications to automate the creation and management of large groups of user accounts. These programs are particularly useful if you have to create a large number of user accounts at initial installation, for managing new hire user accounts, or for managing accounts for terminated employees.

The concurrent programs are:

1. User Account Employee Extract Process 2. Data Pump Engine 3. Data Pump Bulk Exceptions Report

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 68 68 1 四月 2010 13. Approvals Setup

Description: Approvals processes enable you to decide whether transactions carried out by SSHR users need approval before they are submitted to the HR tables. You can define different approval requirements for different transactions and vary the approval requirements as required. All approvals mechanisms used in SSHR follow a basic approval loop. The logic checks whether the current approver is the final approver in the hierarchy. If the current approver is not the final approver, the application fetches the next approver who then receives the approval notification. The next approver can reject the transaction, approve the transaction, reassign the transaction, or send the transaction for correction to anyone in the approvals chain.

Oracle Approvals Management (AME) which is integrated with Oracle self service workflow will be used to configure the approvals process

Category Function Approver SSHR Dynamic AME Approval

Personal Information Basic Details Division/Department HR Manager √ Phone Numbers (Consulting Division/Department HR Manager √ Staff) Main Address Division/Department HR Manager √ Secondary Address Division/Department HR Manager √ Emergency Contacts Division/Department HR Manager √ Professional Details Education and Qualifications Division/Department HR Manager √ Special Information Types (SIT) Programming Proficiency Division/Department HR Manager √ Sickness Proof Details Division/Department HR Manager √ Extra Information Dependent Sickness Proof Division/Department HR Manager √ Types (EIT) Details Absences Apply for Leave 1. Department Head √ 2. Division/Department HR Manager Manage Employee Events Promotion The requestor will select the approvers/recipients √ using SSHR Dynamic Approvals Transfer The requestor will select the approvers/recipients √ using SSHR Dynamic Approvals

Division/Department HR Manager will be derived using AME by following the below logic.

1. Derive the requestor’s organization from the assignment 2. Use Primary Organization Hierarchy to find out the Division/Department of the requestor 3. Derive Division/Department HR Manager maintained in DFF attribute of Define Organization form

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 69 69 1 四月 2010 Open/Closed Issues

Open Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date

Closed Issues

04ec5884c239bd7fb4840ecb244faa1c.doc 3. Define Menus 70 70 1 四月 2010

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