General Supervision System Public School Monitoring Tool
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Updated: September 30, 2014
General Supervision System Public School Monitoring Tool
SAU: Review team member(s): Review date(s): S S S S S t t t t t
MEDMS ID/Child’s Name: u u u u u d d d d d e e e e e n n n n n t t t t t
N N N N N a a a a a m m m m m e e e e e 1 1 1 1 1
Date of record: 2 2 2 2 2 / / / / / 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 / / / / / 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3
Advance Written Notice # Item Citation Criteria Corrective Activities AWN1 Advance Written Notice 34 CFR Yes = a dated copy or Child level: (AWN) of IEP Team 300.322(a) signed waiver of the AWN No action at the child level. meeting was provided at to parent(s)/guardian/ least 7 days prior to the MUSER VI.2.A adult student is in file. SAU level: IEP meeting unless Corrective activity: waived. No = a dated copy of Provide training to staff on AWN procedures and signed waiver of the AWN timelines. to parent(s)/guardian/ adult student is NOT in file. Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 AWN of IEP meetings with dates and, if waiver is granted, parent signatures.
AWN2 Evidence that required 34 CFR Yes = the AWN indicates Child level: members were invited to 300.321(a) that all required Team No action at the child level. IEP Team meeting. members invited to attend MUSER VI.2.B the IEP meeting SAU level: (administrator, regular and Corrective activity: special education teacher, Provide training to staff on AWN procedures to parent, child, etc.). staff including one administrator or administrator designee. No = the AWN of the IEP Team meeting does NOT Evidence: indicate that all required 1. Submit outline of training and Team members were attendance. invited to attend. 2. Submit 5 AWN with required Team members invited. AWN3 The SAU attempted to 34CFR Yes = the AWN contains Child level: arrange a mutually agreed 300.322(a)(2) the No action at child level. upon time and place for and (d) a) phone/email contact to meeting, documented in set up the date, time SAU level: the AWN, when the SAU MUSER and place of the Corrective activity: was unable to convince the VI.2.H(1)(b) and meeting and Provide training on AWN including SAU’s parents that they should (4) b) documentation of process to ensure parent participation. attend. additional call, email, written note, verbal Evidence: reminder, etc. with 1. Submit outline of training including parent/guardian when process to ensure parent participation parent/guardian is not and attendance for training. in attendance at an 2. Submit 5 AWN with documentation of IEP meeting (AWN attempts to mutually schedule IEP Team provides box on meeting when parent does not attend. second page).
No = the AWN is missing or fails to document sufficient efforts to arrange a mutually agreed upon time and place for meeting. Amendment to the IEP # Item Citation Criteria Corrective Activities ATP1 Written Notice (WN) 34 CFR Yes = the agreement to Child level: documenting the 300.324(a)(4) amend the IEP without a Corrective activity: agreement between the meeting, the changes IEP Team discusses determinations, amend IEP parent and SAU to amend MUSER which have been agreed to and completes WN and sends WN to parents. the IEP without a meeting, IX.3.C(4) by parents and SAU, and the proposed amendment the date the WN was sent Evidence: and date sent to Team to Team members and Submit child’s WN and amended IEP. members and parent was parent are documented in in the file. the WN. SAU level: Corrective activity: No = IEP amended without Provide training on IEP meeting protocol, an IEP Team meeting but including amending the IEP, documenting the no WN documenting the agreement between the parent and the SAU to agreement to amend amend without a meeting and the proposed without a meeting or the changes in the WN and sending the WN to the agreed upon changes Team, including parents. made to the IEP on file. Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 amended IEPs and WNs. ATP2 Parent was provided with a 34 CFR Yes = copy of the Child level: revised copy of the IEP 300.324(a)(6) amended IEP sent to Corrective activity: with the amendments parent, as requested. Discuss determinations, amend IEP and incorporated when MUSER complete WN, send WN to parents and send requested. IX.3.C(6) No= no copy of amended amended IEP to parents upon request. IEP was provided to parent, as requested. Evidence: Submit child’s WN and amended IEP. N/A = no IEP meeting outside the annual meeting to revise or amend the IEP. SAU level: Corrective activity: Provide training on IEP meeting protocol, including amending the IEP, documenting the agreement between the parent and the SAU to amend without a meeting and the proposed changes in the WN and sending the amended IEP to parents upon request.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 amended IEPs and WNs. Communities without schools # Item Citation Criteria Corrective Activities CWS1 Referral/pre-referral of MUSER IV.2.E Yes = SAU has a policy Child level: students with disabilities regarding referral/pre- No action at child level. referral of students with disabilities adopted by the SAU level: school board which meets Corrective activity: current regulatory criteria. Revise policy to meet current regulatory criteria with SAU school board adoption and approval No= the SAU has no date. current policy or the policy has outdated language and Evidence: needs revision and Submit updated policy to MDOE. adoption by the SAU’s school board. CWS2 Child Find 34 CFR 300.111 Yes= SAU has a Child Child level: Find policy regarding No action at child level. MUSER IV.2.A students with disabilities adopted by the school SAU level: board which meets current Corrective activity: regulatory criteria. Revise policy to meet current regulatory with SAU school board adoption and approval date. No= the policy has outdated language and Evidence: needs revision and Submit updated policy to MDOE. adoption by the SAU’s school board. CWS3 Child count list of identified P.L. Yes= sending SAU has Child level: students and list of schools submitted the list of No action at child level. in which these students Will be in next identified students (child are receiving FAPE year’s MUSER count list) and the list of SAU level: provided to MDOE. schools in which these Corrective activity: students are receiving Develop child count list and list of receiving FAPE (receiving schools). schools.
No= lists are not submitted Evidence: to MDOE. Submit child count list and list of receiving schools to MDOE. N/A= there are no identified students in SAU. CWS4 Letters of Authorization to MUSER Yes= current Letters of Child level: commit funds VI.2.B(4)(c) Authorization to commit No action at child level. funds from the sending SAU are on file at receiving SAU level: schools. Corrective activity: No= no Letter of Develop and submit Letters of Authorization to Authorization to commit commit funds to the receiving schools. funds from the sending school exists on file at the Evidence: receiving schools. Submit copies of Letters of Authorization to commit funds to MDOE. Evaluations and Re-Evaluations # Item Citation Criteria Corrective Activities ERE1 Evidence that re- 34 CFR Yes= there is evidence that Child level: evaluation was conducted 300.303(a) the IEP Team discussed Corrective activity: when SAU determined it the 3 year re-evaluations Convene IEP Team to discuss which was warranted or when MUSER V.1.B(1) and determined they were evaluations need to be conducted and parent or teacher and (2) warranted or were document in WN. requested it, but at least unnecessary. once every 3 years. Evidence: OR Submit child’s WN. There is evidence that the SAU level: IEP Team determined to Corrective activity: conduct re-evaluations at Provide training on re-evaluation procedures, the request of the parent or including determination whether re-evaluation is teacher or on student’s warranted and procedures to evaluate when own initiative. parent or teacher requests it.
No= there is no evidence Evidence: of a discussion of the 3 1. Submit outline of training and year re-evaluations or attendance. evidence that the IEP 2. Submit 10 completed WN’s reflecting Team determined to IEP Team discussion regarding conduct re-evaluations at evaluation or re-evaluation. the request of the parent or teacher.
N/A= child’s most recent evaluation is an initial evaluation less than 3 years ago and no request for re-evaluation has been made by the parent or teacher. ERE2 Parental consent obtained 34 CFR Yes= signed consent form Child level: prior to conducting re- 300.300(c), is in file AND signature No action at child level. evaluation. 305(d) date was prior to re- evaluation OR evidence of SAU level: MUSER V.3.D SAU’s multiple attempts to Corrective activity: and V.3.E get parental consent to Provide training on re-evaluation procedures, evaluate without success is including acquisition of parental consent prior to in file. conducting re-evaluation.
No= no signed consent Evidence: form is in file OR consent 1. Submit outline of training and form had signature dated attendance. after re-evaluation. 2. Submit 10 signed parental consent forms. N/A= student’s most recent evaluation is an initial evaluation less than 3 years ago and no request for re-evaluation has been made by the parent or teacher. ERE3 WN of proposed re- 34 CFR Yes= there is Child level: evaluation 300.304(a) documentation in WN Corrective activity: proposing re-evaluation(s). Convene IEP Team to propose appropriate re- MUSER V.2.A evaluations for the child and document in WN. No= no documentation in WN proposing re- Evidence: evaluation(s). Submit child’s WN.
N/A= student’s most recent SAU level: evaluation is an initial Corrective activity: evaluation less than 3 Provide training on re-evaluation procedures, years ago and no request including discussion of proposed re-evaluation for re-evaluation has been in the WN. made by the parent or teacher. Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 10 WN’s containing proposal of re-evaluation.
ERE4 A variety of sources were 34 CFR Yes= documentation exists Child level: used to determine 300.306(c) that demonstrates two or Corrective activity: continued eligibility. more data sources were Re-convene IEP Team to re-determine eligibility MUSER V.2.B used to determine and the educational needs of the child using eligibility. multiple and appropriate sources and document in the WN. No= documentation does NOT exist that Evidence: demonstrates two or more Submit child’s WN. data sources were used to determine eligibility. SAU level: Corrective activity: N/A= student’s most recent Provide training on re-evaluation procedures, evaluation is an initial including the use of a variety of assessment evaluation less than 3 tools to determine eligibility. years ago and no request for re-evaluation has been Evidence: made by the parent or 1. Submit outline of training and teacher. attendance. 2. Submit 10 WN’s including the use of a variety of assessment tools to determine eligibility. ERE5 Learning Disability 34 CFR 300.309- Yes= all components Child level: Evaluation Report (if 311 completed before decision Corrective activity: applicable) and evidence is made: “no” the child Re-convene IEP Team to re-determine eligibility that all procedures for MUSER does not have learning and the education needs of the child upon determination were VII.2.L(2)(d) and disability or “yes” the child discussion of completed evaluations and followed including (e) has a learning disability. completion of the Learning Disability Evaluation classroom observation. Report and document in the WN. No= missing information or incomplete components Evidence: before decision is made: Submit child’s WN and Learning Disability “no” the child does not Evaluation Report. have a learning disability or “yes” the child has learning SAU level: disability. Corrective activity: Provide training re-evaluation procedures, N/A= report not required including the completion of and use of the for eligibility category. Learning Disability Evaluation Report, specific to children who were re-evaluated for a learning disability.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 10 WN’s, including the completion and use of the Learning Disability Evaluation Report, to determine eligibility.
ERE6 Determination of adverse MUSER VII.3 Yes= determination of Child level: effect was based upon the adverse effect is based Corrective activity: results of assessments or upon the results of Re-convene IEP Team to re-determine eligibility data sources, determined assessments or data and and the educational needs of the child using by the Team to be the IEP Team completed multiple and appropriate sources and document necessary to validate the the Adverse Effect form. in the WN. effect. The IEP Team documented the data No= incomplete Evidence: elements utilized in the assessments or data Submit child’s WN and Adverse Effect form. determination of adverse insufficient to complete the effect on the MDOE’s Adverse Effect form SAU level: required Adverse Effect correctly. Corrective activity: form. Provide training on re-evaluation procedures, N/A= report not required including the completion and use of the Adverse for eligibility category. Effect form.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 10 WN’s, including the completion and use of the Adverse Effect form to determine eligibility. ERE7 Speech/Language MUSER Yes= all components Child level: Eligibility Criteria form was VII.2.K(2)(e) completed by the IEP Corrective activity: completed and used as the Team, including eligibility Re-convene IEP Team to re-determine eligibility rating scale by which the decision. and the educational needs of the child upon IEP Team measures a discussion of completed evaluations and moderate to severe level of No= incomplete completion of the Speech/Language Eligibility speech or language assessment or insufficient Criteria Form and document in the WN. impairment in all levels of data to complete assessment. Speech/Language Evidence: Eligibility Criteria form Submit child’s WN and Speech/Language correctly. Eligibility Criteria form.
N/A= report not required SAU level: for eligibility category. Corrective activity: Provide training on re-evaluation procedures, including the completion and use of the Speech/Language Eligibility Criteria form.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 10 WN’s including the completion and use of the Speech/Language Eligibility Criteria form, Forms and Timelines # Item Citation Criteria Corrective Activities FOT1 Consent to Invite Outside MUSER Yes= the form is Child level: Agencies form VI.2.C(3)(e) completed and signed by Corrective activity: parent/adult student prior Provide parent/adult student with Consent to to the Advance Written Invite Outside Agencies form for signature prior Notice (AWN) being sent to next transition meeting. for the IEP meeting to discuss transition. Evidence: Submit Consent to Invite Outside Agencies form No= the form is incomplete and AWN. or missing from the student’s file although outside agencies were SAU level: invited by the SAU to Corrective activity: attend an IEP meeting to Provide training on parental consent, including discuss transition. consent to outside agencies prior to sending the AWN. N/A= outside agencies are not requested by the SAU Evidence: to be part of the IEP 1. Submit outline of training and meeting. attendance. 2. Submit 5 Consent to Invite Outside Agencies forms with corresponding AWNs.
FOT2 Summary of Performance 34 CFR Yes= the SOP is provided Child level: (SOP) form provided to a 300.305(e)(3) to the child prior to Corrective activity: child whose eligibility graduation. The Provide child complete SOP form. under Part B of the MUSER V.3.F(2) information on the SOP is Individuals with Disabilities (b) concrete, current and Evidence: Education Act (IDEA) was complete in all three areas: Submit complete SOP form. terminated due to academic, achievement, graduation from secondary functional performance and SAU level: school with a regular includes recommendations Corrective activity: diploma or due to to assist the child in Provide training on completion of the SOP form, exceeding the age meeting post-secondary including completeness and provision to child eligibility for a free goals. prior to graduation. appropriate public education (FAPE). No= the SOP is not Evidence: provided, is incomplete or 1. Submit outline of training and does not meet the above attendance. criteria. 2. Submit 5 SOP forms.
N/A= the child will not be receiving a diploma or leaving school due to aging out. FOT3 Learning Disability 34 CFR 300.309- Yes= all components Child level: Evaluation Report (if 311 completed before decision Corrective activity: applicable) and evidence is made: “no” the child Re-convene IEP Team to re-determine eligibility that all procedures for MUSER does not have a learning and the educational needs of the child upon determination were VII.2.L(2)(d) and disability or “yes” the child discussion of completed evaluations and followed including (e) has a learning disability. completion of the Learning Disability Evaluation classroom observation. Report and document in the WN. No= missing information or incomplete components Evidence: before decision is made: Submit child’s WN and Learning Disability “no” the child does not Evaluation Report. have a learning disability or “yes” the child has a SAU level: learning disability. Corrective activity: Provide training on evaluation procedures, N/A= report not required including the completion and use of the Learning for eligibility category. Disability Evaluation Report specific to children who were re-evaluated for a learning disability.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 10 WN’s, including the completion and use of the Learning Disability Evaluation Report to determine eligibility. FOT4 Speech/Language MUSER Yes= all components Child level: Eligibility Criteria form was VII.2.K(2)(e) completed by the IEP Corrective activity: completed and used as the Team, including eligibility Re-convene IEP Team to re-determine eligibility rating scale by which decision. and the educational needs of the child upon evaluation data is entered discussion of completed evaluations and by the IEP to measure a No= incomplete completion of the Speech/Language Eligibility moderate to severe level of assessment or insufficient Criteria form and document in the WN. speech or language data to complete impairment in all levels of Speech/Language assessment. Eligibility Criteria form Evidence: correctly. Submit child’s WN and Speech/Language Eligibility Criteria form. N/A= report no required for eligibility category. SAU level: Corrective activity: Provide training on evaluation procedures, including the completion and use of the Speech/Language Eligibility Criteria form.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 10 WN’s, including the completion and use of the Speech/Language Eligibility Criteria form. FOT5 Adverse Effect (AE) was MUSER VII.3 Yes= the AE is based upon Child level: based upon the results of the results of assessments Corrective activity: assessments or data or data and the IEP Team Re-convene IEP Team to re-determine eligibility sources, determined by the completed the AE form. and the educational needs of the child upon Team to be necessary to discussion of completed evaluations and validate the effect. The IEP No= incomplete completion of the AE form and document in the Team documented the assessment or insufficient WN. data elements utilized in data to complete the AE the determination of AE on form correctly. Evidence: the MDOE’s required AE Submit child’s WN and AE form. form. N/A= report not required for eligibility category. SAU level: Corrective activity: Provide training on evaluation procedures, including the completion and use of the AE form.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 10 WN’s, including the completion and use of the AE form to determine eligibility. FOT6 Evidence, including WN, 34 CFR Yes= WN that Child level: that manifestation 300.530(e)(1) manifestation Corrective activity: determination meeting was determination meeting held Hold meeting to determine whether student’s held within 10 school days MUSER within 10 days of conduct resulting in educational placement of any decision to change XVII.1.E(1) educational placement change was a manifestation of student’s the placement of a child change due to violation of disability. with a disability because of student conduct code and a violation of a code of determination made Evidence: student conduct. regarding whether or not Submit WN. conduct was a manifestation of the child’s SAU level: disability. Corrective activity: Provide training on manifestation determination No= no WN on file or meetings, including timelines of such meetings. manifestation determination meeting not Evidence: held within 10 days of 1. Submit outline of training and change of placement or attendance. determination not made 2. Submit 5 WN’s of manifestation regarding whether or not determination meetings. the conduct was a manifestation of the child’s disability. FOT7 Copy of IEP provided to 34 CFR Yes= parent is provided a Child level: parents within 21 school 300.322(f) copy of the IEP within 21 Corrective activity: days of the IEP Team school days of the IEP Provide IEP to parent. meeting. MUSER meeting. VI.2.H(6), IX.3.G Evidence: No= parent is not provided Submit evidence that IEP provided to parent. a copy of the IEP within 21 school days or no SAU level: evidence IEP was ever Corrective activity: provided to parent after Provide training on special education timelines, IEP meeting. including providing a copy of the IEP within 21 school days of the IEP meeting. Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 IEPs and WN’s. IEP Process: Considerations for IEPs and IEP Meetings # Item Citation Criteria Corrective Activities CIM1 Concerns of the parent. 34 CFR Yes= the parent’s Child level: 300.324(a)(1)(ii) concerns are considered Corrective activity: when presented to IEP Discuss parent concerns and (if appropriate) MUSER Team, noted in the WN at amend the IEP. IX.3.C(1)(b) least yearly. Evidence: No= no parent’s concerns Submit child’s WN and any amended IEP. noted in the WN or parent’s concerns are not SAU level: updated yearly. Corrective activity: Provide training on IEP meeting protocol, including addressing parent concerns.
Evidence: Child level: Corrective activity: Re-convene IEP Team to re-determine eligibility and the educational needs of the child upon discussion of completed evaluations and completion of the AE form and document in the WN.
Evidence: Submit child’s WN and AE form.
SAU level: Corrective activity: Provide training on evaluation procedures, including the completion and use of the AE form.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 IEPs (amended or new) and WN’s for review of parent concerns. CIM2 Results of initial or most 34 CFR Yes= the date, evaluation Child level: recent evaluation of the 300.324(a)(1)(iii) type and the results are Corrective activity: child. current with most recently IEP Team meets to consider most recent MUSER completed evaluations evaluations or to discuss further evaluations that IX.3.C(1)(c) being considered when may need to be conducted and (if appropriate) developing the child’s IEP. amend the IEP.
No= evaluation information Evidence: is incomplete or Submit child’s WN and any amended IEP. evaluations have not been updated or completed or SAU level: were not considered. Corrective activity: Provide training on IEP meeting protocol, N/A= there is including reviewing and discussing evaluations documentation in the WN and re-evaluations. that the IEP Team determined new Evidence: evaluations were not 1. Submit outline of training and necessary to determine attendance. continuing eligibility based 2. Submit 5 IEPs (amended or new) and on the severity of the WN’s for review of discussion of recent child’s disability. evaluations. CIM3 Strengths of the child. 34 CFR Yes= the IEP includes the Child level: 300.324(a)(1)(i) most relevant and Corrective activity: appropriate areas in which IEP Team meets to discuss the strengths of the MUSER a child demonstrates child and amend the IEP. IX.3.C(1)(a) strengths. Evidence: No= the IEP does not Submit child’s WN and any amended IEP. include relevant and appropriate areas in which SAU level: the child demonstrates Corrective activity: strengths. Provide training on IEP meeting protocol, including reviewing strengths of the child.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 IEPs (amended or new) and WN’s for review of strengths of the child. CIM4 Academic, developmental 34 CFR Yes= all three areas are Child level: and functional needs of the 300.324(a)(1)(iv) addressed in the IEP: Corrective activity: child. IEP Team meets to discuss the needs of the MUSER Academic needs address child and (if appropriate) amend the IEP. IX.3.C(1)(d) how the student is doing in the content area Evidence: curriculum. Submit child’s WN and any amended IEP.
Developmental needs SAU level: address the student’s Corrective activity: cognitive, social, emotional Provide training on IEP meeting protocol, and behavioral and including reviewing needs of the child. communications skills compared to same-aged Evidence: peers. 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. Functional needs address 2. Submit 5 IEPs (amended or new) and the child’s performance in WN’s for review of needs of the child. the classroom/activities in relationship with the academic and development needs.
(There are correlating PLEPS and goals relating to the identified academic, developmental and functional needs of the child).
No= incomplete statement of academic, developmental and functional needs of the child. CIM5 In the case of a child 34 CFR Yes= the box is checked Child level: whose behavior impedes 300.324(a)(2)(i) indicating that the service Corrective activity: the child’s learning or that “is not needed” or a Specific to the child whose behavior impedes of others, use of positive MUSER statement where in the IEP the child’s learning or that of others and behavioral interventions IX.3.C(2)(a) the service related to that considers the use of positive behavioral and supports. particular need can be interventions and supports and (if appropriate) found. amend the IEP.
No= the box is left Evidence: unchecked with no Submit child’s WN and any amended IEP. statement where it is addressed in the IEP. SAU level: Corrective activity: Provide training on IEP meeting protocol, including consideration of the child’s behavior.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 IEPs (amended or new) and WN’s for consideration of the child’s behavior. CIM6 In the case of a child with 34 CFR Yes= the box is checked Child level: limited English proficiency, 300.324(a)(2)(ii) indicating that the service Corrective activity: language needs of the “is not needed” or a Specific to the child with limited English child as they relate to the MUSER statement where in the IEP proficiency, consider the child’s language needs child’s IEP. IX.3.C(2)(b) the service related to that as they relate to the child’s IEP and (if particular need can be appropriate) amend IEP. found. Evidence: No= the box is left Submit child’s WN and any amended IEP. unchecked with no statement where SAU level: addressed in the IEP. Corrective activity: Provide training on IEP meeting protocol including consideration of the child’s language needs.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 IEPs (amended or new) and WN’s for consideration of the child’s language needs. CIM7 In the case of a child who 34 CFR Yes= the box is checked Child level: is blind or visually 300.324(a)(2)(iii) indicating that the service Corrective activity: impaired, provision of “is not needed” or a Specific to the child is blind or visually impaired, instruction in and use of MUSER statement where in the IEP IEP Team meets to consider the provision of Braille. IX.3.C(2)(c) the service related to that instruction in and use of Braille and (if particular need can be appropriate) amend IEP. found. Evidence: No= the box is left Submit child’s WN and any amended IEP. unchecked with no statement where it is SAU level: addressed in the IEP. Corrective activity: Provide training on IEP meeting protocol, including consideration of provision of instruction in the use of Braille.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 IEPs (amended or new) and WN’s for consideration of provision of instruction in the use of Braille. CIM8 Communication needs of 34 CFR Yes= the box is checked Child level: the child and, in the case 300.324(a)(2)(iv) indicating that the service Corrective activity: of a child who is deaf or “is not needed” or a Specific to the child who is deaf or hard of hard of hearing, the child’s MUSER statement where in the IEP hearing, IEP Team meets to consider the child’s language or IX.3.C(2)(d) the service related to that language and communication needs and (if communication needs, etc. particular need can be appropriate) amend IEP. found. Evidence: No= the box is left Submit child’s WN and any amended IEP. unchecked with no statement where it is SAU level: addressed in the IEP. Corrective activity: Provide training on IEP meeting protocol, including consideration of language and communication needs.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 IEPs (amended or new) and WN’s for consideration of language and communication needs. CIM9 Whether the child needs 34 CFR Yes= the box is checked Child level: assistive technology 300.324(a)(2)(v) indicating that the service Corrective activity: devices and services. “is not needed” or a Specific to the child who may need assistive MUSER statement where in the IEP technology devices and services, IEP Team IX.3.C(2)(e) the service related to that meets to consider the child’s needs for such particular need can be devices and services and (if appropriate) amend found. IEP.
No= the box is left Evidence: unchecked with no Submit child’s WN and any amended IEP. statement where it is addressed in the IEP. SAU level: Corrective activity: Provide training on IEP meeting protocol, including consideration of assistive technology devices and services.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 IEPs (amended or new) and WN’s for consideration of assistive technology devices and services. CIM10 Regarding children who 34 CFR Yes= WN is sent to parent Child level: transfer, evidence that 300.323(e) of a child who has Corrective activity: SAU adhered to rules transferred from another Discuss and document the acceptance of the regarding provision of MUSER school (in or out-of-state) child and that the IEP has been received and is FAPE. IX.3.B(5)(a)(i) indicating that the sending being implemented. school IEP has been received and is being Evidence: implemented. Submit child’s WN.
No= WN not generated or SAU level: sent to parent or does not Corrective activity: reference implementation Develop a plan to communicate to special of the sending school IEP. education staff the continuum of services, FAPE and the required documentation on WN.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training, attendees at training and plan for reviewing the continuum of services, FAPE and required documentation. 2. Submit 5 WN’s, including review of continuum of services, FAPE and the required documentation. IEP Process: Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance/Annual Goals (PLAAFP) # Item Citation Criteria Corrective Activities PLA1 The IEP contained: a 34 CFR Yes=the IEP includes a Child level: PLAAFP that states how 300.320(a)(1)(i) clear PLAAFP (based on Corrective activity: the child’s disability affects the needs of the student Discuss how disability affects involvement and the child’s involvement and MUSER identified in section 3d of progress in general curriculum and amend IEP. progress in the general IX.3.A(1)(a)(i) the IEP) that states how education curriculum. the child’s disability affects Evidence: the child’s involvement and Submit child’s WN and amended IEP. progress in the general education curriculum. SAU level: Corrective activity: No= the IEP does NOT Provide training on IEP development including include a PLAAFP that writing the PLAAFP. states how the child’s disability affects the child’s Evidence: involvement and progress 1. Submit outline of training and in the general education attendance. curriculum. 2. Submit 5 new IEPs with PLAAFP statements and WNs. PLA2 A statement of measurable 34 CFR Yes= goal(s) correspond Child level: annual goals aligned with 300.320(a)(2)(i) with present level Corrective activity: the PLAAFP. statement and are Discuss how disability affects involvement and MUSER IX.3(A) measurable. progress in general curriculum, develop goals (1)(b) that correspond to the present level statement No= goals and PLAAFP do and are measurable and amend IEP. not correlate and/or goals are not measurable. Evidence: Submit child’s WN and amended IEP. SAU level: Corrective activity: Provide training on IEP development, including writing goals that correspond with the PLAAFP and are measurable. Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 new IEPs with annual goals and WN’s. PLA3 A description of how the 34 CFR Yes= there are objective Child level: child’s progress toward 300.320(a)(3)(i) criteria defining how Corrective activity: meeting goals will be progress on the goal will Follow the process for amending the IEP to measured. MUSER be measured. determine how progress is measured and what IX.3.A(1)(c) progress the child has made. No= there are no objective criteria defining how the Evidence: child’s progress is to be Submit child’s WN and amended IEP. measured. SAU level: Corrective activity: Provide training on IEP meeting protocol, including goal writing and writing objective criteria defining how progress on the goals will be measured.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 new IEPs with objective criteria defining how progress on the goal will be measured and WNs. PLA4 A description of when 34 CFR Yes= the child’s progress Child level: periodic reports on the 300.320(a)(3)(ii) is reported Corrective activity: progress the child is (quarterly/trimester, etc.) to Report progress to parent/guardian and amend making toward meeting the MUSER parent/guardian. IEP to include statement of when progress will annual goals will be IX.3.A(1)(c) be reported to parent/guardian. provided to the parent. No= the child’s progress has not been reported to Evidence: parent/guardian. Submit child’s WN and amended IEP.
SAU level: Corrective activity: Provide training on IEP meeting protocol, including writing periodic reporting schedules on goals.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 new IEPs with period reporting schedules for goals and WN’s. IEP Process: Special Education and Related Services # Item Citation Criteria Corrective Activities SVC1 A statement of the special 34 CFR Yes= special education Child level: education and related 300.320(a)(4) services (specially Corrective activity: services to be provided. designed instruction, Follow the process for amending the IEP to MUSER consultation or speech (if discuss the child’s services. IX.3.A(1)(d) speech is primary area of disability)) and specific Evidence: related services e.g., Submit child’s WN and amended IEP. speech, OT, PT, counseling, etc. are SAU level: identified on the IEP. If not Corrective activity: related services indicate Provide training on IEP development, including N/A. identification of services necessary for the child (Section 7 of the IEP is to make progress towards IEP goals. complete). Evidence: No= missing services or 1. Submit outline of training and mismatched services attendance. based on IEP Team 2. Submit 5 new IEPs with statement of determinations are found. special education and related services to be provided and WN’s. SVC2 The projected dates for the 34 CFR Yes= date of services does Child level: beginning/ending of the 300.320(a)(7) not exceed one year and services, position can be less than one year. Corrective activity: responsible and the MUSER Position of the person Follow the process for amending the IEP to anticipated location, IX.3.A(1)(g) responsible (not a specific discuss service dates, position responsible, frequency and duration of name), where and when location and frequency of services. those services. the service is to take place are complete in section 7 Evidence: of the IEP. Submit child’s WN and amended IEP.
No=missing or incomplete SAU level: information in section 7 of Corrective activity: the IEP. Provide training on IEP development, including development of services necessary for the child to show progress based on IEP Team determinations, projected dates for the beginning/ending of the services, position responsible and the anticipated location, frequency and duration of those services.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 new IEPs with statement of special education and related services to be provided and WN’s. SVC3 Whether the child needs 34 CFR 300.106 Yes= discussion of ESY Child level: extended school year services and Corrective activity: services (ESY) including MUSER X.2.A(7) determinations are Follow the process for amending the IEP to review of relevant documented in the WN and discuss whether the child needs ESY services or information, consideration included (if appropriate) in to conform to determinations in previous WN. of the significance of the section 7 (special child’s disability and education and related Evidence: documented progress services) of the IEP. Submit child’s WN and amended IEP. toward IEP goals and consideration of the impact No= no documentation of SAU level: of previous services discussion of services or Corrective activity: interruptions and the documentation was in WN Provide training on IEP development, including probability that the child is nor included in section 7 of consideration of whether ESY services are unable to recoup skills the IEP. necessary for the child to maintain skills based previously mastered in a on IEP goals. reasonable amount of time. Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 new IEPs with state of ESY services to be provided and WNs. IEP Process: Supplementary Aids, Services, Modifications and/or Supports # Item Citation Criteria Corrective Activities SAS1 A statement of 34 CFR Yes= accommodations/ Child level: supplementary aids and 300.320(a)(4) modifications are Corrective activity: services and modifications determined by the IEP Follow the process for amending the IEP to to be provided to the child. MUSER Team, appropriately discuss the supplementary aids and services IX.3.A(1)(d) enable the child to and modifications to be provided to the child or progress on goals and to conform to determinations documented in access the general previous WN. education setting and are documented in section 8 of Evidence: the IEP and WN. Submit child’s WN and amended IEP.
No= section 8 of the IEP is SAU level: left blank, incomplete or Corrective activity: does not match the Provide training on IEP development, including determinations consideration of accommodations/modification documented in the WN. necessary for the child to make progress towards goals and in the general education setting.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 new IEPs with statement of accommodations/modifications necessary for the child to show progress advancing towards goals and in the general education setting and WN. SAS2 The projected dates for the 34 CFR Yes= date of Child level: beginning/ending of the 300.320(a)(7) accommodations/ Corrective activity: supplemental aids and modifications does not IEP Team convenes to discuss provision of services and modifications, MUSER exceed one year and can supplemental aids, services and modification, position responsible and IX.3.A(1)(g) be less than one year. position responsible, location, frequency and the location, frequency and Position of the person duration and amend the IEP or follow the duration. responsible (not a specific process for amending the IEP to conform to name), location and determinations documented in previous WN. frequency of the accommodations/ Evidence: modifications are complete Submit child’s WN and amended IEP. in section 8 of the IEP. SAU level: No= missing or incomplete Corrective activity: information in section 8 of Provide training on IEP development, including the IEP does not match the dates of provision of development of determinations supplemental aids, services and modifications, documented in the WN. position responsible, location, frequency and duration.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 new IEPs with statement of special education and related services to be provided including dates of provision of development of supplemental aids, services and modifications, position responsible, location, frequency and duration and WNs.
IEP Process: Least Restrictive Environment (Indicator B5) # Item Citation Criteria Corrective Activities LRE1 An explanation of the 34 CFR Yes= there is a clear Child level: extent, if any, to which the 300.320(a)(5) alignment between the Corrective activity: child will not participate student’s IEP (goals and Reconvene IEP Team meeting to determine with non-disabled students MUSER PLEPs) and the student’s appropriate placement in the LRE, amend the in the regular class and in IX.3.A(1)(e) services with IEP (if appropriate) and document IEP Team extra-curricular and other accommodations/ meeting in WN. non-academic activities. modifications supporting the conclusion that the Evidence: student’s placement is in Submit child’s WN and any amended IEP. the LRE. SAU level: No= the student’s IEP Corrective activity: does not justify the Develop plan to review continuum of services student’s more restrictive when considering student placement in the LRE placement based on and provide training on the plan. student’s needs, PLEP and goals. Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 completed IEPs and WNs for determining appropriate placement in the LRE. LRE2 WN documented the 34 CFR 300.503 Yes= WN clearly Child level: discussion of LRE and any documents the discussion Corrective activity: other options that the MUSER of LRE, the options the IEP Reconvene IEP Team meeting to determine Team, which includes the Appendix I Team considered and appropriate placement in the LRE and special parent, considered and the reasons why the other education programming, amend the IEP (if reasons why those options options were rejected. WN appropriate) and document IEP Team meeting were rejected. section 4 completed. in WN.
No= missing or incomplete Evidence: WN. Submit child’s WN and any amended IEP.
SAU level: Corrective activity: Develop plan to review continuum of services when considering student placement in the LRE and provide training on the plan.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 completed IEPs and WNs for determining appropriate placement in the LRE. IEP Process: Transition (Indicator B13) # Item Citation Criteria Corrective Activities TRA1 For 9th grade children (or 34 CFR Yes= AWN indicates “Post- Child level: earlier, if appropriate): 300.322(B)(2)(i)(A) Secondary Goals and Corrective activity: AWN of IEP meeting Transition Services” will be Indicate at all future transition meetings that indicating that a purpose of MUSER VI.2.A discussed at the IEP there will be a discussion of post-secondary the meeting is to consider meeting. transition planning. post-secondary goals and transition services. No= AWN does not Evidence: indicate “Post-Secondary Submit child’s AWN. Goals and Transition Services” will be discussed SAU level: at the IEP meeting. Corrective activity: Provide training on transition planning, including N/A= transition planning is notification on AWN and demonstrate 100% not applicable to the child. accuracy and compliance on submitted evidence.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 AWN’s indicating “Post- Secondary Goals and Transition Services” are planned for discussion at IEP meeting. TRA2 There is evidence that the 34 CFR Yes= AWN indicates the Child level: child was invited to attend 300.322(b)(2)(i)(B) child was invited to attend Corrective activity: the IEP meeting. and shows child’s name in If the child attended the IEP meeting but was not MUSER the salutation. on the invitation, invite the child to the next IEP VI.2.C(3)(c) by putting the child’s name in the salutation of No= AWN does not the AWN. If the child did not attend the IEP indicate the child was meeting, reconvene the meeting and invite the invited to attend; child’s child by putting the child’s name in the salutation name was not in the of the AWN. salutation. Evidence: Submit child’s AWN.
SAU level: Corrective activity: Provide training on transition planning, including invitation on AWN and demonstrate 100% accuracy and compliance on submitted evidence.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 AWN’s inviting the child to the meeting by putting the child’s name in the salutation. TRA3 If appropriate, there is 34 CFR Yes= file contains Child level: evidence that an agency 300.322(b)(2)(ii) evidence that an agency Corrective activity: likely to be responsible for MUSER was invited to the IEP If appropriate, reconvene the IEP meeting and providing or paying for VI.2.C(3)(e) meeting AND parent/child invite a representative of any participating transition services was consent for inviting was agency to the IEP meeting with prior consent the invited to attend the IEP given prior to being invited. parent/child (who has reached the age of meeting, to extent majority). appropriate and with No= one or both of the parent’s (or adult child’s) following documentation Evidence: prior consent. was not found: Submit Parental Consent to Invite Outside prior written consent Agencies form signed by parent/child (who has was not obtained. reached the age of majority) and child’s AWN. AWN did not invite participating agency to SAU level: attend. Corrective activity: Provide training on transition planning, including N/A= no participating Parental Consent to Invite Outside Agencies and agency appropriate. demonstrate 100% accuracy and compliance on submitted evidence.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 Parental Consent to Invite Outside Agencies forms signed by parent/child (who has reached the age of majority) and AWN inviting the outside agencies. TRA4a IEP contains appropriate 34 CFR Yes= the IEP contains Child level: measurable post- 300.320(b)(1) appropriate post- Corrective activity: secondary goals secondary goals in the Convene IEP Team to discuss and develop addressing education or MUSER areas of education or appropriate post-secondary goals in the areas of training after high school. IX.3.A(1)(h)(i) training that are: education or training. measurable align with the Evidence: child’s present Submit amended IEP. level of performance SAU level: Align with Corrective activity: assessment Provide training on transition planning, including results development of appropriate post-secondary goals and demonstrate 100% accuracy and No= the IEP does not compliance on submitted evidence. contain appropriate post- secondary goals in the Evidence: area of education or 1. Submit outline of training and training, goals not attendance. measurable or do not align 2. Submit 5 IEPs with appropriate post- with present level of secondary goals and WNs. performance and assessment results. TRA4b IEP contains appropriate 34 CFR Yes= the IEP contains an Child level: measurable post- 300.320(b)(1) appropriate post- Corrective activity: secondary goal addressing secondary goal in the area Convene IEP Team to discuss and develop employment after high MUSER of employment that is: appropriate goals in the area of employment. school. IX.3.A(1)(h)(i) measurable aligns with child’s Evidence: present level of Submit amended IEP. performance aligns with SAU level: assessment Corrective activity: results Provide training on transition planning, including development of appropriate post-secondary No= the IEP does not goals in the area of employment and contain a post-secondary demonstrate 100% accuracy and compliance on goal in the area of submitted evidence. employment or it is not measurable and/or does Evidence: not align with present level 1. Submit outline of training and or performance and attendance. assessment results. 2. Submit 5 IEPs with appropriate post- secondary goals and WNs. TRA4c IEP contains appropriate 34 CFR Yes= the IEP contains an Child level: measurable post- 300.320(b)(1) appropriate post- Corrective activity: secondary goal addressing secondary goal in the area Convene IEP Team to discuss and develop independent living after MUSER of independent living that appropriate goals in the area of independent high school. IX.3.A(1)(h) is: living. measurable aligns with child’s Evidence: present level of Submit amended IEP. performance aligns with SAU level: assessment Corrective activity: results Provide training on transition planning, including development of appropriate post-secondary No= the IEP does not goals in the area of independent living and contain a post-secondary demonstrate 100% accuracy and compliance on goal in the area of submitted evidence. independent living or it is not measurable, and/or Evidence: does not align with present 1. Submit outline of training and level of performance and attendance. assessment results. 2. Submit 5 IEPs with appropriate post- secondary goals and WNs. N/A= an independent living goal is not appropriate for the child. TRA5 Post-secondary goal(s) are 34 CFR Yes= the file contains Child level: updated annually. 300.320(b) evidence that post- Corrective activity: secondary goals were Convene IEP Team to discuss and update post- MUSER updated within the past secondary goals. IX.3.A(1)(h) year (or, this is the child’s first transition plan that Evidence: contains transition goals). Submit amended IEP.
No= there is no evidence SAU level: that the post-secondary Corrective activity: goals have been updated Provide training on transition planning, including within the last year. the need to update post-secondary goals annually and demonstrate 100% accuracy and compliance on submitted evidence.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 IEPs with post-secondary goals updated annually and WNs. TRA6 Post-secondary goal(s) are 34 CFR Yes= age appropriate Child level: based on age appropriate 300.320(b)(1) transition assessment(s) Corrective activity: transition assessments. were used to develop Conduct age appropriate transition MUSER child’s post-secondary IEP assessment(s) (as necessary) and convene the IX.3.A(1)(h)(i) goals. IEP Team to discuss the child’s post-secondary goals in light of the assessment results. No= age appropriate transition assessment(s) Evidence: were NOT conducted or Submit amended IEP. child’s post-secondary IEP goals were NOT based on SAU level: results of those Corrective activity: assessments. Provide training on transition planning, including the use of age appropriate transition assessment(s) in the discussion and development of the child’s post-secondary goals and demonstrate 100% accuracy and compliance on submitted evidence.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 IEPs with age appropriate transition assessment(s) used to develop the child’s post-secondary goals and WNs. TRA7 IEP identifies transition 34 CFR Yes= transition services Child level: services needed to assist 300.320(b)(2), needed to assist the child Corrective activity: the child in reaching post- 300.43 in reaching post-secondary Convene IEP Team to discuss and identify secondary goals. goals are identified in the transition services for the child’s transition plan. MUSER IEP. IX.3.A(1)(h)(ii) Evidence: No= transition services Submit amended IEP. needed to assist the child in reaching post-secondary SAU level: goals are NOT identified in Corrective activity: the IEP. Provide training on transition planning, including development and inclusion of transition services and demonstrate 100% accuracy and compliance on submitted evidence. Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 IEPs with transition services and WNs. TRA8 IEP contains measurable 34 CFR Yes= the IEP contains Child level: annual goals related to the 300.157(a)(3) measurable annual goals Corrective activity: child’s transition services related to the child’s Convene IEP Team to discuss and develop identified in the IEP. transition services measurable goals related to the child’s transition identified in the IEP. services identified in the IEP.
No= the IEP does NOT Evidence: contain measurable annual Submit amended IEP. goals related to the child’s transition service identified SAU level: in the IEP. Corrective activity: Provide training on transition planning, including development and inclusion of measurable goals related to the child’s transition services and demonstrate 100% accuracy and compliance on submitted evidence.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 IEPs with measurable transition goals related to the child’s transition service needs and WNs. TRA9 Transition plan includes 34 CFR Yes= courses of study are Child level: courses of study needed to 300.320(b)(2) included in the transition Corrective activity: assist the child in reaching plan and are projected for Convene IEP Team to discuss and develop post-secondary goals. MUSER the remainder of the child’s courses of study projected for the remainder of IX.3.A(1)(h)(ii) high school education. the child’s high school education, needed to assist the child in reaching post-secondary No= courses of study are goals. NOT included in the transition services or are Evidence: NOT projected for the Submit amended IEP. remainder of the child’s high school education. SAU level: Corrective activity: Provide training on transition planning, including the courses of study needed to assist the child in reaching post-secondary goals projected for the remainder of the child’s high school education and demonstrate 100% accuracy and compliance on submitted evidence.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 IEPs with courses of study projected for the remainder of the child’s high school education and WNs. AOM1 If the child is 17, or older, 34 CFR Yes= the IEP includes the Child level: the IEP includes a 300.320(c) required statement and is Corrective activity: statement that the child dated prior to one year Inform the child of the child’s rights under Part B has been informed of the MUSER before the child reaches of IDEA that will transfer to the child upon child’s rights under Part B IX.3.A(1)(h)(iii) age of majority (age 18). reaching 18 years of age. of IDEA, if any, that will transfer to the child upon No= the IEP does NOT Evidence: reaching 18 years of age. include the required Submit amended IEP. statement or is not dated, as required. SAU level: Corrective activity: N/A= child is under age 17 Develop a plan for notifying parent/child of the and transfer of rights not transfer of child rights prior to one year before yet occurred. the child reaches age of majority (age 18) and provide training on the plan.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance and plan for notifying parent/child of transfer of rights. 2. Submit 5 IEPs with required statement and date prior to one year before the child reaches age of majority (age 18) and WNs. IEP Process: Out-of-Unit Placements (ages 3-20) # Item Citation Criteria Corrective Activities OOU1 Evidence that IEP meeting 34 CFR Yes= there is Child level: convened to develop an 300.325(a)(1) documentation in WN Corrective activity: IEP prior to out-of-unit indicating the IEP Team At next annual review, the IEP Team will discuss placement. MUSER IX.3.H met prior to the child LRE and the inability to provide FAPE in the attending the out-of-unit SAU. school. The WN documents the discussion Evidence: regarding LRE and that the Submit child’s WN. SAU is not able to provide FAPE in the SAU setting. SAU level: Corrective activity: No= there is no Develop a plan to review the continuum of documentation in WN of services when considering FAPE in the LRE and the IEP Team’s discussion provide training on WN, including consideration of LRE and the SAU’s and documentation of the continuum of services inability to provide FAPE in and provide training on the plan. the SAU. Evidence: N/A= the child is not 1. Submit outline of training, attendance at placed out-of-unit. training and plan for reviewing the continuum of services. 2. Submit 5 WNs including review of continuum of services. OOU2 The IEP Team’s MUSER IX.3.H Yes= the WN clearly Child level: documentation of the documents the discussion Corrective activity: program components of a of out-of-unit placement Reconvene IEP Team within 30 days of placement that would with all the IEP placement to document the child’s needs, LRE support the IEP developed components specific to and why the sending SAU is unable to provide at the meeting. child’s needs. FAPE in the SAU setting.
No= WN does not clearly Evidence: document the discussion of Submit child’s WN and IEP. out-of-unit placement with all the IEP components SAU level: specific to child’s needs, Corrective activity: does not ensure LRE Develop a plan to review the continuum of discussion and does not services identifying the most restrictive setting demonstrate that the SAU available in the SAU and provide training on is unable to provide FAPE considering a child’s placement outside the in the SAU setting. SAU, including required documentation.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance and plan to review continuum of services. 2. Submit 5 completed IEPs and WNs, including review of the continuum of services. OOU3 If the placement was 34 CFR Yes= the WN documents Child level: known, evidence that a 300.325(a)(2) that the members of the Corrective activity: representative of the IEP Team include a Reconvene IEP Team within 30 days of placement was involved in MUSER IX.3.H representative of the placement with all required members present. the meeting. If a sending and receiving unit representative could not as part of the IEP Team. Evidence: attend, evidence of the IEP Submit child’s WN and IEP. Team’s efforts to ensure No= the invited Team participation by the members of the IEP Team SAU level: receiving placement. do not include both Corrective activity: sending and receiving Develop a plan to communicate to special schools at the IEP meeting education staff the requirement of a or there is no evidence of representative of the out-of-unit placement and a the IEP Team’s efforts to representative of the sending SAU in attendance ensure participation by the at the IEP meeting. receiving school. Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance and plan to review continuum of services. 2. Submit 5 completed IEPs and WNs, including representation from both the sending and receiving schools. OOU4 If the placement was not MUSER IX.3.H Yes= another IEP Team Child level: known, evidence that meeting was held at which Corrective activity: another IEP Team meeting representatives from both Reconvene IEP Team with all required members was held, attended by a sending and receiving present. representative of the schools were present at placement, to discuss the the IEP meeting to discuss Evidence: child’s program at the new the child’s program at the Submit child’s WN and IEP. placement. new placement. SAU level: No= another IEP Team Corrective activity: meeting was not held after Develop a plan to communicate to special placement was education staff the requirement of a determined. representative of the new out-of-unit placement in attendance at the IEP meeting.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance and plan to review continuum of services. 2. Submit 5 completed IEPs and WN’s, including review of continuum of services. OOU5 Evidence that an IEP MUSER IX.3.H Yes= documentation that Child level: meeting was convened to within 30 days of out-of- Corrective activity: review the IEP 30 days unit placement, IEP Team Convene IEP Team meeting to discuss LRE and after placement. meets to review the IEP components appropriate for the out-of- placement, discuss LRE unit setting that meets the child’s needs. and ensure all IEP components remain Evidence: appropriate. Submit child’s WN and IEP.
No= there is no SAU level: documentation of a 30 day Corrective activity: out-of-unit placement Develop a plan to communicate to special meeting to discuss LRE education staff the requirement to convene an and ensure all IEP IEP Team meeting 30 days after out-of-unit components are placement has occurred. appropriate. Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance and plan. 2. Submit 5 completed IEPs and WN’s, including review of continuum of services. OOU6 For private school MUSER Yes= the EF-S-01 is on file Child level: placements, an EF-S-01 XVIII.1.D at the MDOE documenting Corrective activity: submitted to the MDOE. the placement. Develop EF-S-01documenting the child’s placement. No= there is no EF-S-01 on file at the MDOE. Evidence: Submit child’s EF-S-01 to MDOE.
SAU level: Corrective activity: Provide training on the protocol and development of the EF-S-01.
Evidence: Submit child’s EF-S-01 to MDOE. OOU7 Documentation of required MUSER IX.3.I(2- Yes= there is Child level: annual review of the IEP 6) documentation of an Corrective activity: and placement, if annual review meeting of Convene the IEP Team for the annual meeting evaluations required. WN the child in an out-of-unit to discuss the needs of the child, programming, documenting the placement. The Team LRE and evaluations, if appropriate. Document discussion of LRE, any discussed evaluations, if the discussion of LRE, any changes to the IEP, changes to the IEP and appropriate, LRE, parent’s involvement and attendance of all evidence of parent’s programming and needs of necessary members on the WN. involvement in the the student. The WN meeting. documents the discussion Evidence: and the involvement of the Submit child’s IEP and WN. parents. The WN documents that the team SAU level: members include Corrective activity: representatives from both Develop a plan to communicate to special sending and receiving education staff the required annual review of the schools. IEP placement and evaluations, if required. The plan must include the SAU’s protocol for out-of- No= no annual meeting unit placements, the discussion of LRE and the was scheduled and/or the required 30 day and annual review once out-of- WN did not include all the unit placement has occurred and provide required elements/ training on the plan. documentation. Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance and plan. 2. Submit 5 completed IEPs and WNs, including review of continuum of services. OOU8 Documentation of revised MUSER IX.3.I(3) Yes= the IEP is amended Child level: IEP and placement. following any IEP meeting Corrective activity: at which determinations Amend IEP consistent with all determinations were made regarding made for change in placement and/or revisions change in placement to the IEP. and/or revisions to the IEP. Evidence: No= the IEP is not Submit child’s IEP and WN. amended following any IEP meeting where SAU level: determinations were made Corrective activity: regarding change in Provide training on the IEP process, including placement and/or revisions amending an IEP to reflect change in placement to the IEP. and/or revisions to IEP.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 amended IEPs and WNs. OOU9 Required re-evaluations. MUSER IX.3.I(4) Yes= there is evidence that Child level: the IEP Team discussed Corrective activity: and determined whether Convene IEP Team to discuss and determine three year evaluations are whether or not three year evaluations are warranted or not. warranted.
No= there is no evidence Evidence: of discussion whether Submit child’s IEP and WN. three year evaluations are warranted or not. SAU level: Corrective activity: Provide training on the IEP process, including analysis of evidence by the IEP Team to determine whether or not three year evaluations are warranted.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 amended IEPs and WNs. OOU10 Documentation of MUSER IX.3.I(5) Yes= the sending SAU is Child level: participation in meetings present at every IEP Corrective activity: related to proposed meeting of the child placed Either follow the process for amending the IEP changes to the IEP. out-of-unit. or convene an IEP Team meeting and include the parent, sending SAU and representative of No= there is evidence that out-of-unit placement. a representative from the SAU was not present at Evidence: one or more IEP meetings Submit child’s WN. of the child placed out-of- unit. SAU level: Corrective activity: Provide training on the IEP process, including requirement of representative of the sending SAU to be present at every IEP meeting of a child placed out-of-unit.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 WNs. OOU11 Evidence of parent’s MUSER IX.3.I(6) Yes= there is evidence that Child level: involvement in IEP the parent was invited to Corrective activity: meetings. and attended IEP meeting Either follow the process for amending the IEP or documentation to show or convene an IEP Team meeting and include contact was made to the parent. obtain a mutually agreed upon time for IEP meeting. Evidence: Submit child’s WN. No= parent did not attend and there is no evidence of SAU level: the activities listed above. Corrective activity: Provide training on the IEP process, including efforts to ensure parent participation in IEP meetings.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 AWNs, 5 IEPs and 5 WNs. OOU12 IEP and WNs provided to MUSER IX.3.I(7) Yes= the IEP is sent to the Child level: parents. parent within 21 days of Corrective activity: IEP meeting. The WN is Send IEP and WN to parent. sent to the parent within 7 days of the IEP meeting. Evidence: Submit child’s IEP and WN documenting date No= IEP and WN not sent IEP and WN were sent to parent. or sent outside of timelines. SAU level: Corrective activity: Develop a plan to communicate to special education staff the required timelines for providing the IEP and WN to parents.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance and plan. 2. Submit 5 completed IEPs and WNs, including documentation of date IEP and WN were sent to parent. Initial Referral (Indicator B11) # Item Citation Criteria Corrective Activities INR1 Upon initial referral, 34 CFR Yes= there is Child level: parents were provided 300.121(b), documentation on WN that Corrective activity: Procedural Safeguards. 300.504(a)(1) parent received a copy of Provide a copy of Procedural Safeguards to Procedural Safeguards at parent. MUSER XV, initial referral. Appendix I Evidence: No= there is NO Submit child’s WN documenting parent’s receipt documentation in the file or of Procedural Safeguards. in WN that demonstrates that the parent received a SAU level: copy of Procedural Corrective activity: Safeguards at initial Provide training on provision of Procedural referral. Safeguards.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 completed initial IEPs with documentation that Procedural Safeguards were provided and/or WN documenting Procedural Safeguards were provided to parents of children who received initial evaluation in the past 12 months. INR2 Parental consent was 34 CFR Yes= signed consent form Child level: obtained prior to 300.300(a), is on file, signature date No action at the child level. conducting initial 300.304(a) was prior to initial evaluation and a WN of evaluation and SAU level: proposed evaluations was MUSER IV.2.D & documentation of initial IEP Corrective activity: provided within 15 school E, V.1.A(4)(a) referral in WN. Provide training on referral protocol and days from the initiation of procedures, including signed consent on file and the referral. No= no signed consent dated prior to initial evaluation and form is in the file OR documentation of initial IEP referral in WN. consent form has signature date after initial evaluation Evidence: OR no WN or initial referral 1. Submit outline of training and in file OR WN not within 15 attendance. school days from initiation 2. Submit 5 Parental Consent to Evaluate of the referral. forms with WN.
N/A= student’s most recent evaluation is a re- evaluation. INR3 Initial evaluation conducted 34 CFR Yes= evidence in file Child level: within 45 school days of 300.301(c)(1)(i)(ii) indicates initial Corrective activity: receiving Parental Consent evaluation(s) was/were Complete evaluation as soon as possible. for Evaluation (for 5-20). received by the SAU within (note: do not have parent sign “new” consent for 45 school days of the evaluation form.” SAU’s receipt of Parental Consent for Evaluation. Evidence: 1. Submit Parental Consent for Evaluation No= there was no forms and evidence of date evaluation(s) evidence in the file received by SAU. indicating initial 2. Submit B-11 tracking sheet and school evaluation(s) was/were calendar. received by the SAU within 45 school days of the SAU level: SAU’s receipt of Parental Corrective activity: Consent for Evaluation. Develop a plan for monitoring in the SAU to meet initial evaluation timelines. Provide training Required Reporting: on Child Find requirements and timelines, 1. Student MEDMS including the requirement to conduct an initial # evaluation within 45 school days of receipt of the 2. Reason for Parental Consent to Evaluate and to use the completion of SAU’s timeline monitoring plan. evaluation beyond 45 Evidence: school day 3. Submit outline of training and attendance timeline and plan. 3. Number of days 4. Submit 5 Parental Consent for Evaluation past 45 school forms and evidence of date evaluation(s) day timeline that received by SAU. evaluation was 5. Submit B-11 tracking sheet and school completed. calendar.
N/A= student’s most recent evaluation is a re-evaluation. INR4 Eligibility determination MUSER V.1.A(3) Yes= WN in the file Child level: made within 45 school (a)(i) indicates an IEP Team Corrective activity: days from receipt of discussion regarding Reconvene IEP Team meeting to determine if Parental Consent for evaluation results and the child is eligible for special education. Evaluation for 5-20. determination of child’s eligibility for special Evidence: education services Submit child’s WN for this meeting. occurred within 45 school days from receipt of SAU level: Parental Consent for Corrective activity: Evaluation. Develop a plan for monitoring Child Find requirements and timelines, including the No= there is no evidence requirement to determine eligibility within 45 in the file indicating an IEP school days of receipt of Parental Consent for Team discussion regarding Evaluation. determination of child’s eligibility for special Evidence: education services 1. Submit outline of training and occurred within 45 school attendance and plan. days from receipt of 2. Submit 5 Parental Consent for Parental Consent for Evaluation forms with WN. Evaluation. INR5 A variety of assessment 34 CFR Yes= documentation from Child level: tools and strategies were 300.304(b) at least two sources is Corrective activity: used to gather relevant used to gather relevant Reconvene IEP Team to re-determine eligibility functional, developmental MUSER V.2.B(1) functional, developmental and the educational needs of the student using and academic information and academic information multiple and appropriate sources. about the child, including about the child, including information provided by the information provided by the Evidence: parent. parent. Submit child’s WN.
No= there is no SAU level: documentation in the file Corrective activity: demonstrating that at least Provide training on proper evaluation two or more data sources procedures. were used to determine eligibility. Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and N/A= student’s most recent attendance. evaluation is a re- 2. Submit 5 WNs that discuss the use of a evaluation. variety of assessment tools to determine eligibility. INR6 Standardized reports for MUSER V.4.C Yes= standardized reports Child level: evaluations included all for evaluations include all Corrective activity: components including an components, including an Amend evaluation report to include all observation in the learning observation in the learning components. environment. environment. Evidence: No= standardized reports Submit copy of child’s evaluation and WN in for evaluations do not which amended evaluation is discussed. include all components and/or observation in the SAU level: learning environment was Corrective activity: not included. Develop an evaluation template which includes all components for evaluations and provide training on required evaluation components and the use of the template. Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance and evaluation template. 2. Submit 5 WNs discussing evaluations that have all necessary components. INR7 A copy of the evaluation MUSER V.4.G Yes= evidence in file Child level: report was provided to the and VI.2.A clearly indicates parent No action at the child level. parent at least three days was in receipt of the report prior to the IEP meeting at three days prior to the SAU level: which the evaluation was scheduled IEP meeting in Corrective activity: discussed. which the evaluation was Provide training on proper evaluation discussed. procedures and timelines.
No= lack of Evidence: evidence/receipt of the 1. Submit outline of training and report was provided to the attendance. parent three days prior to 2. Submit 5 evaluations documenting date scheduled IEP meeting in sent to parent and WNs for the IEP which the evaluation was meetings in which these evaluations are discussed. discussed. INR8 IEP developed within 30 34 CFR Yes= there was an IEP Child level: days of the eligibility 300.306(c)(2) developed within 30 days Corrective activity: determination that the child of eligibility determination Develop an IEP based on eligibility and child’s needs special education MUSER that the child needs special needs for special education and related and related services. IX.3.B(2)(a) education and related services. services. Evidence: No= there was no IEP Submit copy of child’s IEP and WN. developed within 30 days. SAU level: N/A= student was not Corrective activity: found eligible for special Provide training on proper IEP development education and related timelines. services. Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 WNs in which eligibility was determined and corresponding IEPs. INR9 Parental Consent for initial 34 CFR Yes= written consent for Child level: services was obtained or 300.300(b) initial IEP services is on Corrective Activity: documentation of efforts to the back page of the WN, Obtain written consent for IEP services to be obtain consent is in file. MUSER V.1.A(4) generated at the eligibility included in student’s file. (a)(ii) IEP meeting and is found in student file. Evidence: Submit copy of child’s WN upon which parent No= written consent for which parent provided consent for initial special initial IEP services not education services. found in student file. SAU level: N/A= student not found Corrective activity: eligible for special Provide training on initial consent for special education services. education services, including efforts to obtain consent.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 WNs in which initial consent for special education services was provided or evidence those efforts to obtain consent were made. Miscellaneous # Item Citation Criteria Corrective Activities MIS1 Accuracy document Required in Yes= Accuracy document Child level: SAU’s file during has been submitted with No action at the child level. monitoring requested audit evidence. activities. SAU level: No= Accuracy document Corrective activity: not on file from SAU. Develop Accuracy document form.
Evidence: Submit copy of Accuracy document to MDOE. MIS2 Letters of Authorization to MUSER Yes= Letter of Child level: Commit Funds VI.2.B(4)(c) Authorization to Commit No action at the child level. Funds identifying personnel who are SAU level: authorized to commit funds Corrective activity: for the SAU is on file and Develop Letters of Authorization to Commit updated annually. Funds.
No= there is no Letter of Evidence: Authorization to Commit Submit copies of Letters of Authorization to Funds on file, or it is not Commit Funds to MDOE. updated annually. MIS3 Qualified personnel MUSER II.32 Yes= SAU submitted Child level: completed Personnel No action at the child level. Certification form with 100%. SAU level: Corrective activity: No= SAU submits Address noncompliance of identified personnel Personnel Certification by confirming appropriate certification of all form that is not 100% personnel and completing personnel certification compliant or fails to submit form with 100% compliance. form. Evidence: Submit completed, fully compliant Personnel Certification form to MDOE. MIS4 Parent Survey 20 U.S.C. 1416 Yes = Submitted Child level: (A)(3)(A) addresses of parents of No action at the child level students with disabilities in the SAU. SAU level: Corrective activity: No = Did not submit Submit addresses of parents of students with addresses of parents of disabilities in the SAU. students with disabilities in the SAU. Required Policies and Procedures # Item Citation Criteria Corrective Activities RPP1 Referral/Pre-referral of MUSER IV.2.E Yes= SAU has a current Child level: Students with Disabilities policy, adopted by the No action at the child level. school board, on Referral/Pre-referral of Students with Disabilities. No= SAU does not have a SAU level: policy or the policy has Corrective activity: outdated language and Develop or revise policy to meet current needs revision and requirements and include SAU school board adoption by the SAU’s adoption and approval date. school board. Evidence: Submit updated policy to MDOE. RPP2 Child Find 34 CFR 300.111 Yes= SAU has a current Child level: Child Find policy adopted No action at the child level. MUSER IV.2.A by the school board. SAU level: No= SAU does not have a Corrective activity: policy or the policy has Develop or revise policy to meet requirements, outdated language and and include SAU school board adoption and needs revision and approval date. adoption by the SAU’s school board. Evidence: Submit updated policy to MDOE. RPP3 Disciplinary Removal of MUSER XVII Yes= SAU has a current Child level: Students with Disabilities Disciplinary Removal of No action at the child level. Students with Disabilities Policy adopted by the SAU level: school board. Corrective activity: Revise policy to meet requirements and include No= the policy has SAU school adoption and approval date. outdated language and needs revision and Evidence: adoption by the SAU’s Submit updated policy to MDOE. school board. RPP4 Physical Restraint and MDOE Yes= SAU has a current Child level: Seclusion regulation, Ch. physical restraint and No action at the child level. 33 seclusion policy adopted by the school board. SAU level: Corrective activity: No= SAU does not have a Develop or revise policy to meet requirements policy or the policy has and include SAU school board adoption and outdated language and approval date. needs revision and adoption by the SAU’s Evidence: school board. Submit updated policy to MDOE. RPP5 Individualized Education 34 CFR 1436(a) Yes= SAU has a current Child level: Program (3) IEP policy adopted by the No action at the child level. school board. MUSER IX(1,3) SAU level: No= the policy has Corrective activity: outdated language and Revise policy to meet requirements and include needs revision and SAU school board adoption and approval date. adoption by the SAU’s school board. Evidence: Submit updated policy to MDOE. Written Notice # Item Citation Criteria Corrective Activities WRN1 Written Notice (WN) 34 CFR 300.503 Yes= WN was provided to Child level: provided to parent MUSER parent after every IEP whenever SAU proposes Appendix 1 Team meeting or Corrective Activity: or refuses to initiate or agreement to amend the Reconvene IEP Team meeting to review child’s change identification, IEP, when a proposal is needs and programming and document IEP evaluation, educational initiated or refused. The Team meeting in WN. programming, provision of WN is complete. early intervention services Evidence: or placement of child. No= WN was missing or Submit WN for this meeting. incomplete. SAU level: Corrective activity: Provide training on development of WN.
Evidence: 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 completed WNs for IEP Team meetings. WRN2 Evidence that required 34 CFR Yes= the WN indicates Child level: members present at IEP 300.321(a) who was in attendance and Corrective Activity: Team meeting. identifies in what capacity Reconvene IEP Team meeting with required MUSER VI.2.B they attended the IEP members to review the needs of the student, meeting (i.e., administrator, LRE and other determinations. regular and special education teacher, parent, Or review and amend the WN to include the child, etc.). information not included.
No= necessary team Evidence: member was not in Submit WN for this meeting. attendance and/or was not excused. SAU level: Corrective activity: And/or Provide training on development of WN to include IEP members in attendance and in what No= the WN does not capacity they attended. indicate who was in attendance, or does not Evidence: identify in what capacity 1. Submit outline of training and they attended the IEP attendance. meeting. 2. Submit 5 completed WNs for IEP Team meetings. WRN3 Documentation of use of 34 CFR Yes= the WN documents Child level: Excusal form when a 300.321(e)(2) the use of Excusal form Corrective Activity: member of the IEP Team when the non-attending If the excused member did not provide written is excused from attending MUSER VI.2.F member’s area of input, convene IEP Team, including excused an IEP meeting in whole or curriculum or related member, to review any determinations made in part and where the service was discussed or regarding that member’s area. meeting involves a modified and that the modification to or written input of the Evidence: discussion of the excused team member Submit WN for this meeting. member’s area of the was provided prior to the curriculum or related IEP meeting. SAU level: service. Corrective activity: No= the Excusal form for Provide training on the process of excusing required IEP Team required IEP Team members and the use of member not in attendance Excusal forms. is incomplete or missing, or no written input was Evidence: provided by the excused 1. Submit outline of training and IEP Team member prior to attendance. the IEP Team meeting. 2. Submit 5 completed WNs that required excusal, corresponding Excusal forms and signed and dated reports submitted by excused provider. WRN4 WN provided to parent of a MUSER Yes= the WN is sent to the Child level: transferring child following IX.3.B(5)(a)(i) parent/guardian of a child Corrective Activity: the IEP meeting at which is and (ii) who transferred from Reconvene IEP Team meeting to consider discussed the comparable another SAU (in or out-of- comparable services for transfer student. services to be provided by state) following an IEP SAU until it either adopts meeting to discuss the Evidence: the IEP of the sending comparable services to be Submit child’s WN for this meeting. school or develops a new provided. one. SAU level: No= there is no WN Corrective activity: documenting an IEP Provide training on programming for children meeting concerning the who transfer SAUs. comparable services to be provided to the transferring Evidence: child. 1. Submit outline of training and attendance. 2. Submit 5 completed WNs considering comparable services for a transfer student.