College of Education s19

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College of Education s19

College of Education Handbook for Field Experience

Secondary Education Broad Field Science


Welcome to the world of field experiences in secondary education. The idea behind field experiences is to provide opportunities for you to apply your knowledge, skills, and dispositions as you work with diverse learners in a variety of settings. As you progress from one field experience to another, you will begin to understand the varied and complex aspects of teaching. Designed to be both incremental and well sequenced, field experiences help you to develop the competence necessary to begin your career as a teacher. This component of field experiences is characterized by collaboration, educational environments with most appropriate practice associated with sound professional expertise, and candidate’s accountability through distinct and numerous assessments. Field experiences represent a variety of early and ongoing school-based opportunities in which candidates observe, reflect, assist, tutor, manage, instruct, and assess in public school classrooms. The over-arching focus of all field experiences is the same throughout the Teacher Education Program, to give candidates authentic experiences within an environment of growth. Candidates are mentored to become effective practitioners, caring leaders, and lifelong learners collaboratively by University mentors and classroom teachers. On the next few pages, you will see the letter the cooperating teacher receives when she/he agrees to take one of our teacher candidates and a copy of the evaluation forms that will be used by the university supervisor and the cooperating teacher to give you feedback on lessons that you teach. These documents and all of the other information in this handbook are designed to give you the best experience possible and to help you become an effective practitioner, a lifelong learner, and a caring leader.

Introduction to Field Experiences

At each level of the pre-service education experience at North Greenville University, teacher candidates are given opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills they are obtaining through simulated and actual classroom situations. Field experiences are offered in cooperating schools as an integral component of the program. Field experiences provide the opportunity for candidates to continue to develop their knowledge, skills, and dispositions in the real world of classrooms as they work with diverse learners in a variety of settings appropriate to the content and level of their program of study. Field experiences and clinical practice are characterized by collaboration, appropriate practice associated with sound professional expertise, and accountability through extensive assessment. Field experiences represent a variety of early and ongoing school-based opportunities in which candidates observe, reflect, assist, tutor, manage, instruct, and assess learning in K-12 classrooms. The first field experience, as a part of EDUC 1210 Introduction to Education, occurs as your first education class and is exploratory and primarily observational in nature. After candidates are admitted to the program, each major has its own organization for field experiences. The over-arching focus, however, is the same throughout the Division, to give candidates authentic learning experiences within an environment of on-going growth. This is accomplished through mentoring by university supervisors and classroom teachers. Candidates are mentored to become effective practitioners, caring leaders, and lifelong learners collaboratively by university mentors and classroom teachers. Students move from observing both the teacher and the learner to engaging in teaching lessons, to curriculum planning and development. Field experiences are integrated into and tied to specific courses and represent a variety of early and on-going school-based opportunities in which candidates observe, reflect, assist, tutor, manage, instruct, assess, and conduct events in their classrooms. Responsibilities for Individuals Involved with Field Experience

North Greenville Instructor  Communicate expectations to candidates  Grade lesson plans and reflections  Communicate with University Mentors as needed

North Greenville Mentors/University Supervisors  Communicate expectations to Cooperating Teachers  Complete formal observations on each candidate  Conduct a post conference with each candidate after an observation  Complete evaluation forms for each candidate and provide the candidate with copies  Collect Cooperating Teacher evaluation forms and Assessment of Dispositions form  Provide candidates with copies of evaluation forms  Turn in original evaluation forms to Placement Coordinator at the end of the semester  Be available to candidates, be a resource, and be a coach

Cooperating Teachers  Assist candidate in scheduling of the lessons to be taught  Assist candidate in planning of the lessons (communicate standards currently being taught in the classroom and provide any materials you wish for him/her to use)  Be present during each of the lessons and complete an evaluation form  Complete a summative evaluation form at the end of the field experience  Complete an Assessment of Dispositions form at the end of the field experience  Give all forms to the North Greenville University Mentor/Supervisor or place in the designated area at your school for North Greenville Placement Coordinator

North Greenville Teacher Candidates  Communicate with cooperating teacher and follow his/her schedule and/or guidelines in planning and scheduling lessons (You are responsible for the scheduling of the lessons you will be teaching.)  Meet with North Greenville University Mentor/Supervisor after formal observations or as needed  Provide copies of each lesson plan to the Cooperating Teacher North Greenville University Mentor/Supervisor, and North Greenville University Instructor  Communicate by phone or email with the North Greenville University Mentor, at least 48 hrs, in advance, with the time for when you will be teaching a lesson Secondary Education: Broad Field Science

The purpose of the expanded program in Broad Field Sciences meets the needs of current students, prospective students, and the community. The long range plans for the program include: 1) become accredited by the National Science Teacher Association (NSTA), 2) increase quality programs in education, 3) produce graduates for the teaching profession as early as 2009-2010, 4) provide highly qualified teachers for secondary schools in South Carolina and beyond, and 5) become accredited by NCATE after producing ten graduates. We view this opportunity as not only supplying needed secondary education science teachers but also as an opportunity for developing a program aligned with the mission of North Greenville University as we prepare future science teachers in biology, physics and chemistry who are effective practitioners, nurturing and caring leaders, and lifelong learners.

In order to evaluate how effective North Greenville University conducts the Science Program for Secondary Educators, several methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the program is monitored by using the following assessments and methods:

1) Pre-course and post-course test’s scores will be compared and evaluated for all of the Science courses in this program. 2) Successful passage of both Praxis I and Praxis II will be monitored to analyze the number of times a student must take these tests as well as test results. 3) Personal reports from field experience supervisors and cooperating teachers as well as student teacher advisers is used to evaluate the field experience component. 4) Personal exit interview with each graduate is held to evaluate instruction, facilities, support and career planning. 5) Post-graduate surveys are administered to the graduates, as well as to their employer, 1-2 years following graduation, in order to evaluate the graduates’ readiness to teach at the high school level. 6) Information concerning any post-graduate standardized testing is analyzed to determine if our students are competitive on the national level. 7) Information obtained from the assessment of disposition from student teaching as well as key field experiences and courses are used to determine key disposition attainment by candidates.

The Mission and Goals of the Biology Program for Secondary Education

Program Mission: To graduate students proficient in the field of Biology, Physics and Chemistry who can articulate scientific facts in such a way so that they can teach others such principles.

Program Goal: To graduate students proficient in the fields of Biology, Physics and Chemistry who can successfully acquire positions in secondary education and other such Science-related fields.

The Conceptual Framework of the College of Education

The Broad Field Science Secondary Education Program at North Greenville University aligns with the Conceptual Framework of the College of Education that was approved by NCATE in 2005. This framework consists of the mission, vision, aim, philosophy, purposes, and goals as reflected in outcomes and candidate proficiencies for candidate performance, a statement of commitment to diversity and technology, and a system for assessing performance. The framework grows out of the purpose and objectives of the University as a whole.

Vision The College of Education seeks to prepare teachers who have not only deep understanding of subjects and methods of teaching, but also deep understanding of students; who not only facilitate students’ learning, but also promote students’ holistic wellbeing; who desire not only to see others continually grow and develop, but who also continue to grow as professionals themselves. We envision our graduates teaching effectively, leading through example, and continually learning the art and science of the teaching profession.

Mission The self examination process required in the development of our Conceptual Framework has led to an insightful discovery of who we are as the College of Education at North Greenville University. We are the link between past, present and future. The teacher education program, first approved in 1997, has grown at an astonishing rate. In five short years, we have graduated 196 Elementary, Early Childhood, and Music Education majors. This rapid growth parallels the growth of the institution as a four-year university and highlights the need for expanded programs.

Building on its belief that education can and must provide light in the darkness, we now have a teacher education program that trains teachers not only for this geographic area but also for other states and foreign countries. As the present link in the fulfillment of this mission, NGU seeks to prepare students to respond to God’s vocational calling for their lives. The College of Education, together with university and community stakeholders, conceived and designed a teacher education program that prepares teachers who experience a sense of calling to the profession to become effective practitioners, caring leaders, and lifelong learners. We urge our graduates to remember the heritage of this institution and to go forward with resolve and courage. We challenge them, just as Paul, in Philippians 3:14 (NIV) to press on toward the goal to claim the prize for which God has called them.

Building on a heritage of teachers who modeled behaviors indicative of high expectations, the faculty in the College of Education continue to demonstrate for students the knowledge, skills and dispositions that empower them to go forward with resolve and courage as teacher education graduates of a school “of high grade equal to any in the country” (Howard, 1967, p. 5).

The NGU Teacher Education Handbook outlines the College of Education’s present degree program requirements and contains all pertinent documents used to evaluate candidates and to assess their progress. A brief introduction to the present College of Education’s Mission and Purpose follows.


Aim The teacher education program at North Greenville University, a Christ-centered institution, prepares teacher candidates to become effective practitioners, caring leaders, and lifelong learners in a diverse, changing society.

Philosophy Our beliefs about how best to prepare teacher candidates to become effective, reflective and facilitative practitioners rest, first of all, on the Bible as the solid foundation for a philosophy of education and of life, in keeping with the Christian commitment of North Greenville University. Other knowledge bases that provide direction to our efforts include educational theory and research, the wisdom of practice, and state and national policy directives.

Academic research and the American public agree that teacher quality is the most important education factor driving student performance (Milken, 2000). Studies reported by Marzano (2003) confirm the profound impact a teacher can have on individual student achievement, noting a positive relationship between teachers’ content and pedagogical knowledge and student achievement. The link between social support, academic learning and student achievement suggests that teachers must not only provide the instruction necessary to meet high expectations, but must also provide a sense of trust, confidence, and psychological safety that allows students to learn. The findings of Lee, Smith, Perry, and Smylie (1999) suggest that gains in student achievement require both high academic expectations and the social support necessary for students to achieve.

Teachers are decision-makers and problem-solvers working in a very complex environment with multiple, simultaneous demands on their time and attention. Mere mindless application of techniques based on research and learned by rote is not sufficient to solve the problems of teaching; prospective teachers must learn to practice reflectively (Schön, 1987). Teachers who conceive of and conduct themselves as learners provide a model for students and are better able to help students succeed as learners (Sternberg, 1987). Ongoing professional growth is a hallmark of quality in teaching. High quality in teaching is also a function of caring; school relationships characterized by caring promote growth among teachers as well as students (Noddings, 1992). As Palmer (1998) described it, good teaching cannot be reduced to technique; it comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher. Good teachers’ methods vary widely, but they consistently create connections among the teacher, the students, and the subject; they build a community. Sergiovanni (1992) spoke of schools becoming “virtuous enterprises;” Chaskin and Rauner (1995) urged us to search for ways to build caring into the environments in which young people develop. Teachers who care for and serve the best interests of their students are fulfilling a spiritual principle (Philippians 2:4); they are demonstrating love and exercising Biblical servant-leadership.

In addition to valued research on quality in teaching, students can provide insightful and articulate observations on excellence in teaching. During pre-registration days for fall 2003, the entering freshmen at North Greenville University were required to write an essay for freshman English placement based on one of two writing prompts: “Describe an excellent student.” or “Describe an excellent teacher.” A College of Education faculty member analyzed 145 essays describing the qualities of an excellent teacher. Not surprisingly, students focused on those qualities and characteristics correlating to our philosophy, and ultimately, our outcomes that define excellence in teaching. Students identified a caring, compassionate, selfless, and sacrificial teacher who “goes the extra mile” by staying late, being available, knowing students’ needs, and expressing a willingness to help. Students also identified knowledge of the subject, a demonstration of a variety of teaching and classroom management skills, personal traits of fairness, loyalty, and honesty, and a commitment to lifelong learning as characteristics of the excellent teacher. Finally, students identified recognition of individual differences reflected in proficiencies such as, providing different learning activities for different types of students, answering and assisting all students, and adapting to differences in learning and teaching styles.

Diversity / Multicultural Education Additionally, a fundamental area that must permeate all educational programs is multicultural education. Teacher candidates must be prepared for an environment requiring diverse and complex human responses, both cognitively and affectively. The cultural fusion into a melting pot of cultures is no longer the reality; rather, it is a mosaic of many colors and forms, each piece of which retains its uniqueness. In contrast, the racial and ethnic composition of American teachers continues to be primarily white female (Chisholm, 1994, p.3). As reflective practitioners, teacher candidates must develop an awareness of their own cultural perspective. Teacher candidates must also develop a cultural competence to function comfortably in a culture different from their own. Teacher candidates must develop and appreciate all aspects of culturally diverse groups, including their values, stories, art, music, religions, and learning styles. They must recognize the close links of cultural roots and cognition in order to adapt with appropriate teaching styles (Boykin, 2000). Recognizing also the importance of preparation of teacher candidates for a broader societal scope, we collaborate with those state and national program directives that articulate standards to develop a common core of knowledge and skills to be acquired by all new teachers.

Commitment to Diversity Futrell, Gomez, and Bedden (2003) described America as one of the most diverse nations in the world. We are truly a mix of cultures, races, abilities, and talents. According to Futrell et al., 35% of American elementary and secondary school children are from racial or ethnic minority groups. Today, approximately 25% of school-age children live in poverty, and 33% are of limited English proficiency. Recognizing the changing racial and cultural demographics in the areas it serves, the faculty of the Teacher Education Program are committed to preparing teacher candidates to appreciate, respect, celebrate, and plan appropriately for the racial, cultural, and developmental diversity of the children they teach. Knowing that good teaching is what matters most, the Education faculty, through a variety of means, seek to nurture and enhance each teacher candidate’s personal qualities of flexibility, tolerance, and empathy for others.

Committed to fostering dispositions that emphasize caring in the classroom, the Teacher Education Program prepares candidates to appreciate, respect, and value the uniqueness of all children. Candidates learn to plan appropriately for all students, taking into account differences in ability, ethnicity, cultural background, developmental obstacles, and socio-economic status. The Teacher Education faculty, through presenting relevant literature, describing and modeling dispositions that incorporate caring attitudes, and encouraging candidates, seek to develop the dispositions that will enable candidates to meet the learning needs of all children.

Multicultural sensitivity is directly addressed in the Teacher Education Program at North Greenville University by a variety of means, including required coursework in world religion and a practicum component that provides interaction with groups of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Enrichment experiences through service in a spectrum of multicultural environments are also available to all students through required participation in the Global Education Day. The ethos of the college motivates students, faculty and staff to care for all persons because of the belief that God has created and loves every person individually. ADEPT The Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC), a program of the Council of Chief State School Officers, has developed standards based upon shared views within the profession of what constitutes professional teaching. In addition, the South Carolina Department of Education has articulated performance dimensions as a component of the System of Assisting, Developing and Evaluating Professional Teaching (ADEPT). These expectations are based on a large repertoire of knowledge and skills that provide the foundation for competent practice (, and are required in all South Carolina teacher education programs for teacher evaluation and improvement.

The College of Education recognizes that learner-centered, experiential, collaborative and reflective approaches to instruction promote deep, powerful, meaningful learning, both in teacher education and K-12 schooling (e.g., Darling-Hammond, 1997; Gardner, 1999; Zemelman, Daniels & Hyde, 1998). We find ourselves on a trajectory of growth toward deeper understanding, more effective practice and enhanced capacity to facilitate such learning with our teacher candidates.

Based ultimately on a spiritual foundation, the program prepares candidates according to these principles:  Candidates prepare to become caring, committed practitioners through a logical, coherent, knowledge- based program which allows them to develop their abilities through guided experience in the field.  The program is aligned with professional (INTASC) and state (ADEPT) standards and policies.  Desired outcomes for candidates are clearly articulated and constitute the objectives for each course and learning experience conducted within the program.

Candidates who meet these objectives for knowledge, skills and dispositions, articulated as proficiencies, will be competent in subject matter knowledge, as well as be able to facilitate learning and to nurture the self-concept and self-efficacy of all learners. They will also be able to serve schools as caring leaders and be practicing members of the “club of life long learners” (Smith, 1983). Studies reported by Marzano (2003) confirm the profound impact a teacher can have on individual student achievement, noting a positive relationship between teachers’ content and pedagogical knowledge and student achievement suggests that teachers must not only provide the instruction necessary to meet high expectations, but must also provide a sense of trust, confidence, and psychological safety that allows students to learn. The findings of Lee, Smith, Perry, and Smylie (1999) suggest that gains in student achievement require both high academic expectations and the social support necessary for students to achieve.

Course Requirements of the Current Biology Program

Currently the B.S. in Biology requires that students earn at least 132 hours (140 including chapel and cultural event credit). Students must complete the general education requirements of the 40 hours. They must also complete 46 hours in required Biology courses; 28 hours in supporting courses; 12 hours of Biology electives and 6 hours of general electives.

Students must apply to the Health Science Advisory Committee for admission into the Biology Program. Application cannot be made until after their freshman year (>30 credit hours). The successful applicant must have an overall 2.5 GPA with a “C” or better in courses of Biology (Biol 1410), Chemistry (Chem 1450 and 1460) and English (Engl 1310, 1320 and 200 level). They must also pass a writing test and be interviewed by the Health Science Advisory Committee. In order to graduate with a biology degree, the successful graduate in Biology must have:

1) a 2.5 GPA in his Biology courses; 2) greater that a 2.0 overall GPA; and 3) pass the senior seminar capstone course with a “C” or better.

Program Description

Course Requirements of the Broad Field Science Program in Secondary Education

In comparison with the B.S. Biology degree, the Broad Field Science Secondary Education degree will follow the same basic requirements as stated above. However, students will take the following course substitutions. (Course Substitution) Biology Degree Broad Field Science Degree Biol 2430 (General Zoology)(4 credits) Biol 2455/2456 (Zoo/Plant for educators) (4 credits) Biol 2450 (Plant Science) (4 credits)

Biol 2470 (Anatomy /Physiology I) Biol 2490/2491 (Anatomy/Physiology for educators) (4 credits) (4 credits) Biol 2480 (Anatomy /Physiology II) (4 credits)

Chem 2450 (Organ.Chem.I) (4 credits) Chem 2470/2471 (Organic./Biochem. for educators) Chem 2460 (Organ.Chem II (4 credits) (4 credits) Chem 3310 (Biochem.) (4 credits)

Biol 3200 (Junior Sem. (3 credits) Biol 3210 (Junior Seminar for educators) ( 3 credits)

[Note: This section does not describe the mandatory education courses for this program. See section on required education courses.]

Students planning to follow a Secondary Education program at North Greenville University must meet the admission requirement of the Biology Degree listed above, as well as the requirements of the Teacher Licensure Program. The standards of admission to the Teacher Licensure Program are inclusive of those for admission to North Greenville University and include other criteria outlined by the College of Education. It must be understood that admission to NGU is not synonymous with admission to the Secondary Education Teacher Licensure Program. Bachelor of Science Degree in Broad Field Science – Secondary Education Suggested Course Sequence First Year Fall Semester Spring Semester ___ BIOL 1100 Scientific Learning 1 ___ ENGL 1320 3 ___ ENGL 1310 3 ___ MUSC 1320 3 ___ CHST 1320 New Testament 3 ___ PHED 1200 2 ___ BIOL 1410/1411 4 ___ BIOL 2455/2456 Zoo / Plant Ed. 4 ___ CHEM 1450/1451 4 ___ CHEM 1460/1461 4 ___ EDUC 1215 Integration of Technology 2 ___ EDUC 1210 Intro to Education 2 in Secondary Curriculum (20 hours field experience) ___ COLL 1100 1 ___ Chpl/Cevt 1 ___ Chpl/Cevt 1 19 19

Second Year ___ ENGL 23XX 3 ___ HIST 1300 or higher 3 ___ PSYC 2385 Adolescent Psychology 3 ___ MATH 1333 Stats for Biology 3 ___ CHEM 2470/2471 Organic/Biochem 4 ___ EDUC 2230 Foundations 2 (20 hours field experience) ___ PHSC 1420 Earth Science 4 ___ COMM 2300 3 ___ MATH 1410 Calculus 4 ___ BIOL 2490/2491 A&P for 4 Educators ___ Chpl/Cevt 1 ___ EDUC 3350 Exceptional Learner 3 19 ___ Chpl/Cevt 1 19

Third Year ___ BIOL 2300 Intelligent Design 3 ___ BIOL 4450/4451 Ecology 4 ___ PHYS 1410/1411 Physics I 4 ___ PHYS 1420 Physics II 4 ___ BIOL 3445 Genetics 4 ___ BIOL 3440 Cell and Molecular 4 ___ EDUC 3410 Educational Psychology 4 ___ EDUC 3395 Reading in Content 3 Area* (20 hours field experience) ___ BFED 4340 Science Methods* (BIOL) 3 ___ BIOL 3200 Jr. Seminar for Ed. 2 (20 hours field experience) ___ Chpl/Cevt 1 ___ Chpl/Cevt 1 19 18

Fourth Year ___ BIOL 3465 Developmental Biology 4 ___ EDSE 4800 Directed Student Teach* 12 ___ BIOL 4200 Sr. Seminar 2 ___ Chpl/Cevt 1 ___ EDUC 32XX Curriculum Development 2 13 ___ CHST 2335 World Religion 3 ___ EDUC 4340 Classroom 3 Management* (20 hours field experience) ___ Chpl/Cevt 1 15

*Requires admission to Teacher Education Program for Secondary Education **Any deviation from this Suggested Course Sequence will require additional semesters. [Note: All students at North Greenville University must earn one credit hour for Chapel and Cultural events for each semester of full-time enrollment.] Bachelor of Science Degree in Broad Field Science – Secondary Education

General Education Requirements College 1100 or Honors 1210 1(2) hours English 1310, 1320 6 hours English Literature (2000 level) 3 hours Music 1320 3 hours History 13XX 3 hours Communication 2300 3 hours Biology 1410/1411 4 hours Physical Education 1200 2 hours Christian Studies 1320, 2335 6 hours Adolescence Psychology 2385 3 hours Math 1333, Probability Statistics for Science Majors 3 hours Total 37-38 hours

Science Requirements Biology 1100, Scientific Learning 1 hour Biology 2300, Intelligent Design 3 hours Biology 2455/2456, Zoo/Plant for Educators 4 hours Biology 2490/2491, Anatomy and Physiology for Educators 4 hours Biology 3440/3441, Cell and Molecular Biology 4 hours Biology 3445/3446, Genetics 4 hours Biology 3465/3466, Developmental Biology 4 hours Biology 4450/1451, Ecology 4 hours Biology 3210, Junior Seminar for Educators 2 hours Biology 4200, Senior Seminar 2 hours Biology 4340, Science Methods (20 hours field experience) 3 hours Chemistry 1450/1451, General Chemistry I 4 hours Chemistry 1460/1461, General Chemistry II 4 hours Chemistry 2470/2471, Organic/Biochem for the Educators 3 hours Physics 1410/1411, General Physics I 4 hours Physics 1420/1421, General Physics II 4 hours Physical Science 1420/1421 Earth Science 4 hours Math 1410, Calculus 4 hours

Total 62 hours

Education Requirements Education 1210, Introduction to Education (20 hours field experience) 2 hours Education 1215, Integration of Technology 2 hours Education 2230, Foundations (20 hours field experience) 2 hours Education, 3410, Educational Psychology 4 hours Education 3350, Exceptional Learner 3 hours EDUC 3295, Reading in Content (20 hours field experience) 3 hours Education 32XX, Curriculum Development 2 hours

Education 4340, Classroom Management (20 hours field experience) 3 hours EDSE 4800, Directed Student Teaching 12 hours Total 33 hours Total Hours for Secondary Education Degree Total General Education Requirements 37-38 hours Total Biology Requirements 62 hours Total Education Electives 33 hours Chapel/Cultural Events 8 hours Total Hours for Secondary Education Broad Science Biology Emphasis Degree 140 hours

The B.S. in Broad Field Science requires that the students earn at least 132 hours (140 hours including chapel and cultural event credit). Students must complete the general education requirements of 37 hours. They must also complete 35 hours in required Biology courses; 27 hours in Supporting courses; and 33 hours of Secondary Education courses.

The program for secondary certification in Broad Field Science at North Greenville University has been designed to meet the basic requirements of the South Carolina State Department of Education (SDOE), which bases its standards on the requirements of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). The Teacher Certification Manual of the SDOE states that candidates must complete coursework to meet the following standards. These courses are all required in the Science Education program.

Standard 1 Content Standard 6 Curriculum Standard 2 Nature of Science and Rhetoric Standard 7 Social Context Standard 3 Inquiry Standard 8 Assessment Standard 4 Context of Science Standard 9 Environment for Learning Standard 5 Skills of Teaching Standard 10 Professional Practice

NSTA Standard Course Addressed In Assessment 1. Content Knowledge 1. Biology 4340  Praxis II Science Methods  Lab Portfolio 2. EDSE 4800  Science Teaching Manual Directed Student  Research Project Evaluations Teaching  ADEPT Portfolio 3. Biology 3200  Cooperating and Supervising Junior Seminar Teacher Evaluations 4. Biology 4200 Senior Seminar

2. Nature of Science 1. Biology 1410  Oral Discussions and Quizzes Principles of Biology  Tests 2. Biology 1110  Evaluation of Scientific Paper and Scientific Learning Evaluation of Template for 3. Biology 4450 Problem Solving Ecology 4. Biology 2455 Comparative Biology For Education 3. Inquiry 1. Biology Lab 1411  Oral Quizzes and Lab Reports Principles of Biology  Lab Portfolio 2. Biology Lab 2456  Presentation of Research Project Comparative Biology  Site (Quadrant) Long-Term Study of Plants and Animals Research Report 3. CHEM 2470  Scientific Paper Organic/Biochemistry  Analysis of Journal Articles 4. Biology 4200 Senior Seminar 5. EDUC 3385 Reading in Content Area 6. Biology 2490 A & P for Educators 7. Physics 1410 General Physics I 8. Biology 3445 Genetics 9. Biology 3440 Cell and Molecular Biology 4. Issues 1. Biology 4340  Thematic Unit Science Methods  Analyzing Journal Articles 2. Biology 4200  Review of Curriculum Needs Senior Seminar Assignment 3. Biology 4450-51  Presentation of Scientific Paper Ecology and Research  Ecological Study of a Local Area 5. General Skills of Teaching 1. Biology 4340  Evaluation by Cooperating and Science Methods Supervising Teacher\ 2. EDSE 4800  Oral Presentation in Biology 4450 Directed Student  Presentations of Scientific Papers Teaching  Performance Assessment Rubrics 3. EDUC 3395 Reading in Content 6. Curriculum 1. Biology 4340  Plan and Present 3 Lessons in Science Methods Secondary Science 2. EDSE 4800  Unit on Curriculum Directed Student  ADEPT Portfolio Evaluation Teaching  Evaluation by Cooperating and 3. EDUC 3290 Supervising Teacher Curriculum Development 7. Science in the 1. Biology 4450  Oral Quizzes Community Ecology  Class Discussion 2. Biology 4451  Local Speakers from: Ecology Lab o Department of Natural 3. Biology 4340 Resources Science Methods o Environmental Protection 4. Biology 2455 Agency Comparative Biology for o SC Native Plant Society Educators (Plant & o SC Department of Health Animal) o Greenville County Waste Management Director  Labs Detailing Local Flora and Fauna – Native and Nonnative Invasive Species and Sustainability of our Local Environment  Emphasis on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle  Unit on Global Ecology  Evaluation of Student Unit  Resource List of Practical, Real World Problems  Oral Quizzing and Test of Causes, Characteristics and Avoidance of Bacterial and Parasitic Diseases Related to the Local Area 8. Assessment 1. Biology 4200  Presentations Evaluated by Peers, Senior Seminar Invited Faculty, Self-Assessment 2. Biology 1410-1411 in Conference Principles of Biology  Unit on Assessment 3. Biology 2490  Self-Assessment is Used in Each A & P for Educators Biology Course and Labs Listed 4. Biology 3440 Through Lab Reports and Self Cell & Molecular Quizzes in Labs and Self-Quizzes Biology at end of Chapter and Unit in 5. Biology 4450 Class Lecture Ecology 6. CHEM 2470 Organic/Biochemistry 9. Safety Welfare All Lab Courses  See Appendix for Lab Safety EDUC 3395 Regulations (must be presented Reading in Content Area by instructor and signed by each student at beginning of each semester)  Unit on Preparing the Environment For Maximum Learning 10. Professional Growth 1. Biology 4340  Unit-Professional Development Science Methods  Professional Portfolio 2. Reading in the Content  Emphasis on Collaboration with Area Other Professionals in the Field EDUC 3395

In addition to completing these types of courses, candidates will be required to complete other courses that have been added to the required curriculum to fully address all NSTA Standards and competencies to provide our graduates with the strong content knowledge in the sciences needed to pass Praxis II and to graduate as a highly qualified Science teacher at the secondary level.

NSTA/NCATE STANDARDS for Initial Preparation of Teachers of Secondary Science Grades 7–12 Each pre-service teacher in the Science program is evaluated using performance assessments established by the College of Education. Both the cooperative teacher and the supervising teacher will complete this assessment. Candidates must score at the acceptable or target levels.

Highly Qualified Teachers (No Child Left Behind)

Secondary Education Candidates in Broad Field Science meet all South Carolina State and North Greenville University requirements for the Secondary Education Teacher Program. They are prepared to obtain full State certification and have no licensure requirements waived on an emergency, temporary, or provisional basis.

Candidates can demonstrate their competency and skills by (a) passing rigorous university and state academic subject-matter test, Praxis II, (b) completing the biology academic major, (c) completing the ADEPT portfolio, (d) evaluation of the Lab portfolio and Science Teaching Manual in the Junior Seminar, (e)The Teacher Work Sample, (f) oral and written presentations of the research project in the Senior Seminar, (g) a writing sample demonstrating mastery of writing, writing strategies, technologies needed in Science reporting and teaching, (h) demonstration of professional teaching standards, (i) evaluations by cooperating and supervising teachers and (j) candidate assessment of experience, and (k) the assessment of dispositions. Rubrics for performance assessments are included at the end of the handbook.

North Greenville University was one of the first institutions in South Carolina to require that all Teacher Education candidates pass both, Praxis I and Praxis II, exams prior to student teaching. Candidates must pass Praxis I for admission into the Broad Field Science Secondary Education Program. To enter the student teaching portion of the program the candidate must pass Praxis II. All program assessments are aligned to the College of Education Framework and the National Science Teachers Association.

No Child Left Behind does not identify Specific Sciences, e.g., Biology, Chemistry or Physics, as core academic subjects; it identifies only “science.” In determining the extent of subject-matter competency sufficient to identify North Greenville University (NGU) students as highly qualified to teach a particular science course South Carolina requires the candidate to demonstrate competency in that subject. All NGU graduates of the Secondary Broad Field Science Program will be highly qualified.

NSTA Competency in Content Area Courses Fulfilling Competency C.2.a.1 Biology 1410, 2455, 4200, 4450, C.2.a.2 Biology 1410, 2455, 4200, C.2.a.3 Biology 2455, 4200 C.2.a.4 Biology 2300, 4200, C.2.a.5 Biology 4200, 4450, C.2.a.6 Biology 4200, 4450, C.2.a.7 Biology 1410, 3445, 4200, C.2.a.8 Biology 1410, 2455, 3440, 3465, 4200, C.2.a.9 Biology 4450 C.2.a.10 Biology 2455, 3440, 4200, 4450, C.2.a.11 Biology 1410, 3440, 3445, 4200, 4450, C.2.a.12 Biology 3445, 3465, 4200, 4450, C.2.b.13 Biology 1410, 3440, 3465, 4200, C.2.b.14 Biology 4200, 4450, C.2.b.15 Biology 3445, 4200, C.2.b.16 Biology 2300, 2455, 3440, 4200, C.2.b.17 Biology 1410, 2455, 4200, C.2.b.18 Biology 2455, 3445, 4200, 4450, C.2.b.19 Biology 1410, 2300, 3210, 4200, 4450, C.2.b.20 Biology 1100, 3210, 3440, 4200, 4450 C.2.b..21 Biology 3210, 3440, 3445, 4200, C.2.c.22 Biology 4450 C.2.c.23 Biology 4450 C.2.c.24 Biology 4450, Physical Science 1420 C.2.c.25 Biology 4450 C.3.a.1 Chemistry 1450, 1460, 2470, C.3.a.2 Chemistry 1450, 1460 C.3.a.3 Chemistry 1450, 1460 C.3.a.4 Chemistry 1450, 1460, 2470 C.3.a.5 Chemistry 1460 C.3.a.6 Chemistry 1450 C.3.a.7 Chemistry 1450, 24XX C.3.a.8 Chemistry 1450, 1460 C.3.a.9 Chemistry 2470 C.3.a.10 Chemistry 2470 C.3.a.11 Chemistry 1460, C.3.a.12 Chemistry 1460, 2470 C.3.a.13 Chemistry 1460, 2470 C.4.a.1 Physical Science 1420 C.4.a.2 Physical Science 1420 C.4.a.3 Physical Science 1420 C.4.a.4 Physical Science 1420 C.4.a.5 Physical Science 1420 C.4.a.6 Physical Science 1420 C.4.a.7 Physical Science 1420 C.4.a.8 Physical Science 1420 C.4.a.9 Physical Science 1420 C.4.a.10 Physical Science 1420 C.4.a.11 Physical Science 1420 C.4.a.12 Physical Science 1420 C.5.a.1 Physics 1410 C.5.a.2 Physics 1410 C.5.a.3 Physics 1410 C.5.a.4 Physics 1410 C.5.a.5 Physics 1410 C.5.a.6 Physics 1410 C.5.a.7 Physics 1420 C.5.a.8 Physics 1410, 1420 C.5.a.9 Physics 1420 C.5.a.10 Physics 1410 C.5.a.11 Physics 1410, 1420


Program Admission Application to North Greenville University’s Secondary Education Licensure Program should take place no later than the end of the student’s freshman year. Meeting the standards formulated by the College of Education and the College of Science and Math in no way is a guarantee of the student’s success in a classroom, but demonstrates the candidate’s serious desire to meet the academic requirements for the secondary teacher.

Candidates must meet the following initial entrance requirements into the Secondary Education Licensure Program:  A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50  The successful completion of 45 semester hours of undergraduate study. (Transfer students must complete a minimum of 15 hours at NGU.)  The student must have exhibited satisfactory citizenship and behavior while enrolled at NGU. Secondary Teacher candidates who have been expelled or suspended are not eligible for initial entry until fully reinstated in good standing by the University.  A minimum of “C” in all science courses and a “C” or better in English 1310, 1320,and 2000 level, and Communication 2300, and all education courses.  Demonstration of minimum competency in oral and written communications skills, as well as computational skills, as shown by acceptable scores on all sections of Praxis I.  Make an acceptable score on the Assessment of Dispositions

Progression and Exit Requirements (Expected Learning Outcomes for Secondary Education Majors in the Broad Field Sciences):

Communication Skills: Candidates are prepared for communicating with high school students throughout the program. 1. Candidates must maintain a “C” or better in English 1310, 1320, and 2000 level and Communication 2300 and pass the Praxis I exam. 2. Candidates must learn about diversity through such courses as The Exceptional Learner, World Religions, as well as through Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and Management, and culturally diverse field experiences. 3. Throughout the field experience component, candidates will be placed in positions requiring the skills to communicate with students in secondary schools.

Problem Solving: Candidates gain the skills and knowledge to solve problems scientifically and systematically. 1. Candidates will solve problems related to student assessment and performance in secondary school settings, as well as teaching a diverse student population. 2. Candidates will address learner needs in planning, implementing, and assessing various learning strategies both in theoretical and practical applications. 3. Candidates will align learning outcomes with standards during planning, implementation, assessment, and revision.

Understanding Diversity: Candidates become aware of various ethnic and cultural differences among students in public schools. 1. Candidates will address diverse needs through The Exceptional Learner, Educational Psychology, Foundations of Education, and during the Field Experience component. 2. Candidates will know how to differentiate instruction for the diverse populations in school in the U.S., and globally, through the Global Education Day, The Exceptional Learner, and Introductory courses addressing diversity. 3. Candidates will demonstrate mastery through the assessment of dispositions, successful completion of field experiences, and directed student teaching. 4. Candidates will employ multiple teaching methods to meet various learning styles (i.e. auditory, visual and tactile forms) of teaching.

Organizational and Writing Skills: Candidates in this program gain skills and the understanding needed to plan for student learning through course work such as Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and Management. 1. Candidates will demonstrate such skills in organization and writing through lesson planning, assessment and portfolio production. 2. Candidates must perform above average in oral and written communication in coursework and field experiences.

Dispositions: Candidates cultivate particular attitudes and traits related to effective teaching. Assessment will be made through the Assessment of Disposition Form. 1. Candidates will demonstrate mastery through the Assessment of Dispositions. 2. Candidates will demonstrate a high degree of moral integrity and a disposition of caring for students. Teaching Certifications: Candidates are certified to teach in S.C. secondary schools and meet all the requirements of S.C. State Board of Education. 1. Candidates will take and pass all required sections of the Praxis II exam. 2. Candidates will successfully complete the student teaching requirements. 3. Candidates will maintain a 3.0 or better on the assessment of dispositions. 4. Candidates will apply for certification and complete the finger printing requirements.

Furthermore, candidates must continue to maintain an overall GPA of 2.5, complete all required program courses in Education and Science with a “C” or better, and pass the Praxis II exam prior to directed student teaching. Successful candidates meet the requirements for directed student teaching as outlined in the NGU Student teaching handbook (Appendix E). Program completers meet all of the requirements satisfactorily as delineated in the handbook and upon graduation will seek accreditation from the state in which they plan to teach.

Clinical Field Experiences

The candidate gains at least 100 hours of Field Experience in grades 9-12 including three diverse placements as well as a case study. The candidate must complete each Field Experience placement with a minimum score of 2.0 on the cooperating and supervising teacher evaluations.

1. Introduction to Education (EDUC 1210). The candidate observes for twenty hours in grades 9-12. The component has multiple assessments including a time sheet, cooperating teacher evaluation, candidate evaluation of the experience, and list of activities in which the candidate participated, along with a reflective journal based on ADEPT standards and Assessment of Dispositions (AOD). 2. Curriculum Development (EDUC 3290). The candidate learns how to plan curriculum around the SC Content Standards, plan appropriate instructional strategies to meet all learners’ needs, and carry out a variety of activities in a twenty hour field placement in public high schools. Evaluations by the university supervisor and cooperating teacher are collected as well as Assessment of Dispositions. 3. Science Methods (BFED 4340), (BIOL). The candidate will teach a minimum of 4 lessons and participate in grades 9-12 for thirty hours. The component has multiple assessments including a time sheet, cooperating teacher evaluation, mentor notes, supervising teacher evaluation, lesson evaluations, candidate evaluation of the experience, the assessment of dispositions. The final grade in the course includes the Field Experience. 4. Reading in the Content Area (EDUC 3395). The candidate will coach students and improve reading using the content of science and participate in grades 9-12 for twenty hours. The component has multiple assessments including a time sheet, cooperating teacher evaluation, mentor notes, supervising teacher evaluation, lesson evaluations, candidate evaluation of the experience, the AOD, and the final grade in the course includes the field experience.

Case Study Experience

5. Educational Psychology (EDUC 3410). The class has a case study component of eight hours where candidates observe particular behaviors of a student in a 9-12 class room and write a case study. The assessment includes a time sheet and the case study.

P-12 Curriculum Standards

Each candidate will have a copy of the standards for Science for all levels to ensure that there is a complete understanding of the spiraling nature of the curriculum. Candidates will list the standards addressed in each unit when preparing lesson plans for grades 9-12 instruction. During content and pedagogy classes, candidates will address the standards as part of each course to insure their understanding of the importance of covering all of the state standards applicable to the various grade levels. Philosophy of Broad Field Science Education

The Science Department of North Greenville University has adopted the standards of the National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) and incorporated them into an overall science education philosophy.

1. Importance of content teaching. The Broad Field Science Program strives to produce science teachers that thoroughly understand the scientific knowledge base within their specialty area (and supporting areas) and can easily relate that information to students. These teachers will be able to implement the scientific method via the creation of new ideas, sound experimental practices and data analyses. We produce science teachers that will be literate in all areas of science and who can critically analyze, formulate appropriate questions, and engage in active learning. Students learn to relate the impact science to all areas of daily life – both on a personal and community level - in order to stimulate more interconnections between subjects. 2. Development of teaching skills. Although content knowledge is incredibly important in the role of teacher, the ability to teach is also crucial. Our department produces teachers that are skilled in explaining content and enhancing scientific discussion in various classroom and laboratory settings. Candidates become proficient in use of technology and laboratory equipment. They develop organizational skills – such as lesson plan preparation, goal setting, and resource location – as well as teaching strategies to enhance their future teaching performance. Candidates are also proficient in the use of assessment tools for use in the classroom. Based on such assessments, appropriate responses and adjustments are also studied to aid in greater learning. 3. Development of learning environments. Active learning can only be achieved when a supportive learning environment is in place. Candidates learn how to create such an environment to ensure success of their future pupils. Priority will be placed on ensuring the safety of all students – both physically and emotionally – in the classroom or laboratory setting. 4. Implementation of Professional Practice. This program prepares candidates to interact with their colleagues in the professional community. Membership and participation in professional societies is encouraged so that active scientific learning continues to occur long after graduation from NGU.

Program Diversity The candidate engages in five field experiences prior to student teaching. Candidates experience diverse student populations within the three school districts of Spartanburg School District 1, Greenville County School District, and Pickens County School District. Candidates are assigned to rural, urban, and Title 1 schools that reflect the diverse nature of the region.

Program Diversity includes study of schools around the world and participation in the Annual Global Education Day, during which candidates may engage k-12 students in learning activities about diverse cultures and customs. Program Diversity is further enhanced by the diversity on campus, special speakers, multicultural experiences of the faculty, diverse faculty on campus, chapel programs, and cultural events.

In addition, the College of Science and Math has been proactive during the past five years in the hiring of professors from diverse backgrounds so that our students are exposed to professors from a variety of backgrounds. Each of the departments housed within the College of Science and Math have at least one or more faculty from diverse ethnic, racial, gender, and cultural backgrounds who are actively involved in advisement, instruction, and related experiences as suggested by NSTA. Some of the facult are as follows:

Dr. Thomas Allen, Dean of Science and Math, has done extensive research in reproductive technologies. He incorporates this information in his course in human anatomy.

Dr. Jeff Brotherton spent seven years as a professor at the University of Zambia in southern Africa. He also taught and trained a diverse population of graduate students at the University of Illinois. These international students were from many different nationalities including Russian, Italian, Malaysian, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Brazilian. Dr. Brotherton was selected as a Fulbright International scholar four times. This has proven valuable in his courses (biochemistry and plant science). His extensive research is on tryptophan biosynthesis in maize. Dr. Nian-yi Chen originally from Shanghai, China, teaches upper level Biology courses and is currently continuing her research on the relationship of progesterone to breast cancer.

This diversity among faculty in the College of Science and Math will be evident to students as these faculty members hold various leadership positions on our campus and teach courses that are part of the proposed B.S. in Science Secondary Education program of study.


Assessments in the program will include performance assessments of teaching focusing on what candidates know and can do to enhance grades 9-12 student achievement. A combination of internal and external assessments are gathered. Content knowledge is assessed through the national exams including Praxis I and II. Candidates prepare a Lab Portfolio demonstrating mastery in processes and inquiry and produce a Science Teaching Manual as part of Junior Seminar showing mastery over content and key scientific concepts. Additionally, the Senior Seminar involve mock interviews with various faculty members, reviews of journal articles, content questions which they must research, and a research project which must be presented orally and written. This presentation is evaluated by their peers and a number of faculty members who are invited to attend and score the candidate. They also gain experience in resume writing which is presented to the faculty member conducting the interview. The faculty member uses the scoring sheet to evaluate the written resume and makes suggestions. This indicates proficiency in content and the ability to successfully convey that to fellow students and faculty. These activities show that the candidate understands research and can successfully design, conduct, report and evaluate investigations in science. Peer assessment is valuable for both the candidate and presenter.

Candidates are assessed using the Assessment of Dispositions (AOD) scoring guide for both classroom learning and teaching grades 9-12. Field Experiences and Student Teaching are assessed using multiple assessments including: Cooperating Teacher evaluation, Supervising Teacher evaluation, Student self-evaluation, Mentor notes, and AOD. Program assessments are aligned to the College of Education Framework and the NSTA standards.

Candidates carry out unit plans and teaching lessons in 9-12 classrooms during the junior and senior years prior to and including student teaching. The student teaching assessments include the Teacher Work Sample (TWS), the ADEPT Portfolio and presentations, and evaluation by the cooperating teacher and supervising teacher.

Performance Assessments

1. Lab Portfolio: Candidates will compile a Lab Portfolio containing five formal lab reports and Lab Practicals from BIOL 1410 and BIOL 2455 – Zoology and Plants for Educators. The purpose of the Portfolio is to demonstrate that candidates understand concepts in Broad Field Science, organize and write formal reports, analyze data and formulate conclusions. Candidates will demonstrate critical thinking skills along with the application of scientific methods and theories. The Lab Reports will include learning objective, an introduction including background information, materials and equipment, experimental procedures, data and results, and related questions and conclusions. A plan for safety in the Laboratory is required. 2. Writing Sample: The candidate prepares a writing sample demonstrating mastery of writing, writing strategies, technologies needed in science reporting and teaching. A scoring rubric will be used that has been approved by the College of Science and Math. The Writing Sample is evaluated at the entry level benchmark. 3. Candidates prepare a Science Teaching Manual (STM) summarizing specific major science concepts studied and explain how these concepts relate to the standards and process skills used in the sciences. The STM is compiled by the end of the Junior Seminar. The manual assessment is used to verify the candidate for student teaching and is assessed by the designated faculty. The Science Concepts Report are written in APA format and will require an oral presentation. There is an exit exam over the major scientific concepts. 4. Candidates address the standards in all lessons and will be evaluated by the cooperating teacher and the supervising teacher. Sample lessons, units, and the Teacher Work Sample will be found in the Student Teaching Adept Portfolio. 5. Candidates address the professional teaching standards for South Carolina: Adept, meeting all of the proficiency standards before the close of student teaching. Evidence of attainment will be assessed through the Student Teaching ADEPT Portfolio, The Teacher Work Sample, cooperating teacher evaluation, supervising teacher evaluation, candidate assessment of the experience, and the assessment of dispositions.

Assessments occur at major benchmarks in the program.

Candidate and Program Assessments Assessment Data collected Data recorded Data evaluated The 1. Praxis 1 Candidate Assessments are Candidate 2. Specified course minimum grades The Comprehensive reviewed for: 3. Specified minimum GPA Academic Management -feedback to candidate 4. Writing Sample Systems (CAMS) database, -feedback for benchmark 5. Assessment of Dispositions (AOD) the Programs Excel advancement 6. The Lab Portfolio spreadsheets, and candidate -review of syllabi and 7. Field Experience Evaluations folders include data on each course alignment to (FEE) assessment. These databases framework and state 8. Lesson Plans aggregate and provide standards 9. Unit Plans reports needed for each -course modification 10. Praxis II benchmark. -program adjustments 11. Evaluations of student teachers by cooperating teachers and supervising teachers 12. Teacher Work Sample 13. Adept Portfolio and presentation 14. Pre/post testing in science courses. 15. Junior and Senior Seminar 16. Science Teaching Manual (STM) The 1. Aggregated Candidate Data Aggregated candidate data -review of assessments and Secondary 2. Candidate evaluations of reports from CAMS and scoring rubrics Education instructors, courses, field experiences, spreadsheets for review of -feedback to faculty for Program and student teaching evaluations of instructors, development of goals and 3. SPA reviews courses, professional development 4. Alignment of syllabi and program Field Experiences, and -identification of areas for with conceptual framework, state student teaching improvement standards, and SPA standards 5. Exit interviews with candidates. 6. Post –graduate surveys

Benchmarks for Candidate Assessment

Benchmark Assessment Data Person responsible 1. Admission to 1. Overall GPA minimum standard 2.5. 1,2,3 found on CAMS and Reviewed by Teacher Education (state standard) Director of Teacher Education and Teacher Program for 2. C or better in all Science and Education Education Committee Secondary Education Courses. 3. C or better in Oral Communication and 4 Carried out by ETS and reviewed by Chapel and Cultural Events Director of Teacher Education and Teacher 4. Praxis 1 Education Committee 5. The Lab Portfolio 6. Writing Sample 5, 6, 7, 8 Examined by designated Science 7. AOD Faculty, recorded by records manager, 8. FEE reviewed by Director of Teacher Education 9. Pre/post testing in science courses. and Teacher Education Committee 2. Junior Cohort 1. Overall GPA minimum Faculty Advisors review all data to insure Review 2. Specified Grade minimums for core candidates are meeting the standards. courses 3. The Lab Portfolio 4.The Science Teaching Manual (STM) 5.Sample Lesson/Unit Plans 6. FEE 7. AOD 8. Mentor’s notes 3. Admission to 1. Overall GPA Reviewed by Faculty Advisors, Reviewed Student Teaching 2. Specified Grade minimums for core by Director of Teacher Education, and by courses. Teacher Education Committee 3. The Lab Portfolio 4. The Science Teaching Manual (STM) 5. Sample Lesson/Unit Plans 6. FEE 7.AOD 8. Supervising Teacher evaluations for field experience 9. Praxis II (Content, PLT) 4. Completion of 1. Overall GPA Reviewed by Director of Teacher Education Student Teaching and 2. Specified Grade minimums for core and the registrar. Program of Study. courses 3. Student Teaching Evaluations from cooperating teacher and supervising teacher 4. Adept Portfolio 5. Portfolio presentation and celebration 6. Teacher Work Sample 7. AOD The Standard of Excellence in Teacher Preparation


Fall, 2009



Thank you for agreeing to work with one of teacher candidates this semester. I hope you are looking forward to working with our teacher candidates and North Greenville University.

As one component of completing the requirements for a teaching certificate in South Carolina, one of our teacher candidates will be in your school for hours this semester to complete a field experience. The candidate will be participating in a variety of activities including lesson planning and teaching. The NGU supervising teacher will specify the assignments the candidate must complete. The candidate will also have several evaluations as documentation we would like you to complete. In addition, the NGU supervising teacher will be visiting the candidate in the field experience setting to observe our candidates conducting lessons and to act as a resource for you. If necessary, they will help you complete, or answer any questions you may have concerning the evaluation form you will complete at the end of the semester. This form tells us how well our teacher candidates are meeting the objectives of our Conceptual Framework. Thank you for participating in the preparation of future teachers of quality for the state of South Carolina. Please call me at 864-977-7987 or email me at [email protected] if you have any concerns or questions regarding the field experience at NGU.

Michael Butler, Ed. D Coordinator of Secondary Education North Greenville University College of Education Junior First Semester Lesson Plan Scoring Sheet


Assessment for Lesson Plans: THE EFFECTIVE PRACTITIONER Criteria Target Acceptable Developing Score: (5) (3) (1) 1. Lesson Plans addresses SC ___x 0.1=____ state standards 2. Learning objectives are clear ___x 0.2=____ 3. Activities and procedures are ___x 0.2=____ evident 4. Materials and resources are ___x 0.1=____ indicated 5. Questioning and higher order ___x 0.2=____ thinking skills included 6. Assessment is included ___x 0.2=____ TOTAL

Comments: ...... …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………...... …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………...... …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………...... Faculty Evaluator:……………………………………………Date: ………………………………………

Revised Spring 2008 Lesson Plan Scoring Sheet


Assessment for Lesson Plans: THE EFFECTIVE PRACTITIONER Criteria Target Acceptable Developing Score: (5) (3) (1) 1. Lesson Plans addresses SC ___x 0.1=____ state (&NCTE/IRA) standards 2. Learning objectives are clear ___x 0.2=____ 3. Activities and procedures are ___x 0.2=____ evident 4. Materials and resources are ___x 0.1=____ indicated 5. Questioning and higher order ___x 0.2=____ thinking skills included 6. Assessment is included ___x 0.2=____ TOTAL

Assessment for Reflections: THE LIFELONG LEARNER Criteria Target Acceptable Developing Score (5) (3) (1) Communication of students ___x 0.5=___ achievement Candidate takes responsibility ___x0.25=____ Identification of resources ___x0.25=____ TOTAL

Comments: ...... …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………...... …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………...... …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………...... Faculty Evaluator:……………………………………………………Date: ………………………………

Revised Spring 2008 North Greenville University College of Education Scoring rubric integrated Education Unit CRITERIA TARGET 5 ACCEPTABLE 3 DEVELOPING 1 All lesson plans indicate standards being addressed Some plans may not clearly indicate Some plans do not indicate LESSON PLANS are appropriate for the grade level and content of standards being addressed. standards being addressed or address ADDRESS STATE lesson ones that are inappropriate for grade STANDARD(S) Some standards may not be appropriate level and content of unit. for the content or grade level There is limited evidence of Some student learning outcomes/ alignment of sudent learning objectives of the lesson display an outcomes/objectives to students’ understanding of students’ needs, needs, interests, and abilities. LEARNING interests, and abilities. OBJECTIVE All lesson plans have student learning outcomes/ Majority of objectives are unclearly objectives that are clearly stated and relate to students’ Some student learning outcomes/ stated. needs, interests, and abilities and are aligned to objectives are not worded clearly, have standards two action verbs, or the activities do not Limited number of student learning match learning objectives. outcomes/objectives are aligned to 15% standards. Some student learning outcomes/objectives are aligned to standards. ACTIVITIES AND All lesson plans describe specific accommodations to There are some accommodations made in Few accommodations are made in the PROCEDURES be made for students’ needs. the implementation of instruction based implementation of instruction. on students’ needs.

Instructional strategies used accommodate differences in rates of learning and styles. Some instructional strategies used Instructional strategies are limited in accommodate differences in rates of accommodating the differences in learning of styles. rates of learning and styles.

Plans build on students’ prior learning and Portions of plans build on students’ prior development with activities promoting independent learning and development as activities Activations of students’ prior learning and collaborative group learning provide students with some opportunities and development is limited. Students for collaborative group learning. are provided a limited number of opportunities for collaborative or 20% group learning. INSTRUCTIONAL Lesson plans are in a logical sequence that provide for Unit may begin with an introductory Lesson plans are not logically STRATEGIES initial learning, application, practice and review of lesson but Some lessons do not follow a sequenced. There is not a clear concepts. Unit begins with an introductory lesson and logical sequence. introductory lesson to unit. continues in a logical sequence. Lesson plans may provide for initial learning, but do not include sufficient opportunities for application, practice 10% and/or review of concepts based on Performance based methodologies . INTEGRATION OF Plans clearly and appropriately provide for integration Different disciplines are included in the No other discipline included in the CONTENT ACROSS of content across two disciplinary boundaries. unit, but may not be clearly or unit.. THE appropriately applied. CURRICULUM

10% MATERIALS Materials used go beyond the State approved music Materials used may go beyond the state Materials used may go beyond the series or method books to other sources to ensure approved music series, but are not used music series grade text to other comprehensive and accurate presentation of content. fully in the Performance based sources, but are not performances presentation of accurate content. based and may be inaccurate. All resources, materials and technologies used are chosen with a view to presenting information for a Some resources, materials and Resources, materials and technologies variety of cultural perspectives using varying formats technologies present information in used are limited in presenting to meet learners’ needs and abilities. varying formats to meet learners’ needs information from a variety of cultural and abilities. perspectives.. 15% Materials used include Audiovisual Limited use of materials such as CDs, Few materials and resources meet Multimedia videos, pitched and non pitched learners’ needs and abilities. Online Sources instruments. Pitched and non-pitched instruments Materials used are accurate but do Supplementary texts representing different not go beyond the music series text. perspectives and genres for Performance based Music Education HIGHER ORDER Plans provide students with opportunities to develop Plans include some opportunities for Plans provide no opportunity to THINKING AND critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the students to develop critical thinking and develop critical thinking and problem PROBLEM SOLVING Performance based Curriculum. problem-solving skills. solving skills.

Activities and assessment only address Activities and assessment only address the Remember and understand level Activities and assessments address five levels of the one level of thinking beyond the of the Revised Taxonomy of Bloom. Taxonomy of Bloom(Revised) remember and understanding level Remember Understand Remember Application Understand Analysis Application 20% Evaluation Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Synthesis FORMATIVE Formative assessments are related to students’ needs, Parts of assessment are related to There is limited evidence that the ASSESSMENTS interests, and abilities in the Performance based students’ needs, interests, and abilities. assessment is related to students’ subject area. needs, interests, and abilities in the Some assessment strategies are Performance based subject area. Formative assessment strategies are appropriate for inappropriate for students’ ability and students’ ability and developmental levels. developmental levels. Assessment strategies are 5% inappropriate for students’ ability Formative assessments are aligned to objectives and Alignment of assessment to objectives and and developmental levels instruction and are based on standards. instruction based on standards is not complete. Assessment lacks clear alignment to Music unit includes a variety of alternative objectives, instruction and standards. assessments that accommodate different rates of Some varieties of assessments are used. learning and learning styles. Some assessments accommodate different Limited varieties of assessment are rates of learning and learning styles. used.

SUMMATIVE Summative assessment is fair and related to students’ Portions of assessments are related to Assessment is limited in relationship ASSESSMENT needs, abilities and developmental levels in the students’ needs, abilities, and to students’ needs, abilities and performance based unit. developmental levels. developmental levels.

5% Portions of assessment are unclear and The major portion of assessment is Directions for performance based assessment are clear may be difficult for students to understand unclear and will be difficult for and understandable. expectations. student to understand what the teacher is expecting from the lesson. Summative assessment is aligned to standards and Scoring rubric or guideline is provided, objectives that are stated in lesson plans., and reflects but parts of scoring are not appropriate Scoring rubric or guideline is not the music skills and knowledge most important for for assessment or students, or performance provided. students to learn based content. Assessment is limited in its alignment Scoring for assessment is fair and appropriately Portions of assessment are aligned to to standards and objectives states in designed standards and objectives stated in lesson lesson plans, and the performance For alternative type assessments in the performance plans, and unit plans, but only reflects based unit, and reflects only a few based unit. some of the music skills and knowledge music skills and little knowledge most most important for students to learn. important for students to learn.

No alternative assessments were used Portions of assessment are developed on in the performance based lesson or the alternative type assessments in the unit. performance based unit. Performance definitions are provided at levels, 5,3, and 1. Candidates can score at levels 2 or 4 based on their performance FIELD EXPERIENCE: Secondary Education

COURSE NAME & Number______Name Semester: ______

School Grade ______

Cooperating Teacher ______


Time Week No. Day In Out Teacher's Initials

Total Number of Hours______Cooperating Teacher’s Signature Student Signature North Greenville University College of Education FIELD EXPERIENCE – Secondary Education

Course Name and Number______

Name Semester: ______

School Grade ______

Cooperating Teacher ______


Time Week No. Day In Out Teacher's Initials

Total Number of Hours______

______Cooperating Teacher’s Signature Student Signature North Greenville University College of Education Rubric Field Experience Evaluation II.Indicator THE CARING TeachingTarget (5-4) the Lesson Acceptable (3) Developing (2-1) LEADERTHE EFFECTIVE PRACTIONER: Teaching the lesson EffectiveCommunication classroom and IsUses firmly correct in control grammar, of Callsclassroom, on all students, makes expectationsUses levels UsesMakes correct expectations grammar most and of rules the time known, DoesUses incorrect not make grammar expectations known, is questioning of questioning, Engages all students with questions Does not call on all students management Isand articulate rules known, deals fairly with students, works deals fairly with students inconsistent in discipline, tries to wing it Accurate Content Presentsindividually current in discipline and accurate content in a variety of Uses correct content, but not varied The content has errors Responsive to formatsResponds appropriately to students needs, Responds appropriately to student Does not respond well to student needs Resourcesstudents needsare ready Hasanticipates adequate problems, resources andknows supplies how organized,to listen to has a Hasneeds adequate or discipline resources needs and supplies, knows Doesor discipline not have situations the supplies necessary systemstudents for moving supplies to students, does not have where the resources are located Looks for materials just prior to the lesson Maintains High Findsto look ways for the to supplies make expectations clear and known to Helps all students achieve some Leaves some students behind, gets expectationsEngages students in allHas students critical questions and helps prepared all students and utilizing to achieve content, at high Candidatesmeasure keep of success, discussion cheers to a minimum. students to frustratedStudents are when not involved students in not learn meaningful discussion levelsstudents are invited into meaningful discussion. Their Onlytry a few points of view are allowed. Appropriate praise Knowspoints of how view to are celebrate valued. student achievement, seeks Praises student success, some praise Praise is not always warranted, Praise Practices safety in the Explains safety procedures and practices the safety Mentions safety in passing and does not always Does not explain safety procedures and/or and correction ways to give legitimate praise, corrects students in a may not be warranted, is discrete in may not include all students in success, Laboratory procedures. Demonstrates a commitment to safety engage in safe procedures. does not practice safety procedures. throughway that a doessafety not plan. embarrass them correcting student mistakes and may correct students in a way that Assess and review Plans assessments and reviews in the lesson, Plans assessments and reviews in the lesson, Assessmentsembarrasses and them reviews are inadequate or assessments relate to objectives and are part of the assessments relate to objectives non-existent in planning or unrelated to Indicator Targetlearning (5-4) process, knows what to review and how, varies Acceptable (3) Developingobjectives (2-1) Directs behavior Anticipatesapproaches to problem reviews situations, moves around the Anticipates problem situations, is aware Does not anticipate problem situations, towardDress and acceptable demeanor roomWears andprofessional keeps abreast and non-distracting of the class, attire, knows has how to Wearsof the professional entire class, attire, directs shows behavior confidence canIs inappropriately be unaware dressed,of the class appears as a nervous, whole, is ones keepconfidence, students knows on howtrack, to canorganize direct the behavior class for with more directly maynot in direct charge behavior in inappropriate non-verballearning, is clearly cues in charge ways Enthusiastic Shows enthusiasm about the content, is enthusiastic Shows enthusiasm about content Not enthusiastic about teaching or content Respectful to students, Is respectful to students and faculty, knows how to Is respectful to students and faculty, Is sometimes disrespectful, allows about teaching and learning Followscolleagues, policies and Followshave a sensethe policies of humor, of the usesschool respectful and the student language, Followsdemonstrates the policies humor of the school and student Doesannoyance not follow to show, policies poor of school tone orand NGU, body parents teachingtone and handbook, body language informs the cooperating teacher in teaching handbook, informs the cooperating failslanguage to inform others when emergencies arise, III. THE LIFE LONG caseLEARNER: of emergency, Teaching makes the upLesson work, plans with the teacher in case of emergency or does not make up work Adequate Planning Thoroughlyteacher, follows thinks the statethrough standards, lessons, is ethicalresources, and Has a plan and follows it. May lack some Has a plan, but does not follow through and preparation pacing. has a plan and follows it, knows where the eventualities, may get off track at times or is easily distracted or falls through lesson is going, is not easily distracted because of eventualities Demonstrates Thinks of ways to assist student learning, recognizes Looks for way to assist student learning, Is not pro-active in averting boredom, Initiative resources, moves to intercept problem behaviors, or has adequate resources seems unaware of class momentum or adjusts to avert boredom problems Modifies plans as Sees when the momentum is lagging and adjusts, Adjusts lessons to avoid boredom or Does not adjust for momentum, needed recognizes difficulties and assist students with leaving students behind boredom, or lagging students difficult concepts Uses assessments for Understands what needs to be done so that all Uses assessments to monitor Does not connect assessment to learning instruction students succeed, uses assessments to review, uses achievement and adjust lessons or need for adjustments assessments to adjust lessons Modifies instruction Plans for all learning styles and intelligences, finds Plans for all learning styles and seeks to Does not include all learning styles and is for learning styles ways to engage all students in learning, seeks to understand how students learn best unaware of the learning styles of understand how students learn best, offers choices students in learning North Greenville University: Assessment for Candidate’s Teaching Performance

Student: ……………………………………………………… Date………………Subject…………………………………… Indicator Target Acceptable Developing Comments Broad Field Science 5 4 3 2 1 0 I. EFFECTIVE PRACTITIONER Uses effective communication and questioning Communicates with correct grammar Highlights accurate content Incorporates a variety of resources Engages students in discussion Practices safety in the Laboratory Includes review and assessments Displays professional dress and demeanor Is enthusiastic about content and teaching Works within the policies of the school II. CARING LEADER Demonstrates effective classroom management Displays a responsiveness to student needs Maintains high expectations for learners Incorporates appropriate praise and correction Directs behavior to acceptable ones Shows respect to students and colleagues III. LIFE LONG LEARNER Uses adequate planning and preparation Demonstrates initiative Modifies plans in an appropriate manner Utilizes assessments for instruction Varies instruction for all learning styles

Evaluator…………………………………...... Position ...... Total (100) ……. From the Lesson plan assessment, did students demonstrate growth/development/learning? _____ Did the candidate contribute to student learning? ____ (EL- FA 2008) Supervising Teacher/Teacher of Record:………………………………………………………… North Greenville University: Assessment for Candidate’s Teaching Performance

Student: ……………………………………………………… Date………………Subject…………………………………… Indicator Target Acceptable Developing Comments Broad Field Science 5 4 3 2 1 0 I. EFFECTIVE PRACTITIONER Uses effective communication and questioning Communicates with correct grammar Highlights accurate content Incorporates a variety of resources Engages students in discussion Practices safety in the Laboratory Includes review and assessments Displays professional dress and demeanor Is enthusiastic about content and teaching Works within the policies of the school II. CARING LEADER Demonstrates effective classroom management Displays a responsiveness to student needs Maintains high expectations for learners Incorporates appropriate praise and correction Directs behavior to acceptable ones Shows respect to students and colleagues III. LIFE LONG LEARNER Uses adequate planning and preparation Demonstrates initiative Modifies plans in an appropriate manner Utilizes assessments for instruction Varies instruction for all learning styles

Evaluator…………………………………...... Position ...... Total (100) ……. From the Lesson plan assessment, did students demonstrate growth/development/learning? _____ Did the candidate contribute to student learning? ____ (EL- FA 2008) Supervising Teacher/Teacher of Record:………………………………………………………… Admission to Broad Field Science Teacher Education Program Worksheet

Student ______Advisor______

Date of University acceptance ______Date of “Intent to Declare Major” letter ______

Date of Triplicate letter ______SAT or ACT score: ______(PRAXIS I exempt when SAT=1650 or ACT=24)

PRAXIS I scores Reading (passing=175): ______Date: ______Writing Sample: ______Writing (passing=173): ______Date: ______Math (passing=172): ______Date: ______

Date completed 45 hours ______

GPA on date of completing 45 hrs. (min=2.5) ______(including 12 hrs. of science prefix courses and 12 hrs. of English Core classes

GRADES (C or above in each of the following courses): Course Grade Sem/yr Course Grade Sem/yr completed completed EDUC 1215 BIOL 1440/1 EDUC 1210 CHEM 1450/1 EDUC 2230 PHYS 142X EDUC 3350 BIOL 2455/1 EDUC 3410 CHEM 1460/1 PHYS 1410/1 CHEM 2470/1 BIOL 3445 PHSC 1425/1 BIOL 4450/1 BIOL 2490 PHYS 1420 BIOL 2300 BIOL 3440 BIOL 3465 BFED 4340 BIOL3210 EDUC 4340 BIOL4200 EDUC 3335

ASSESSMENT OF DISPOSITIONS FORMS (from a BIOL prefix & Intro to Ed or Foundations) course: ______professor: ______date recv’d ______course: ______professor: ______date recv’d ______

Lab Portfolio: 1st Evaluation: ______2nd Evaluation: ______Final Evaluation ______Science Teaching Manual: 1st Evaluation:______2nd Evaluation:______Final Evaluation______

Date Teacher Education Program Application Completed: ______

Problems or Concerns: ______North Greenville University Field Experience: Assessment of Dispositions Broad Field Science Secondary Education

Candidate______ID #______Semester______Major______

Please rate 1-4: never = 1; seldom = 2; usually = 3; consistently = 4 by writing the appropriate number in the box. Circle indicators that are weak for student and/or make specific comments below.

1. EFFECTIVE PRACTITIONER A. Exhibits Professional Attitude Indicators: Confident, responsible, appropriate dress, punctual, meets deadlines, prepared, possesses self-efficacy, takes responsibility for own actions B. Values Communication Indicators: Communicates content enthusiastically, uses correct grammar, has good communication skills, is able to relate and communicate with all stake holders, communicates safety expectations in the laboratory, makes complex scientific content understandable for 9-12 students. ______C. Demonstrates a Positive Attitude toward Teaching/Students Indicators: Exhibits enthusiasm, goes the extra mile, meets the needs of all learners, values students, demonstrates patience with students, uses a variety of teaching strategies, practices safety in the laboratory D. Displays a Positive Attitude toward the Profession, Colleagues, and Authority Indicators: Loyal, flexible, cooperative, values teamwork, promotes the school, ethical, demonstrates self-control, respectful of mentor, cooperating teacher, and school officials 2. CARING LEADER A. Promotes Nurturing and Kindness Indicators: Effective tone of voice and word choices, interacts well with students, is sensitive to students, respectful, patient in class, praises students for positive work, and keeps students on task B. Values Relationships Indicators: Keeps a confidence, shows concern for others’ well-being, loyal, respectful, trustworthy, team player, able to work with others, cheerful positive and encouraging, helpful, giving C. Creates a Nurturing Environment Indicators: Includes all learners (promoting an appreciation for others), creates a warm learning space, ensures that students are free from harassment, respects diverse learners, utilizes a variety of resources beyond the text 3. LIFELONG LEARNER A. Values Professional Development Indicators: Engages positively in learning opportunities, joins professional organizations, keeps abreast of current issues, seeks learning opportunities, utilizes research to improve practice, is open to correction, makes every effort to improve lessons, maintains a commitment to standards of ethics within the profession, values technology as a means for understanding self and a tool for teaching, learning, and communicating B. Takes Initiative Indicators: Is organized and prepared, contributes, plans, turns in work, produces quality work, ethical C. Practices Reflective Inquiry Indicators: Understands effects of decisions on students, reads with a critical understanding, knows how to write reflections, understands consequences of actions, corrects misunderstandings quickly COMMENTS: (Use the back if necessary.)

Signature:______Date: ______(Revised SP 09) College of Science and Math: Broad Field Science Education: Individual Student Record Name______Student ID______Assessment Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Benchmark 3 Benchmark 4 Effective Practitioner Writing sample sample GPA GPA GPA GPA GPA Praxis l/Praxis 2 Read: PLT Or SAT/ACT scores Write: Math Math: Math Lab Portfolio Lab Port Lab Port Admittance to TEP Date: Field Experience FEE Intro Sem 1 Evaluations from Sem 2 Cooperating Teacher Sem 3 Supervising Teacher Sem 1 Evaluations Sem 2 Sem 3 Lesson Plans/Unit Sem 1 Sem 2 ScienceTeaching Manual STM1 STM2 ADEPT Portfolio APS 1 APS 2 APS 3 APS 4 APS 5 APS 6 APS 7 APS 8 Teacher Work Sample Elem 1 Elem2/3 Elem 4 Elem 5 Elem 6 Principal’s survey Survey: CARING LEADER Assessment of AOD AOD AOD Chapel dispositions (average) APS 9 APS 9 LIFELONG LEARNER Electronic Portfolio Portfolio: Technology APS 10 Professional Cultural Events Affiliations

Comments______INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM WORKSHEET NAME______Bachelor of Arts Degree – Broad Field Science with Biology July 20, 2009

HR G DAT PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION HRS GR DATE GENERAL EDUCATION S R E COMPOSITION EDUC 1210 – Introduction to 2 ENGL 1310 – Comp. & Rhetoric 3 Education 2 ENGL 1320 – Comp. & Literature 3 EDUC 2230 – Foundations of 3 Education COMMUNICATION 4 EDUC 3350 – Exceptional Learner Comm. 2300 – Oral Communications 3 EDUC 3410 – Educational 2 Psychology EDUC 3290 Curriculum Development WESTERN CIVILIZATION METHODS COURSES Hist 1350 OR 1360 – West. Civ. To 1715/Since 3 BFED 4340 Science Methods * 3 1715 (BIOL) LITERATURE 3 EDUC 4340 Classroom ENGL 23XX 3 Management * 3 EDUC 3395 Reading in Content INTERNATIONAL STUDIES 2 Area * CHST 2335 – World Religions 3 2 BIOL 3210 Jr. Seminar for Ed BIOL 4200 Sr. Seminar CHRISTIAN STUDIES CHST 1310 OR 1320 – Old or New Test 3 EDSE – Directed Student 12 FINE ARTS Teaching * MUSC 1320 – History of Art & Music 3 SOCIAL SCIENCES

PSYC 2385 – Adolescent Psychology 3 NATURAL SCIENCES Advisor: Please document all visits with BIOL 1100 – Scientific Learning 1 advisees on the back of this form. BIOL 1410/1411 Principles of Biology 4 CHEM 1450/1451 General Chemistry I 4 ** VERY IMPORTANT** If for any reason you are PHYS 142X General Astronomy 4 delayed in being admitted to the Teacher BIOL 2455/2456 Zoo/Plant ED 4 Education Program later than the end of your CHEM 1460/1461 General Chem II 4 sophomore year, it may require more than 4 CHEM 2470/2471 Organic/Biochem 4 years to complete your degree. PHSC 1425/1426 General Earth Science 4 BIOL 2490 A&P for Educators 4 BIOL 2300 Intelligent Design 3 PHYS 1410/1411 Physics I 4 BIOL 3445 Genetics 4 BIOL 4450/4451 Ecology 4 PHYS 1420 Physics II 4 BIOL 3440 Cell and Molecular 4 BIOL 3465 Developmental Biology 4 MATHEMATICS MATH 1410 – Calculus 4 MATH 1333 – Stats for Biology 3 COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUC 1215 – Integration Technology 2 HEALTH and PHYSICAL EDUCATION PHED 1200 – Concepts of Physical Fitness & 2 Wellness SCORING RUBRIC FOR BIOLOGY DEGREE ESSAYS

CONTENT Score Grading Explanation 3  Fully accomplishes the purpose of the assignment Excellent / Very Good  Demonstrates complete understanding of question or topic  Raises provocative questions or gives insightful interpretations 2  Accomplishes the purpose of the task Satisfactory / Good  Demonstrates understanding of question or topic  Omits or misinterprets some less important ideas 1  Partially accomplishes the purpose of the task Needs Improvement  Demonstrates some understanding of question or topic  Omits or misinterprets many important ideas 0  Does not accomplish the purpose of the task Unscorable  Demonstrates no understanding of question or topic  Totally unrelated to the assignment  Not enough writing to evaluate; illegible; blank

CLARITY / ORGANIZATION Score Grading Explanation 3  Evidence / examples are organized logically and effectively Good  Includes a clear thesis statement and an effective conclusion  Paragraphing and transitions are used appropriately  Flows smoothly from idea to idea 2  Organized with an introduction, body, and conclusion Satisfactory  Paragraphing and transitions are used somewhat appropriately 1  Organization attempted Needs Improvement  Lacks and introduction, supporting body, or conclusion  Evidence / examples may be disorganized, inappropriate  Lacks appropriate paragraphing, indentation, or transitions 0  No organizational pattern evident Unscorable  No paragraphing transitions

GRAMMAR AND USAGE _____ 3 points: 0-4 Errors = Good _____ 2 points: 5-8 Errors = Satisfactory _____ 1 point: 9-12 Errors = Needs Improvement _____ 0 points: 13+ Errors = Unsatisfactory

Points Totals: ______

GRADE EQUIVALENTS OF TOTAL SCORE 9 = A 8 = B 7 = C 6 = D 5 or below = F

Evaluator: ______Senior Seminar Presentation Scoring Sheet

1 3 5 8 10 Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent

_____ 1. Appropriate Dress

_____ 2. Good Introduction (What, when, why)

_____ 3. Good eye contact with audience.

_____ 4. Hypothesis was clearly stated.

_____ 5. Appeared confident and used good voice intonation.

_____ 6. Appeared knowledgeable about subject.

_____ 7. Presentation was well organized.

_____ 8. Statistical analysis was appropriate and described completely.

_____ 9. Slides were easy to read and uncluttered.

_____ 10. Did not read slides verbatim or use notes.

_____ 11. Presentation fully informed audience about topic.

_____ 12. Used correct grammar on slides as well as in speaking.

_____ 13. Closed the presentation properly.

_____ 14. Answered questions completely and confidently.


_____ Overall Presentation Grade

Evaluator: ______Exit Survey for Student Teacher

Student Phone: Address

Based on course work, clinical experiences, interactions with professors, and school personnel, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Secondary Education Broad Science Biology Emphasis Teacher Education Program of North Greenville University in relation to your readiness to student teach.

Classroom knowledge of: Strong Average Weak Content Teaching methods Planning Classroom management Developmental levels of students Multi-cultural awareness Exceptionalities of students Monitoring learning Maintaining high expectations for learners Personal Readiness: Strong Average Weak Written communications skills Oral communications skills Ability to cooperate with others Professional development Stress Management Comment on any special strengths or weaknesses you feel should be addressed in the teacher education program. Use back of form or attach additional paper if necessary. Thank you for your candor. Complete and turn in at final seminar.

Student Teacher’s Signature Date Grading Rubric

Junior Seminar for Educators

Above Below Superior Average Average Average Poor Comments Introduction: attention, preview, credibility 12 10 8 7 5 Organization: logic of points, development of topic and explanation of a procedure --- Biological content 14 12 11 8 6 Supporting Material: appropriateness, adequacy, timeliness, written report APA 12 10 9 7 5

Visual Aid: clarity, appropriateness 12 10 8 7 5 Visual Aid Use: timing, explanation, presentation 14 10 9 8 5

Physical Delivery: extemporaneous, eye-contact, gestures 14 12 10 9 7 Vocal Delivery: rate, pitch quality, volume 10 10 8 7 5

Conclusion: summary present, closing thought 12 10 8 7 5

Student______Topic______Lab Portfolio Scoring Rubric:


Criteria 0-2- needs 3-5-adequate 6-8- Good 9-10 Exceptional improvement 1. Contains 5 formal Lacking reports or All reports and All reports meet All reports go beyond lab reports information barely meets standards, standard, exceptional standards organized well conclusions, well and in formal formatted format 2. Well organized and One or two Has all elements, Elements and Elements and detail are formatted including elements included, but not in detail detail are evident. evident, but conclusions the introduction, but others are and related questions are objectives, missing. significant. background information, materials and equipment, procedures, data and results, related questions and conclusions. 3. Analyzes and Some analysis, Good analysis and Good analysis, Good analysis, logical reaches logical inadequate minimal conclusion draws a logical conclusion, draws conclusion conclusion conclusion inferences or extends inquiry beyond the Lab 4. Scientific Method Shows inadequate Takes minimally Scientific Method Shows exceptional use steps used in adequate steps in is understood and of scientific inquiry, scientific inquiry scientific inquiry applied. Easy to documents activity, follow and organized and well understand. explained. 5. Higher Order No skills Begins to go beyond Goes beyond the Goes beyond the Thinking Skills demonstrated the assignment, but assignment and assignment and makes does not follow makes connections to other through with connections to studies. Demonstrates conclusions or other concepts or creativity and insight. questions labs.

1. ………. 2………. 3……… 4………. 5……… Total: ……… Science Teaching Manual

As part of the Junior Seminar, each candidate will summarize selected major concepts in science. They will choose a concept and prepare a written report in APA style and present an oral presentation.

The Science Teaching Manual will serve a resource for candidates as they prepare science lessons for grades 9- 12 students. The manual will have a table of contents, contain the major scientific concepts covered in class, the written report prepared for the seminar, and be in APA format. Resources for each concept will be listed in APA format. Each section will align with NSTA standards and SC content standards.

Scoring Rubric Guide:

Criteria 0-2 3-5 6-8 9-10 Organization Lacks a table of Has table of Has table of Has table of and formatting contents and contents and contents, APA, contents, APA, in APA does not have some APA, but and is well good everything in not well organized organization, APA organized and exceptional layout (creative) Includes a Has some Has most Has detailed Has detailed detailed summaries of summaries of summaries of summaries of summary of key concepts concepts, but key concepts key concepts major scientific not in detail and goes concepts beyond the requirement Includes the Does not Includes the Has the written Has the written written report include the written report report, oral report and has and results of report or oral but not oral presentation an exceptional oral presentation presentation results oral presentation results presentation Has an Has 0 – 2 Has 3-5 Has 6-10 Has more than adequate list of resources resources resources 10 quality resources resources including articles, book, and websites Aligned with Not aligned Some Aligns well Give evidence NSTA alignment with NSTA but of the standards and not SC understanding SC content standards of NSTA and standards SC content standards by full alignment

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