Mutuals Registration Form - Transfer of Engagement
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Mutual Societies Application Form ApplicationMutual Societies to Application register Form an Instrument of Transfer under Societies Application to registerAct an 1992 Instrument of Transfer under the Friendly Societies Act Notes1992 Notes
Please take time to read these notes carefully. They will help you to fill in the form correctly. These notes are for information only. They are not a full statement of legal obligations under the relevant legislation. The society may wish to seek legal advice on how to comply with the legislation. If after reading these notes you need more help please: check our website for more information on Mutual Societies: email [email protected]; or call the Contact Centre 0845 606 9966.
Terms in this form 'FCA', ‘PRA’, 'us' and 'we' refer to the Financial Conduct Authority or Prudential Regulation Authority. 'You' refers to the person signing the form on behalf of the society. 'Engagements' generally means the assets, obligations and liabilities of a society.
Legislation and what to expect
Friendly Societies Act 1992 Sections 86 of the Friendly Societies Act 1992 provides for transfers of engagements and additional requirements are set out in Schedule 15 to this Act.
What to expect If your application is complete and we have confirmed the transfer, we will register the instrument of transfer and send you a formal acknowledgement.
FCA Mutuals Transfers of Engagement (N) Release 1 April 2013 page 1 NOTES – Details of transfer of engagement
Details of transfer of engagements
Full name of society transferring its engagments (front page) This must be the name of the society transferring its engagements. You must give the full registered name, please do not use abbreviations.
Current details
1 Transferring and accepting society details Register number of the transferring society – The number of the society transferring its engagements. The register number is the number your society was given when it was registered. If you are not sure what this is please search on the Mutuals Register at using the name of your society. Name of accepting society – The name of the society accepting the engagements of the transferring society. You must give the full registered name, please do not use abbreviations. Register number of the accepting society – The number of the society accepting the engagements of the transferring society. The register number is the number your society was given when it was registered. If you are not sure what this is, please search on the Mutuals Register at using the name of your society.
2 You must confirm that you have attached two copies of the instrument of transfer. No extra guidance.
3 Date the transfer of engagements is intended to take effect from. No extra guidance.
4 Is this a transfer of all the transferring society's engagements? No extra guidance.
5 The Secretary of the transferring society must sign and date below We require all signatures to be original signatures.
6 The Secretary of the accepting society must sign and date below We require all signatures to be original signatures.
FCA Mutuals Transfers of Engagement (N) Release 1 April 2013 page 2