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To set up multiple user accounts districts can upload a file containing the user account information directly to PearsonAccess. Listed below is the file layout you should use for the User Upload file transfer. All data fields are required in the layout, but some may be blank as defined below. The file extension must be .csv (comma delimited).
To upload the file log into PearsonAccess, click on the “Administrative Management” link at the top of the window. In the security window, select the “send user account file” link. To upload your file click the “browse” button in the Send User Account File section, find your file on your computer, and then select the “send” button.
When the file is submitted, a processing step will validate the records and check for errors. All valid records will be loaded to the database. Records with data problems will not be loaded to the database.
If an email address is provided, an email notification will be sent when processing is complete. The email will be sent to the primary contact listed in the File Status Notification section. You can also add additional email contacts if needed. The email will detail the status of the uploaded file and provide you with a link to the PearsonAccess website so you can review the file upload details.
Column Header Field Description Field Notes
Required field. Case sensitive.
Contains the code representing the Valid values are: A Action action to be taken for the record. C (create)
U (update)
Contains the unique user ID. Must be unique. If the user ID entered is already Required field. Case sensitive. Must be B User ID taken, an error message will be received 6 or more characters. upon upload.
C First Name Contains the user’s first name. Required for new user accounts.
D Middle Name Contains the user’s middle name. Not Required
E Last Name Contains the user’s last name. Required for new user accounts.
Contains the email address for the F Email intended user. The email address is used Required for new user accounts. to supply login instructions.
Column Header Field Description Field Notes
Required for new user accounts. Delimited field. Multiple organization Contains the organization codes codes must be separated with a colon Authorized G associated to the user. The values in (e.g., 00I00105:00I00705). Include Organizations this field should represent ALL leading zeros. organizations associated to the user. Must be a valid 8 character organization code.Ex. 0I000105
Required for new user accounts. Delimited field. Multiple roles must be separated with a colon (e.g., District Contains the role(s) associated to the Assessment Coordinator (DAC):School user. The values in this field should Assessment Coordinator (SAC)). represent ALL roles associated to the H Roles Valid values are: user. Refer to the User Roles and District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) Permissions document posted under School Assessment Coordinator (SAC) Support on PearsonAccess for a list of District Technology Coordinator (DTC) roles and associated permissions. Student Enrollment CMAS Test Administrator CoAlt Score Entry CoAlt Score Monitor Required field. Identifies if the user’s account should be locked. Populate with “true” if the Valid values are: account should be locked. Populate with “false” if the account should be unlocked. true I Locked If an account is locked, the user will receive an error message when logging false into PearsonAccess. Use this field to control user access throughout the academic year.
Required field. Format as: MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm. MM is the 2-digit month; DD is the 2-digit day; YYYY is the 4-digit year; HH is the hour based on 24 hours; mm Identifies when a user account becomes is the minute. J Start Date active. For example, if a start date is March 31, 2009 at 5:00pm, it should be entered into this field as 03/31/2009 17:00. Leading zeros in the month and day fields are not required.
Column Header Field Description Field Notes
Required Format as: MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm. MM is the 2-digit month; DD is the 2-digit day; YYYY is the 4-digit year; HH is the hour based on 24 hours; mm Identifies when a user account becomes is the minute. inactive. If an account has expired, the K End Date For example, if an end date is August user will receive an error message upon 31, 2009 at 3:30pm, it should be login. entered into this field as 08/31/2009 15:30.
Leading zeros in the month and day fields are not required.
Identifies whether the user’s account should be deleted. Populate this field with “true” if the account should be Required field. deleted. Populate this field with “false” if the account should not be deleted. If an Valid values are: L Deleted account is deleted, the user will receive true an error message upon login. Use this field when a user will never need to false access the system again (e.g., the user retires or switches positions).