Patient Survey Opening Hours
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Patient Survey – Opening Hours
Patient Survey (appendix A) was distributed between Sept – Nov 2011.
The survey was made available in the surgery and on the practice web-site.
The survey was completed by a random group of patients. 310 patients responded to the survey.
Results of Patient Survey
Satisfaction with surgery opening hours;
Options Patient Response Very 204 Fairly 56 Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied 28 Quite dissatisfied 6 Very Dissatisfied 10 Don’t know opening hours 6
Patient preferences for extended hours;
Options Patient Preference Before 8-30am 142 After 6-30pm 100 Saturday 124 No need for Extended Hours 12
(NB some patients indicated more than 1 preference for Extended Hours)
Additional patient comments from survey;
8 patients felt that the practice should hold a nurse surgery on a Friday afternoon 2 patients felt that asthma checks should be available early morning to help working patients 2 patients felt that smear appointments should be available late afternoon/ early evening to accommodate working women. 3 patients commented that we should offer an increased number of appointments via our on-line web booking service. 3 patients who were quite/very dissatisfied with our opening hours commented that GP visits were scheduled too late in the day. We received a wealth of very positive comment regarding our access and availability of patient appointments. 2
Observations from survey
84 % very/fairly satisfied with service. This mirrors results of our national survey 2010/2011. Only 5.2% were fairly/very dissatisfied The volume of positive comment regarding access and appointment availability was very encouraging Of those patients who were very dissatisfied; 8 of these patients were dissatisfied with the lack of availability of nurse appointments on a Friday afternoon. Only 2% of patients surveyed were unaware of our opening hours.
Analysis of the patient survey was shared with our Patient Participation Group on 20th December 2012 for their input and comment.
Action Plan
Priorities Desired Outcome Notes Status Increase the number Improve access for Additional GP Achieved of GP appointments working patients surgery arranged for available before and patients relying 7-30am – 8-30am 8-30am on carers who work
Add a nurse Improve access to Treatment Room Achieved treatment room and availability of clinic extended to clinic on a Friday nurse appointments include a Friday afternoon afternoon – implemented WEF 1.1.2012 Extend availability Improve access to WEF 1.1.2012 smear Achieved of smear and availability of appointments appointments until smear appointments available until 6-30pm 6-30pm on a Tuesday evening Provide early Improve access to WEF 1.1.2012 Achieved morning asthma and availability of asthma checks check appointments asthma checks available from 7-30am on a Wednesday morning 3
Prioritise home visit Visit patients Home Visits have To be reviewed requests and visit earlier in the day historically been by 24th patients earlier in the when patient need undertaken between February 2012 day when needed indicates that an 12-4pm. WEF earlier visit may be 1.12.2011 we beneficial for implemented a patient care and change to GP potentially avoid an schedules to allow for unnecessary some home visits to hospital admission be undertaken between 10am – 12pm. This change in practice is to be audited and reviewed by GPs Increase patient Enhancing booking Due to the Review to be options for booking choice for patients complexity of nurse completed by appointments on-line appointments and 30th March levels of training 2012 required to undertake certain procedures; availability of nurse appointments on-line is being reviewed by the nursing team 4
Dear Patient
We are currently reviewing our patient opening hours and would like your views on our opening hours. We would be grateful if you would complete the following questions:
1 How satisfied are you with the opening hours at the surgery?
Very Fairly Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Quite dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Don’t know the opening hours
2 Our standard opening hours are 8.30am-6.30pm, Monday-Friday. We also offer extended hours. We are currently reviewing our extended hours; please indicate your appointment preference (S).
Before 8.30 am After 6.30 pm Saturday morning
3. Please share any additional comment you have regarding our opening hours………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………...
We would like to make sure that this patient survey fully represents the range of patients in our practice and would therefore find it helpful if you would answer the questions below. Please delete or ring as appropriate. 5
Gender Male / Female Marital status Married / Single Age Under 16 17 – 24 25 – 34 35 – 44 45 – 54 55 – 64 65 – 74 Over 74 Ethnic origin White British White Irish Other White Background Mixed White and Black Caribbean Mixed White and Black African White and Asian Other Mixed Background Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Other Asian Background Caribbean African Other Black Background Chinese Other Not Given
If you are happy for us to contact you periodically by email, please leave your details below. Name: …………………………………………… Date of Birth: …………………………………….. Email address: ………………………………….. Many thanks for taking the time to complete our survey; please hand this form into reception.
Kind regards
Your Practice Team