School Board of Isle of Wight County
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Mr. Robert L. Eley, III, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and welcomed all present.
ROLL CALL UPON ROLL CALL THE FOLLOWING WERE PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS: Robert L. Eley, III Herbert DeGroft Kent Hildebrand Julia Perkins Denise Tynes
ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: A. Katrise Perera, Superintendent A. Paul Burton, School Board Attorney Sharon Gwaltney, Clerk
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Devin Fitzgerald, Allana Dawson, and Alyssa Dawson Troop 4070 led the Pledge of Allegiance. The troop is led by Troop Leader Samantha Fitzgerald.
ISLE OF WIGHT ACHIEVERS Ms. Kenita Bowers, Coordinator of Media/Public Relations, recognized the following for outstanding achievements.
WSES National Geographic Bee Winner - Joseph Sessom Joseph was unable to attend and will be invited to the March meeting for recognition.
SHS Packer Football Team - Bay Rivers District Champs & Regional Runner-Up All District Offense: Shatwon Johnson Deshaun Faltz Charles Sharon Kyon Crocker Nicholas Kennedy Bruce Cypress Marquis Childress Jamarie Wrenn All District Offense: Ja'Quan Spratley Bruce Cypress James Green Kyon Crocker Jermaal Wells Marquis Childress Kahvorkian Walton Honorable Mentions: Trevon Batten Marcel Curry Defensive Player of the Year - Kyon Croker Coach of the Year, Division 4 - Richard Harrell 1st team All region Linebacker & 2nd team All State Linebacker - Kyon Crocker 1st team All Region Kick Returner & 2nd team All State Kick Return - Marquis Childress Captains Kyon Crocker Charles Sharon Kahvorkian Walton Jermaal Wells
ABCD Award Mrs. Paquita Ford, Attendance Technician at Smithfield Middle School, was awarded the ABCD Award for February.
GCA Services Award Winner Ms. Louise Gillam, from Carrollton Elementary School was awarded the CGA Services Award for the month of February.
School Board Appreciation Month February is School Board Appreciation Month. The Board was recognized for speaking out and the work they do to make Isle of Wight County Schools a better place for our students. The schools each presented the Board Members with a token of their appreciation.
Sharon Gwaltney, School Board Clerk, was presented a plaque for School Board Clerk appreciation week, February 18-22, 2013.
SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS I on Instruction Westside Elementary staff highlighted the “other three R’s” as they relate to instruction. Rigor, relevance, and relationship are a pledge to ensure student academic success. Fourth grade teacher, Karen Pryor, shared the details of colonial day – a day in the life of a nine-year old child in colonial days. Cheryl Fortner, gifted teacher, elaborated on teaching and reaching the “3 Rs”. Elizabeth Reynolds, Assistant Principal, summarized that vertical articulation, building on previous knowledge, and using nontraditional methods have the ability to create a phenomenal learning environment. Ellen Peterson, science teacher, explained how she uses the science fair to encourage students to integrate new with knowledge previously learned. Sherry Wozniak, band director and administrative aide, and Tyris Hill, administrative aide, emphasized how arts classes and physical education are used to create relevant learning. They also highlighted the success of the after school tutoring program and other activities. Fred Eng, Assistant Principal, summarized the success of the programs at Westside Elementary School. Both in-school activities and after-school opportunities are components that help students become intelligent, active citizens of the community.
Title I National Conference The following staff members gave an overview of the Title I National Conference, held in Nashville, Tennessee. The conference was entirely funded out of the Title I grant. Joyce McDowell, Principal, Hardy Elementary School, shared that Hardy Elementary School was selected to present at the conference and gave a brief review of the presentation. Simone Terry, Principal, Windsor Elementary School, elaborated on the sessions and opportunities that were available at the conference. Laura Matthews, Principal, Carrsville Elementary School, noted that the conference reiterated that schools are a community of learners. Each staff member reaches children in a different way.
Read Across America Day Mrs. Sarah Hinds, Coordinator, invited the Board Members to read to a classroom on March 1, 2013, which is also the birthday of Dr. Seuss.
Insercorp Website Presentation Tim Bradshaw, CEO of Insercorp, presented an update on the progress of the new Isle of Wight County Schools website. This is the first stage of a five year agreement and will include school websites and iPad applications. The target date for the launch of the new site is the weekend of February 22, 2013.
REQUESTS TO SPEAK There were no requests to speak.
BOARD COMMENTS Herbert DeGroft: Attended the Energy Sustainability Conference in Richmond. Topics of interest were: Net 0 Schools - Would like the VSBA to sponsor a workshop Managing Energy Infrastructure Financial Options for Energy Sustainment Mr. DeGroft apologized to fellow Board Members for an article which appeared in the Smithfield Times. He also requested a session on FOIA during a future work session. Kent Hildebrand: Spoke on a letter to the editor, published on February 2, 2013, in The Smithfield Times. He corrected the following statements: Writer stated cost of laptop as $2,000. Correct cost is $1,095.83. Writer stated cost of iPad as $800. Correct cost is $558. Writer stated that the division by a 4-1 vote, approved a ten-year CIP for $1,000,000. The vote was actually for a five-year CIP at a cost of $30,000,000. He emphasized that all citizens had the right to speak out, but to please verify the facts.
ACTION ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS Personnel Report Member Herbert DeGroft moved, Member Denise Tynes seconded the motion to approve the Personnel Report with one minor modification, be approved as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5-0
Student Matter Member Herbert DeGroft moved, Member Denise Tynes seconded the motion to approve the request for religious exemption for students FB01, FB02, and FB03. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5-0
AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA Date for Public Hearing on the FY 2014 Operating Budget Member Julia Perkins moved, Member Herbert DeGroft seconded the motion to hold the Public Hearing for the FY 2014 Operating Budget on March 14, 2014, in the Robert C. Claud, Sr. Boardroom from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5 - 0
Change Time of the February 14, 2013 Work Session Member Herbert DeGroft Moved, Member Kent Hildebrand seconded the motion to move the start time of the work session scheduled for Thursday, March 14, 2013, from 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5 - 0
Schedule a Special Meeting on March 7, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. Member Kent Hildebrand Moved, Member Herbert DeGroft seconded the motion to schedule a Special Meeting on March 7, 2013 @ 5:30 p.m., at Smithfield High School, prior to the Community Session in order to vote on the E-Rate Contract. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5 - 0 ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Minutes January 10, 2013 Budget Session 1:00 p.m. January 10, 2013 Work Session 5:00 p.m. January 10, 2013 Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m.
Donations The list of donations is attached to these minutes.
Overnight Field Trips WHS-FCCLA/FACS Virginia Beach, VA April 11 - 14, 2013
SHS - Band James Madison University Harrisonburg, VA February 22-23, 2013
SHS - FCCLA Virginia Beach, VA April 11-14, 2013
Check Summary and Detail for January 2013
Financial Summary for January 2013
Fund 100 Expenditures y Object
Facility Usage Report
Member Kent Hildebrand moved, Member Julia Perkins seconded the motion to approve the Consent Agenda as provided. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5-0
POLICY UPDATES AND REVISIONS Policies for Second Reading EEAB-R: School Bus Scheduling and Routing Change clarifies establishment of bus stops
JFC-R: Standards of Student Conduct Removes time on school bus from the classification of "instructional day" *GB: Equal Employment Opportunity/Non-Discrimination *GBA/JFHA: Prohibition Against Harassment and Retaliation *JB: Equal Educational Opportunities/Non-Discrimination *JFHA/GBA: Prohibition Against Harassment and Retaliation *Changes reflect VSBA requirement for the Compliance Officer and Alternate Compliance Officer to be of opposite gender.
Member Denise Tynes moved, Member Herbert DeGroft seconded the motion to approve Policy Updates and Revisions as provided. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5-0
BUSINESS Georgie D. Tyler Middle School Change Order #1 Member Herbert DeGroft moved, Member Julia Perkins seconded the motion to approve Change Order #1, a no-cost, no-change, contract language change to CMAA Document A-2, Standard Form of Contract Between Owner and Contractor, executed on September 13, 2012. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5 - 0
Georgie D. Tyler Middle School Change Order #2 The Proposed Change Orders (PCO’s) listed below have been assigned to Change Order #02:
1. PCO #01 – This PCO is a credit for food service equipment changes specified manufacturers to equal but less expensive manufacturers. The equipment changed includes a slicer, pan racks, heated cabinet, refrigerators and freezer. All changes were approved by the Food Services supervisor. This PCO was a post bid Valued Engineered offer from the contractor.
2. PCO # 06R – This PCO is labor and material to add a light fixture and power to a display case. This was an omission from the bid plans by the architect.
3. PCO # 07R – This PCO is labor and material to add power to the overhead coiling grille door A142 in corridor A142. This was an omission from the bid plans by the architect.
4. PCO # 09 – This PCO is labor, material and equipment to demolish an unknown, hidden existing septic tank that was discovered within the new building pad foundation. This work was directed by the soil geotechnical engineer. This was performed on a time and material basis. The Construction Manager (CM) documented and verified all related time and material utilized for this work. 5. PCO #10 – This PCO is labor, material and equipment to undercut soft unsuitable sub grade material and replace with stable suitable material within the bus parking and bus loop areas. This work was directed by the soil geotechnical engineer. The CM documented and verified all related time and material utilized for this work. 6. PCO #11 – This PCO is for labor, material and equipment to demolish an existing water line that services Windsor Middle School. This existing water line ran through the building pad and foundation and could not remain in the building pad. The water line was re-routed outside of the building pad so the line could remain in service for the existing school. This work was directed by the soil geotechnical engineer. This was performed on a time and material basis. The CM documented and verified all related time and material utilized for this work.
7. PCO # 12 – This PCO is labor, material and equipment to connect an unknown hidden sanitary sewer line that services the Windsor Middle School to the re-routed temporary sanitary line. This was performed on a time and material basis. The CM documented and verified all related time and material utilized for this work.
Member Kent Hildebrand moved, Member Denise Tynes seconded the motion to approve Change Order #2 as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5 - 0
Update on Georgie D. Tyler Middle School Mr. Peter Andreu updated the Board on the progress of construction of the new school. He noted that the recent rainy weather had been a factor for construction. 75% of the underground plumbing in the gymnasium area is complete. Phase 1 is 90% complete. Phase 2 will be the demolition of identified structures. The BMP is 85% to 90% complete. Mr. Eley commended Mr. Cardwell on his supervision of the project.
Mr. DeGroft noted that this would be a good time to get an energy performance contract.
Aerohive Contract Please see attached contract and Bid tab for the Aerohive IFB. This contract is a result of the IFB for SOL testing. The attached contract is for Aerohive equipment (IWCS) and for wiring (cooperative contract with VA Beach). This combination represents the best pricing option for IWCS.
Member Kent Hildebrand moved, Member Herbert DeGroft seconded the motion approve contract as written and award IFB to lowest bidder. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5 - 0
Milestone Communication Contract Please see attached Milestone Communication Contract. An RFP went out to conduct a search for a partner to market our locations, to determine if revenue and improved cellular coverage could be realized for Isle of Wight County. Our committee met and decided that Milestone Communications offered a school-friendly and successful track record of establishing a good partnership. This marketing agreement simply allows the locations to be marketed. Should a location be selected, Milestone will bring the option to the Board for their consideration.
Member Herbert DeGroft moved, Member Julia Perkins seconded the motion to approve the marketing agreement with Milestone Communications and allow the company to market division sites to cell phone carriers. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5 – 0
Invitation for Bid - Projectors Please see attached IFB for projectors for the Georgie D. Tyler Middle School. The division is beginning the process of bidding out the items that are not part of the construction package.
Member Kent Hildebrand moved, Member Herbert DeGroft seconded the motion to approve the invitation for bid, for projectors for Georgie D. Tyler Middle School. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5 - 0
Medicaid Billing Contract Please see attached Medicaid billing contract. This contract is the result of a RFP approved by the School Board. The selected company will fully integrate with the IEP online software that is currently being used in Isle of Wight County. The cost for service will remain the same price as our current provider, but will have new features that will help streamline the process
Member Julia Perkins moved, Member Denise Tynes seconded the motion to approve the contract and allow company to begin collecting Medicaid revenue. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5 - 0
Mid-Atlantic Broadband Communities Corp. Contract Member Denise Tynes moved, Member Julia Perkins seconded the motion to approve the Mid-Atlantic Broadband Communities Corporation Contract as presented. Mr. Heron, from Mid-Atlantic Broadband Corporation spoke before the Board and shared background and information on the company. Ms. Lisa Perry, Isle of Wight County Economic Development, spoke in favor of the project and responded to questions of the Board. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5 - 0
INSTRUCTION Student Liaison to the School Board Mrs. Lynn Briggs shared the results of her research with the Board. The research highlighted many different options in use by the state school divisions. Most divisions have one representative, some have none, a small number of divisions have two. It is the decision of the division as to the number of student representatives and the method of selection. The Board requested that Mrs. Briggs bring Policy BBBB to the March Board Meeting with changes that allow for an alternate school liaison. Member Herbert DeGroft moved, Member Denise Tynes seconded the motion to bring Policy BBBB to the March Board Meeting with changes that allow for an alternate school liaison. A roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5 - 0
Program of Studies Member Julia Perkins moved, Member Denise Tynes seconded the motion to approve the revised program of studies as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. The motion Carried. 5 - 0
Dress Code Update Mrs. Alice Graham, Assistant Principal at Windsor High School, and Ms. Cale, Assistant Principal at Smithfield High School, presented the Code of Dress for each of the high schools. After reviewing the information provided, they responded to questions from the Board. Mr. DeGroft expressed concern about the use of the work “inappropriate” and requested that Mr. Burton, School Board Attorney, research this issue. Mrs. Tynes asked how students in uniforms, cheerleaders for example, were handled. It was noted that they wore warm-ups during the day.
Comparison of AB Classes vs. 4x4 Mr. Daniel Soderholm, Principal of Windsor High School, and Dr. Stenette Byrd, Principal of Smithfield High School, presented an update to the Board on the year-long scheduling concept. This concept accommodates the needs of all students.
Types of Year-Long Programs: Year Long (AP) – Students who will be taking the Advanced Placement Tests Year Long (Support) – Students who may be struggling and need the lengthened schedule A/B Alternating – Classes run the length of the year, on alternate days.
Results will be compared: Alternating A/B vs. 4x4 A/B vs. Alternating A/B SOL Results Gap Groups
Mrs. Abel summarized that there is no one schedule that will benefit all students. The goal is to define a schedule that will best accommodate the wide range of student needs. In July, when all data is available, the results will be analyzed and shared with the Board.
Advice of the School Board Attorney The School Board Attorney emphasized that the School Board has fiduciary responsibilities based on the Statutes of Virginia: Article 8 – Section 7 of the Constitution of Virginia, as listed below. School Board: • § 22.1-79. Powers and duties: See that the school laws are properly explained, enforced and observed • § 22.1-92. Estimate of moneys needed for public schools; notice of costs to be distributed It shall be the duty of each division superintendent to prepare, with the approval of the school board, and submit to the governing body or bodies appropriating funds for the school division, by the date specified in § 15.2-2503, the estimate of the amount of money deemed to be needed during the next fiscal year for the support of the public schools of the school division . The estimate shall set up the amount of money deemed to be needed for each major classification prescribed by the Board of Education and such other headings or items as may be necessary.
BOARD MEMBER REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Herbert DeGroft Schools that have, within the technology area, robotics funding, provided by community organizations, to give the Board an update on the status of their school’s program in that area.
Going out with an RFP for mitigation of storm water pooling on the grounds of Hardy Elementary School that can be removed cost effectively, with a project on July 1, 2013. Mr. Andreu noted that a topographical study would be necessary before any action can be taken. He noted that the problem area in the front of the school could be fixed during the summer. But, before issuing an RFP for the complete project, a study would be necessary. Mr. Andreu offered a rough estimate of $10,000 for the project. ADJOURNMENT The Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 10:11 p.m.