Restaurant Management Learning Plan Risa McCann

Fall 2013 K.H.S.

Dates: Monday, Sept. 9, 2013 – Monday, September 30th

Learning Target: Students will become familiar with instructor, the course syllabus and expectations



Monday, Sept. 9th – K.H.S. Open House 7 PM

 Students will complete the Carousel of Business Structures

 Students will present their Business Structures posters as a group \

 Students will play 4 ball Tennis Ball Name Game

Tuesday, Sept. 10th

 Sierra Toppel, Arts Institute will be the guest speaker for the class period

Thursday, Sept 12th

 Dunkin Donuts article about expanding franchises will be read and discussed

 Students will complete the 12 Functions of Foodservice fill in worksheet while discussing the power point notes

 Students will play Unit One Test Review Bingo

Friday, Sept. 13th  Unit One Test

 Student will watch Small Business Diaries part one and complete the accompanying worksheet

 Student game Rope Star

Monday, September 16th

 Students will watch Small Business Diaries Part 2 and complete the accompanying worksheet

 Students will receive the Restaurant Blog Review assignment. The assignment will be explained and questions answered. The deadline for the 2 blog entries will be explained.

 Students will receive the 3.1 Your Favorite Restaurant/3.2 Restaurant Comparison worksheets. The assignment will be explained and questions answered. The deadline for completion and submittal will be Friday, Sept. 20th, 2013

 All assignments and tests that have been collected and graded during the first 3 weeks will be returned for review and IPR check

Tuesday, Sept. 17th

 12 Functions in Food Service Power-point notes will be taken to complete their worksheet. Notes will be discussed.

 Students will take notes and discuss Restaurant Operations slides 1:2 (#32- #40 slides) Front of the House

Thursday, September 19th Terri Parker will be the sub

 Students will complete the Restaurant Organization flowchart. The original will be shown using the ELMO and projector  Students will complete the Responsibilities of the General Manager worksheet. The original will be shown using the ELMO and projector

 Students will begin to work on The Restaurant Industry -Define and Draw Key Terms worksheet

Friday, Sept. 20th

 Students will complete and turn in The Restaurant Industry -Define and Draw Key Terms worksheet

 Students will watch the last episode of Small Business Diaries. They will complete the coordinating worksheet and submit it to the instructor

Monday, Sept. 23rd

 Students will complete the notes from the 1.2 powerpoint

 Students will complete the Escoffier’s Kitchen Brigade worksheet. The original will be shown using the ELMO and projector

Tuesday, Sept. 24th

 Students will complete the Front of the House/Back of the House Define and Draw worksheet

 What is Profit? Loss? Worksheet will be completed by students with the teacher

 Student game – Pass Back Thursday, Sept. 26th

 Students will receive all paperwork back from Unit 2

 Students will listen to First Diet Soda: Now diet Fries? USA Today article, Sept. 24, 2013. They will complete the coordinating worksheet as a response to the article.

 will be played. Four groups of students will be created. Each group will sit at one table. The group will elect a chairperson. The chairperson must sit in a chair in the center of the room the duration of the game. The groups will receive a packet of index cards that have all of the Unit Vocabulary written on the cards. The instructions given will be to organize the cards on the table as they see fit. The instructor will read the question. The groups must then locate the correct vocabulary card and run it to their chairperson. He must then stand up with the card to earn a team point.

 After the game all students will receive a copy of a previous unit test from another teacher and a copy of all of the questions that were asked during the Restaurant Management Review game

 Students will begin watching the dvd Big Mac: Inside the McDonald’s Empire. They will receive a coordinating worksheet to complete.

Friday, Sept. 27th

 Rumelda Morales, K.H.S. Cafeteria Manager will be a guest speaker for the class. The Class will meet at the K.H.S. Cafeteria. Each student will be responsible for asking one question on the interview sheet. The student that asks the question must continue to have eye contact with the speaker until she aha completed her answer. The student must then get the answer quietly from a neighbor that has recorded the answer. This is to reinforce professional courtesy and respect.

 McDonald’s DVD will be continued until complete.

Monday, Sept. 30th

 Students will take the Front of the House/Back of the House test

 McDonald’s DVD will be continued until complete.