With Election Driven by Iraq, Voters Want New Approach By ADAM NAGOURNEY and MEGAN THEE Americans say Democrats will end U.S. military involvement in Iraq if they win control of Congress next week, according to a poll. Medic Aids Fallen Marine With Skill and a Prayer By C. J. CHIVERS Petty Officer Dustin E. Kirby, a trauma medic, fights for those he treats. “When I told you that I do not let people die on me, I meant it,” he said. “I meant it.” As Investors Covet Ethanol Plant, Farmers Resist By ALEXEI BARRIONUEVO Midwest farmers are proving surprisingly reluctant to cash in on offers to make huge profits from ethanol. Yes, Red Wine Holds Answer. Check Dosage. By NICHOLAS WADE A new report found that a natural substance found in red wine offsets the bad effects of a high- calorie diet in mice. Selling Literature to Go With Your Lifestyle By JULIE BOSMAN Publishers are pushing their books into butcher shops, car washes, cheese shops, even chi-chi clothing boutiques. Bush Works to Solidify Base With a Defense of Rumsfeld By JOHN M. BRODER President Bush sought to rally Republican voters on Wednesday with a vigorous defense of the war in Iraq. Democratic Leader Put to Work as G.O.P. Campaign Star By JENNIFER STEINHAUER Judging by some of the political name-calling in the final days before the elections, Representative Nancy Pelosi of California seems to be in the thick of campaigns for Congress. Republican Seems to Rally in Run for Seat Foley Quit By ABBY GOODNOUGH Joe Negron, the Republican choice to run as Mark Foley’s replacement in Florida, now appears to be running almost neck and neck with Tim Mahoney, the Democrat. Shiites Continue to Exert Independence and Seek Changes to U.N. Deal on U.S. Troops By SABRINA TAVERNISE Iraqi Shiites are pressing a fresh set of conditions on the U.S., asking for changes in the Iraqi government’s relationship with the American military. Latin Fight for U.N. Security Council Seat Ends By SIMON ROMERO Venezuela and Guatemala agreed to support Panama as a consensus candidate for the U.N. Security Council.