North Mercer R-Iii School s1

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North Mercer R-Iii School s1


I. Roll Call All members were present. Time: 6:00 P.M.

Trevor DeVore, Josh Stiles and Terry Ellis were in attendance.

II. Adoption/Modification of Agenda Julie Graham made a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Tracy Meinecke seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.

III. Approval of Minutes A. October 10, 2016 Chris Main made a motion to approve the October 10, 2016 board minutes. Julie Graham seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.

IV. Citizens Input

V. Executive Session A. 610.021 (Subsection 6) Tracy Meinecke made a motion to go into executive session at 6:03 p.m. per 610.021 (Subsection 6). Chris Main seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0 Gregg Widner – yes, Tracy Meinecke – yes, Julie Graham – yes, Jennifer Wilson – yes, Peggy Johnson – yes, Chris Main – yes, and Kirk Ellis – yes.

Terry Ellis left the meeting at 6:36 p.m.

Julie Graham made a motion at 6:52 p.m. to come out of executive session. Peggy Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.

VI. Consent Agenda A. November Bills B. Revenue/Expense Report C. Nurse & Service Worker Reports

All reports were included in the board packet.

Tracy Meinecke said that she would like to reimburse Melissa Hill for her hotel expenses incurred for going down to watch Nicole Kost play in the Regional softball game. Mr. Owens said he denied the coaches expenses because it was first presented to him to pay for the coach and asst. coach to go down. Melissa didn’t coach the game and she was allowed to take a school vehicle down. The school did pay for Nicole’s hotel and meals.

Chris Main made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Tracy Meinecke seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0. VII. Old Business A. Snow Removal Jeff Landrum, Lineville, contacted Mr. Owens about doing the snow removal. Specs were sent to him, he will charge $175 per time. Tracy Meinecke made a motion to approve Jeff Landrum to do the snow removal for $175 per time. Julie Graham seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.

B. Prop C Waiver Update Ballot language was enclosed for the board to review. If the board wishes to proceed the ballot language and resolution will need to be approved next month. A committee will also need to be formed.

Brian Persell may have found a company able to fix the elevator. We should know soon.

Mr. Owens would like to see a couple board members on the committee along with a teacher and community members. Jennifer Wilson said that she would be on the committee.

North Mercer has the lowest tax levy in the county.

Mr. Owens asked the board to email him if they come up with any potential committee members.

VIII. New Business A. Accept Resignations Deb Moore, salad bar attendant and Hayley Sample, para submitted their letters of resignation. Deb’s last day was November 11. Hayley’s last day will be November 22. Hayley will still be able to do part-time physical therapy through Greg Terwilleger.

Tracy Meinecke made a motion to accept Deb Moore and Hayley Sample’s resignation. Chris Main seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.

Trevor DeVore and Josh Stiles left the meeting at 7:45 p.m.

Executive Session -- 610.021 (Subsection 3) Chris Main made a motion to go into executive session at 7:47 p.m. per 610.021 (Subsection 3). Julie Graham seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0 Gregg Widner – yes, Tracy Meinecke – yes, Julie Graham – yes, Jennifer Wilson – yes, Peggy Johnson – yes, Chris Main – yes, and Kirk Ellis – yes.

Kirk Ellis made a motion at 8:12 p.m. to come out of executive session. Chris Main seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.

Trevor DeVore and Josh Stiles came back into the meeting at 8:12 p.m.

B. Employ Salad Bar Attendant Chris Main made a motion to employ Aimee Bilyeu as Salad Bar Attendant. Tracy Meinecke seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0. C. Millemon Math Awards Eleven students received the Millemon Math awards. There are two students receiving the award for the first time. Each student will receive $43.55.

Julie Graham made a motion to approve the payment to the Millemon Math awards winners in the amount of $43.55. Tracy Meinecke seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.

D. Set Board Filing Dates There are three three-year terms up for election. Terms expiring are Gregg Widner, Julie Graham, and Peggy Johnson.

Tracy Meinecke made a motion to set the April 4, 2017, school board election filing dates beginning December 13, 2016 through January 17, 2017. The office will be closed during scheduled breaks. Chris Main seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.

E. 2015-2016 Audit The 2015-2016 district audit was included in the board packet. Jeremy Clevenger, Chillicothe, conducted the audit for the first time this year. The district complied with all requirements of Missouri laws and regulations. Mr. Owens went over financial highlights.

Chris Main made a motion to approve the 2015-2016 audit report. Tracy Meinecke seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.

IX. Principal’s Report Mrs. Palmer reported the following: . Sixth-eighth graders attended a bulling presentation . Seventh-twelfth graders attended a drug awareness program . Attended an ELL meeting in Princeton . Veteran’s Day Program and meal was great . Financial aid night will be held this week at Princeton School . Lindsay Wyatt, Bailey Owens, Nicole Kost signed their letters of intent for college basketball

X. Superintendent’s Report Mr. Owens reported on the elevator earlier in the meeting.

Tracy Meinecke thanked Mr. Owens for making sure the kids were fed after returning to the school from a ball game where they did not get to stop and eat.

Trevor DeVore and Josh Stiles left the meeting at 8:30 p.m.

Executive Session -- 610.021 (Subsection 3) Tracy Meinecke made a motion to go into executive session at 8:30 p.m. per 610.021 (Subsection 3). Chris Main seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0 Gregg Widner – yes, Tracy Meinecke – yes, Julie Graham – yes, Jennifer Wilson – yes, Peggy Johnson – yes, Chris Main – yes, and Kirk Ellis – yes. Tracy Meinecke made a motion at 8:46 p.m. to come out of executive session. Julie Graham seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.

XI. Adjourn Tracy Meinecke made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:46 p.m. Julie Graham seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0 Gregg Widner – yes, Tracy Meinecke – yes, Julie Graham– yes, Jennifer Wilson – yes, Peggy Johnson – yes, Chris Main – yes, and Kirk Ellis – yes.

______President Date

______Secretary Date

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