Hughesville Junior/Senior High School s2
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Danville Area School District Course Overview 2017-2018
Course: Bikes and Hikes Teacher: Freeman
Course Introduction: Course Text or Student Materials:
Bikes and Hikes is a semester long PE class offered to 10th and 12th None - bikes and helmets will be provided. grade students. The students will learn to ride mountain bikes and Students can bring a bike. hike safely on all types of surfaces. There are no gym activities, we will use the fitness room when inside. Participation is a must.
Units of Study: Student Objectives: Standards/Anchors:
.5 credits of Physical Education. The students will learn the safe and proper 10.5.12A – Skills related to fitness, movement techniques for riding a mountain bike on all and activities that promote lifelong types of terrain. Students, through biking and participation. hiking, will learn the benefits of life long 10.5.12B – Incorporate and synthesize fitness. knowledge of motor skills. 10.5.12C – Evaluate impact of skill improvement and development. 10.4.9B - Analyze the effects of regular participation in relation to; stress, disease and weight management. 10.4.9F – Analyze group and social dynamics during physical activity. Instructional Plan:
To teach basic biking skills like how to use your brakes, riding over logs, and going down steep hills as well as basic bike maintenance and authentic instruction on trails.
Student Assistance:
Yes, I hope to use the students who are highly skilled to teach and demonstrate bike skills. They will also be used as group leaders on rides.
Assessments and Evaluation: Grading: Homework/Procedures:
There will be skills tests on the bike. 80% participation, 20% skills and activity log On time correct 100% This class is about participation. Students % decreases over the next 3 days will ride, walk, or use the fitness room every day. Students will be encouraged to try new skills and keep a log on the amount of time spent working out.
Student and Parent Communication
E-mail & web site.
Student Expectations and Classroom Rules of Conduct
Respect yourself, your peers and your teacher.