Internet and Political Participation in Spain
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Polnet Project UAB-CIS
November 2007
Q.1 To begin with, can you tell me how much time you spend, on a normal day, listening to or watching entertainment programmes on the radio or television (series, films, sport, etc.). (SHOW CARD A).
- Over three hours a day ………………..1 - Between two and three hours a day …2 - Between one and two hours a day ….. 3 - Less than an hour a day ………………4 - Never …………………………………… 5 - D.K. …………………………………….. 8 - N.A. ……………………………... 9
Q.2 And how often….? (SHOW CARD B).
- do you listen to the news on the radio or the television - apart from the news, do you listen to or watch other political programmes on the radio or television - apart from the sports press, do you read a paper (in paper format or on the Internet)
1. Every day 2. 3-4 days a week 3. 1-2 days a week 4. Less often 5. Never 9. N.A.
Q.3 Can you tell me what kind of press you read and whether you read it in paper format or on the Internet?
- Local Press - Free Press (examples, etc.) - National Press (examples, etc.) - International Press (examples, etc.)
1. Don’t read/ Don’t use any 2. Paper 3. Internet 4. Both 5. N.A.
Q.4 On the whole how satisfied are you with the way democracy works in [country]? Please answer using this card, where 0 means extremely dissatisfied and 10 means extremely satisfied. (SHOW CARD C).
Extremely dissatisfied Extremely satisfied 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 D.K. …………… 98 N.A. …………… 99
Q.5 Now thinking about the [country] government, how satisfied are you with the way it is doing its job? Still use this card. (SHOW CARD C).
Extremely dissatisfied Extremely satisfied
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 D.K. …………… 98 N.A. …………… 99
Q.6 Using this card, please tell me on a score of 0-10 how much you personally trust each of the institutions I read out. 0 means you do not trust an institution at all, and 10 means you have complete trust. (SHOW CARD D). Scale 00 – 10 DK NA - Political parties - Trade unions - Local governments - Federal government - Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) - Mass media
Q.7 How interested would you say you are in politics READ OUT
- very interested ……….1 - quite interested ………2 - hardly interested …… 3 - not at all interested… 4 - D.K. ……………. 8 - N.A. ……………. 9
Q.8 How often do you discuss politics? (SHOW CARD E).
- Every day …………………….. 1 - Several times a week ……….. 2 - Once a week …………………. 3 - Several times a month ……… 4 - Once a month ……………… 5 - Less often ……………………. 6 - Never …………………………. 7 - D.K. …………………………… 8 - N.A. ………………….… 9
Q.9 How often do you try to persuade your friends, relatives or work-mates to share your point of view on political issues?
- Often ………………………………….. 1 - Sometimes …………………………... 2 - Rarely …………………………………. 3 - Never …………………………………....4 - Don’t usually have opinions on politics 5 (DO NOT READ) - D.K. ………………………………………8 - N.A. ………………………………………9
Q.10 Using this card, please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. (SHOW CARD F).
- "I think public officials don’t care much about what people like me think." - "Usually politics and government seem so complicated that a person like me can't really understand what's going on." - “Politicians are always in search of their personal interest” - "I think that I am better informed about politics and government than most people."
1. Agree strongly 2. Agree 3. Neither agree nor disagree (DO NOT READ) 4. Disagree 5. Disagree strongly 8. D.K. 9. N.A.
Q.11 In the last 12 months have you participated in any of the activities that I’m going to mention?
Q.11a And further back in the past?
A. Signing a petition B. Attending a demonstration C. Taking part in a strike D. Taking part in illegal protest activities (blocking the traffic, occupying buildings, chaining yourself up, etc.) E. Buying certain products for political or ethical reasons, or to favour the environment F. Boycotting or not buying certain products any more for political or ethical reasons, or to favour the environment G. Contacting or trying to contact a politician to express your opinions H. Donating or collecting money for a specific cause I. Attending a political meeting
- Yes 1 - No 2 - D.K. 8 - N.A. 9
Q.12 Has anyone ever told you about a demonstration and encouraged you to go along?
- Yes …………. 1 - No …………. 2 - D.K. ……….. 8 - N.A.….. 9
Q.13 Tell me if you belong to, participate actively in, or have ever belonged to any of the following associations. (SHOW CARD G).
- A political party - A trade union - A professional or business association - A parish or other type of religious association/organisation or a charity - A sports, cultural or leisure group - An ecological, pacifist, human rights or fair-trade association (examples, etc.) - A youth or students’ association - Other type of voluntary association (parents’ association, neighbours’ association but not a “property-owners association”, etc.)
1. I belong or participate actively 2. I belong but do not participate actively 3. I used to belong but not any more 4. I have never belonged to any of these groups
Q.14 Is there a particular political party you feel closer to?
- Yes ………… 1 - No …………. 2 - D.K.. ……….. 8 - N.A.. ………... 9
P.14a Which one?
- XXX 01 - XXX 02 - XXX 03 - XXX 04 - XXX 05 - XXX 06 - Another, which one? ______07 - N.A. 99
P.14b How close do you feel to this party?
- Very close 1 - Quite close 2 - A little close 3 - D.K. 8 - N.A. 9
Q.15 Now I’d like you to tell me if you are very interested, quite interested, only a little interested or not interested at all in new advances in the field of science and technology.
- Very interested ………1 - Quite interested … 2 - A little interested …….3 - Not interested at all.. 4 - D.K. ………………… 8 - N.A. ………… ………..9
Q.16 To carry out your job or everyday activities
- It is not necessary to have computer skills ………………………….1 - It is necessary to have basic computer skills …….. ……………2 - It is necessary to have advanced computer skills ……….. ….3 - D.K. ………………………………………………………………………8 - N.A. ………………………………………………………………………9
Q.17 In the last 12 months, have you done any of the following activities at work, when studying or in connection with your participation in an association?
- Writing letters, emails or documents - Organizing or planning a meeting - Giving a talk, a class or a presentation
- Yes…………………….1 - No ………….……….. 2 - Do not remember…….8 - N.A. ………...... 9
Q.18 Do you use the following at home….?
- Personal computer - Pay-TV
- Yes…………………………..… 1 - No ……………………………... 2 - Do not know what it is…….. 8 (DO NOT READ) - N.A. ………...... 9
Q.19 In the last three months have you used Internet?
- Yes ……………………………. 1 - No ………………………………2 - Do not know what it is …... 8 Go to Q.29 - N.A. ………………….... 9
Q.20 How many years have you been using Internet regularly?
Number of years: ______Do not remember …… 98 N.A. …………………… 99
Q.21 Can you please tell me if you usually connect to Internet in the following places:
- At home - At work - School or college, public centre (library, civic centre, etc.), club or association - Cyber-café or similar - From anywhere with my laptop - Other places
- Yes ……………………… 1 - No …………………….. 2 - N.A. ………………….... 9 Q.22 Regardless of where you connect to Internet, how often do you connect? (SHOW CARD H).
- 6-7 days a week …………….. 1 - 3-5 days a week …………….. 2 - 1-2 days a week …………….. 3 - A few times a month ………… 4 - Less often ……………………..5 - D.K. …………………………….8 - N.A. …………………… 9
Q.23 In the last 12 months, for which of the following activities have you used Internet?
- Searching for information (work, study, health, travel, cinema, TV, city plans, etc.) - Buying a product or a service (food, books, cinema, travel, etc.) - Using online banking - Receiving or sending emails - Taking part in chats or forums - Phoning over the Net (skype, etc.) - Downloading files (documents, music, video, software, etc.) - Keeping your own blog or web page - Surfing the net with no particular purpose
- Yes…………………………..… 1 - No ……………………………... 2 - Do not know what it is…….. 8 - N.A. ………...... …… 9
Q.24 How often do you use Internet to get information on current political affairs? (SHOW CARD I).
- Over once a week ………….. 1 - Once a week …………... 2 - Once a month ………………... 3 - Less often ……………………. 4 - Never …………………………. 5 - Do not know ………………. 8 - N.A. …………………….9
Q.25 Do you remember if you have ever consulted the web page of a political party or candidate?
- Yes ……………………1 - No ………...... 2 - Do not remember .. 8 - N.A. …………. 9
Q.26 And are you subscribed to any bulletin or distribution list on the Internet on current political issues?
- Yes ……………………1 - No ……………………. 2 - N.A. …………. 9 Q.27 Have you ever received emails with any of the following content?
- Supporting a candidate or party - With some criticism or a joke about a politician or political party - Calling a demonstration, a sit-in or other protest action - With an electronic manifesto or petition - On other current issues or type of call for action
- Yes ……………………1 - No ………...... 2 - Do not remember .. 8 - N.A. …………... 9
Q.28 Have you ever done any of the following on the Internet?
- Contacting a politician or political party - Contacting the government to complain or protest (for example the Local Council or the Government) - Getting in touch with an association or organization (cultural, sports, professional, etc.) - Making a donation for a campaign, to an association or organization - Writing comments in a forum, blog or web page, on current social or political issues - Signing a petition or joining a campaign or a manifesto
- Yes ……………………1 - No ………...... 2 - Do not remember .. 8 - N.A. …………... 9
Q.29 Have you ever received a text message (SMS) informing you about a demonstration?
- Yes ………….. 1 - No …………. 2 - D.K. ……….. 8 - N.A. ……….. 9
Q.30 New technologies offer the possibility of voting without having to go to the polling station. Could you tell me how far you would be willing to cast your vote by Internet? I’d be…..
- Very willing …………... 1 - Quite willing …………..2 - Not very willing ……… 3 - Not willing at all……….4 - D.K. ……………………8 - N.A. …………… 9
Q.31 In any case, would you see any problem in a voting system by Internet?
- It would be more difficult than the current system ……………………...1 - The security of these systems is not guaranteed …... ………. ………..2 - We would lose the seriousness of the act of voting …………………... 3 - I wouldn’t be able to relate to my neighbours, friends or relatives ……4 - I don’t see anything wrong with it ……………………………….………. 5 - Other ……………………………………………………………………….. 6 - D.K. ………………………………………………………………………… 8 - N.A. ……………………………………………………………… 9
Q.32 Using this card, generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted, or that you can’t be too careful in dealing with people? Please tell me on a score of 0 to 10, where 0 means you can’t be too careful and 10 means that most people can be trusted.
You can’t Most be too people careful can be trusted 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
D.K. …………… 98 N.A. …………… 99
Q.33 As you well know, there are many opinions on what makes a good citizen. What importance do the following have for you in terms of being a good citizen? Use a scale of 0 to 10, in which 0 means “of no importance" and 10 "very important". (SHOW CARD L).
- Voting in elections - Not evading taxes - Always abiding by the law and rules. - Thinking more about others than oneself - Having one’s own opinion, irrespective of others
Scale 00 – 10: ______DK 98 N.A. 99
Q.34 Of the following sentences that I mention, which do you most agree with? (ONE ANSWER).
- Political decisions should only be taken by political representatives 1 - It is necessary to find mechanisms or formulas, so that citizens can participate more directly in political decision making 2 - (DO NOT READ) It depends on the question to be decided 3 - D.K. 8 - N.A. 9
P.35 In politics people sometimes talk of “left” and “right”. Using this card, where would you place yourself on this scale, where 0 means the left and 10 means the right?
Left Right
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
D.K. ……………98 N.A. ……………99
Q.36 As you well know there are various different political parties or political coalitions we can vote for. What is the likelihood of you voting for the ones that I mention? Use a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means "absolutely sure I wouldn’t vote for them” and 10 "absolutely sure I’d always vote for them". (SHOW CARD M). - Party A - Party B - Party C
Scale 00 – 10: ______DK 98 N.A. 99
Q.37 Some political events or public personalities are better-known than others. We would like to know how well people know some of these
- Could you tell me the name of the President of the Regional Government in which you live? (Note: Example of well-known politician) - And the name of the minister of Employment and Social Affairs? (Note: Example of a not very well-known politician) - Can you tell me who the President of France is? (Note: Middle range)
Correct ………………... 1 Incorrect……………….. 2 DK …………………….. 8 N.A. ……………. 9
Q.38 Now I’m going to show you various alternative formulas for the organization of the State in Spain. Please, tell which you most agree with? (SHOW CARD N). (Issue: polemic debate in Spain in the last years)
- A State with a single Central Government with no autonomies 1 - A State with Autonomous Communities as at present 2 - A State in which the Autonomous Communities have more autonomy than at present 3 - A State in which the Autonomous Communities have the right to become independent states 4 - D.K. 8 - N.A. 9
Q.39 Please say to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. (SHOW CARD F).
- It’s almost always difficult for me to decide who to vote for - Going on a demonstration serves no purpose - Voting is easy and does not take up much time or effort - Going on a demonstration requires a lot of time and effort - My vote is useless because it does not change the result of the elections
1. Agree strongly 2. Agree 3. Neither agree nor disagree (don’t read) 4. Disagree 5. Disagree strongly 8. D.K. 9. N.A.
Q.40 I am going to read a series of statements to you about current affairs. Please, for each one, tell me how far you agree or disagree. (SHOW CARD F).
- We should protect the environment even if this means having a lower standard of living - Taxes should go down even if this means that we would have fewer public services - Immigrants contribute more than they receive - The Government should act so that everyone has housing even if this would mean forcing people to let out empty houses or flats
1. Agree very much 2. Agree 3. (DO NOT READ) Neither agree nor disagree 4. Disagree 5. Disagree very much 8. D.K. 9. N.A.
Q41 There is a lot of talk these days about what the aims of this country should be for the next ten years. On this card are listed some of the goals which different people would give top priority. If you had to choose, which of the things on this card would you say is most important? And which would be the next most important? (SHOW CARD O).
1st choice 2nd choice - Maintaining order in the country 1 1 - Giving people more say in important government decisions 2 2 - Fighting rising prices 3 3 - Protecting freedom of speech 4 4 - D.K. 8 8 - N.A. 9 9
Q.42 As you well know, voting is right we all have, but nobody is obliged to vote if they can’t or don’t want to. In the [last general] elections, you…?(SHOW CARD Q).
- Went to vote and actually voted………………………… 1 - Went to vote but weren’t able to actually vote ……….. 2 - Didn’t go to vote because you couldn’t ……………….. 3 - Preferred not to vote ……………………………………. 4 - Didn’t vote because you weren’t old enough to………. 5 - D.K. ……………………………………………………….. 8 - N.A. ……………………………………………….. 9
Q.42a Which party or coalition did you vote for in those elections?
- XXX 01 - XXX 02 - XXX 03 - XXX 04 - XXX 05 - XXX 06 - Other, which? ______07 - In blank 96 - Don’t know 97 - Don’t remember 98 - N.A. 99
Q.43 Have you ever abstained from any elections as a form of protest?
- Yes 1 - No 2 - (DO NOT READ) Voted in blank or cast a null vote to protest 3 - Don’t remember 8 - N.A. 9
Q.44 Gender
- Male …………….. 1 - Female ……………….2
Q.45 How old were you on your last birthday? ------
N.A. ……………… 99
P.46 Could I ask about your current legal marital status? Which of the descriptions on this card applies to you?
- Married ………………… 1 - Never married ……………… 2 - Widowed ……………….. 3 - Separated (still legally married) 4 - Divorced …………. 5 - N.A. …………………... 9
Q.47 Have you always lived in this city or village?
- Yes ………… 1 - No ………... 2 - N.A. ……… 9
(IF NOT IN Q.47) Q.47a How long have you been living in this city or village ? Years: ______Less than one year ... 00 Don’t remember….. 98 N.A. …………………….. 99
Q.48 Did you attend school or have you undertaken some kind of study? (INTERVIEWER: in the event that the answer is negative, ask if they can read and write).
- No, he/she is illiterate …………..… 1 GO TO Q.49 - No, but he/she knows how to read and write … 2 - Yes, he/she went to school ……… . 3 - N.A. …………………………….9 GO TO Q.49
Q.48a What is the highest level of official studies that you have undertaken (irrespective of whether you finished them or not)? Please be as specific as possible, tell me the academic year in which you finished (or interrupted your studies), and also the name of the course of studies at that time: (INTERVIEWER: if the person is still studying, make a note of the last course they have completed. If they have not completed Primary School make a note of the number of years that they went to school).
COURSE ______NAME (of the type of studies) ______LEVEL (Code according to T. STUDIES) ______
Q.49 How do you define yourself in terms of religion: catholic, a believer of another religion, unbeliever or atheist? (NEEDS ADAPTATION)
- Catholic ……………………… 1 - Other religion …...... 2 - Unbeliever …………………. 3 - Atheist ……………………….. 4 - N.A. …………………………….9
Q.49a How often do you go to mass or other religious celebrations, not counting occasions such as social ceremonies, for example, weddings, communions or funerals?
- Hardly ever ……………………………………… 1 - Several times a year …………………………… 2 - A few times a month ………………….. ………. 3 - Almost every Sunday and public holiday ……..4 - Several times a week ………………………….. 5 - N.A. ………………………………………. 9
Q.50 Who earns the most money in your household?
- The interviewee 1 - Another person 2 - (DO NOT READ) The interviewee and another person half and half 3 - N.A. 9
Q.51 In which of the following situations do you find yourself at the moment? (SHOW CARD Q).
- Working 1 - Retired or pensioner (having worked before) 2 - Pensioner (never having worked, housewife, etc.) 3 - Unemployed having worked before 4 - Unemployed and looking for a first job 5 - Student 6 - Doing unpaid housework 7 - Other situation, which? ______8 - N.A. 9
INTERVIEWER: In questions 52, 53, 53a and 54 refer to:
- current job (if 1 in Q.51) - last job (if 2 or 4 in Q.51) - the job held by the head of household (if 3,5,6,7 or 8 in Q.51) Q.52 And what is/was your current/last occupation or job? That is, what does/did your job specifically involve? (Be as precise as possible about the activities involved, EXAMPLE: car mechanic, dentist’s assistant, Primary School teacher, etc.). We are referring to your main occupation: the one in which you (or the head of household) earn/earned the most money. ______
N.A. …………………… 999
Q.53 You (or the head of household) works (or worked as… (SHOW CARD R).
- Permanent salaried worker (with a salary, on commission, with a wage, etc., on a permanent basis) 1 - Temporary salaried worker (with a salary, on commission, with a wage, etc., on a temporary basis) 2 - Businessperson or professional with salaried workers 3 - Professional or self employed (with no salaried workers) 4 - Help in the family business (with no regular salary from the family business or company) 5 - Member of a cooperative 6 - Other situation, which? ______7 - N.A. 9
Q.53a Do you (or the head of household) work for the government, in a state company, in a private company, in a private not-for-profit organization or in domestic service?
- The government ………………………………… 1 - In a state company ………………………….. 2 - In a private company …………………………. 3 - In a private not-for-profit organization …………. 4 - In domestic service ……………………….. 5 - Others (specify) ______6 - N.A. ………………………………………… 9
INTERVIEWER: If the person is a civil servant, make a note of the Group (A,B,C,D,E) and job level (1-30).
Group ______Level ______
Q.54 What is the main activity of the company or organization that you (or the head of household) work/ed for? (EXAMPLES: manufacturing sports articles, post, car hire, electricity, repairs, leather industry, etc.).
(Note) ______(192)(193) N.A. ……………………… 99
Q.55 On a normal working day, how much free time would you say you have, once you take off your work, family and home obligations, and your sleeping hours? Note hours: ______Note minutes (if necessary): ______(DO NOT READ) All day 95 D.K. 98 N.A. 99 Q.56 At present, between all the members of the household (including the interviewee) and from all sources, what is your household’s average net income per month? I’m not asking you to give me an exact figure, but just to show me on this card which band your income falls into.
(SHOW INCOME CARD. If the interviewee answers in pesetas, change the amount into euros).
- Less than or equal to 300 €. ……….. 01 - From 301 to 600 € ………………… 02 - From 601 to 900€ ………………… 03 - From 901 to 1,200 € ……………… 04 - From 1,201 to 1,800 €………….. 05 - From 1,801 to 2,400 € …………… 06 - From 2,401 to 3,000 € …………… 07 - From 3,001 to 4,500 € ……………. 08 - From 4,501 a 6,000 € ……………. 09 - Over 6,000 € ………………… 10 - N.A. ……………………………… 99
Q.57 Would you mind giving me your telephone number?
- Has a telephone and gives the number …. 1 Telephone: - Does not have a telephone ……………… 2 - Has a telephone but does not give the number 3 - N.A. ……………………………… 9