A vegetation survey of the West Pennine Moors moorland fringe a report for Natural England by Graeme Skelcher Ecological Consultant 8 Coach Road Warton, Carnforth Lancashire LA5 9PP 01524 720243
[email protected] http://graemeskelcher.sharepoint.com December 2013 A vegetation survey of the West Pennine Moors moorland fringe, 2013 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION AND METHODS 3 Key to Maps 1 - 4 4 Map 1: West Pennines moorland fringe NVC communities - Haslingden zone NW 5 Map 2: West Pennines moorland fringe NVC communities - Haslingden zone SE 6 Map 3: West Pennines moorland fringe NVC communities - Anglezarke zone NW 7 Map 4: West Pennines moorland fringe NVC communities - Anglezarke zone SE 8 Map 5: West Pennines moorland fringe Phase 1 habitats - Anglezarke zone NW 9 Map 6: West Pennines moorland fringe Phase 1 habitats - Anglezarke zone SE 10 Map 7: West Pennines moorland fringe BAP habitats - Haslingden zone NW 11 Map 8: West Pennines moorland fringe BAP habitats - Haslingden zone SE 12 Map 9: West Pennines moorland fringe BAP habitats - Anglezarke zone NW 13 Map 10: West Pennines moorland fringe BAP habitats - Anglezarke zone SE 14 2 SUMMARY DESCRIPTION 15 Table 1: Extent of NVC communities within the surveyed WPM moorland fringe 17 Table 2: Extent of Biodiversity habitats within the surveyed WPM moorland fringe 18 Table 3: Peat-depth measurements recorded within the WPM moorland fringe 19 3 NVC COMMUNITY DESCRIPTIONS 20 3.1 Bog, flush and fen communities 20 3.2 Heath and acid grassland communities 24 3.2 Unimproved and semi-improved