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October 2002 2001-2002 Annual Report State University College of Law

Janice C. Griffith

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w September, 2002 College of Law 2001-2002 Annual Report

Section A. Summary of Major Accomplishments

Planning for the Future

The most important accomplishment among the many notable achievements this past year was the adoption by the faculty of a new strategic plan to guide the College of Law in the years ahead. The new plan was the result of several years of diligent effort on the part of many among the faculty and administration. The new plan integrates the college's future goals with the university's strategic plan and goals. Coupled with strategic planning was the development of a more specific plan of improvement arising out of the university's academic program review. Together these documents gives clear direction and specific goals for the college to achieve in the years ahead.

Interdisciplinary Programs

More interdisciplinary activities are an important goal in the new strategic plan. However, the College of Law already has much to be proud of in this area. This past year, for the first time, law students studied in the same classrooms with Emory's medical students and with Georgia Tech's city planning students. Professor Charity Scott collaborated with faculty members of Emory University's School of Medicine to introduce law and medical students to the interdisciplinary issues that arise from the intersection of law, medicine, and ethics. Professor Julian Juergensmeyer and Professor Chris Nelson of Georgia Tech's College of Architecture explored growth management legal and policy issues in classroom discussions among city planning students and law students.

The College of Law co-sponsored a symposium and a conference that greatly served the community and highlighted the value of interdisciplinary cooperation. With the Georgia Institute of Technology's Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development, Georgia State's College of Law jointly sponsored a symposium on impact fees, which are imposed to finance the public infrastructure costs incurred as a result of rapid urban growth and sprawl. The symposium focused on the evolving impact fee practice, the emerging legal theories surrounding impact fees, and the effect these fees have upon developers, home buyers, taxpayers, and regional economic development. Attendees included state and local government officials, developers, and academicians.

In the spring of 2002 the College of Law was pleased to participate as a supporter of the university's Heritage Preservation Conference in collaboration with the History Departments' Master of Heritage Preservation program.

Law faculty continues to teach courses for Georgia State's Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, and Education. Correspondingly, a member of the Risk Management and Insurance faculty of the College of Business teaches insurance law to College of Law students. William Edmundson holds a joint appointment with the Department of Philosophy.

The College of Law has three joint programs with other colleges at Georgia State University where one can earn a J.D. degree and a M.A. in Philosophy, a Masters in Public Administration, or an M.B.A. degree. It is hoped that current conversations with the School of Architecture at Georgia Institute of Technology will yield a joint degree program in law and city planning.

Technolow Enhancements

Technology has had a profound effect upon the practice of law, legal research, instruction, and law school administration. The College of Law at Georgia State University is proud to be recognized as a leader in embracing these new innovations. By nature technology changes rapidly, and the College of Law is changing just as rapidly with evermore integration of technology into all aspects of its academic endeavors. The college still holds its rank as the 1lth "most wired" law school in the country by the National Jurist Magazine. This past spring two members of the college's staff made presentations at the CALI (Computer Assisted Legal Instruction) conference, the most prestigious organization focused on this issue. The web-based Meta-Index for U.S. Legal Research, created and maintained by Professor Patrick Wiseman, won yet another award as an excellent source for internet legal research.

Included among the technology enhancements enacted this past year are a new CD-ROM for student recruitment, special technology sessions during new student orientation, new computers for all law and law library staff, expansion of information available on the college's website, an on-line alumni directory, an option for students to take computer-based examinations, an on-line student and graduate resume bank for use by perspective employers, a doubling of the student computer laboratory in the Law Library, additional wired study carrels in the Library, and new computers for Law Review, Moot Court, and other student organizations.

Faculty are exploring ways to use technology to enhance their classroom instruction. To support instructional technology needs, the college engaged in a major upgrade of all classrooms by the purchase of instructor laptops, ceiling mounted computer projection systems, and multimedia equipment for every law school classroom. The installation will be completed in the fall semester of 2002. Furthermore, this past year saw the reconstruction of the college's final large lecture hall, providing electricity and internet connections at all student work stations in the classroom.

Develovment and Alumni Cultivation

With the assistance of the college's Development Director and her staff, the Dean devotes considerable time to fund raising, alumni and community cultivation. Fruits of this effort are clearly reflected in the accomplishments of the past year. The overall percentage of alumni giving during the college's annual fund drive increased. Work with the graduate leadership council has proven valuable, for it has been providing important assistance with this effort. For the second year in a row 1989 graduate Cathy Henson challenged the alumni to increase their financial support of Georgia State. During 2001-2002 she offered a $50,000 challenge grant if alumni giving exceeded $100,000. In response, graduates of the college contributed $145,902 in gifts.

In the inauguration of a new tradition, the graduating class of 2002 honored the college by making the first class gift totaling $13,850, with most of the funds designated for much needed scholarships. Furthermore, a new endowment account was funded by Melinda Lehrer to support the Michelle Ferguson Priestly Award, and an account was established in the name of Patricia Morgan, beloved faculty member who fell ill and died this past year.

New Faculty Recruited

The college's recruitment effort was greatly successful this past year, enticing Professor Clark D. Cunningham from the Washington University School of Law and Professor Tanya Washington fiom the University of Maryland School of Law to join the Georgia State community. Professor Cunningham became the first W. Lee Burge Chair Holder in Law and Ethics. A graduate of Dartmouth College and the Wayne State University Law School, he is nationally recognized as an outstanding scholar. He is an expert on the applications of linguistics to law and is engaged in a study of how lawyers communicate with their clients.

Professor Washington is a graduate of James Madison University and the University of Maryland School of Law. She received a LL.M. degree from the Harvard Law School in 2001. Professor Washington served as a law clerk for Chief Judge Robert M. Bell of the Court of Appeals of Maryland and come to Georgia State from teaching at the School of Law at the University of Maryland.

Faculty Scholarship

The impressive record of scholarly research and publications by the faculty of the College of Law continues, building an ever greater professional reputation for themselves and contributing to an increasing scholarly reputation for the college and university. Legal scholarship constitutes an important part of the college's mission to provide new insights on molding the law to better serve our society. Many of the faculty engages in original and influential scholarly inquiry. The appendix indicates the productivity of the faculty in their scholarly endeavors and reflects an increase in scholarship in tune with the college's articulated goals and promotion and tenure policy. Only a portion of faculty endeavors can be mentioned in this summary.

The following represents faculty members who had published products of their scholarship this past year: Douglas Yarn, supplements to his books on alternative dispute resolution in Georgia and North Carolina, and an article in Arkansas Law Review; Eric Segall, article in Georgia State University Law Review; Charity Scott, article in Georgia State Universitv Law Review; Natsu Saito, articles in Asian Law Review and Villanova Law Review; Mary Radford, supplement to a book on wills and administration in Georgia, and articles in Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal and Mercer Law Review; Ellen Podgor, teacher's manual for international criminal law text, supplement to her book on white collar crime, and articles in American University Law Review and Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics, and Public Policy; Paul Milich, new edition to his courtroom handbook on Georgia evidence, supplement to his book on Georgia rules of evidence; Michael Landau, latest release of 5 volume work on entertainment law, supplement to text on Federal administrative practice; Nancy Johnson, new edition of her book on legal research exercises; Janice Griffith, article in Georgia State University Law Review; William Gregory, new editions of his books on unincorporated business associations and law of agency and partnership; Marjorie Girth, Buffalo Women's Law Journal; Anne Emanuel, biographical sketch of Judge Elbert Tuttle in American National Biography; Mark Budnitz, a book on consumer banking and payments law, and two supplements to his book on law of lender liability; James Bross, supplements to texts on real property and water and water rights.

Student Accomplishments

The College of Law continued its success in student moot court and mock trial competitions. Numerous teams competed on the intrastate, regional, and national level. Georgia State teams won two national competitions this year. Competing against 22 teams from law schools throughout the country, our student trial lawyers team won the National Trial Advocacy Competition held in Michigan. The college's second national success occurred in Chicago at the Information Technology and Privacy Law Moot Court Competition. Our three-women team, all enrolled in the law school's part-time program of study, competed against 29 teams to win this competition. The House of Representatives of the Georgia General Assembly passed House Resolution 947 to commend the team members and their coaches for this victory.

Students achieved noteworthy success as well in the following competitions: the National Health Law Moot court competition at Southern Illinois University School of Law, the Thomas Tang National Moot Court Competition, the Annual Southern Regional Convention of Black law Students in which our mock trial team won first place, the William B. Spong, Jr. Invitational Moot Court Competition, sponsored by the Marshall- Wythe School of Law at William and Mary, and the First Amendment Moot Court Competition sponsored by the Vanderbilt University Law School.

Both as an outstanding student achievement as well as an important resource to the community, Georgia State Law Review students sponsored a symposium entitled "Ethics in a World of Mandatory Arbitration." Moderated by GSU's Professor Douglas Yarn, the event featured renowned experts on arbitration, including Georgia Supreme Court Justice Carol Hunstein, to offer different perspectives on ethical conflicts arising out of mandatory arbitration clauses in consumer contracts. Symposium speakers addressed the potential effects of third-party administrators on the arbitration process, the use of alternative dispute resolution processes, and the effect of the Revised Code of Ethics for Arbitrators. The papers presented at the symposium are being prepared for publication by the Law Review.

Students made many contributions to the community over the last year. Under the sponsorship of the Student , an entire week of projects, seminars, and speakers was organized by various student groups in celebration of Law Week.

Community Outreach and Service

The Georgia State University Tax Clinic serves low-income individuals who are involved with disputes with the Internal Revenue Service. Besides this public service, it is an important laboratory for the training of law students and graduate tax students from the College of Business Administration. It remains the only such entity in the southeast. Despite the adversarial role of the Georgia State Tax Clinic, the Internal Revenue Service respects the clinic for its success in providing equitable solutions for troubled taxpayers. The Tax Clinic continues to receive support from the Internal Revenue Service to fund the clinic's activities, and this past year received $75,000 as part of a three year program of support.

With funding from the Georgia Courts Automation Commission, the College of Law directs and staffs the Electronic Court Filing Project, a project to explore the automation of Georgia's courts through the electronic filing and signing of court documents. The project's research encompasses and impacts on the areas of digital signatures, electronic records and signature legislation, and national legal and technical standards development. A pilot project conducted this last year demonstrated that courts using different filing technologies could successfully share documents and case information with each other, which is an important step for standardizing this new technology. Todd Vincent, a 1997 graduate of the college, continues to direct this project.

With the fall semester of 2001 the college initiated a Legislation Clinic and Practicum course in which law students interned at the State Capitol and performed legal research for Georgia General Assembly committees. The students analyzed and provided legal research on such key topics as natural gas deregulation in Georgia, the use of DNA evidence in paternity determinations, the revenue implications of legislation banning video poker, conflicting real property assessment methods used by county and municipal governments, and a proposed modifications of the definition of child abuse in Georgia's penal code.

As mentioned under the topic of interdisciplinary activities, the College of Law was pleased to serve as a sponsor for two public events, a symposium on reconciling impact fees, which is of interest to government officials and private industry, and a conference on historical preservation, which again serves the needs of government, private industry, and the arts community. As part of the college's efforts in strengthening and increasing community outreach and public service, law faculty serve in leadership positions and on numerous committees for the Association of American Law Schools, the , the State Bar of Georgia, and for other local and regional organizations where their legal training is of value. James Bross chaired the AALS Section on Agricultural Law. Mark Budnitz was an active member of the Uniform Commercial Code Committee of the American Bar Association, chairing several work groups or task forces, and served on the editorial board of Consumer Financial Services Law Report. Andrea Curcio was the reporter for the Georgia Supreme Court Commission on Equality's study of sexual violence victims in the Georgia court system. William Edmundson continued as a member of the Committee on Philosophy and Law of the American Philosophical Association. Anne Emanuel served as Board Secretary, Georgia Center for Law in the Public Interest. Marjorie Girth served on the State Bar of Georgia's Committee on Standards of the Profession and the Georgia Supreme Court Commission on Equality. Dean Janice Griffith served on the Board of Trustees of Georgia's Institute of Continuing Legal Education, on the Board of Trustees of the Institute of Continuing Judicial Education, and on the State Bar of Georgia's Multidisciplinary Practice Committee and its Committee on Standards of the Profession. Bernadette Hartfield served on the Board of Trustees of the Law School Admissions Council. Nancy Johnson, Professor and Law Librarian, was a member of the American Library Association Task force on Accreditation and served on the editorial board of Lena1 Reference Services Ouarterly. Julian Juergensmeyer continued to be on the Panel of Arbitrators of the International Court of Arbitration in Warsaw, Poland. Associate Dean Steven Kaminshine served as Chair and Executive Board Member of the Labor and Employment Law Section of the Bar Association. Marjorie Knowles, had membership on the boards of the Center for Working Capital and the International Institute for Corporate Governance and Accountability, both based in Washington, D.C. E. R. Lanier was an arbitrator with the Croatian State Court of Arbitration and continues to serve on the Board of Trustees of the Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia. Michael Landau was on the Board of Directors of Georgia Lawyers for the Arts. Charles Marvin served on the executive council of the Africa Law Section of the American Bar Association. Basil Mattingly was chair-elect of the AALS Agricultural Law Committee. Paul Milich was SecretaryITreasurer of the Bleckley Inn of Court. Ellen Podgor served on the Executive Committee of the Criminal Justice Section of the American Association of Law Schools. Mary Radford continued her work as State Reporter, American Bar Association Section on Real Property, Probate, & Trust Law, and as a member of the executive committee of Georgia Appellate Practice resource Center. Natsu Saito sat on the Board of Directors, Society of American Law Teachers. Charity Scott served as Chair, Biotechnology, Medical Research, and Clinical Ethics Interest Group, Health Law Section of the American Bar Association. Eric Segall was a member of the Executive committee, AALS Section on Federal Courts. Roy Sobelson served on the Georgia Supreme Court's Commission on Professionalism. Corneill Stephens was a judge in the Magistrate Court of Dekalb County. Ellen Taylor served as reporter for the State Bar of Georgia committee charged with rewriting the sections of the Georgia Code dealing with investment advisors. Patrick Wiseman served as a member of the editorial board of CALI, which is the national organization focused on computer assisted legal instruction. Douglas Yarn is on the editorial board of Conflict Resolution Quarterly.

International Relationships

The principal on-going international relationship of the College of Law is the Summer Academy in International Commercial Arbitration, which takes upward of 50 students to Europe each spring. The program brings the college in contact with distinguished European experts in commercial arbitration who, in turn, visit the university during the regular academic year. One such visitor was Professor Jerzey Mlynarczyk, host of GSU students in Gdansk, Poland. While here, Professor Mlynarczyk spoke to members of the International and Comparative Law Society at Georgia State, consulted with members of the bench and bar, and visited the Georgia Ports Authority in Savannah. Also visiting on campus were Professor Werner von Trutzschler, Director of the Thuringian State Office for the Preservation of Monuments, who spoke on heritage preservation in Germany, and Professor Gideon Koren, Faculty of Law at Hebrew University, who also presented at the heritage preservation conference. Professor Koren is the legal advisor to the Israeli Council for the Preservation and Protection of Monuments.

Section B. Progress in Institutional Strategic Planning

See Section A, "Planning for the Future".

Section C. Progress in Assessing Institutional Effectiveness

A goal of the College of Law for the coming year is the evaluation of measurements for assessing learning outcomes. Although new measurements may be identified, the college still believes that several traditional benchmarks used in the past provide valuable information on the effectiveness of instruction and the subsequent success of our students. These include success of student competition teams, bar passage rates, employment statistics of graduates, placement in judicial clerkships, and success in obtaining partnerships in prestigious regional and national law firms.

Success of student teams in moot court and mock trial competitions reflect the rigorous intellectual preparation and practical lawyer skills that students receive in class. The College of Law has a long record of student achievement, and the past year proved no different with two national championship victories.

A valuable tool for measuring institutional effectiveness for the College of Law is the success rate of students sitting for the Georgia Bar examinations. Successful passage of such examinations is a requirement for entry into the legal profession. From its inception, the College of Law at Georgia State has built an impressive record of success on bar examinations. The principle date for taking the exam is in July after the spring commencement. Another testing is done in February for the few who graduate in December or who are repeating the test. For the July 2001 administration of the Georgia Bar Exam all participants trained at Georgia State University had a 93.3% pass rate, and those taking the test for the first time had a passage rate of 93%. For the February 2002 administration of the test all takers affiliated with Georgia State had a rate of 73.5% and first time takers had a rate of 83.3%.

Employment statistics six months after graduation are a standard measure used for assessing legal education and are annually collected by the college's accrediting agency, the American Bar Association, and by U.S. News and World Report for its edition on rating graduate and professional schools in America. The figures for the class of 2001 show an employment rate of 92.95%. The percentage of graduates obtaining judicial clerkships at the local, state or federal level was 8.28%. Employment in large (5 1 to 100 lawyers) and very large (over 100) firms is prized and highly competitive. The percentage of Georgia State graduates employed in this category represents 25.52% of the 2001 class. This means that our chosen graduates were picked from regional and national pools of graduates representing some of the most prestigious law schools in the country.

Another measure of the effectiveness of legal instruction received as a student at Georgia State's College of Law is the success of graduates in achieving partner in prestigious law firms, appointment of election to the bench, and service as legal counsel for major corporations. Georgia State graduates are now partners in Alston & Bird; hall, Golden & Gregory; Holland & Knight; Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue; Kilpatrick & Stockton; Powell, Goldstein, Frazier & Murphy; Long, Aldridge & Norman and others. A number of Georgia State College of Law graduates serve a assistant district attorneys and magistrate judges, and several hold State Court and Superior Court judgeships. Numerous corporate legal offices employ College of Law graduates including AT&T, BellSouth, Cox Enterprises, Equifax, Federal Reserve Bank, Georgia Power, and Georgia-Pacific.

Section D. Improvement of Student Retention and Graduation

The summer skills program and the academic enrichment program are two valuable activities at Georgia State University College of Law to assist with student retention and graduation. Both of these entities are intended to improve the success rate of students who are deemed to be at risk of experiencing academic difficulty in law school. The summer skills program is a pre-start program that takes place prior to the beginning of the academic year for first year students. The academic enrichment program takes place during the regular school year and consists of tutorials offered by upper level students under the direction of a faculty committee. APPENDICES TO COLLEGE OF LAW 2001-2002 ANNUAL REPORT

A. Publications

1. Books:


2001 BANK TAX GUIDE, Cornmere Clearing House, Chicago, IL, 600 pages.


CONSUMER BANKING AND PAYMENTS LAW, Boston, National Consumer Law Center, 2001, 348 pages.

THE LAW OF LENDER LIABILITY, two supplements published in 2001, Arlington, VA, A.S. Pratt & Sons, approximately 35 pages of new text per supplement.


Nancy P. Johnson, Susan T. Phillips, LEGAL RESEARCH EXERCISES, 7" edition, St. Paul, MN: West Group, 2001.



Release 49- March 2000 (approx. 600 pages) Release 50 - June 2000 (approx. 600 pages) Release 5 1 - October 2000 (approx. 600 pages)


C. McManis, M. Landau et al, 2001 SUPPLEMENT TOWEST'S FEDERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PRACTICE (3d ed.), vol. 4 (WEST 2001).UL MILICH, PAUL COURTROOM HANDBOOK ON GEORGIA EVIDENCE, 2002 Edition (West Group 2002) (377 pages);

2001 Pocket Part (Supplement) to Milich, GEORGIA RULES OF EVIDENCE, (West Group) (166 pages).


Edward M. Wise & Ellen S. Podgor, INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW - TEACHER'S MANUAL (Lexis 2001) (1 11 pages, not including table of contents and preface)

Jerold H. Israel, Ellen S. Podgor, Paul D. Borman, 2001 Supplement to WHITE COLLAR CRIME: LAW AND PRACTICE (West 2001) (18 1 pages)




PARTNERSHIPS, PARTNERS, AND LIMITED LIABILITY ENTITIES UNDER THE BANKRUPTCY CODE IN KENNEDY, COUNTRYMAN, AND WILLIAMS ON BANKRUPTCY LAW & PROCEDURE (Two Volumes)(Aspen Law & Business formerly Little, Brown & Company) (with Vem Countryman & Frank R. Kennedy) (2001 Cumulative Supplement)

MCQUEEN & WILLIAMS ON TAX ASPECTS OF BANKRUPTCY LAW AND PRACTICE (3D ED.) (Two Volumes)(Clark Boardman Callaghan)(with C. Richard McQueen)(Cumulative Supplement Mar. 2001 and Dec. 2001)


Douglas H. Yam, ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION: PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE IN GEORGIA (2d edition, The Harrison Company Publishers, 2001 Supplement (Bonnie Powell), 190 pages).

Douglas H. Yam, ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION: PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE IN NORTH CAROLINA (The Harrison Company Publishers, 2001 Supplement (with Carolyn G. Benne), 200+ pages CD-Rom format).

2. Articles, Essays, and Chapters:


Impact of Conformity Election Remains Unclear, Journal of Taxation of Financial Institutions, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 88-89, March/April2001.


2001 Supplement to Servitudes, 7 Thompson on Real Property 499 (D. Thomas, ed., 1994).

2001 Supplement to Georgia, 6 Waters and Water Rights (R. Beck, ed., 2d ed, 1995).


UB's Women in Law: Overcoming Barriers During Their First Hundred Years, IX Buffalo Women's L. J. 5 1 - 96 (2000 - 200 1).


The Dean's Role in Managing Technology, 33 The University Of Toledo Law Review 67 (2001)

Smart Governancefor Smart Growth: The Need for Regional Governments, 17 Georgia State University Law Review 1019 (2001)


Impact Fees Should Not Be Subjected to Takings Analysis,(with Nicholas) Chapter 15 of T. Roberts, ed., TAKING SIDES ON TAKINGS ISSUES: PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PERSPECTIVES (American Bar Association, 2002).

Foreword: An Introduction to Urban Sprawl, 17 Georgia State University Law Review 923 (2001).


A More Nuanced View of the Director's Role, Directors and Boards, Autumn 2001 (25" Anniversary, An Oral History of Corporate Governance 1976-2001)


Articles (On-Line Journals) The DMCA's Chilling Effect on Encryption Research, - Legal Information for Internet Professionals (September 2001), http://www.nip;

The Importance of Electronic Rights Revisited, - Legal Information for Internet Professionals (August 2001) htt~://~~~.gip;

Interview: Michael Landau on Copyright (discussing NYT v Tasini), - The Webmaster's Reference Source (June 28,200 1) htt~://

Questions and Answers About the Napster Case, - Legal Information for Internet Professionals (May 2001)

Electronic Rights, "Revisions, " and Copyright Law (Chapter 10) in Askew & Jacobs, 2001 Wiley Intellectual Property Law Update (Aspen 2001)


Opening article for the Year 2000 Newsletter of the Africa Law Section of the Association of American Law Schools.


Do We Need A Beanie Baby Fraud Statute?, 49 AM. U. L. REV. 1031 (2001)

Respect, Responsibility, and the Virtue of Introspection: An Essay on Professionalism in the Law School Environment (co-authored with Professor Barry Sullivan) 15 Notre Dame J.L., Ethics & Pub. Pol'y 117 (200 1)


Advantages and Disadvantages of Mediation in Probate, Trust, and Guardianship Matters, 1 Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal 24 1-53.

Radford, Wills, Trusts and Administration of Estates (2000 Developments), 53 Mercer Law Review 499- 520 (Fall, 2001)


Symbolism Under Siege: Japanese American Redress and the "Racing" of Arab Americans as "Terrorists, " 8 Asian L.J. 1 (U.C. Berkeley) (2001).

From Slavery and Seminoles to AIDS in South Africa: An Essay on Race and Property in International Law, 45 Villanova L. Rev.1135 (2000) (actually published 2001).


Is Too Much Privacy Bad for Your Health? An Introduction to the Law, Ethics, and HIPAA Rule on Medical Privacy," 17 Georgia State University Law Review 481-529 (2000) (despite the 2000 copyright date, this article was actually prepared and published in 2001, and due to the newly published HIPAA privacy regulations in late 2000, it represents a substantial revision to an earlier article that was published in Biomedical Ethics Reviews)


Authored two articles for the American Bankruptcy Law Review at St. John's University. The first article is an empirical piece on collateral dispositions under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial, Code. The second piece is on the treatment of certain tax claims under a chapter 11 plan of reorganization. 9 Am. Bankr. Inst. L. Rev. --(- (2001).

Authored one article entitled "Integrating American Indian Law Commercial Law and Bankruptcy Curriculum." The article was published in the Tulsa Law Review. Presented the article before the American Association of Law Schools Annual Conference in New Orleans in January 2002. Tulsa L. Rev. (2001). 1

Authored one article entitled "Directors and Officers' Duties Within the Zone of Insolvency" for the Journal of Corporate Renewal. - J. Corp. Renewal - (2001).

Authored four articles for the American Bankruptcy Institute Journal on pending bankruptcy legislation, ethics, and evidence in bankruptcy


Lawyer Ethics in ADR and the Recommendations of Ethics 2000 to Revise the Model Rules of Professional Conduct: Considerations for Adoption and State Application, 54 Arkansas Law Review 191-272 (2001).

Ethics 2000: The ABA proposes new ethics rules for lawyer-neutrals and attorneys in ADR, Dispute Resolution, co-authored with Wayne Thorpe (Journal of the ABA Section on Dispute Resolution, Spring 2001).

3. Published and Printed Conference Proceedings and Abstracts

a. Invited Papers

CURCIO, ANDREA Using Real Life Context and Writing Exercises in Substantive Courses, Institute for Law Teaching Eighth Annual Conference, Assessment, Feedback and Evaluation, July 13-14,2001.


Market Based Approaches to Environmental Preservation (with Nicholas) Conference Proceedings of the Fifth Nordic Research Conference on the Modernisation of Society (Aarhus University 2001).


Cases on Delegation, Immigration, and Property Rights: Flying beneath the Constitutional Radar Screen (printed by ICLE of Georgia with other papers from ICLE symposium on the Supreme Court 2000 term)


Recent Developments in Employment Discrimination Law: Supreme Court and I I" Circuit Cases, Employment Discrimination Seminar, ICLE in Georgia (Atlanta, Jan. 2001)

Powers of Attorney, Advance Directives, and Other Mechanisms for Planning in Advance for Incapacity (with Faryl Moss), Guardianship Law Seminar, ICLE in Georgia (Atlanta, February 2001) and Atlanta Bar Association Elder Law Seminar (November, 2001)

Recent Developments in Georgia Fiduciary Law, Fiduciary Law Institute, ICLE in Georgia (St. Simon's Island, July 2001)

Update on Georgia Guardianship Law, Cobb County Bar Association Elder Law Seminar (Atlanta, November, 200 1)

Is Mediation Appropriate in Adult Guardianship Cases?, Second National Guardianship Conference, co- sponsored by Stetson University, Borchard Center on Aging, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, and AARP (St. Peteresbug, December 2001)


Emerging Ethics Issues for Lawyers in ADR, Annual ADR Institute, Callaway Gardens, GA (State Bar of Georgia Dispute Resolution Section and ICLE in GA, Nov. 16,2001).

Using Apology in Mediation, Annual ADR Institute, Callaway Gardens, GA (State Bar of Georgia Dispute Resolution Section and ICLE in GA, Nov. 16,2001).

b. Contributed Papers None.

c. Abstracts


4. Edited Books, Journals, Journal Issues, or Monograph Series:


5. Creative Writings:


6. Encyclopedic Entries:


Biographical Sketch of Judge Tuttle, July 2001 Online Edition, American National Biography (Oxford U. Press)


Computer Crime, Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice 2d 221, McMillan (J. Dressler, ed.) (2001)

7. Public and Government Documents:


1. Bibliographies:


2. Reviews:


Review of Arthur Ripstein, Equality, Responsibility, and the Law (1998) 111 Ethics 644-48 (2001).

Review of Brian Leiter, ed., Objectivity in Law and Morals (2001) -- Philosophical Inquiry (2001) a8 Abstract of Ken Kress, Why No Judge Should Be a Dworkinian Coherentist Texas Law Review 10: 1375- 1427 (1999), 100 APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Law 147 (Spring 2001)

Abstract of Elizabeth S. Anderson and Richard H. Pildes, Expressive Theories of law: A General Restatement, University of Pennsylvania Law Review 148:1503-75 (2000) 100 APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Law 148 (Spring 2001)


Columns - Reviews In Review, Champion Magazine

3. Reprints:


Excerpts from Alien and Non-alien Alike: Citizenship, "Foreignness, " and Racial Hierarchy in American law and Model Minority, Yellow Peril: Functions of "Foreignness" in the Construction of Asian American Legal Identity reprinted in Perea, Delgado, Harris and Wildman, Race and Races: Cases and Resources for a Diverse America (2000) at pp. 419,516.


PROPERTY 2nded. [Sum & Substance (West Group) ] 9 hours, Audio Tapes.


Prepared tapes for re-enactments of terrorist incidents in last decade.

12. Computer Software:


13. Additional Publications:

HARTFIELD, BERNADETTE CLE Materials, Parent Child Visitation in Jail or Prison, (co-authored) for ICLE program presented at the 2001 State Bar of Georgia Midyear Meeting.


FBI's Undisclosed McVeigh Files are Part of Larger Problem, Atl. Jrl. Const., Sun., June 3,2001, at D9.

14. Other Disseminated Materials:


Co-Author, Current Tax Developments in Financial Services Regulations, Rulings, and Court Cases, ABA Tax Section Mid-Year Meeting, January 2001

Bank Tax Developments, Bank Tax Institute Annual Meeting, December 2001


Extensive original Supplementary Materials for courses: Sales Supplement, 63 pages. Commercial Paper Supplement, 84 pages

Recent Developments in Consumer Arbitration Case Law,

Consumer Privacy Developments, y .htm


Cases & Materials on Property, Vols. I, II, III. [annually updated editions since 19741


Supreme Court Update: 2000-01 Employment Law Decisions and 2001 -02 Cases on the Docket, paper and presention at the 3 1st Annual Labor and Employment Law Institute, sponsored by the Labor and Employment Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia, December , 200 1. Syllabi and Course Modules in Georgia Practice and Procedure.

Unpublished articles as resources for participants in the current Seminar in Georgia Legal History:

Some Preliminary Thoughts on Legal History, Georgia Legal History, and the Historiography of Early Georgia Law"

Colonial Courts of Georgia, 1733-1776: A Sketch, (unpublished paper)

Love, Law and Litigation in Colonial Georgia: The Trial and The Tribulation of John Wesley in Savannah (unpublished paper)

A History of Arbitration in Georgia: 1733-2002 (unpublished paper)


A compendium of materials on Comparative Administrative Law that was used as the study text by 39 students at the Riga Graduate School of Law, Latvia, in the course under the same name taught by Professor Marvin at Riga from January 8' through February 2nd.


Foreclosure Hypothetical: Professional Representation?, ICLE Materials, April 2001


Georgia Evidence (24 pages) prepared for the Institute of Continuing Judicial Education January, 2001 program for Georgia Superior Court Judges;

Evidence Update - Expert Witnesses (4 pages) prepared for the Institute of Continuing Legal Education for its Spring, 2001, Statewide Satellite Broadcast Trial Advocacy Seminar;

Georgia Evidence (26 pages) prepared for the Institute of Continuing Judicial Education May, 2001 program for Georgia State Court Judges;

Recognizing Hearsay (3 pages) prepared for the Georgia Association of Trial Lawyers for their April, 2001 program in Atlanta.

Georgia and Federal Rules of Evidence Compared (9 pages) prepared for the Bleckley Inn of Court's April, 200 1 program.

SOBELSON, ROY Developed several new hypothethicals to be used by the state's law schools in the Professionalism Orientations in each school.

B. Presentations at Professional Meetings:


Presenter, Bank Tax Institute Annual Meeting, December 2001. Panelist, Mid-year Meeting of the ABA Tax Section, January 2001. Speaker, American Bankers Association Teleconference, Spring 2001.


Speaker, Recent Developments in Payments Law, invited, Consumer Rights Litigation Conf., National Consumer Law Center, Baltimore, Oct.

Panelist, Teaching Consumer Law, invited, Consumer Rights Litigation Conference, National Consumer Law Center, Baltimore, Oct.

Panelist, What Price Privacy?, invited, Annual Fisher Memorial Program of the Conference on Consumer Finance Law, August, Chicago

Panelist, 2B of Not 2B: Consumer Payments on the Internet, invited, Spring Meeting, Business Law Section, Am. Bar Assoc., March, Philadelphia

Speaker, invited, Legislative Issues, Privacy Working Group, Georgia Electronic Commerce Assoc., June, Atlanta

Panelist, invited, Hot Topics in Consumer Arbitration, ABA Annual Meeting, August, Chicago


Invited Speaker, Institute for Law Teaching's Eighth Annual Conference, Assessment, Feedback and Evaluation, July 13-14, Spokane, Washington.


American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Annual Meeting, Moderator of Death Penalty Panel, Atlanta, Georgia, December 27,2001 (invited)

GIRTH, MARJORIE Using Empirical Research in Analyzing Bankruptcy Issues, AALS National Workshop on Bankruptcy, invited presentation, St. Louis, May 19,2001.

"Dvorce-related Issues in U.S. Consumer Bankruptcy Proceedings", American Bar Association Family Law Section's Fall Continuing Education Conference, invited presentation, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October 13,2001.


Speaker and Panelist, Instilling Professionalism in Law Students From Start to Finish: Bar and Academy Partnerships, National Conference of Bar Presidents, American Bar Association Annual Meeting, August 200 1

Speaker, Commentary on Proposals to Standardize State and Local Sales Taxes, Tax Incentives for Business, and New Revenues Generatedfrom State and Locally Initiated Mass Tort Litigation, Association of American Law Schools, 2001 Annual Meeting, Annual Meeting Program on "New Developments in State and Local Tax: E-Commerce, Tax Incentives for Business, and Litigation- Generated Revenues", Section on State and Local Government, January 2001

Speaker and Moderator, A Comparison of Law School Capital Cities Programs: Linking Law Schools and Government, American Bar Association, Section of State and Local Government Law, October 13, 200 1


American Association of Law Libraries, July 2001, panelist on Education for Law Librarianship.


Speech on Sprawl and Land Use Law at the GSU Law alumni breakfast at the Georgia Meeting in January, 2001.

Speech in Houston, Texas, in March, 2001, to the Houston Bar Association on Sprawl And The Law: Causes and Cures.


The NLRB Under John C. Truesdale, presentation at Labor and Employment Law Section of the Atlanta Bar, luncheon in honor of John Truesdale, long time member of the labor board (September 2001).

Moderator, Young Scholar Workshop, at annual conference of the Southeastern Association of American Law Schools (SEAALS) (July 2001).

KINKOPF, NEIL Invited presentation on deliberative theory and legal regimes for conference entitled The Law of Politics, which included 20 leading scholars in law and political science.


Invited Speaker, Fiduciary College, Stanford Law School, May 7,2001, Palo Alto, CA


International Commercial Arbitration in Perspective, at Weil, Gotschal, & Manges, private Warsaw (Poland) law fm, May, 2001

Official Liaison meetings with:

Hungarian State Court of Arbitration, May 2001 (Budapest) Austrian State Court of Arbitration, May 2001 (Vienna) International Arbitration Court of Venice, June 2001 (Venice) Czech State Arbitration Court, May 2001 Polish Arbitration Court, May 2001 Gdansk Maritime Arbitration Court, 2001


Lecturer, Real Property, Foreclosures, Foreclosure Hypotheticals: Professional Representation?, ICLE, State Bar of Georgia, April 2001.

Panelist, AALS Agricultural Committee, Doing What Comes Naturally, AALS, San Francisco, January 200 1.


Reform of Georgia Guardianship Law, Atlanta Bar Association ElderLaw Section (January, 2001) (invited)

Recent Developments in Georgia Fiduciary and Guardianship Law, Atlanta Bar Association Estate Planning Committee (March, 2001) and Dekalb County Estate Planning Council (May, 2001) (invited)

Participant on two panels: My Children Don't Fight" - The Use of Mediation and Family Planning in Estate Planning and A Case Study: Putting It All Together 20" Annual Attorney/Trust Officer Liaison Conference (June 2001, West Palm Beach, Fla.) (invited)

Transfer Tax Provisions of the New Tax Law, Savannah Estate Planning Council (Savannah, October, 200 1) (invited) Guardianship Reform, Estate Planning Section of U.S. Law Firms Group (Atlanta, November 2001) (invited)


Beyond Reparations, James Thomas Lecture, Yale Law School, New Haven, Connecticut, April 2001 (invited).

Reparations and the Quest for Social Justice: What We Can Learn from Redress Movements in the United States and South Africa, Conference on Reconstruction and Reparations, Cape Town, South Africa, January 200 1 (invited).


Working With the Community to Improve End-of-Life Care, ABA Emerging Issues in Health Care 2001, Orlando, Florida (annual meeting of the ABA Health Law Section, Feb. 8-9,2001)

Is Too Much Privacy Bad for Your Health? An Introduction to the Law, Ethics, and HIPAA Rule on Medical Privacy, American College of Legal Medicine, 41" Annual Meeting (Atlanta, Mar. 9, 2001).

First Do No Harm: Responses to the Problem of Medical Errors, Georgia Academy of Health Care Attorneys, Annual Meeting (Atlanta, May 4,2001).

Teaching Health Law, panel member at opening plenary session at the annual Health Law Teachers Conference, sponsored by the American Society of Law, Medicine, and Ethics (Boston, June 1-2,2001).

Current Developments in Health Law, Georgia Association of Administrative Law Judges and Hearing Officers (Atlanta, June 5,2001)

Medical Errors and Patient Safety: Legal Perspectives, State Bar of Georgia Health Law Section, annual meeting, co-sponsored with ICLE in Georgia (Sept. 14,2001)


Lecturer, Economic Consequences of Terrorism: A Bankruptcy Lawyer's Response (Georgia Bar Association January 2002).

Panelist, Integrating American Indian Law in the Traditional Commercial Law Curriculum (American Association of Law Schools - Section on American Indians and Indigenous Peoples January 2002).

Panelist, Bankruptcy Year in Review (Atlanta Bar Association 2002).

Lecturer, Tracking the Finances of Islamist Terrorist Organizations ( December 2001). Lecturer, The Economic Consequences of Terrorist Attacks (American Bankruptcy Institute Winter Leadership Conference November 2001).

Lecturer, Al-Qaeda: Its Logistical, Financial and Operational Arms (Federalist Society -Georgia State University 2001).

Lecturer, Homeland Security: A Systems Approach (Federalist Society - Georgia State University 200 1).

Presenter, Project Jericho: The Use of Computer Models to Predict Future Terrorist Activity (Federalist Society - Georgia State University 2001).

Moderator, Daubert and Kumho Tire: The Bankruptcy Court's Role in Assessing Expert Financial Testimony (American Bankruptcy Institute Winter Leadership Conference 2001).

Panelist. Bankruptcy Tax Provisions in the New Bankruptcy Bill (ABI Teleseminar 200 1).

Lecturer, Islamist Terrorism: Its Structure, Operations, and Intelligence (Broken Bow, Oklahoma Kiwanis and Lions Club 2001).

Lecturer, Islamist Terrorism: How Targets are Defined and Operations Funded (American Legion Post Arlington, Virginia 2001).

Lecturer, A Geo-Political Look at Tefforism in the United States (Atlanta, Georgia 200 1).

Lecturer, Homeland Defense for the Non-Expert: What Every American Can do to Aid Her Country (Atlanta, Georgia 2001).

Presenter, Who Owns the Back of a Baseball Card: Playersr Rights in Their Performance Statistics, May 2001, Cardozo Law School in New York City. - Cardozo L. Rev. - (2001).

Lecturer, Environmental Issues in Business Reorganizations (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 200 1).

Panelist, Bankruptcy Tax Provisions in the New Bankruptcy Bill (ABI Teleseminar 200 1).

Panelist, Bankruptcy Ethics, Disinterestedness, and Indemnifications (ABI New York Conference 2001).

Lecturer, Pitfalls and Lessons in the New Bankruptcy Tax Bill (American Bankruptcy Institute Annual Meeting 2001).

Lecturer, The Use of Statistical Techniques in Constructing Damages Models (Georgia State University College of Law - Federalist Society 2001).

Lecturer, Emerging Issues of Liability of Ojficers, Directors, And Professionals of Corporate Debtors Operating in the Zone of Insolvency (Southeastern Bankruptcy Law Institute 2001).

Lecturer, Current Preference Issues (Southeastern Bankruptcy Law Institute 200 1). Panelist, Bankruptcy Year in Review (Atlanta Bar Association 2001).


The Intimacy of Distance: Maintaining Connectedness With Distance Learners, TLT Group Hybrid Series, participated via the Internet, January 5,2001

Lessons Virtually Learned: The Evolution of an Online Course, CALI Conference on Law School Computing, Chicago, Summer 2001,


Ethics 2000 Recommendations for Lawyers in ADR, Annual ABA Dispute Resolution Section Meeting (conference), (Washington, D.C., April 28, 2001) (invited).

C. Colloquia and Seminar Presentations:


Legal Education Seminars for Executive Enterprises, Minneapolis, MN, Boston, MA, Las Vegas, NV, Spring 2001.


Revising the Bar Exam, GSU College of Law faculty colloquia, Spring 2001


What A Lawyer Cannot Know, Florida State University Faculty Forum,November 6,2001

Commented on George Rainbolt's The Concept of Rights Philosophy Forum, Georgia State University, November 1,2001

First Force, Federalist Society, GSU Chapter, Georgia State University, March 29, 2001


Speaker, Working with Senior StafJI American Bar Association, Seminar for New Law School Deans, June 2001

Moderator and Speaker, Managing Technology, American Bar Association, Seminar for New Law School Deans, June 2001 Speaker, Smart Governancefor Smart Growth: Will It Happen? Symposium on "Spr'all Come On In", Sponsored by Georgia State University Law Review and Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, February 2001


Juvenile Law, Fulton County Juvenile Court, Truancy Intervention Project, Atlanta, GA , March 30, 2001, Continuing Legal Education Program.

Presentation on Minority Issues and Breakout Presentation on the Minority AfSairs Committee, LSAC, Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ, Plenary, June 2,2001.


Participant, College of Law Board of Visitors Panel Discussion on Bush v. Gore, February 8,2001.

Presenter, Brown bag on Judicial Civility project, April 5,2001.

Organized the 8" Annual "United States Supreme Court Update" Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia, Sheraton Colony Square Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia, September 7,2001 and did presentation on "Civil Rights and Labor Law" cases.

The Role of the Professional in a Time of Crisis (after September 1l), 20" Annual "Corporate Counsel Institute" December 14, 2001.


Moderator and co-organizer of Symposium on Spr'all Come On In: Local and Comparative Perspectives on Managing Atlanta's Growth, co-sponsored by the Georgia State University Law Review and the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Atlanta, February 2001.

Alternate Dispute Resolution for Environmental and Land Use Control Controversies: Advantages and Disadvantages, June 2001, GSU Dispute Resolution Program, Linz, Austria.

Presented coauthored paper, Market Based Approaches to Environmental Preservation, Fifth Nordic Research Conference on the Modernisation of Society, Aarhus University, Denmark, June 2001.

Presented paper at Symposium: lnnovative Solutions to Urban Sprawl: A Scholarly Dialogue, Houston Texas, November, 2001.


Supreme Court Update: 2000-01 Employment Law Decisions and 2001 -02 Cases on the Docket, paper

a1 8 and presentation, 3 1st Annual Labor and Employment Law Institute, sponsored by the Labor and Employment Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia, December ,2001.


Copyright Issues for Photographers, "Atlanta Celebrates Photography", Georgia Lawyers for the Arts, October 13,2001.

Copyright Issues for Distance Learning, Georgia State University College of Education September 19, 200 1.

New Developments in U.S. Copyright Law 9", Annual International Intellectual Property Conference, Fordham University Law School, NY, NY, April 27,2001.

Digital Music Downloads and US Copyright Law, 2001 Intellectual Property and Technology Conference, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, British and Irish Law, Education & Technology Assn. (BILETA) April 9,2001.

Digital Music Downloads afer Napster, Guest Lecturer - Entertainment Law, Emory University College of Law, March 29,2001.

Has the DMCA Created a New Exclusive Right of Access?, 2"* Annual Intellectual Property Conference, Ohio State University, Columbus OH, March 9, 2001.

Digital Distribution and Copyright Law, GVLA "Art Law for the New Millennium" Symposium, Emory University Law School, Atlanta, GA, February 23,2001.

Digital Distribution and Copyright Law, Annual Entertainment Law Seminar, State Bar of Georgia, Swisshotel, Atlanta, GA, January 12, 2001.


Speaker, presidential panel of the symposium, Constitutional Challenges in Re-emerging European Nations, honoring the official inauguration by the President of Latvia and the Crown Princess of Sweden of the Riga Graduate School of Law on 7 March 2001 in Riga, Latvia.

Panelist, symposium on Health Care and Administrative Law in Latvia, held in Riga, Latvia, on May 14, 2001. Spoke on comparative legal provisions concerning U.S. health law administration.


Georgia Evidence, Institute of Continuing Judicial Education January, 2001 program for Georgia

a1 9 Superior Court Judges.

Expert Evidence, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Spring, 2001, Statewide Satellite Broadcast Trial Advocacy Seminar.

Recognizing Hearsay, Georgia Association of Trial Lawyers April, 2001 Trial Advocacy Seminar.

Georgia Evidence, Institute of Continuing Judicial Education May, 2001 program for Georgia State Court Judges.


Panelist, Crime and the Internet, Southeast Association of American Law Schools (SEAALS), Hilton Head, 200 1.

International Computer Fraud: A Paradigm for a Limited National Jurisdiction, University of Alabama School of Law - Faculty Colloquium, Tuscaloosa, October 2001.

Ethics and Professionalism Issues: Total Client Advocacy, Montgomery, Federal Defenders' Conference, Montgomery, November 200 1.


Recent Developments in Employment Discrimination Law: Supreme Court and 11'' Circuit Cases, Employment Discrimination Seminar, ICLE in Georgia (Atlanta, Jan. 2001).

Powers of Attorney, Advance Directives, and Other Mechanisms for Planning in Advance for Incapacity (with Faryl Moss), Guardianship Law Seminar, ICLE in Georgia (Atlanta, February 2001) and Atlanta Bar Association Elder Law Seminar (November, 2001)

Recent Developments in Georgia Fiduciary Law, Fiduciary Law Institute, ICLE in Georgia (St. Simon's Island, July 2001).

Update on Georgia Guardianship Law, Cobb County Bar Association Elder Law Seminar (Atlanta, November, 200 1)


The Imposition of Identity on the Black Seminoles: Davis v. US. and Seminole Nation of Oklahoma v. Norton, symposium presentation, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, November 2001.

The USA-Patriot Act: Analysis and Implications, forum presentation, Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2001.

From Slavery and Seminoles to AIDS in South Africa: Reflections on Race and Property in International Law, Faculty Colloquium, University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, Oregon, March 2001. Symbolism Under Siege: Japanese American Redress and the "Racing" of Arab Americans as "Terrorists, " Faculty Colloquium, Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, Georgia, February 2001.

Davis v. United States: Are the Rights of Black Seminoles Still Determined by the Laws of Slavery?, Martin Luther King, Jr. Service Summit, Atlanta, Georgia, January 2001.


Center for Ethics in Public Policy and the Professions, presentation on medical privacy and federal regulations, Emory University (April 26, 2001).

Center for Ethics in Public Policy and the Professions, presentation on legal developments in informed consent, Emory University (Oct. 25, 2001).


Presenter and Panel Organizer, Gruter Institute, The Evolutionary Biology of Apology (Squaw Valley, CA, June 4,2001).

Invited Co-Presenter, German Conference on ADR, A Comparative Perspective on Germany's Experiment in Court-Connected ADR (Tubingen, Germany, May 5-6,2001).

Presenter, Facilitator, and Organizer, CNCR Conference on Exporting ADR, Lessons from Ten Years of Intervention (Atlanta, GA, March 30-31, 2001).

Invited Presenter, Conference on Windows of Justice, Procedural Justice (Munich, Germany, February 16-18,2001).

Trainer and co-organizer, CNCR Institute on Conflict Resolution in Higher Education (June 12-13, 2001).

Invited Presenter, Emerging Ethics Issues for Lawyers in ADR, Annual ADR Institute, Callaway Gardens, GA (State Bar of Georgia Dispute Resolution Section and ICLE in GA, Nov. 16,2001).

Invited Presenter, Using Apology in Mediation, Annual ADR Institute, Callaway Gardens, GA (State Bar of Georgia Dispute Resolution Section and ICLE in GA, Nov. 16,2001).

D. Submissions for Publication/Presentation:


Acquisition Costs for Credit Card Receivables Must Be Capitalized, Journal of Taxation of Financial Institutions, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 60-61, JanuaryFebruary 2002. EDMUNDSON, WILLIAM

The Contextualist Answer to Skepticism and What a Lawyer Cannot Know (forthcoming October 2002 in the Florida State University Law Review, with commentary by Prof. Rob Atkinson)

Social Meaning, Compliance Conditions, and Law's Claim to Authority 15 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 5 1-67 (forthcoming 2002)

Civility as Political Constraint 8 Res Publica - (forthcoming October 2002)


State and Local Revenue Enhancement and Taxation Policies in a Digital Age: E-Commerce Taxation, Business Tax Incentives, and Litigation Generated Revenues, -The URBAN LAWYER - (forthcoming Spring 2002)


The Constitution in Exile: Some Problems with Repatriating Federalism


Digital Downloads, Access Codes, and United States Copyright Law, -The International Review of Law Computers & Technology(2002)(forthcoming)

Has the DMCA Really Created a New Exclusive Right of Access: Attempting to Achieve a Balance Between Balancing Usersr and Content Providersr Rights, 48 Jnl Copyright Society 401 (forthcoming Spring 2002)

A. Lindey & M. Landau, LINDEY ON ENTERTAINMENT, PUBLISHING & THE ARTS: AGREEMENTS AND THE LAW (2d. ed), 6 Volume Set (WEST Group), Release 52 - March 2001 (approx. 600 pages)


Is the Use of Mediation Appropriate in Adult Guardianship Cases? -Stetson Law Review - (forthcoming, Fall, 2002)

AfSimzative Action in American Employment Law: Past, Present & Future, to be published in Agocs, Carol, Ed., Workplace Equality: an International Perspective on Legislation, Policy and Practice (Kluwer Academic Publishers, forthcoming 2002) SAITO, NATSU Assertions of Plenary Power Over the "Other": Indians, Immigrants, Colonial Subjects, and the Need to Incorporate International Law into US. Jurisprudence, - Yale Law & Policy Review - (2002) (accepted for publication).

Beyond Reparations: Accommodating Wrongs or Honoring Resistance?, 1 U.C. Hastings Race & Poverty L. J. - (2002) (accepted for publication).

"Red, Black and Divided: Federal 'Recognition' and the Imposition of Identity on the Seminole Nation," essay in A Political History of Native Americans (Congressional Quarterly Press, 2002) (accepted for publication).

The Symbolism and Substance of Redress and Reconstruction, - Third World Legal Studies - (2001) (accepted for publication).


Twenty Questions [Or Why Federal Courts Is The Hardest Course in Law School] (to be published in Ga. State Law Review).


Who Owns the Back of a Baseball Card: Players' Rights in Their Perfiormance Statistics to be published in the Cardozo Law Review.


Ethical Duties and Best Practices When Engaging a Mediator, in Ethical Issues in Dispute Resolution (P Bernard & B. Garth, eds. ABA Press, publication due in Spring 2002).

"Exporting ADR: Lessons from a Decade of Foreign Intervention, 19:3 Conflict Resolution Quarterly (accepted for publication in January 2002).

E. Fellowships:


Fulbright Professor of Public Law at the Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL) in Riga, Latvia.

SCOTT, CHARITY Faculty Associate in Health Law, Emory University Center for Ethics in Public Policy and the Professions, August 2001-July 2002. WILLIAMS, JACK

Inaugural American Bankruptcy Institute Scholar in Residence (2001).

F. Grants and Contracts:

1. Grantslcontracts funded by GSU or the University System


Author of Quality Improvement Fund grants and Technology Fee grants, Georgia State University.

2. Grantslcontracts funded by external sources


Received $100,000 Grant and $75,000 Grant for Tax Clinic from the Internal Revenue Service.


Contracts with WEST Group to continue the updates to Lindey on Entertainment, Publishing, and the Arts; write the 2000 Annual Supplement to Entertainment Law by Robert Fremlin, write the Copyright and Trademark Law 2001 Updates to WEST'S Administrative Practice Manual (vo1.4)

G. Honors and Awards


Appointed Adjunct Professor of City and Regional Planning, Georgia Institute of Technology


Award for Service from American Bar Association Law Student Division

WILLIAMS, JACK Inaugural American Bankruptcy Institute Scholar in Residence (2001).


CALI Excellence in Service Award, 2001.

H. Professional Service

1. Current Offices and Committee Assignments in Professional Organizations:

a. Association of American Law Schools


Chair, AALS Agricultural Law Section.


Member, Executive Committee, Section on State and Local Government


Association of American Law Schools, Committee on Sections and Programs, since 2001.


Member, AALS, Section on Libraries


Executive Council of the Africa Law Section, 2001.


Chair Elect, AALS Agricultural Law Committee Member, AALS Real Property Law Section Member, AALS Creditors' and Debtors' Rights Section

PODGOR, ELLEN Criminal Justice Section, Executive Committee, American Association of Law Schools


Newsletter Editor, AALS Section on Donative Transfers (Fall and Spring Newsletters)


Executive Committee Member, AALS Section on Federal Courts.

b. American Bar Association


Chair, ABA Tax Section Committee on Banking and Savings Tax Simplification.


Co-Chair, Task Force on Consumer Involvement, UCC Committee. Co-Chair, Working Group on Consumer Protection, Cyberspace Committee. Vice-Chair, Alternative Dispute Resolution Subcommittee, Consumer Financial Services Committee.


Member, Section Officer Conference Technology Committee Member, Senior Lawyers Division, Legal EducatiodMentoring Committee Member, Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, New Deans Seminar Planning Committee


Member of the Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice Committee on Government Organization and the Separation of Powers Co-Chair, Central and Eastern Europe Committee of the International Law and Practice Section.

PODGOR, ELLEN Pre-Legal Education Committee, Legal Education Section, American Bar Association Professionalism Committee, Legal Education Section, American Bar Association


State Reporter, ABA Section of Real Property, Probate, & Trust Law (1996-present)


Chair, Biotechnology, Medical Research, and Clinical Ethics Interest Group, Health Law Section.

c. State Bar of Georgia


Member, Committee on Standards of the Profession


Member, Multidisciplinary Practice Committee Member, Committee on Standards of the Profession Member, Mentees Recruitment and Selection Subcommittee


Newsletter Committee, Real Property Section of the State Bar of Georgia


Reporter, Guardianship Code Revision Committee, Fiduciary Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia (1997-present)

Member, Committee on Unmet Legal Needs, State Bar of Georgia (1998-present)


Access to Justice Committee, State Bar of Georgia

SOBELSON, ROY Board member, State Bar of Georgia YLS Mock Trial Competition. Member, State Bar of Georgia Committee on Professionalism.


Reporter for the State Bar of Georgia committee charged with rewriting section of the Georgia Code dealing with investment advisors.


Member by appointment of the Georgia Supreme Court to its Commission on Dispute Resolution (2001) Member of the Ethics Committee Member of the Committee to Study Multi-Disciplinary Practice (Spring 2001).

d. Organizations other than AALS and Bar Associations


Committee on Philosophy and Law, American Philosophical Association, 1999-2002


Secretary of the Board, Georgia Center for Law in the Public Interest Vice-Chairperson, Formal Advisory Opinion Board, State Bar of Ga. Steering Committee, Atlanta Legal Aid Annual Fund Raising Campaign


American Law Institute, Elected Member Member of the Consultative Group for the R.S. 3'* of Restitution Law School Admission Council Member of the Audit Committee Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Member of the Atlanta Steering Committee Member, American Arbitration Association's Commercial Arbitration Panel Georgia Supreme Court's Commission on Equality Member Coalition for Consumer Bankruptcy Debtor Education, Member of the Board of Directors Member of the Georgia Consortium for Financial Literacy

GIUFFITH, JANICE Trustee, Institution of Continuing Judicial Education in Georgia Trustee, Institution of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia


Board of Trustees, Law School Admission Council, since 1999. Chair, Minority Affairs Committee, since 2000.


Chair, AALL Economic Study Advisory Committee on Law Book Prices, 2000-01. Member, Scholarship Committee, Southeastern Law Library Association (SEAALL), 2000-01. Co-Chair, Local Planning Committee, SEAALL Meeting, Atlanta, April, 2001 Member, Task Force on Law Library Education, American Association of Law Libraries, 1997-2001. Co-author of materials for website: Member, American Library Association, Task Force on External Accreditation, 1999-2001. Member, State of Georgia, GALILEO Steering Committee, 2000-01.


Chair of Labor and Employment Law Section of Atlanta Bar Association.


Member, Investment Committee, Atlanta Women's Foundation Board Member, Center for Working Capital, Washington, DC Board Member, International Institute for Corporate Governance and Accountability, Washington, DC


Member, Board of Trustees, Institute for Continuing Legal Education in Georgia Chair, Quality Assurance Committee, Board of Trustees, Institute for Continuing Legal Education in Georgia


Member of the International Economic Law Interest Group of the American Society on International Law Member of the International Trade Law and Telecommunications Law Committees of the International Bar Association Member of the International Trade Law Committee of the American Branch of the International Law Association. MATTINGLY, BASIL

Advisory Board for Attorney's Title Guaranty Fund Member, American Bankruptcy Institute Member, American Bankruptcy Institute Subcommittee on Real Estate Member, American Trial Lawyers Association


Comments of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers on the Attorney General's Order Regarding Monitoring of Confidential Attorney-client Communications [66 Fed. Reg. 55062 (Oct. 3 1, 2001)l (Primary Author) (21 pages) Anti-Defamation League (ADL) (served on S.E. civil rights committee


Legal Education Committee, American College of Trust & Estate Counsel (1999-present)


Board of Directors, Society of American Law Teachers. Co-Director, Human Rights Research Fund


Atlanta Bar Association: Professional Liaison Committee.


Member, Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism. Member, Budget Committee of the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism.


Membership to Dekalb Lawyer's Association Arbitrator for Fulton County and the American Arbitration Association Judge in the Magistrate Court of Dekalb County.


American Bankruptcy InstitutelBankruptcy Taxation Committee (Chair 1997- Present); Co-Chair, Texas

a30 Indian Bar Association Indian Gaming Committee.

2. Memberships and Editorial Boards


Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Taxation of Financial Institutions.


State Bar of Georgia, since 1985 , since 1986 (inactive since 1995) American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy American Philosophical Association AMINTAPHIL American Association of University Professors Atlanta Bar Association American Bar Association Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology The Aristotelian Society


Academic Advisory Board, ALI-ABA Fiduciary Accounting and Trust Administration Guide Law Professor Advisory Group for Trusts and Estates (e-mail grouplfor law reform)


Editorial Board Member, Legal Reference Services Quarterly, 1981-present. Member, Consortium of Directors of Georgia's Law School Libraries.


American Planning Association - member and lecturer for AICP Examination. International Council of Environmental Law


Editorial Board, -- on-line legal journal

a31 LAMER, E.R.

Member, Editorial Board, Croatian Arbitration Yearbook Arbitrator, Croatian State Court of Arbitration, Zagreb, Croatia


American Law Institute American Bar Association, Criminal Justice Section (White Collar Crime Committee, International Law Section (vice-chair)) National Lesbian and Gay Law Association (2000-Present) Georgia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (1992-Present) Stonewall Bar Association (1999-Present) Indiana Bar Association (1976- Present)


Academic Member, Journal of Corporate Renewal Native American Bar Association


Member of CALI Editorial Board


Editorial Board, Conflict Resolution Quarterly (one of two interdisciplinary scholarly journals in the field) Panel of Neutrals, Georgia Department of Community Affairs Board of Foreign Correspondents, Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Law Journal International Environmental Negotiation Network, Salzburg National Roster of Neutrals, American Arbitration Association

3. Memberships on Advisory Boards or Permanent Review Boards


Editorial Board, Consumer Financial Services Law Report BROSS, JAMES

Peer Review Group, Land Use and Environmental Law Annual. EDMUNDSON, WILLIAM

Advisory Board, Jean Beer Blumenfeld Center for Ethics


Advisory Board, Georgia Court Appointed Special Advocates.


Member of the Board of Directors of the Georgia Legal History Foundation.


Member, WESTLAW Library School Educators Advisory Board, 2000-


Board of Advisors, Center for Social Science Research on the Environment, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Panel of Arbitrators of the International Court of Arbitration, Warsaw, Poland.


Copyright Society of the USA


Criminal Practice Manual, Advisory Board The Champion Magazine, Advisory Board (co-chair)


Executive Committee, Georgia Appellate Practice Resource Center Ad-Hoc Advisory Committee, Institute of Social Gerontology, Inc. Project to Evaluate the Use of Mediation in Guardianship Proceedings Advisory Board, Georgia Senior Legal Hotline SCOTT, CHARITY

Member, Steering Committee for the Georgia Collaborative to Improve End-of-Life Care


Board of Advisors, American Bankruptcy Institute Bankruptcy Law Journal

4. Membership on Academic and Professional Accreditation, Certification or Review Bodies


Member, ABA Site Evaluation Team, forthcoming visit to Florida Coastal University Law School.

5. Additional Significant Professional Service Activities:


Assisted the Joint Committee on Taxation of the Congress of the United States in its Study of the Federal Tax System and Recommendations for Simplification Pursuant to Section 8022(3)(B)of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

Substantive contributions to the submission made in March 2001 by the Tax Section of the ABA to the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue relating to the Industry Issue Resolution Program under Notice 2000-65.


Participated in development of program for Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation's Institute for Natural Resources Teachers.


Reporter for the Georgia Supreme Court Commission on Equality's study of the treatment of sexual violence victims in the Georgia court system. She drafted a preliminary report for the Commission in the fall.

EDMUNDSON, WILLIAM Manuscript reviewer for: Law and Philosophy Ethics Cambridge University Press Blackwell Publishers Legal Theory


Member of a team that cooperated to achieve enactment of an updated version of Georgia's personal property exemptions in bankruptcy cases.


Acting President and CEO of the Southeaster Legal Foundation in Atlanta, Georgia, a non-profit, public interest law firm until April 30,2001. Thereafter, Of Counsel and Chairman of the Foundation's Legal Advisory Board.


Oversaw program for the 3 1st Annual Labor and Employment Law Institute, sponsored by the Labor and Employment Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia, December ,2001.

Member of Program Planning Committee for annual meeting of Southeastern Association of American Law Schools (SEAALS)

Mediator and Arbitrator in labor and employment matters.


Of counsel capacity in the case of St. Mary's Orthodox Church et al. v. Townsend, an action for equitable and declaratory relief.

Of counsel in approximately five (3) other pro bono matters in Georgia.tria1 courts in 2001.


Pro bono consultation with Georgia Criminal Defense Lawyers on two amicus briefs to the Georgia Supreme Court

RADFORD, MARY Coordinated and conducted two-day meetings of the Georgia Fiduciary Law Section Guardianship Code Revision Committee, one weekend every month

Pro bono representation of Georgia death row inmate in habeas corpus action

Lecturer, BAR-BRI (Bar Review) Courses, Georgia, Alabama

Participation in meetings of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, March, June, October, November


"Let's Talk: Communicating Risk and Safety in Health Care," Third Annenberg Conference on Medical Error and Patient Safety (St. Paul, May 16-18, 2001).

Prof. Scott assisted (on a pro bono basis) Georgia Health Decisions in their revisions to Critical Conditions, a Georgia planning guide to advance directives and end-of-life decision-making.


Referee, American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review.


Consultation with the Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague, on the development of rules for arbitration of international environmental disputes (in The Hague from Feb. 18-20 and May 17-20, 2001); currently organizing an international conference for the Court.

Presentation to representatives of foreign judiciaries on ADR in civil justice system reform: Jordanian judges (1 1/12/01).

6. Reviews of Published Works and Significant Citations


At request of Federal Reserve Board staff, participated in meetings of selected group advising FRB on drafting check truncation legislation.

As member of American Law Institute, attended annual meeting

Critiqued draft manuscript for law school casebook on Electronic Commerce at request of Aspen Publications

Member of group planning and organizing the first conference of Consumer Law professors, sponsored

a36 by the University of Houston, scheduled for April 2002 Board of Directors, Atlanta Legal Aid Society

Chair, Board of Directors, Consumer Law Center of the South


Reviews of Three Anarchical Fallacies: An Essay on Political Authority (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998):

The European Legacy vol. 6, no. 3 (June, 2001)


The following books and articles have cited to Kaminshine, The Cost of Older Workers, Disparate Impact and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 42 Fla. L. Rev. 229.


Zimmer Sullivan and Calloway, CASES AND MATERIAL ON EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION, pp. 420-21 (Little Brown & Co.)(5th Edition)

Estreicher & Harper, THE LAW GOVERNING THE EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP, p. 406 (West Publishing Co.)(Second Edition)

Friedman & Strickler, THE LAW OF EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION, p. 933 (Foundation Press)

16 Colo. Prac., Employment Law & Practice Ch. 10 F (TREATISE) West's Colorado Practice Series TM Employment Law And Practice Updated By The 2002 Pocket Part John R. Paddock, Jr. Chapter 10. Specific Protections Under Anti-Discrimination Statutes F. Age Discrimination Overview (1998)

Player, Shoben and Liebowitz, EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW, p. 627 (West Publishing Co.)(Second Edition)

Rothstein & Liebman, EMPLOYMENT LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS, p. 334 (Foundation Press)(Fourth Edition)

Wilhorn, Schwab, & Burton, EMPLOYMENT LAW , p. 424 (Michie Press)


53 S.C. L. Rev. 21 1 (2002)

36 Idaho L. Rev. 303 (2000) 27 Pepperdine L. Rev. 807 (2000)

25 Dayton L. Rev. 74 (1999)

Stuart L. Blass, Age Discrimination in Employment: Will Employers Focus on Business Necessities and the ROFTA Defense? 229 Commercial Law Journal (1999).

Judith Johnson, A Uniform Standard for Exemplary Damages in Employment Discrimination Cases, 33 U. Rich. L. Rev. 41 (1999).

The Continuing Validity of Disparate Impact Analysis for Federal Sector ADEA Claims, 47 Am. U. L. Rev 1071 (1999).




cited in:

Henry W Jones, Internet Content Licensing: New Challenges and the Best Practices, 672 PLYPat 393 (Oct 2001)

Suzette Becker et al, Development Of An Entertainment Law Practice, 648PLWAT 355 (March 2001)

Gregory Sarno, Breach of Contract Resulting in Loss of Personal Publicity, 50 AMJUR 2d 563

Articles: The Case for a Specialized Copyright Court: Eliminating the Jurisdictional Advantage, 21 Hastings Communications & Entertainment Law Jnl. 717 (1999)(w/ D. Biederman)

Thomas W. Hazlet, The Wireless Craze, The Unlimited Bandwidth Myth, The Spectrum Auction Faux Pas, And The Punchline To Ronald Coase's "Big JokeW:AnEssay On Airway Allocation Policy, 14 HARV. J.L. & TECH 335 (2001)

Problems Arising out of the Use of :The Application of Principles of Trademark Law to Internet Domain Name Disputes, 13 Georgia State Law Rev. 455 (1997)

Keith Blackrnan The Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy: A Cheaper Way To Hijack Domain Names And Suppress Critics , 15 Harv. J.L. & Tech. 21 1 (Fall, 2001)

Douglas M. Isenberg, Trademarks and the Internet: Four Lessons that Have Emerged in 2000 - 01,32 UWLA 227 (200 1) The Colorization of Black and White Motion Pictures: A Grey Area in the Law, 22 Loyola L.A. Law Rev. 1161 (1989). Cited as an annotation to 17 U.S.C.A. 3 102.

David A. Roberts, There Goes My Baby: Buildings As Intellectual Property, 21 Construction Lawyer 22 (200 1)


The Institute of Continuing Judicial Education purchased copies of treatise, Georgia Rules of Evidence, and Courtroom Handbook on Georgia Evidence for every Superior Court and State Court Judge in Georgia.


Promotion Review of faculty member at Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law

CrimeLynx picks of the week - most thought provoking Editorials and Opeds for: FBI's Undisclosed McVeigh Files are Part of Larger Problem, Atl. Jrl. Const., Sun., June 3,2001, at D9. Articles cited by other authors (See Lexis and/or Westlaw)


Works by Professor Radford were cited in 2001 in:

Chamallas, Martha, Deepening the Legal Understanding of Bias: On Devaluation and Biased Prototypes, So. California Law Review (March 2001)

Fast, Steven M., Structuring Trusts to Avoid Beneficiary Dissatisfaction, ALI-ABA Continuing Legal Education Seminar on "Representing Estate & Trust Beneficiaries and Fiduciaries (July 2001)

Gender Bias in the Courts of the Commonwealth: Final Report, William & Mary Journal of Women and the Law (Spring 2001)

Gregory, David L., The Internationalization of Employment Dispute Mediation, New York International Law Review (Winter, 2001)

Kessler, Laura, The Attachment Gap: Employment Discrimination Law, Women's Cultural Caregiving, and the Limits of Economic and Liberal Legal Theory, University of Michigan Jnl of Law Reform (Spring 200 1)

Reaves, Rhonda, There's No Crying in Baseball: Sports and the Legal and Social Construction of Gender, Jnl of Gender, Race & Justice (Spring 2001)

Shack, Jennifer, Resources in Alternative Dispute Resolution, Proceedings of the ADR II Seminar, Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education WISEMAN, PATRICK

The Meta-Index for U.S. Legal Research continues to be favorably mentioned in several publications, and continues to garner awards.


The following cited as authority Professor Yarn's article on dueling:

Richard W. Creswell, Georgia Courts in the 21st Century the Report of the Supreme Court of Georgia Blue Ribbon Commission on the Judiciary 53 Mercer L. Rev. 1 Mercer Law Review Fall 2001 Special Contribution

W. Bradley Wendel, Nonlegal Regulation of the Legal Profession: Social Norms in Professional Communities, 54 Vand. L. Rev. 1955 Vanderbilt Law Review October 2001

Steven Lubet, Symposium: Law and Popular Culture Slap Leather! Legal Culture, Wild Bill Hickok, and the Gunslinger Myth, 48 UCLA L. Rev. 1545 UCLA Law Review August, 2001

7. Other Significant Activities:


Altered several service-related aspects of the GSU Tax Clinic in 2001


Attended the annual conference of the Association of Legal Writing Directors on behalf of the RWA Department of the College of Law, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 2001

Attended a regional conference for Legal Writing Professors, St. Petersburg, Florida, September 2001


Works in Progress: Revision of Consumer Banking and Payments Law Update of The Law of Lender Liability Supplement, Counseling and Representing Financially Distressed Businesses CURCIO, ANDREA Professor Curcio provided written testimony to the Georgia Supreme Court Commission on Equality's hearing on eradicating racial and gender bias in the Georgia court system.

Work's in progress: Revising the Bar Exam. Professor Curcio expects to submit this work for publication in early March, 2002.


Attended Legal Analytical Philosophy Conference, University of Chicago, April 3-4,2001 (by invitation)

Book contract with Cambridge University Press, for An Introduction to Rights, to be completed in 2002

Book contract with Blackwell Publishers, to edit The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of law and Legal Theory, to be completed 2002.

Submitted, by invitation, a proposal for a series of books to be called "Cambridge Introductory Studies in the Philosophy of Law." Approval by the Syndics of Cambridge University Press is pending.


Continued work on the authorized biography of Judge Elbert Tuttle

Media interviews: 2/22/01: Extensive interview with the Fulton County Daily Report re professional responsibility issues involved in settlement of mass claims that include a separate payment to the attorneys for agreeing not to bring such litigation again.

7/01/01: A featured interview with the Fulton County Daily Report on the new bankruptcy exemption legislation, which went into effect today.

Brief commentary for the Atlanta Journal Constitution throughout the year on the phenomenon of increased personal bankruptcy filing rates.


During December, 2001 Prof. Gregory began organizational work to found a new Section of AALS, the proposed Section on Agency & Partnership. He contacted several AALS officials and networked with several Agency & Partnership professors at the January AALS Meeting in New Orleans.

HARTFIELD, BERNADETTE Works in Progress: Grandparent Visitation Statutes Revisited The Best Interests Standard and African American Children


Participated in a June 18,2001, radio debate on NPR's "Justice Talking" radio show hosted by Margot Adler on "Florida Gallout: Race and Election 2000" available at http://www.iusticeta1king;.com/shows/showl73.a~~.

Numerous television and radio appearances in connection with activities from position as President of the Southeastern Legal Foundation.


CALI Lesson on Federal Legislative History Research due February, 2002.


Currently preparing a second edition of his co-authored Hornbook on LAND USE PLANNING AND CONTROL LAW [West Group]


Appeared on radio and television broadcasts as legal commentator. Appeared on WAGA-TV, WXIA- TV, WGNX-TV and WGST-AM Radio to discuss a variety of legal topics.

Law review article in progress to update Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relation Publication, which appeared in the Michigan Journal of International Law (1997).


Work in progress: Discriminatory Speech, Workplace Harassment, and the Uncertain Role of the First Amendment


Book proposal on the Clinton impeachment and trial that has received informal approval from University of North Carolina Press.

LAMER, E.R. Co-authored piece on third party practice, consolidation, and intervention in common law and civilian practice, with Professor Alfred Burgstaller of the University of Linz

An encyclopedia entry on the United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of June 10, 1958, to be published by Mansche Verlag in Vienna in fall, 2002

A monograph on the application of the religion clauses of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in the context of church property disputes in the event of schisms


Interviewed for and appeared on the CNN Newsmagazine. Show aired on October 26,2001, speaking on the topic of the strategic role of the former Soviet Central Asia "Stans" in connection with Islamic terrorism and the crisis situation in neighboring Afghanistan. Professor Marvin presented his perspective based on his past project activities on site in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Iran.

Photographed for and featured in an article published on page 8 of the November, 2001 edition of Georgia State University's The Source, under the heading of "Professor Helps Shape Legal Reform in Changing Baltic Region."


Reviewed draft of article of colleague at University of Georgia School of Law and Bar Counsel Reviewed draft of article of colleague at Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law Reviewed draft of article of colleague at Wayne State University School of Law Reviewed draft of article of colleague at University of Arkansas at Little Rock Read student Note of a student at another institution for Professor Rory Little Coordinated dinner for Women Law Professors In Georgia Interviewed on McVeigh for WGST radio University of Alabama - Speaker at GLBT Student Organization (Tuscaloosa, October 2001) University of Alabama School of Law - Panelist at Student Forum (Tuscaloosa, September 2001) Topic: America At War

Works In Progress: Essay, White Collar Cooperators: The Government in Employer-Employee Relationships (to be published in CARDOZO L. REV. 2002)

International Computer Fraud: A Paradigm for Limiting National Jurisdiction (to be published in U.C.- DAVIS L. REV. 2002)


Wrote and filed amicus brief on international law regarding redress for Japanese Latin American internment in Kato v. United States, United States Supreme Court, July 2001. Wrote Report Concerning the United States Initial Report under the International Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, submitted to the United Nations Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in Geneva, July 2001.


Research in progress on director compensation, director duties and director independence; and oversight of professionals and setting of professional standards - accountants and lawyers in the wake of Enron.


Continues to develop software for online collaboration, and has recently developed software enabling students to take exams online over the web.


Works in Progress:

Articles - On Apology and Concilience (w/ Erin O'Hara). An Evolving Standard of "Manifest Disregard to Vacate Arbitral Awards: Judicial Absorption of Contractual Arbitration as Manifest Destiny (on file). Institutionalizing Court-Connected Mediation in Germany: Concept Meets Framework (w/ Steffen Wesche). Designing a System for National Reconciliation: The Case of Nicaragua. The Death of ADR: Evolution of Dispute Resolution Processes. ADR and Market Choice (in collaboration with Jake Barnes, University of Denver).

Empirical Research - Study of Effects of Court-Connected ADR on Practice and Professionalism in the Georgia Bar (in collaboration with the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism).

Other - In collaboration with the Georgia Supreme Court's Commission on Dispute Resolution, Professor Yarn supervised the creation of a new scholarly journal for the field. The first issue was published in the Spring of 2001. No further issues are foreseen because of funding considerations at the Court.