The Journal of the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association AUGUST 2020 FlightMore than Aerocamping 90 A Popular Option Classified Ads for Many (p.37) PRIVATE AIRPORT STATIONS WX REPORTS DELIVERED DIRECTLY TO PILOTS THE GO-AROUND JC AUDET TaKES US AROUND THE CIRCUIT ONCE MORE ONTario’S TRILLIUM FLYERS A GROWING FLEET TOURS PM#42583014 SOUTHERN ONTARIO CONTENTS DEpaRTMENTS 4 President’s CORNER CHRIstINE GERVAIS’ FirST COLUMN 6 MAILBOX GO-AROUND FEEDbacK 7 NEWSLINE COPA AGM AND AWARDS 16 AVIATION ACCESSORIES 21 A LOOK at PRIVATE AIRpoRT WX STATIONS FEatURE 18 YOUNGER VOICES YOUNG PIlots PROFILED AEROCAMPING 20 AVIATION SAFETY This month we return to the theme of under-the-wing camping as more and more AnotHER LOOK at THE pilots and their families seek ways of vacationing that don’t necessarily include stay- GO-AROUND ing at traditional lodgings. This month, experienced underwing camper Janine Cross takes us to Vancouver Island, and Jean-Pierre Bonin starts work on a Pilot’s Guide to 24 REGIONS Under-the-Wing Camping by inviting reader contributions from across the country. LOCAL NEWS AND MEMBER ACTIVITIES 30 ON THE HORIZON ON THE COVER: What better way of assuring minimal health risk during a pandemic UpcomING AND RECURRING than camping on the grounds of an airfield? Photo by David Black. EVEnts Clark Morawetz Flight
[email protected], 905-809-4835 Québec Jonathan Beauchesne COPA BOARD OF DIRECTORS EDITOR
[email protected], 514-585-3959 B.C. & Yukon Steve Drinkwater ~ Vacant ~ Mathieu Delorme
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