Realism Doesn't...: the Challenge of Postmodernism
' .."-.;... -. /- ~ ., /I. • .... - .\. • Jo . ",' -, . REALIS1'A DOESN'T ... : . --"':",_--. -~ -- - ..' ---- ._.,. THE CHALLENGE OF POSTMODERNISM ~ - By ,ALISON M. LEE;-M.A. T· A Thesis . Submitted to the School of .Graduate Studies-·· / in Partial Fulfilment C?f the Requirements for the Degree - --'- Doctor of Philosophy McMaster University January 1988 .. /' .. ~ (c) Copyright by. Alison M. Lee. 1988 ~..... ' ..."". , '. " - . , " . / '10 .". -. ' . "- L .... , "' - " . ~EALJSM OOESN"T ..:: ~ ... ~ . 1 • . "' ... ," ,THE CHALLENGE OF POSTMODERNISM.· \ .... " , - . .. ..., "r I ~, !. .. ....;. '--, .' " , :. I , " , " " " " .. , . " . DOcrOR OF PHILOSOPHY (1988) McMASTER· UNIVERSITY (E~gUsh) :. .. TITLE: . Realism Doesn't ... : The Challenge' of Postmodernism, A.UTHOR: Alison M:' Lee, B.A: (MCMaster University) - . M:A.. (McMaster Vhiver~ity) .. ~ SUPERVISOR: Df Linda- Hutcheon .. # , NUMBER OF PAGES: , v.L 257 , " ) ~ M , ); •.•. ""-4 , ., • r,·1 .I • ... ii , Abstract This thesis examines the challenges to the techniques and conven~ .- 'C' , tlons of nineteenth-century .Realism-stili the dominant frame of reference of Iiter~ry studies-by recent postrnodern Brl~sh fiction. Such novels as MidnigMs Children by Salman Rush~le. Waterland by Graham Swift. Flaubert's , .. Parrot by Julian Barnes and Lanark, by Alasdair Gray. among others, In- --- stall what are re~ognizably Realist' conventions•and concepts and then subvert them from Within the very conventions they seek to transgress. " Not only do th75e novels undermine Realist literary conventions. however, . they also call Into question the Ideology behind them. The: novels thus draw attention to notions of common sense. truth, meaning,' and Value ~ , not as'normal', natural and neutral. but as Ideologically produced. Cha~ . \. ' ~ . -_ , . ....·--ter One. therefore. provides ,a background to, and synopsis of, Realist " dictates In the light of critical theories':"'New Criticism, reader-re~ponse , ;' , ' critldsm.
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