CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Narayan Chandra Jana M. A., Ph. D. (Geography), M. Sc. (Disaster Mitigation), PG Diploma (Sustainable Rural Development), Diploma (Tourism Studies) Post-Doctoral Research, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi Present Position: Professor of Geography, The University of Burdwan, Burdwan- 713104, West Bengal, India Phone: 09547789019; E-mail:
[email protected] /
[email protected] Date of Birth: 2nd September 1965 Category: Other Backward Class (OBC-B) Areas of Research Interest Applied Geomorphology, Disaster Management, Soil and Agricultural Geography, Land Use Studies, Rural Development, Environmental Geography. Education Qualifications 1. Secondary (1st Div.-60%), W.B. Board of Secondary Education, 1981 2. H.S. (2nd Div.-54.3%), W.B. Council of H.S. Education, 1983 3. B.A. (Hons.) in Geography (2nd class-57.62%), The University of Burdwan, 1986 4. M.A. in Geography (1st class-66.6%), The University of Burdwan, 1988 5. Ph.D. (Geography), Topic: Geomorphology and Land Use in South-Western Midnapur, West Bengal, The University of Burdwan, 1999 6. Diploma in Tourism Studies (2nd Div.- 59.6%), IGNOU, 2005 7. M.Sc. in Disaster Mitigation (1st Class- 61.5%), Sikkim Manipal University, 2006 8. PG Diploma in Sustainable Rural Development (1st Class- 62.375%), National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India, Hyderabad, 2015 Technical Training 1. Computer Course on P.C. Operation (3 months), Webel Informatics Ltd., Burdwan, 1995 2. Swift Foundation in Computer (3 months), NIIT, Burdwan, 1997 3. Condensed Course (5 days) in GIS, Calcutta University, 1994 4. Short Course (1 week) on Aerial Photography, Remote Sensing and GIS, NATMO, 1995 5.