Weekly News from Your Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair Follow this newsletter to keep current on the events shaping our state and the work our party is doing to win in 2020 and beyond.

Dear fellow Wisconsin Democrats,

We are in an unprecedented public health crisis. We are in an unprecedented economic crisis. And we are in a crisis of democracy—with an election in eleven days.

We have to tackle them all.

I'll write about the election fight in a moment. But first, a reminder: stay home, and stay safe. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed or anxious right now. Support is available -- you can call the Disaster Distress Hotline at 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746. The CDC has also provided guidance on how best to talk to your children about COVID-19.

And while you're home, don't just check the news and watch TV—volunteer to help win this election. You can sign up to join a local virtual phone bank at wisdems.org/2020. It's all hands virtually on deck.

Times of crisis are when our actions matter most. Let's pull through this, together.


FIGHT on the Issues & FIGHT to Win

Request an Absentee Ballot Now!

Amid all the chaos, we still have an important election to win on April 7 for the Wisconsin Supreme Court. We’re concentrating all of our efforts on mobilizing voters to request an absentee ballot online. If you haven’t already, you can request yours in less than 60 seconds. The deadline to request an absentee ballot by mail is Thursday, April 2 at 5:00 PM.

When you get your absentee ballot in the mail, you’ll need an adult witness to sign your ballot before you mail it back. If you live alone and are practicing social distancing (as we all should!), the Madison City Clerk has a few good ideas for getting that signature. Make sure to allow enough time for your ballot to get back to the Clerk’s Office by April 7 at 8:00 PM.

Click here to watch Jill Karofsky walk through how to request your ballot!

Gov. Evers Calls for Universal Vote By Mail

Today, Governor Evers called on the state legislature to pass a bill requiring that a ballot be mailed to every registered Wisconsin voter, to be returned safely by mail. Watch his video and share it here:

Make sure to call your legislators and tell them to support Gov. Evers’ plan. The continued functioning of our democracy depends on voting being safe and accessible to all.

The legislative hotline is 1-800-362-9472!

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin and the Democratic National Committee have sued the Wisconsin Elections Commission to expand access to absentee voting. Already, we've won an extension on online voter registration to this Monday night, March 30. We filed again yesterday with our additional requests—most critically, to allow absentee ballot requests without requiring an uploaded photo of a voter ID and to extend the deadline for postmarking a ballot. Stay tuned for updates!


DPW Launches Voter Protection Hotline: 608-336-3232

If you're having trouble voting, we're here to help. DPW launched a Voter Protection Hotline this week that will be staffed during business hours—and if you leave a message, we'll make sure to get back to it. Americans have fought and died for the right to vote—and we're going to keep fighting to exercise it!

Watch 2020's First DPW Virtual Town Hall

On Thursday night, hundreds of Wisconsin Democrats tuned in to this year's first statewide virtual town hall meeting, asking a slew of questions about the path forward in these perilous times. You can watch the video here.

EMPOWER the Grassroots

Volunteer Virtually for Jill Karofsky

There's never been a better time than while you’re social distancing to volunteer to help get out the vote. You can phone bank and text out the vote from the comfort and safety of your own home right now. To be connected with volunteer opportunities and sign up for a phone banking shift go to wisdems.org/2020. And spread the word using our social media toolkit at wisdems.org/toolkit

Follow DPW on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Paid for by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Ben Wikler, ChairOur mailing address is: 15 N. Pinckney St., Ste 200, Madison, Wisconsin 53703