Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 92, pp. 6592-6596, July 1995 Developmental Biology

Capturing encoding membrane and secreted important for mouse development (mouse embryonic stem cells/ trap/insertional mutation)

WILLIAM C. SKARNES*t, JULIE E. Moss*, STELLA M. HURTLEYt, AND ROSA S. P. BEDDINGTON§ *Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Centre for Genome Research, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3JQ, United Kingdom; tDepartment of Biochemistry, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH8 9XD, United Kingdom; and §National Institute of Medical Research, Mill Hill, London NW7 1AA, United Kingdom Communicated by Gerald M. Rubin, University of California, Berkeley, CA, March 16, 1995

ABSTRACT A strategy based on the gene trap was devel- (unique in neo) fragment of the gene trap vector pGT1.8 with oped to prescreen mouse embryonic stem cells for insertional the Cla I/Sph I fragment of pSA13geo (7). pGT1.8 is a mutations in genes encoding secreted and membrane- derivative of pGT4.5 (4) where the 3' En2 sequences were spanning proteins. The "secretory trap" relies on capturing replaced with the 0.2-kb Bcl I/BamHI simian virus 40 poly(A) the N-terminal signal sequence of an endogenous gene to signal (10). The parental vector pAct13geo contains the 0.5-kb generate an active f8-galactosidase fusion . Insertions human 13-actin promoter (10) linked to the 13geo/simian virus were found in a cadherin gene, an unc6-related 40 poly(A) cassette. The start of 1geo translation was engi- () gene, the sek receptor tyrosine kinase gene, and genes neered to contain a Kozak consensus sequence with unique Sal encoding two receptor-linked protein-tyrosine phosphatases, I and Nru I sites on either side for generating subsequent LAR and PTPKc. Analysis of homozygous mice carrying in- fusions (SDK oligonucleotide: 5'-GTCGACCTGCAGGTCG- sertions in LAR and PTPK showed that both genes were GAGGCCACCATGGCTCGCGAT, from S. Darling, Medi- effectively disrupted, but neither was essential for normal cal Research Council Mammalian Development Unit, Lon- embryonic development. don). Sal I sites were placed at each end of a Bal I fragment containing the entire coding region of the rat CD4 cDNA (11). The identification and mutation of secreted and transmem- A 0.45-kb Sal I/Kpn I fragment containing the N-terminal brane proteins expressed during early mouse embryogenesis is cleavable signal sequence (SS) of CD4 or a 1.4-kb Sal I/Nde I a prerequisite for understanding cell-cell interactions required fragment containing the entire CD4 coding region was cloned for mammalian development. Expression cloning methods to into Sal I/Nru I-digested pAct13geo to generate pActSS1geo isolate embryonic cDNAs encoding this class of proteins (1, 2) and pActSSTM13geo, respectively. The secretory trap vector are technically demanding and potentially biased in favor of pGT1.8TM includes the 0.7-kb Pst I/Nde I fragment of CD4 smaller, abundantly transcribed mRNAs. Gene trapping in containing the transmembrane domain (TM) inserted in- mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells offers a rapid, but essentially frame with 13geo in pGT1.8geo. random, method to identify and simultaneously mutate genes ES Cell Culture. CGR8 ES cells (a feeder-independent cell expressed during mouse development (3). Because gene trap- line derived from strain 129/Ola mice by J. Nichols; ref. 12) ping relies on random insertion into the genome of cells, the were maintained in Glasgow MEM/BHK12 medium contain- detection of genes should not be influenced by the relative ing 0.23% sodium bicarbonate, lx MEM essential amino abundance of transcripts in ES cells. However, it is anticipated acids, 2 mM glutamine, 1 mM pyruvate, 50 ,uM 2-mercapto- that genes composed of large introns will be more readily ethanol, 10% (vol/vol) fetal calf serum (Globepharm, Surrey, detected by gene trap vectors as they present a larger target for U.K.), and 100 units of differentiation-inducing activity/ insertion. leukemia-inhibitory factor per ml. Transiently transfected cells Conventional gene trap vectors contain a splice acceptor were obtained by electroporating 107 ES cells with 100 jig of sequence linked to the lacZ or ,Bgeo reporter gene (4-8); the uncut plasmid DNA in a volume of 0.8 ml of PBS by using a latter is a lacZ-neomycin phosphotransferase fusion gene. Bio-Rad Gene Pulser set at 250 ,uF/250 V and cultured for 36 When these vectors integrate within the introns of genes, hr on gelatinized coverslips prior to analysis. To obtain stable 1-galactosidase (83-gal) fusion proteins are produced that cell lines, between 5 x 107 and 108 CGR8 ES cells were mixed include the N terminus of the endogenous gene present at the with 150 ,ug of linearized plasmid DNA and electroporated at 3 site of insertion. 13-gal enzyme activity in cell lines transfected ,uF/800 V. Cells (5 x 106) were plated on 10-cm dishes and with gene trap constructs has been observed in a variety of selected in the presence of Geneticin (GIBCO) at 200 ,ug/ml. To subcellular locations (8, 9), presumably reflecting the acqui- assay 13-gal enzyme activity and protein, ES cells were grown on sition of endogenous protein domains that act to sort the fusion gelatinized coverslips and stained with 5-bromo-4-chloro-3- protein to different intracellular compartments. Here, we have indolyl P3-D-galactoside (X-Gal) (13) or with polyclonal rabbit exploited the differential sorting of 1-gal fusion proteins as anti-13-gal antiserum (a gift from J. Price, National Institute of a means to capture genes encoding N-terminal signal se- Medical Research) and fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated quences, genes therefore likely to be expressed on the cell donkey anti-rabbit IgG (Jackson ImmunoResearch) (14). To surface. permeabilize membranes, cells were treated with 0.5% Nonidet P40 prior to antibody staining. RNA Analysis and Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends MATERIALS AND METHODS (RACE) Cloning. Northern blots and 5' RACE cloning were Vectors. The 1geo reporter in all vectors was obtained from pGT1.8geo by replacing the Cla I (unique in lacZ)/Sph I Abbreviations: ES, embryonic stem; 6-gal, ,B-galactosidase; SS, N- terminal cleavable signal sequence; TM, transmembrane domain; X-Gal, 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl 13-D-galactoside. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge tTo whom reprint requests should be addressed at: Centre for Genome payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in Research, University of Edinburgh, King's Buildings, West Mains accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JQ, U.K. 6592 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Developmental Biology: Skarne's et aL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92 (1995) 6593 carried out as described (8). Probes containing the cytoplasmic lated in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) but lacked {3-gal region and 3' untranslated region of the genes encoding the activity (Fig. 2 C and D). Therefore, translocation of ,Bgeo into protein-tyrosine phosphatases LAR and PTPK were gener- the lumen of the ER appeared to abolish ,B-gal enzyme ously provided by B. Goldstein (Thomas Jefferson University, function. 13-gal activity was restored by including the TM of Philadelphia) and J. Sap (New York University Medical CD4 (pActSSTM,Bgeo) (Fig. 2 E and F), presumably by Center, New York). Several modifications were incorporated keeping 13-gal in the cytosol. Active protein was localized in the into the 5' RACE procedure: (i) microdialysis (0.025-,m ER and in multiple cytoplasmic inclusions, a pattern only filters; Millipore) was used in place of ethanol precipitation, rarely observed in ES colonies obtained with the conventional (ii) nested PCR (30 cycles each) was carried out using an gene trap vector, probably because insertions downstream of anchor primer (5'-GGTTGTGAGCTCTTCTAGATGG) and both a signal sequence and TM of genes encoding membrane- a primer specific to CD4 (5'-AGTAGACTTCTGCACAGA- spanning proteins are infrequent. Therefore, to identify inser- CACC) followed by size selection on agarose gels and a second tions in both secreted and type I membrane proteins, our gene round of PCR with the anchor and the En-2 256 (8) primers, trap vector pGT1.8geo was modified to include the TM of CD4 and (iii) Chromo Spin 400 columns (Clontech) were used to upstream of 1geo (Fig. 1B). With the secretory trap vector size select Xba I/Kpn-digested PCR products prior to cloning. pGT1.8TM we would now expect to restore 13-gal enzyme ES Cell Chimeras. Chimeric embryos and germ-line mice activity to any insertion occurring downstream of a signal were generated by injection of C57BL/6 blastocysts (8). Em- sequence. bryos at the appropriate stages were dissected, fixed, and In a pilot experiment, the relative efficiency of our gene trap stained with X-Gal (13). vector was compared to the original pSA,Bgeo (7) after elec- troporation into ES cells (Fig. 1B). Although pSA,Bgeo con- tains a start of translation that is absent in our vectors, fewer RESULTS AND DISCUSSION G418-resistant colonies were obtained with pSA13geo than To test if B3-gal fusions that contain an SS could be identified with pGT1.8geo. More importantly, nearly all the colonies by their subcellular distribution, vectors were constructed to derived with pSA,1geo showed high levels of 13-gal activity, express portions of the CD4 type I membrane protein (11) whereas our vector showed a broad range of staining intensities fused to ,Bgeo, a chimeric protein that possesses both ,3-gal and and a greater proportion of 13-gal-negative colonies. Sequence neomycin phosphotransferase activities (7) (Fig. 1A). 8geo analysis of the pSA1geo vector revealed a point mutation in fused to the signal sequence of CD4 (pActSSBgeo) accumu- neo known to reduce its enzyme activity (15). Therefore, the

subcellular A Bgal activity localization

ATG Bo PA pActBgeo I C MM 9 + cytoplasm FIG. 1. The secretory trap vector shows selective pActssBgeo I - ER activation of the f3-gal enzyme in fusions that capture an SS. (A) CD4-,3geo expression constructs. The human ,B-actin (Act) promoter was used to drive pActestmBgeo gm + "secretory" expression of ,Bgeo alone (pAct,3geo), fused in frame with the SS of CD4 (pActSS,Bgeo), or fused to the SS GA418R colonies % Bgal and TM of CD4 (pActSSTMfgeo). Results of tran- B sient transfection shown in 2 are SA :xpiXP 11 2 Positivepositive summarized on theexperimentsright. (B) Relative efficiencyFig. of S ATO Bgeo * pA S gene trap and secretory trap vectors in ES cells. pSAlBgeo c I *MfiNNNN'NomM c4 80 - 95 pSA13geo (7) contains the minimal adenovirus type 2 major late splice acceptor (SA, arrowhead; open box, intron; shaded box, exon) and the bovine growth H SA HGT eoV hormone polyadenylylation signal (pA). The muta- pGT1.8goo i IMREEMMgN\\Nffifi\af\\ H 120 400 60 tion in neo (*) present in pSAf3geo was corrected in C S our vectors by replacement of the Cla I (C)/Sph I (S) SA fragment of ,Bgeo. pGT1.8geo and pGT1.8TM con- HI tain the mouse En-2 splice acceptor and simian virus H 60 300 20 40 polyadenylylation signal and lack a translation pGT1.8TM 1 2q initiation signal (ATG). Vectors were linearized t § prior to electroporation at either the Sca I (Sc) site of the plasmid backbone (represented by the line) of C ER pSA(3geo or at the HindIII (H) site at the 5' end of the En-2 intron. The number of G418-resistant Ss TM (G418R) colonies obtained in the electroporation of cytosol 5 x 107 (experiment 1) or 108 (experiment 2) cells and the proportion that express detectable (3-gal pA typea I orientation activity are indicated on the right. (C) Model for the active selective activation of 13-gal in the secretory trap vector. Insertion of pGT1.8TM in genes that contain an SS produces fgeo fusion proteins that are inserted in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum in a ER type I configuration. The TM of the vector retains rTM J3geo in the cytosol where (3-gal remains active. -> cytosol Insertion of the vector in genes that lack a signal _~~~p sequence produces fusion proteins with an internal TM domain. Insertion of these proteins in a type II typeiM orientation orientation exposes (3geo to the lumen of the ER inactive where (3-gal activity is lost. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 6594 Developmental Biology: Skarnes et al. Proc.,Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92 (1995)

FIG. 2. Localization of ,3geo fusion protein and enzyme activity in ES cells. (A-F) Transient transfection of ES cells with pActf3geo (A and B), pActSS,3geo (C and D), and pActSSTM13geo (E and F) and assay for (-gal activity (X-Gal; bright field) and protein (immunofluorescence; dark field). ,Bgeo alone was evenly distributed in the cytoplasm of cells. 13geo fused to the SS of CD4 accumulated in the ER, resulting in the loss of 13-gal activity. ,B-gal activity was restored in fusions that contain both the SS and TM of CD4, and ,3geo localizes to the ER and in multiple cytoplasmic inclusions. (G and H) Stable cell lines transfected with pGT1.8TM showing constitutive 13-gal activity (G) or activity induced in a subset of differentiated cell types (H) in cultures of ST534 and ST519 cells, respectively (I-L). Detection of 13geo protein in 13-gal-positive (I and J) and 13-gal-negative (K and L) cell lines in permeabilized (I and K) and nonpermabilized (J and L) cells. In 13-gal-negative cells, the 13geo fusion was detected on the surface of 3-gal-negative cells in the absence of membrane permeabilization, indicating that the loss of 13-gal activity correlated with a type II orientation of the fusion protein (see the model in Fig. 1C). pSA,Bgeo vector appears to preselect for genes expressed at 13-gal activity is lost. In fusions that contain a SS, the TM in the high levels, and correction of the neo mutation in our vectors vector acts to prevent 13geo from entering the ER lumen, now allows access to genes expressed at low levels (see thereby preserving its cytosolic enzyme activity. below). 5' RACE (17) was used to clone a portion of the endogenous Approximately half of the pGT1.8geo colonies express gene associated with secretory trap insertions that express detectable 13-gal activity and show the various subcellular detectable 13-gal activity (Table 1). Northern and RNA dot blot patterns of 13-gal staining observed previously. In contrast, analysis showed that approximately one-half (5 of 11 analyzed only 20% of the pGT1.8TM colonies express 13-gal activity in this study) of the G418-resistant cell lines fail to properly (Fig. 1B), and all display the "secretory" pattern of 13geo utilize the splice acceptor and produce fusion transcripts that activity characteristic of the pActSSTM13geo fusion (compare hybridize within intron sequences of the vector (data not Fig. 2E with Fig. 2 G and H). The reduction in the proportion shown). These insertions presumably do not represent true of 13-gal-positive colonies and the singular pattern of 13-gal gene trap events and thus were not analyzed further. Northern staining observed with the secretory trap vector suggested that blot analysis of six properly spliced lines (ST484, ST497, ST514, 13-gal, but not neomycin phosphotransferase activity, is lost in ST519, ST531, and ST534) detected a unique-sized 13geo fusion fusions with proteins that do not possess a signal sequence. transcript in each cell line (Fig. 3A). At least two independent Loss of 13-gal activity would be predicted to occur if fusions that RACE cDNAs were cloned from each cell line. The cDNAs lack a SS were inserted into the membrane in a type II obtained from all cell lines except ST514 detected both the orientation placing 13geo in the lumen of the ER. To confirm fusion transcript and an endogenous transcript common to this, several 13-gal-negative cell lines were isolated and ana- all cell lines as shown for the ST534 probe (Fig. 3A). The lyzed by immunofluorescence. In these lines, the fusion protein ST514 insertion illustrates that genes expressed at very low was detected on the surface of cells in the absence of detergent levels in ES cells can be trapped. In ST514 cultures, 13-gal permeabilization (Fig. 2 K and L), indicating a type II orien- activity was observed only in a few differentiated cells, and tation of the 13geo fusion protein. In contrast, detergent accordingly neither the fusion nor the endogenous tran- permeabilization was essential to detect the fusion protein in scripts could be detected on Northern blots (Fig. 3A and data 13-gal-positive cell lines (Fig. 2 I and J), as would be expected not shown). for type I membrane proteins. From these data, we propose a Sequence analysis of the RACE cDNAs in all cases showed model to explain the selective activation of 13-gal in pGT1.8TM the proper use of the splice acceptor and a single open reading (Fig. 1C). In the absence of a SS, the TM of the fusion protein frame in-frame with 13geo. One insertion occurred in netrin, a acts as a signal anchor sequence (16) to place 1geo in a type gene homologous to the unc-6 gene of Caenorhabditis elegans II orientation, exposing 13geo to the lumen of the ER where (18) recently cloned in the chicken (19). The remaining five Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Developmental Biology: Skarnes et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92 (1995) 6595 Table 1. Identification of the endogenous gene associated with six secretory trap insertions Cell ,3-gal expression* Transcript size,t kb line ES Diff. Fusion Endogenous Genet Phenotype§ (wt:het:hom) 484 + + 7.5 7.5 LAR (1833) NA 497 + +/- 6.5 7 sek (1376) ? 514 +/- ND ND Netrin (4721) NA 519 - +/- >12 >12 Novel cadherin NA 531 - 6.1 5.3 PTPK (2000) Viable (36:57:27) 534 + + 6.0 7.5 LAR (706) Viable (36:79:25) *Based on X-Gal staining of ES cell cultures that contain a subset of spontaneously differentiated (Diff.) cell types. +/- indicates expression in a subset of differentiated cell types. tTranscript sizes were determined from Northern blots (Fig. 3 and data not shown). ND, not detected. tNumbers in parentheses indicate the insertion site within the endogenous gene based on the nucleotide sequence of rat LAR (GenBank accession no. Li 1586), mouse sek (S51422), chicken netrin 1 (L34549), and mouse PTPK (L10106). The GenBank accession numbers for the mouse netrin and cadherin genes are U23505 and U23536, respectively. §Based on the recovery of homozygous (hom) animals at weaning age in litters from heterozygous (het) intercrosses. ?, Phenotype unknown, breeding in progress. NA, not applicable, insertion not in germ line. wt, Wild type. insertions interrupted the extracellular domains of genes en- Northern blots of RNA from wild-type and homozygous adult coding membrane-spanning proteins: a cadherin most closely tissues were probed with cDNAs from regions downstream of related to the protein encoded by fat tumor suppressor gene of each insertion site. For both mutations, full-length transcripts Drosophila (20), the sek-encoded receptor tyrosine kinase (21), were not detected in homozygous animals (Fig. 3B). Because the receptor-linked protein-tyrosine phosphatase PTPK secretory trap insertions generate fusions that in some cases (22), and two independent insertions in a second receptor- will contain a large portion of the extracellular domain of the linked protein-tyrosine phosphatase LAR (23). These results target gene, the production of both loss of function and gain support the prediction that 13-gal activity is dependent on of function (i.e., dominant-negative) mutations is possible. acquiring a SS from the endogenous gene at the site of However, since the 1geo fusions with LAR and PTPK include insertion. <300 amino acids of the extracellular domains of these pro- Reporter gene activity associated with each insertion was teins, these insertions likely represent null mutations. LAR analyzed in embryos (Fig. 4). The pattern of 13-gal expression and PTPK are members of an ever-increasing family of recep- in embryos derived from insertions in the sek (ST497) and tor protein-tyrosine phosphatase gene (27). Therefore, the netrin (ST514) genes was very similar to published RNA in situ absence of overt phenotypes in LAR and PTPK mutant mice results for the mouse sek (24) and chicken netrin (25) genes, is likely due to functional overlap between gene family which provides further evidence that gene trap vectors accu- members as has been observed with targeted mutations in rately report the pattern of endogenous (8). multiple members of the myogenic and Src family genes Both insertions in LAR (ST484 and ST534) exhibited weak, (28-30). widespread expression in 8.5-day embryos. The insertion in In summary, we have modified the gene trap vector to detect PTPK (ST531) showed P-gal expression in endoderm and insertions in genes that code for cell surface proteins, a class paraxial mesoderm; the highest expression was observed in of genes previously missed by conventional gene trap vector. newly condensing somites. 1-gal expression in tissues of adult The strategy relies on the retention of 1-gal enzyme activity in mice carrying insertions in LAR and PTPK correlated well reporter gene fusions that acquire a SS (Fig. 1C), thus pro- with known sites of mRNA expression (22, 26). The highest viding a simple selective assay to recover insertional mutations levels of 13-gal activity were found in the lung, mammary gland, in secreted and type I membrane proteins. The vector was and brain of ST534 (LAR) mice and in the kidney, brain, and demonstrated to detect genes expressed at very low levels in ES liver of ST531 (PTPK) mice (data not shown). cells; therefore, it should be possible to develop screens to ES cell lines containing insertions in the LAR, PTPK, and identify lineage-specific genes induced upon ES cell differen- sek genes have been transmitted to the germ line of mice. Thus tiation. A screen for cell surface genes expressed in restricted far, breeding analysis showed that mice homozygous for the patterns in the early embryo should help to identify key LAR and PTPK insertions are viable and fertile. To confirm regulators of cell-cell interactions required for the establish- that the LAR and PTPK genes were effectively disrupted, ment of patterning of the primary embryonic germ layers.

e q r le A A00tXM T-,, f X T-

kb FIG. 3. RNA analysis of secretory trap inser- - 9.5 tions. (A) Northern blot of 15 ,ug of ES cell RNA hybridized with the lacZ gene and reprobed with a RACE cDNA fragment cloned from the ST534 -4.4 B LAR PTPK (LAR) insertion. The pGT1.8TM vector is pre- dicted to contribute 5 kb to the size of the fusion +,1+ 2.4 transcript. As expected, the ST534 RACE clone detects both the 6-kb fusion transcript in ST534

- 1.4 cells and the 7.5-kb endogenous LAR transcript in all cell lines. (B) Northern blots of 10 ,ug of RNA from wild-type (+/+), heterozygous (+/ -), and homozygous (-/-) lung of ST534 - 0.3 (LAR) and kidney of ST531 (PTPK) adult mice hybridized with LAR and PTPK cDNA se- quences 3' to the insertion and reprobed with the lacZ ST534 ribosomal S12 gene (rpsl2) as a loading control. Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 6596 Developmental Biology: Skarnes et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92 (1995)

- FIG. 4. Expression of the I3geo re- porter in embryos carrying insertions of ... mg,, the secretory trap vector. (A-C) Heterozy- gous 9.5-day embryo. (A) ST534 (LAR): dorsal view showing widespread, low-level ,3-gal expression. (B) ST531 (PTPK): lat- eral view showing high expression in paraxial mesoderm and somites. (C) ST497 (sek): lateral view showing charac- teristic sek expression in the forebrain, rhombomeres 3 and 5 of the hindbrain, lateral and paraxial mesoderm, and somites (24). (D and E) ST514 chimeric 10.5-day embryo. (D) Lateral view. (E) Cross-section showing expression in ven- tral spinal cord, floorplate, and der- mamyotome of somites similar to the pat- tern described for the chicken netrin genes (25). The arrowhead indicates floorplate, A s and the arrow indicates dermamyotome. Furthermore, this approach should be generally applicable to 5. Brenner, D. G., Lin-Chao, S. & Cohen, S. N. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. other cul'tured cell lines. USA 86, 5517-5521. 6. 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