Michigan Survey Form – Winter Season Review List Species - Most species on this list are Casual (C) or Accidental (A). (Dec 201 – Feb 20 ) Species in italics are known from sight records only. All reports of Review List species 9 20 will be forwarded to the Michigan Bird Records Committee (MBRC) for review. Only accepted records will be included in the Michigan Bird Survey and North Am. . This form is designed to aid observers in submitting their records to the Michigan Bird Black-bellied Whist. Duck (C) Heermann’s (A) Loggerhead Shrike (Review) Survey for inclusion in Michigan Birds and Natural History and in North American Birds. Fulvous Whistling-Duck (A) Mew Gull (A) Black-capped Vireo (A) Use of this form is optional but highly recommended. Observers do not have to fill out the Brant (C) California Gull (C) Bell’s Vireo (A) entire form, only those parts for which they have pertinent information. If you cover Eurasian Wigeon (C) Slaty-backed Gull (C) Plumbeous Vireo (A) more than 6 counties, it will save the compiler considerable time if you duplicate these Cinnamon Teal (C) Glaucous-winged Gull (A) Clark’s Nutcracker (A) Black-billed Magpie (C) forms. Garganey (A) Least Tern (A) Fish Crow (C) Tufted Duck (A) Gull-billed Tern (A) Please mail your completed winter forms by 15 March 2020 to: Violet-green Swallow (A) King Eider (C) Roseate Tern (A) Brian Allen, 5539 Bar Lake Rd., Manistee, MI 49660 Cave Swallow (C) Common Eider (A) Arctic Tern (C) Carolina Chickadee (A) Barrow’s Goldeneye (C) Royal Tern (A) Rock Wren (A) Instructions Western Grebe (C) Sandwich Tern (A) Bewick’s Wren (A) All regularly occurring species are listed on this form. Documentation is required for any Band-tailed Pigeon (A) Yellow-billed Loon (A) Northern Wheatear (A) species on the Review List (right) or any species not on this form. Reports of these Inca Dove (A) Great Shearwater (A) Mountain Bluebird (C) species will not be published in the Michigan Bird Survey if documentation has not been Common Ground-Dove (C) Manx Shearwater (A) Sage Thrasher (A) Eurasian Tree Sparrow (C) accepted by the Michigan Bird Records Committee. Documentation should be as thorough White-winged Dove (C) Wood Stork (A) Groove-billed Ani (A) Magnificent Frigatebird (A) White Wagtail (A) as possible, and focus on a detailed description of the bird in question, and discuss the Chuck-will’s-widow (Review) Lesser Frigatebird (A) Sprague’s Pipit (A) elimination of similar species. Certain difficult to identify species, or unseasonal reports of White-collared Swift (A) Northern Gannet (C) Brambling (A) common species, should also be documented. Some of these species are shown in Bold Gray-crowned Rosy Finch (A) White-throated Swift (A) Neotropic Cormorant (A) on the forms, along with the circumstances that may require documentation (example, D: Chestnut-collared Longspur (A) Mexican Violetear (C) Anhinga (A) Smith’s Longspur (C) UP means document in Upper Peninsula only). These reports may be accepted or rejected Anna’s Hummingbird (A) Brown Pelican (C) McCown’s Longspur (A) by the seasonal compiler, or forwarded to the MBRC for review, at their discretion. Costa’s Hummingbird (A) Little Blue Heron (C) Swainson’s Warbler (A) Observer Broad-billed Hummingbird (A) Tricolored Heron (C) Lucy’s Warbler (A) Berylline Hummingbird (A) Reddish Egret (A) (incl. Middle Initial please): ______Virginia’s Warbler (A) White-eared Hummingbird (A) Yellow-crowned Night Heron (C) Black-throated Gray Warbler (C) Address: ______Black Rail (A) White Ibis (A) Townsend’s Warbler (A) King Rail (C) Glossy Ibis (C) Painted Redstart (A) City:______State:______ZIP : ______Purple Gallinule (C) White-faced Ibis (Review) Green-tailed Towhee (C) Black-necked Stilt (C) Swallow-tailed Kite (C) Spotted Towhee (C) Phone:______Email: ______Snowy Plover (A) Mississippi Kite (C) Cassin’s Sparrow (A) Wilson’s Plover (A) Short-tailed Hawk (A) Bachman’s Sparrow (A) Weather: ______Brewer’s Sparrow (A) Eskimo (A) Ferruginous Hawk (C) Black-throated Sparrow (A) ______Long-billed Curlew (A) Barn Owl (C) Lark Bunting (C) Ruff (C) Burrowing Owl (A) Nelson’s Sparrow (Review) Comments: ______Curlew (A) Lewis’s Woodpecker (A) Golden-crowned Sparrow (C) ______Western Sandpiper (C) Golden-fronted Woodpecker (A) Hepatic Tanager (A) Spotted Redshank (A) American Three-toed Western Tanager (C) Woodpecker (C) Red (Review) Black-headed Grosbeak (A) Counties covered: Pomarine Jaeger (C) Prairie Falcon (A) Blue Grosbeak (C) Hammond’s Flycatcher (A) A: ______B: ______Long-tailed Jaeger (C) Lazuli Bunting (A) Dovekie (A) Say’s Phoebe (C) Boat-tailed/Great-tailed Grackle (A) C: ______D: ______Thick-billed Murre (A) Vermilion Flycatcher (A) Hooded Oriole (A) Ancient Murrelet (C) Ash-throated Flycatcher (A) Bullock’s Oriole (A) E: ______F: ______Ivory Gull (A) Tropical Kingbird (A) Black-headed Gull (C) Couch’s Kingbird (A) Ross’s Gull (A) Gray Kingbird (A) Fork-tailed Flycatcher (A)