Names in wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Subject's Probate Testator's Testator's Subject's Forename Subject's Surname Subject's Place Testator's Surname Role Year Forename Abode Anne [not stated] Other 1685 Anne Saunders alias Hall Brixworth John [not stated] Other 1685 Anne Saunders alias Hall Brixworth Judith [not stated] Other 1685 Anne Saunders alias Hall Brixworth Charles Akres Other 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth Martha Akres Ewell, Surrey Other 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth William Akres Ewell, Surrey Other 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth Elizabeth Allard Relative 1622 Elizabeth Allen Brixworth John Allard Relative 1622 Elizabeth Allen Brixworth Richard Allard Relative 1622 Elizabeth Allen Brixworth William Allarde Relative 1622 Elizabeth Allen Brixworth Elizabeth Allen Brixworth Testator 1622 Elizabeth Allen Brixworth James Allen Relative 1622 Elizabeth Allen Brixworth John Allen Relative 1622 Elizabeth Allen Brixworth Margaret Allen Other 1633/4 William Taylor Brixworth Robert Allen Relative 1622 Elizabeth Allen Brixworth Robert Allen Other 1633/4 William Taylor Brixworth William Allen Relative 1622 Elizabeth Allen Brixworth Elizabeth Alston Relative 1784 Francis Raynsford Brixworth Thomas Alston Wootton, Beds Relative 1784 Francis Raynsford Brixworth Thomas Andrew , Northants Other 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth William Andrew Burton Latimer Other 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth Agnes Asshton Relative 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth Arnold Asshton Other 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth Nicholas Asshton Other 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth Thomas Asshton Relative 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth William Astell , Northants Other 1751 Henry Read Brixworth Cornelius Child Bamford Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth John Bartlet Other 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth William Bates Other 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth Thomas Bevan Other 1618 Edward Willson Brixworth Susanna Bowden Grandborough, Bucks Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth

(c) Francis Howcutt 29 August 2020 Names in Brixworth wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Elizabeth Bradshaw Witness 1767 Ann Jones Brixworth John Bray Relative 1751 Henry Read Brixworth Sarah Bray Relative 1751 Henry Read Brixworth Charles Britten Witness 1823 Ann Green Brixworth Frances Brown Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] Spencer Brown Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] William Buckley Other 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Henry Bullivant Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Jane Burton Other 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth Richard Burton Newington Place, Surrey Other 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth Thomas Chambers Relative 1622 Elizabeth Allen Brixworth William Chapman Other 1751 Henry Read Brixworth Anne Chesterton Other 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Margaret Chibnall Other 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Hugh Cloberry Christian Relative 1767 Ann Jones Brixworth John Christian Witness 1653 Humfrey Hipwell Brixworth Mary Clark Hursely or Horsley Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Anne Clarke Other 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth Elizabeth Clarke Other 1573 William Perwich Brixworth Joseph Clarke Witness 1749 Sarah Sprigg Brixworth Mary Clarke Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Margaret Coddesbrooke Other 1633/4 William Taylor Brixworth Jo: Coldwell Witness 1622 Elizabeth Allen Brixworth Toby Coldwell Other 1618 Edward Willson Brixworth Toby Coldwell Other 1622 Elizabeth Allen Brixworth Thomas Coles Witness 1704 Francis Saunders Brixworth Mary Collier Other 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth Thomas Collier , Northants Other 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth Ma: Conny Other 1685 Anne Saunders alias Hall Brixworth Benjamin John Crisp Brixworth Witness 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth Samuel Crisp Other 1751 Henry Read Brixworth William Cutteler Witness 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth William Davey Relative 1767 Ann Jones Brixworth

(c) Francis Howcutt 29 August 2020 Names in Brixworth wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

[not stated] Dawes Relative 1573 William Perwich Brixworth Benjamin Dod Witness 1734 Penelope Underhill Brixworth Elizabeth Edmonds Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Thomas Edmonds Aylesbury, Bucks Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth John Ekins Brixworth Witness 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth John Ekins Witness 1823 Ann Green Brixworth John Ekins Other 1746/7 John Niccolls Raynsford Brixworth Grace Eyves Relative 1658/9 Percival Lelam Brixworth William Fisher Witness 1802 Tryall Underhill Brixworth Charlotte Flamwell Other 1784 Francis Raynsford Brixworth John Flamwell Foxton, Northants Other 1784 Francis Raynsford Brixworth Henry Fleminge Witness 1622 Elizabeth Allen Brixworth John Fletcher Other 1838 John Stevens Brixworth Mr Fosbrooke Cranford Other 1573 William Perwich Brixworth Langton Freeman Brixworth Other 1823 Ann Green Brixworth Langton Freeman Witness 1823 Ann Green Brixworth Langton Freeman Brixworth Other 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] Charles Gammage Witness 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth Abram Gent Kirkdale, Lancs Relative 1844 Jane Wood Brixworth Ann Mary Gent Relative 1844 Jane Wood Brixworth George Gibson Witness 1784 Francis Raynsford Brixworth John Goodman Witness 1653 Humfrey Hipwell Brixworth John Goodman Other 1633/4 William Taylor Brixworth John Goodman Witness 1633/4 William Taylor Brixworth John Goosey Sharnbrooke Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Mary Goosey Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Ann Green Witness 1802 Tryall Underhill Brixworth Ann Green Brixworth Testator 1823 Ann Green Brixworth Anthony Green Other 1751 Henry Read Brixworth Elizabeth Green Relative 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth Elizabeth Green Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Elizabeth Green Witness 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Elizabeth Green Relative 1823 Ann Green Brixworth

(c) Francis Howcutt 29 August 2020 Names in Brixworth wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Elizabeth Green Brixworth Testator 1829 Elizabeth Green Brixworth Elizabeth Green Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] Frances Green Relative 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth Frances Green Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Frances Green Witness 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Frances Green Relative 1823 Ann Green Brixworth Frances Green Relative 1829 Elizabeth Green Brixworth Frances Green Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] Jerom Green Kingsthorpe Other 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth Mary Green Relative 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth R Green Witness 1749 Sarah Sprigg Brixworth Sister Green Relative 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth Thomas Greene Other 1685 Anne Saunders alias Hall Brixworth Edward Griffin Other 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth Mrs Gyles Other 1685 Anne Saunders alias Hall Brixworth Hugh Hackleton Other 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Francis Hall Holborn, Middlesex Relative 1685 Anne Saunders alias Hall Brixworth Anne Harrington Relative 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth Christopher Harrington Other 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth Isabell Harrington Relative 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth James Harrington Brixworth Testator 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth Sidney Harris Witness 1844 Jane Wood Brixworth Js: Harrison Other 1685 Anne Saunders alias Hall Brixworth Anne Hewitt Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] Alice Hipwell Relative 1653 Humfrey Hipwell Brixworth Elizabeth Hipwell Relative 1653 Humfrey Hipwell Brixworth Humfrey Hipwell Brixworth Testator 1653 Humfrey Hipwell Brixworth Thomas Hipwell Relative 1653 Humfrey Hipwell Brixworth James Hol[cr?]oft Other 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth Benedicta Holland Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Mary Holland Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Mary Holland Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Thomas Holman Witness 1658/9 Percival Lelam Brixworth

(c) Francis Howcutt 29 August 2020 Names in Brixworth wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Richard Holt Witness 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth Eliza Charlotte Houghton Relative 1838 John Stevens Brixworth William Howman Witness 1573 William Perwich Brixworth Henry Hughes Northampton Other 1823 Ann Green Brixworth Marie Hutcherson Relative 1658/9 Percival Lelam Brixworth John Hutton Other 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Robert Hutton Other 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth William Hutton Other 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth William Hutton Witness 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth John Ingram Other 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Josh. Ireland Brixworth Witness 1855 William Wood Brixworth Josh. Ireland Brixworth Witness 1857 Mary Isham Brixworth Elizabeth Irons Relative 1751 Henry Read Brixworth William Irons Wold, Northants Relative 1751 Henry Read Brixworth Euseby Isham Relative 1746/7 John Niccolls Raynsford Brixworth John Vere Isham Relative 1832 Mary Wood Brixworth John Vere Isham Brixworth Hall Other 1855 William Wood Brixworth John Vere Isham Brixworth Relative 1857 Mary Isham Brixworth Justinian Isham Lamport Other 1704 Francis Saunders Brixworth Mary Isham Relative 1832 Mary Wood Brixworth Mary Isham Other 1855 William Wood Brixworth Mary Isham Relative 1746/7 John Niccolls Raynsford Brixworth Mary Isham Brixworth Testator 1857 Mary Isham Brixworth Elizabeth Jackson Witness 1751 Henry Read Brixworth Elizabeth Jackson Witness 1751 Henry Read Brixworth James Jackson Brixworth Witness 1751 Henry Read Brixworth William Jackson Witness 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth R Jenkins Witness 1784 Francis Raynsford Brixworth [not stated] Jenkyns Other 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth George Jeyes Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] Jane Johnson Other 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Ann Jones Brixworth Testator 1767 Ann Jones Brixworth Thomas Kebill Other 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth

(c) Francis Howcutt 29 August 2020 Names in Brixworth wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

James Keill Witness 1704 Francis Saunders Brixworth Joane Keybone Witness 1658/9 Percival Lelam Brixworth Mr Knight London Other 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth Thomas Knighton Witness 1656 Mary Sparrowe Brixworth Robert Knowles Witness 1844 Jane Wood Brixworth Francis Lamb Other 1622 Elizabeth Allen Brixworth Francis Law Witness 1802 Tryall Underhill Brixworth William Lawe Other 1618 Edward Willson Brixworth Eliza Leach Leicester Other 1844 Jane Wood Brixworth Harriett Lee Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] William Lee Northampton Other 1704 Francis Saunders Brixworth Anne Leilam Other 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth William Leilam Relative 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Elizabeth Lelam Relative 1658/9 Percival Lelam Brixworth Frances Lelam Relative 1658/9 Percival Lelam Brixworth Isabell Lelam Relative 1658/9 Percival Lelam Brixworth Mary Lelam Relative 1658/9 Percival Lelam Brixworth Percivall Lelam Brixworth Testator 1658/9 Percival Lelam Brixworth William Lelam Relative 1658/9 Percival Lelam Brixworth Anne Leylam Relative 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Elizabeth Leylam Relative 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Percivall Leylam Relative 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Thomas Leylam Brixworth Testator 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Thomas Leylam Relative 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Thomas Leylan Brixworth Other 1573 William Perwich Brixworth Thomas Leylan Witness 1573 William Perwich Brixworth Richard Lichfield Other 1751 Henry Read Brixworth Matthew Liddon Witness 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] Dorothy Lucas Relative 1658/9 Percival Lelam Brixworth Elizabeth Lucas Other 1573 William Perwich Brixworth John Lucas Witness 1658/9 Percival Lelam Brixworth Martin Lucas Witness 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth Alexander Lucke Other 1573 William Perwich Brixworth

(c) Francis Howcutt 29 August 2020 Names in Brixworth wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

John Lucy Other 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth John Lyne Witness 1734 Penelope Underhill Brixworth Matthew Lyne Witness 1734 Penelope Underhill Brixworth Charles Lyon Witness 1746/7 John Niccolls Raynsford Brixworth John Manning , Leics Other 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth Lucy Manning Other 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth Thomas Manning Other 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth William Manning Kettering, Northants Other 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth Eliza Marriott Relative 1838 John Stevens Brixworth Charles Marshall Brixworth Testator 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth John Storey Marshall London Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth James Martin Witness 1795 William Wood Brixworth Alice Mayne Relative 1622 Elizabeth Allen Brixworth Henry Mayne Relative 1622 Elizabeth Allen Brixworth James Mills Witness 1802 Tryall Underhill Brixworth Robert Milner Witness 1704 Francis Saunders Brixworth Lydia Mobbs Witness 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth Robert R Morris Witness 1832 Mary Wood Brixworth Mary Ann Susannah Mount Newington Place, Surrey Other 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth Mary Ann Susannah Mount Brixworth Other 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth Thomas Negoose Witness 1573 William Perwich Brixworth Sarah Nevill Other 1685 Anne Saunders alias Hall Brixworth Thomas Nevill Other 1685 Anne Saunders alias Hall Brixworth Charles Noble Witness 1832 Mary Wood Brixworth William Pain Other 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth Francis Pewis Parsons Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] James Parsons Walcot, Leics Relative 1823 Ann Green Brixworth James Parsons Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] James Parsons Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] Martha Parsons Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] Mary Parsons Relative 1823 Ann Green Brixworth Mary Parsons Relative 1829 Elizabeth Green Brixworth Mary Parsons [not stated] Testator 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated]

(c) Francis Howcutt 29 August 2020 Names in Brixworth wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Mary Ann Parsons Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] Mr Parsons London Other 1751 Henry Read Brixworth Mr Parsons Relative 1829 Elizabeth Green Brixworth Samuel Parsons Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] George Payne Sulby Hall Witness 1838 John Stevens Brixworth Henry Payne Leicester Other 1844 Jane Wood Brixworth Benjamin Pearson Witness 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth Ann Penny Relative 1767 Ann Jones Brixworth Peter Penny Bloomsbury, Middlesex Relative 1767 Ann Jones Brixworth Elias Perret Witness 1656 Mary Sparrowe Brixworth Alice Perwich Relative 1573 William Perwich Brixworth Edmond Perwich Relative 1573 William Perwich Brixworth William Perwich Brixworth Testator 1573 William Perwich Brixworth Mary Anne Philips Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] Thomas Pilkington Witness 1633/4 William Taylor Brixworth Joseph Pither Witness 1829 Elizabeth Green Brixworth John Plat Other 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth John Plumpton Witness 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Elizabeth Prest Other 1573 William Perwich Brixworth Francis Preston Chelsea Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Sage Preston Brixworth Testator 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Arnold Pymyington Witness 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth David Pyndesburye Witness 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth John Radclif Horsdale, Lancs Other 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth Richard Radclif Other 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth William Radclif Horsdale, Lancs Other 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth Robert Rainsford Other 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth Robert Ratclif Other 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth Thomas Ratclif Other 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth D A Rawlins Market Harborough Witness 1838 John Stevens Brixworth Hannah Ray Bury, Lancs Relative 1802 Tryall Underhill Brixworth John Ray Relative 1802 Tryall Underhill Brixworth Tryall Ray Relative 1802 Tryall Underhill Brixworth

(c) Francis Howcutt 29 August 2020 Names in Brixworth wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

William Raynesford Other 1618 Edward Willson Brixworth Abraham Raynsford Other 1618 Edward Willson Brixworth Charles Raynsford Relative 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth Charles Justinian Raynsford Relative 1784 Francis Raynsford Brixworth Charlotte Raynsford Relative 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth Charlotte Raynsford Relative 1784 Francis Raynsford Brixworth Elizabeth Raynsford Relative 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth Elizabeth Raynsford Relative 1746/7 John Niccolls Raynsford Brixworth Francis Raynsford Northampton Relative 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth Francis Raynsford Relative 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth Francis Raynsford Brixworth Testator 1784 Francis Raynsford Brixworth Francis Raynsford Relative 1746/7 John Niccolls Raynsford Brixworth Hester Raynsford Relative 1746/7 John Niccolls Raynsford Brixworth Jane Raynsford Relative 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth John Niccolls Raynsford Brixworth Testator 1746/7 John Niccolls Raynsford Brixworth Justinian Raynsford Brixworth Testator 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth Justinian Raynsford Relative 1784 Francis Raynsford Brixworth Justinian Raynsford Relative 1746/7 John Niccolls Raynsford Brixworth Nicolls Raynsford Relative 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth Nicolls Raynsford Other 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth Richard Raynsford London Relative 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth William Raynsford Witness 1622 Elizabeth Allen Brixworth Henry Read Brixworth Testator 1751 Henry Read Brixworth John Read Other 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth Lawrence Richardsonne Other 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Harriett Robinson Witness 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] John Robinson Witness 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Susan Robinson Witness 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] William Robinson Liverpool Other 1844 Jane Wood Brixworth William Robinson Liverpool Other 1844 Jane Wood Brixworth Thomas Roe Witness 1656 Mary Sparrowe Brixworth John Rowlinges Other 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth John Samwell Other 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth

(c) Francis Howcutt 29 August 2020 Names in Brixworth wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Anna Saunders Relative 1704 Francis Saunders Brixworth Edward Saunders Other 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Edward Saunders Brixworth Relative 1685 Anne Saunders alias Hall Brixworth Edward Saunders Relative 1704 Francis Saunders Brixworth Elizabeth Saunders Relative 1704 Francis Saunders Brixworth Francis Saunders Relative 1685 Anne Saunders alias Hall Brixworth Francis Saunders Brixworth Testator 1704 Francis Saunders Brixworth Martha Saunders Relative 1704 Francis Saunders Brixworth Robert Saunders Hardwick, Bucks Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Robert Saunders Denton, Bucks Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Susanna Saunders Hardwick, Bucks Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Susanna Saunders Denton, Bucks Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Anne Saunders alias Hall Brixworth Testator 1685 Anne Saunders alias Hall Brixworth John Scrimshire Relative 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth John Scrimshire Witness 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth Edward Sharman Wellingborough Witness 1857 Mary Isham Brixworth Mathew Sillesbie Other 1618 Edward Willson Brixworth Richard Skynner Other 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth Carpenter Smith The Borough Other 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth Christopher Smith Northampton Other 1795 William Wood Brixworth Richard Smith Brixworth Other 1822 Sage Preston Brixworth Christopher Smyth Little Houghton, Northants Other 1855 William Wood Brixworth Mr Smyth Northampton Other 1832 Mary Wood Brixworth William Tn. Smyth Witness 1795 William Wood Brixworth Mary Sparrowe Brixworth Testator 1656 Mary Sparrowe Brixworth Susan Sparrowe Relative 1656 Mary Sparrowe Brixworth William Sparrowe Relative 1656 Mary Sparrowe Brixworth Francis Sprigg Relative 1749 Sarah Sprigg Brixworth Sarah Sprigg Brixworth Testator 1749 Sarah Sprigg Brixworth Eliza Charlotte Stevens Relative 1838 John Stevens Brixworth John Stevens Brixworth Testator 1838 John Stevens Brixworth John Stevens Relative 1838 John Stevens Brixworth Sarah Elizabeth Stevens Relative 1838 John Stevens Brixworth

(c) Francis Howcutt 29 August 2020 Names in Brixworth wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

William Stevens Relative 1838 John Stevens Brixworth Walter Strickland Cokethorpe Park, Oxon Other 1832 Mary Wood Brixworth John Talbot Olney, Beds Other 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth Robert Talbot Sharnbrooke, Beds Other 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth Margaret Taylor Relative 1633/4 William Taylor Brixworth William Taylor Brixworth Testator 1633/4 William Taylor Brixworth Nicholas Telor Other 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth C Thomason Witness 1784 Francis Raynsford Brixworth Ash: Toll Witness 1746/7 John Niccolls Raynsford Brixworth William Tomalin Witness 1832 Mary Wood Brixworth George Turner Brixworth Witness 1838 John Stevens Brixworth Thomas H Turnley Bedford Witness 1855 William Wood Brixworth Thomas Wesley Turnley Bedford Other 1857 Mary Isham Brixworth William Tutlard Other 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth Thomas Twigden Other 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth James Tyrell Other 1685 Anne Saunders alias Hall Brixworth James Underhill Relative 1734 Penelope Underhill Brixworth John Underhill Relative 1802 Tryall Underhill Brixworth Penelope Underhill Brixworth Testator 1734 Penelope Underhill Brixworth Samuel Underhill Relative 1734 Penelope Underhill Brixworth Tryall Underhill Brixworth Testator 1802 Tryall Underhill Brixworth Agnes Vinter Other 1618 Edward Willson Brixworth Alice Wade Relative 1618 Edward Willson Brixworth Anne Wallis Other 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth George Wallis Stony Stratford, Bucks Other 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth James Walmesley Other 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth Alice Walton Other 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth Bartholomew Walton Witness 1653 Humfrey Hipwell Brixworth Thomas Ward Witness 1795 William Wood Brixworth Alice Warren Relative 1658/9 Percival Lelam Brixworth John Warren Other 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth Lawrence Watts Other 1618 Edward Willson Brixworth Edward Wayt Relative 1749 Sarah Sprigg Brixworth

(c) Francis Howcutt 29 August 2020 Names in Brixworth wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Edward Wayt Other 1749 Sarah Sprigg Brixworth Elizabeth Wayt Brixworth Relative 1749 Sarah Sprigg Brixworth James Wayt Brixworth Relative 1749 Sarah Sprigg Brixworth James Wayt Relative 1749 Sarah Sprigg Brixworth Thomas Wayt Relative 1749 Sarah Sprigg Brixworth Edward Wayte Brixworth Relative 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth Thomas Wayte Brixworth Testator 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth William Wayte Other 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth Ann Weston Other 1767 Ann Jones Brixworth Ann Weston Relative 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth Ann Weston Relative 1823 Ann Green Brixworth Ann Weston Relative 1829 Elizabeth Green Brixworth Anne Weston Brixworth Other 1802 Tryall Underhill Brixworth Aunt Weston Relative 1829 Elizabeth Green Brixworth Elizabeth Weston Other 1802 Tryall Underhill Brixworth Elizabeth Weston Relative 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth Elizabeth Weston Relative 1823 Ann Green Brixworth Elizabeth Weston Hardingstone, Northants Relative 1823 Ann Green Brixworth Elizabeth Weston Relative 1829 Elizabeth Green Brixworth Elizabeth Weston Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] Jane Weston Witness 1767 Ann Jones Brixworth Jane Weston Relative 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth Jane Weston Relative 1829 Elizabeth Green Brixworth Jane Weston Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] John Weston Relative 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth John Weston Relative 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth John Weston Relative 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth John Weston Northampton Relative 1823 Ann Green Brixworth John Weston Relative 1829 Elizabeth Green Brixworth John Weston Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] Joseph Weston Brixworth Testator 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth Joseph Weston Relative 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth Joseph Weston Brixworth Witness 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth

(c) Francis Howcutt 29 August 2020 Names in Brixworth wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Joseph Weston Brixworth Relative 1823 Ann Green Brixworth Joseph Weston Brixworth Relative 1823 Ann Green Brixworth Joseph Weston Relative 1829 Elizabeth Green Brixworth Joseph Weston Brixworth Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] Joseph Weston Brixworth Other 1802 Tryall Underhill Brixworth Mary Ann Weston Relative 1823 Ann Green Brixworth Mary Ann Weston Relative 1829 Elizabeth Green Brixworth Mary Ann Weston Relative 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth Mary Hannah Weston Relative 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth Mary Hannah Weston Relative 1823 Ann Green Brixworth Mary Hannah Weston Relative 1829 Elizabeth Green Brixworth Mary Hannah Weston Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] Mrs Weston Other 1767 Ann Jones Brixworth Mrs Weston Hardingstone Relative 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth Thomas Weston Witness 1802 Tryall Underhill Brixworth Thomas Weston Relative 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth Thomas Weston Relative 1822 Joseph Weston Brixworth Thomas Weston Northampton Relative 1823 Ann Green Brixworth Thomas Weston Relative 1823 Ann Green Brixworth Thomas Weston Relative 1829 Elizabeth Green Brixworth Thomas Weston Relative 1832 Mary Parsons [not stated] Joseph Whitehead Other 1818 Charles Marshall Brixworth Robert Wiggins Witness 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth William Wiggins Witness 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth Jane Willes Relative 1784 Francis Raynsford Brixworth John Freak Willes Fritewell, Oxon Relative 1784 Francis Raynsford Brixworth Mrs Williams Other 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth Peer Williams Other 1777 Justinian Raynsford Brixworth Alice Willobed Other 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Agnes Willson Relative 1618 Edward Willson Brixworth Alice Willson Relative 1618 Edward Willson Brixworth Amye Willson Relative 1618 Edward Willson Brixworth Edward Willson Brixworth Testator 1618 Edward Willson Brixworth

(c) Francis Howcutt 29 August 2020 Names in Brixworth wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Katherine Willson Relative 1618 Edward Willson Brixworth Margaret Willson Relative 1618 Edward Willson Brixworth Margaret Willson Relative 1618 Edward Willson Brixworth Richard Willson Relative 1618 Edward Willson Brixworth Charles Frederick Wilton Witness 1844 Jane Wood Brixworth Elizabeth Winckles Witness 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth Anne Mary Wood Relative 1749 Sarah Sprigg Brixworth Emma Louisa Wood Relative 1855 William Wood Brixworth Emma Louisa Wood Relative 1857 Mary Isham Brixworth Francis Vere Wood Relative 1855 William Wood Brixworth Francis Vere Wood Relative 1857 Mary Isham Brixworth George Chester Wood Relative 1855 William Wood Brixworth George Chester Wood Relative 1857 Mary Isham Brixworth Harriett Wood Relative 1855 William Wood Brixworth Harriett Wood Relative 1857 Mary Isham Brixworth James Arnold Wood Relative 1855 William Wood Brixworth James Arnold Wood Relative 1857 Mary Isham Brixworth Jane Wood Brixworth Testator 1844 Jane Wood Brixworth Mary Wood Relative 1795 William Wood Brixworth Mary Wood Relative 1795 William Wood Brixworth Mary Wood Brixworth Other 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth Mary Wood Other 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth Mary Wood Witness 1829 Elizabeth Green Brixworth Mary Wood Witness 1829 Elizabeth Green Brixworth Mary Wood Brixworth Testator 1832 Mary Wood Brixworth Mary Ann Wood Relative 1855 William Wood Brixworth Mary Ann Wood Relative 1857 Mary Isham Brixworth Thomas Wood Relative 1749 Sarah Sprigg Brixworth Thomas Wood Relative 1749 Sarah Sprigg Brixworth Thomas Wood Relative 1795 William Wood Brixworth Thomas Wood Brixworth Other 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth Thomas Wood Relative 1832 Mary Wood Brixworth Thomas Wood Toft Monks, Norfolk Relative 1855 William Wood Brixworth

(c) Francis Howcutt 29 August 2020 Names in Brixworth wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Thomas Wood Toft Monks, Norfolk Relative 1857 Mary Isham Brixworth William Wood Relative 1749 Sarah Sprigg Brixworth William Wood Brixworth Testator 1795 William Wood Brixworth William Wood Relative 1795 William Wood Brixworth William Wood Other 1809 Thomas Wayte Brixworth William Wood Relative 1832 Mary Wood Brixworth William Wood Brixworth Relative 1844 Jane Wood Brixworth William Wood Brixworth Testator 1855 William Wood Brixworth William Thomas Wood Relative 1855 William Wood Brixworth Wayte William Thomas Wood Relative 1855 William Wood Brixworth Wayte Dixie William Thomas 1857 Mary Isham Brixworth Wayte Dixie Wood Relative Michael Woodhall Relative 1633/4 William Taylor Brixworth Michael Woodhall Witness 1633/4 William Taylor Brixworth Miles Worsley Witness 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth Myles Worsley Other 1497/8 James Harrington Brixworth Anne Wright Relative 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth Edmund Wright Relative 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth Elizabeth Wright Relative 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth Hugh Wright Relative 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth Jane Wright Relative 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth John Wright Relative 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth Katherine Wright Relative 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth Margaret Wright Relative 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth Mary Wright Relative 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth Michael Wright Brixworth Testator 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth Michael Wright Relative 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth Susanna Wright Relative 1639 Michael Wright Brixworth [not stated] Wylie Relative 1601 Thomas Leylam Brixworth Allen Young Witness 1746/7 John Niccolls Raynsford Brixworth Allen Allicocke Young Orlingbury, Northants Other 1832 Mary Wood Brixworth

(c) Francis Howcutt 29 August 2020 Names in Brixworth wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Allen Allicocke Young Orlingbury, Northants Other 1857 Mary Isham Brixworth

(c) Francis Howcutt 29 August 2020