Iaiillac?Teicaif for Initial Game of National Dpubjes ' New York
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' 8 THE; OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 26, 1914. ShJe-Step- : national Missouri Moosera w ; platform a ..plank favorln -- WAR PUTS STOP prohibition. ., . ' : - .. tsV-T- SAUCY LIKE A City, Mo 'AOS. ; Os THOSE SEALS PERFORMED JUST REGULAR CIRCUS ' Kansas i TO FQR Progressive state convention turned these days la Just one army PLAN Ufs - . ' - 60, an attempt to get into toe another. VASES--- - down after 1 LAST DAY IS EXPIRING WAVEBLY PLAYS : SMOKE GETS IN EYES - TENNIS EUROPEAN WAR WILL XINRING1NPARIS POLO AT BOISE .REST ON. SHELF FOR CLEVELAND CLUB OF BEAVERS AND THEY CAUSE BIG SHORTAGE Jess Willard .Took Trip to THIS AFTERNOON IN . CALIFORNIA .France to Fight Jack Johnson. - TO TAKE BEAVER STAR Portland Sends Strong Line.-u-p CAN NOT HIT OR FIELD McLou-ghli- .and "Bundy Win? IN TENNIS BALL SET - iaiillac?teiCaif for Initial Game of National Dpubjes ' New York. Aug. 26. The Jack Johnson- Tourney, pjonship Third Time, ; -Jess Willard match probably, has Five Be- Felt gone up in smoke. Johnson bad said Bancroft Wants More Coin Costly Errors Made Covering Is Imported - he was Willing to take on Jess, and What is there about a Cadillac car that makes Cadillac own- . Than Offered and Naps Boise, Idaho, Aug. 28. All is In hind Portland Slabsters Newport, R. --I., Aug. 26. Maurice From Germany and Great Jess and his manager. Tom Jones, re ers scfloyal, enthusiastic? You will have to admit their feeling is readiness for the opening match of the McLoughlin and Thomas Bundy of Cal cently sailed for France to, close ar - May' Take Bill Rodgers, and 14 Solid Swats. Britain by Makers, different, unusual, remarkable, compared with the average man'j polo tournament between the Waverly ifornia captured the doubles tennis rangements for the match. But . the Country club team of Portland, Or, championship of the United States yes war. has knocked . the affair on the satisfaction with the average car. and the Boise players this afternoon. terday by defeating Dean Matbey and head. BURDEN LAID ON MINORS The Portland team's lineup will be PERNOLL PILL PUZZLES George Church. The. California duo's GOLF IS NOT AFFECTED It Is considered doubtful now if Victor Johnson. No. 1; Hamilton Cor-bet- t. victory gives two No. 2; Harry Corbett, No. 3. an? them the tall silver Johnson ever will be allowed to fight Harry Robertson, back. Boise's lineup vases, as they have won the title three In Paris again. The exposure of his l Major rnm to Hats will bo selected from the following Soy Cophaa Make Binglo Off Each, of times. The scores of the match were An Materials for Construction of Sard alleged fake with Frank Moran is said Agf. 6-- 6-- 4, -- 2, 4. Now Why? C. Oatner, ,.. mn.t JTot to Purchas players; C T. Barrlnger, E. roar Portland Ouiunon Boavers' ' Xdttle BaU Can Be Secured Wlth-o- ut to have killed Johnson as a card all I nnnu Herbert F. Lemp, Harry N. Falk and Bundy was forced to play his best, as VatU Taoy Af Xnty to Mlgn. Early Work FUah in Pan. Extra Trouble or Expense. over Europe. W. B Teller. McLoughlin was a bit unsteady. The A match here between Willard and Talk with a hundred Cadillac owners driving - all the different J Los Angeles man played wonderful Gunboat Smith would draw a blc models produced from the beginning twelve years ago. They, will ; Clsraland mint con to terms with STANDING OF THE TEAMS The Seals were very much at home tennis and as a result McLoughlin and There's a famine in tennis balls.. It house, but It is not known whether the ' Davo Bancroft, star shortstop of the yesterday. Smoke hung so thickly he become, the permanent owners of the is due to the war primarily, and sec- gunner would agree to such a match. all tell you: - Portland Beavers, by tonight, or allow radfio Coast laarna. over the field that the outfielders were two trophies. ondarily to the increase in the number He ,won a 20. round decision overWil. him to co to the draft along with Woo. ' Lost. P. C. almost obscured. reminded .The best match in the singles was of players taking up the game. you iara in ban Francisco about a year "My Cadillac runs alway.' the .678 It the If ago, other playera. Thia 1 the day Portland 78 67 Howardltes of fog sweeps between R. N. Williams live in some small country town, you but Jess Is said to have Improved last San Francisco 79 69 .687 the that II and William greatly since then. to run or tor the purchase of playera to exempt hot Anceles 77 67 .685 in over Ewlng park, and they proceed, Johnston of San Francisco, The Phila- may find yourself unable to purchase T rinrid UTion' It. Such a thing aa falling them from By Venice ................... 77 67 .635 ed to bat the stuffings out of four delphia a ball some sunny breaking dow or wearing out, never suura iuj inmu. From what the draft. the same 63 83 .432 player captured the match by of these fine, days. Mike Gibbons says anxious to my me, know costs me less to run ana maintain my token, Sacramento Portland pitchers. They made 10 ele- According he it friends tell I it 1 If Cleveland wants Bill Rodgers, Oakland ... 55 87 ,887 gant winning the first, third and fourth to the big tennis dealers meet George Chip, but he wants to Cadillac than they pay out for their amallar cars. And notice they Laag-ua- . runs, while four was the poll can, buy the star second baseman of the Coast Northwestern . here, the supply Is not equal to the 10 all prefer to ride In my Cedlllao when thoy will I another off Hub Pernoll. His Hublets expert- -, sets. meet him in New York, where only In any hurry ; league, the Napa must also get busy Vancouver 83 53 .815 demand all over the country, but it is round are staged. Cof- - Cadillac? Yes. when I buy my neat car. But I'm not 53 enced a couple of" squally Innings, The scores of the important matches bouts Promoter as any car on the mar- ; before midnight. Seattle 83 .610 but not believed the shortage will be felt froth did his utmost to Induce Gibbons about It. My car is as sound and serviceable Spokane 74 58 .661 after that he settled down and pitched yesterday: in Portland and other tennis centers. ket today." ' Judge McCredie stated this morning Tacoma 7 68 79 .463 winning bail. E. F. San G. to box Chip 20 rounds in San Fran : -- Victoria 54 80 .44J3 Fottrell. Francisco, beat At this season of the year stocks are that from a few things 6-- 4, 6-- 2, 4-- 6, cisco, but Mike turned down the offer. little that Ballard 52 81 .891 The smoky atmosphere acted just Roberts, Hartford, Conn., always thin, owing to demand That is what Cadillac owners will tell you ifyou ask them. had come up, was 6-- 1. the In New York Gibbons is he satisfied that National League. the other way to the Beavers, as five which keeps right up accused of . the major leagues would not purchase with the suonlv. picking the soft ones. He can fight, Ask anybody who knows motor cars and yoH'll get the same story players New York 59 48 .651 costly errors will affirm. Sifted down. R. N. Williams II, Philadelphia, beat The balls that bear American trade buy, from clubs unless the playera 9-- 7, however, when be wants to. of Cadillac After all that is what you want to signed Boaton 60 49 .650 It looks as if the work of Mr. Fierce W. M. Johnston, San Francisco, marks are all made in the United satisfaction. contracts tendered them by the 62 63 6H9 -- 6-- 6-- St. Loots Forest Fire was just as much respon- 6, 1, 3. States, but the covering comes "itUfjptinn " Sn nn matter what von have in mind to soend. purchasing club. This was the case In Chicago 59 64 .522 puz- G. felt . the league Phladelphta 51 69 .464 sible for the Seal victory as the P. Gardner Jr., Boston, beat E. R. from England and Germany, and this put it into Cadillac satisfaction and youH get your money's worth. Northwestern and all the g 6-- 4-- 6-- Cincinnati - 52 60 .404 zlers of Hub Pernoll and the batswlng-in- McCormlck, Los Angeles, 4, 6. 0, la where Simpson 2 Under young - the war butts into court fellows who accepted the terms 6-- the Pittsburg- 60 59 .459 of mates. Roy Corhan took 0. game. l and signed the legal document, were '. 49 his 1909 and repainted. A most Brooklyn 61 .445 kindly to offerings of Champ Behr, New York, O. CADILLAC, Thoroughly overhauled ' taken. American League. the the Karl beat J. If the European disturbance contin- Golf mer- 6-- 6-- 6-- In Western a figure that were di- 0, 3, 1. dependable car, seating five passengers. At This would Indicate that the major Philadelphia 78 37 .878 slabsters, and his four hits Sweet. Des Moines, ues, it is pretty certain there will be a quartet tennis-ba- ll ( leagues have reached an agreement not Boston 64 48 .671 vided equally off the of Beaver R. L. Murray, Palo Alto, beat Basil drouth of sizeable propor- its your serious consideration, VJ400. to purchase WaHblngton 59 54 .622 hurlers. Biff Schaller, on the other Wagner, Baltimore, 6-- 1, 6-- 4, 8-- 6.