Recent Initiatives towards New Standards for Language Resources Gottfried Herzog1, Ulrich Heid2, Thorsten Trippel3, Piotr Ba´nski4, Laurent Romary5, Thomas Schmidt4, Andreas Witt4, Kerstin Eckart6 1DIN Deutsches Institut fur¨ Normung e. V., Berlin, 2Universit¨at Hildesheim, 3Universit¨at Tubingen,¨ 4Institut fur¨ Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, 5Inria, 6Universit¨at Stuttgart E-mail:
[email protected] Standardization Work Transcription of spoken language • Who? A representation format to compare, interchange and combine { Experts from industry, academia and administrations orthography-based transcriptions of spoken language. { Experts are nominated { based on expertise and interest The standard is developed in cooperation with TEI proposals in the field. [Schmidt 2011] { ISO committee TC 37/SC 4 and national mirror committees, Based on e.g. for Germany: Normenausschuss NA-105-00-06 AA • State of the art tools and formats for creating, editing, Sprachressourcen publishing and querying transcribed data DIN { Deutsches Institut f¨ur Normung e.V. • Widely used transcription systems • How? { Stepwise procedures: Encoded components Example on handout Proposals { working drafts { (draft) international standards • Metadata: based on TEI header { Consensus-based: drafting { commenting { ballot • Macrostructure: timeline, single and grouped utterances, { National standards organizations provide infrastructure elements outside utterances (e.g. <pause> and <incident>) • Microstructure: Excerpt of the list of standards and standard proposals by ISO