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A Correlative, Annotated Bibliography of Song Literature for Grade One Jacqueline Roberta Hawkins Central Washington University

A Correlative, Annotated Bibliography of Song Literature for Grade One Jacqueline Roberta Hawkins Central Washington University

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1965 A Correlative, Annotated Bibliography of Literature for Grade One Jacqueline Roberta Hawkins Central Washington University

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Recommended Citation Hawkins, Jacqueline Roberta, "A Correlative, Annotated Bibliography of Song Literature for Grade One" (1965). All Master's Theses. Paper 460.

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A Thesia Presented to the Graduate Jacult7 Central Washington State College

In Partial l'ulf illment of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Education


Jacqueline Roberta Hawkins June 1965 Jr_;·



I-\ B"tl.l.g CI'I


______G. Russel Ross, COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN

______John Schwenker

______John E. Davis


The writer wiehes to expreas sincere gratitude to Dr. Russell Ross, Ohairman of the Oom.mittee. for hia guidanoe. assistance and encouragement in directing the writing of this paper. Appreciation ia also given to Dr. John Davia and Mr. John Sohwenker for serving on the committee. TABLE OF OONTEliTS



The Problem • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1

Definition of Tel"llla Used • • • • • 2

Bibliography • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2

Song literature • • • • • • • • • • • • 2

Annotated • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2

Correlative • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2

Ginn •• •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • 2

A .B.O. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2

S .B.C. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 F.P.O. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 P.H •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2

o.o.::s. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3

N.A.K.M.C. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 A. and B. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3

s.-:s. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3

p.p. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3

Limitations of the Study • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 II. REVIEW OF REIATED LITERATURE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4

The Correlative Approach • • • • • • • • • • 4

Criteria of Song Literature • • • • • • • • • • • • 6

Singing with Children •••••••••• • • • • • • • 9 III. AN .A.NliO'l!ATED BIBLIOGBAPHY OF MUSIC LITERATURE FOR GRADE ONE 13

Songs about Weather • • • 15 iii


Seasonal • • • • • • • • • • • • • 19 Autumn • • • • • • 19

Winter • • • • • 21

Sprill8 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 25

Summer • • • • • 29

Special Day Songs • • • • • • • • • • • • 30

Birthday • • • • • • • • • 30

Halloween • • • • • 31

Thanksgiving • • • • • • • • 33

Christmas • • • 37

N'ew Years • • • • 45

Hanukah • 46

Simhat Torah • • • 47

St. Valentine 1 s Day • • • • • • • 48

St. Patrick's Day • • • • • 50

Easter • • • • • • • 51

Patriotic • • • • • • 53

Arbor Day • • 56

May Day • • • • 57

Mother's Day - Father's Day • • • • • • • • • 58

Fourth of July • • • • • • • • • • • • 59

Songs about Me, Mine, Family, Home • • • • • • 60 Songs for Play: WalldDg, Running, Hopping, Skipping, etc. 73

Soll8s about Toys • • • • • • • • • • • 92 iv CHAPTER PAGE Songs about Instrumenta • • ...... 97 Soll8s about People Who Help Us ...... 106 SoJl8s about Foods • ...... 112

Songs about Clothes • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 119 Songs about School ...... 122 Nursery Rhymes ...... 127 Counting SoDge ...... 133 .i'oreign Language Songs ...... 137 Songs about Transportation: Boats, Trains, Care, Airplanes 142 SOD8B about the Sky Moon, Stars, Sun • • • • • • • • • • 151 Circus Songs • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 154 Songs about Animals Pets, Farm, Zoo • • • •••••• 157

Songa about Small Animals - Insecta, :Bugs and Other ThiDge 173 SoDgs about Water and Water Animals • • • • • • • • • • • • 177

Songs about Birds and Fowl • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 181 Musical Finger Plays • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 188

Action So?l€s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 189

Singing Games ...... • • • 200 Tone Calls, Scale Songs, Question-Answer So?l€s, etc. • •• 211 American Indian Songs • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 222 Songs of Make Believe ...... 224 IV. SUMMARY .AND CONCLUSIONS ...... 226 Sl1D1Dl8.ry • • • • • • • • • • • • • ...... 226 Conclusions • • • • • • • • • • • ...... 227 BIBLIOGRAPHY • • • • • ...... 229 CHAPTER I


The first grade teacher in a self-contained claseroom attempts to provide a well-rounded program of education. Music is a very i11q>or­ ta.nt :part of this program. In order to have an excellent music program, the tee.oher needs to have a good basio knowledge and understanding of music, a good basic knowledge and understandin& of children, and a ready reference to what is available in the area of .mu.sic for use at the first grade level.

Numerous texts in music are available. Each public school gen­ erally provides one or several of these texts. However, the teacher needs to be aware of all the suggested song and music 11 terature that is available at the preaent time in order to provide an excellent program in music.


Statement 2!. ~ Qroblem. It is the purpose of this study to provide an annotated bibliography of music literature with suggested correlation for grade one.

Isrporta.nce Q!. the study". The first grade teaab.er needs to have song and music literature available to meet the existing needs of chil­ dren. In order to do this, the teacher has to know what is available in texts in all areas of learning. This bibliography is an attempt to pro­ vide the teacher with information concerning the material available in 2 first grade music texte.


Certain terminology, although in common use in music eduoation, may be strange to the layman and need definition.

In this study, "bibliography" refers to two things:

1. A listing of all the music literature for use in first grade.

2. A listing of fourteen firet grade muaic texts and books of importance to the area of mu.sic education.

~ literature refers to songs for singing and rhythmic activi- ties and to pieces for listening and rhythmic activities.

Annotated means a brief comment, including such things as com- poser, type of music, what the song is about, B'\1€gested accompaniment, mood, suggested rhythmic activities, length, rhythm, range, and national origin.

Correlative aeans combinin& mu.sic with all other subject areas found in the curriculum.

The abbreviations for publishers of the music books referred to here need the following clarification:

Ginn. Ginn and Company, Ohioago, Illinois

A.:B.C. American Book Company, Chicago, Illinois s.:s.a. Silver Burdett Company, San Francisco, California F.P.O. Follett Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois f.J!. Prentice-Hall, Incorporated, Englewood Cliffs, New Jerse7 C.O.E. C. C. Birchard a.nd Company, United States

N.A.K.M.C. Neil A. Kjos Music Company, Chicago, Illinois

A. and B. Allyn and Bacon, Incorporated, Belmont, California

S. -B. SW11ID1'-Birchard Ooq>any, Evanston, Illinois

:e..ut• piano piece


Thia annotated bibliography of music literature is an objective listill8 of available music literature found in music texts to help teachers correlate music with other Sllbject areas for enrichment. It does not eliminate the need for teaching music as such. It merely em­ phasizes the need for Dlllsia throughout the daily lives of children.

The present bibliography does not atteq>t to differentiate good music literature from poorly written or trite literature. All music literature selected for firet grade texts was inaluded. The evaluation and selection of good music literature hae been left to each individual teacher. The previously stated criteria of SOll8 selection, by authorities in the field of music education, may be of assistance at this point.

Finally, this bibliography is not a teacher's guide for the pur­ pose of telling teachers how to teach music. It was designed to help the teacher correlate music with other subject areas for enrichment, keepiDg in mind the need to evaluate the individual merit of each piece of music:. CHAPTER II


To understand mat was available in song and mueic literature in music texts, the writer has reviewed the music literature that is specifically for first grade. The writer has also reviewed books that were of importance to the area of music education. For purposes of efficient summarization, the literature will be reviewed in this chapter under the following headinge: The Correlative Approach; Criteria of

Song Selection; end SingiI18 with Children.


Nye and Nye described the use of music in other areas of the cur- riculum in this way:

A beautiful song that possesses emotional values and that describes experiences meaningful to children has universal appeal. These aesthetic, emotional, and cul­ tural qualities point toward this son& 1 s possible use to add interest, meaning, 81ld enjoyment to other areas of the curriculum.. It is also true that the subject matter of other areas can make lllllsic activities interesting, meaningful, and enjoyable (12:325).

Timmenaan described the formal and informal experiences in music:

Singing eJCPeriences in the elementary school should include informal music, both inside and outside the group. This mo.sic may be integrated with social studies, science and language arts, or it may be purely recreational and for release from tension. Aside from the informal exper­ iences, there should also be a special time set aside for music. This should be a short concentrated period with 5 music as the ma.in point of emphasis (17:77).

Ellison stated the following:

Music provides a splendid tool to be utilized during the entire school day, aiding program development in many ways ( 4: 20).

McMillan described mu.sic as being a part of children's daily living. She wrote:

A third special opportunity which we have in the elementa1'7 school is to make music a part of children's eve1'7day living. It is perfectly natural for a child to want to sing about the things that he is thinking and feeling (10:5).

Pitta and others indicated the need for music throlJ8hout the whole school program in this statement:

~hildren 1 s spontaneous responses to song make it unfortunate when all singing is put aside until that time in the school day which is reserved especially for music.

Young children siJl8 about the pictures they paint, the pets they feed and care for, the stories they hear, the sun that shines and the rain that falls, and they Just sin& - at odd times, special times, and all times (14:x).

MoConathy and others also described the importance of music in other areas of the curriculum but cautioned the use of music as a mere tool. They stated:

Although mu.sic must of itself be regarded as a major subject, it also serves as a powerful integrator to effect inter-relationships e~d to illuminate the entire edu~ational program for boys and girls. However, even 6

with the youngest children, music mu.st never become merely a tool with whioh to coordinate and enhance other subjects in the curriculum. Mu.sic makes ita own distinctive contribution (9:V).

Armitage and others described the plan and organization of their book as follows:

The plan of this book is based on the idea that mu.sic can and should strengthen the general educational aims in the primary grades. In later years of the child's life musio may be subdivided into separated aspeote, but in his early school years not only are ita varioua phases grouped by the child under the single idea of music, but all of its various manifestations are closely related to the rest of the child's life.

Our musical material is presented in unite of study, the unifying idea of each being a topic which is com­ monly found in first grade courses of study (l:intro­ duction).


The criteria of BOilg selection is of major importance. Swanson listed six criteria for the selection of a good song. She stated the following:

A good song is esaentially a simple song that the child may sing with pleasure outside the classroom. Each song mu.et stand on its own merits, but the fol­ lowing characteristics ms:y be important in different songs: 1. The melody is easily remembered and interesting enough to sing without the words. 2. The song prompts a definite rhythmic response. 3. The text fits the rhythmic scheme and melody line. 4. The mease.ge and feelillg of the text is well mated with the message and feeling of the music. 5. The text may be nonsensical, repetitious, tender, 7

or heroio, but it is not 11 preachy11 or written to educate. 6. The melody is in a oomfortable singing range for the average ohild's voioe (16:38)

Ellison described the type of songs that ohildren enjoy. He wrote:

In short, the range of types of songs that children love stretches as broadly as the range of types of songs that adults love. Children have a kind of natural good taste. They respond to genuineness in a song. They seem to recognize the aesthetic message a com.poser pro­ jeot1 and to know instinctively if he wrote it as a result of a sinoere need and desire to coJDJIIWlioate through .musio. Children seem to sense very quickly when a song has been written down to them, when a song writer writes a song that is childish and not ohildlike, when a haok presents a potboiler, when a speoialist puts together a supposed song whioh is intended primarily to teach note reading.

Our objective in selecting a song will be to find one that, in our best jud8ement, the ohil.dren in a particular class under consideration will like and enjoy singing (4: 61 ).

Beattie and others stated the need for variety of mood in music.

'!'hey wrote: Children should be given the opportunity for musical expression in various moods, just as they have variety of mood in reading experiences. Too often it has been thought that children respond onl7 to ga7 and rolicking tunes and that they are too immature to express themselves in the more thoughtful and quiet moods.

In this highl7 complex life in which he lives, the ohild should often be given lovely, e:xpreesive melodies to quiet and soothe him. Hia firat introduotion to musio was through the sung to him by his mother, and he will enjoy such songs throughout his life. Every mu.sic lesson should contain songs which stimulate and othera which quiet him (2:1). g

Berg and others atated the oriteria whioh should be applied to songs in determining whether they are suitable for six- and seven-year- olds. They stated:

The ¥>rds in the verses should be f8llliliar to the ohild, or easily explainable in terms of his own speak­ ill8 vooabulary ••••

The rhythm and melody of the song should matoh as nearly as possible the natural rhythmio flow of the words and the oharacteristio movements suggested by them ••••

Everything about a song should establish and expreee the mood of the text (3:172).

MoConathy defined a song and the faotors governing the choioe of aong materials in the following way:

A song is a poem enhanced by mu.sic. If the poem ie not made more vivid and beautiful by the musical setting, it 1110uld be better to read the text without the music •••• Other faotors governing the choice of song .materials are: l. Areas of ohild interest and social relationahipa of firat graders 2. Readiness for singing a. Vooal ability b. Attention span c. Suitability aid simplicity of texte 3. Development of pleasure in singing 4. Development of mu.sical taste (9:VII)

Pitts described the following key pointa:

1. That element• of familiarity abound in both music and text. 2. That range is not too wide. For inexperienced singers, find songs in whioh the range does not extend beyond five tones. 3. That both verbal and mu.sical ideas are presented briefly in terms whioh ohildren oa.n understand. 9 4. That rhythmic flow has lift and lilt. Thia ia found usually in simple aonge with lightly moving repetitious tonal-r~hmic patterns in which the primary beat ie strongly felt. 5. That music stands on its own feet. Child interest in subject content, correlative values, even in poetic texts, is secondary. Even in childhood a eong live• or dies by the integrity of its mu.eical appeal. 6. That close correlation occurs between the word eounda and word rhythms and the tonal rhythm of the musical setting of a text. That melodic content can be grasped as a complete musical idea (14:IX-X).


In considering certain aepects of children's voices, Timmerman described desirable tone quality aa follows:

Good tone quality 11 clear, unforced, resonant, free

from breathinee1 1 and capable of being euatained with little effort. It is seldom hushed, but never raucous. It is the result of interpretation of the mood and meaning of the song (17:79).

The same author, later in the same book, outlined the range of the child voice:

The range of the voice of the average young child is from Middle 0 to O, D, or E above. Most nursery school children cannot be expected to have a range that wide (17: 80 ).

Nye and Nye described the child voice in the following way:

The child voice is often described as light in quality as well as in volume. It is also an extremely flexible mechanism, as illustrated by the strident cries of the playground. The teacher, then, is confronted by a voice that is capable of expressing many moode in song (12:169). 10 Theae authora offered the follONing suggestions for good singing with children:

1. To make a generally pleasing sound (simple, natural, and clear). 2. To sing in a manner that avoids strain and tenseness. 3. To take breaths where one does when speaking the words (usually as the punctuation indicates); do not interrupt the by breathing in unnatural plaoes. 4. To enunciate olearly, but pronounce r's as Southerners do ah(r) , and sound final consonants distinctly and in unison (12:169-170).

A wide range of desirable vocal conditions were described by

Pitta in considering the child voice:

The child voice, as it is heard in the singing of healthy, happy, and hearty children, covers ~ wide range of variable qualities.

It cannot be said of all children, nor of one child at all times, that the natural child voice ie high and light, or thin and delicate, soft and sweet, or of any other uniform or predetermined qua.li ty. Too much de­ pends upon ldlen and where the child uses his voice and what the purposes of his singing happen to be.

Children often are found to have one voice whioh they resel'Y'e for the formal mu.sic lesson, and many other voices to use at will in their own self-initiated expressive activities.

If this is assumed to be the case, it is not possible to aim for any one accepted ideal of the "true child voice" which all children must llBasure up to regardleaa of hUJDElll variability (14:VI).

Wolfe and others described the child'e singing voice in the fol-

lowing way:

Children's singing should be light and buoyant, not 11

restrained and whispered, but easy end natural in quality. The pitch level of ea.oh song has been carefully considered by the authors of Music Round the Clock to insure a com­ fortable ra.Ilge for group singiDg. A slight change downward or upward would not be harmful to children'& voices, but constant singing in lower keys tends to develop a coarse chesty quality of tone which is und.esirable for both singing and speaking (19:VI).

Beattie clearly defined the child's voice quality in the following statement:

Children at this age have two vocal registers. One is the ohest voice, characterized by a harsh, reedy, unpleasant sound. The other is the head voice, characterized by a light, thin, unforced flutelike quality. Ohildren should sing with this head voice at all times. SingilJ8 with a light tone will insure carrying the head voice downward through the entire scale. The teacher should, however, guard against such expressions as "Sing softly" or "Sing with tiny voices." They are apt to result in a breathy devitalized type of singing which is not a natural childlike expression. Good tone quality is to a great degree based upon imagination, spontaneity, and light singing (2:2).

Berg emphasized the importance of helping children develop their own expressive interpretation of a song. He stated the follo'Willg:

As has been pointed out, a child may be led to develop appropriate musical expression through his concept of the mood and the imagery of the text and melody. The song should by its very nature, then, suggest an appropriate tone quality, or "color." Although the children at first imitate the tone and manner of the teacher's presentation of a particular song, they oan be guided to go beyond mere imitation. If they are helped in their own expressive interpretation of a soll8 and if they learn tba t there are various possibilities in song interpretation, they will have been provided with B firs foundation for musical growth (3: 172). 12 The general concensus of the author's opinions concerning the

type of music prog1'81l desirable was in favor of a special music period and the integration of music in the llhole school program. They seemed

to feel children as well as teachers should take an active part in the

evaluation of so:c.g literature. They also believed that with singing

experience, the child will increase the range of the voice with clear, flutelike tone quality. 13 CHAPTER I I I



1. SONGS ABOUT WEATHER • • • • • • 15 2. SEA.SON.AL SONGS • 19 Autumn • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 19 Winter • • • • • • 21 Spring • • • • • • • • • 25 Summer • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 29

SPEO IAL DAY SONGS • • • • • • • • • 30 Birthday . . • . . • • • • • • • • • 30 Halloween • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 31 Thanksgiving • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 33 Ohristmaa • • • • • • • • • • • 37 New Yeara • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 45 Hanukah •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 46 Simhat Torah • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 47 St. Valentine's Day ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 48 St. Patrick's Day •••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 50 Easter • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 51 Patriotia ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 53 Arbor Day • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 56 May Day • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 57 Mother's Day - Father's Day • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 58 Fourth of July • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 59 4. SONGS ABOUT ME, MINE, FAMILY, HOME • • • • • • • • • • • • 60 SONGS FOR PLAY: WALKING, RUNNING, HOPPING, SKIPPING, ETC. • • 73

6. SONGS ABOUT TOYS • • • • • • • 92 SONGS ABOUT INSTRUMENTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 97

8. SONGS ABOUT PEOPLE WHO HELP US • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 106 SONGS ABOUT FOODS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 112

10. SONGS ABOUT CLOTHES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 119 11. SONGS ABOUT SCHOOL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 122 14


12. NURSERY .RBYMEJS • • ...... • • • 127

13. COUNTING SONGS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 133


16. SONGS ABOUT THE SKY - MOON, STARS, SUN • • • • • • • • • • • • 151 17. CIROUS SONGS ••••••••••• ...... 154


20. SONGS ABOUT WATER AND WATER ANIMALS • . . • . . . • • . • • • 177

21. SONGS ABOUT BIBDS AND FOWL • . . • . • • • • • • • • • • . • • 181

22. MUSICAL FINGER PLAYS • ...... • • . • • . . • 188 23. ACTION SONGS • . • . • • . . . . • • • . • . • • . • • 189

24. S Il~G ING GAMES • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • . • 200 25. TONE CALLS, SCALE SONGS, QUESTION-ANSWER SONGS, ETC. . • . • • 211

26. AMERICAN INDIAN SONGS • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • 222 27. SONGS OF .MA.KE BELIEVE • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • 224 15 SONGSABOUT W.EATHER

Music Source Publisher Comment PJ.ge

Get Un First Grade Book Ginn Wind talks. 120 Waltz- (p.p.) ti II swaying like trees 120 The Wind II short, sound of the wind 121 Little Wind ti II" accent, notes 121 The Little Breeze (p.p.) II If running, whirling 122 What's the Weather II II rain, snow, sun - type of 123 cloth•• to wear Here the Rain II II tiptoe run 123 Little Gray Pigeon II II question-answer 124 Lovely Rainbow II II Make a bridge for pony. 124 Hear the Little Raindrops II II imitative play 125 See the Windmill II II dramatize 125 It's Raining II about splashing in puddles 126 Walking in the Rain (p.p.) II "II imitative 126 The Rain American Singer, Book I A.B.C. accent notee 179 Wading II II wading after school 51 Bt;tby Seeds II about milkweed seeds 185 Snowflakes Mu.sic for Youll£': A!llericans A.B.C." dancing 44 Snowfall II ti quiet song 46 The North Wind Will Blow II II liltingly 48 On a Rainy Day II II Play games inside. 55 Fog II II descriptive, feel of fog 55 Raindrops It II descriptive, sound of rain 56 Mud Music for LiviLg Through S.B.J. descriptive, wade in mud bare- 127 the Day foot I Like Rain If descriptive, triaD.tgl• 128 "II It The Wind Blew ~ast wind sou.nds, imitative• re­ 128 petitive Frosting New Music Horizons: S.B.C. Jack Frost, high-low 54 Experiences in Music for First Grade '.Jhildren 16 SONGS.AJ30UT WEATHER

Music Source Publisher Jomm.ent Page

The Wind New Music Horizons: S.B • .J. descriptive; with tone games 56 Experiences in Music for First Gra.de ·Jhildren A Secret II II Where do the clouds go? 58 The Song of the Wind II II tone call; North Wind; descri9- 59 tive Dripping Rain II II sounds of rain 61 Song of the Seasons Music Round the Jlock :F'.P.J. happy song; add holiday verse 68 Puddles Growing 'With Music, Book I P.H. about splashing and cooling off 3 Signs of the Seasons II II of autumn, winter, spring, sum- 29 mer; des~riptive The ~ind Blew ~ast Making Music Your Own, S.B.'J. This song lends itself to word 18 Book I changes like sunshine, raindrops, brown leaves, snowfle.kea, etc. Rain II II street rhyme chant, jump rope, 108 bounce balls It P.£1.ined a Mist It II scale song, tuned bottles 120 Sweet and Low A Singing School: Our J.J.B. , swaying rhythm; about 7 First Iviusic the "Wind of the western sea" The Weather Vane II ti describes whet it does 38 who Jares for the Rain II II 11Ifot I 111; slicker, cap, rubber 74 boots; question-answer Little Shadow 11 II triangle; about dancing with 105 1i ttle shadow Rain Song II It Yuma; muffled drum, dried gourds; 130 brs.ves in circle with bent heads, and arms folded; Indian women sit, sway and sing softly 17 SOUGSAEOUT WEATHER

Music ----·---·---- Source _ Publisher :Jomment Page

Y.:ind Song A Singing School: Our J.~.B. about cold winds with wind 240 First Music Rain Drops II II Words are spoken as the rhythm 270 of the words is patted on the desk with fingernails. Joming Rain The Music Hour, First Book S.B.J. descriptive song 53 A Million Little Sunbeams 11 II tells how to make a sunny day and 60 rainy d.a.y Winds of Evening II II French melody; about the wind 61 sweeping over the earth II II Rain Song des~riptivesong; about loving 74 the rain A Dew Drop II ti high-low 77 Wind Song Listen and Sing: The Ginn high-low; smooth song 15 World of Music Old Jack Fro st II he'll pinch your nose and sting 24 " your toes The Wind It II conversation song of the wind 37 On a Rainy Day II II very simple group dance; count, 72 turn around, stamp Snowflakes II II slow, Bohemian folk tune; for 92 t'WO choirs, then all; about snowflakes, sleigh bells, laughing, singing and winter fun II II Song For a Rainy Day des·~riptivesong; for t'lio choirs 94 Song of the Wind II question-answer; song for two lo4 " choirs; Yugoslavian folk tune The Weather Man II ti happy song; Engli ah folk tune; 124 He does the best he can. 18 SONGS ABOUT WEATHER

Music Source Publisher Comment Pe.ge Weather This Is Music, Book I A. & E. question song; two, two-part 114 verses for che.nting Rain " tt '.Jhild can play on black keys 118 of piano; ra.in sounds; e.dd verses Bell Tunes about the II It traditional; with 11Rain11 by 118 Rain Robert Louis Stevenson for clnmting Whirl and Tw·irl Birchard ZfaE>ic Seriee: Book S.-B. dramatize "Whirling lee.ves, 13 Jne: A Comprehensive snowfl~kes,flo?..ting se?da Book of Music c.nd and Tumbleweeds; play Activitiss f0r the rhythm instruments very First Grade lightly Song of the Raincrops It tt SwecUsh children's song; drama- 33 tize; tap fingers softly while singing; play in­ struments lightly for accompaniment: triangle, sticks or wood block ·rhe Rain " It sing liehtly; tiptoe; finger 67 cymbal or triangle ac~om­ paniment; Tap one finger ag&inst another lightly while singing. 19 SEASONALSONGS


Musie Source Publisher Comment Page

Round the Pear Tree First Grade Book Ginn imitative 129 Little Red Leaves " " The wind is blowing the leaves. 128 Who Oen Climb the Apple question-answer, short 128 Tree? " " .Janzonetta (p.p.) ff ff leaves dancing in the wind 129 It's Fun to Pick Potatoes about corn, tomatoes, pumpkins, 130 " " squash Jack Frost " " dramatize 130 What's the Weather? ff " add verses 123

The Wind ff " tone call 121 Autumn American Singer, Book I .A.B.O. phrasing, beautiful singing 32 The Empty Nest ff " high-low 33 Leaves " " scale song 34 Falling Leaves " " descriptive 34 The Golden Leaves " " imitative play 35 Autumn Leaves Musio for Young Americans A.B.·~. high-low, descriptive Autumn Dance " " free movement ~ In the Garden Musi~for Living Through S.B.C. raking 42 the Day Hey 1 Hey 1 " " rake leaves, bonfire 110 Down, Down I " " falling leaves 110 I Saw a Little Leaf " whirling, falling 110 Chrys Anthemum New Music" Horizons: S.B.J. descriptive, with question- 40 Experiences in Music answer tone games for JHrst Grade Jhildren I Had a Little Nut Tree II traditional, drama.tize 41 Autumn Song II "II descriptive, birds fly south, 42 trees, harvest A Strange Man (p.p.) II ll shyness of children 42 20 SEASONAL SONGS


Music Source Publisher Jomment Page

The Windmill lfow ~·iusic Horizons: S.B.~. imita-.tive; wheat, flour, bread 43 ~xperiencesin Music for :F'i rst Grade Jhildren Nutting If If gathering nuts in a wood 46 It 1 s J!all A Singing School: Our J.J.B. descriptive; lea.ves and birds 4o First J.vlusic October If If quiet song; describes fields, 40 breeze, and leaves Fall Jolors If If September, October colors 41 Gay Leaves Flying The ~rusicHour, First Book S.B.J. describes the bare trees with 24 Winter coming Jacky I'rost It " descriptive song 27 :near September Listen and. Sing: The Ginn des~ribesthe trees; Norwegian 9 World of Music folk tune :Dancing Leaves " It descriptive song about October 20 Song of Autumn If fl high-low; Hungerian folk tune 25 Whirling cind Whirling This Is Music, Book I A. & B. about falling leaves 112 September II If child can play piano part; 115 descriptive song; add verses Auturrm Leaves If If descriptive song; autoharp, 115 bells Three Water Glass Tunes If It 11Winter, 11 "Spring, 11 "Summer" 119 21 SEASONAL SONGS


Musio Source Publisher Comment Page Oh, Have You Got a Zipper l!'irst Gra.de Book Ginn question-answer 7 Joat? llii tten Song II II wool and leather g Snow II II cover roofs and town 131 Snow Is ]'alling 11 II softly, quietly 131 It's Snowing II II gay, about shoveling snow 132 Sleigh Ride II II climax 133 Ma.king a Snow Man II II imitative play 135 Ice II II running on ice, short 132 Snowflakes II II question-answer 134 Passepied II II tiptoe, running 134 Snowflakes Are Dancing II II high-low, short 135 A Winter Morning (p.p.) II fl high-low 136 Snowflake Dance (p.p.) II II accompany with triangle 136 The North Wind American Singer, Book I A.:B.C. tone call 38 Ooasting II II short, sledding 36 November Winds II II wind sounds 36 Icicles II It high-low, bells on scale 171 Winter II II Dress warm for sledding Snowflakes Music for Young Americans A.B.O. free dance rhythm ~ Making a Snowman II ll high-low 45 Snowfall II II quietly 46 Sledding II ll high-low 46 Winter Moon ll II smooth, mysterious song 52 The Oat in the Snow Music for Living Thro'll8h S.B.O. with humor, about tracks 116 the Day The Mitten Song II 11 descriptive, make paper mittens 117 Sleighride (p.p.) II II sleigh bells, dramatize 136 22 SEASONALSOlfGS


Music Source Publisher Oomment Page

Snowflakes New Music Horizons: S.B.J. gay, dancing, turning 54 Experiences in Music for li'i rst Grade ,~hildren Our Snowman funny, descriptive, with tone 55 " " games Icicles and Bicycles about Winter, Summer, wheel, 55 " " skates, high-low, with tone games Presto (p.p.) snowflakes 63 SleepiDg Snowdrops Growing "with Music, Book I P.H." quiet song 11 First Snow " " funny song, rocking rhythm 28 Down the Mountainside We Making Music Your O~rn, S.B.O. loud-soft, dramatize the echo 62 Go Book I Winter, ade ! (Winter, Good-byl) tuned bells 79 " " or tuned bottle accompani- ment Js.nuary A Singing School: Our .J.C • .B. about the short days and long 239 :n rat Music nights DanciDg Snowflakes II II whirling; brightly 240 The Snowflakes II u des,'.}riptive song 240 Drif tiDg Snow II II day and night, soft and white 241 Fun in the Snow II II about winter fun with sled 241 Fro sty Snowman II II about staying outdoors all night 241 II II ~Snowman descriptive song; was melted 242 next morning Two Fine Sports II II building a snow fort and reading 242 Drip, Icicles, Drip I II II slow; Italian folk tune 243 Snow Balls II II about rolling snow balls and 243 building a fort 23 SEASOWALSONGS


Music Sour~e Publisher :Jorrunent Pa.;e:e Winter Nights A Singing School: Our C.C.B. wondering question; far off 244 First .Music sounds seem near Skaters' Waltz (p.p.) E. Waldteufel; skating: indi- 246 " " vidually or in pairs Throwing Snowballs (p.p.) II II (Look Out); dramatize 247 Icicles Dripping II II words are spoken gradually 248 going down the scale in stacc~tomanner; descrip- tive; alternated piano solo and suoken part A Sleigh Ride The lviusic Hour, lfirst Book S.B.;J. about driving h~rses,-scale 56 song The Happy Eskimo II II descriptive; sc:,le song 70 Last ..:Jight Listen anG. Sing; The Ginn soft, Lettish folk tune about 83 World of Music the snow Fun in WintP.r It ti descriptive song 101 Snowflakes Softly Falling This Is ifasic, :Book I .A. & B. Group I sing the song, Group 116 Down II sing 1100 11 throughout the repeat while the other group dances; light bend- ing, whirling; accompany with triangle, rice shaker, two water glasses tuned to G and D The Snowman II II funny song; bell or xylophone 116 glissando at end There Is an Old Granny If II high-low; funny song; bell or 117 xylophone upward glissando at end 'Three Water Glass Tunes II II 11Winter, 1111S1)ring, 11 11Summer11 119 24 SEA.SONAL smms

WilJT:t£R lvmsic Source Publisher Jornment Page

The Snow Birchard l\lusic Series Book S.-B. (Juchhe) by Karl !.~arx,a con- 66 One: A Jom/rehensive temporary composer living Book of ?'1usic and in Germ.any; German and Activities for the English words; abo'.lt snow :F'irst Grcde and. builcJng e snowmen; bell or pi~nointroduction; autoharp; ;d. th poem "Saasons" 25 SEASONAL SONGS


Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Swing High, Swing Low First Grade Book Ginn high - low 30 Heer the Rain II " use instruments 12) Hear the Little Raindrops sound of rain, imitative play 125 A Bird Came "fl "II tone call 138 The Sun Is Warm II sun melts snow, icicles 137 When Blue Sky Smiles "II If happy song 137 Birds in the Woods (p.p.) II soft, smooth 138 The Tulip Tree " descriptive 139 "II " Waltz (p.p.) " free play 139 Valsette II II free play 140 My Garden II II work song, short 141 Planting Seeds ti II lettuce, corn, peas, tomatoes 141 A May Basket II II about a robin, baby robins 142 The Cornish Mey Song (p.p.) II fl improvise a spring dance 142 A Rainy Day American ~inger,Book I A.B.C. rhythm stick accompaniment 39 March " II long, Spring is coming. 40 Spring Is Here II II descriptive 41 Pussy Willow II II descriptive 43 Working II II imitative play 45 The Seasons II II dramatizing: growing, call- 49 ing, falling, drifting My May Basket for May Day 66 "II " April II descriptive 42 It's Raining II ti tap fingernails on drum head 44 Planting My Garden II II descriptive 46 Our Garden II ti flowers 47 Let's Dance Around the Music for Young Americans A.:a.c. circle, dance 49 Tree 26 SEASONAL SONGS


Music Source Publisher Co!llJllent P~ Spring Music for Young Americans A.B.C. marbles. jumping rope 49 Green Grow the Leaves tt II accompany with shakers, sticks, 50 bells, tambourines Tira Lira II II orioles, robins sing 51 Deep in the Woods II II robin, violet 51 Dayeynu Music for Living Through S.B.J. traditional song of thanks sung 126 the Day at the Pasaover table Mud II II descriptive, wade in mud,bare- 127 foot Spring Is Joming II II question-answer, descriptive, 130 Summer, Autumn, Winter, to teach seasons Plants Growing (p.p.) fl II dramatize, slow, gently 140 Springtime New Music Horizons: S.B.,J. leapfrog, hopscotch, marblee 65 Experiences in Music for First Grade Jhildren Little Miss Tulip II II descriptive, robin in second 68 verse Pussy Willow tt II riddle song, to develop feeling 70 for phrase, walk, change directions every four measures In Maytime II fl Maypole dance song 73 The Little Man in the II ti dramatize, descriptive, running, 78 Wood used in "Hansel and Gretel 11 Spring 1 s Messenger II II the cuckoo bird's call 121 Spring Is Here l Music Round the Jlock F .P.J. bells accompaniment, gay, wel- Sl come song 27 SEASONALSONGS


Music ______~~~-~-=So~~ _____ Pu_bli sher Oomment ~ Pussy Willow A Singing School: Our J.J.B. descriptive; compares it to 280 Fi rat iJiusic a puBBy cat Dear Little Buttercup II ti question-answer 287 Good Gardening II II plant, weed, hoe, and water 287 posies; change to 11You will have carrots (etc.) to eat today. 11 A June Tune II II lazy song; about June activi- 288 ties; swing, lie and watch the clouds, dig, and a pool The Hurdy-Gurdy Man II ti Spring; Italian folk tune 288 Lavender's Blue II II traditional gay song; Old 289 English song; work, plough, make hay, and cut corn Jumping Rope II ti describes rope jumping sounds; 290 spring Pusey Willow II II 11Would you like to purr and 290 sing? 11 Spring Bells II II about May bells; gaily and 294 lightly Dandelion II II descriptive song 295 Apple Blossoms II II creative dance; about blossoms 296 falling, bees humming Morning Mood (p.p.) II II Grieg; for quiet listening 298 All About April (p.p.) II II music of raindrops, sparrow, 298 and robin Spring Song (p.p.) 11 II Adolf Henselt; for listening; 299 simplified 28 SEASONALSONGS


Music Source Publisher Comment Pa.e:e

May The Music Hour, First Book s.n.o. descriptive song 73 The Coming of Spring Listen and Sing: The Ginn descriptive song; happy 109 World of iViusic Pusey Willow It II about the coming of Spring 110 Beautiful Spring II If question-answer; for 1st choir, 115 2nd choir, all Three Water Glass Tunes This Is Husic, Book I A. & B. "Winter, 11 "Spring, 11 11Surnmer11 119 The Spring (p.p.) II II Melody by Mozart; clap, swing, 119 skip, gallop; dramatize Winter Is Vver II II Italian - Swiss folk tune; 120 about the weather and birds building nests Spring Ti.me II It about spading and ple.nting 120 gardens; dramatize out- door activities There Ca.me to My Window II II Mother Goose; bells, autoharp 121 accompaniment; about a robin's song Springtime Has .Jome Birchard Musi~Series Book Japanese children's song; about 69 One: A Jomprehensive the flowers and birds; Book of Music and Jhildren can play piano Activities for the or bell introduction and First Grade a.cc ompanime n t 29 SEASON.ALSONGS


Music Source Publisher Co.rrunent Page

SUL"l!ller Is A-Jo.ming In This Is lviusic, Book I A. & B. Old English round tune; finger 119 (p •P•) cymbals; May be played on a recorder, tonette, song flute, melody flute; (Sumer Is Icumen In) It 1 s Sum.mer Birchard Music Series Book S .-B. Austrian folk tune; gay song 69 One: A Jomprehensi ve about playing ball, pic­ Book of Music and nics, and catching fish; Activities for the Play e_nd sing "Fiddle, F'i rst Grade fiddle, fay" (G, A, G) on piano or bells. 30 SPEJIAL DAY SONGS


ivlueic Source Publisher Co.lll.illent P~e

I•iy Birthday Is ".'oday First Gr~deBook Ginn repetition of words; short 83 Birthday March (p.p.) II 11 high-low; .march 84 Happy Birthday II 11 reoeti ti on of words 84 A Birthday Song American Singer, Book I A.B.J. ohant the birthday count 16 Hap~yBirthday to You Music for Young Americans A.B.'J. school or party song 135 Happy Birthday II 11 chant; clap the number of 136 birthdays Birthday Song Music for Living Through S.B.C. circle for cake, six candle 28 the Day children Birthdey Song New Music Horizons: S.B.J. counting; raise arms, wiggle 8 Experiences in Music fingers like flames, drop for First Grade arms at 11Whew1 11 'Jhildren Greetings II II happy birthday, good morning, 33 with tone call He.ppy Birthday Music Round the Clock F.P.:J. song for guessing the child's 72 age; skipping Happy Birthday Song Growing with Music, Book I P.H. ge.y, repetitive song 54 A Birthday Wish A Singing School: Our J.C.B. We all sing the wish together. 86 First Music The Birthday Party II ti Mary is having a birthday and 86 is seven years old. The Birthday Party Listen and Sing: The Ginn invitation song; question-answer 40 World of Music A Birthday II II high-low; Belgian folk tune; 57 happy wishes for a child Birthday Song Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. question-answer song; class sing~46 One: A Comprehensive birthday child's solo, Book of Music and class sings; Birthday Activities for the child counts, sings and ]'ir st Grade plays B on the melody bells. 31 SPECIALDAY SONGS


P.,M!. Mueio Source Publisher Oom=m.....e.... n"'"'t'------· Halloween First Grade Book Ginn ghost sounds, witches, cats, 85 goblins Halloween Night (p.p.) II II dramatize 85 Little Jack Pumpkin ]'ace " II growth; change in a pumpkin 86 Elfin Dance (p.p.) " II quiet, soft 86 Halloween Witches II II riding, flying on a broom 88 There Was a Little Goblin II II ritard, high-low, long 88 What a Surprise II high-low, dramatize 89 Funny Witches American" Singer, Book I A.B.1). descriptive 55 Brownies and Witches " II accented notes, climax 55 Tonight Is Halloween Music for Young Americans A.B.C. spooky song 137 Who's Behind Me? II act out words, slow, mysterious 138 " II Halloween " scarily, ghosts, witches, 139 Witches and Owls " act out w rds, stirring 111 Halloween " II rattles, notched rhythm stioks, 111 " sand blocks, crashing cymbal It's a Pumpkin 11 descriptive of uses, high-low 112 Witches' Dance (p.p.) New Music Horizons: s.:a.a." imitative 44 Experiences in Music for First Grade Jhildren Pretty Little Pumpkin II II gay, jack-o-lantern 45 Halloween Mask II " march time, make paper masks 45 The Far.mer in the Dell It II nursery rhJ'lile, circle singing lo4 game, change to 110h, Hal­ loween Is Here 11 Trick or Treat Music Round the Jlock F .P.'.}. descriptive 69 Halloween Growing with Music, Book I P.H. des~ribesthe night; witches 50 and goblins; mysteriously 32 SPECHALDAY smms


Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Ohickam.y, Jhickamy, Jraney Making Music Your Own, S.B.J. game chant, counting l - 12, 31 Crow Book I witch, tag game Bobbing for Apples A Singing School: Our .J.C.B. descriptive 41 First Music Hal lo we 'en The Music Hour, First Book S.B.C. descriptive song 16 Halloween Listen and Sing: The Ginn about jack-o'-lanterns, witches, 32 World of Music owls and brownies Halloween's Coming This Is Music, Book I A. & B. teacher solo, child's solo, all 94 sing; add verses; adapt for other holidays ·rhe He>lloween Hight Parade for Halloween class parade; 95 " " dramatize; One child with jack-o 1-lantern be at home, 11goblin 11 rings his door- bell, 11paraders 11 leave a head of cabbage on the doorstep to bring good luck to the house for the year; drum, piano intro­ duction; slow, deliberate Jack-0 1 -La.ntern Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. descriptive song; accompany 88 One: A Jomprehensive with sticks, wood blocks, Book of .i.>i:u.sicand drums Activities for the First Grude Ghost Dance II (The Farmer in the Dell); 89 " galloping rhythm; circle choosing game; dramatize; with poem, "Do You Be­ lieve in Witches? 11 33 SPECIAL DAY SONGS


Music Source Publisher Comment Page Mister Turkey First Grade Book Ginn short, strutting, gobbling tur- 90 key Heavenly Father " " prayer of thanks 90 Over the River and Thru dramatize 91 the Wood " " Praise God From WhomAll Old Hundredth, prayer 91 Blessings Flow " " Thanksgiving Day American Singer, Book I A.B.O. smell of food 56 Pumpkins short, repetitive song 57 Gobble l " " question-answer 57 Thanking God " " short prayer 58 Thanksgiving Day Music for" Young Americans A.B.c." food: turkey, sweet potatoes, 139 salad, pumpkin pie Thanksgiving Song " " prayer, reverently, church 14o Father, We Thank Thee prayer, night, morning, rest, 140 " " food, care Over the River and Thru gay, grandfather's house, sleigh 113 the Wood " " ride, use ankle belle Thankfulness rQund, prayer 113 My Father's Children " " slow, spiritual 114 Mr. Turkey " " imitative, gobble 114 Thanksgiving Song New Music" Horizons: S.B.C." family, food, thank God 46 Experiences in Music for First Grade Children Grace for a Child soft, slow song 47 ]'ive Fat Turkeys Growing "with Music, Book I P.H." funny song 51 America Making Music Your Own, S.B.C. traditional, Pilgrims 42 Book I 34 SPECIAL DA.YSONGS


Music Sour.>:e Publisher Comment Page

Over the River and Through Making Husic Your Own, S.B.J. gallop to Grandfather's house, 44 the Wood Book I let heads bob up and down, ankle bells F'ather, We Thank Thee II II prayer, thank thee and help us 48 America A Singing School: Our 'J.·J.B. traditional 93 First Music Pies for Sale II gay song about pumpkin pie 163 The Turkey ti " funny, descriptive song 164 Hi I Ho I the Wagon l II 11" about pumpkins and turkeys for 165 Thanksgiving Over the River II II home gathering song; at Grand- 166 father's house; sleigh bells Polly, Put the Kettle On ll II traditional; gives the concept 167 of fun, frolic, and food; gay aong Thank Thee, Lord 11 " prayer; about the world and food 168 Hymn of Joy It II Beethoven; quiet hymn of thanks 168 for warm winds, starry nights, all things growing For Thanksgiving II II quiet h1mn.of thanks for fruit, 168 grain, sun, rain Thanksgiving tr II quiet hymn of thanks for good 169 things, guarding and watching us For the Beauty of the II II hymn of praise 169 Earth Father, We Thank Theel II II hymn; repetitive 169 Thanksgiving Day II 11 home gathering song at Grandma's 170 35 SPECIAL DAY SONGS


Music Source Publi sher Oomment Page_

There is a Happy Land A Singing School: Our :J. J.B. by s. S. Wesley; for listening 172 (p.p.) First Music Jome, Thou Fount of Every II II by John Wyeth; for listening 172 Blessing (p.p.) Than.1'::sgiving Our lirst Music, First Book S.B • .J. happy holiday song 19 The Turkey and the Hen Listen and Sing: The Ginn two choir conversation song; 16 World of Music Danish folk time Mister Turkey II If descriptive song about a strut­ 58 ting turkey Thanksgiving Da.y ti II lists the things to be thankful 60 for Mister Duck and Mister This Is ivhl.sic, Book I A. & B. animal greeting song 96 Turkey The Turkeys Run A way If II dramatize; descriptive song, 96 turkeye talk to the farmer Thank You for This Lovely II II melody bells; autoharp; bless 97 Day families, friends, food Grace Song If II bells, autoharp 97 Over the River Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. Old American song sung with 90 One: A Comprehensive spirit; clap with cupped Book of Music and hands; rhythm sticks or Activities for the wood blocks; softly cla2 First Grade for introduction; with poem, 11Grace 11 A Thankful Song II II Alsatian folk song; autoharp; 91 the.nks for family, S;Jhool, playmates 36 SPE~IALDAY SONGS


lilusic Source Publisher Oomment Pa~e Song of Praise Bircllard Mu.sic Series Book S.-B. Jewish song (excerpt); step- 92 One: A Co~prehensive pin.g rhythm; harvest song; Book of Music and circle, join hands, move Activities for the left, move right; drum, First Grade tambourine accompaniment Table Hymn tt " Ohassidic Hymn; joyous hymn 92 usually sung after meals 37 SPECIAL DAYSONGS


Muaic Source Publisher Oomm.ent Pa,ge Away in a Manger First Grade Book Ginn imitative 92 0 Little Town of Beth- u u descriptive 93 lehem 0 Come, Little Children u " manger scene, descriptive 94 Silent Night ff " softly 95 Up on the Housetop u " Snap fingers on "Ho, ho, ho." 97 Jolly Old Saint Nicholas " u dramatize 98 Now It's Christmas Time " ff repetitive 98 Jingle Bella u ff rhythm instruments, danae 99 I'm a Little Christmas ff " descriptive 100 Tree Santa'• Coming sleigh belle, triangle, ten- 96 " " penny nails The Angele Came " " very short, Bethlehem 93 We Three Kings of Orient " " the oh.oru.s only 94 Are The First Noel " " the choru.e only 95 Jingle, Jingle " " sleigh belle, short 96 Sleigh Bells rhythm inatrumente 100 Christmas Tree March " " processional around a Christmas 101 (p.p.) " " tree Christmas Be 11 s American Singer, Book I A.B.C. pull bell ropes on accented 58 words Jingle, Jingle " " Accompany the song by bells. 60 The Christmas Tree " tt chimes 60 Christmas Holidays ff " descriptive, happy song 61 I'll Hang My Stocking u u descriptive 62 J1I1gle Bells u ff bells, dance 154 In the Starlight Music for Young Americans A.B.C. drums, shakers 141 38 SPECIALDAY SONGS


Musio Souroe Publisher Comment Page Christmas Lullaby Musio for Young Amerioans A.B.C. oongo drum, maracas, gourds, 141 shakers Jolly Old Saint Nicholas II It traditional 142 Merry Christmas II II trian&le, eas7 to adapt to fit 143 a partioular moment Saint Nioholas II II desoriptive, toys 144 Jingle :Selle Musio for Living Thr~ s.:e.c. dance, trot, bells 118 the Da7 Christmas Ohant II 11 Gregorian 119 Away in a Manger If II dramatize 119 It Las Posadas Songs Mexioan, des~riptive,breakin& 120 " the pinata 0 Christmas Tree II descriptive, dance, circle tree 121 Holiday Song "II II can adapt to other holidays, 122 jolly Merry Bells of Christmas 11 It Play low, slow, heavy for big 122 Ring bells. Play high, light for tiny bells. Now It Is Ohrist!Il2.s It II creative dance 123 Christmas Carol {p.p.) New Musio Horizons: S.B.C. happy, Norwegian folk song 47 Experiences in Musio for First Grade Jhildren Silent Night, Holy Night ti II tenderly, hum 48 Away in a Man&er II II slow, quiet song, dramatize 48 Little Jack Horner II II 49 Jingle Bells It II choru.s only, rhythm sticks, 49 jingle sticks, sleigh bells, triangles, tambourines March of the Marionettes II march time 50 (p.p.) " 39 SPE:)IAL DAYSONGS


Muaio------Souroe- Publisher Comment _ Page

A Babe Lies in a Cradle New Mu.sic Horizons: S.:B.C. Christ, good will, peaoe, 51 Experiences in Mu.sic sweetly for First Grade Children Deak the Hall II " gay, lively dance, traditional 52 Oh Come, All Ye Faithful II stately processional 52 "II Round the Christmas Tree " gay, descriptive 53 Three Little Kittens Musio Round the Clock F.P.C. bell, meow introduction, 56 Christmas pie, dramatize II II Santa ~lausWill Soon gay song, descriptive 74 Be Here Jingle Bells II II bell introduction, chorus only, 76 dance Away in a Manger II II dramatize, autoharp, cords 78 We Wish You a Merry II II gay, lively song, belle, triangle, 79 Christmas jingle etioks, with poem Oh, Come, Little Children Growing with Music, Book I P.R. to Bethlehem, tells a story 52 Dame, Get Up and Bake Making Music Your Own, S.B.J. traditional song 52 Your Pies :Sook I I Saw Three Ships II II English :Jarol, dramatize, three 53 children hold colored scarves and sail around the room, cymbals with soft mallets The Friendly :Beasts II II story tells of the part animals 54 played on Christmas Eve 0 Tannenbaum II II descriptive dance; with spirit 56 Jingle :Selle II II trot; ankle bells; chorus only 57 4o SPECIAL DAYSONGS


Musio Souroe Publisher Comment Page

The Angel Band Making Music Your Own, S.B.C. ringing instruments; oounting 58 Book I song- l 10; Child one, instrument one, come in when we sing one; Child two, instrwnent two, come in when we sing two, etc. Continue to play to the end. We Wiah You a Merry II happy, funny song 6o Christmas " Mira la don don della II It Italian folk song hummed by 11 La Befana. in the Christmas story, "La Befana11 (The Good Witoh). Story on page 60 of ea.me. Sleep, Sleep, Lovely ti II Italian Christmas lullaby sung 61 Babe by La Befana in the Christmas story, 11La Befana, 11 (The Good Witch). Sto17 on page 60. Santa Claus Game II II (of eight calls); for tone 223 matching; Eaoh child, who imitates correctly, takes his place to form a line of reindeer, sleigh, sleigh­ bells, Santa Claus, pack of toys. The group gallops around the room to "The Wild Horsemen," page 232. 41 SPECIAL DA.YSONGS


Mu.sic Source Publisher ColllJilent Pa.e:e

Christmas Is Here A Singing School: Our o.c.B. Old English song; repetitive 223 First Music Kolyada fl II (Yuletide) Ukranian folk tune 224 about Christmas pudding and cakes; rhythm sticks, drum I Saw Three Shipe II II Old English Carol; bells 224 When Santa Rides II II about Santa, hanging stockings, 224 and Christmas trees all over the world Christmas Packages II II describes the wrapping and giv- 225 ing them away Away in a Manger II II Martin Luther; smooth song; 226 dramatize Christmas Secrets II ti about children hiding presents 227 Making Presents II 11 for mother, father 228 Pats.pan II II Old French tune about playing 228 a drum and flute; drum, whistle A Cradle Oarol II II Russian folk tune; scale song 229 with echo; descriptive Mary's Lullaby " II Tyrolean Oarol; smooth, soft; 230 children's part, teacher's part A Peppermint Oane II II funny song about Marie eating 230 a cane off the tree Jingle Bells II II bells, sticks; imitative: Santa 232 Claus riding his reindeer The Wild Horseman (p.p.) II II Schumann; vigorous gallop; drwn, 232 tambourine 42 SPECIAL DAY SONGS


Music Source Publisher Comment Page March of the Three Kings A Singing School: Our o.c.B. French folk tune used by Georges 233 (p.p.) First Musio Bizet; imitative: stately march of the Magi Christmas Polka (p.p.) II Swedish; creative dance about 233 " the Christmas tree March (p.p.) II II From the Nutcracker Suite by 234 Tchaikovski; sticks, drums, cymbals, bells Children's Ohristmas II II Mendelssohn; sticks, drwns, 235 Piece (p.p.) cymbals, bells He Shall Feed His Flook II II In 11The Messiah11 by Handel; 235 (p.p.) dramatize shepherds watch- ing their flocks March of the Toys (p.p.) II II parts are written for bells, 236 triangle, rhythm sticks, wood block, tambourine, cymbal e, dru.m On Christmas Eve The Mu.sic Hour, First S.B.O. about Santa's sleigh and rein- 25 Book deer Christmas Stockings II II about three children waiting 29 for Santa Christmas Bells II II high-low 30 Let Us Be Merry Listen and Sing: The Ginn Polish Carol 81 World of Musio Christmas Time It II lists all the things u I like" 82 Christmas Morning II II about finding a music box in 84 a sock Light, Light Our Candle II II French folk song 85 A Jolly Little Man II II about Santa 88 43 SPECIAL DAYSONGS


Music Source Publisher Comment Pa.e:e Jesus Barned in Bethlea This Is Music, Book I A. & B. folk song from Virginia; soft, 98 rocking rhythm; add verses Jhri stmas Jarol II II melody bells, psalteries accom- 99 paniment; piano or autoharp; tells a story - three kings gave gifts, Jesus gave love, peace and liberty. Ohorale II II from the 110hristmas Oratorio" 100 by Bach; accompany with bells, drums; hum As I Sat on a Sunny Bank II II traditional English, 15th 101 century song; sleigh bell introduction, interlude and coda; 11I saw three ships ••• on Christmas Day in the morning. tt II II Ringing Bells Group I sing the descant ~~th 102 one child playing bells, Group II sing the melody; for '.Jhri stmas or Eester Santa Jlaus, You Good 11 II Old Dutch song; add verses lo4 Old Man Holiday Dance II It tune from Sweden; skipping 105 rhythm; creative dance; sleigh bells II II ~arolof the Shepherds Bohemian folk tune; melody bell~106 (p.p. ) drums, cymbals, triangles, jingle bells, finger cymbals 44 SPEClA.L DAY SONGS


Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Good King Wenceslas (p.p.) This Is Music, Book I A. & B. traditional tune; bells, 106 psalteries, sticks or drums Silent Night Birchard Mu.sic Series Book S.-B. sing softly 94 One: A Jomprehensive Book of Music and Activities for the First Grade Go Tell It on the Mountain II II Negro spiritual 94 .Viary Rad a Ba by II II Negro spiritual; May be sung 95 as call and response, class singing, 11.My Lord. 11 The Ohris t.mas Tree ti II gay, English Yule Game; drama- 95 tize; rhythm instruments Up on the Housetop II II dramatize; snap fingers on 96 llclick, click, click"; autoharp Jhrist.m.as Toys II II group part, solo part; song 97 about the toy a child would like to be; drama- tize; sound effects - sand blocks for engine, drums for jet; add verses 45 SPECIAL DAYSONGS


Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Happy New Year A Singing School: Our ').J.:R. heavily; old year done, new 87 First .Music year begun New Year The Music Hour, First Book S.B.C. about horns a.nd whistles blow­ 32 ing; scale song Holiday Dance This Is Music, Book I A. & B. Tune from Swed.en; skipping 105 rhythm; creative dance; sleigh bells 46 SPECIAL DAYSONGS


Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Sevivon Music for Young Americans A.B.O. magic top spun on Hanukkah, 145 The Festival of Lights On This Night Music for Living Through S.B.C. light one candle, two, etc. 118 the Day of the Menorah; count to eight Hanukkah Music Round the Clock F.P.O. descriptive; Hanukkah Feast 73 of the Dedication, be­ ginning about March 24 A Sone for Chanuka This Is Music, Book I A. & B. (Hanukkah); Jewish folk tune; 107 creative dance; finger cymbals, triangles, jingle bells Little Jandles Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. Eight children representing 93 One: A Comprehensive Hanukkah candles are Book of Music and touched by one who pre­ Activities for the tend.a to light them. First Grade They extend arms over heads, as a candle flame, and sway gently. 47 SPECIAL DAY SONGS


Music Sourae Publisher Comment P8.11:e

Torah Ora.h Musia for Living Through S.B.~. circle; walk, alap; bells, 115 the Day drums; Jewish holiday song, January 23rd, Rejoicing over the Law 48 SPECIAL DAY SONGS


- Music Source Publ!sher Comment -·-- p~ Be My Valentine First Grade Book Ginn valentine verse 102 ]'or Y-0-U " II about spelling children's names 102 Valentine American Singer, Book I A.B.C. short, repetitive 62 Naking Valentines " II counting 63 Be My Valentine Music for Young Americans A.B.O. happy song 146 Have a Heart II II repetitive 147 Valentine Song Music for Living Through S.B.O. descriptive; adapted from 126 the Day 11Holi day Song" page 122 0, Valentine ~·ewMusic Hori zone: s.B.c. waltz rhythm 79 Experiences in Music for First Grade Ohildren My Valentine Music Round the Clock F.P.J. high-low 60 Valentines Red Growing with Music, Book I P.H. for passing out valentines, one 55 for teacher, too New River Train Making Music Your Own, s.:a.o. This train brings a load of 84 Book I hearts for St. Valentine's Day; dramatize Valentine ~uestions A Singing School: Our c.c.B. Who sends them, who gets them? 89 First l11usic Valentine's Day The Music Hour, First Book s.:a.c. high-low 44 T~o Little Valentines Listen anc Sing: The Ginn about making and giving valen­ 102 World of Music tines Valentines This Is Music, Book I A. & B. accompany with bells, drums, 108 sticks, triangles, tam­ bourines, cymbals; ~~th chant; create own chant 49 SPEG IAL DAY SONGS


Music Source Publisher Comment Page

My Valentine Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. Scottish folk tune; choose 98 One: A '.Jo.mprehensi ve partners and take turns Book of Music and singing, second stanza, Activities for the join hends and skip; clap First Grade A Valentine for Mother " " 11and one for Daddy too 11 98 50 SPEJIAL DAY SONGS


Music Source Publisher Comment Page

St. Patrick's Day A Singing School: Our ~.'.).B. about the piper playing, the 90 First Music children dancing; St. Patriok 1 s Day, March 17th St. Patrick's Day (p.p.) II II lively march; Old Irish Air 98 The Girl I Left Behind II II (The Rambling Laborer): Old 98

l~e(p.p.) Irish Air for St. Patrick's Day 51 SPECIAL DAY SONGS


Mu.sio .. §P'!.l!Ce... __ ·~~~~~~--Publi~herComment Page

Easter Eggs First Grade Book Ginn about oolors of eggs, question 108 Easter Morning II dramatize 108 Ringing Bells (p.p.) "II II bells, chimes, gongs 109 Le Oarillon (p.p.) II II from 11L 'Arlesienne Suite, 11 110 listening Easter Sunday (p.p.) II II slow, softly 110 The Chimes American Sin~er,Book I A.B.J. triangle or chimes g SpriDg Is Here II II descriptive 41 It 1 e Easter Today II II high-low 67 Hot (}rosa Buns Musio for Young Amerioans A.B.O. traditional, England, made for 148 Easter Day Easter Eggs II II coloring eggs 149 Ea.ster Egg Hunt II II de soripti ve 150 Now It Is for LiviDg Through S.:B.O. change words for Easter 123 the Day Easter Eggs II II counting, whisper-sing, teaoh 126 colors Easter Eggs New !'!Usie Horizons: S.B.C. ohaDge color names, to teach 68 Experiences in Musio colors for First Grade Ohildren Easter Bells II II happy soDg, clap on 11DiDg, ding, 69 dong" Hot Croes Buns II II traditional, rhythm instruments 103 Mr. Ea.star Rabbit GrowiDg with Music, Book I P.H. gay song, rabbit is talking 56 about his job Easter Eggs A Singing School: Our J.J.B. descriptive: color, candy eggs, 91 First Music eggs, real eggs The Strife Is O'er II II old Easter hymn 95 Hot Cross Buns II II traditional; dramatize 268 52 SPEOIAL DAY SONGS


Music Source Publisher Comment Page Early Easter Bunny Listen and Sing: The Ginn soft, smooth song 113 World of Music Ringing Bells This Is Music, Book I A. & B. Group I sing the descant with 102 one child playing bells, Group II sing the melody; for Christmas or Easter The Easter Bunny " II imitative; add verses 109 Easter Bells II II Group I - bells or voices, 110 Group II bells or voices; with chant, "Song of Solomon 2: 11-13 .Jhrist, the Lord, Is It ti Easter Hymn from 11Lyra David- 110 Risen Today ica 11; first part - bells and voices, second part - shake rattles of all kinds, third part - bells and voices, fourth part - shake rattles; This is the way Easter is celebrated in Guatemala. Eester Bells Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. triangle for accompe.niment; 99 One: A Comprehensive Children may chant "Ding Book of Music and Dong." Activities for the First Grade Hot Jross Buns traditional song; walk, tip­ 147 " " toe run 53 SPECIAL DAY SONGS


Music Source Publisher Comment Page America First Grade Book Ginn traditional 103 Yankee Doodle traditional. dramatize 105 America the Beautiful "u " Children join as able. 106 II "fl There Are V.any Flags high-low. des~riptive 106 Battle Hymn of the II II Jhildren sing the chorus. 107 Republic Star Spangled Banner II fl Children sing as able lo4 Battle Hymn of the American Singer. Book I A.B.(J. Children sing the chorus. 64 Republic Columbia. the Gem of the II II chorus only 65 Ocean The Star-Spangled Banner II II chorus only 65 Washington and Lincoln II II for February. kind. true 65 Our Flag II II descriptive 66 The Flag II descriptive. stand 166 Christopher Columbus Music for" Young Americans A.B.O. sailed from Spain 136 Abraham Lincoln II II president, kind, loved 147 Washington Was First II II first in war, peace, hearts 148 Our Flag It " short. repetitive 152 The :nag II II descriptive, love 152 The Fourth of July II fl rockets at night 153 Columbia. the Gem of the II II chorus, dru.ms, cymbals 153 Ocean Glory, Glory. Hallelujah 1 Music for Living Through s.:s.o. chorus, with majesty 124 the Day Yankee Doodle II ll traditional 124 America ll II traditional 125 America New l~usicHorizons: S.B.O. with dignity 110 Experiences in Music for First Grade Child­ ren 54 SPEOIAL DAY SONGS


Music Source Publisher Comment PB.l!:e

Soldiers' Song New Musio Horizons: s.:e.cJ. descriptive, march, imitative 110 Experiences in Music for First Grade Ohildren America the Beautiful Music Round the Clock F.P.O. chorus only 65 Amerioa " " autoharp chords 66 Our Flag Growing with Music, Book I P.H. majestic, descriptive song 49 America ff ff traditional 58 America Making Music Your Own, S.B.·J. traditional, Pilgrims 42 Book I Battle Hymn of the fl II only, marching, drwn, 82 Republic cymbal accompaniment Our Flag A Singing School: Our a.c.B. for Flag Day, June 14th 87 First Music For the Flag " II descriptive; about the fla& 88 above the school; Fla& DSl', June 14th About Abraham Lincoln II If in martial time; good, brave, 88 flags wave We Sing of Washington It II drum; descriptive; sing and 89 cheer The American Way II II about George Washington 90 America II II tradition.al 93 Battle Hymn of the II II chorus only, connected with 94 Republic Lincoln and the Civil War Columbia, the Gem of the II II chorus only 94 Ocean Hail, Columbia I II II The President's March, chorus 95 only, in honor of Washington 55 SPECIAL DAY so~ms


~~--~ - -~~~--~~~~~~~~~~ Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Yankee Doodle A Singin5 School: Our ~.O.B. form circle with partners, 96 First i11usio :ne.rch, clap, turn around II II Consolation (p.p.) Mendelssohn; for l~emorialDay 98 celebration; for listening i•iy Homeland II II about being glad and proud to 180 be safe Our Democracy II If about freedom 181 Armistice Day The Music Hour, First Book S.B.'.1. descriptive song 22 Lincoln II II descriptive song 40 George Washington If II descriptive song 46 :nag song If II Robert Schumann; about pride 47 and bravery America II 11 traditional 91 The :mag Listen and Sing: The Ginn about a pledge of allegiance; 27 World of Music Swedish folk tune America treditional 138 I'm Proud to Live in This Is "Music, Book I A." & B. about a brave, free land with 161 America truth and liberty Clapping Na.mes of States II II with "Pledge of Allegiance 11 161 Arnerioa II II tradi tiona.l 161 There Are Many Flags in Birchard Musio Series Book S.-B. autoharp 85 Many Lands One: A ~omprehensive Book of Music and Activities for the First Grade America II II traditional 86 The Star-Spa.ngled Banner II II National Anthem 86 56 SPECIAL DAY SONGS


~!Usie Source Rublisher ;~omment Page

A Tune about Trees A Singing School: Our ·J.c.:s. about planting a s8JI1pling 91 First Musia for Arbor Day, late April or early May A Song for May (p.p.) This Is Music, Book I A. & B. Mozart melody; Jreate O'lw'D. verse. 111 Furry Day .Jarol (p.p.) II ti Traditional English tune; 111 "Ji'urry refers to a holi- day or village fair."; creative dance - ~.ayPole dance, processional, parade of Easter hats; rhythm instruments 57 SPEJIAL DAY SONGS


Mus~c Source _Pnhl ----- i ahP'r'_ _ 11nmmon__ +._ P~e

My May Basket American Singer, Book I A.B.C. descriptive 66 May Baskets Music for Young Americans A.B.O. de ecripti ve 151 In Maytime New Mu.sic Horizons: s.B.c. Maypole dance song 73 Experiences in Music for First Grade 'Jhildren Maypole Song II II gay song, come, hurry catoh 74 hands and play May Baskets Making Music Your Own, S.B.:J. descriptive; dramatize; 140 Book I "Hang our Maybaskets and run, II "!fot being CP.ught" means getting back to their eeats at the end. The First of May A Singing School: Our 0 ·;' .B. about de.ncing in a ring and 92 First Music hanging May baskets II Spring Bells about J.v~aybells; gaily and 294 " lightly May Baskete (p.p.) II II with spoken part, 11Knock at 297 the door"; Baskets were supposed to be a. gift from the 11Q,ueen of the May11 58 SPECIAL DAY SONGS


Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Mother's Day Music for Young Americans A.B.i:J. tender song; Mother's Day, 150 May 9th; Father's Day, June 20th For Mother's Day A Singing School: Our O.J.B. for May 9th; I love you, song 92 First Music For Father's Day for June 20th; I love you, song; 93 " " with a gentle swing For Mother's Day Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. adapt for Father's Day 99 One: A Jomprehensive Book of Music and Activities for the First Grade 59 SPECIAL DAYSONGS


Music Source Publisher Comment Pa,ge

Sky Rockets (p.p.) A Singing School: Our J.'.).B. high-low, with glissando 99 First Musio 60 SONGS ABOUT ME, MINE, FAMILY, HOME

Music Source Publisher Comment Pee:e

I'm a Great Big Boy First Grade Book Ginn nursery rhyme 3 I Want to Learn to Whistle " " whistling song 4 Wake Up " II mother's song, child's answer 53 Good Morning H II teacher's song, pupil's answer 54 Daddy " II about daddy at home 54 Up, Little Nila " " call - answer, short 55 When Mother Takes the Fairy II about story time 55 Book " Mama (p.p.) " II smooth, expressive ;6 When Grandpa Comes " II descriptive 56 Our Baby II " descriptive 57 E.'verybody loves Baby II II lullaby 57 How Many Days II II Sing the days of the week. 58 Dance to Your Daddy II II old rhyme 59 Pet-e-Ceke (Pecha, Pecha, II II Jewish, clapping song 60 Kitche La) The Little Hunter II II bear hunting story, foot- 61 riding song Rock-a-by Baby If traditional 62 "II ~leep,Baby, Sleep Germen cradle song 62 "II Baby Dear about father, mother, sister 63 Lullaby II "II prayer 64 Hush-a-by, Sleep II II lullaby, Ukranian 63 Go To Sleepy II II lullaby 64 The Huntsmen ff II dreimatize 65 Father, We Thank Thee " II prayer 66 Resting Time (p.p.) " II soft, smooth 66 Good Night (p.p.) high - low, smooth 67 " II" Good Night to Everyone " repetitive 68 Shepherd, Tender Shepherd ft II bedti1rie prayer 67 Theme (Sonata in A) (p.p.) II soft - loud 68 Sweet Dreams (p.p.) "n II smooth, with poem 69 61 SONGSABOUT ME, MID, FAMILY, HOME

Music Source Publisher Oomment Page Lullaby American Sil18er. Book I A.B.C. to brother or sister, long 4 Sleepy Time II II short, lullaby 7 Baby' e Song II descriptive song "II II Calling tone-matching ~ Sugar John II question ...answer 8 Washing Di ah.es II "II descriptive song 10 A Song to Mother II II thank you 11 Rock.>-a-bye Baby H II traditional 12 Night Time II II sung by teacher io4 Yawning II " descriptive song 105 Lazy Mary II II change name 107 Choral (p.p.) It II listening, slow 108 Morning and Evening " II bend, stretch 136 Singing Time II II descriptive son« 183 Home Music for Young Americana A.B.a. best place to be 10 Jumbo and Dumbo II II funny eong 11 Lazy Little Boy II II accompany with triangle 12 Telephone Song II II triangles. first voices, second 13 voices Never Sleep Late AJl:3 More II II bright, with hum.or, repetitive 14 Rooking Chair II II Bit back to back 15 Lullaby II II moon-night, mother love 16 Time to Sleep II II quietly, sleep and dream 16 My Garden II II dig, plant, weed, hoe 18 Garden Tools II II ehovel, hoe, wheelbarrow 19 Ta.king a Bath II II bath sounds 20 Cup of Tea II II 11Pop Goes the Weasel 11 tune 21 Golden Streets II walk, climb, eat, dreaa. ride, 21 " sleep Shoes Have Tongues II II sad-silly 22 Telephone II II black key melody 25 Nobody Knows My Trouble II II slow, Negro spiritual 106 62 SONGSABOUT ME, MINE, FAMILY, HOME

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Oaptain Jinks Music for Young Americans A.B.O. "Horse Marines, 11 funny 111 All Through the Night II lullaby, guardian all8els 113 Tippy Tippy Tiptoe Music for" Living Through S.B.,J. tiptoe, use finger cymbals 10 the Day Mothers Make a Home II " repetitive, father, children 25 Did You See My Man? II If 11dandlill8" eong, question, 28 deecriptive of clothes Telephone Song If " telephone sounds, tri&Jl8le 30 Upatairs and Down II II fun.ny, 11up and down11 tune 33 Fais do do II lullaby, few French word• 34 If " All Night, All Day If words to help make a child 35 secure Schlaf, Kindlein, Schlaf II II lullaby, few German words 35 Five Angele II II counting, finger play The Lawn Mower II mower sounds, melody ~; The Garden Wall "II spin tops 46 We All Need Home• "II II squirrels, ants, birds, people 46 Happy Tho\18ht New Music Horizons: S.B.J. happy song, about the world l Experiences in Music for First Grade Children Everybody Says II I look like Mother. 2 Joy "II II for tone game 2 Wake Up II use after rest time 4 Ticlr---Tock "II It grandpa's clock, tone call, 4 elow-fast Myself II II love song, tone call 5 The Singing Stair II II scale song 5 Rock-A-Bye, Baby II nursery, swaying, dramatize 6 Lullaby "II II quiet, smooth, swinging 6 A Ohild 1 s Good Night II II to mother, father, love song 7 The Electric Light II II Great grandma's candle 8 63 SONGSABOUT ME, MINE, FAMILY, HOME

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Afternoon Tea New Muaic Horizons: S.B.O. dramatize, with humor, children, 17 Experiences in Music cat, bluebird, with tone for First Grade game Children Beroeuse (p.p.) II II lullaby, quiet listening 22 For Rent " II house, apple tree 34 Good Day II II about flowers, birdies 74 The Morn.iDg-Glory " II descriptive, question-answer 75 The Yellow Priaroae " II I seem tall, smooth soDg 76 The Walls of My Room II II about pictures of Cinderella, 107 Goldilocks, Old KiDg Cole, Mis• Muffet, Jack and Jill, etc. Morning Prayer II II for sleep 108 Lullaby II II Johannes Brahms, rocking, 115 swayi.Dg The Little Dustman II II story soDg, descriptive, 116 dramatize Guardien Angele II II angels watch by night, God by 117 day, dreamy song Cha.neon II French Folk Song about a 118 " married woman, weedin& a garden, feedinc anilll8ls A Bright a.nd Cheerful Music Round the Clock F.P.C. about morniDg, noon, evening, 9 Morning night; with toneMmatohing phrases; use bells; parts for teacher, children, all; Hebrew words al10. Are You Sleeping? II II a round, autoharp, French 11 words al10. Anna Maria, Wake Up l II II bell introduction, skip, 13 drama.tize, same melody as 11Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush" 64 SONGSA.BOUT .ME, MINE, FAMILY, HOME

Music Source Publisher Comment Page The Gardener Music Round the Clock F.P.C. digging, sowing, hoeing; bell 18 introduction; skip; with a French stanza, with poem God Loves Me II II about nature, quiet, smooth song 70 Song of Thank• II II a round, 11Choral Grace, 11 auto- 71 harp, with poem A Ride to Bed II II Old Du.tch nursery song, on 85 dad~, with poem Woolly Bear's Lullaby II II quiet lullaby, about sleeping 86 with a teddy bear Rurro II ff Mexican lullaby; slow, rocking; 88 conveys feeling of security, autoharp accompaniment My Submarine Growing with Musio, P.H. a bar of soap, about bathing, 6 Book I funny song Bedtime Song II II slow, descriptive song 7 All Night, All Day II II Bll8els watching over me, 9 spiritual, protective Riding in a Buggy II II traditional folk song 42 Nicholas Ned II II funDJT song, lost his head and 48 put a turnip on All Night, All Day Making Music Your Own, S.B.C. quiet lullaby, spiritual, strike 32 Book I bedtime hour {G on the tuned bells) as an introduction Five Angels II II countill8 song, fingerplay, 46 groups dramatize Father, We Thank Thee II prayer, thank thee and help 48 " us, good for Thanksgiving 65 SONGS ABOUT ME, MINE, FAMILY, HOME

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Little Wheel A-Turning in Making Music Your O'Wil, S.B.C. has like phrases, create 49 My Heart Book I verses, 11eOII€ a-singing, 11 11love a-living, 11 11bell a-ringing, 11 drum a-beating" My Shadow II II descriptive 78 Hush, Little Baby II II lists all the things Papa 1 1 129 gonna buy, rq.miDl:; worde A Man of Double Deed II II about a garden, same type song 137 as 11Hush, Little Baby, 11 rhyming wrds, Irish folk song Ba.loo Baleerie " II lullaby, folk song from the 144 British Isles, play by ear on tuned bells or tuned bottles Sweet and Low A Singing School: Our o.a •.B. lullaby, swaying rhythm 7 First Music Lullaby II II secure with stars watching, 18 triangle Visitors II II polite, conversation. greeting 19 song A Good Idaa II II to bed With no fu••• wake up 22 and smile Useful ti II about the useful things a boy 24 does for father, baby, grandma and mother with appreciation Grace II II for food Baby' e Prayttr II II God bles• the moon and me 25 Sleep, Baby, Sleep II II triangle; about father and 25 mother and pleasant dreams 66 SONGSABOUT ME, MINE, FAMILY, HOME

Musig____ Source Publisher Comment -- P98e A Drowsy Song A Singing School: Our C.·C.:S. quiet soDg about shadows and 26 First Music sleeping, sway!~ Two I Love n II hurrying home to mother, 26 watching for daddy; skipping A Prayer II II Make us "Q.uick to work and 27 kind in play." .cradle Song (p.p.) II swaying, rooking; for quiet 31 " listening, triangle My House about love of home 50 The Church " "II church bell call to worship, 59 " sing, pray Vesper Hymn II Ruasian Air 62 Rest II" II health song, rest after work 72 and plq A Skipping Song II II lists the names of all the 75 children who can skip; invitation to skip My Owlet II It Kiowa Indian lullaby, swaying 126 Greeting ff ff Passamaquoddy; drum; welcome 129 song to a wigwam; act out words; slow, with dignity The Cradle on the Bo'\l8h II II Omaha; lullaby 132 Cradle Song (p.p.) II II Kwakiutl; lullaby; only one 134 word to SOil8, 11Ha-o," which means Sleep-o Hush, My Babe (p.p.) II II by Jean Jacques Rousseau; 172 for lietenill8 The Spinning Wheel (p.p.) II II Irish folk tune; for listening 172 Running Errands II " about being helpful 176 67 SONGSABOUT ME, MINE, FAMILY, HOME

Music - Source Publisher Comlllent - Page Little Milka A Singing School: Our o.c.B. Russian folk song, about 177 First Music Milka helping mother and father; use children's names When I Grow Up H steady, march tempo; about 178 " being as fine as Daddy and Mother; boy's verse, girl 1 s verse For Today " prayer; help and guard us 181 From the Twenty-third II " 11The Lord is my shepherd" 182 Psalm " God Sees H all day and when I pray 182 His Care II " about God's care all day and 183 " night Come with Singing II ff Gregorian, from the Psalms 184 Praise II II Gregorian, from the Psalms 184 Sing Unto the Lord ff II from the Psalms 184 Mornil'l& Prayer II by Cornelius Gurlitt; for 185 " quiet listening; dramatize Sunday mor~ in« prayer at home At Chu.rah II II Tchaikovski; dramatize sitting 186 quietly in church for the service The Oil Burner " ff descriptive song 190 The Refrigerator II ff descriptive song; lists many 191 foods The Vacuum Cleaner ff II describes its work with 192 imitative sounds The Washer II II describes its work with 193 imitative sound1 68 SONGS ABOUT ViE, MINE, FAMILY, HOME

Musio Source Publisher Comment PWl:e The Toaster A Singing School: Our c.a.B. descriptive song 194 First Music II Kitchen Tools " about beat~r..geggs and baking 200 cookies; pantomime Garden Toole II If a shovel, a rake and a hoe 201 II II The Lawn Mower describes its work with imita~ 202 tiv• sounds My Radio II II deecriptive; gives nel'.'S and 203 music but how does it work John and I If II question-answer; about hearing 275 pigeons aoo, bees buzz, pick a rose, play in the snow Just Fun II II nonsense song about cooking 278 and eating The Three Bears and II II Children's Opera in one act 344 Goldilocks Open th" Windows The Music Hour, First Book S.B.C. wake up song l Good Morning II II about working and playing in 2 the sunshine If II A Cure for Cro~snesa about smiling 4 The Children That People II II about frisky, busy, happy, gentle 9 Love children Ten o'Clock II II bell and clock say "Go to sleep. 11 13 Lullaby II II Russian folk song 28 The Sandman II II descriptive song 34 Grandma II II about grand.ma 1 s visit 36 When Jhildren Say "Good II II about happy smiles and thoughts 38 Morning 11 Indian Lull a by II 11 the owl is watching 45 Slumber Song II II Bach; lullaby 62 69 SONGSABOln ME, MINE, FAMILY, HOME

Music Source Publisher Comment Page c:radle Song The M.ueic Hour, First Book S.B.O. German folk song; father guards 66 sheep, mother shakes the dreamland tree The Echo Man " " high-low song 76 Knitting Song about grandma knitting and tell- 84 " " tales of long ago Sunflowera tt " descriptive song; high-low 88 1 Jhildren s Hymn " ~ Sidlian melody; "dismiss us 90 with thy blessing ••. guide our steps 11 In the Garden Listen and Sing: The Ginn describes lilies, carnations, 18 World of Music and golden haired children Bobby's Nose " " in summer it freckles, in winter 30 it blows; high-low l"iorning a.nd Night " " brightly. softly; about getting 34 up and going to bed; Czech folk tune Two Gardens " " pansies - beans, potatoes, peas 35 corn, carrots; Beethoven Our Store about playing store on a rainy 53 " " day A Modern Jinderella about rubbers to wear in the 54 " " rain Market Day in Town skipping; about a child seeing 62 " " father gallop off to town Three Dukes American traditional; three 80 " " dukes came riding to marry Setting the Table " " Lettish folk tune 93 Seeing descriptive song about a child 107 " " looking at the reflections in a pool; French folk tune 70 SONGS ABOUT ME, MINE, FAMILY, HOME

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

A Long Time Ago Listen and Sing: The Ginn Grandma tells of the olden 130 World of Music days Night and Morning II II high-low; about the moon and 133 sun, getting up and going to bed The Sandman II II light, smooth, Australian folk 135 tune }hild 1 s Prayer II fl Schmnann; quiet prayer of 136 thanks for night and light Hymn of Thanks II II for friends, merry hours, games, 137 plays, books and flowers I Love My Family Thie Is Music, Book I A. & B. lists mother, daddy, sister, 24 brother, baby, grandma, grandfather, cousins, uncles and aunts Little }.'amily II II spiritual of early America; can 25 be played on the black keys of the pieno Beautiful Home, Sweet II II religious folk song of early 26 Home America; names family relatives Henry Hunter II II about running away from home; 31 dramatize with Henry, Mother, Father, two lines of children for railroad tracks Here Jomes i'ifary II II skip; substitute child 1 s name; 32 about a visitor coming to play Hush, My Baby, Don1 t II II child plays piano; about all 32 You Cry the things Daddy ~~llbuy you 71 SOl'IGSABOUT ivIE, i"lIN"E, FA1'IILY, HOME

Music Source Publisher Comment Page Dance to Your Daddy This Is Music, Book I A. & B. traditional nursery song used 33 for "dandling" a baby II II ~other'sKnives and Forks old nursery rhyme with direc- 29 tions for finger play Little Lullaby (p.p.) II II Robert Schumann, Op. 124, No. 185 6; rocking, swaying; for quiet listening Where Do You Live? Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. English folk song; bells; 32 One: A Gomprehensive children can play piano Book of Music and part; question song - Activities for the children answer ma.king ]first Grade up their own melody or words Who's There? II II dramatize; wood block; AmericEn 32 folk song; question-answer song Sleep, Baby, Sleep II II old folk song; child can play 34 piano part; triangle; gentle lullaby Walking with Mother II II dramatize; rhythm instruments 35 II II \~aysto Work traditional singing game; (Here 37 We Go Round the Mulberry Bush); 11mow the lawn ••• the sweeper goes ••• "; add verses; dramatize; rhythm instruments for sound effects Grace II II traditional tune; child can 100 plEcy" on black keys of phno; bells; with poem, 11At !\lorning11 72 SONGSABOUT ME, MINE, FAMILY, HOME

Music Source Publisher Comment Pa.ge

Little Tom Tinker Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. traditional round; high-low; 143 One: A Comprehensive Child can play bell or Book of Music and piano accompaniment. Activities for the First Grade Evening Hymn (p.p .. ) II II Russian Air; dramatize; loud- 150 soft; play loud-toned rhythm instruments 'When the music is loud, soft- toned instruments when the music is soft. Jra.dle Song (p.p.) II ti Schubert; sway gently; imitative 178 73 SONGSFOR PLAY


Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Run end Run First Grade Book Ginn changing directions 12 Tiptoe Song n a changing directions 14 Pop Goes the Weasel n ft skip, climax 17 Galloping II n short, repetitive 22 Trotting n n trotting like running 2.3 Bounce Ball II ti bounce • ball 26 Seesaw n ff voice direction with body 27 Let's Go Skating " n slide and skate 28 Balloons ff It toss balloons, triangle on .35 accent n It Teddy Bear rope jumping song .34 Here We Go " II march on verse 40 Galloping Horse It n a ride to town and back 24 Here We Go A-Riding on e n If train sounds, long 190 Train Yoo Hoo It n question, tone-matching 10 Happy Boys end Girls It " short, about playing 11 We Run (p.p.) It n running, clapping 11 Scherzino (p.).) ff soft, staccato, running 12 "II Running (p.p. ff from "Chimes of Norway" 1.3 II Tiptoe March (p.p.) II tiptoe run, rhythm sticks 14 The Swiss Maid (p.p.) ff walk, bow 15 "II Tiptoe (p.p.) " light, staccato 15 Skipping Song It n short, lightly skipping 16 Welsh Air (p.p.) n " skipping 16 Skipping Theme (p.p.) If " soft, brightly, skipping 17 New-MownHey (p.p.) ff ff skipping 18 Allegro (Sonata No. 1.3) It hopping lightly 18 (p.p.) " Hop, Hop II " to teach right-left foot 19 74 SONGSFOR PLAY


~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~ Music Source Publisher Comment - ~ ------

Gavotte - 14,rom.11 Iphigenie First Grade Book Ginn clapping, tapping 21 enA'Nide 11 (p.p.) Postillion (p.p.) II fl galloping 22 Trotting Horses (p.p.) II II running 23 Bouncing Balle - From II II for bou.ncill8 balls 26 Lucia di Lammel'Uloor (p.p.) Waltz No. 1 (p.p.) II II free play 27 Waltz No. 5 for Skating (p.p.) II II skating, high-low 28 Skating (p.p.) II II long, smooth pushing move111ents 29 Swinging (p•P•) II II Maiden's Dance from 11Faust" 30 Watch Me Swing High II II high-low 31 Swing Song (p.p.) II fl swinging rhythm 31 Off for the Show II II about money 32 Riding Bicycles II II descriptive. imitative 32 Petite Tarentelle (p.p.) II II pushing, whirling and circling 32 in running II II Merry-Go-Round acc~mtnotes 34 Teddy Bear II II rope jumping 34 Impromptu (J?oP•) fl ti stepping, tossing, imitative 35 Marching and Playing We II II Sounds of a drum 36 Come March in F Major (p.p.) ff II march 36 March From "Lucia di II II free play; step, strut, clap, 37 La.mmermoor11 (p.p.) tap A Soldier's Life (p.p.) " II march, imitative 38 Here We Come II II march II Here We Go ff march ~6 75 SONGSFOR ::?LAY


MU8i.Q_ Sour..Q• Publisher Ooilllllent ---- Page Processional I•i9.rch First Grade Book Ginn slow processional 41 (Nordisches Lied) Shoemaker's Dance (p.p.) II II drama.tize 72 II March in {~Major (p.p.) " free play 9 Playing Train American Singer, Book I A.B.O. old fashioned train 30 sonata, Op. 14, No. 2 II walking, w.i th funny chant 111 (p.p.) " Walking Song II If chants for walking 112 March of the Tin Soldiers II imitative 113 (p.p.) " Theme (p.p.) II II walking, staccato 114 Soldiers' March (p.p.) II II march 115 Badinage (p.p.) II If r.mning 116 The Fair (p.:p.) II II running 117 Gypsy Song (p.p.) II " running 118 Betty Martin II tiptoe walk 120 A Tiny Man II" II tiptoe 119 E6ll of the Mountain King II II tiptoe 121 (p .p. ) Jump, Jump II It circle, with chants for jumping 122 Bagatelle (p.p.) II II jumping, staccato, accent 123 The St re.nge Man II II jumping 123 Leap for Life (µ.p.) II It jumping 124 Ecossaises (p.p.) II II hopping 126 Hunting Song (p.p.) II " galloping 127 The Wild Horseman II II galloping 128 Hippity Hop II II skipping, with chants 131 A Curious Story (p.p.) II If ski_!lping 132 Skaters' Waltz (p.p.) II It sliding 134 Sicilienne (p.p.) II II sliding, with chants 134 ~-,,..'!if~L4i".*~:"'F"~~"'':'""--·~w~.'i"'''"'-~"'-T.,,,.,.,,""'"""'"-



------·------Mu~ic -~~~~~~ Source ------____Publisher Comment Page Roller Skating American Singer, Book I A.B.C. skate, instruments on a.ccent 135 Ske.ting " " skate, slide 133 Trees " " dramatize 137 Prelude " tt bend, stretch 138 Swinging High, Swinging tt " up-down 139 Low Learning to Swing " " swinging 141 Mountain March (p.p.) " " high register 142 Waltz (p.p.) " " sweetly, Brahms 143 The Blue Danuoe Waltz ~winging,swaying 145 (p.p.) " " Tarantella (p.p.) " " turning, twisting 146 Dancing Doll (p.p.) " " waltz 148 Reaper's Song (p.p.) " " turning, twisting 149 Take a Little Run About " " staccato notes 150 Jing Jang " " leader - chorus action song 151 Hey Jim Along, Jim Along w~lk,run, hop, tiptoe, act 152 Josie " " out words Indian Dance (p.p.) " " rattles 159 Clapping Hands " " march 185 Hop and Jump " " to teach right - left 186 The Parade " " marching 186 Ten More Miles Music for Young Americans A.B.C. walking 35 On the Skip, briskly. 114 Street (p.n.)4 " " Promenade (p.p.) " " slow walk with chant 115 Mar~h(p.p.) " tt soldiers, accompany with rhythm 115 instruments '.Jhorale (p.p;.) " " for listening 116 On the Move (p.p.) chant for running, loud-soft, 117 " " change tempo 77 SONGSFOR PLAY


Music._ Source Publisher Oom.rnent ·--- P~e Starlight {p.p.) ?'iuei:} for Y'.nmg Americans A.B.:1. tiptoe run with chant 118 Out-cf-Doors (p.p.) II If r1.1.n, walk 119 Theme :In D (p.p.) II staccato notes, tiptoe run 120 "II A Lively Tune (p.p.) " trot with chant 121 On the Range (p.p.) II II lezy gallop with chant 122 Waltz in D (p.p.) ti slide with chant 123 In the Orchard (p.p.) II II" swing, sway, turn 123 Waltz in C (p.p.) II II dance with chant 124 -v;altz I•lelody (p.p.) II II swing, sway, turn 125 Sicilienne (p.p.) II II awing, sway, chant for turning 126 Romanza (p.p.) II If lightly, stepping, turning 128 Barcarolle (p.p.) ti row a boat, ri d.e a see saw 129 Tom-Toms (p.p.) II "II creative dance, accent notes 130 Indian Dance (p.p.) II chant, tom-toms, jingle sticks 131 Theme from A-Major II " swaying 132 Sonata (p.p.) " Theme from Opus 13 (p.p.) II II quiet listening 132 Theme from Impromptu If If quiet, free play 133 (p.p.) Modern Age (p.p.) II II loud, dance, mechanical things 133 Ji'n-Along Josie Music for Living Through s.B.o. skip, walk, cymbal on 11Hi" 10 the Day Little Jumping Joan II II for ball bouncing 40 Let's Go Walking II II up the mountain, all through 49 the woods, etc. Jigglity-Jogglety II II skiy out to play 102 Swinging High II II swing arms, finger cymbals, 102 triangle Out for a Walk (p.p.) II II walking, change to minor key 131 when tired, tempo changes 78 SONGSFOR PLAY


Music Source Publisher Comment PaJ?:e

Gig-u.e (p.p.) Music for Living Through '3.'E.J. skip, bounce ball, row boat 132 the Day II Tarantelle (p.p.) " gallop, h~p. whirl, roll 132 Landler (p.p.) tf II stamping, pushing, pulling, 134 broa(1 jumping, ball bouncing, wading, raking, digging, pitohing, being a bulldozer, with marked accents Round Danae (p.p.) II II imitative, play t88 135 Theme from KinderstU.Cke 11 resting, tenderly 136 (p.p.) " Sleighride (p.p.) " II trot, sleigh bells, dramatize 136 Weltz (p.p.) II If rocking, tossing 137 A Little Joke (p.p.) II II tumbling, skating, sliding, 138 imitative Maroh (p.p.) It II imitative, bears, elephants, 139 work horses Marche (p.p.) If II vigorous, accents 14o II II Plants Growing (p.p.) dramatize, ~iowgently 140 Papillons (p.p.) II II imitative, birds, creative, 141 dre.matize Arra.n Boat Song (p.p.) II It rocking, swaying 142 March (p.p.) New Music Horizons: S.E.C. maroh, high-lo-w 3 Experiences in Music for First Grade :)hildren Waltz in F (p.p.) II II dance, swaying 3 II II Lightly Stepping (p.p.) dainty, dance, wood bleak, tom~ 13 tom, rhythm sticks 19 SONGSFOR PLAY WALKING,RUNNING, HOPPING, SKIPPING, ETC. Musi a Source Publisher Oomment Pue

Catch My Doggie (p.p.) New Music Horizons: S.B.O. clap, run, catch game 14 Experiences in Music for First Grade 1Jhildren Marching in Our Band II II rhythm instrnments 16 (p.p.) Jhineee Temple Dance II II dramatize, oriental procession, 18 (p.p.) Chinese gong or cymbal struck with bass-drum stiok Waltz (p.p.) II II sway, graceful rhythm 22 Children's Party (p.p.) II II background .music for impersona- 24 tion and pretending, panto- mime party fun Prelude in A Major (p.p.) II II bright, happy, high-low, for 25 listening Prelude in 0 Major (p.p.) II II solemn, for listening 25 Here We Go (p.p.) II It march 27 Gigue (p.p.) It It skip, gallop, slide, hop, jump, 38 run Menuett (p.p.) ti II minuet, rhythm instruments 39 March (p.p. ) II II stately maruier 39 A Strange Man (p.p.) ti II listening, .music expresses the 42 shyness of children Waltz (p.p.) ti II listening 58 March in D (p.p.) II II tap, listening 60 Minuet in G (p.p.) II II swinging rhythm 60 Swinging II II swing arms 72 Playmates (p.po) II II waltz time 72 Albumleaf (p.p.) II II for listening, high-low change 78 in second section 80 SONGSFOR PLAY


Music Source Publisher Comment Paa:e

The Mill (p.p.) New Music Horizons: S.B.J. run in circle, swing arms, 83 Experiences in Music form wheel, dramatize for First Grade Ohildren Jountry Danae No. 5, II II low-high, scale, creative dance 85 (p.p.) Hymne (p.p.) II II quiet listening 109 Marching Song II II march time, wave flag, drwn lll Valse (p.p.) II fl creative dance 123 Bagatelle (p.p.) II ti walking or running on tiptoe 124 Gavotte (p.p.) II II for listening, dance, tapping 125 Albumleaf (p.p.) II for listening 126 A Polish Dance (p.p.) II "II running, staccato eighth notes 126 Allegro (p. p. ) II ti Mozart, for listening 127 Sonatina (p.p.) II II Reinecke, for listening 128 Theme (p.p.) II II Beethoven, for listening 128 Berceuse (p.p.) II ti Grieg, for listening 129 Musette (p.p.) II II Bach, for listening 130 Song Without Words (p.p.) II II Tchaikowsky, for listening 130 Arabesque (p.p.) II II Burgmiiller, for listening 132 Waltz in A-Flat (p.p.) II II Brahms, slow, sweet waltz, 133 for listening Minuet in G (p.p.) II II Beethoven, for listening 134 Valse Gracieuse (p.p.) II Dvorak, for listening, swaying 135 " 11 Gavotte (p.p.) II II Grieg, from the suite, From 136 Holberg 1 s Time, 11 for listening Heldge Roses (p.p.) II II Schubert, for listening 136 Marching Song Growing with Music, Book I P.H. same melody as 11When the Saints 10 Jo.!IE Marching In, 11 spiritual Sl SONGSFOR PLAY


Music Source Publisher ColDJllent Page

Walk Along, John Growing wi th Music, Book I P.H. invitation song 13 Four Dukes A-Riding Making Music Your Own, S.B. J. galloping, folk song 135 Book I I On Tiptoe (p.p.) A Singing School: Our ':)•·J.B. tiptoe, by Andre Gretry 10 First Music Prelude (p.p.) II II gentle, soft, quiet lllllsic for 10 listening Waltz {p.p.) ti II gentle, soft, quiet waltz; 11 Brahms When I Take a Walk II II walking, left-right, smile and 17 bow, rhythm sticks Losa (p.p.) If II swaying, rocking; for quiet 31 listening; triangle Jonversation (p.p.) II II Haydn, suggests a high and low 32 voice in conversation Waltz: Southern Roses II If Johann Strauss; smooth waltz; 33 (p.p.) triangle, rhythm sticks Little Hunting Song (p.p.) II II running, galloping; about riding 43 to the hunt; dramatize Waltz (p.p.) II II Grieg; for quiet listening; 44 mood of subdued merriment Theme II ti Mozart; for quiet listening; 44 mood of light, happy grace Chanson Trista II II Tchaikovski; for quiet listening; 45 mood of quiet contemplation Wedding March (p.p.) II Wagner in Lohengrin, for 99 " listening Marching II II drum, cymbals 103 Pinocchio Walks II II walking song 108 Pinocchio Skips II II skipping song 108 82 SONGS J<'ORPLAY


Musi a Source Publisher JoJll!Ilent P~e Scotch Dance (p.p.) A Singing School: Our :J.J.B. Beethoven; creative dance 117 First Music Japtive Jinks (p.p.) II II creative dance, triangle 118 II Butterfly Motive (p.p.) 11 creative dance; triangle, wood- 118 block, tambourine Hide and Seek (p.p.) If II creative dance, drum, woodblock, 119 triangle Ballet from Rosamunde II II Schubert; creative dance 120 (p.p.) Skipping Dance (p.p.) ll II lively, creative dance 120 Ji ty Streets II II marching, about all the people 60 hurrying down the street Hip-pi-ty-hop II II skipping; two or three can lock 63 arms and skip; for candy Poor Robin's Fancy (p.p.) II II skipping, marching; jolly old 63 Engl! sh tune Melody (p.p.) II II (Dear Paris) from Verdi's La 64 Traviata, for quiet listen- ing, triangle Andante (p.p.) II II vlementi; with expression; for 81 quiet listenill€; rhythm sticks, drum, triangle To the Colors (p.p.) " ti when raising the flag 85 Assembly (p.p.) II II when gathering together 85 Reveille (p.p.) II ti getting up; for listening 85 Taps (p.p.) " II for listening; end of day 85 Soldiers 1 March (p.p.) II " Schumann, marching 97 Consolation (p.p.) II II Mendelssohn, for listening, for 98 Memorial Day celebration 83 SONGS :F'OR PLAY


Music Source Publisher Comment Piage

Excerpts from Symphony A Singing School: Our J •. J.B. (Pastora.le), Beethoven expres- 154 No. VI (p.p.) First Music sea happy feelings awakened by arriving in the country, happy gathering of country people, a few peasants dance, happy and tha.Dkful feelings after a storm.; for quiet listening; drama­ tize Country Dance {p.p.) II II Dutch folk dance; for discrimi- 158 nating listening II II P8 storale (p.p.} Mozart; for quiet listening 160 We Will Dance (p.p.) II II Austrian folk d.ance; gay; for 160 quiet listening; rhythm instruments Dance of the Blessed II II from "Orpheus" by Christopher 184 Spirits von Gluck; step sedately Morning Prayer II II by Cornelius Gurlitt; for quiet 185 listening; dramatize Sunday morning prayer at home (}ountry Gardens II II gay; Old English Morris Dance; 2o4 creative dance Dancing Doll II II by Eduard Poldini, abridged; 218 waltz rhythm; for quiet listening The Wild Horseman (p.p.) II II Schumann; vigorous gallop; drwn, 232 tambourine March (p.p.) ti II From the Nutcracker Suite by 234 Tchaikovski; sticks, drums, cymbals, bells 84 SONGSFOR PLAY


Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Skaters' Waltz (p.p.) A Singing School: Our c.c.B. E. Waldteufel; skating: indi- 246 First Music vidually or in pairs At Evening {p.p.) ii II Schumann; for listening 247 The Rider's Story (p.p.) II II Schumann; fast and decisively; 248 for listening Jountry Gardens (p.p.) II II skipping; first section - drums 270 and rhythm sticks, second section - triangles and jingle sticks, third sec- tion - all together Molly on the Shore II II tip-toe running; triangle, 271 kettledrum accompaniment Bourree ll II for listening; soft; Old French 271 tune Song of the Wooden Shoes II II Dutch folk tune; walking; for 282 (p.p.) listening The Jreeted Hen {p.p.) II II Danish folk tune; for listening 283 Humoresque (p.p.) II It Tchaikovski; for listening 284 A Little Dance (p.p.) II II Mozart; for listening 297 Morning Mood {p.p.) ti II Grieg; for quiet listening 298 Rondo-Jap rice II II Beethoven, for listening 299 March (p.p.) II II Tchaikovski; marching 328 Running Horses {p.p.) II II l·1endelssohn, Tarantella; tiptoe 329 run Comic Dance {p.p.) II " Mendelssohn; for listening 329 Pantomime (p.p.) II II (In the Hell of the Mountain 330 King) Grieg; for listening Dainty Dancer (p.p.) ti II Beethoven; for listening 330 Dragon Theme (p.p.) II II Wagner, In Act Two of Siegfried; 330 slow; for listening 85 SONGSl!'OR PLAY


Mu.sio Source Publisher Comment Page

Skipping Along A Singing School: Our C.:J.B. happy song; skipping; to grand- 333 First Mu.sio ma's house China Boy Walks II II rhythm instruments; walking 333 Dancing in the Country II II rhythm instrument accompaniment; 342 (p.p.) Polish folk tune Country Dance (p.p.) II II rhythm instrument accompaniment; 342 for listening Echoes from the Theater II II Schumann; rhythm instrument 342 (p.p.) accompaniment; fast lDllsio; for listening In the Orchard Our First Music, First S.B • .J. walk, skip or tiptoe run 5 Book Skippill(?; Song II II French melody; skip 18 Soldiers• March (p.p.) II II by Robert Schumann 23 Run and Hop II II Swedish folk tune; about 43 ru.nning and hopping Round the Pear Tree Listen and Sing: The Ginn tiptoe ru.n 12 World of Mu.sic A Walk in the Woods II II steady walking rhythm; Ukranian 15 folk tune II II Olimbi~ walking rhythm; lightly, spright- 21 ly; Jarinthian folk tune; high-low Shadow Play II It Mozart; soft; jump, run, hop, 64 walk The Skaters II II skating rhythm; descriptive; 67 Swiss folk tune Horseback Riding II II trot; pretend ride; Swedish 74 folk tune ~~"~~~"'''.":~=-o/"""'~,,..,,~~"""',-




Hey, Betty Martin This Is !-iuaic, Book I A. & B. tiptoe, skip, c~lap,dB.nee, 52 jump, hop, bounce The Spring (p.p.) ti Melody by Mozart; clap, swing, 119 " skip, gallop; dramatize Horsey 1 Horsey 1 II II descriptive horse and buggy 129 song; trot, gallop; coco- nut shells, wood block or castanets Minuet in G (p.p.) II II Mozart; dance; with story, 166 "Mozart Plays for the King and Q,ueen, 11 percussion instruments; clap and rest, walk and turn, swing and whirl, bend and stretch The Staines !v!orris Tune It It Traditional English Dance; 184 (p.p. ) walking, marching Highland Fling {p.p.) II II Scotch folk tune; jumping, le4 bouncing, hopping Kamarinskaia (p.p.) II II Russian folk tune; running, 184 tapping, clapping Galloping (p.p.) II II English tune; galloping 184 To Push the Business On II II Traditional Nursery Tune; skip- 185 (p.p.) ing Twinkle. Twinkle, Little II II Traditional Nursery Tune; tip- 185 Star toe walking Skye Boat Song (p.p.) II II Old Sea ·'Jhanty; swinging, bend- 185 ing Little Lullaby (p.p.) It Robert Schwnann, Op. 124, No. 6; 185 " rocking, swaying; for quiet listening 87 SONGS FOR PLAY


·~~~~·~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~- --~ Music Source Publisher CoI!lll1ent Pa.e:e_

Japriccio in G (p .p.) This Is Music, Book I A. & B. (excerpt) Haydn; rhythm instru- 187 ments Rig-A-Jig-Jig Birchard lvlusic Series Book S.-B. in walking rhythm use wood block 120 One: A Comprehensive and triangle accompaniment; Book of Music and in skipping rhythm use Activities for the small drum, tambourine, li'irst Grade cymbals accompaniment Minuet (p.p.) Mozart; for quiet listening; 132 " " with poem Hu.rruning Song (p.p.) Schumann; for quiet listening 133 Hungarian :F'olk Song (p.p.) " " with strong rhythm; for quiet 133 " " listening A 1ittle Song (p.p.) Tansman; in singing style; for 134 " " quiet listening Theme from Allegro Haydn (From Sonata in C); play 135 " " lightly; for quiet listen- ing Passing Fancy (p.p.) Maykapar; play lightly; for 136 " " quiet listening Play (p.p.) Bartok (From "For Children, 11 148 " " Vol. l); loud-soft; for quiet listening; with loud and soft chants March (p.p.) II II Tcherepnin; dramatize; loud- 149 soft; play rhythm instru- ments loud-soft Bourree (p.p.) " tt Old French tune; loud-soft; 150 Tap with flat hand when Ilillsic is loud, with finger tips when music is soft. gg SONGSFOR PLAY


~usic Source .l:>ublisher Oomment Page

The Parade Bir~hardkusic Series Book s.-:s. Swedish children's game; march; 152 One: A Oomprehensive dramatize; drum Book of Music and Activities for the l!'i rst Grade Walk Along, John " American folk song; walking 153 " rhythm; walk with pa.rtners Morning Walk (p.p.) " " Gretchaninov (li'rom "Glass 153 Beads, " Op. 123); drama- tize; accompany with rhythm sticks and wood blocks; Child can play piano part. The Yellow Rose of Texas American folk song; march; 154 (p.p.) " " accompany with drums, sticks, triangles and bells March of the Kings (p.p.) French folk song; march slowly; 155 " " imitate movements of elephants, cs111els, people carrying loads; drwn ac­ companiment Latvian Song (p.p.) II II Zhilinsky; walk, changing di- 156 rections; play triangles, jingle bells, tambourines lightly Polka (p.p.) II Kabalevsky (From "Twenty-four 156 " Little Pieces," Op. 39); walk quickly; accompany with sticks and v.ood blocks, end with cymbals 89 SONGSJi'OR PLAY


Music Sour~e Publisher Comment Page Folk Dance (p.p.) Birchard I1iusic Series Book S.-B. Louisiana French dance; skip 164 One: A Comprehensive or gallop; hop like Book of Music and kangaroos or rabbits; Activities for the clap lightly; accompany First Grade with drums, wood block, rhythm sticks The Wild Horseman (p.p.) " tt S~hu.m.ann;gallop; dramatize; 164 accompany with wood blocks. ~oconutshells. rattles or drums

Hey 1 Jump Along American folk song; jump. change 165 " " directions; dramatize tt tt ~uickMarch (p.p.) Kabalevsky; jump or hop; loud- 166 soft; dramatize; accompany with drum. rattle Hopak (p.p.) Russian; hop and clap; imitative;167 " " accompany with rhythm instruments Finnish Dance (p.p.) II u hop; accompany with drum. tri- 167 angle, sticks and tambour- ine; Chile can play B on bells or piano. Pop 1 Goes the Weasel II II American folk dance; rhythm 169 (p.p.) instruments; jump and hop Children at Play (p.p.) II tt Bartok (From "For Children, 11 170 Vol. I); tiptoe, change directions; dramatize Theme (p.p.) tt II Beethoven (From Sonata, Op. 10, 172 No. 2); tiptoe; tap fingers softly; triangle 90 SONGS FOR PLAY


Music Source Publisher Comment Page

The Marines' Hymn (p.p.) Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. traditional song; march; rhythm 157 One: A Comprehensive instruments; words included Book of Music and Activities for the First Grade A Oomical Song " " Wolfenzon; run; rhythm sticks, 158 wood blocks for accompani- ment Pretty Minka (p.p.) Russian folk song; run; accom- 159 " " pany with sticks and jingle bells Etude (p.p.) Wieck; run; accompany with 159 " " rhythm sticks and drum Running Along (p.p.) " " Kabalevsky (From 11Twenty-four 160 Little Pieces, 11 Op. 39); run; finger tip running; accompany with rhythm sticks and drum Skipping Song Japanese children's game; skip; 161 " " accompany with rhythm instruments; Oircle, leader chooses partner to skip around the circle and back to place. Partner becomes leader. Dickle Derry skip; accompany with rhythm 162 " " instruments The Campbells Are Coming tt " Scottish folk song; imitate 163 (p.p.) galloping ponies; accom- pany with wood block, sticks, rattles 91 SONGS FJR PLAY


Music Source Publisher Comment Paee

A Game {p • p • ) Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. Kabalevsky {From 11Twenty-f our 173 One: A Comprehensive Little Pieces, 11 Op. 39); Book of Music and tiptoe; dramatize as Activities for puppets; accompany with First Grade triangle, drum or wood block My Bonnie traditional song; swing, sway, 175 " " glide; accompany with rhythm instruments Waltz (p.p.) " " Straus (From 11Die Fledermaus"); 176 waltz rhythm; creative dance Gigue (p.p.) " " ReJneau; sway; accompany with 177 light-toned rhythm instru­ ments The Primrose Ball H II treditional waltz; swing; stamp 177 or clap on accents; face partner; join hands, swing forward and back; creative dance I'm So Happy tt II free rhythmic movement; about 179 singing and dancing Let Your Feet Tramp II H tramp, clap; drum, bell; add 182 verses

HapJ:y Jhildren (p.p.) II " Zhilinsky; whirl; step lightly; 182 stamp, clap, bow; accom- pany with light-toned rhythm instruments Children's Ga.Jlle (p.p.) II tt Bartok {From 11For Jhildren, 11 183 Vol. l); for individual interpretation 92 SONGSABOUT TOYS

Music Som:ce Publisher Comment P!&!.. I Wish I Had a Great Big First Grade Book Ginn short, bounce to the sky 3 Ball Roll, My Ball words in French, also 25 " "II My Kite lightly t high 120 Dolly (p.p.) " II quiet 167 Sleep, Dolly, Sleep "II listening, dra.ma,tic play 167 The New Doll (p.p.) II "II high-low, listening 168 The Sick Doll {p.p.) II II listening, slow, soft 169 II II The Dol~sBurial (p.p.) listening, low register 169 Jack-in-the-Box II II action, cymbals for climax 171 The Talking Doll II II dramatize 168 My Top II II sounds of top, accent notes 170 My Little Red Wagon American Singer, Book I A.B.C. accent notee 9 The Slide II II scale song 17 Dolly's Lullaby II II for resting 6 My Airplane II II accompany with cymbal roll, 26 drum roll The Bag Doll II II relaxation 106 Tin Soldiers II II instruments 112 Rocking !Io rs• II II swaying 142 The Dancing Dolly II II waltz time, lightly 147 Singing Top II II fast, slower, ritard 148 Swing and Sing II II swing arms as you sing 174 The Tea Kettle II II sounds of a tea kettle 175 Mel!ry-Go-Rou.nd II II repetitive, descriptive 175 Wheels on My Feet Music for Young Americans A.B.C. skates 35 Scoot l II II scooter Sledding II II high-low ~~ Jack-in-the-Box Music for Living Thro'U8h s.:a.o. act out words 39 the Day Little Red Wagon II II act out 'NC>rds, last phrase on 41 melody bell• 93 SONGSABOUT TOYS

Mudc Source Publisher Comment Paa:• RolliDg Along Music for LiviDg Through s.B.o. for ball-rolling, paddling 80 the Day imaginary canoes Sliding II a elide, scale song, de­ 103 " scriptive, melody bells Th• SHeaw II II two children mak• seesaw. up­ 103 doWJ:l The Merry-Go-Round II two circles, up-down. 105 Spinning Top New Music" Horizons: s.B.o. descriptive, whirl, twirl, 10 Experiences in Music colors for First Grade Children My Swing (p.p.) II waltz tempo, swinging 10 Dolly' s Washday II "II boys Bing, girls play "laundress" 12 My Toya " II waltz rhythm, toybox with tone 20 game The Wooden Soldier (p.p.) " " imitative, rhythm instrwnents 26 On My Wheel II H imitative 26 Swing Song ff II under the apple tree, high-low 66 My Kite and I II ff about a kite and top 67 Jumping Rope H II rope jumping song 74 The Jungle Gym Music Round the Clock F.P.o. has solo parts; jumping, awing- 29 ing, climbing See-Saw, Margery Daw bell introduction, high-low, 30 " " extend arms sideways with one child on each end My Bronco II II rocking horae, cowboy, imita- 47 tive, gallop, use coconut shells, wood blocks, with poem Marionette Show Growing with Music,Book I P.H. descriptive, imitative 34 Puppets A Singing School: Our O.O.B. descriptive 112 First Music 94 SONGSABOUT TOYS

Musio Source Publisher Comment P§ge

Galloping A Singi.Q8 School: Our C.C.13. hobby horse; imitative; drama- 114 First Mu.sic tize The Pupnet Play II II invitation to a puppet show 116 Maroh Pontif icale II II Gounod; ceremonial march; tri- 187 angle, cymbal, go.Q8, drwn The Merry-Go-Round II II descriptive song about the 195 carrousel; imitative Lost Dolly II II question and description sO.Q8 210 My Train H II describes playing with a toy 211 train Macuahla II II a doll's lullaby 212 Teddy Bear II II descriptive song 212 Jack-in-the-Box II II descriptive song 216 Dancing Doll (p.p.) 11 II by Edu.a.rd Poldini, abridged; 218 waltz rhythm; for quiet listeniI)8 March of the Toys (p.p.) II II parts are written for bells, 236 triangle, rhythm sticka, woodblock, tambourine, cymbals, drum My Dolly II II dramatize 266 Balloons (p.p.) II II slow; toss and catch imaginary 269 balloons :Slowing :Bubbles II II Frenoh folk tune; tells how 276 it's done Bubbles II II pantomime; dip the pipe, blow 282 the bubble, watch it float a.way The :Balloon (p.p.) II II goes up the scale by half steps; 284 from p to pppp; for listen- ing 95 SONGSABOUT TOYS

Music Source Publisher Oom.~ent PB.i!!:e

Jumping Rope A Singing School: Our ~J.O.B. describes rope jumping sounds; 290 First Music spring My Scooter II II rhythm instrument accompaniment 334 The Sollg of the Roller Ii II rhythm instrument accompaniment 338 Skates The Merry-Go-Round (p.p.) II II very slow music; rhythm instru- 341 ment accompaniment Jwnp Rope The i.•lusic Hour, First Book s.:s. J. descriptive song 58 Toyland II II question-answer 68 S11.'1llg Song II II high-low 78 Sleep, Dolly, Sleep II II about me.king a surprise dress 82 for a doll Marbles II II descriptive song 85 Swinging in the Willow Listen and Sing: The Ginn about swinging in a tree and 17 World of Music seeing baby robins My Playhouse II Ii It is under a tree with birds 51 and squirrels for neighbors Kites II invitation song to come fly 65 " kites The Toy Shop II II descriptive song 86 Trading II II question-answer; solo parts; 105 descriptive; about trading toys II II Jumping Rope invitation so~..g;question- 120 answer; solo parts Miss Polly Had a Dolly This Is Music, Book I A. & B. story song about a doctor coming 27 to see a sick doll; drama­ tize; three characters; wood block on 11rat-ta-tat 11 Jack in the Bo.x II II imitative; jump at end on cymbs.l 48 crash; one child plays bell on C softly throughout 96 SOl'fGSABOUT TOYS

Music Source Publisher Col!U!'!ent Pap;e Coppelia, the Blue-eyed This Is Music, Book I A. & B. Delibes "Waltz of the Doll" 169 Doll from the ballet Coppelia. Recording: RJA Victor, Adventures in Music, Grade 1. story only in this text The Children's Corner fl II Debussy; motives: Jimbo 1 s 178 Lullaby, Golliwogg 1 s Jakewalk, Serenade for the Doll, The Snow Is Dancing, The Little Shepherd, Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum; with a back­ ground story of Debussy and his daughter, Chouchou Swing Song II II sway; high-low; accompany with 174 triangle, cymbal, rattles and jingle bells 97 SONGSABOUT INSTRUMENTS

Music Source Publisher Commen~ Page Hickory, Dickory, Dock First Grade Book Ginn rhythm instruments 164 The Clock (p.p.) " " rhythm sticks, wood blocks 164 What the Clock Says " short, get up song 165 Tick Tock "It tt short, hurry up song 165 Running Game (Kirmess) II suggests clock tick 166 (p.p.) " Tara Boom about soldiers marching 171 Ring, Ring "n "a song ot triangles, xylophones 17.3 Thumpity Drum It short, with drum 174 Shadows (p.p.) " It high - low, rhythm instruments 174 L1Avalanche (p.p.) .." ft rhythm instruments 175 Tootle Tootle Toot It It short, sounds of flute 176 Grandmother's Minuet (p.f.) rhythm instruments 176 The Band on Parade (p.p. It" ti" rhythm instruments 177 The Chimes American Singer, Book I A.B.C. chimes, triangles 8 The Telephone " ti accompany with triangle rolls 9 Indian Dance It " rattles 159 My Drua " " sound or drum 160 My Rhythm Sticks • short, descriptive 160 The Cymbals • "n short, descriptive 161 My Tambourine " " short, repetitive 165 My Triangle It • short, descriptive 169 The Eskimo Hunter " " rattles, drums 162 The Cuckoo Clock • " play tick-tock sound with 164 rhythm sticks The Song ot the Clock n wood blocks 168 (p.p.) " My Bugle II It for tonettes 166 Bells n II any toy instruments available 171 The Clock lf n very short, sound of clock 172 Bells " " about church bells 179 Happy Hour Music for Young Americans A.:e.c. strike triangle twelve times 22 as an introduction SONGSABOUT INSTRUMENTS 98

Musie Source Publisher Co.rrunent Pae.:e Tick-Took Music for Young Americans A.B.C. wood bloek, aticka 3 When I Was a Drwnmer II II 11Did You Ever See a Lassie" 68 tune Swing Your Arma II II rhythm inst rwnen ta 68 I Make Myself Welcome II ti rhythm instruments 73 The Orchestra II II rhythm inatrwnenta, gay, watch 97 the leader Dru.me H H spoken worda, song, drum sounds 98 Tambourines H II tap wrist, brightly 98 Rhythm Sticks II II fast, repetitive 99 Bella and Shakers II II bell sounds, fast, light 99 Wood Block II II Use tocking sound 100 Triangle 11 II elow, triangle sound 100 Gong and Cymbals II II slow, short 101 All Together II II Watch leader, gay 101 Hickory Dickory Dance « II dance, two straight lines lo4 Fiddler, Play for Me Music for Living ThroU8h S.B.C. rhythm instrwne?J.t s, pantomime 12 the Day Jingle at the Window II II bells, tambourines, triangles 17 The Oymbals II II tap, turn, clap cymbals 18 My Tambourine " " tell how to play 18 Orchestra Song II II fiddle, trumpet, flute, etc., 19 question-answer Big Basa Drum II II strong accents 20 I Belong to That Band II II rhythm instruments on "hallelus 11 22 A Play Song II II song, hum, melody bell, rhythm 22 instruments Our Cloak II II circle of twelve children, two 40 lines for hand1 Marching in Our Band New Music Horizons: S.B.C. rhythm instruments 16 Experiences in Music for Fi rat Grade Children 99 SONGSABOUT INSTRU:Lv!&.~S

Music Source Publisher Comment P~•

The Drum New Music Horizons: s.:a.o. dramatize, descriptive, tiptoe, 20 Experiences in Music step, march variations for First Grade Children Jingle Ting (p.p.) II triangles, bells, rhythm sticks, 21 " xylophone It 11 The Legen~of the Bella from "The Chimes of Normandy 132 (p.p.) " by Planquette; acco.mp8J17 with rhythm instruments, especially jingle belle Rowid the Clock Music Round the Cloak F.P.O. swaying, swinging. wood blocks, 4 rhythm sticks Tick---Tock II accorapany- with autoharp 7 "II The Little Bella " melody bells, traditional 59 Drum Son& II tt loud-soft, slow-fast, describes 61 drum, tambourine Make a Sound Growing with Music, P.H. flute, song belle, donkey, 24 Book I rooster, and kitten sowids; add verses Our :Band " rh)rthm instrwnents; descriptive; 38 " about a piccolo, bugle horn, tambourine, triangle, baa• drum Play and Sing If It about the rh)rtbm aticka 4o Three Drwnmer Boye Making Music Your Own, s.:a.c. a ballad with fourteen versee; 22 :Book I dramatize; Sweet drummer boy, Princess Marie and King Hickory, Dickory, Dock II II sticks or ~odblock, glissando 24 on the tuned bells; dramatize My Violin A Singi:ng School: Our c.c.B. Describes playing the violin S First Music and the sound of it. 100 SONGSABOUT INSTRUMENTS

Music Source Publisher Comment Page Join the Band (p.p.) A SiJl8ing School: Our c.c.B. rhythm sticks, triaJl8le 12 Fir•t Music Tick-Took " " a ohild 1 a observation of a tiny 20 cloak that tell• time &llCi runa all night Triangles and Bell• (p.p.) " II use sweet"toaed bell 46 Muaett• (p.p.) II " rhythm instruments, a musette 46 ia a small baepipe with a soft, sweet tone, popu- lar in France in the eighteenth oentur;y I Like a Band " Fo:nn two groups; one group ia 51 " the spectators who sing, the other group marches in the band. A What and When Puzzle (The Cloak Store) What kind 32 (p.p.) " " of store? What time was it? rhythm sticks; with ator,y The Organ Gri11der " " with monkey, descriptive 58 Bella of Oaney (p.p.) H II for quiet listening; about the 64 church bell peal at Osney Abbey near Oxford; famous for the musical ton•• of its six bells: Douce, Clement, Gabriel, Auatin, Hanteeter, and John My Cu.ckoo Cloak II H stor;y and song for quiet 79 liatenin& The Music Box II II (Musette, Gluck); for quiet 79 listening; high-low; the llnl.aio box runs down 101 SONGSABOUT INSTRUM.ENTS

Music Source Publisher Oo~nt Pu:e Making Music A Singing School: Our a.a.B. imitative; about playing on 115 l!'irst Music a violin, bass drwn, tambourine :li'louri sh of Tl'Ui.llpets " " Mendelssohn; introduction music 117 (p.p.) to dramatic scene or a prologu.e to a puppet show Our Band " about playing on a tambourine, 121 " drum, woodblock, triangle, cymbals Tambourin (p.p.) " " Mouret; for listening 157 The Bella " " dramatize; walking to church 186 as the belle ring The Kettledrwnmer for alternating use of the 264 " " hands; two pencils with erasers My Piccolo it plays high, imitates sounds 265 The Tambourine " " about tambourine sounds; tam- 265 " " bourines The Triangle " " about triangle sounds; triangles The Musical Goblin He played on a horn. with 273 " " imitative sounds Jo an• de (p.p.) jolly; for listening 283 Playing in the Band " " traditional; about playing on 285 " " the bass drum, bugle horn, double bass, trombone, tambourine; with imitative sounds The Hurdy-Gurdy Man " " Spring; Italian folk tune 288 Tbe Bells of Jhazy (p.p.) The Music Hour, First Book s.B.O. for melody bells 30 Bells in the Steeple " " about church bells calling 31 Westminster Chimes (p.p.) " " for melody bells 31 102 SONGSABOUT INSTRUMENTS

Music Sou roe Publisher Comment _:f>~e

:E'idd.le Song Listen and Sing: The Ginn about father playing the 10 World of Music fiddle to a child Five Little Drums ti ti marching rhythm; Hungarian folk 56 tune Bell Tunes about the This Is Music, Book I A. & B. traditional; with 11Rain11 by 118 Ra.in Robert Louis Stevenson; for chanting II Three Water Glass Tunes ti "Winter, 11 11Spring, 11 11Su.mmer11 119 Off to Pe.ri s II II Tune for four water glasses. 131 folk tune from )j..,rance Riding in a Sleigh II It Tune for eight water glasses. 131 sleigh bells Come, We1 11 Go Riding II ft Tune for seven water glasses; 131 folk song from Germany; change places and ways of going l.fi st er Fiddler II If Jzeah folk song; rhythm instru- 156 ments; about a fiddler, bugler, drummer and the maestro Old Joe :.nark II II Old Square Danae tune; imitative;l58 about a musical player who played a fiddle, flute, drum and horn Sweet i'iusic, Like Ivi.agic II II from "The Magfo Flute" by Mozart; soft song about music; bell introdu~tionand ending llMili tary" Symphony (p.p.) II II Haydn (excerpt from third move- 165 ment of Symphony No. 100 in G; rhythm instruments; with story, 11Joseph Haydn's Big Dru.m11 103 SONGSABOUT INSTRUMENTS

Mueic Source Publisher Comment Paie:e

Minuet in G (p.p.) This Is Music, Book I A. & B. Mozart; dance; with story, 166 11Moz~.rtPlays for the King and Q.ueen11; peroussion instruments, clap and rest, walk and turn, swing and whirl, bend and stretch Minuet in F (p.p.) II II Handel; slow, stately dance; 171 with story, 11George Handel and His Spinet" Gavotte in Bb {p.p.) II II Handel; rhythm instruments 172 11Clock11 Symphony (p.p.) II If Joseph Haydn (excerpt from 177 second movement) Symphony Uo. 101 in D; with 11A Story about Clocks11; with story use wood block, rhythm sticks, drum, gong, finger cymbals, tuned bells Indian Drum Beat II II with directions for making drums 181 Triangle Song II II old tune; with triangle trills 181 Shaking Rattles II II old song; with directions for 182 making rattles Gome, Jingle at the It II American folk song; with di- 182 Window rections for making jingle bells The Big Clock and the ti II with directions for making 183 Wrist Watch rhyth!n sticks Song for the Tambourine II It with directions for making a 183 cheese box tambourine Japriccio in G (p.p.) It II (excerpt) Haydn; rhythm instru- 187 mente lo4 SONGSABOUT INSTRUMENTS

Musio Source Publisher Comment Page

The Clock Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. imitative; clock sounds; com- 37 One: A Comprehensive pares a kitchen clock and Book of Music and a. grandfather clock Activities for the First Grade The Gay tt II cumulative song; German folk 115 tune; solo, chorus; sing and play cymbals, sand blocks, jingle bells, rattles, and other instru­ ments Playing in the Band II II old game song; instrument intro- 116 duction snng; add verses The Triangle II II triangle sounds; triangle 118 Ach, Du Lieber Augustin II II German folk song; invitation 123 song to join the band; rhythm instruments The Band II II South Carolina Spiritual; 122 counting to ten; counting angels, rattles, sticks, cymbals; add another stanza counting from eleven to twenty Bells (p.:p.) II II English folk song; high-low; 146 Play little bells on high part, play big bells on low part; step lightly on high part, heavily on low part The Music Box (p.p.) II II Liadov; free rhythmic activity; 171 accompany with bells, triangle 105 SONGS ABOUT LfSTRUMENTS

Music Source Publisher Comment Pap:e

The Chime Clock (p.p.) Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. Mae-Eileen Erb; tiptoe; drama- 172 One: A Comprehensive tize; create whispered Book of Music and chants, such as, "Tick- Activities for the tock, tip-toe, softly, First Grade softly. 11 106 SONGSABOUT PEOPLE WHO HELP US

Music Source Publisher Comment P8'!!e The Barber First Grade Book Ginn very short, about cutting hair 76 The Milk Man 1 s Horse • n plodding rhTthm 76 '?he Peddler n " toys for sale 77 The :Blacksmith " " very short , pounding aounds 78 '?he Fireman . " strike c1111bal with drwaatick 78 Fire Engine n n A barn is burning 78 The Little Shoemaker descriptive, long 71 The Fire Department American" Singer, Book I A.B.O." triangles, gongs, cymbals 22 The Traffic Man " " children form intersection 19 Cobbler circle game 20 The Postman "n "n dramatize 23 The Scissors Grinder'• triangle 19 :Sell " " John Smith n " wood blocks, rhythm sticks 24 Shopping " " question-answer 22 Mister :Baker " " question-answer 20 The Vegetable Man n n barker style 21 Scarecrow " " question-answer 46 At Market " " question-answer, game 70 The Farmer " " act out words 71 The Navajo " " drums 163 The Fisherman " " swaying song, accent 140 The :Sarber " " song and chant 180 The Oowbo;r " " descriptive 180 :Sy and By Music for Young Americans A.B.c. cowboy 38 Friendly Town " " about policemen, firemen, doctors 26 The Gas Station " " question-answer 27 The Milkman " " about delivery 28 The Baker " " stir 28 The Druggist . " descriptive of work 29 The Den ti st " " descriptive song 29 The Carpenter " . wood block, sand block 30 107 SONGS ABOUT PEOPLE WHOHELP US

Music _Source_ Publisher Comment P~e

My Haircut Music for YoUD&Americana A.B.C. descriptive with humor 32 The Tret'fic Police.man II H dramatize 32 Paper Boy II imitative 33 I Want to Be a l'armer Music for" Livill8 Through s.:a.o. drive a tractor, bring the cows 58 the Day from pasture, etc. Saw1Il8 Firewood II swayinc 59 Playin& Fireman " II describes their work 92 I Am a Jolly Sweeper " II clean-up song 94 Hat Man "II If buy, aell 94 GoiDg to the Lumber;yard II H imaginary journey 94 The Shoemaker II It descriptive, rhythm sticks 95 Street Cries II If street vendors, newsboys 96 Do You Know? If grocery man, garbage man, 97 " banker, etc., go.easing game Like Me II II dramatize, garbage man, police- 98 man, mail man, happ7 song Hurdy-Gurd.y question-answer, dance, sine, 100 " " plq The Fire New Musio Hori zona: s.B.c. descriptive, crackle, flicker, 23 Experiencea in Music with tone game for J'iret Grade Children The Postman H questions, late, letter for me 28 " II The Ice Cream Man " descriptive, dramatize with 29 tone game The Milkman If " descriptive, with tone game 29 The Fi relll8ll II ti describes l«>rk, clang 30 The Policeman II dramatize 31 The Scie•ore Grinder If "It grinding aounds, xylophone, 34 gong The :Baker Man II ti delivery 35 •·=-."""!-?'"'--'•"'O'-,-v ""*",<:1:;;_,-4,, _ ../lllf"¥1$:Gf.;!J!¥'4J,faj_•


Music Source Publisher Oomment Page

Work Song (p.p.) New Music Horizons: s.:a.c. play heavily 85 Experiences in Music for First Grade Children Jolly Sailor (p.p.) II II for creative dramatization, 137 briskly l"u.n To Be a Helper Music Round the Olock P'.P.C. about children's work: set the 15 table, dry the dishes, rake leaves; add verses; singing game One Man Went to Mow Growing with Music, Book I P.H. counting, English folk song 44 Sawing Firewood Ma.king Music Your Own, s.:s.c:. imitative, scrape fingernails 68 Book I across the skin of a tambourine, strong beat Bling Blang II II about building a house, imitative,112 wood block, drum The Postman A Singing School: Our c.o.B. a greeting sOI18 52 First Music The Bakery Shop II II describes the food 52 At the Grocery Shop II skipping, singly or in pairs; 53 " 11 ate lll8ll1' foods The Millcman II II with the steady "clop, clop" 54 of the milkman's horse; delivery of milk in bottles early in the morning Tidy Town II If about throwing paper in the 55 street The Cobbler Shop II II about repairing shoes, dramatize 56 II II The Barber Shop ~athergets a shave, son gets a 57 haircut. The Scissors Grinder II II He comes down the street with 58 bells ringing. 109 SONGSABOUT PEOPLE WHOHELP US

Music Source Publisher Comment P8.i!?:e Ta.xi A Singing School: Our J.a.:s. giving directions, a ride, pay 60 First Music the fare Song of the Milk Bottles II II home delivery, sounds of bottles 61 rattling How Lovely Are the II II 11that preach us the gospel of Messengers peace, 11 from Isaiah by Mendelssohn A Friend in Need II II the doctor, dentist, school 70 nurse The Friendly Cop II II safety eong, descriptive, tells 73 how he helps me cross the street Mister Farmer II II song of appreciation; sows, 147 plants, hoes, weeds the corn, wheat, peas, beans, beets, and onions The l'arme r in the Dell II II singing game: cirole, farmer 153 chooses wife. wife chooses child, etc. The Riveters II II describes their work and sounds 198 to build a big building Mister Carpenter II II describes his work 199 Song of the Sailors II II rhythm instrument accompaniment; 340 (p.p.) for 11 stenill8 Gipsies II II Hugo Reinhold, Op. 39; for 343 listening; rhythm instru­ ment acco~animent Song of the Cossacks Growing Up with Music N.A.K.M.C. sung with strength and energy 76 but a little sad; Russian folk tune The Fi sher.ill8.n The Music Hour, First Book S.B.O. observation song 20 110 SONGS ABOUT PEOPLE WHOHELP US

. - Music Source Publisher Comment P~e

The Traffic Oop The Music Hour, First Book S.B.O. describes the traffic 2l Sing a Song of Workshops about blacksmiths, ploughmen, 26 " " tailors, and Santa working The Rag Man 11 II street barker song 33 The Balloon Man II II about wanting to sell balloons II Scissors Grinder high-low a~ The Firemen II "II scale song; descriptive 64 The Organ Man II If about the organ man travel1Il8 67 and selling his music II The Happy Eskimo " scale SOI18; des,~riptive 70 My Policeman Listen and Sing: The Ginn descriptive song about a child's 28 World of Music friend Ou.r Store II about playing store when it rains; 53 " RuHian folk tune A Little Boy II II light, graceful song about what 68 a little boy and girl want to be lib.en they grow up The Busy Postman II II cheerful song about a busy, happy 77 postman; Austrian folk tune The Traffic Policeman II high-low; about what a traffic 103 " policeman does Rag man II II about a rubbish collector 117 The Weather Man II II happy song; English folk tune; 124 He does the best he can. Workers in Our Tow This Is Music, Book I A. & B. about the postman, milkman, 72 paper boy, policeman, fire- man, painter, carpenters; with skip-rope chant The Post.man II II German folk tune 73 Fire I Fire I II cymbals, bells, sand blocks 74 " parts; autoharp; two chant a 111 SOl~GSABOUT PEOPLE WHOHELP US

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

At the Barber Shop This Is Music, Book I A. & B. descriptive song; skipping 75 The Policeman dramatize; importantly; in the 76 " " low register A Penny Down a Jrack humorous song; first bell part, 78 " " second bell part I Wish I Were a Farmer Pennsylvania Dutch song; funny, 79 " " descriptive wishing song The Farmer and His Animals dialogue song; solo parts; the 80 " " animals ask the farmer to build them a house Barber Shop Birchard l"iusic Series Book s.-B. skip; accompany with rattles 48 One: A Jomprehensive Book of Music and Activities for the First Grade Who Is He? Germ.an folk tune; about the 49 " " postman, milkman, etc.; sing final section as dialogue; child can play A-D on piano or bells with final section The Shoemaker Danish folk song; describes 50 " " work and sounds of the shoemaker; imitative with specific directions 112 SONGSABOUT FOODS

Music Source .Publiaher Comment Pa,ge

Mix a Pancake Firat Grade Book Ginn ahort, descriptive 21 The Pop Corn Man If II barker atyle 73 The Muffin Man ti II use other words 75 Joll7 Little Baker II " dramatize 73 The Candy Man II II question-answer 77 Boasy Cow II " question-answer 153 Pop Corn II sound• of poppiJ18 corn 166 The Story of TeeDl' 'fiq II "II story and SOJ18 217 Mister Baker American Singer, Book I A.B.O. question.-a:nawer 20 The Vegetable MaA " " dramatize 21 At Market II " question-anawer, game 70 The Fi aherman II II swaying song, accent 14o Apple a " sonc in middle C and high C 171 " only The Grocery Store " II •kip 180 The Popcorn Man II Sella crackerjack•. ahort 181 " II Friendly Men " ahort, repetitive, add verse• 181 Sweet Pink• and Roaea .Mu.sic for YoUJl&Americana A.:a.c. honey, use tambourines 18 My Garden II lettuce, radish•• 18 " 11 Cup of Tea II " Pop Goes the Weaeel" tune 21 The Cupboard Music for Livin,; Through s.B.c. lollipopa, add favorite food 31 the Day Boil the Cabbage Down It II cooking recipe 32 Mix a Pancake aot out words, for eating 32 " " sing "Butter on the pancake, Yum, yum, yum, 11 to "Skip to My Lou" Polly, Put the Kettle On It II nursery, tea, cake, muffina, 33 pie, etc. The Egg about gatherinc eggs 56 " II" ~Apple Tree " about piokiDg apple• 6o 113 SONGSABOUT FOODS

Music Source Publisher Comment Paie

Mix a Pancake New Music Horizons: s.B.c. descriptive, sing, hum 12 Experiences in Music for Fi ret Grade Children Candy Shop II to buy candy, with tone game 31 " II Going ThroU&h the Super SODEl:fragmente, dramatize 32 Market " The Wind.mill imitative, wheat, flour, 43 " " bread Honeypote question-answer, merchant­ 107 " " farmer parts, funny song Handy Spandy Music Round the Clock F.P.O. nurHry rhyme, hoppiDEl:, candy, 50 cake, grocery. with poem Song of Thanks • II a round, 11Chora1 Grae'" 71 autoharp The Muffin Man GrowiD& with Music, p .I:!. traditional 33 :Sook I Mu:f fin Man .Making Music Your Own, s.:s.o • nursery rhyme; old game 1ong; 33 :Book I solo part; One child i1 blindfolded, another singe second verse as a solo. Guess who is the aoloiet. My Molasses Candy II II game solll:; circle, walk with 4o leader (it) inside, go in and out the windows, choose a partner to walk behind the leader Potatoea " " eating potatoes with Uncle 41 Charlie, funny eong, per--­ cuseion instruments, folk BOill: from the Hebrides, ha1 like phrases 114 SONGSABOUT FOODS

Musia Source Publisher Comment Page

Savez-vous planter des Making Music Your Own, s.:s.c. (Planting Cabbage), in. French 90 chou:x:? :Book I and Engli ah, imitative Oats, Peas, :Beans II circle, game song, farmer in 110 " center, pantomime words, choose partner, skip, clap hands Where Are You Going To, II humorous conversation betweea 118 My Pretty Maid " a yoUDg man and a milk:-- maid, questioll"8.Jlawer, solo parta Good Gingerbread A Singill8 School: Our o.c.:s. stir, beat, bake, eat 18 First Music Pancake a II about cooking pancake• 2l Cookies If II" about makiD8 ginger cookies - 22 stir, mix, beat, roll, cut The :Bakery Shop " " describes the food 52 At the Grocery Shop skippill8, singly or in pairs; 53 " " 11 ate many foods The Milkman " with the steady 11clop, clop" 54 " of the milkman's horse; delivery of milk ia bottles early in the morninc Candy Shop II " about buying candy; goes down 55 the seal• Ice Cream Soda II descriptive, question-answer, 56 " scale sonc Good for You II about orange juice and an 67 " apple I Like These II " lists vegetables 70 115 SONGSABOUT FOODS

Musio Source Publisher Comment Page Milk A Singing School: Our c.o.:a. sad-bright, Teddy is thin and 72 First Music doesn't drink milk; Bobby is stroll8 and drink• milk. Blue Corn-Grinding Song II II Zuni Indian song with a de- 124 •~riptionof the Corn Grinding CeremoJl7 Corn Chant .. II Dakota; two row1, warriora and 136 women; drum.; head1, arma are 1lowly lifted, hand• toueh, slowly lowered The Soll€ of the Com about planting, hu1king, grind" 139 " " ing oora The Cow II II quiet; cow talks and tell• of l4o giving milk, butter, cheese Take Your Choice l II gay song about food1 made with 144 " milk The Milk Train .. " descriptive SOD€ 144 Riee II II about liking rioe prepared in 145 different way1 Whieh? II II three solo parts; about bread, 146 orange juice, choc 1 lit cake My GiJ:l€erbread Man II ff slow. descriptive song 146 Oats and Beans II II singing game; circle walks, 152 farmer in center acts out words, circle imitate. farmer ehooaes a partner, circle skip• The Seed Cyele II II (Music: The Farmer in the Dell) 153 use four groups of players and a farmer for creative pantomime '"""'- _ _,_,,_.,...: '-"~'"'~'~!"° ~~~~,""~"""-_.,..-...,,.~~.~.~_..,..,,,,~=---·="'


Music Source Publisher aomment PSJ!:e

Pies for Sale A Singing School: Our J.C.B. gay song about pumpkin pie 163 First Music The Refrigerator II descriptive song, lists many 191 " foods Ye Song of Sixpence H II Mother Goose; black birds, pie 257 The Gingerbread Man II II dramatize; song and story 258 Hot Croes Buns If traditional; dramatize; Easter 268 Just Fun II "II nonsense song about cooking 278 and eating Good Gardening If fl plant, weed, hoe, and water 287 posies; change to 11You will have carrots (etc.) to est today.11 The Shepherd Maiden II II about a cheese and a cat; 292 conversation song To Market II II gay song; English folk tune 332 Bob's Song Growing Up with Music N.A.K.M.J. about planting tomatoes, 32 potatoes; in the story, 11Come, Let Us Make a Garden. 11 The Song of the Leafy If II about eating lettuce and cab­ 33 Green Vegetables bage; in the story, 11Co.rne, Let Us Make a Garden. 11 Rows and Rows of Jarrots II II about beans, celery, sweet peas, 34 and daisies too; in the story, 11Come, Let Us Make a Garden." Work Song II If planting a garden with a spade, 36 rake, hoe and seed; in the story, "Come, Let Us Make a Garden. 11 ~=""""-~-·""'"~''-


Music Source Publisher Comment Page

The Song of the Beans Growing Up with Music N.A.K.M.C. solo and chorus; imitative; 38 in the story, 110ome, Let Us Make a Garden. 11 Carrot Song II II descriptive; dramatize; creative 39 dance; in the story, 110ome, Let Us Make a Garden." The Song of the Cabbages II II descriptive song; in the story, 4o 11Come, Let Us Make a Garden." Song of the Lettuce II French folk tune; in the story, 41 " "Jome, Let Us Make a Garden. 11 Celery Song u II descriptive song; in the story, 42 11:Jome, Let Us Make a Garden. 11 Song of the Tomatoes " II descriptive song; in the story, 43 and Po ta toes 11Jome, Let Us Make a Garden. 11 A Da,nce (p.p.) II II creative dance of vegetables; 44 in the story, 11Come, Let Us Make a Garden. 11 The Onion Song II II descriptive song about radishes, 45 spinach and onions; in the story, "Come, Let Us Make a Garden." A March (p.p.) II imitative march of fine green 46 " onion soldiers; in the story, 11'Jome, Let Us Make a Garden." Dancilll!: in the Garden II invitation song; skip; in the 47 " story, 11Come, Let Us Make a Garden. 11 118 SONGSABOUT FOODS

Music Source Publisher Comment PSJ?.:e

The Candy Man The Music Hour, First Book s.B.c. about buying candy sticks from 13 a street vender The Apple Man " II street vender song 33 Ani.mal Crackers " II about favorite foods 41 Where We Get Our Bread II about the work of the farmer, 52 " baker and mother Fruit II II about currants, figs and 57 cherries Shake Your Boughs Listen and Sing: The Ginn about chestnuts; soft-loud 11 World of :Music l'lcy-Gingerbread !vi.an II II descriptive song 33 Two Gardens II II pansies - beans, potatoes, peas, 35 corn, carrots; Beethoven Tinka and the Sparrows " II Tinka.drives the sparrows away 45 from the cherries and berries; Russian folk song Shopping II II question-answer song; two solo 48 parts for customer and grocer What Shall We Eat? This Is 1-tu.sic, Book I A. & B. for making up menus for break- 28 fast, lunch and supper; change to what their pets eat Shopping at the Grocery descriptive song about pushing 28 Store " " the basket around and buy- ing vegetables, fruit and meat Foods We Like Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. German children's song; dialogue, 36 One: A Comprehensive question-answer song; Child Book of ~lusicand answers when his name is Activities for the called. First Grade 119 SONGSA.BOUT CLOTHES

~BiO Source Publisher Comment Page

Oh, Have You Got a First Grade Book Ginn question-answer 7 Zipper Coat Mihen Song " " made of wool, leather 8 New Shoea " " high~low 8 The Little Shoemaker " " descriptive of work 71 Pretty Girls and the question-answer 72 Shoemaker " " What's the Weather solo part-claae part, t1J)e 123 " " clothes to wear Cobbler Alllerioan Singer, Book I A.B.c. imitative; wood blocka, rhythm 20 stick• Washinc-Machine Son,; Music for Young Amerioana A.:s.c. well-accented bounce, r~thm 25 stiok• Shoes Have Tongaes " " sad-a 22 Oh I " " handkerchief 20 Zipper So~ jacket 47 I Have a Bonnet Music for" Livinc Thro'U&h S.B.O." queation-..answer 26 the Day The Green Dren " " for complimenting 27 Did You See M7 Man? "dandling" soll8, question, 28 " " descriptive of clothill8 0 My Little Boy " " question-answer, britchea 29 The Mitten Sonc " " with humor, make paper mitten• 117 Hat and Coat " " Bin,; when you go out to pl1l7 129 My New Shoea New Music Horizons: s.B.o. dress, belt, coat, etc.; 11 Experiences in Muaic dramatize for First Grade Children Dolly' s Washday " " boya sing, girls pl1l7 laundress 12 But tone " " d~en ~ The Little Shoemaker " II describes work 32 120 SONGSABOUT CLOTKES

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~ Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Playtime New Music Horizons: s.::e.o. hat, coat, gloves, boat out 97 Experiences in Music to play for First Grade Children Zig-ZB.8 Boy and Girl " " about putting away our clothes 120 Wooden Shoe Dance (p.p.) II tt for creative dramatization 139 JohIIJlY's Jeans Growi.og with Music, Book I P.H. complimentary song about 4 children's clothes The Green Dress MakiDg Music Your Own, s.::e.c. gay, South African folk song, 3 Book I create new verses I Got Shoes H II spiritual; walk, fly, play the 7 harp Mira la don don della H II Italian folk song, about a fine 11 lady, song sung by La Befana (the good witch) as she -works. This Christmas story is on page 6o of same. Cadet Rouselle II II about three bird houses, three 94 suits, three dogs; fUIIJlY song, long phrases When Mother Sews A Singing School: Our C.O.B. ~zechoelovak:iantune, descriptive, 28 First Music sewing by hand Song of the Shoes II H clop of wooden shoes; woodblock lo4 Dutch :Boys II II about the clop of wooden shoes; 110 woodblocks II II The Washer des~ribesits work and sounds 193 Funny ·Clothes II II about the clothes worn by a 208 mouse, frog, bird, fish bunny; funny song Zippers II II on a snow suit; zipper sound 245 A Joke II II the hole is a button-hole 280 121


Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Song of the Wooden Shoes A Singing School: Our O.c.B. Dutch folk tune; walking 282 (p.p.) First Music Wooden Shoes Listen and Sing: The Ginn about Dutch children with the 42 World of Music sounds of wooden shoes A Modern Cinderella tt II about ru.bbers to wear in the 54 rain Mary Was a Red Bird This Is Music, Book I A. & B. about the clothes the children 19 wore to school; autoharp, bells, Chinese tom-tom or wood block; At the piano, one child plays C in the bass while another child plays F below it. Little Lisa II tt about a blue bonnet; add verses 30 Johnny, Get the Hoecake tt " American folk song; Play bells 159 On and maracas on the refrain. humorous song about ani- mals, the funniest man, the prettiest girl Zippers Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. about buttons, snaps, zippers 36 One: A Oo.mprehensive Book of Music and Activities for the First Grade Green, Green, Green II dialogue song; German children's 43 " game; change to other colors; about the color of their clothes 122 SONGSABOUT SOHOOL

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Daye of the Week American Singer, Book I A.B.O. Sing the days of the week. 14 In School " " add verses, repetitive words 13 Working Time Is Over " II end of day song 16 Morning Song " " prayer 18 School Time " " accompany with triangles 15 A Birthday Song " count 16 Good Morning "II II cheerful, repetitive words 18 Be Careful II " safety 25 1'.)rossing the Street " safety 25 Time for School "II any toy instrument available 172 Playing Together " II chalk, paint, clay 175 The School Bue "II for safety 184 Sing All Along My Way Music for Young Americans A.B.C." autoharp chords l Fun to Do II II singing, add verses 2 Guess Who's Calling II tone-matching 4 ,, " A - B - 0 Tiger " alphabet 6 Color Game II " to help learn colors 7 My Own True Friend II add verses 7 Exercise "II act out words g Echo "II two parte, take turns g II " The s.~hoolNurse " dramatic song, short 9 Teasing II II to teach good sportsmanship 9 Hello, Somebodf Music for Living Through S.B.C. get acquainted song 2 the Day The Little White Daisies II II child's first, last Dallle 3 II II Who Are You sing names, qu~stion-answer A Work Chant II II about clay, paint; add versss 2, Up She Rises " sea chanty, for when Dick falls 84 " down I Am a Jolly Sweeper II II clean-up song 94 123 SONGSABOUT SCHOOL

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Good Morning New Music Horizons: S.B.C. ready for work, play, with 28 Experiences in Musio tone game for Fi rs t Grade Children Greetings good morning, happy birthday, 33 " " with tone game Welcome Song " " to school, with tone game 35 Tirne for School " " skip, clock sounds 36 Hippety-Hop tt " off to school, gay 37 Thank£ulne as " " for oare, food, home, parents 108 Night Prayer u " slow, for happy day, bless those 109 I love A Bright and Cheerful Music Round the Clock F.P.O. about morning, noon, evening, 9 Morning night; with tone-matching phrases; use bells; parts for teacher, children, all; Hebrew words also Busy Worke re " tt work song: pounding, sawing, 17 painting; solo part Guessing Song a'.}t out worC.s, sme.11-tall, slow- 84 " " quick, soft-loud, glRd-sad, etc., riddle song Hello Ev' rybody Growing with Music, Book I P.H. invitation song to make muaio 1 The Safety Song about traffic lights and getting 2 " " to school on time Johnny 1 s J ee.ns complimentary sone about chtl- 4 " " dren's clothes In Cadiz Making ~usicYour Own, S.B.C. greeting song with Spanish, 86 Book I French, German, and English words of greeting 124 SONGSABOUT SCHOOL

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

11 11 What Did You See? A Singing School: Our J. ~.:B. when I ca.me to school, quiet 4 First Music answer song, create verses In School Together II II uses children's names 5 September and School II II about being old enough and big 7 enough to go to school; walking; rhythm sticks Two I Love II II hurrying home to mother, watching 26 for daddy; skipping Outdoors II fl health song, sing before recess 68 Fresh Air ll II health song, open your window 68 at night Would You? II II health song, keep your shoes dry 69 Safety Lights II II about signal lights that help 69 you cross the street Do Take Care II II safety song, cross the street at 71 the oorner Rest 11 II health song, rest after work and 72 play, sing just before rest time 'Jounting the Days If II lists the days of the week 108 The Puppet Play II II invitation to a puppet show 116 A Song for Happy Children II II walking; about a happy walk 174 Keep Sunny II II funny song about smiling 175 Brave II II about taking little tumbles 175 without grumbling Working Quietly 11 II so others can work, too 176 Taking Turns ti use ohildren's names 176 Sing 1 "II II about singing happily, like a 177 bird, all together I Wonder Why II II about frowning and smiling; use 178 children's names in class 125 SONGSABOUT SCHOOL

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

On Time for School A Singing School: Our J.J.B. change Johnny and Mary to 180 First Music classroom children's names Progress in School The Music Hour, First Book S.B.J. in reading, writing, spelling II II School Song about the clock and getting to ~~ to school on time Marching •Round the II II descriptive march 65 Schoolroom Hello, Ev 1 rybody This Is Music. Book I A. & B. greating song; clep; drum, 12 triangle, tambourine, or woodblock Here We Are Together II II old German tune; about learning 13 to read and write Days of the Week II II with chant; about what to do 14 each day of the week Greeting Song If II 11good morning" song; change 15 words for special occasions Calling Song II teacher, child solo parts 15 If You're Happy "II II clap, tap, nod, etc.; make up 16 verses When We Go Out to Play II II planning song to sing before 18 recess; add verses; What shall we do? What shall we wear? Chants for the Day's ti If Time for Milk, Time for Reading 20 Ac ti vi ties Time for Lunch, Time for Rest, Time for a Story Time to Clean Up II II a good clean up activity song 20 l•1onday Morning Go to If II English folk song; make up 2l School verses Good-bye, Ev 1 rybody It II end of the day song 21 126 SOXGSABOUT SJHOOL

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Come on, Everyone Birchard Music Serie~Book S.-B. 11clap with me11 ; change to walk 42 One: A Comprehensive skate, hop; substitute Book of Music and names for 11everyone 11; fol­ Activities for the low-the-leader game; Use First Grade to give directions as "Put your crayons away. 11 Yonder She Jomes tt tt greeting song for after a 42 vacation, holiday or ab- sence; American folk song tt II Green, Green, Green dialogue song; ~ermenchildren's 43 game; change to other colors; about the color of their clothes Rise, Sugar, Rise tt " American folk song; walking; 44 substitute "Going 'round the classroom, three by three. 11 or 11Oa.n1 t find my paintbrush. What' 11 I do 111 major-minor key change Little White Daisies II tt Alabama folk song; name calling song; add verses; lively song Letters end Names phonics, beginning letter, name 45 " " calling song; Child stands and takes a bow. ii#E!Qf,,,~--:: .1;8~¥..,,~·-' - "..,,.....,~,~-•. .,..._-~""""'"~~--~--


Music Source .Publisher Comment Page Rock-A-Bye Baby First Grade Book Ginn lullaby, traditional 62 Little Tommy Tucker II II Mother Goose 79 Deed.le, Deedle Dumpling II II Mother Goose 79 Three Little Kittens II II dramatize 80 Man in the Moon II repetitive, high 80 II" There Wae A Crooked Man " dramatize 81 Jack, Be Nimble II II dramatize 81 Jack and Jill If dramatize, rhythm instruments 82 Sing a Song of Sixpence " II dramatize, rhythm instru:nents $2 Coo:ic:--..A.-Doodle-Doo "II ti Mother Goose 150 Hickory, Dickory, Doak II ti dramatize, instrwnents 164 II II Ba.a, Ba.a, Black Sheep question~answer 155 Pusa7-0at, Pussy-Oat II ti conversation song 144 Rooks.by, Baby Am~rioanSinger, Book I .A..B.C. ewayin& 12 Higgeldy, Piggeldy ti II counting " show of fingers 72 Three Little Kittens II II dI'alllltize 78 Diddlety Dumpty Music for Young .Americans A.B.C. jump, hop, skip 102 Old King Cole " II tor 11fiddlera 11 substitute drum- 103 mere, trombones, eta. Wee Willie Winkie ti chant first, mysteriously 105 Humpty Dumpty II "II triangle, wood block, sticks, 106 bells Tick Tack Too II II aong, chant, question-answer, 107 accompany with stick• Peter, Peter II II traditional, Mother Goose 108 Taffy II II funny, dramatize 108 Old Woman Tossed in a Basket II II question-anawer, funny 109 Ru.b-a... Dub-Dub II If funny, dance, oirale of three 112 Polly, Put the Kettle On Music for Living Through s.B.o. about tea, cake, muffins, pie, 33 the Day eto. 128 NURSERYRHYMES

Musio Source Publisher Comment Page

Rook-A-Bye, Baby New Music Horizons: S.B.C. Mother Goose, dramatize 6 Experien~esin Music for First Grade Children I Had a Little Nut Tree II If traditional, dramatize 41 Little Jack Horner ff " Ohriatma.a pie, happy song 49 Old Mother Hubbard II II Mother Goose, dramatize, rhythm 96 instrwnents with tone games London Bridge II II singing game, has seven verses 98 Cook---A-Doodle-Doo Mother Goose 99 Three Little Kittens "II "II Mother Goose, dramatize, rhythm 100 instruments, with tone game Mary Had a Little Lamb II II traditional, gay, dramatize story 103 Hot Crose Buns II ff traditional, rhythm instruments, 103 Easter song The Farmer in the Dell II oircle lingi:D8 game, aan change lo4 " to "Oh, Halloween Is Here" Pussy-Cat, Pusey-Cat II II dramatize, Mother Goose 106 I Love Little Pussy Music Round the Clock F.P.O. lullaby f eeli:D8, autoharp 23 introduction See-Saw, Margery Daw II II bell introduction, high-low, 30 extend arms sideways with one child on each end PUSSY""'Oat, PUISY""'Cat ff II question-answer song to intro- 41 antiphonal singing, good to teach understanding of phrasing, dramatize Little Robin II " question-a.newer, solo part, 42 scale song Handy Spandy II hopping, about cake, candy, 50 " grocers Hey, Diddle, Diddle II II Mother Goose, dramatize, auto- 53 harp 129 NURSERYRHYMES

Music Sourc•~--~ _ __Publhher_ Oom.ment _____ p_ege Jack and Jill Music Round the Clock F.P.·J. Mother Goose; scale part for 54 belle; cymbals, wood block, xylophone glissando, sand blocks, triangle Three Little Kittens bell - meow introduction, Mother 56 " " Goose, dramatize Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling " " bells, drama.tize, Mother Goose 58 Jeremiah, Blow the Fire Growing with Music, Book I P.H. puffing song 35 Muffin Man Making Music Your Own, S.B.C. old game song; 1010 part; One 33 Book I child is blindfolded, a- nother sings second versa as a solo. Guess who is the soloist. I Am a Pretty Li ttla ft II Canadian atreet rhyme, nonsense, 64 Dutch Girl bounce and catch balls, strong beat Knock at the Door A Singing School: Our c.c.B. a play for the baby with gestures 31 First Music on the face; traditional Baa I :Baa I Black Sheep If If Mother Goose; question-answer 250 See-saw, Margery Daw If " Mother Goose 250 How Many Days? II II names the days of the week 251 Tame Animals II ff Mother Goose; lively; about a 251 dog and cat with imitative sounds There Was an Old Woman ff It Mother Goose; she lives under 252 a hill Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat It II Mother Goose; question-answer 252 Hush-a-by Baby " " Mother Goose; Old English 253 Jack be Nimble II II Mother Goose; act out 'WOrda 253 Hey, Diddle Diddle u II Mother Goose 254 Doodle-Doo II II The princess lost her shoe and 254 didn't know what to do. NURSERY RHYMES 130

Music --~- ______Sourc~ Publisher Comment _page

Little Bo-Peep A Singing School: Our c.c.B. Mother Goose; dramatize 255 First Musia Hickory Dickory Dock tt " Double circle, partners facing: 255 Swing arms for pendulum, stamp on "tick-tock, 11 short running step to change places with partner, clap hands over head on 11one, 11 and run back to Place. Little Miss Muffet II II Mother Goose; finger play 256 Humpty Dumpty If II Mother Goose 256 Ye Song of Sixpence II II Mother Goose; black birds, pie 257 Mi stress Mary II II Mother Goose 257 The Gingerbread Man II dramatize; song and story 258 Johnny and the Three II "II dramatize; song and story; Boy, 260 Goats hare, fox, wolf, and bee all try, one by one, to get the goats out of the turnip field. Bee is successful. One Misty, Moiety Morning II II Mother Goose; gay song 292 Jack and Jill The Music Hour, ]'irst Book S.B.O. Mother Goose 3 I Had a Little Doggie U II about nursing a doggie 1 s broken 6 leg Ride a Oock Horse ti II Mother Goose 10 Jack, Be Nimble Listen and Sing: The Ginn Mother Goose; act out ~rds 20 World of Music Miss Polly Had a Dolly This Is ~usic,Book I A. & B. story song about a doctor coming 27 to see a sick doll; drama- tize three characters; woodblock on 11rat-ta-tat 11 131 NURSERYRHYMES

Music Source Publisher Comment Page One, Two, Three, Four, This Is Music, Book I A. & B. folk song from England based 42 Five on a Nursery Rhyme; about catching a fish; count to ten; question-answer Mother's Knives and with directions for finger play 29 Forks " " There Oa.me to My Window Mother Goose; bells, autoharp 121 " " accompaniment; about a robin's song Sing a Song of Sixpence " " dramatize; numerous characters 134 Pussy Jat and the Queen question-answer; Old English 135 " " nursery rhyme Ride a Cock Horse to accompany with castanets or 135 Banbury 0 ro ss " " coconut shells, jingle bells I Had a Little Nut Tree Old English nursery song; tells 136 " " a story Lavender's Blue Old English nursery song; child 137 " " can play piano part; bell, autoharp accompaniment Old King Oole bells accompaniment 137 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little " " tiptoe walking 185 Star (p.p.) " " Little Miss l"i:uffet Birch.srd Music Series Book S.-B. dramatize 26 One: A ~omprehensive Book of Music and Activities for the ]'irst Grade Sing a Song of Sixpence " fl dramatize; autoharp 27 Humpty Dumpty " If high-low; slow 28 132 NURSERY RHYMES

Music ~ ~---5QU.J"c~L Publisher Oomment P~e Hey, Diddle, Diddle Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. high-low; dram.a.tize; rhythm 28 One: A Comprehensive instruments for sound Book of Music and effects Activities for the First Grade Finikin, Winikin, Wo gay, old rhyme; bell accompani- 29 " " ment Jack and Jill II n traditional nursery rhyme; 30 Children choose instruments for dramatization. Little Mouse II II Chinese nursery rhyme; slow, 61 smooth story song; Four children play with indivi- dual resonator bells; Play triangle and wood block lightly. 133 COUNTINGSONGS

Mueio Souro~ Publisher Comment .Page Going to the Store First Grade Book Ginn counting money 7 J.ll·wnberPlay II adding 42 One Potato, T":o Potatoes "11 counting out song 42 Three Sneezes II "II dramatize 43 Ten Little Indians II 11 drametize II II Tick-a, Ta~k-a,Tee sound of' the flute ~ This Old Man II ii count 'to ten 44 Blackbird• .American Singer, Book I A.B.O. finger play 48 Ten Little Indians II II action game 94 Making Valentines II " for February 63 Happy Jowboy Music for Young Americans A.B.C. twirl the lasso 34 Ten Little Pennies ti II "Ten Little Indians" One-a-Larkey II tria.Dgl•, gong, drums 5 Marching Song "II II follow direction• 69 lJick-Naak II II Use fingers 74 Five Angels Music for Living Through s.B.o. finger play 36 the Day Five Black Horses ti II counting 52 Three Blue Pigeons II II add, subtract, glad-sad mood1 101 On This Night II II counting, light one candle, 118 two, etc. of the Menorah Easter Eggs counting, whisper-sing, teach 126 " " colors One Man Went to Mow Growing with Music, Book I p • .:a. counting, act out words, English 44 folk song ~hiakamy,Chickamy, Making Music Your 0-wn, S.B.O. gam~ c..~ant,counting 1 - 12, 31 Craney Crow Book I witch, tag game, Halloween Three Blue Pigeons II II dramatize, tonal pattern repeti­ 35 tion, verse and spoken part, with poem Five Angela II II count to five, groups dramatize, 46 finger play - -~---,.,..,.~.....,,=.,...... ,,._.~-~~-=,.,.,,,,-.•~~'"..,.....,.._,- ...,-~~,..,,,.,.....'.'""""~*"'."¥,,.~,4- :;:: ISJW5&,.,.E•3?'\'f-:-l:f~~n·SZ:Ai~.-:;;Y,- .. ,,.we;-.:oo:- .-!f¢_£S!Jif,.<.'.'~


Music Source Publisher Comment P~e

Nick-Nack, Paddy Whack Making Music Your Own, S.B.O. pantomime words, count to ten 111 Book I Jounting the Days II II lists the days of the week 108 Counting OUt (p.p.) II II music seems to say, "One, two, 159 three, out goes he. 11 11Count the merry children 'neath the shady maple tree? 11 Broom Dance II II Boys' line, girls' line face 246 each other. Extra player with broom goes up and down the line. Players, singing, take four steps forward and back. Repeat and take new partner. Extra player drops broom for a partner. Player without a partner takes broom. Counting song to eleven. How Many Days? II II names the days of the week; old 251 rhyme Days of the Week This Is Music, Book I A. & B. with chant; about what to do 14 each day of the week Band of Angels II II spiritual; count to ten; game: 36 Ten angels with instruments sit in semi-circle, stand and plan on ac~entedbeat; when their number is sung, all play together on the chorus, then reverse. COUNTINGSONGS 135

Music ~~~~~~~~ Source Publisher Oomment PMe

Over in the Meadow This Is Music, Book I A. & B. about all the animals in the 38 meadow: toads, fish, birds, rats, bees, crows, mice, lizards, ducks, rabbits; count to ten We'll All Go Down the II II count to twenty forward and 40 Meadow backwards; British folk song This Old Man II II count to ten; number rhyming 41 song from England One, Two, Three, Four, II II singing game; hiding song; 42 Five, Six, Seven question-answer; count to seven forward and backward One, Two, Three, Four, II II folk song from England based 42 Five on a Nursery Rhyme; about catching a fish; count to ten; question-answer One Little Elephant II II count to seven; singing game 43 from Japan; circle of elephants, one child as an elephant 11:a.lks around in center and chooses another elephant, at the end of each stanza to join the line of elephants Mein Hut II II folk song from Ger.many; (My Hat) 145 song with ections; Ger.man and English words; count to eight in German, French, Spanish 136 COUNTilfGSONGS

Music.. ·-- Source Publisher Comment P~e

This Old lVian Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. American folk game; count with 16 One: A Comprehensive fingers to ten. hand throw- Book of Music and ing and rolling motion; Activities for the rhythm instruments First Grade Oou.nting Song German folk song; German and 76 " " English words; count to seven; Form circle. seven steps forward. seven steps backward. clap three times, stamp three times, turn in place. The Band " tt South Jarolina Spiritual; count- 122 ing to ten; counting angels, rattles, sticks and cymbals; add another stanza counting from eleven to twenty 137 FOREIGN LANGUAGESONGS

------Must~. Source Publisher Jomrnent Page

Jharm&ntoun Making ~IusicYour Own, S.B. J. French folk song; French words: 17 Book I skip Un rat et te chat II fl :French folk song; English and 75 French words; accompany with percussion instruments In Jadiz II If Spanish folk song; English 86 words with greetings in Spanish, I'rench, German Sevez-vous planter des It (Planting Jabbage); French folk 90 choux " song; English and French words; about how to plant cabbage Don Juan Periquito It II Puerto Rican singing game; 98 English and Spanish words; slow, funny song about a sneil th&t we.nts to learn to dance; bounce ball - catch - hold Animal Sounds It II Israeli song; English and Iara- 103 eli animal sounds; sounds of the cock, hen, sheep and cow are in Israeli Il court, il court, le II II ('Weasel Run); French game song; 105 furet English and French WJ rds Dona Ana II II Latin-American singing game; 119 English and Mexican ·wora_s;

I conversation song Le Vi bora II II (The Sea Serpent); Spanish- 128 American folk song; Eng- lish and Spanish words; This song is sung and play- ed to the rules of "London Bridge 138 FOREIGN Lt\NGUAGESONGS

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

A la volette Making Music Your Own, S.B.J. (Cn the Wing); French folk 130 Book I song; ~nglishand French words; story song about some little birds that didn't stay in their nest and were eaten by a. fox En roulant ma boule II II French-Janadian folk song; 142 dramatize; French words; Refrain was sung by French voyageurs as they paddled their canoes. Visiting Gru:ie This Is lviusic, Book I A. & B. English greeting song with 144 German, Spanish and French greeting Mein Hut fl II folk song from Germany; (My 145 Hat) song with actions; German and English words; count to eight in German,

I French, Spanish El flordn II II (The Rosette); Spanish and Eng- 146 lish words; folk game from the Rio Grande; seated circle with hands behind backs, leader outside cir- cle places flower in someone's hand; Sing. Guess Pio, pio, pio II II folk song from Mexico; about 147 baby chickens; dramatize Mexican Hat Dance II II folk tune from Mexico; three 148 Spanish ....ords; skip, gal- lop, jump, hop around a big Mexican hat; clap; maracas, claves 139 FOREIGN .LA..i.\J"GUAGESONGS lviusic Source Publisher Comment Page

Trois p 1 tits bonshom.rn1 s This Is Music, Book I A. & B. folk song from France; English 150 and French words; walking rhythm; drrunatize; play 11 bells on Ah-choo, 11 bell glissando at end; (Three Little Gentlemen) Berceuss francaise " tt (French Lullaby); folk song 150 from France; French and English words Sugarbush II fl (Vastrap); originally a Hot- 151 tentot dance; clapping, stamping; folk tune from South Africa; gay, lively song; percussion instru- ments The Snow Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. (Juchhe) by Karl Marx, a con- 66 One: A Jomprehensive temporary composer living Book of Music and in Germany; German and A.~tivitiesfor the English words; about snow :E'i rst Grade and building a snowman; bell or piano introduction; autoharp; with poem, 11Sea.­ sons11 All the Birds Are Here German folk song; German and 68 Again " " English words; about robins, sparrows, meedow larks singing; autoharp; Child can play piano or bell accompaniment. Accompany lightly on triangle, tam­ bourine, rattles, and jingle bells 14o FOREIGNLANGUAGE SONGS

Music Source Publisher Comment fa,g:e

The Elephant Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. French folk song; French and 74 One: A Comprehensive English words; imitative; Book of Music and autoharp Activities for the Grade First I Are You Sleeping? (Frere Jacoues); traditional 74 " " song; French and English words; Three children play F, A, C simultaneously on · individual resonator bells. Round C7o to Sleep (Fais Do-Do); areole folk song 75 " " about going to sleep in daddy 1 s, mother's and a-Wltie 1 s arms; •Jreole and English words One, Two, Three II It · gay, German folk song; German 75 and English words; Play different rhythm instl'll- ments while singing number one, two, three. Jounting Song " " German folk song; German and 76 English words; count to seven; :F'orm circle, seven steps forward, seven steps back, clap three times, stamp three times, turn in place Little Ship It " (Das Schifflein); German folk 76 song; German and English 'lr.'Ords; sway 141 FOREIGN LANGUAGESONGS

Music Source Publisher Oomment Page

John the lviiller Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. (Juan Pirulero); Mexican sing- 77 One~ A ~omprehensive ing game; Spanish e.nd Eng- Book of Music and lish words; oc.~upation, Activities for the follow-the-leader, guessing :n rst Grade game Song of the Shoemc.ker " tt (Ronda del Zapatero); Spanish 77 words that imitate the sounds of the shoemaker's hammer San Sereni " tt Cuban folk song; Spanish and 78 English words; the cobbler taps, oarpenter pounds, dressma.ker sews, cowboy rides, laundress washes; imitative 142 SONGS ABOUT TRANSPORTATION: BOATS, THAIN'S, OARS, AIRPLANES

Muaio Source Publisher Comment Py:e

Row, Row, Row Your Boat First Grade Book Ginn a round 127 Down By the Station II " a round 189 Here We Go A-Riding on " Ha• train sounds. 190 a Train " Song of the Shepherd••• " • playing traine and planes 191 (p.p.) The Wig-Wag II It short, about a train 192 Aeroplane II II high-low, plane sounds 192 Planes and Trains (p.p.) tt " faet, etacoato Playillg Train (p.p.) " II rwm1D8 theme ~~ The Cara Go Up and Down If II concerning autoe, atreetoare 194 Traffic Lights II II to teach colors 195 Swish II II about oar• 196 Wait a Minute• Green Bua I II loDg, double decker bus 196 My Airplane American SiJ1€er, Book I A.B.C." cymbal roll, drum roll 26 Conductor'• Call II II tone matohill& 26 Transportation II II train, boat, bus, plane 27 Wait for the Wagon II low-high 28 "II The J'reight Train " rhythm atioks, wood blocks 29 Playing Train II II train sounds 30 The Auto II II car horn sounds, family ride 31 The Train " any toy inetrumenta available 171 Auto Horn• "II short, sound of horn 172 The En&ine " II short, old fashioned train 172 Airplanes "II ehort, tone-.matohi:ag " 17~ The Train II II old time train 17 The E11€ine II II sound• of train working 174 On the Train It II short, old fashioned 'rain 174 My Boat II short, sailboat 177 The Family Car Music for Young Americans A.B.O." about trains, planes, oar- 34 motel• 143 SONGSABOUT TRANSPORTATION: BOATS, TRAINS, CARS, AIRPLANES

Music~-~~------~~--~-- ___ s_o_urce··-----·------_ Publisher Comment ---·------~· Page_

TU&boate Music for Young Americans A.B.1J. bell introduction The Helicopter Use ar~sfor propellora ~6 The Night Express "h "II steam engine, sand blocks, drum 41 Putter-Putt " II motor boat song 42 Ohoo-Choo Train II dramatize, streamline train, 42 " lolll: freight train We Go Traveling Music for Living Through s.:s.c. car, train, boat, plane, roller 72 the Day skates, bike, bus, space ship The Helicopter II II brings mail 72 Uow Let Me Fly II II dramatize 73 When the Train Gomes II dramatize 74 AloDg " Train Song II II train chants 74 II II Pufferbilli• a old fashioned train, tr~ditional 75 Ballad of the Train 11 " calls off namee of cars 76 Busy Switching Engine II fl freight yard work 76 Little Red Caboose II II dramatize 77 Car Song II II about riding in a oar 7g Bell Buoys II II sand blocks for swaying, tri- so angles for ringiJl8 The Sailboat Soll€ II II descriptive 81 Little Tugboat ti II imitative 82 The Big Steamer ff II about a steamboat 82 Ferry Boats Music for Livill8 Throllgh s.B.o. descriptive 83 the Day Up She Riaea II II sea cb.anty, work song 84 The Lighthouse II II dramatize 85 Row, Row, Row Your Boat II II round 85 Bus Song " II city bua, question-answer gg Busy Truck• ti II sand, gravel, cement tru.cka, 89 tone blocks, sand blocks, dru.ma 144 SONGS ABOUT TRANSPORTATION: BOATS, TRAiliS, CARS, AIEPLA.NES

Mueic Sou.re• Publisher Comment Pa.q:e The Drill Music for Living Through S.B.C. about road repair work 89 the Day Big Machines II cranes, b\.1.lldozers, cymbal, 90 " sand blocks The Steam Shovel II drama.tize, clumsy ponderoua 91 " rhythm Stop - Go II ti dramatize 93 Arran Boat Song (p.p.) II II rocking, swaying, waves, bell- 142 buoya The Buses New Music Horizons: S.B.C. run day, night, rain, snow 112 Experiences in Music for First Grade Children Choo-Choo-Choo " II about an old fashioned train, 112 an iron horse Crossing the Street II II for safety, cars, policeman 114 The Steam Shovel Growill€ with Music, Book I P.H. describea ita work, ponderous 20 Little Red Cabooee II II traditional, dramatize 22 Row, Row, Row Your Boat Making Music You.r Own, S.B.C. traditional round, line forma~ 66 Book I tion, Pull on each strong beat. Up She Rises II II sea shantey, strong beat, 67 dramatize to help work together New River rrrain II II This train brings a load of 84 hearts for St. Valentine's Day. dramatize II II 1 When the Train Comes Along solo part, I 11 meet yo~at 91 the station. Get on Board II II spiritual, about a gospel train, steam engine, dramatize 145 SONGS ABOUT TRANSPORTATION: BOATS, TRAilfS, JARS, AIRPLANES

Mull!lie Source Publisher Comment Page

The Allee Allee l Making Music Your Own, S.B.C. about a big, sailing ship, 125 Book I imitative En roulant ma boule II French-Janadian folk song, 142 " a refrain e~ by French voyageur• as they paddled their canoes along the waterways in Canad.a, dra.iJuil.tize On the Bus II II about getting on and off a 53 city bue At the Station II II about a train etation, drama- 54 tize Safety Lighta A Singing School: Ou.r c.c.B. about signal lights that help 69 First Music yoa croa• the street Rowing II II descriptive; rowing rhythm 107 The Milk Train II II descriptive SO:Q8 144 The Two Traine II II freight train and paaeenger 194 train with a steam engine Trucks II II about carrying lumber, sand, 196 food, coal, oil The Steam Shovel II II describes its work with 197 imitative sound.a The Freight Engine (p.p.) .. II slow song; dramatize; steam 267 engine The Auto II II old fashioned car, honk, get 334 out of my way The Ferry Boat II with imitative sounds 335 The Sailor Lad "It II rhythm instrwnent accompaniment 335 Clicki ty Clack II II rhythm inetrwnent accompaniment 336 A Boat Trip II descriptive song 336 " II Merrily We Roll AloJ:18 II American folk tune 337 146 SONGSABOUT TRANSPORTATION: BOA.TS, TBA.INS, CARS, AIRPLANES

Music Source Publisher ~omment Pap:e

The Bus A Singing School: Our ~.J.B. descriptive song about a city 339 First Music bus The Aeroplane If II about an old fashioned airplane 34o

Hiking Song Growing Up w1 th Music l'J.A.K .l~t.C. English hiking song; whistle 53 Sailing II II smooth song 55 Song of the Boisterous fl II descriptive song; about the 56 Sailors ocean Blow the Me..n Do'tm fl II sailor chantey; solo and chorus; 59 imitative Row, Row, Row Your Boat II II a round; chimes or psaltery 60 I Wish I Were a Sailor II II about going to sea and coming 61 home Song of the Street ·Jar n II descriptive song; dramatize 63 The Train II fl about a sturdy little train that 65 chugs along with sound effects Airplanes If fl about a small old fashioned plane 68 The Flight II ff about a glider plane 69 Swi se Ski Song If If English and Swiss words; Swiss 75 folk song In Japan II II about riding in a jinrikisha; 78 woodblocks If You Were an Eskimo II II about riding in a big sled with 79 a dog team The Street Oar The Music Hour, First Book S.B.O. observation song 14 Following the Wind II II about sailing East, West, North, 42 South Rowing Song If II descriptive boat ride 69 The Airplane If II scale song 79 Traffic Lights Listen and Sing: The Ginn about crossing the street safely 52 World of Music 147 SONGSABOUT TRAl'l'SPORTATION: BOATS, TRAINS, JARS, AIRPWTES

.Music Source Publisher Comment Page The Steam Engine Listen and Sing: The Ginn song of the steam engine puff- 96 World of Music ing along The li'ire .ingine about an old fashioned fire 127 " " engine A Ride II II train, car, plane sounds; 134 11Where sho-:.ild you like to r1de? 11 Red, Yellow, Green Light This Is Music, Book I A. & B. song to teach meaning of 76 t raffia lights Stop 1 Look l Listen I II II about crossing the street; 77 autoharp, bells Let's Take a Trip 11 II Italian folk tune; high-low; 124 by plane, train, ship; add verses telling where and how to go I Went for e. Ride II about a ride in a jet plane, 125 " streamlined train, rocket ship, submarine, big balloon, satellite,daddy 1 s car Same Train II American folk melody; repetitive 126 " phrase; sand blocks accom­ paniment; dramatize; seven verses about a passenger train' s trip Train Song II II train sounds song; rhythm 128 instruments Horsey 1 Horsey 1 II II descriptive horse and buggy 129 song; trot, gallop; coconut shells, wood block or castanets 148 SONGSABOUT TBAliSPURTATIOi~: BOATS• TBA.IYS, Ji!..11.S,.... AIRPLANES

Music Sour~e Publisher Comment Page

The Allee Allee 0 This Is ~..fusic,Book I A. & B. folk song from Massachusetts; 130 bell introduction; drama- tize; about a sailing ship Three Pirates II II Old English Sea :Jh.anty; drama- 140 tize; rhythm instruments Skye Boat Song (p.p.) II H Old Sea :Jhanty; swinging, bend- 185 ing I've Been Working on the Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. Jhange to other places of work, 47 Railroad One: A :Jornprehensi ve such as: on the bus line, Book of Music and milk truck, garbage truck, Activities for the in the grocery store, ser- First Grade vice station. steel mill. office. etc.; rhythm in­ struments The Steam Shovel II II slow song; dramatize; rhythm 48 sticks. drums, cymbal crash on 11Bangu Lula Gal II II gay. American folk song about 79 riding in a trailer home II II A Visit to the Airport Des~ribeseverything involved 80 in a plane ride. drama- tize; adapt for other types of transportation; with two poems, 11The Helicopter. 0 and "Jets II The Train Is A-Oomin 1 II II American folk song; sing 82 smoothly; repetitive; add verses Little Red Jaboose II II camp song; sand blocks 82 149 SONGS ABOUT TRA1ISPORT.A.TION: BO.ATS, TRA.I.NS, JARS, AIF.PLA.NES

Music Sou roe Publisher Comment ~

The Station ~fagon Birchard r•iusic Series Book S.-B. traditional tune (Ten Little g4 One: A Comprehensive Indians); dramatize; rhythm Book of Music and instruments; add verses Activities for the like: 11Had a flat tire and First Gra.de we stopped to fix it. 11 etc. Bell Buoys II II about bell buoys rocking, sea 84 gulls swooping, blue waves splashing; free movement; add verses Little Black Engine II II about an old steam engine; 127 Jhildren can accentuate the melody by playing the C scale. Play eaoh note twice. resonator bells Ona Boat (p.p.) II II Bashkir folk song; imitate 138 rowing for a phrasing activity; with chant for phrasing activity; for quiet listening Comin' Thro' the Rye (p.p.) II II merry, Scottish folk song; 139 change actions on each phrase, as snapping fin­ gers, tapping feet, clap­ ping hands, waving; march or dance, turn or change directions at end of each phrase The Nightingale (p.p.) II fl Ger.wan folk song; circle, away 140 gently• turn out, sway, turn a.gain; for phrasing activity 150 SONGSABOUT TRANSPORTATION: BOATS, TRAINS, JARS, AIRPLANES

Music Source Publisher Comment Pa.e:e

Estonian Dance (p.p.) Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. Vishkarev; play quickly; Hop 140 One: A Comprehensive and clap lightly, changing Book of Music and dire~tionat end of phrase. Activities for the First Grade Allegretto (p.p.) II II Mozart; play gracefully; step 141 lightly and slowly, pause or turn at end of phrase; accompany with ligh-toned rhythm instruments II II l•.ielody (p.p.) Haydn (From String ~uartet,Op. 142 9, No. 3); music asks a question and gives an answer Row, Row, Row Your Boat II II traditional round; individual 144 resonator bells for accompaniment 151 SONGSA:sOUT THE SKY- MOON,STABS, smr

Musio Souroe Publisher Comment Page

Suoh a :Bright Day First Grade Book Ginn happily 117 Good Morning, .Merr7 II question - answer 118 Sunshine " Little Day Moon • down, up 118 II " The Child and the Star " high - low 119 Son& at Dusk oonaerning nature 119 About Danoin& "II " danoe - pantomine, daybreak- 183 " noon-sunset The Child and the Star Amerioan Singer, Book I A.B.O. slow, smooth 5 The Stars " " acienoe queation 184 Silver Stare Music for Young Americana " triangle, bells, lullaby 17 Stare " II acoompany with finger c1J11bals 52 Winter Moon II " B.lllooth, mysterioue 52 I See the Moon • II old prayer Mister Sun • "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" §~ Shadows "II II desoriptive 54 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Music for Living ThroU&h S.B.O. traditional, triangle 20 Star the Day I See the Moon II I quiet song, sun, stars, eto. 64 Sun and Moon New Music Horizons: s.:B.o. quiet mood 62 Experiences in Musio for First Grade Children Twinkle, Twinkle, Little I Hae two more verses. 63 Star " The Moon • • slow soDg 64 liooturne (p •P•) " • a night scene, b7 Roben 124 Sohumann The Moon Goes By M1'Window • " Mueller, slow, serene music 134 (p.p.) for listening Sun and Stars Musio Round the Clock F.P.C. happy song, strike six o'olock 10 on G bell for introduction 152 SONGSA.BOUT THE SKY - MOON,STARS, SUN

.Music Source Publisher Comment _ Page

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Music Round the Clock F.P.O. descriptive, autoharp accompani- 87 Star ment, finger cymbals or triangle, the Elliot melody; with poem I'm Glad Growing with Musio, Book I P.H. descriptive of universe; happy 12 song A Wish II If traditional rhyme; wishing on 31 a star Bye 1M Bye " II counting stars; high-low 41 The Moon Is Joming Out Making Music Your Own, S.B.~. Japa~esechildren's song; Sit 28 Book I oriental style and express the meaning with hand and arm motions designated to follow the three phrase structure Lazy and Warm II II lazy song about resting in the 143 sun; five-note melody; tuned bottles Baby' s Prayer A Singing School: Our C.t).B. God bless the moon and me. 25 First Music I Saw a Star II II descriptive song 291 Marching Star The Mu.sic Hour, First Book S.B.C. about the stars at night while 54 we sleep The New Moon II " scale song 55 Sailing Listen and Sing: The Ginn about clouds; wishful thinking; 50 World of Music for two choirs A Thousand Stars II II soft, slow song; about God keep- 76 iDg watch over children The Moon ti II a child describes the full moon 90 to mother 153 SONGSABOUT THE SKY - MOON,STARS, SUN

Music Source Publisher 0omment Page

Looking Up and Down Listen and Sing: The Ginn quiet song; about wanting to 125 World of Music fly like birds and see the clouds and trees Night and Morning II II high-low; about the moon and 133 sun, getting up and going to bed Round and Round the Sun Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. science song about the movements 67 One: A Comprehensive of the sun, earth, moon, Book of Music and stars; Act out words of Activities for the the song for science demon- First Grade st re, ti on. In the Heavens Blue II II German folk song; quiet song; 100 about the stars I Can Touch the Sky II II about touching the sky and 145 ground; dramatize, stretch- ing high; high-low CIRrJUS SONGS 154

Mueic Source Publisher Comment Page The Circus First Grade Book Ginn Circus is coming. 111 The rJloWJl " If descriptive song 112 The Lion " II dramatize 113 The Ehphant II II walk with slow, heavy step 113 Circus Parade (p.p.) " II for lietening 112 I Like Monkeys II II descriptive 114 The Strong Man (p.p.) " II dramatize 114 The Seal " If descriptive so11tt 115 The Camel " II descriptive aong 115 Old Mister Elepb,a,nt American Singer, Book I A.B.C. imitative, arm ia tru.uk 80 The Kangaroo II ahort, jum.ping 178 The Camel Music for" Young Americana A.B.C. short, slow song 93 The Kangaroo II II lOD€, short j~s or leap• 94 At the Circus (p.p.) New Music Horizons: S.B.C. grand entry march, majestic, 86 E:xperiences in Music The Calliope, The Acrobata, for First Grad• The Elephants, High Step- Childrea pin& Horees, The Clown, The Chariot Race, Exit March The Merry-Go-RoUlld II II descriptive, walk in circles 90 and up and down, drama­ tize, rhythm instruments The Circus II " d115cript1v1 92 Scherzino (p.p.) " II animale rwllling 92 The Chase (p.p.) " " running, staccato notes 93 March Fantastique (p.p.) II II animals walking 94 The Circua Olown II II descriptive, with humor 94 The Kangaroo If II descriptive 95 The Clown and His Shadow If II for creative dramatization, 137 al ow The Little Monkeys (p.p.) If If for creative dramatization 13S 155 .JIRCUS SONGS

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Bears (p.p.) New Music Horizons: S.B.O. bears or big animals; for 139 Experiences in Music creative drame.tization; for First Grade slow, connected music ·Children Camels (p.p.) II II for creative dramatization Leo, the Lion Growing with Music, Book I P.H. descriptive, vigorous song l~~ Punchinello II about a clown's frown; 47 " question-answer ~arrousel Making Music Your Own, S.B.O. Swedish folk dance; two circles, 133 Book I side step, increase tempo, slide, decrease tempo, side step Oh, Dear I What Can the II " question song, "Johnny's so long 136 Matter Be at the fair 11, percussion instruments The Merry-Go-Round A Singing School: Our J.:J.:s. descriptive song about the Car­ 195 First Music rousel; imitative Elephants (p.p.) II 11 imitative; ponderously 268 De.nae of the Clowns (p.p.) II II Mendelssohn, in Midsummer Night 1 s 284 Dream Jircus Time II about \\'anting to go to the 320 " circue The Clow II II invitation soJ1€ 320 The King of Beasts II II The lion called the animals to 322 a feast to elect him king. Jamel a ti II slow, descriptive sOJl€ 323 Circus Olow II ti descriptive song 326 The Circus Calliope (p.p.) II H Stephen Foster; same tune as 328 110h Susanne. 11 Grand Processional (p.p.) II II Italian folk tune; brightly, 328 rapidly; for listening Running Horses (p.p.) II II Mendelssohn; Tarantella; tiptoe 329 run 156 CIRCUS SONGS

Music Source Publisher Comment Page The Elephant The Music Hour, First Book S.B.J. about elephants in circuses 72 Circus Clown Thie Is Music, Book I A. & B. first part, right hand, black 83 keys - second part, left hand, black keys The Circus Is Joming II II clowns turn cartwheels, somer- 84 saults, fall down; cymbal crash; dramatize ,Ji rcus Day Parade fl ti dramatize; descriptive; drums, 86 cymbals, bells accompani- ment; lions roar Merry-Go-Round fl ti dra.metize; gong bell introduc- 87 tion and ending; piano interlude The Elephants fl fl heavy, comical song; dramatize; 88 drum, cymbals, elephant bell Garrousel Birchard Music Series Book S.-B Swedish folk game; slow-fast; 17 One: A Comprehensive Double circle facing center, Book of Music and inside circle join hands, Activities for First outside circle place hands Grade on shoulders of partner in front. All move to left with sliding steps. The Circus Band fl fl marching rhythm; dru.m accompani- 52 ment; Parade; pretending to play the instruments named. in the song. Jumbo the Elephant fl 11 imi teti ve; drum, triB.ngle 52 accompaniment The Clown (p.p.} II II Rebikov; imitative 168 157 SONGSABOUT ANIIVlA.LS - PETS• FARM, ZOO

Music Source Publisher Comment Page Three Little Kittens First Gra.de Book Ginn dramatize 80 Little Dog, What Do You If If queetion-anewer 143 Say Bunny In the Garden " II imitative 146 Trot, Trot, Trot II II sounds of a horse trotting 149 The Chickens II II finger play 150 Bossy Cow II II instrwnents 153 Cluck, Cluck, Cluck If II conversation song 151 Galloping Horse II II repetitive 24 The Wild Horsemen (p.p.) " II galloping, imitative 24 Trip a Trio a Tronjes II II about pigs, cows, ducks, foot- 61 riding &OJl8 Run, Mousie, Run " " high-low Pussy-Cat, Pu••y-Cat II II nu ree ry rhyme i~ II II Margaret•~Kitten kitten sou.:D.d.a 145 Bunny Eats II II bUJ'.llcy"in a claaaroom 146 Scherzo II II free play; hop, bounce, leap, 147 whirl, jump My Pony (p.p.) II II galloping 148 High Steppiag Horses (p.p.) II II free play 148 My Dog Jack II II descriptive 149 Ma'• Little Pigs II II repetitive, funny •on.g 151 The Ducks II II descriptive 152 Waddling Du.eke (p.p.) II II Humoresque 152 The Squirrel II II squirrel talke 153 Pop J Goes the Weasel II II skipping 17 Ohicken Licken II II story and song 202 The Gingerbread Boy II If story and song 211 My Pony America.n Singer, Book I A.B.O. galloping 129 Cowa and Sheep II II tone matchinc, other animal• 75 A Farmer Went Riding II II wood bloak accompaniment 76 Old Mister Elephant ff II imitative 80 158 SONGSABOUT ANIY.A.LS - PETS, FARM, ZOO

Music Souroe Publisher Comment Page

The Boy and the Billy American Singer, Book I A.B.O. song story, dramatize 83 Goats Three Oh, Where Is My Little ff descriptive 144 Dog Gone? " Animal Talk II II clap hands twice at end of 182 verse Feeding the Animals II II imitative play 74 Three Little Kittens " ff dramatize 78 The Rabbit If II hopping 125 Pop Goes the Weasel ff skipping 130 Ducks " II wood blocks, rhythm sticks 68 Little Sheep "II II high-low, lo:ng 68 Chickens and Ducks If II short, animals talk 69 At Market ff II question-answer, game 70 Fluffy II II squirrel 77 Skipper ff II about a dog and father's slipper 77 Squirrel Has a :Bushy Tail .. about a squirrel, possum, 78 " raccoon My Wish ff for a shiny, black pony to ride 79 Cat and Bird " II high-low 81 The Babbit "II II hopping 125 Little Boy Blue ff II nursery rhyme 166 The Kitten II II any toy instruments available 172 Squirrel and Rabbit II II Squirrels chatter, Bunny is 173 silent The Giraffe II II bend, stretch 178 The Kangaroo n very short, jumping 178 The Elephant II" It walk, sway 178 The Rooster It II rooster sounds, talks 179 The Duck II II waddling 181 My Old Dog It II add animal sounds 182 159 SONGSABOUT ANIMALS - PETS, FARM, ZOO

Music Source Publisher Oo.tll.!!i.ent Page

The Hungry Goat Music for Young Americans A.B.o. bells 77 Noodle Poodle " " nonsense 73 Two Geese " " geese sounds 78 Going to a Party " " circle, aat out "WOrds 79 Red Rooster " " boastful rooster 80 Ducks in the Pond " ff slow-fast, loud-soft 80 Burly Billy Bobadill " " pony, gallop 81 Bushy, the Squirrel " " descriptive, short 82 Walk, Old Mule " " trot , run, pull 83 My Big Black Dog " " black keys of piano 89 Kitty " " de scrip ti ve 90 The Camel " " descriptive, accent note 93 The Kangaroo " " long, short jumps or leaps 94 A Roar and a Growl " " lions, tigers 94 Giddy-up, Pony l accompany- with coconut shells 37 " " or wood blocks Little Boy Blue " tt SOD8 story - cows, sheep 154 Little Red Hen ff " song story - ducks, sheep, pigs 16o Little Hamster Music for Living Through S.B.C. descriptive 36 the Day The Old Gray Oat dramatize, use drum between 37 " " verses My Little Dog " " question-answer Joe Rattle " " circle, imitative ~ Down in the Grain Fields " ff high-low, repetitive 50 Morning on the Farm " " animals talk 51 Old Woman and the Pig " " funny sounds of pig 52 Farmyard Friends " " call farm animals 54 Feeding Time " " question-answer, instrument& 55 for barnyard sounds Little Lamb ff " quiet, lonesome song 56 160 SONGSABOUT ANIMALS - PETS, FA.BM,ZOO

Music Source Publisher Comment Pa.e.:e

The Egg Music for Living ThroU8h S.B.C. about gathering eggs 56 the Day In the Barnyard " " descriptive, dramatize 57 Leading the Cows " " Jersey, Holstein, etc. 61 Work Horses " " about plowing 62 Going to Pasture (p.p.) suggests cows, pitching hay, 63 " " pumping water, etc. White Pony " " galloping 64 And So We Ride tt tt about a donkey 65 Hayride " " with horse and wagon 66 The Babbit " " invitation song, add verses 70 Giddy-ap Pony " " tone blocks, coconut shells lo4 The Seals " " descriptive, at zoo 106 The Bear " " imitative, ponderous 106 The Lion " " walking up and down 108 March (P•l>•) imitative, bears, elephants, 139 " " work horses Kittens New Music Horizons: S.B.C. descriptive, with tone game 9 Experiences in Music for First Grade Children What Does the Puppy Say? kitty, donkey, etc., animal 9 " " sounds, question-answer My Airedale Dog II " fUnny, descriptive 14 Cloppity, Cloppity II imitative, horse, ponies, dogs 15 " kittens Gallop II pony, gallop to a place and 15 " back "home" Waddling Ducks (p.p.) II slow music 70 "II Familiar Friends II about many farm animals, 80 dramatize The Crested Hen (p.p.) " II creative dance 81 161 SONGS ABOUT .AN'ID.LS - PETS, FARM, ZOO

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

The City Mouse and the New Music Horizons: s.B.o. tells a story Sl Country Mouse Experiences in Music for First Grade Children Squirrels (p.p.) II II fast-slow 81 Little Colt It II eat, kick, run, lie in the 82 shade My Little Pony II II traditional, lively song with 84 tone studies What They Say II II fa.rm animals talk 84 Ponies II II descriptive of ponies in 89 Cologne, Rochelle, Berlin The Elephant II II slow, heavy song, at the zoo 90 Pony Ride (p.p.) " II loud-soft, for listening 91 Scherzino (p.p.) " II animals running, staccato notes 92 The Kangaroo " II descriptive 95 The Three Bears (p.p.) II ti for creative dramatization 138 The Little Monkeys (p.p.) ti II for creative dramatization 138 Bears (p.p. ) II II for creative dramatization, 139 slow, connected music, bears or big a.."'limals Camels (p.p. ) II II for creative dramatization 139 Frisky Wisk Music Round the Clock F.P.C. bell introduction, high-low 22 See My Pony? II II running rhythm, coconut shells 24 or wood block introduction and accompaniment Baby Chicks II II autobarp, bells or psaltery, 31 loud-soft, about animals, family living Surprise l It II about newborn puppies, funny 33 song SONGSABOUT ANIMALS - PETS. FARM. ZOO 162

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

My Little Cats Music Round the Clock F.P.O. bells or psaltery introduction 34 and coda. canon accompani- ment which has the feeling of chasing What the Animals Say horse, dog, sheep, pig, cat, 45 " " cow, owl, pigeon, chicka- dee; ~allop,walk, skip, run, hop; solo part Little Gray Ponies Growing with Music, Book I P.H. galloping 36 Leo, the Lion descriptive, vigorous song; in 46 " " the jungle Oh. I Saw a Fox Making Music Your Own. S.B.o. funny song; double circle game 8 Book I in pairs, partners swing on refrain, It dramatizes in center. I Bought Me a Oat " ff cumulative song, Rena.me farm 36 animal ancl animal talk in reverse order. Come Up. Horsey dramatize; lead, rub down, brush, 44 " " bridle the horse; trot; imitative; coconut shells or sticks Mister Rabbit " " a mental conversation of a child 70 about the physical charac- teri stioe of a rabbit, triangle accompaniment, with poem Un rat et le chat II II (A Rat and the Cat) French words 75 also, sticks, finger cymbals, triangle Little Boy of the Sheep II about a shepherd boy, quiet 102 " song, folk song from the Hebrides 163 SONGSABOUT ANIMALS - PETS, FARM, ZOO

Music Source Publisher Comment P01i:e

Animal Sounds Ma.king Music Your Own, S.B.C. Israeli animal sounds of the 103 Book I cock, hen, sheep and cow Il court, il court, II II (Weasel, Run) French game song 105 le furet The Porcupine It II Israeli song, question-answer, 106 solo part for porcupine, others In the Barnyard II about chickens, ducklings, and 114 " geese, imitative Baa. Baa, Black Sheep It II traditional, tuned bottles 116 Where Are You Going To, II II humorous conversation between 118 My Pretty Maid a young man and a milkmaid; question-answer, solo parts I Spurred My Horse II II nonsense song, trot, imitative 134 Rabbits A Singing School: Our o.c.B. describes the ears, two phrases 5 long with octave ju'llpe The Brown Duck II II waddle, quack 5 My Dog Teddy II II A child's observation of the 17 funny things his dog does that are a nuisance. The Fu.Im¥Pincushion II II about a cat's paws, funny song 20 My Bunny II II descriptive 23 The Organ Grinder II II with monkey, descriptive 58 The Cow II II quiet; cow talks and tells of 14o giving milk, butter, cheese Little Red Calf II II descriptive song 141 Dinner Time II II Czech tune, about calling 142 chicks to eat II II ctuack I ~ua.ckI q,uack I about ducklings waddling 142 164 SONGSABOUT ANIMALS - PETS, FARM, ZOO

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Fol-de-rol-de-ri-do A Singing School: Our :J.O.B. slow song about ducklings 143 First Music swimming A Chicken's Way II funny song about their family 148 " life The Barnyard Song II II nine stanzas listing the com- 149 mon farm animals and how they talk; with each stanza repeat the enumeration of the preceding stanzas Farmyard Song II II Grieg; descriptive song which 150 li st s the many animal friend.s Come Kitty II II calling song 206 My Pete " describes a dog and oat with 207 " imitative sounds Beware II ti about a cat and mouse; soft, 207 quiet - quickly scamper fl II Funny Song about the ~lothesworn by a 208 mouse, frog, bird, fish, bunny; funny song Naughty Peter Rabbit II ti he nibbles the cabbage and 208 carrots Good Morning, Little II ti conversation song addressed to 209 Pussy I pussy and master doggie Pony Rides II If descriptive; French SOD€: 209 Take Care of Them II II tells how to care for a puppy 213 or kitten The Stray Cat ti II about feeding and adopting a 214 puaey The Caziary ti scale song; descriptive with 215 " imitative sounds 165 SONGSABOUT ANIMALS - PETS, FARM, ZOO

Musio Source Publisher Comment Page

The Pony Cart A Singing School: Our c.o.:s. Hindustani folk tune; act out 217 First Music words The Wild Horseman (p.p.) II H Schwna.nn; vigorous gallop; drum 232 tambourine T2l1le Animal B II Mother Goose; lively; about a 251 " dog and cat with imitative sounds Pussy-Oat, Pusa;y-:Jat II II Mother Goose; question-answer 252 Little Bo-Peep II II Mother Goose; dramatize 255 Johnny and the Three II II dramatize; song and story; Boy, 260 Goats hare, fox, wolf, and bee all try, one by one, to get the goats out of the turnip field. Bee is successful. Elephants (p.p.) II II imite.tive; ponderously 268 The Shepherd Maiden II II about a cheese and a cat; con- 292 versation sOI18 The Garden II II about digging, raking, sowing, 296 hoeing, picking corn; imitative Apple Blossoms II II creative de.nee; about blossoms 296 falling, bees hummill8 Playing Bear II II about pretending 321 The Lion II II about a lion in the zoo 322 The King of Beasts II II The lion called the animals 322 to a feast to elect him king. Camels II II slow, descriptive song 323 The Hoppity Kangaroo II II about watching him hop at the 324 zoo 166 SONGSABOUT ANIMALS - PETS, FABM, ZOO

Music Source Publisher Comment Pa.g:e

The Mother Beaver's Tail A Singing School: Our O.'J.B. describes her tail and how she 324 First Music disciplines her children A Monkey' s Tail II II (chorus); about monkey's swing- 325 ing around in the jungle where there are tigers, bears, and panthers Baby Kangaroo II II about the baby hiding in her 326 p~~ Big Brown Bear II II descriptive song 327 The Three Bears and II " Children's Opera in One Act 344 Goldilocks The Farmer in the Dell Growing Up with Music, N.A.K.M.J. traditional; first verse only 9 Book I with story, "Jerry and Janet On the Farm" Oats, Peas, Beans and II II traditional; with story, "Jerry 10 Barley Grow and Janet On the Farm" The Busy Farmer II II old fashioned farmer with horses; 10 in the story, 11Jerry and Janet On the Farm" A !Snee It II folk tune; skip with partner; ll in the story, 11Jerry and Janet On the Farm11 Leading The Horses II II about leading farm horses out 14 to drink; in the continuous story, "Jerry and Janet On the Farm" Feeding The Horses II II old fashioned farm; in the con- 15 tinuous story, "Jerry and Janet On the Farm" Milking Song II II folk tune; in the story, "Jerry 18 and Janet On the Farm" 167 SONGSABOUT ANIMALS - PETS, FARM, ZOO

Music------·----·------···----- Source Publisher Comment Pa«e

Bell Song Growing Up with Music, N .A.K.M.c:. about the dinner bell; in the 18 Book I story, 11Jerry and Janet On the Farm 11 II Sweeping Song 11 same as "Here We Go Round the 21 Mulberry Bush11; in the story, "Jerry and Janet On the Farm11 Churning Song II II about churning butter; in the 22 story, 11Jerry and Janet On the Farm" Song of the Mower II II about a hay mower; in the story, 24 llJerry and Janet On the Farm11 Fun On the Farm II II about pumping water, churniI18 26 butter, threshing barley, driving horses; in the story, "Jerry and Janet On the Farm11 Squirrel Dear The Music Hour, ]'irst Book S.B.C. about feeding a squirrel 24 Puss i4 the Oorner II II Polish folk song 44 .Jhantialeer II II high-low; about a rooster 87 Little Ducky Duddle Listen and Sing: The Ginn conversation song about a playful 14

World of Music du~k The Turkey and the Hen II II two choir conversation song; 16 Danish folk tune II II My Bun~ descriptive song; Irish folk 22 tune Dinkey Donkey II II playful, French melody about a 23 donkey going to the fair Pony II II Yugoslavian folk tune 23 My Dog II II descriptive song 39 SONGSABOUT A.i.1IMALS - PETS, FARM, ZOO 168

Music Source Publisher Comment .Page

Bunny Bun Listen and Sing: The Ginn conversation greeting song 44 World of Mu.sic between a boy and a bunny Little Pigs II ti descriptive song; Slavic folk 66 tune The Poor Giraffe II II animals talk but the giraffe 69 cannot say a word Farm Music It II for two choirs; about the sounds 70 of the rooster, doves; cow, cricket, oat, and windmill; descriptive Pets 11 II descriptive song about a kitty 78 and doggy The Squirrel II II about feeding and making friends 95 with a squirrel The Lion II II descriptive song 100 Big Bear and Little Bear II II story song about a mischievious 108 little bear; for first choir and all The Jlover Field II II about sowing, mowing, raking 112 and playing in the clover The ]'armyard II II about the farmyard animal noises; 121 Swedish folk tune Little Bow-wow and II II conversation song for all; first 119 Little Meow choir and second choir Over in the Meadow This Is Music, Book I A. & B. about all the animals in the 38 meadow: toads, fish, birds, rats, bees, crows, mice, lizards, ducks, rabbits; count to ten My Little Kitty II II happy song 58 SONGSABOUT ANIV.u\.LS - PETS, FARM, ZOO 169

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Xi tty ·Jat and the Mouse Thia Is Music, Book I A. & :B. goes up and down the scale; 58 bells, child can play the piano The Animal ]'air II 11 funny song; American 59 Hop, Old Squirrel II II game song; two children skip to around a tree with the second trying to catch the first; one child can play piano, belle Mister Ra.bbi t II II descriptive, conversation song 61 My Old Dan II II descriptive song; rhythm instru- 62 ment accompaniment ID\lsic included Six Little Ducks II II act out 1t.0rds; descriptive song; 63 castanets The Little Pig II II story song about an old woman 64 and her pig Shanghai Jhicken II II American folk song; tells a 66 story of a chicken who grew so tall he almost reached the top of The Farmer and His II II dialogue song; solo parts; the 80 Animals animal a ask the farmer to build them a house Evening Song 11 II Old Danish song; the lamb, duck, 80 cat, horse and dog talk The Elephant II II heavy, comical song; dramatize; 88 drum, cymbals, elephant bell The Zoo II It octave jumps; slow song; about 89 watching the giraffe, seal, kangaroo, bears and monkeys 170 SOliGS ABOUTANIMALS .... PETS, FARM, ZOO

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Animals in the Zoo This Is Music, Book I A. & B. imitative; describes the 90 actions of many of the animals in the zoo; add verses Pio, pio, pio II ti folk song from Mexico; about 147 baby chickens; dramatize Johnny, Get the Hoecake II American folk song; Play 159 On " bells and maracas on the ref rain. humorous song about animals, the fun­ niest me.n, the prettiest girl A Gay Tune II ti funny nonsense song about a 186 monkey, cow, and dog Mary Had a Little Lamb II 11 number notation, pitch nota­ 186 tion only Three Strange Animals Bir~hardMusic Series Book S.-B. fun and nonsense song; march; 11 One: A Comprehensive rhythm instruments; about Book of Music and a dog, pig, cat and the Activities for :E'irst funny clothes they wore Grade Dog and Cat 11 II American folk song; rhythm 11 instruments; add verses; bells; child can play piano part; fun and non­ sense song Jonathan Wingo II II Traditional tune; fun and non­ 12 sense song about Jonathan Wingo being a horse, fish pup, bird, cat, and mule 171 SONGS ABOUT ANIMALS - PETS, FARM, ZOO

Music Source Publisher Oomment Page

My Barnyard Play.mates Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. American folk song; gay song 38 One: A Comprehensive about a rooster, hen, goose, Book of Music and sheep, cow, etc. with ani- Activities for the mal sounds and repeated First Grade enumerations of the pre- ceding stanzas; cumulative song Where Is Kitty? " dramatize; play triangle or 39 " 11 finger cymbals on Um-m; no, no; yes, yes 11 My Puppy ,~zechoslovakianfolk tune; 4o " " dramatize; add verses; bells; child can play piano part and sing 11puppy 11 as class sings the song Zoo Animals French folk tune; tempo changes 53 " " to fit the movement of the tiger, seal, giraffe, monkey l"1ister :aear II II Swedish children's song; slow 54 song; imitative; child can play bell or piano part during first and last phrases; about hibernation The Farmer's Song " " English folk tune about the 55 maicy"work activities; dramatize; add verses; skip; play triangles lightly for accompaniment 172 SONGSABOUT ANIMALS - PETS, FARM, ZOO

Musio Source Publisher Comment Pa,ge

There Was an Old Woman Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. American folk song; funny 56 One: A Comprehensive song about an old woman Book of Music and and her pig, dog, cat; Activities for the triangle; On "Hm, hln, hln, 11 First Grade the children play D-E-D on bells or piano Big Black Dog Old English play song; Child 57 " " can play melody on black notes of the piano; Child can play G and D on piano or bells for accompaniment. My Little Burro slow trot; clap with cupped 58 " " hands; coconut shells or wood block Six Little Ducks " dramatize; play the pattern of 59 " 11quack, quack, quack" on wood blocks; descriptive song Let's Pretend We1 re " pantomime animal guessing game 60 Animals " song; add. verses; child can play bell or piano accompaniment Little Mouse 1Jhine se nursery rhyme; slow 61 " " smooth story song; Four children play with indivi- dual resone.tor bells; Play triangle and wood block lightly. Raccoon's Got a Bushy American folk song; running; 61 Tail " " merry song about a raccoon's, possum's and rabbit's tail; rhythln instruments 173 SONGS .A.BOUTS.MALL ANIMALS - INSEJTS, BUGS, AND OTHER THINGS

Music Source Publisher Jomment Page

Over in the Meadow First Grlilde Book Ginn bird, frog 156 The Frog frog sound 157 Song of the Bee "II softly, swinging rhythm 157 Little Frog movement of a frog 158 The Little Black Bug " question-answer 158 "II Eenoy, Weency 1 Spider act out 159 The Butterfly imitative play 159 Although the Night is "II firefly 16o Damp Flying (Irrliohter) (p.p.) II imitative l6o Over i:a the Meadow American" Singer. Book I A.B.C. about toada 183 Honeybee " II sounds of bees flying 52 The Toad " II descriptive 82 The Mosquito " " buzzing sounds in song 176 Over in the Meadow Music for You.ng Americana A.B.C. toad 1 fish, bird 82 Zoom. Zoom. Zoom " II bees 83 Bright Yellow Butterfly free movement 84 " "II Disguise " butterfly, bee, ladybug 85 Happy Hoppy Toad " II imitative 85 Freddy the Frog " " Cup h&nds and clap 86 The Snail " pointer fingers beside head 87 Caterpillar " slow •Olli: 88 Diddle-dy Diddle-dy Music for" Living Through S.B.C." bees, caterpillars, butterflies, 44 the Day toad The Cate rpil lara II II wiggle, repetitive 44 All the Ducke II bees buzzing in bushes 53 " It Turtle " descriptive 68 Frog in the Millpond II " circle singing game 69 The Orioket New Mueic Horizons: s.B.a. Where do yo~hide in Winter? 41 Experiences in Music for Fi rat Grade Children 174 SONGSABOUT S:V.ALL ANIMALS - INSECTS, BUGS, AND OTHERTHINGS

Musio Source Publisher Comment Page

Hoppin,; Froge (p.p.) New Music Horizons: S.B.C. for creative activity 65 Experiences in Music for First Grade Childrea Butterfly " question song, high-low 122 "II Mr. Caterpillar 11 informative eon,;, for science 122 Mister Frog Went A-Courtin' Making Music Your Own, S.B.C. a ballad with fourteen verses, 72 Book I dramatize The Mouse in the Pantry II II high-low, they oan•t catch the 74 mouse Don Juan Periquito II II slow song about a snail; Puerto 98 Rican, circle, singing game; Child with ball ia center will bounce-aatch- hold during verse; Pase ball durillg refrain. Beware A Singing School: Our c.c.B. about a cat and mouee; soft, 207 Firat Music quiet-quickly ec&mp•r Butterflies (p.p.) II II for free rhythmic interpreta- 268 tioi; with poem Playing :J!'rog II " describes how to play 277 Mhter Turtle II II He plods alone; with no voice. 278 Six Little Mice It II six eolo parts, second verse 281 sung by eextet Apple Bloesoms II II creative dance; about bloeaome 296 falling, bees humming The BH II II about a honey tree 310 Pueineae-Like Bee II II Describes what the honey bee 310 does. Song of the Bumble tee If II about wanting the bumblebee 311 to fly away to the apple tree 175 SONGSABOUT SMA.LL ANIMALS - INSECTS, BUGS, AND OTHERTHINGS

Musi,g Source Publisher Oomment Page

1 The Jaterpillars Nap A Singing School: Our ::). ~.:B. describes the life cycle; for 311 First Music science The Change II It describes the life cycle of the 312 caterpillar; for science About a Butterfly II It about not catching lovely 312 butterflies The Woolly Worm II II slow song; descriptive 313 Granddaddy Long-Legs II II Where did he come from? Where 314 does he go? The Firefly II II describes his light 314 Willie Inch Worm II II funny song 315 Yellow Butterfly " " about flying around flowers 315 Be Jareful II II about a fly 316 Trees and ]'lowers II II about birdies - butterflies 316 in trees and flowers; dramtize The Grasshopper (p.p.) II II (Bouree); French folk tune; 317 for listening Froggie Listen and Sing: The Ginn conversation song of a hawk 27 World of Musio after a frog The :Bullfrog II II describes a bullfrog, his home 41 and his voice Beetles II II slow, smooth, descriptive song 111 Grasshoppers Three This Is Music, Book I A. & B. imitative; high-low; a round 68 The Bee II II German folk tune; descriptive; 69 imitative Grandfe.ther :F'rog Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. imitative; frog sounds; rhythm 62 One: A Comprehensive Book of Music and Activities for the First Grade 176 SONGSABOUT SMALL .i:\NIMALS - INSECTS• BUGS• Al-t'DOTHER THINGS

Music Source Publisher Comment P8'1:e

The Bee Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. imitative; glissando at end; 65 One: A Comprehensive Children can play low D - Book of Music and high D on bells or piano. Activities for the First Grade Firefly II tap cymbals, tambourine, tri- 65 " angle lightly for accompani­ ment; sing very lightly Fiddle Dee Dee II II American folk song about a fly 125 and a bumblebee; accompany with chromatic bells or resonator bells Little Snail II II German folk song about a snail 126 that hides; play and sing "Snail, snail" (0-A) twice as an introduction; play "Little snail, I cannot see 11 on piano or bells as the class sings. 177 SONGSABOUT WATER AND WATER ANIMALS

Music Source Publisher Comment Page Sea Shell First Grade Book Ginn Sing about the ocean. 127 The Happy River " " short, sound of a river 127 A Fish Story Music for YoUJ1€.Americans A.B.C. funny song, black keys of gg piano My Bonnie .. II traditional, ocean 110 All the Ducks Music for Living Thro'IJ8h s.::s.c. fish swimming in the water 53 the Day The Pounding Waves " II descriptive 86 Sonc of the Sea Hew Music Horizons: s.::s.o. about a sea shell's story 57 Experiences in Music for First Grade Children Little Things H II walking, marching, rhythm 64 instruments, about ocean, land The Babbling Brook (p.p.) II II !lowing mu.sic 70 Lightly Row II II traditional, four chairs in a lo4 row for boat, row, slow sustained tempo, for tone­ matching The Brook (p.p.) H II Mueller, for listening 131 Little Things Growing with Music, Book I P.H. about little things together 30 making big things; drops of water - mighty ocean; little moments - mighty &gas Whatever Can That :Be Making Music Your Own, S.B.O. riddle song, high-low, ear 14 Book I training game, circle with blindfolded child in cente~ up-down, Star is high pitch ending - up. Fish is low pitch ending - down. 178 SONGSABOUT WATER A.ND WATER ANIMALS

Name Source Publisher Comment PMe

In Bahia Making Music Your Own, s.:s.c. nonsense song; accompany with 88 Book I tambourine, pair of shakers or maracas, sticks and guiro or notched rhythm sticks Three White Gulls ti II imitative, descriptive with 123 poem, 11\\-aves 11 Serafina II II sea ehantey, solo and choru.s 124 An Old Fish II II Tells a story about Job.ah 126 being swallowed by the whale. One group sings the story lines, the other group sings the choru.s. La vibora' II II (The Sea Serpent), Spanish and 128 English words; singing game played like 11London Bridge" Sweet and Low A Singing School: Our C.·~.B. lullaby; swaying rhythm; about 7 First Music the "Wind of the western sea" Swing, Jradle, Swing II II gentle swing, lullaby about 27 sailing Funny Fish II ti descriotive song about goldfish 210 A Song of Brooks and Growing Up with Music N.A.K.M.C. descriptive song with whistling 71 Rivers part The Goldfish Listen and Sing: The Ginn descriptive, conversation song 98 World of Music The Holiday II II about playing at the beach 122 Polliwog II II about the life cycle; descrip- 131 tive 179 SOUGSA.BOUT WATER AND WATER ANIMALS

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Over in the Meadow This Is l.fasic 1 Book I A. & B. about all the animals in the 38 meadow: toads, fish, birds, rats, bees, crows, mice, lizards, ducks, rabbits; count to ten One, Two, Three. Four, II II folk song from England based 42 Five on a Nursery Rhyme; about catching a fish; count to ten; question-answer ti II Frog in the Pool North ~arolinafolk song; with 67 nonsense syllables; tri- angle, bells What Jan You Do ·with It II question-self answer song; 186 a Whale? about training an elephant, bear, whale 0 rawdad Song Birchard Mu.sic Series Book s.-:s. American folk song about fish- 14 One: A Comprehensive ing; dramE>.tize; add verses Book of Music and Activities for the :E'irst Grade The Little Turtle II II slow-fast; clap hands at end; 40 children can play the melody on bells or piano; imitative All the :E'ish Are Swiillliling ti II repetitive folk song; play 41 in the Water light-toned rhythm instru.- ment s; imitative; change to whales, ducks, etc. Grandfather Frog II ti imitative; frog sounds; rhythm 62 instruments See the Ji'rog Hop ti ii child can play piano 144 180 SONGSABOUT \•iATER Al'ID WATERAi.~IMALS

Music Sou.roe Publisher Comment Pap:e

To a Water Lily (p.p.) Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. MacDowell (excerpt. Op. 51); 145 One: A Comprehensive one group stand and sway. Book of Music and other group sit and sway Activities for the to interpret the high and First Grade low portions of the mu.sic 181 SONGSABOUT BIRDS AND FOWL

Musio Sourge Publisher Comment Page

The Oriole American Singer, Book I A.B.O. high-low, swingill8 54 The Little Bird II staccato notes, Spring 50 Scarecrow "II question-answer 46 The Robins' Oall If "If short, Spring is coming. 47 Blackbirds II II counting song 48 The Bluebird II II sea.le eong, short 48 Can You Sing? II " Meadow Lark 173 The Bluejay II II has bird call 176 The Sandpiper II II has bird call, short 176 The Gray Sparrow II has bird call 177 The Sea Gull " II extend arms, sway 177 The Owl " II sound of an owl 182 The Robin "II II long, descriptive 52 Red Rooster Music for Young Americans A.B.C. high-low 80 Ducks in the Pond II II slow-fast, loud-aoft 80 Robin Redbreast " II accomp&Jcy"with belle 90 Little Birds II II imitate birds 91 Robin II II Describes what he does. 91 Old Bald Eagle " II sailing, lively 92 Sea Gulla II arm movement for rolling waves, 93 " to teach phrasing Wishing II .. high-low 96 Two Geese " " geese talk 78 Tira Lira II about orioles, robins 51 The Woodpecker Music for Living Through s.:a.c." descriptive, rhythm sticks, 43 the Day wood block• All the Ducks II II dramatize, change animal• 53 The Wild Geese New Music Hori sons: s.:a.c. descriptive, geese sounds 67 E:1;periences in Music for First Grade Children Waddling Ducks (p.p.) II II al ow IIIllsi c 70 182 SON"GSABOUT :SIBDS ANDFOWL

Musio Source Publisher Comment Page

The Owl with a Scowl New Music Horizons: s.:a.c. owl tldka 113 Experiences in Music for Fi rat Gr&tde Children The Screech Owl question-self answer, about 119 " " a lonely owl Singing " " birds, sailors, children, 120 organ man. The Ouckooa (p.p.) for listening, mu.sic telle 123 " " how the cuckoos sing Birde in the Sky (p.p.) " " for creative dramatiza.tion 137 Singing Birds (p.p.) " " for creative dramatization 138 My Little Duckling• Music Round the Clock F.P.O. funny song, German words also, 21 accompany with Swiss-Type Melodi Bells Six Little Ducke Growing with Music, Book I P.R. imitate, dramatize, descriptive 16 In the Apple Tree " " about a robin and her eggs 26 Once a Bi rdi • Carne Flyill€ " " descriptive eoDg 27 Go Tell Aunt Rhody Making Music Your Olm, S.B.C. aboat an old grey goose for a 13 Book I feather bed Three Blue Pigeone counting song, dramatize, tonal 35 " " pattern repetition, verse and spoken part, with poem Cadet Rouselle " about three bird houses, three 94 " suits, three dogs; funny son&, long phrases Three Craw nonsense SOJl8 in Scottish 96 " " dialect, tells a sto17 Cook Robin sad ballad about the death of 97 " " Cock Robin with seven verses 183 SONGSABOUT BIRDS AND FOWL

Musio Source Publisher Comment Pac;e

In the Barnyard Making Mu.sic Your Own., S.B.C. about ohickens, ducklings, 114 Book I geese, imitative Three White Gulla ff II imitative, descriptive, with 123 poem, "Waves" A la volette II {On the Wing), Tells a story 130 " about some baby birds who flew to the wods laughing at danger and were eaten by a fox. in both French and English Be-Caws A Singing School: Our o.a.:s. about a crow, descriptive, 4 First Music question-answer, child- crow The Brow Duck II II waddle, quack 5 The Cwls II II the sound of the owl 36 The Bird's Lullaby II 11 The bush and the autumn breeze 39 tell little bird to go to sleep. Poor Robin's Fanoy II II skipping, marching; jolly, old 63 English tune Chant of the Jrows II II Chippewa; spoken softly to the 136 steady beat of the drum Dinner Ti.me II II Czech tune about calling chicks 142 to eat Q.uack I Q,uack l Q.uack I II 11 about ducklings waddling 142 Fol-de-rol-de-ri-do ti II slow song about three ducklings 143 SWilll!lling A '.Jhicken 1 s Way II II funny song about their family 148 life The Turkey II II funny, descriptive song 164 184 SONGSABOUT BIRDS AND FOWL

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

The ca.nary A Singing School: Our o.c,.:a. scale SOD€; descriptive with 215 First Muaio imitative sounds Wood-Pecker II II rhythmic imitation game with 218 patterns; use pencils; teacher taps, children imitate II II Copy-Cat (Game of the 1atbird);1 One is 218 Catbird and leaves the room. Several give various bird calls. Cat listens, returns, copies each oall and gives the name of the bird. Bird 1alls and Songs, pages 301 - 30s. Ye Soll€ of Sixpence ti II Mother Goose; black birds, pie 257 Oome and See I II II descriptive; about three birds, 279 three ducks All About April (p.p.) II II music of the raindrops, sparrow, 298 robin The Woodpecker II II about a woodpecker rapping and 301 tapping at the bu.g's front door Little Grey Dove ti ti with dove call; slow song 302 Bobolink II II with Bobolink call, He likes 302 to sill€ his name The Bluebird II II about coming early in the sprill€ 303 and bringing happiness Sparrows II II about ohatterill8 and being 303 noisy; imitative sounds are spoken lightly in time with the accompaniment 185 SONGSABOUT BIRDS AND FOWL

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

The Oatbird A Singing School: Our O.C.B. descriptive; He mews like a 3o4 :First Music cat. The Kingfisher tells how he catches fish 3o4 Bobwhite " " Bobwhite <:)all; whistle; song 3o4 " " with imitative sounds The Ohild and the Bird " " question-answer; child - bird 305 Robin Redbres.st " " about a robin singing to you, 306 me, and his babies Whippoorwill Whippoorwill Oall; whistle; 306 " " song goes down the scale; with imitative sounds Willie Woodpecker for listening 307 Telegraphs (p.p.) " " March of the PeD€uins for listenill€; marching 307 (p.p.) " " The Song of the Lark Tcheikovski; for listening 308 (p.p.) " " Birdling (p.p.) Grieg, Op. 45, No. 4; for 308 " " listening Feathers The Music Hour, First Book S.B.O. observation song; about a 8 pigeon Wild Geese " about migration; Chmadian folk 17 " song The Snowbirds " " describes what they do 49 The Owl " " descriptive song 75 The Turkey a.nd the Hen Li st en and Sing: The Ginn two choir oonversation song; 16 World of Mu.Bio Danish folk song Tinka and the Sparrows Tinka drives the sparrows away 45 " " from the cherries and berries; Russian folk song Mister Owl " " song for two choirs 49 186 SONGSABOUT BIRDS Alm FOWL

Music Source Publisher Comment Pa.e:e Mister Turkey Listen and Sing: The Ginn descriptive song about a 58 World of Musia strutting turkey Jhickadee high-low; Bohemian - Jzech folk 73 " " tune Little Bird slow song; asking the bird to 75 " " sing a story; Welsh folk tune Two Blackbirds " " Mother Goose; finger play 90 Robin, Robin about a robin feeding cherries 126 " " to baby robins The Woodpecker " " conversation song of a wood- 132 pecker; with woodpecker sounds My Little Parekeet This h Music• Book I A. & B. folk tune from Brazil; whistle; 60 descriptive song Jay Bird Sittin 1 on a " " add verses; percussion instru- 65 Hickory Limb ments; dramatize The Jolly Penguins descriptive song 65 Six Little L'ucks Birchard" Music Series Book s.-B." dramatize; play the patterA of 59 One: A Comprehensive "quack, quack, quack" on Book of Musb and wood blocks; descriptive Activities for the song First Grade Pigeon Talk II ti sung softly with pigeon sounds; 63 add verses about other birds; children can play 0-A on piano or bells while singing 11Joo-roo 11 The Boy and the Bird II II merry, story song about a boy 63 who caught a lark; Play C"J-FF (Hm, hlll, so, so) on piano or resonator bells 187 SONGSABOUT BIRDS .A...'l\TDFOWL

Music Source Publisher •:Jomment Page

Once I Saw a Little Bird Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. tra.ditional rhyme; dramatize~6J.l. One: A Comprehensive rhythm instrument accompani­ Book of Music and ment; Three children play Activities for the "Hop, hop, hop, 11 "Stop, stop, ]'irst Grade stop, 11 and "How do you do?" on individual bells All the Birds Are Here German folk song; German and 68 Again " " English words; about robins, sparrows, meadow larks singing; autoharp; Child can play piano or bell accompaniment. Accompany lightly on triangle, tam­ bourine, rattles and jingle bells. 188 MOSIJ.AL Ji"'INGER PLA.YS

Music Source P-q_~~isherComment Page

Mitten Song l!'irst Grade Book Ginn made of wool, leather 8 Clap Your Hands " " sit in circle 20 Dance, Thumbkin, Dance " " finger game 59 Eency, Weency Spider " tt act out words 159 Here's A Ball for Baby " " .make fist of hand 58 Five Pigs " " question-answer 60 'l'he Chickens counting 150 Stop 1 Little Rabbit " " triangle, rhythm sticks 181 Dance Thumbkin, De.nee American" Singer, Book I A.B.C." finger game 99 The Seasons growing, calling, f&lling 49 Blackbirds " " counting, finger play 48 Five Angels Music for" Living Through S.B.C." counting, wake up - eat, groups 36 the Day drs..matize Five Angels Me.king Mu.sic Your O'WD., S.B.J. counting to five, groups drama- 46 Book I tize Finger Dance A Singing School: Our C.O.B. Thumbkin; traditional; Tyrolean 116 First M.'u.sic folk song Little Miss lvfu.ffet " " Mother Goose; finger play 256 Two Blackbirds Listen and Sing: The Ginn Mother Goose; finger play 90 World of l•lusic Mother's Knives and Forks This Is ~iusic,Book I A. & B. Old Nursery Rhyme with direc- 29 tions Lirum, Larum Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. Germ.an children's game; finger 19 One: A Jomprehensive play Book of I•iusic and Activities for the First Grade One Day, My Thumbs Kept II II Old English game; steady rhythm; 22 Moving finger play; Thumbs, fin- gers, hands, arms, feet, etc. move. 189 AJTION SONGS

Music . -~-----_ Source Publisher Oomment Pue

I 1m a Little Teapot Fir8t Grade Book Ginn for whole body 7 March in 0 Major (p.p.) II II clapping, walkill€ 9 Pop 1 Goes the Weasel II skip, clap 17 Olap Your Hands "II II circle, repetitive, rhythmic 20 pattern variations in­ cluded This Old Man II II counting song, instruments 44 The Farmer .. question song, sows, cuts, 49 " threshes wheat The Gallant Ship II II circle game 51 Danae. Thu.mbkin, Dance ti add verses 59 Five Pigs "II II finger plays ()() The Little Shoemaker II " instl°UJ11enta 71 Shoemaker's Dana• (p.p.) II II dramatize, directions 72 The Organ-Grinder II II sounds of the organ-grinder 74 The Hand-Organ Man (p.p.) II II high-low 75 Sing a Song of Sixpence II II dramatize 82 Yanke• Doodle II II traditional 105 Eency, Weency Spider II II finger play 159 Hickory, Dickory, Dock II II instruments, act out 164 Betty lviartin American Singer, Book I A.B.:J. tiptoe walk 120 Playing Train II II rhythm instruments II II Working Spring planting, Fall raking a~ Ducks II II accompany with wood blocks. 68 rhythm sticks The Farmer II II act out words of song 71 TeA Little Indians II II counting song 94 Dance, Thumbkin, Dance II II finger play 99 My Pony II II gallopiXI& 129 Take a Little Run About ti II rhythmic variations 150 Jing Ja.ng II II solo and chorus 151 190 ACTION SONGS

Music Source Publisher Comment __ PM~ Hey. Jim Along. Jim Along American Singer, Book I A.B.c. rhythmic variations, walk, 152 Josie run, hop, tiptoe Yankee Doodle " " traditio:ual, dance 153 Tree a dramatize 137 Rig-a-Jig-Jig Music for" Young Americans A.B.C." walk, skip, hop 23 Walking a.nd Talking song and chant for two groups 24 Golden Streets " " walk, climb, eat, dress, ride, 21 " " sleep Let's Dance Around the birch, oak, pine, apple tree 49 Tne " " Things I Like to Do Music for Young Americans A.B.C. about a merry-go-round, add 57 verses Merry-Go-Round " " imitative 58 Jack-ill-the-box " " imita.tive 59 Seesli.W " " up-down 59 Monkey See, Monkey Do " " act out l«> rds 60 Puppets " " imitative, floppy 60 :Sabbity :Sowster " " bounce balls, catch 62 Bounce and Catch " " high-low, loud-soft 62 Giant Steps . " act out words 63 Swinging and Swaying " " use triangle on accent HummiJ18 Tops " " descriptive ~ Candle H H imitative 64 Skating . " repetitive, smooth 65 Jimmy Cracked CorD. " " act out wo rde 70 In Some Lady's Garden . " act out words 70 Tread the Green Gra•e " " dramatize 71 Rindy Randy " " rope-jumping chant 72 Little Wheel a-Turning " " act out words 72 Chatter with the Angeli " " march, dance, skip 75 Too-ra-ray " . creative movement 76 191 AJTION SONGS

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

What Shall We Do? Music for Living Through S.B.C. question-answer, dramatize 7 the Day GoiJl€ to Boston II ti dance, skip, run 8 Rig-a-Jig-Jig It II walk, skip 11 Toodala II II dramatize, melody bells, rhythm 13 sticks Hickory, Dickory, Dock II II rhythm instruments, dramatize 21 Picking Up Song II II act out w:irds, add verses 23 Skip to My Lou II II skip, clap, nonsense 68 The Galls.nt Ship It It A round and round song 84 Busy New Music Horizons: S.B.C. step, clap, tap with words of 36 Experiences in Music song for First Grade Children Looby Loo II circle, walk, run, slide or 98 " skip during introduction, act out words in verse Yankee Doodle (p.p.) II II dral.09tize, march, rhythm in- 105 struments Pease Poridge Hot " II traditional, fs.ce partner, 106 clap hands and knees Ra-Ta-Ta-Ta-Boom 11 II imitative song, soldier boy 111 to toyland and bed, march The Gardener Music Round the Clock F.P.O. digging, sowill8, hoeill8; bell 18 introduction; skip; with a French stanza 11 II Come Out and Play dramatize, swill8 1 slide, skate, 26 jump rope, bounce balls, l'Wl SwingiJl€ ff ff Two children join crossed hands. 27 Third child pushes their swing 192 AJT ION SONGS

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

See-Se.w. Margery Daw Music Round the Clock F.P.J. bell introduction. high-low, 30 extend arms sideways with one child on each end Rig-a-Jig-Jig and Away " " wood block introduction and 48 We Go accompaniment. walk. skip Walk Along. John Growing with Music. Book I P.H. invitation eong 13 WeI ll All Go Danci ne " " gay song, whirling 18 Dance with Me tt " simple dance call. song di- 19 rections Count Your Buttons old rhyme, rich man. poor man, 32 " " beggar man. thief. etc. Skip to My Lou Making Music Your Own. S.B.C. skipping, create new verses 4 Book I Pretty Trappings tt " act out words; move foot, hand 6 shoulder. elbow, eye, ear, etc. Hey.Betty Martin tt " tiptoe, partners swing from 10 side to side, jump, ru.n, march ::nap Your Hands " the fiddle tune, "Old Joe 12 " Clark," create new verses. high-low Rig-a-jig-jig ·walking, skipping, for rhythm 16 " " recognition Charma.ntoun skipping, French words, for 17 " " rhythm recognition The Moon Is Ooming Out Japanese children's song 28 " " Sit Oriental style and express the meanins with hand and arm motiona designated to follow the three phrase stru.ct;ire 193 ACTIONSONGS ---·- ·------·------Musio ------Source Pi..;.g_lis.her Comment Page In Madrid Making Music Your O'Wn, S.B.O. Princess Isabel is concerned 65 Book I about whom she will wed. Spanish words also. Walk with slow dignifi~datepa. stron& beat Sawing Firewood II imitative, scrape fingernails 68 " across the skin of a tambourine Going to Boston II II a make-believe journey, strut­ 83 ting, follow-the-leader game I Spurred My Horse II II nonsense song, trot, imitative 134 Swinging A Singing School: Our a.o.:B. high-low, imitative 6 First Mu.sic A Fairy Piper Playa II II dramatize; children walk in 11 the \;OOds, stop to listen to the fairy piper Yankee Doodle II II form circle with partners, 96 ma.rob, clap, tun around The Flora Dora II II walk, skip; form two lines, 97 head partners meet and bow, skip down the line, back down again and join the end Jhanging Partners II II Swedish folk tune 103 Come, Dance II dance in partners, bow lo4 Heel and Toe II "II dance with the direction of 106 the words in the song Lightly Trip It very slow; double circle, face 106 " " partners, dance with th• direction of the words in the song 194 ACTION SONGS

Musi9~~~~~--~~~-- Source Publisher Comment p~ How They Dance A Singing School: Our c.o.B. song and creative dance about 109 First Music dancing in Holland, Russia, England Fiesta II II chorus only; tambourine; 111 Mexican song; creative dance Action Song II ff song gives directions; walk, 113 clap, skip with partner, bow Whispering Leaves and II II imitative; light rubbing of 12 Trees (p.p.) the hands for whispering of leaves, slowly raise arms and sway; with poem Sally Go Round the Chimney II II Join hands in circle and skip 63 Pot to the right; at end, shout 11who-ee 11 and kick: right foot, then circle left. We'll Dance II II Bach; stamp, ju.mp, tiptoe, 75 clap, turn, and tiptoe to the words of the so:Q8 Bounce the Ball II II half sing, half bou.nce, catch 76 balle Play Ball II II bounce, catch; change turns 77 if it 1 s dropped Ring for the King II II creative dramatization; cast: 78 King, Queen, aingers for members of the court, Herald, tru.mpeters, at- tendante, Lad.ha-in- waiting, etc. AJTION SONGS 195

Music Source Publisher Com!IBnt P~e

Once There Was a Little A Singing School: Our J.J.B. Kullak:; creative dramatization; 80 Princess (p.p.) First Music A hunting party passes a castle where a little prin- cess lives. The Pony Jart It II Hindustani folk tune; act out 217 words Jack - Stones II II imitate imaginative game of 218 Jack - Stones Hickory Dickory Dock II II Double circle. partners facing. 255 Swing arms for pendulum, stamp on 11tick-tock, 11 short running step to change places with partner, clap

11 hands over head on one , 11 and run back to place. How They Go ~reoletune; act out words; fish 276 " " swim, roosters walk, toads hop. leaves fly. peaches drop The Garden II II about digging. raking. sowing, 296 hoeing, picking corn; imitative Playing Horse The Music Hour. First Book S.B.0. scale song; imitative 53 Point Lightly. Partner II II act out words; partners point 59 toe, slide, whirl Dancing Lesson II II follow the directions in the 86 song; dance Jhoose Your Partner II II Swedish singing game; follow 89 the dire~tionsin the song ACTION SONGS 196

Music Source Publisher Comment Pa'2:e Dancing Together Listen and Sing: The Ginn follow song directions; right 71 World of ?•i:usic hand, clap, left hand, clap, swing, etc. Norwegian folk song On a Rainy Day II II very simple group dance; count 72 turn around, stamp If Youre Happy This Is Music, Book I A. & B. clap, tap, nod, etc.; make up 16 verses Toodala " Texas folk song; dance to the 46 " words; add verses Rig-A-Jig-Jig II II solo and chorus; skipping; 46 imitative Zion 1 s Gclildren II II march, hop, awing, jump, elide, 48 tip-toe, swim Jack in the Box II II imitative; jump at end on cymbal 48 crash; one child plays bell on C softly thro~out It m A-Rolling II 11 Jubilee Plantation song; roll, 49 stamp, swing, rock, sweep, ride, build, etc.; add verses The Lazy i•ian and the II II act out words; slow-fast 50 Busy Man Pick a Bale of Jotton II II dance as words indicate; clap; 50 drums, cymbals, tambourines, triangles; add verses Bre 1 r Rabbit, Shake It ti II to let children 11loosen up" 51 and shake themselves all over when they need to relax or change activities; maracas 197 AJTION SONGS

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Bow, Bow, 0 Belinda This Is Mueic, Book I A. & B. circle, follow words of the 54 song; rhythm instruments Entrance Hymn for the II II slow processional song; old 138 Emperor tune from China; rhythm instruments: Chinese Tom-Tom, wood block, tri­ angle, cymbals; gong intro­ duction; drame.tize I-iein Hut fl II folk song from Germany; (My 145 Ha.t) song with actions; count to eight in German, French, Spanish II II Hop Light, Ladies ~hildrenhop up three in a row 155 and sit three in a row; American folk song; a get together song for a group sing I'm Gonna Sing II II Spiritual; sing, clap, stand, 155 hum, etc. Old Joe Jlark II II Old Square Dance tune; imita- 158 tive; about a musical player who played a fiddle, flute, drwn and horn Ha, Ha, This-A-Way Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. American folk Eong; act out 9 One: A Comprehensive words; add stanzas about Book of Music and other activities; gay, fun Activities for the and nonsense song; rhythm First Grade instruments Indian Dance fl fl circle dance with hopping step; 10 tom-toms, rattles, bells; child can play piano part 198 ACTIOl~SONGS

Musio Source Publisher Jomment Page

This 010. Man Birchard Music Series Book s.-B. American folk game; count with 16 One: A Comprehensive fingers, hand throwing and Book of Music and rolling motion; rhythm Activities for the instruments ]'irst Grade ::}arrousel II fl Swedish folk game; slow-fast; 17 Double circle facing center, inside circle join hands, outside circle place hands on shoulders of partner in front. All move to left with sliding steps. How D1 Ye Do. My Partner II ti Swedish game; Double circle 18 facing each other, sing, bow and curtsey, join hands, partners skip around the circle; autoharp; child can play piano accompaniment Bow to Your Partner II II Dancing singing game; play 18 rhythm instruments on the chorus; Partners face center of circle, follow directions given in the words. During chorus, join hands and dance to the right, repeat chorus, and dance to the left. Sally. Go 'Round the Stars II II English singing game; circle, 20 join hands, side step to the right. At end of stanza. drop hands, shout 11Wheee, 11 jumping and clap- ping hands. AOTION SONGS 199

Music S~urce Publisher Comment Pai!:e

Square Dance Birchard Mu.sic Series Book S.-B. American play party ga..rne; 23 One: A Comprehensive choose partners, circle Book of Music and left, circle right, s~~ng Activities for the your partner, promenade First Grade Ways to Work " " traditional singing game; (Here 37 We Go Round the Mulberry Bush); 11.mow the lawn ••• the sweeper goes ••• 11; add verses; dramatize; rhythm instruments for sound effects 0.ne, Two, Three exercise song; Jhild can pley 144 " " piano. :Cance (p.p.) " " 'Jircassie.n folk dance; slow- 147 fast; clap; creative dance; rhythm inst rurnen ts 200 SINGINGGAMES

Music Source Publisher Comment Page Soldier Boy First Grade Book Ginn marching, inatruments Jenny Crack Corn II II act out words, oircle, skip a~ Round and Round the Rill8 II " circle 45 One• Two Three II II circle 46 II II A Little ::Bri~e act out words 47 Chase the Squirrel II II running 52 Sanccy Maloney II II act out words. circle. skip 47 Needle In the Haystack II II a quiet game 48 Here We Go Round the II circle game song 49 Mulberry :Suah " Looby Loo II " circle game song 50 When I Was A Lasaie " Make movements appropriate for 50 " character being imper­ sonated. Bow, Belinda II II double circle• partners fa.cill8 52 The Muffin Man II II add verses 75 Round the Village American Singer. Book I A.B.C. two oircle game 93 Bounce Around II II circle, act out words 95 The Mulberry Buah II II Make up verses. 96 Looby Loo II II circle. act out words 97 Seven Steps II II cymbals for accent. count. 100 circle Ten Little Indiana II II counting 94 The Shoemaker II II act out words 98 Dancing in a Ring " II circle dance. walking, skipping 100 We're Goill8 Home II II two circles. walking 102 Sally. Go Round II II akip, oi role 184 Butterfly, Elephant, Music for Youn& Americana A.B.C. "Go in and Out the Window" 61 Ladybug Going to Bombay II II Follow the leader. 66 Jimmy Cracked Corn II II aot out words 70 Put Your Finger in the Muaio for Living Through s.::s.c. Follow the leader. 4 Air the Day 201 SilfGING GAMES

Music Source Publisher Comment P~e Stamping Land Music for Living Through s.B.c. follow the leader 5 the Day Ha, Ha, This-a-way " II follow the leader 6 Who Will Come with Me? II " follow the leader, aooompany 9 with drum, t8111bourine The Pawpaw Patch " " hide and seek 14 Little Bird Go Through " oirole, join hands for windows 15 My Window " Rickety Pickety fl II guess action or instrument 16 Oats, Peas, Bean• " It dramatize, circle 60 Frog in the Millpond II It Circle for millpond, frog ia it. 69 Do You Know? II " grocery man, dramatize, guessing 97 game Watch That Lady II circle, it in center 99 Jacky Stand Still fl "II statue game, freeze 107 How Do You Do It? New Music Hori zone: s.B.c. act out words, fold arms, nod 97 Experiencea in Music head, tap foot for First Grade Children London Bridge " H nursery rhyme, form bridge and 98 line, has seven verses Ring Around A Roay " II circle, walk, skip, Roay in 100 center How Do You Do? fl II game song, follow the leader, 101 skip, hop, run, etc. The Mulberry :Bueh H II traditional, circle, walk or 102 skip, pantomime The Farmer in the Dell " II nuraery rhyme, circle, can lo4 change to 110h, Halloween Is Here" Fun To Be a Helper Music Round the Clook l'.P.O. about children's work: set the 15 table, dry the dishes, rake leaves; add verses 202 SINGING GA!v'.ES

Music Sourge Publisher Comment Page

Sally Go Round the Sun Music Round the Clock F.P.O. circle, it in middle, skip, 35 jump Kagome introduction for bells or 36 " " psaltery, and sticks, chantlike melody, circle, it is blindfolded and tries to guess who stands behind him, Japanese Ringa, Ringa, Reia circle, German words same as 38 " " "Ring Around a Rosy" London Bridge " " bell introduction, form bridge 39 The Farmer in the Dell bell introduction, tone- " " matching, high-low, circle, skip and walk, act out worde Guessing Song act out words, small-tall, 84 " " eloy...quick, soft-loud, glad-sad, etc., riddle song Bluebird Growing with Music, Book I P.H. circle, join hands and raise 14 for windows, bluebird goes in and out and chooses Adam Had Seven Sons Making Music Your Own, S.B.O. circle, Adam in center says 5 Book I 11do this" They imitate. We Are Going Down the Sit in circle, each holding 23 Numbers " " and passing a stick. At the end, any child caught without a stick or with two sticks is "out." Chicks.my, Chickamy game chant, counting 1 - 12, 31 Craney Crow " " witch, tag game, Halloween SINGING GAMES 203

Musig Sourgt Publisher Com.lllent Page

Muffin Man Making Music Your Own, s.:s.o. nursery rhyme; old game song; 33 Book I solo part; One child is blindfolded, another sings second verse as a solo. Guesl who is the soloist. My Molasses Candy II circle, walk with leader (it) 4o " inside, go in and out the windows, choose a partner to walk behind the leader Ha, Ha, This-a-way II pantomime, guessing game song, 63 " create new verses Where Is the Pebble? II II from Nigeria, circle passing 69 game, one in center guesees Going to Boston II II follow the leader game, a 83 make-b.elieve journey, strutting Don Juan Periquito II alow song about a snail: 98 " Puerto Rican, circle, singing game; Ohild with ball in center will bounce­ catch-hold during verse; Pass ball during refrain. Oats, Peas, Beans II circle game song, farmer in 110 " center, pantomime words, choose partner, skip, clap Il court, il court, II (Weasel, Run), French game 105 le furet " song Doil.a Ana " Latin American singing game, 119 " conversation between some students and Dona .A.na. who h gardening 2o4 SINGING GAMES

Music Source Publisher Oomment Page I La vibora. Making Music Your Own, s.B.a. (The Sea Serpent) Spanish 12S Book I and English words, singing game played like "London Bridge" The Pawpaw Patch ti II hiding game or double line 141 walking game, act out words, form bridge, pass through to form new leaders London Bridge A Singing School: Our C.;J.B. Two children make an arch or 9 First Music bridge, the rest form a line and pass under the bridge. rhythm sticks Did You Ever See a II ti circle, lassie in center, circle 9 Laesie? walks or skips and stops to imitate the action of lassie Here We Go Round the II " circle, skip or walk, pantomime 29 Mulberry :Bueh housework Looby Loo ff circle, skip or walk, face 30 " center, follow the directions of the words II II I'm Tall, I'm Small up~down,circle with leader in 42 center blindfolded, guesses if children are up or do'Wll Hunting II II two parallel lines, head couple 42 slide eight steps down middle and back, then lead their lines around outside to the end, make bridge, lines pass through 205 SINGING GAMES

Mu~io Source Publisher Comment P~e

We1 11 Follow A Singing School: Our ;J.:J.B. question-answer, follow-the­ 75 First Music leader game Hi, Spy II II hide-and-go-seek game 102 Follow the Leader II II in Ojibway and English; about 136 worn out shoes of deer­ skin; easy trot Oats and Beans II II circle walks, farmer in center 152 acts out words, circle imitates. farmer chooses a partner, circle skips The !•iuffin Man II II circle, one player in center 152 takes four skipping jumps forward and backward, circle jumps in place with hands on hips during second verse. center player chooses a partner, skips around the circle as they sill8 the third verse; solo verse, group verse, and duet The Farmer in the Dell II II circle, farmer chooses wife, 153 wife chooses child, etc. II II The Seed Cycle (Music: The ~'armerin the 153 Dell); use four groups of players and a farmer for creative pantomime II II (~opy-Oat (Gaine of the Catbird); One is 218 Jatbird and leaves the room. Several give various bird calls. Oat listens, returns copies each call and names the bird. Bird calls and songs, pages 301 - 308. 206 SINGING GAMES

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

:Sroom Dance A Singing School: Our -~.'J.B. Boys' line, girls' line face each 246 First Music other. Extra player with broom goes up and down the line. Players, singing, take four steps forward and back. Repe.at and take new partner. Extra player drops broom for a partner. Player with­ out a partner takes broom. Jounting song to eleven. Fox a.nd Goose Listen and Sing: The Ginn singing tag game; Swedish folk 116 World of Music song Band of Angels This Is Music, Book I A. & B. spiritual; count to ten; game: 36 Ten angels with instruments sit in a semi-circle, stand and play on ac.!ented beatJ when their number is sung, all play together on the chorus, then reverse. One, Two, Three, Four, II II singing game; hiding song; 42 Five, Six, Seven question-answer; count to ten forward and backward One Little Elephant II II count to seven; singing game 43 from Japan; circle of ele­ phants, one child as an - elephant walks around in center and chooses another elephent at the end of each stanza to join the line of elephants SINGING GAMES 207

Music Source Publisher Comment Page The Ring This Is Music, Book I A. & B. circle holding string with a 49 ring, one child blindfolded in the midd.le, takes off blindfold and guesses when singing stops Adam's Sons II II circle, Adam in center, all 53 circle to the left, march- ing and singing, stop on "Now all do this 11 and imitate Adam Sprinkle the Flowers fl fl Chinese game; squatting circle, 55 one child walks around outside the circle and sprinkles a flower on the word 11high" The flower chases the sprinkler who tries to get back to the flower's place Hop, Old Squirrel II II two children skip around a tree 60 trying to catch the first; one child can play piano, bells El floron II ti (The Rosette); Spanish and Eng- 146 lish words; folk game from the Rio Grande; seated circle with hands behind their backs, leader outside the circle places flower in someone's hand. Sing. Guess. 20$ snmnTG GAMES

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Source Publisher Comment _ ~ The Blue Stone Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. German folk game; Jircle join 20 One: A 'Jomprehensive hands, move to the left, Book of Music and child in center chooses a Activities for the partner, partners dramatize First Grade words; add verses Who Has the Button? II II question-answer; Teacher sings, 21 showing button, key and penny. Class answers. One child distributes objects while teacher closes her eyes. Then teacher sings and each child answers. On last phrase, all objects are returned while the class sings. London Bridge u II Two children form arch, each with a secret symbol. Line passes under arch. At 11My fair lady" leaders drop their arms around a child who chooses between the symbols. He stands behind the leader 'those symbol he chooses. Playing in the Woods II II Argentine folk game; Children 24 circle, sing, and call to the wolf hidden in the room, who answers "Yes, I'm put- ting on my shirt. 11 Repeat. 1 Wolf tells that he e ~utting on his shoes, tie, etc. until he answers "Yes, and now I 1;n coming to catch you !11 First child caught is the wolf. 2~ smGING GAMES

Music Source Publisher Comment Pa.e:e

John the i."liller Birchard Music Series Eook S.-B. (Juan Pirulero); Mexican sing- 77 One: A Comprehensive ing ge.m.e; Spanish and Book of Music and English words; occupation, Activities for the follow-the-leader guessing :nrst Grade game Skipping Song tt tt Japanese children's game; skip; 161 accompe.ny with rhythm in­ st:ruments; circle, leader chooses partner to skip around the circle and back to place. Partner becomes leader. SINGING GAMES 210

Music Sour.~e Publisher Co.IIllilent Page

Oats, Peas, Beans Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. traditional game; ~ircle, 25 One: A Jomprehensive ft>.rrner in ~enter. Stanza Book of Music and 1: circle left. Stanza Activities for the 2: farmer dramatizes words First Grade of the song. Stanza 3: circle right, farmer chooses partner. Stanza 4: circle skips left, farmer and partner skip right. Who Has My Goose German children's game; Children 25 " " circle, sing, and stop on the word 11you. 11 Blindfolded child in center pounds the floor in front of someone with a cane. This child sings 11Who?11 If blindfold- ed child can guess who it is, the child who sang takes his place. Come on, Everyone n clap with me" ; change to walk, 42 " " skate, hop; substitute names for 11everyone 11; fol­ low-the-leader game; Use to give directions as 11Put your crayons away. 11 1 1 Let. s Pretend We re 11 " pantomime, animal, guessing 60 Animals game song; add verses; child can play bell or piano accompaniment 211 TONE CALLS, SCALE SONGS, Q.UESTION-ANSW.ER SONGS, ETC. (These songs give opportunities for individual singing)

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Can You Sing? First Grade Book Ginn question-anewer 4 Sing Me Your Name " " tone-matching s:; Do You Know Your Name? tt II qul'"stion-answer 6 Good Morning II question-answer 6 The Wind " II tone-matching 121 " II A Bird Came " tone-matching 138 Tone-Matching Songs " teacher-pupil parts 154 (Animals) " Tone-Matching Songs fl II teacher-pupil parts 163 (Things that sing) Little Dog, What Do You fl II question-answer 143 Say? Going To the Store tt II scale song, counting pennies 7 The Chimee American Singer, Book I A.B.·J. scale song, us• ohimes 8 The Slide II ti scale song 17 Good-Morning II II question-answer 18 Conductcr 1 s Jall II II tone-call 26 The North Wind II It descriptive, tone-matching 38 Ioiclee II II scale songj short 171 Mister Baker II II question-answer 20 Gobble ! II II question-answer 57 The Gae Station Music for Young Americans A.B.C. question-a.newer 27 Tick Tack Too II II song, chant, wood block accom­ 107 paniment, nursery Old Woman Tossed in a II II nursery, funny 109 Blanket Who Are You? Music for Living Through S.B.C. question-answer, sing names 3 the Day 11 It Musical ~uestions What did you see, hear, do, 23 want? I Have a Blue Bonnet II II question-answer 26 212 TONE CALLS, SJ.ALE SONGS, Q,UESTION-ANSWERSONGS, ETJ. (These songs give opportunities for individual singing)

Music Source Publisher Comment ~~~

0 My Little Boy Music for Living Through S.B.c. question-answer, about britches, 29 the Day shoelace My Little Dog II If qu

Our Snowman New Music Horizons: S ..B.C. funny, descriptive, with tone 55 Experiences in Mi.isic games for First Grade Children Icicles and Bicycles II II about seasonal contrasts, wheel, 55 skates, high-low with tone games and scale song The Wind II II descriptive, with tone games 56 The Song of the Wind II II North Wind, descriptive, tone 59 call The Morning-Glory II II descriptive, question-answer 75 My Little Pony II II traditional, lively song with 84 tone studies 016. Mother Hubbard II II Mother Goose, dramatize, rhythm 96 instruments, with tone games Three Little Kittens It II Mother Goose, dramatize, with 100 tone game, rhythm instru- ments Lightly Row II If traditional, tone-matching, lo4 four cha.ire in a row for b~at,row, slow sustained tempo Honeypots II II question-answer, merchant - 107 farmer parts, funny song Pussy-~at,Pussy-Oat Music Round the Clock F .P.'.J. question-answer song to introduce 41 antiphonal Binging, good to teach underatanding of phrasing, dramatize What Shall I Do? II II question-answer, wood blocks, 42 triangle 214 TONE CALLS, SCALE SONGS, QUESTIO~-ANSWERSONGS, ETC. (These songs give opportunities for individual singing)

Music Source Publisher Comment P8t2:e Little Robin Music Round the Clock F.P.C. question-answer, solo part, 42 ecale song, nursery rhyme Punchinello Growing with Music, Book I P.H. about a clown, q~estion-answer 47 The Porcupine Making Music Your Own, S.B.c. Israeli song, qu.e st ion-answer, 106 Book I solo part for porcupine - others Where Are You Going To, II II humorous conversation between 118 My Pretty Maid a young man and a milkmaid, question-answer, solo parts It Rained a Mht II scale song, tuned bottles 120 Calls and Motives A Singing" School: Our ,J.:J.B. tone calls: Bee, Dove, Cat, 4 First Music Mother or Child, Con- ductor, Echo, Chick-a-dee, Fly, Creative Calls, for creative response Calle and Motives II II tone calls: Clock, Calling 16 Mary, ~allingJohn, I see youl, Play Call, Hello, Mother calling, Dinner Call, Cheerio, Telephone Jall fl II G8..llleof Afternoon T~a a tea party; question answer 16 ,Jalls and. Motives " tone calls: Shepherd 1 s Call, 36 " Own Jalls - Big Owl, Little Owls, Echo Call, Horn Call, Coo-ee Echo Song 11 II descriptive, hello 37 215 TONE CALLS, SCALE SONGS, ~UESTION-ANSW~RSONGS, ETC. (Theee songs give opportunities for individual singing)

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

Calle and Motives A Singing School: Our a.c.B. tone calla: Train Whistle, 50 First Music Factory Whistle, Church Bell, Auto Horn, Newaboy, Strawberries, Pop-,Jorn I. Ding-Dong, Grocery Store ·Calls, Bell Peal, Town ·:Hock 'Chimes, Good-bye, I like gum-drops, Hippety Hop Candy Shop II II about buying candy; goes down 55 the scale Ice Jrealll Soda II II descriptive; question-answer, 55 scale song Calle and Motives II II tone calls: Orange Juice, Not 67 I I, Sue can skip. , Look out I, Look out for me I, Merrily we roll along. Camp-bells are coming. Oh ho I Who Cares for the Rain? II II "Not I 111; slicker, cap, rubber 71+ boots; question-answer We' 11 Follow II II question-answer, follow-the­ 75 leader game Calls and Motives II II tone calls: Happy birthday; 85 The old year's done.; Who sends valentines?; Glory, glory, :r.a.lle lujah 1; Hail, Jolumbia, ha.ppy land; Alleluia.; I can dance the Flora. 216 TONE ~ALLS,SCALE SONGS, ~UESTION-.ANSWERSONGS, ETC. {These songs give opportunities for individual singing)

.. ~911.!".Q.!______;eublish•I .__;:Jc.=o=mm=e-=n~t'-·-----P~e Mua.!c;s~---_ ----··--··· Calls and Motivea A Singing School: Our c.o.B. tone calls: Hi Spy; Soll€ of 102 First Music the Shoes; Come Dance; Little Shadow; Plowing; Pinocchio Walks; Pinocchio Skips Indian Calls and Motives II II tone calls: Corn Song; Medi- 124 cine Song; Hunting Song; Warrior, Battle Cry, Dance Galla and Motives II II tone cal ls: Q,uack, Q,uack, Quack; 139 The Jow; DiIUler Time; Fol-d9-rol-de-ri-do; Rice; My Gingerbread Man; Baby Duck; Counting Out; Shep- herd 1 s Song Oalls and Motives " II tone calls: Pies for Sale; The 163 Turkey; Hi 1 Ho 1 The Wagon; Polly, Put the Kettle On; Thanksgiving Day; There is a Happy Land; 0 Reet in the Lord Jal.le and Motives II II tone calls: Taking Turns; Brave; 174 Working Q,uietly; Sing!; A Song for Happy Children; Holy, Holy, Holy; For To- day; 0 Worship the King Jalls and Motives II II tone calla: The Vacuum Cleaner; 189 The Washer; Trucks; The Riveter; Mr. Cs.rpenter; The Lawn Mower; The Oil Burner 217 TONE CALLS, SJALE SONGS, ~UESTION-ANSWERSONGS, ETJ. (These songs give opportunities for individual singing)

Mueia Source Publisher Comment Paie:e

Jalls and Motives A Singing School: Our o.c.B. tone calls: My Pets; Come Kitty; 206 / Beware: Naughty Peter Rabbit; Pony Rides; Lost Dolly; Jack-in-the-Box The Canary 11 scale song; descriptive; with 215 " imitative sounds Wood-Pecker II rhythmic imitation game with 218 " patterns; use pencils; teacher taps, children imitate Copy-Cat ti Game of the :Jathird; One is cat- 218 " bird and leaves the room. Several give various bird calla. Cat listens, re- turns. copies each call and gives the name of the bird Jalls and Motives II II tone calls: Jingle Bells; A 223 Cradle Carol; Christmas is Here; Pata.pan; Mary•s Lullaby; 0 Come All Ye Faithful; Old English Round; Joy to the World; sn~nt Night Santa Jle.us Game II II (of eight calls); for tone match- 223 ing; Each child, who imi- tates correctly, takes his place to form a line of r•lndeer, eleigh, eleighbells, Santa Claus, pack of toys. The group gallops around the room to "The Wild Horaeman 11, page 232 218 TONE CALLS, SC.l\.LE SONGS, Q.UESTION-AUSWER SON'GS, ETC. (These songs give opportunities for individual singing)

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

A .Jrlil.dle Jarol A Singing Snhool: Our J.O.B. Russian folk tune; scale song 229 li'irst Music with echo; descriptive Calla and Motives II " tone calls; Wind Song; Winter 239 Nights; lnowbal~a;Fun in the Snow; Drip, Icicles, Drip; Look Out; Zippers; Broom Dance Jalls and M:>tivee II II toue calls: Mistress Mary; 250 .Baa! Baa I Black Sheep; See-saw, Margery Daw; Tame Animals; Pussy-Cat; Doodle- ~oo;Little Miss Muffet; Humpty Dumpty; Johnny and the three Goats; The Ginger­ bread Man Baa I Baa I :Bl a.ck Sheep II II Mother Goose; question-answer 250 Pusey-Jat, Pussy-Cat II II Motht-r Goose; qu--stion-answer 252 Jal 1 s and Rhythms If II tone calla: My Piccolo; The 261 Kettledrum.mer; The Tri- angle; The Tambourine; Hot ,1ross Buns Calls and Motives fl II tone calls: Playing in the 273 Band; Bubbles; Six Little Mice; Just Suppose; John and I; How They Go; Blow- ing Bubbles; Just Fun; The Mueical Goblin; A Silly Song II II John and I question-answer; about h~aring 275 pigeons coo, bees buzz, pick a rose, play in the snow 219 TONE CA.:..LS, SCALE SOTu"'GS,Q.UESTION-ANS\fER SONGS, ET'J• (These soDge give opportu.nities for individual singing)

·~~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~·~-::~~--:~ Music Source Publisher . OoI!llllent PM;e

Calls au~ Motiv•s A Singing Schonl~ Our c.o.:s. tone calls: Dear Little But- 287 Firet Music teraup; May Day; Lavendar 1 e Blue; Pusty Willow; I Saw a Star; One Misty, Moiety Morning; Spring Bells; Dandelion; The Garden Theme from First Symphony, Schu..rnann Dear Little :Buttercup II " question-answer; spring song 287 The Child and the Bird " question-answer; child ~ bird 305 0alls "II II toue calls: Sound of the fly; 310 Sound of a bee going off for honey; Sound of a bee coming to a flower Calls and Motives II II tone calls: Soda Pop; Ice 319 Cream; Lemonade; The Pea- nut Man; Pop Corn; Ice Cream Cone; Balloons; Cir- cue; The Clown; Playing Bear; Circus Clown; Big Brown Bear Calla and Motivee II II tone cal.le: Tugboat; Steamer; 332 Bell Buoy; motives: To Market; Skippi1J8 Along; My Scooter; The Auto; The Ferry Boat; Th• Sailor Lad; Jlickity Jlack; The Song of the Roller Skates New Year The Mueio Hour, ]'iret S.B.C • about horns and whistles blowi:cg 32 .Book 220 TONE ·:JALLS, SOALE SONGS, QUESTION-A...\fSWERSJNGS, ETC. (These songs give opportunities for individual singing.)

Music Source Publisher Comment Pn_ge

Playing Horse The Music Hour, First Book S.B.1. scale song; imitative 53 It II The .L~ewl'ioon scale song 55 A Sleigh Ride II ti about driving horses; scale 56 song The Firemen II II scale song; descriptive 64 Toy land II II question-answer 68 The Happy Eskimo II II descriptiYe; scale song 70 The Airplane II II scale song 79

Hefer ~·leJal ling Listen and Sillg: The Ginn name cal ling song with solo 11 World of Music parts The Echo II ti for two p:irt choir; smoothly, 26 lightly, softly II II i.>l..YPocketbook question-answer song ·rhe Birthday Party II II question-answer; invitation a; song Song of the Wind II II question-answer; song for two 104 choirs; Yugoslavian folk tune Trading II ti question-answer; solo parts; 105 descriptive; about trading toys fl II Beautiful Spring question-ans~er;for lst choir, 115 2nd choir, all Jumping Rope II II invitation song; question­ 120 answer; solo parts One, Two, Three, Four, This Is ~'iusic,Book I A. & B. singing game; hiding song; 42 Five, Six, Seven question-answer; count to seven forward and backward One, Two Three, ]'our, It If folk song from England based on 42 Five a Nursery Rhyme; about catching a fish; count to ten; question-answer 221 TONE CALLS, SJALE smms, QUESTION-ANSWERSONGS, ETJ. (These so::igs give opportunities for individual singing.)

Music Source Publisher Jomment ~

Kitty Out and the Mouse This Is ~iusic,Book I A. & B. s~alesong; bells, ahild can 58 play the piano Pussy Jat and the Q,ueen " " question-answer; Old English 135 Nursery Rhyme Billy Boy Birchard ~usicSeries Book S.-B. fun and nonsense song; drama- 3 One: A Comprehensive tize; rhythm instruments; Book of ~vlusicand autoharp; question-answer Activities for the song First Grade What Shell ·.ve Do? fun and nonsense dialogue song; 13 " " add verses about other activities Where De You Live? English folk song; bells; 32 " " children can play piano part; question song - children answer, making up their own melody or words Who's There a.ramati ze; wood block; American 32 " " folk song; question-answer song Foods We Like II II German children's song; dialogue, 36 question-answer song; Jhild ans•.._rers >"hen his name is called. II II 1 Green, Green, Green dialogue song; German children A 43 game; change to other colors; about the color of their clothes 222 AMERICANINDIAN SONGS

Music Source Publisher Comment P~• Blue Corn-Grinding Song A Singing School: Our c.c.B. Zuni Indian song with a 124 First Music description of the Corn Grinding Ceremony iviedicine Song It II Apache song of healing; dru.m; 125 braves seated in a circle, medicine man shakes medicine stick over sick brave My Owlet It Kiowa Indian lullaby, swaying 126 Indian Warrior II "II Arapahoe; drums, gourds; large 127 circle; girls hurn, sing, boys dance Pipe of Peace It II Arapahoe; ceremonial song; 128 imitative; dramatize The Navajo Weaver II Navajo; about r\18 weaving 129 Greeting It" II Passamaquoddy; drwn; welcome 129 song to a wigwam; act out wor.ds; slow, with dignity Rain Son& It II Yuma; muffled drum, dried 130 gourds; braves in circle w1 th bent heads and arms folded; Indian women sit, sway, and sing softly Hunting Song It II Ojibway; drwn, about hunting 131 caribou Hunting the Deer It II Navajo; muffled drum; chant 132 quietly with monotonous rhythm The Cradle on the Bough II II Omaha; lullaby 132 223 AMERICAN IlmIAN so1ms

Music .Source Publisher Comment ~ To the Rising Sun (p.p.) A Singing School: Our J.O.B. (A flute call) Chippewa 133 First Music Jeremonial; music to accompany e. pantomime of greeting the sun Cradle Song (p.p.) II II Kwakiutl; lullaby; only one 134 word to song, 11Ha-o, 11 which means, Sleep-o Farewell to the Warriors II ti Chippewa; for quiet listening; 134 (p.p.) music to accompany pantomime; Indian women slowly walked behind their braves singing the farewell song Indian Dance ti II Dakota; Indian drums and rat- 135 tles; toe-heel step Follow the Leader H II in Ojibwa.y and English; about 136 worn out shoes of deerskin; Gaine; easy trot Jorn Oh.ant II II Dakota; two rows warriors and 136 women; drum; heads, arms are slowly lifted, hands touch, slowly lowered II ti Ohant of the C~rows '.Jhippewa; spoken softly to the 136 steady beat of the drum Indian Echo Song The Musi~Hour, First Book S.B.O. Jhippewa Indian ce.11 50 Papoose II ti Navajo Indian Melody; lullaby 51 Little Jwlet Birchard i-lusic Series Book S.-B. Ki<>wa Indian 3ong; dra..matize; 34 One: A Jomprehensive bells; child can play piano Book of i'llusic and pe.rt; 1ulle by Activities for the First Grade 224 SONGSOF MA.KEBELIEVE

Music Sgurce Publisher Comment PM:e

Ring-A-P..ing-0 1Fairies First Grade Book Ginn long, high-low 199 ·Jo.me Follow Me II short, about fairy elves 199 Giants and Fairies Music Round" the Clock :E'.P.C. giant steps, tiptoe walk, 51 running; about giants and fairies; heavy-light; slow-fast; rhythm instru- ments The Elfin II light, fast, run 82 Going to Boston Making Music Your Own, S.B.O." a make-believe journey, strutting, 83 Book I follow-the-leader game The Fairy Piper A Singing School: Our 1J.~.E. has the flute and wind sounds b ]lrst Music of 1100 11 The Fairy Piper Plays II II dra.ll18.tize; ·Jhildren walk in the 11 (p.p.) woods and stop to listen to the fairy piper. The !t.usical Goblin II II He played on a horn. with 273 imitative sounds A Silly Song II ti about TollllllYTucker and Jack 274 Horner making up and singing a song Just Suppose fl II grass - white, snow - green, 275 roses - black, ink - pink; nonsense song Brownie's Rest II about a nest in a lily bell 278 The Elf and the Butterfly "II II tiptoe, walk; for listening 317 (p.p.) Dragon Theme II II Wagner, In Act Two of Siegfried; 330 for listening; slow The Three Bears and Children 1 s Opera. in One Act 344 Goldilocks " " 225 s o:rws OF MAKE BELIEVE

Music Source Publisher Comment Page

The Fairy Listen and Sing: The Ginn graceful, smooth song about a 61 World of Music fairy dancing, singing and sleeping in a butter~up Shadows II II about a fe.iry, a brownie, and 79 a moonbeam Fai ry Echoe s II II about fairies on butterflies; 97 with soft echo ~ueen,~ueen, Caroline This Is i.\fusic, Book I A. & B. two .melody oong; child can play 139 piano; funny song "Infernal Dance of King II II motives only; Stravinsky from 174 Kaatchei 11 and The Firebird Suite; 11Lullaby 11 Recording: ROA Victor, Adventures in Music, Gradel; with story, 11The ]'irebird 11 If I Were a Jowboy Birchard Music Series Book S.-B. pretend song of a cowboy, sailo~ 15 One: A i}omprehensi ve pirate Book of Music and Activities for the First Grade Goldilocks and the Three II II song play 101 Bears Jinderella ii II song play 104 The Tortoise and the Hare II II song play 110 The Young Prince and the II II Rimsky - Korsakov; sway; imi- 178 Princess tative; dramatize; accom- nany with ::ymbals. tria.ngles CHAPTER IV


The effort to oompile a liating of all the song literature avail­

able for use in firet grade of public sohool has made possible certain

conolusi ons.


The present writer reviewed all the music literature available

from fourteen well-known firat grade texts. Each piece of music or

song literature was then read and placed under one or more general con­

tent headin&a determined by the type of music and/or by the subjeot

content of the song. These content headings were arbitrarily established

by the author in an effort to correlate Dllleic with the whole school program. In order to determine the value of the correlative approach, cri­

teria of song literature, and the desired range and qualities of the

child voice, a further study of literature waa .made.

The authors seemed to believe in a formal and an informal aohool

mu.sic program. They believe a special time should be aet aside for lllllaiG,

but also that informal lllllsic may be integrated with science, social studies,

arts. or reoreation for release from tension. Further, the authora

seem to feel a beautiful song will add interest, ID3aning, and enjoyment

to other areaa of the au.rrioulum. 227 Under the criteria of song literature, the authors seemed to believe a good song is one that children will like, will enjoy singing and will remember. It seems to be essentially an interesting melod7 that is easily remembered and prompts a definite rhythmic response. The poem or text of the son& fits the rhythmio scheme and melody line. Eaah song must stand on its own merit. The child voice waa deaoribed by the authors. It is light in quality as well as in volume. Good tone quality is clear, flute-like, unforced, not breathy, and easily sustained. They described the range of the voice of the average young child as being from Middle 0 to 0, D. or E above. However, the very young child with little mueio experience would not have so wide a r&Jl8e, and the experienced child singer will have increased his range to 5th line (on the staff) F and above.


The writer learned of the tremendous amount of music literature that is available for use in first grade alone. Fourteen first grade texts with a wealth of information and mu.ale literature were found. The newer texts provide excellent oolored illustrations, background infor­ mation on each piece of music, chords, slJ8gested activities and accom­ paniment. The music literature covered nearly all subject areas. However, there were no songs which referred to up-to-date scientific achievements or science fiction activities or machines like outer spaoe rockets, missles, and time machines. 228 The writer is more convinoed than e'9\!lr that this bibliography oan be of aasistance to firat grade teachers. ThroU8h it they can become aware of the wealth of mu.sic literature available at their level. They should also be able to use greater discrimination in the quality of music selected with­ in a subject area.

The drawbacks to successfully doill8 this type of research are in attemptirig to obtain all available material in order to make a complete bibliographical listill8•

In thia paper, the author1 e increased growth in the ability to read and interpret .mu.sic required aeveral reviaiona of the early text of the bibliography. Also, texta with a more recent copyright date provided more general and specific information on each individus.l piece of music.

It is obvious that a complete task of providing an annotated biblio­ graphy could not be compiled for all grades within the confines of this research paper. A need for continued similar research is indicated. Thia type research would also be of value in the area of poetry. BIBLIOGRAPHY

1. Armitage. Theresa and Peter W. Dykema., Peter W. Pitcher, Gladys Ro semen, Adele Floy, Lilian J. Vandevere. !. Singing School: Our First Music. Boston: C. C. Birchard and Company, 1941, 371 pp.

2. Beattie, John W. and Josephine Wolverton, Grace V. Wilson, Howard Hinga. The American Singer, Second Efl:l ti on. Chicago: American Book Company, 1954, 190 PP•

3. Berg, Richard 0. and Claudeane Burns, Daniel s. Hooley, Robert Pace, Josephine Wolvt'\rton. Music for ~ .A.rne:ricans, AB:J .Musi~ Series. San ]'rancisco: American Book Company, 1959, 198 p-p.

4. Elli son, Alfred. Music with ·Children. New York: ~foGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1959. zyr-pp.

5. Ernst, Karl and Rose Marie Grentzer, Wiley Housewright. Birchard Music Series, Book One: !:_ Comprehensive Book of Music and Activities for the First Grade. Evanston, Illinois: Su.m.my­ Birchard Company, 1962, 191 pp.

6. Glenn, Mebelle and Helen S. Leavitt, Victor L. F. Rebman, Eerl L. Baker. Listen and ~; The World Q.f Music. San Francisco: Ginn & Company, 1936, 140 pp.

7. Lari.deck, Beatrice e.nd Elizabeth Crook, Harold C. Youngberg. Ma.kine; Music Your Own, Book I. Morristown, New J~ruey: Silv~r Burdett Company, 19b4.'° 154 pp.

8. Mcconathy, Osbourne and w. Otto Miessner, Ed1·1ard Bailey Birge. lVf..abel E. Bray. The M.usic !!£:ru:, F.'irst Book. San Jf'rancis,~o: Silver, Burdett Company, 1927, 1928, 91 pp.

9. I'Ic•Jonathy, Osbourne a.nd Russell V. Morgan, James L. Mursell, Marshell Bartholomew, Mabel E. Bray, W. Otto :t:liessner, Ed-ward Bailey Birge. New Music Horizons; Experiences in Xueic for First Grade JhilC.ren. Se.n Irancisco: Silver Burdett Jompany, 1949, 149 pp.

10. McMillan, L. Eileen. Guidine 'Jhildren' s Growth through Music. Bos­ ton: Ginn and ~ompeny, 19'59, 246 pp.

11. Mursell, Jeme s L. and Gla.dys Tipton, Beatrice Landeck, Harriet Nnrd­ holm, Roy E. Freeburg, Jack M.. Watson. Music for Living Through the Day. San Francis~o: Silver, Burdett :Jompany, 1956, 155 pp.

12. Nye, Robert Evans anC. Vernice Trousdale Nye. Music in the Elementary School. Englewood .Jliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964, 405 pp.

13. Perham, Beatrice. Growing 1!:Q. with Music, 1Jomplete Edition, Book I. 'Jhicago: Neil A. Kjos Il.usic Jo.m~JPny, 1937, 80 Pi)• 14. Pitts, Lilla Belle and Mabelle Glenn, Lorrain E. Watters, Louis G. '1·1ersen. The First Grade Book, Enlarged :Edition. Ohicagn: Ginn & Company:1'959, 231 PP•

15. Sur, William. R. and Adeline McJall, l·~ary R. Tolbert, Wil lia.m R. Fisher. This Is Music, Book I. Belmont, California: Allyn & Bacon, In;:-:-19b2, 192 PP•

16. Swanson, Bessie R. Music !a.~ Education of Children. San Fran­ cisco: Wadsworth Publishing 'Jompany, In;;:-, 1961, 292 pp. i7. Timmerman, Maurine. Let's Teach Music. Evanston: Summy-Birchard Oompany, 1958, 216 pp.

18. Wilson, Harry R. and Walter Ehret, Alice M. Snyder, Ed.we.rd J. Hermann. Growing with Music. Book I. Englewood, New Jersey, Prentice­ Hall, Inc., i963, 59 PP•

19. Wolfe, Irving and B9e.trice Pe:rham Krone, Margaret Fullerton. Music 1 round the :nock, Revised. Jhicago: Follett fublishing Compa.ny, 1959. 9bpp.