
North Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920

Volume LXll, Number 19 Monday, October 12, 1&1 Raleigh, North Carolina Phone 737-2411,-2412

Bomb threat prompts evacuation at Meredith show

by Terri Thornton At 3:45pm. the police and security Hankins said that security officers in Jones Auditorium. and that it was audience applauded and then was seriously.“ Martin said. Writer officers had searched the auditorium ' were standing outside her office when in protest of Sadat's death." Hankins evacuated. Meredith's Dean Alan Burris said. and the adjoining Wainwright Music the man called. “It sounded like he had said. Kathy Hoffarth. who received “I suppose you just get conditioned to The cast. crew and audience of Building and found no bomb. The pro . written a speech out on paper and was orders from campus security to turn this kind of thing." Meredith's production of Once Upon a duction went on. reading it to me," she said. "I'hung up before he did." she said. off the lights. said "i thought they There were no government officials Mattress stood outside Jones Meredith switchboard operator She said she really wasn‘t listening “I know i shouldn't have hung up on would stop but they kept on singing." present at the performance. according Auditorium 3 p.m. Sunday. chatting Sharon Hankins said she received a at first. but when he began talking him but I was really scared." Several minutes after the evacua- to Martin. and no one could account and laughing. while Raleigh police and call around 2:15 p.m. from a man with about Sadat's death and a bomb in Technical director of the play. John tion. some children and cast members for the caller's reasoning in connecting security officers a foreign accent saying there was a Jones auditorium. she realized he was Martin. said that after the call came. stood on the steps of the auditorium Sadat's death with Meredith's play. searched for a bomb reportedly set to bomb planted in Jones Auditorium “serious about what he was saying." stage power was turned off. the cast and talked. . “In a sick mind anything can be explode at 3:80 p.m. that-would explode at 3:30 p.m. “i think he said ‘we' planted a bomb finished the number it was doing. the "I don't think they're taking it that related." Burris said.

University historian Fee-increase committee

puts final touches looks into possible on State history book student fee increase by Mary Durham ing Lockmiller's book. "it's a good Staff Writer place to begin." Since Lockmiller's book only by Ethan Khalil crease is relatively small and can do Thomas H. Kearny. historian for covers State's history up to the Staff Writer the same for the budget as the last in- State's Foundations and Develop 1980s. Kearny's book will greatly crease did. ment. is finishing a book about the expand on the work. He said the Student Center current history of State which will be Kearny said the attitudes and A committee formed by the Student ly receives 838.45 per person for the available to the public in the spr~ habits of students attending State Center's board of directors to look into fall and spring semesters and $16 per ing..The book willcover aspects of has changed significantly. the possibility of increasing student person for the summer sessions. State dating back to 1889. when the “In the early days. the school fees will probably ask for a fee in- “Currently there is $1,800,000 in the University first opened. Kearny was run like a military institution." crease. according to Lee McDonald. Student Union budget." he said. “At hopes the book will generate an in- Kearny said. “The students were assistant to the Student Center presi- least $150,000 more is needed this terest in State and familiarize peo much more disciplined." dent. year (1981-82) alone." ple with State's background. i The committee, formed at the McDonald said inflation is the main “You can’t know who you are For instance. the students were beginning of the semester. will take reason for the need to increase the unless you know where you came in a platoon-like atmosphere with its findings back to the board of direc- budget. He said since the last fee in- from." Kearny said. He hopes to commanding officers. Also. women tors Oct. 28. crease in 1978. the rate ofinflation will free people from their ignorance were not able to receive degrees “The fee'increase is a necessity if have risen 44.4 percent by 1983. about State by answering ques _il_nt_iLlong after State—opened. the Student Union is to keep up with The board's committee will meet tions such as “Who is Alexander Attendance at State has grown inflation." McDonald said. “The last with the board of directors Oct. 28 in Holliday and what does he have to from 72 students when the school fee increase turned a deficit into a room 4126 of the Student Center. do with me?" Holliday was the first began in 1889 to the present surplus.” Students are welcome to attend. president of State and the first 20.000-plus students enrolled. McDonald said the possible fee in- McDonald said. building on State's campus. Holli- State. which began as an day Hall. was named after him. agriculture school. has expanded to Kearny’s book. a three year. nine schools. The most recent to 805.000 project is funded by the start giving degrees is the School Students complain NCBU‘ Aluiiihi Association and offiumnitles and Social Sciences . State's Foundations and Develop- which began in 1961. ment. The endeavor is headed by Although the only author of the the University committee on in- project. Kearny has found stitutional and historical com- assistants such as Alice Reagan about local transients memoration which selected Kearny and Alan Downs very helpful in to be the author through an applica- compiling the book which should be tion process. published in the spring. The main by Karen Freltas pass out on a park bench or near a Kearny's background includes information source for his book has street. Sometimes they will even hurt having been a history professor been the relatively unknown Staff Writer themselves for an ambulance to take here for eight years. Furthermore. University archives. The archives. Editor’s note: this is the fourth in a them to a hospital for care - all at the he received his bachelor of arts which contains information and series of articles dealing with taxpayers’ expense." _ degree at Wake Forest and attend- displays about the University. is transients Various students and residents are ed graduate school at UNC—Chspel located in the basement of the concerned about the transients as well Hill. library. M.E. Valentine. owner of Valentine as Valentine. One student. Tom Kearny hopes his book will fulfill “Not everyone realizes that the Construction and Realty. is continuing Goudey. said some transients will get the need of a historical account of University has an archivist and in- his efforts to get rid oftransients from obscene when someone refuses to give State. in 1939 Dr. David Lockmiller formation available of that kind." Hillsborough Street. them money. published his History of the North Kearny said. “The only thing that I am trying to “I live off Hillsborough Street and Carolina State College. which was Hopefully people will read Kear- do is make the people who live and they would actually come in my house ewe. ta .. the only book published on the sub ny's book and become more aware work here aware of the transient pro- -to burn money. They have also taken . ’ photo . Jim Frei ject. according to Kearney. of State's foundations. blem." he said. “and also to make food from my refrigerator while I was m H. Kearny. “Dr. Lockmiller did a great job “We are hoping this will students aware of how much support there." Goudey said. “I came home one a historian for State's foundations and Development, is considering he had six months to generate more interest in the they are giving the bums when they day and i found a transient sleeping on finishing a book about the history of State which will be available to the write it." Kearny said. acknowledg- history of N.C. State." he said. aid to peddling. my couch. i had to forcefully make him publlc in the aria. “If students were not giving money leave." to some degree. they wouldn't be Todd Gatts. a computer science stu- when they are arrested." Dengler make warrants just by listening to a here." dent. said the transients are a said. “Then they have a bed to sleep transient harassing another in- There have been reports of tran- nuisance. 0 in. some have been seen to take their dividual." University finances sients breaking into houses — par- “i personally have to check the shoes and stick them in their clothes Sullivan said that it would help if ticularly the basements. They are doors at night; they will come right in when they go to sleep so that no one merchants along Hillsborough Street often found sleeping in or stealing otherwise." he said. “I think concen- will steal them." would place signs in their windows food from houses. according to tration on the bums would help to He also said if cars are unlocked stating that begging is a crime. students. ~ alleviate them. It is just that some they can be found sleeping in them. SOD-bed dormitory Some girls in the area have also students will not say no." “They stink so badly that the car “The area behind Fast Fare has a complained of the transients making Paul Dengler. another student. said smells like them. where they made a stairway which is a notorious hangout for bums. I am in the process of calling “cat calls" or verbal harassments. that he was doing his laundry and had mess." by Ell-an Khalil Gerald Hawkins. associate dean of “I think that if we could get the to leave. but when he came back a According to attorney Mark and writing letters to the landowners Student Affairs. said. police to enforce a statute concerning transient had stolen his shirts. Sullivan. begging is against the law. It to enforce trespassing laws." Sullivan Staff Writer When asked the purpose for the panhandling. enough pressure would “I think that they hang around is a violation of the city code along said. A 500bed dormitory under con- new dormitory. George Worsley. vice cancel the problem," Valentine places just to bother people." with trespassing. communicating a Criminal law for trespassing could struction next to the general athletics chancellor for finance and business. said. “The problem would also be He also said some transients called threat and drunkenness. be provoked by the owner after one facility on the corner of Merrill Drive said it was the “need for additional defeated if the students would quit him names when he wouldn't give “If people are scared of retaliation. warning. The warning can be by sign and Western Boulevard is scheduled housing on campus" which stimulated giving them money. them money. nothing can be done about the tran- or communication. then the complaint to be completed in the fall of 1983. the desire to build the new dormitory. “Atthetimathstrausisntswillgo “Buns have never had it so good sients.” Sullivan said. “People can would have to go through court. Originally intended to house Worsley said the new dormitory will athletes. it has turned out to be a dor- cost $5.5 million. mitory for all students. including What caused the Wolfpack Club to athletes. reconsider its efforts to invest in a State's Athletics Department of- dormitory. Worsley said, was the high ficials decided in November 1980 that cost. The high price tag on the dor- their fundvraising organization. the mitory “caused them to reconsider the Wolfpack Club. was unable to finance number of rooms they might the dormitory. guarantee rent for." he said. “it will be funded through revenue Worsley said the new dormitory bonds paid from the rental charges will “provide additional housing on (received from on—campus studentsl." campus for athletes and students." — inside weather -— Students have rights too. Page 9. Today - pleasant weather with mostly sunny skies and a high in - New Horizons Choir the low 705. The lows will be in celebrates. Page 3. the upper 405. Tuesday - con- tinued fair with slightly warmer — Booters whip George temperatures. High in the mid-705 Washingtonl’sge4 , and s low around 50. (Forecast provided by student surrpruotobyomsrsnuey -— TIP play focuses communica- meteorologists Cheryl Kemp and mammmmmmmmmm tion in Big Apple. Page 5. James Merrell.) onagrsssylawn.M.£.Valenthclscontimingtocontactdtyorhcislsto pus arealsOcornplahingorthenuisance thcyarc creating within the ahcviats the problem concerning their begging. Many students living off cam- Hillsborough Street area. . — Two/Tectuichn/Octoberiltmt Technician M ”‘0'EMER 5" “I: III r A. Opinion l lGlilfi I M? A “M531; A paper that is entirely the product of the student body- becomes at once the official organ through which the thoughts. the activity and in fact the very life of the campus are registered. It ‘wl‘ciltgso k7 Is the mouthpiece through which the students themselves talk. College life without its journal is blank. ran A, . — Technician. vol. 1. no.1, Feb. 1. 1920

Students have rights too Everyone knows that many college found guilty or innocent in a court of law. students regularly smoke marijuana even When the student went to court he was though it is illegal. Just as many students, only charged with a misdemeanor and perhaps more, who are under 21 years of sentencing was deferred for two years. In age drink liquor. But a problem arises other words, the student was given a se- when a student is caught breaking related cond chance by the courts. IV ) "fly laws in the dormitories at State. However, the student was not offered If a dormitory resident is found drinking the opportunity to move back into his dor- under age, usually no punitive action is mitory room, although he does have the ."Ilum. taken. If a student is caught smoking mari- right of appeal before the Student Judicial juana, he is usually either evicted from the Board. dormitory or, at the very least, issued a It is an abhorrent policy that allows warning that means if caught again he will students to be evicted from their dor- be kicked out. mitory rooms before they are brought to trial. If a student is convicted of breaking Recently one such student was caught the law and endangering his fellow Ronald Reagan: no friend of Fidel Castro in his dormitory with a little more than an students, then he or she should be evicted ounce of marijuana in his possession. from his dormitory room. But evicting a it was bound to happen. Ten years of semi- patriot and poet Jose Marti, and its gist is to remote. The North-South conference which After he was taken downtown in hand- student before he is convicted of a crime decent relations between the two countries present pro-American propaganda to the will be held this month in Cancun, Mexico, cuffs and arrested, a hearing was held defies the basic tenets of the American could not continue. Cuba and the United Cuban people. (It should be noted that Marti possibly offered the best chance for an en- with the student’s roommate, residence judicial system. States have never looked upon one another himself held the United States in gravitated counter of the two governments. Reagan director and area coordinator. The stu- Campus residents should be allowed with the greatest degree of amicability, contempt and maintained a willful vendetta demonstrated his stubborn unwillingness to dent was told at the hearing that since the the same rights as students who live off especially since 1959 when the revolution against it throughout his life for its domineer- foment discussion by threatening not to attend marijuana was found in his room he campus. Perhaps Residence Life officials with Fidel Castro at its helm took power. ing policies.) the conference if Castro were present. Presi- would be evicted from the dormitory. would benefit from reading the Constitu- Many things have transpired since then: the Richard Allen, Reagan’s national-security dent Jose Lopez Portillo of Mexico, who is All of this took place before the tion. Nowhere does it mention that any econon‘iic embargo of ’61, the Bay of Pigs adviser, sees the need for the radio in order to chairing the event, then decided not to invite student’s trial in court. The student was exceptions may be applied to residents of fiasco and the Missile Crisis, in addition to counter, in his words, “the lies of the Cuban Castro, thereby appeasing Reagan while kicked out of his room prior to being college campuses. various other manifestations of hostility. government." Specifically, it will most likely causing some stir in Mexican-Cuban relations. But it is 1981 and Ronald Reagan is presi— And how has Castro reacted to all this? He dent, a fact which could possibly sum up in its has definitely responded, as is his trademark, entirety how relations between these two with flair and a bit of fire and brimstone W countries have now aligned themselves. thrown in. On Sept. 15 during the Inter- There have been terse words emanating from Parliamentary Union held in Havana, Cuba, both camps, but one question must be posed: the president lashed out at the Reaganites for M Iii/Vs L1? how should one country react when another their aggressive tactics in world affairs and threatens its very foundations of sovereignty? especially where they concerned Cuba. KIND °F Suited indeed. with each nation kicking the other at every opportunity, it is not surprising that The president declared that Reagan is a tempers would flair and the rhetoric escalate. “fascist" and that his administration is “bathed And such is the case. Reagan and his ubi- in blood"; these statements are not, by any quitous advisers have made it very clear that means, to be taken lightly or to be disregarded Castro is not and will not be their friend, nor is as folly. How were these labels derived? i its presence 90 miles away deemed as assume that when a government openly sup- teartening. It is from this standpoint that we ports the racists in South Africa, the fascists in eceive some of the most characteristic cold- Chile, the Zionists in Israel and the murderers var sentiments. The Reagan administration June Lancaster in El Salvador, the result is some form of uppears determined to create problems when general opinion, whatever its extreme. :uch problems could be avoided. it is herefore feasible to assume that with such cater to reactionary and deep-set anti- What then can be'expected in the future actics being instituted, Cuba will gamer much Communist zealotry, whether true or not, and between the two nations? With relations cur- tttention in the coming months as it has since could possibly become a sounding board for rently brimming at the freezing'mark, it is not lanuary with the ascension of the Reaganites ' the several anti-Castro terrorist groups, likely that either side will initiate any recon- 0 office. Omega 7 in particular. Also of note is the ciliatory gestures in the near future. Reagan However, not all this confrontational talk price tag: $20 million will be allocated for the will undoubtedly continue his barrage of at- as been cornered in the military perimeter; venture, a sum which during this time of tacks against Cuba and may in the end find dealogically, our government has set in mo- budget-axing should make one wince. that when you fool with Fidel. you fool with ion the wheels to establish a Cuban counter- What is definitely and obviously needed is fire. )art to Radio Free Europe and Voice of dialogue between the two countries; America. The enterprise is titled Radio Marti, however, since a monumental opportunity June Lancaster is a staff columnist for the' after the late 19th-century heroic Cuban was dashed, the logistics for such dialogue are Technician.

for nion on the fact that Berrigan is a Catholic priest and his recent tour was sponsored by the local Catholic diocese and the Greensboro Justice Fund. Creative Logic illogical He forgets to mention that Berrigan's tour was also sponsored by six other groups, most of which are The “free-expression" tunnel is a place for not religiously affiliated. students to exercise their freedom of speech. Even if Berrigan’s tour was sponsored only by Even though there are few rules governing the Catholic or other religious groups, does this mean painting of the tunnel, certain moral obligations he is thus mixing politics with religion and we can to one's fellow students should be followed. therefore ignore what he has to say? it seems that For example, the NCSU Sailing Club painted his message has a meaning irrelevant to who spon- the tunnel Monday night to announce its sors him. Wednesday meeting. This announcement was Berrigan is trying to convey to 'people the promptly painted over by Creative Logic dangers of the nuclear arms race in which this Unlimited, thus depriving the sailing club of its country is involved. As a human being and a Chris- rightful publicity. tian, he feels that he should do what’s necessary for Moreover, there was ample tunnel space oc- the survival of the human race. cupied by outdated announcements for the Mother Theresa engaged in speaking tours in the CLU to use. We feel. although no rules apply, .- United States to raise money for the world's poor common decency requires the selection of an nations and people. Should we use Maggio’s logic unused space. in other words, it seems as and not listen to what she has to say - or help her though logic would dictate respect for other an- cause because she is a Catholic and, even worse nouncements in order to preserve one’s own. yet, her tour was sponsored by a religious group? John 0. Park The rest of Maggie’s column is bigotry at best and Sailing Team Fleet Captain 'at worst, untrue. Contrary to Maggie's thought, i JR WST found Berrigan to be a convincing speaker, not self.- Tony Reevy contradictory but very straightforward. SR CH/CE StaffphotobySimonGriifiths The reason groups were present at the speech was that Berrigan wanted to support those who were seeking justice for the recent Ku Klux Klan the only US. president to be impeached and came slayings. He specifically stated that he did not sup- Another “injustice of this sick system" is that the within one vote of being removed from office. port all the activities of these goups. . Unjustified Injustice perpetuates itself with letters that complain He was born and raised in our fine state, and no is that inconsistent? How, in your opinion, d of injustice or unfairness and have little or no one has complained about his reputation or the questions appear prearranged? Perhaps a more I wish that TB. Williams in her Sept. 30 letter. backbone to them but are printed anyway. The im- presidential policies. Surely all you history and appropriate title for Maggio’s column should be “Blacks excluded again from homecoming," had plied “snowball effect" of inequality that State's political-science scholars know to whom l"‘am refer- “Conservative Gossip." exposed and emphasind the "measures that are black students complain about is equaled only in ring. He is Andrew Johnson and his statue is taken annually in order to keep blacks out ofthe strength and magnitude by the one they have built, located right in front of our old Capitol building in Brian Henling fm." Williams' letter would likely have compqwd of false cries and unfounded, unresear- Raleigh. GR EE gathered momentum had this basic research been ched accusations. It seems to me that if the people of North done. David J. Pierce Jr. Carolina think enough of impeached president instead, we readers have again witnessed the SR LWE Johnson, surely you fine scholars could come up Unjustified, part 2 typical cry of injustice recklessly unleashed. i do not 'with something favorable of Richard Nixon. Hun- think the judges are saying that blacks “don't pro- dreds of people pass the Johnson statue daily yet in response to T.D. Williams' Sept. 30 “forum" ject charm, poise and intelligence" and that they Consider Johnson . . . none looks upon it with remorse. Go, young man, letter. “Blacks excluded again from homecoming," are not perfectly qualified. A judge‘s duty is to pick and build the Nixon library. I am sure you will find it i think you are unjustified in your accusations. The the best. or most qualified, contestant. In regard to many of the variouscomments made a most invaluable asset. girls who were chosen for the homecoming court State football and basketball players are chosen about the possible Nixon library at Duke University, Steven R. Pope were chosen on appearance, academics, articula- by being best, or most qualified. No one, including may I produce an insight? It seems as though the SO LJP tion, poise, extracurricular activities and personal TD. Williams, complains about the racial im- Duke faculty members speculate that such a struc- interest. Out of 30-plus girls who ran for the court. balance on the basketball team. The team members ture would be a monument of a disgraced president ’Conservative Cossip’ only 10 were chosen by a board of indiscriminatory havetoprowtheyaregood.Theyworkhardto and that this would insult the renowned Duke judges. I believe a grl should be chosen because of stay good. They do not simply walk onto the team reputation. if the Far Left represented half as many “incon- her qualifications not because she is black or white. because they are black. May l bring it to the attention of these members sistencies" and non-factual information as Mr. Matt If you don't like it, Ms. Williams, why don’t you The members of the homecoming court also that such a monument already stands in our capital Maggie’s column, “Conservative Thought," it conduct your own homecoming parade and queen havetoprovethattheyaregood,andtheyabo city, and it was built with our tax money and not would indeed be in trouble. contest —— that is, if you don't think it‘s work hard to stay good. Incidentally. several white private donations. lt giorifies a man of whom North Mr. Magic indicates that Daniel Berrigan is mix- discriminatory. . contestants were not quite good enough for this Carolina is proud. and a man who may have been ing politics with religion (Oct. 2 column, "Priest ex- 5. Morris year's court either. more notorious than old Tricky Dick himself. He is emplifiesinconsistencies of left"). He bases this opi- JR TMM Features OCtOber 12. 1%1 Technician Three

New Horizons Choir celebrates the gospel in song by Harvey Smith "The choir was formed by has something to do with the throughout the entire has finally been accomplish Features Writer a group of students five University's enrollment, University. our Affirmative ed through the effort of the years ago who wanted to mainly as a vehicle to Action efforts would be all University," Ward said. As By singing the gospel in continue their religious up recruit minority students in worthwhile." a result. the choir will he song. black people have bringings in college." Ward area high schools as well as Chattie Broadnax. a sporting new robes. always felt unified in the ex- said. Out of the need for schools around the state. junior majoring in engineer- Negotiations are in the pression of a definite, mean- organization, the students On campus. many faculty ing operations. said, “They wings for recording the ingful message. asked Ward to spearhead it and students feel very sing music in a way that's choir and also featuring a The New Horizons Choir and so the New Horizons positive about the choir. very inspirational and en- well-known — but as yet is a gospel choir and is the Choir was formed. After hearing a concert joyable." unidentified — personality largest black organization Since its beginning, by the choir. Brenda Allen. The members of the choir for a concert in the spring. on campus, consisting of 88 enrollment has almost tripl- assistant director of counsel- are from varying The choir has come a long State students. Affiliated ed in the choir. which has a ing for the Learning backgrounds but all come way from its beginnings to with the music department. concert Tuesday featuring Assistance Center. said. “Its together in unity to make become a serious, substan the choir sings spirituals and the 82nd Airborne Army gospel music can help what they calla family. tial part of the University. contemporary gospel music. Chorus. students know the power Sophomore Elaine And the choir is so substan- It has enjoyed great success “The choir started with 33 that can be like a bridge Barnes, vice president of the tial that the members feel under the directorship of members and the years over which they can cross group. said. “It's my home privileged to be a part of it. Eleania Ward, assistant following it' grew substan- from fear to faith." away from home. My friends Choir President Margret director Of music: Mark tially under Foreman's I Staff photo by Wayne Beyer Lawrence Clark, a pro and companions are in the Craig said. "This is my Prioleau. student director: leadership." Ward said. fessor of math and science New Horizons Choir." fourth year in the choir and and Ronald Foreman. In addition to its own Pianist Ronald Foreman and other members of the New Horizons Choir take a break during education. said. “If only this Even though New each year it's gotten better. pianist. enrollment. the choir also rehearsals. The choir's enrollment has tripled In the past five years. spirit could be extended Horizons is an accredited and I feel we've been truly course. the atmosphere is blessed by God." completely different from “The choir is a really crie that of other classes. great experience." freshman AI Crier iterre mus be fewer than Ill GIRLS! Are you torn between two lovers? If "NOT A PRETTY PICTURE" ~ a onehour PUMPKIN PATCH HELPERS needed for ACCOUNTING SOCIETY MEETING Thurs. ENGR. Ii PAMS Comeretive Edntion “It's relaxing because of Cleveland Parker said. words in length and ITNBI be typed or so. there is a person tint can setyour mind film about ”date rape” focused on the col March of Dimes Halloween Carnival Oct. 29, Oct. 15, Packhouse, Student Center Society. Meeting, Thurs, Oct 15,7 pin. on. the family-type atmosphere “which gives people a legibly printed on 815 X 11 paper. Iterrtssub ' at ease. Call Dr. Roy Houston 737-5558 for lege scene. Three showings on Tues, Oct. 30, and 31 Fair for young children held at Speaker State Auditor. Open to all accoun 117 Riddick Making final pIerB If! Hello chance to meet one another. mined tfiet do not conform to the above experienced advice. 13 - 9 am, Noon, 2:30 pm In the Blue North Hills. Call Volunteer Servrces Iing students. wean Party! and I love it because it's a spacificationswillnotbarurtOnlyoneitem rm., founh floor, Student Center, Discussmn 737 3193. job I thoroughly enjoy.:' fellowshipping in unison." frornasingaorgenizationwillbaruninan PAMS COUNCIL meeting Tues, Oct 13, 6 led by members of NCSU Rape preventon OUTING CLUB Wad, 730 pm, Blue Room, IEEE SECTIDNAL meeting, 6:30 pm, Oct Prioleau said. The message choir issue. The Technician will attempt to pm. Chem. Tutorial Room, 120 Dab. All COITIIT'IITIBB. ‘ A TYPE OF Economics text book found In Student Center, all going on fell break trip 14, NCSU Walnut Rm. Bear and pine dinner, Accomplishments are members try to convey is. run all items at least once before their raps should attend. front of library. To claim call 6532 and be please note. Ocoea River will be run Instead $3.11] for students This meeting stunts as that they know they have meeting date, btit no item will appear more MED. TECH. CLUB meeting Mon, Oct 12, 7 able to Identify of Chattooga. for graduation. Speaker high on the list for the choir. than three times. The deadline for all NCSU SCUBA AND DIVE CLUB meeting pm, Gardner 3533. Everyone Invited. Tech. MGT. “The major issue since the come a long way and, with Criere is 5 pm. the data of publication for Wed, Oct 14, 5 pm, 214 Carmichael Gym. NEW HORIZONS Chair In concen Oct 13. RECREATE THE MIDDLE AGES. Society for beginning has been to have a the help of God. they are go diaprevlousissrmlternsrnaybaabmined Dive trips will be planned and other pro CHASS Full Conol meeting, 7:30 pm., Wed, 7.30 pm, Stewart Theatre. Guest choir. Creatrve Anachronism Itiaating. Wed, Oct ASME LUNCHEON Wed. Oct 14, 12 noon. uniform attire and this goal ing to go even further. in Student Center suite 3120. Criere are grants. Skin divers welcome. M8 Link Budding 82nd Airborne Army Choir. All are welcome 14, 7 p to, Nelson, rm 305 Members of the Br 2211. Speaker. Aldo Mbrrell. Topic "The run on a speceawiiable basis and the SOCIETY OF AFRO American Culture House of Redwolfa please attend. First Day on the Jolr' Cost $1.50 mentors T " isinnowayobligatadtorun JEWISH STUDENTS - Sukkah raising party presents "Black MaldFemaIe Relationships" COMMITTEE FOR FORMATION of UnIversity $1.75 nonmambags. Pizza will served. gAAAAAAA‘gAAAAAAA em Crier item. and pot luck dinner on Oct 12, 5 p.m., at workshop. Mon, Oct 12, 7-9 pm. Cultural Child Day Care Center All Interested come CONSERVATION CLUB Is sponsoring "Dump {I Lisa’s. For info, call 8331421. Center Activity Room. All are mvrtad. to West Presbyterian Student Center, Ucl Watt Day' Thurs, Oct. 16, on the brrokyerd. SAILING CERTIFICATIONWrIneII test. Oct THE CLAY TENNIS COURTS will be open to BUS DRIVER NEEDED: Studem with chauf- 14, Noon, located behind Baxleys. Forums and Info. on our envrronment and 22, 6 pm, rrn, 211. Carmichael Gym. Prac- all staff, and strident: Mon. thru Fri tars Iicame needed to drive the bus for lull LEDPOLD WILDLIFE CLUB mae:s Tues 7 policy Wlll be available tical test Sun, Oct 25, 10 am, Lake 31118;; Apartment lounge from Noon to 7 pm. day Intramural Competition at UNC-G, Oct pm, no 3533 Gardner Hall. DrSan Julian NAACP Is havrng membership drive Oct. 12 Wheeler. Sailing ckib membership and car- ALLANCE I-RANCAIS OE RALEIGH Reunion E0. Contact Miss Berle, rm 210, Carmichael will be guest speaker. Refreshments will be — 16, In the Student Center Lobby from 104 FOUND on Oct, 8, Ladres‘ gold bracelet. tifIcation allows you to check out unvarsity 1: No.1 In Topless Entertalnment {I h 15 Oct, 8701843; 8510850. yin. served. pm. Must Identify 8474655. sailboats Faculty members welcome. 2502V: Hfflborough Street Mame“ WED FRM 7.30 {I c1a'ssifieds «Ct cwquotma {I Cleulflede cut 15¢ per word with a smelting males, ages 1840 with no allergies personable organisllpranist. Salary CaIl ROOMATE NEEDED to stare 3 bedroom HOME FOR SALE 8y owner Mordecal area? MOBILE HOME FOR SALE, DuII throwing «OpenMondeythruSeturdeyfrom7H30t0130 {I minimum eterge of $225 per insertion. All and no hayfaver. Initial time commitment Is Doug Pratt at 2684491 8288241. Townhouse about I 03 miles from NCSU bedroom 9 FHA assumption $43.11]! call rentmoneyaway 122,180 goodnenditiortall Dancers ads 111081 be prepaid Mail check and ad to 1015 hours, including a free physical ax- Call 800. 851-8568. 821-3618. appl'erices, air conditi uriderp'rl'lig, LadlesFree Coming Soon Male CIeulfiede. PO. Box 5690 College St amirnt'ion. Travel is reimbursed. Call collect COLLEGE STUDENTS TO WORK In grocery 2689798 W110. Station, Raleidr, NC. 27650. Deadina is5 9801253 for more information, 85 Monday store. Variable hours around your schedule. PART-TIME WORK ~ Grad Student only. RACING BICYCLE 25 Inch gold Raleigh {AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA p..m onthedateofpublicationforthe Friday. Call 8330572. Dispatcher, rotating 5th, generally 34 Superb $550call mark 832-5216. EXPERIENCED WRITER and editor M previous issue Liability for mistakes in ad CASH REWARD offered for the return of six- nights a weak, midnight to 0 am. Must for sulntantiva editing when Err limited to refund or reprinting and must be yaar old, black and tan, German Shepherd KIM-1 Hobbies! Computer System. Good work holidays and weekends as needed. cellent academic credentials, have M reported toour offiwithintwodaysaftar female, 60 lbs, nomad “Zacta”: Lost since hardware starter system. Lots Included for Good diction mandatory Contact Claudia, FOR SALE. Chess Challenger Savan 875. own works and edited other firstpublication of ad. Sept 29, from Van Dyka Avenue at 8450. 872-7738. National Security Service, Inc 821-2643, 8 Seven levels of play Call Louis Cobb NCSU reference Reasonable ram. Chantiarlain, near Cameron Vilage. Cal Bill, LOST 10 AM WED 1017 Red and white am. ~ 4 pm. MT 832 7276 701 (£95. EARN Whomin U.S. Environmental Protec- 832-8372, and leave a message. striped sweater, ball sleeves, turtle neck, FEMALE ROOMATE to share3 bedroom very TYPING FOR STUDENTS done In my home. LOST: Maris sterling silver St Christopher, tion Agency breeding experiments on the along Broughton or Yarbrough Drs.. call nice. large Kensrngton Apt. 3115 month plus 21 year’s experience. Reasonable rates. Call pow-bit naer Fraternity Court Reward Cal UNCCR rumpus We need My no» fliGANlST NEEDED: Church needs talented, 8343138 Mon. 1012 or after. 113 ulIlIIIBS. 851-3500. 0343747 anytime Jimmy at 821-4458.


Gatsby’ S”““Pi‘zza--'~ . Over 6,000 -- callers are better Best Pizza in Town informed - they use WOLFPACK BUY ONE PIZZA, GET NEXT SMALLER SIZE FREE l TELETIP (w/equal value or fewer toppings) l 1981 schedule now coupon good anytime I I available - see your THIS COUPON NOT GOOD WHEN I USED WITH ANY OTHER COUPON I R.A., or go to the Offer expires Nov. 31, 1981 _l Information Desk Upper Level of Mission Valley Shopping Center 8332825 Univ. Student SIRLOIN STEAK and TEA Includee AII-Vou-Cen-Drlnlt“Iced Tea (eat-in or take out) Center t.g. W$3-99mfne$4.481 E eurlufeyI'oe.IMohlfl Getsby’s Pizza "I” delcleiieleedeed'l’eewuhfree QXAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' XxxxxxxxxxxxX- RATE D xxxxxxxxxx’;:x X x AN ALL ADULT APARTMENT 900 WEST x COMMUNITY IN A NATURAL SETTING X OPEN TU ESDAY-SATU RDAY >< >< $50.00 A ~———FOR SALE/ TORRENT 8pm-Zam K K REFERRAL REWARD i< THE BEACH PLACE Back by popular damand K D.J. Rick’L >< X-TRA CASH CONDOMINIUMS K Spinning all your favorite records >< FOR ANYONE WHO MOVES IN OCEAN FRONT - TOPSAIL BEACH a< 000 X-TRA SPACE IN STUDIO. TUESDAY: FREE BEVERAGES 5 it easy access from the triangle OSIReo063800 ONE Er TWO BEDROOM FOR LADIES it fully furnished, 2 bedroom units 3 orcho OAPARTMENTS -I- newly carpeted and decorated WEDNSDAY & THURSDAY: 00000000 king and queen size beds x X-TRA ROOMY, air conditigned and heated X 000000 COLLEGE NIGHT X X-TRA NICE AMENITIES It ocean front sun deck Beach TOp40 Rock & Roll X screened porches X X-TRA BIG CLUBHOUSE Ladies Free beverage It laundry facilities Guys 25° beverage X It beautiful and quiet beach X $20.00 OFF RENT NO COVER IF YOU ARRIVE BEFORE 11 PM X g. recreational facilities nearby X other specials from 8-9, 9-10, 10-11 X FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY X X SAVE $240 ON A 12-MONTH LEASE. FRIDAY & SATURDAY: PACK X FOR SALE FOR RENT X OR $120.00 ON A 6-MONTH LEASE 846000357 000 $30340Iday I2 day minl PARTS 1&2 'EM IN X LIMITED TIME ONLY 55.00037500 DOWN PMT. $25335Iday l4 day mirtl specials from 8-11 SPECIAL FALL FINANCING $175-$22SIweek MEMBERSHIP DISCOUNTS TO ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS X X-CEPTIONAL OFFER!!! PINaALL AND VIDEO GAMES xxxxxxxxx THE ORCHARDSxxxxxxxxxx FOR INFORMATION FOR RESERVATIONS ALL ABC PERMITS K CALL BEVERLY THOMAS CALLTOPSAIE REALTY MEMBERSHIP AVAILABLE - NOT OPEN TO THE GENERAL 851-1910 INVESTMENT PROPERTIES, INC. TOPSAIL BEACHNC PUBLIC 1130 CRABORCHARD DRIVE l919l871 $820,851 5853 I91913202301 K Next to Sportsworld on West Hodges St. K 'IOFF AVENT FERRY RD.) M KXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYYXYYYYYYYYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

IAll«I.r.- Sports Four / Technician October 12. 1&1

Ticket Booters w hip George Washington 2-1 Distribution —-—-——-4 by Devin Steele Washington. D.C.. Saturday which upset seventh-ranked Editor afternoon. Howard University last Ticket distribution for the North Carolina game Assistant Sports The Colonials became on- week. fell to 7-3. begins tomorrow at a.m. with priority going to A—G. State‘s soccer team failed ly the fourth team in 11 "It was a good win,” State Letters H — 0 have priority Wednesday and P— Thurs- to keep its five-game games to score on the na- coach Larry Gross said. “We day. ~ shutout string alive, but did tionally lOth-ranked didn't even take two of our State hosts the undefeated Tar Heels Saturday at 1 manage to outscore Wolfpack. which tagged on starters due to injuries. pm. in Carter-Finley Stadium. challenging George another win to its 91—1 Chris Ogu sustained an eye North Carolina is 1-0 in the ACC while State is 2-1. Washington. 2-1. in record. George Washington. injury in the N.C. Wesleyan game when he was hit with the ball. The muscles in his eye spasmed and the doctor Spikers close in on season’s goal A advised him not to travel. Joey Elsmore has had an ankle injury and hasn't reached full-strength level yet." Besides these holes in the after dominating East Carolina lineup. the Wolfpack played handicapped throughout by Devin Steele ing." Hielscher said. “I most of the second half when Assistant Sports Editor believe that‘s the worst Butch Barczik was ejected. they've done over there forcing State to play one State‘s volleyball team since I've been here. Last man short. crept one step closer to its year they took us to five “After he was ejected we primary goal of a 40win games. But they're coming had to play with only 10 season by romping past East off injuries. which is pro- players. so it was a Carolina Thursday night in bably their biggest problem 10-against-11 situation." Greenville, 158. 152, 15-10. right now. Obviously. when Gross said. “Butch had been before taking its first the outcome never seemed hacked down and he weekend off in the season. to be in doubt, it wasn't a retaliated. which he The Wolfpack. which good game to watch." shouldn‘t have done. But the finished 39-11 a year ago. State jumped out to a game was a very physical owns a 192 record as it ap quick lead as Susan Schafer proaches the midway point served the first seven points Freshman Bakty Barber of the season in its fastest straight in the opening scored the only goal of the start ever. The injury- game. After the Pack wizzed first half with 31 minutes re- riddled Lady Pirates. coach past East Carolina in the se- maining. On that play. Sam ed by former State player cond game. Schafer served a Okpodu passed to Prince Lynn Davidson. dropped to string of eight points. but Afejuku. who dribbled to 4-12. the Lady Buss pulled closer the deep corner. Barber “We‘re off to our before faltering. 15-10. headed his pass from the far strongest start ever." State post. coach Pat Hielscher said. “Susan served extremely Eight minutes after Barc- ”Our record is just well. We just jumped out on zik's ejection. a Colonial unbelievable, 19-2. I'm top of them as she set the player suddenly stole the guessing the top teams in tone of the match." said ball from the State defense Staff photo by Simon Griffiths the country aren't doing Hielscher. who tested her at the left corner and tied Freshman Bakty Barber, who had the only goal In the first half against George Washington that good. I'm just real hap- deep bench the second and the score. Saturday, is airborne against a Clemson defender. py to be doing this well at third games. “They got 10 “(Goalkeeperi Chris Hut minutes remaining in the point leader with 30 on 14 with 18 points and Gerry this point in the season." points. but all our subs were son didn't have a chance." game when Afejuku scored goals and two assists. but McKeon with 15. McKeon State increased its overall in at the time. Everybody Gross said. "From that point the clincher on an assist Ogu is a close second with 28 leads the team in assists. series lead to 201 against its played. We’ wanted to see on we dominated. The from Frank Moniedafe. points on nine goals and 10 dishing out 13 in 11 games. intra-state rival in the short. how different combinations pressure was on us though State outshot George assists. Afejuku is third Sophomore Hutson has 40-minute contest. would fit together. because we weren‘t in Washington 19-13. Hutson with 24 points on eight allowed only eight goals for East Carolina. which sue “When substituting. we Staff photo by Simon Griffiths front." had five saves. tallies and eight assists. a 0.73 goals-allowed averag- cumbed to the Wolfpack used Lori (Zuersher) up Susan Schaefer (5) and Stacey Schaeffer are part of State's That is. until about ten Okpodu remains State's followed by Steve Green ed per outing. earlier in the season, never front. Stephanie (Wagner) squad off to the best start in the school's history. seemed to get on track. on the back row and Corrine Freshman Laurie Hagen she .hit the ball it went which is unusual for the (Kelly) at rightfront. We ex- started all three games of down. She played good Lady Pirate team at home. perimented and put her at the match due to a “mild" defense. She had two really Riflers win shoot-out with Monarchs Fan support is rampant and right front because of her shoulder injury to Kelly great saves." always seems to have a blocking strength. We work- Halligan. Hielscher added that not by Ralph Grew The match. State's first of tied at 189 when shooting on both Gieniewski and Perry positive effect on any East ed on blocking all week in "She really did a good job one piece of State‘s game Sports Writer the season. involved tem- the point Armantrout refer- see room for improvement Carolina team. practice. She got her hands of filling in." Hielscher said. really stood out as weak. porarily altering the teams red to as “a good kneeling during the remainder of the “ECU just never got go on the bell.” “It‘seema like every time However. despite practicing The Wolfpack rifle team goals according to assistant point." - , . season. “I've been shooting hitting the ball down the overwhelmed the Monarchs head coach and prone ad- Reynolds feels that ODU better kneeling in practice. line all week. it wasn't ex- of Old Dominion Saturday viser Edie Reynolds. could be a force to contend so I'm hoping to do better SKYDIVING For only «35.09 - ecuted well. amassing 2,196 points of "When you're shooting with in the future because of next match." Gieniewski including all necessary instruction and equnpment, its keen interest in improve- said. go through ground training in the morning--malte If the Wolfpack can keep 2.400 possible to ODU's against somebody that you your first jump that afternoon, weatherpermitting. this soaring pace, it can easi- 1.875. All of State's shooters know you're going to beat. ment. State's next match will be Proof of age required. 'Parents premrssion requrred ly surpass 40 wins for the bested ODU's highest you have to use the match to “They were hungry for in- an Open Air Rifle match Oct. for those under 18. Under age forms are available first time in its history. scorer. shoot against yourself in- formation and tidbits of 24 at the National Guard on request and must have notarized signatures. 24 help from the team. absorb- range beginning at 8 am. miles north of Raleigh, halfway between Franklinton rt stead of the other team." and Louisburg on Highway 56- south side of Your Organization can Reynolds said. “The score ing everything we told Other opponents during the highway. we shot Wednesday night in them," she said. season include East Ten- FRANKLIN COUNTY SPORT PARACHUTE win a FREE KEG of beer practice was the score to Having lost Bob Conger to nessee. William & Mary. CENTER, INC. graduation last spring. the Navy. Army. North Georgia PO Box 703 Louisburg, NC. 27509 beat — and we did by open 6 days- 8am till dark closed mondays (ex. for providing the most canned foods for points." . team's confidence received a College and Virginia h \hdaysl emergency assistance to High shooter for State boost after this match. and Military Institute. Groups of 5 or more- $60 per person Wake County Relief was Bogdan Gieniewski with keg of beer for first place;case of beer to second 561. who was followed close- FOOD DRIVE ' ly by Milda Perry at 552. Scoreboard Oct. 12-16 Rounding out the red team Sponsored by APO were Jeff Armantrout and A TRIBUTE TO BLACKS Call now for more information Jeff Curka shooting 547 and ACC Standings 536 respectively. Ralph Con! All Grew and Pete Young also Clemson 1-0 5-0-0 IN THE MILITARY shot in the match and finish- Duke 1-0 3-2-0 «easemopLEsS-v-vneefi ed up at 548 and 530. Maryland H) 1’-3-1 Graw took high prone North Carolina 1-0 50-0 CONCERT 25021/2 Hillsborough St. honors with a nearly perfect State 2-1 4-1-0 #1 IN TOPLESS Entertainment score of 199 while Georgia Tech 00 1-4-0 Tuesday, Oct. 13, 1981 834-9819 . Gieniewski received high Wake Forest 02 2-4-0 standing with an impressive Virginia 0-3 05-0 7:30p.m. - Stewart Theatre 178. Armantrout and Grawn 'lnellgibie for conference championship My Apartment {mining '4‘. 'J’o‘¢"/_4‘. _./7:/;’.,'fl/«C/o \IHA' Rllx Student Discounts Daily 41’ CANDLE! SWIM, GYM I. NAUTIWS Cllll f 1”le l FEATURING MON-Amateur Contest Matines {I .1 in 3H" Tues-Student Nite WED-FRI 47:30 # saumus Minarnsmrs AVAllABlE , ~ g , . . . your Strength. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ' The NCSU New Horizons Choir fififiTOPLESSfiv Wed-Ffi-Sat-Pantie Nite College ID FREE Improve *naaawaaaawwxwa Flexibility, and Endurance and with our Nautilus Program. The 82nd Aireborne DIVISIOD 3 ' 'l The areas lowest rates! (Li-Till ' 'l'hel'l’ammgcenterbaeboonhoroflr 3 th I) h‘ some " , , Ohms m A Tnbute T0 m... 97mm”... stair... ll I Blacks in the Military WWW health GIN! ‘0 women 0! 12 months membership $100.00 w'7 WK/xflwfl/fma SPECIAI. REDUCED GROUP RATES AVAIEAIIE OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Come Join our ' Come visit our New Nautilus Monday a Tuesday Health .FOClllly LSAT . my . “u specia' 10” Jones franklin Rd. 0 051-3935 “a? lites}: '3"- m . rm . at NATL “ED 808 ECFIG 0 FLEX 0 VOE ND. 0 NP. I 0 NLE EDUCAYIONAL centres ALL YOU CAN EAT fest PreparationSince 19finalists For inlormalion €lesae Cell: Alaskan Crab Legs or Steamed Spica Shrimp Challenge A Chill I 489-3 20 Ir---~~ & Save $3.00 ask about our SPECIAL ALL You CAN DRINK BEVERAGES The Rags sweater by Woolrich. Warm 100% wool woof blends available with this special ,1”?on -:- 9-0001! OSLINA . W” ““3 CWW- 11"“ 0'"?- Sports All others served with Hushpupples, French Fries, Offer expires October 21. or Bairsd Potatoe and Coleslaw V v ‘ . .s- Lake‘Boone ShoppingCenter, Raleigh 782-888 - ”ur'ra‘mtv FISH HOUSE A 2109 Avent Ferry nu. . M~F 108/ Sat. 105 Mission Valle Shoppin Center ——I——-—_——-——___‘u— _I a ‘ Five

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