QUALITY CONTROL Services catalog 2018/2019

Proficiency Testing Certified Reference Material Internal Control Laboratory Performance Indicators

Clinical Analyzes, Hemotherapy, Pathological Anatomy and Cytopathology

Side by side with you OVERALL INDEX

Controllab 999 Welcome 2

Be our client 999 How to use this catalog and make your order 3 Index per testing/exam 86

Available services 999 EP Proficiency Testing 4 CI Internal Controls and Certified Reference Materials – MRC 7 IN Performance Indicators 11

Actuation segments 999 Clinical Analyzes, Hemotherapy, Pathological Anatomy and Cytopathology 17 EP, CI and MRC Programs 4 CI ONLINE and Integration 7 Performance Indicators 11

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 1 WELCOME

Dear clients and partners,

We are the largest Brazilian laboratory quality control company and we are committed to taking care of life. Since 1977 we have been working with the purpose of sowing quality, we have the most extensive portfolio for Quality Control - more than 2,000 testing. This scope provides us with a unique ability to offer solutions that meet the needs of each of our clients, helping to provide accurate, indisputable services and collaborating to highlight in the national and international markets.

In recent years, we have promoted important changes in the structure and diversity of services to provide innovative solutions to our customers. With online processes and the implementation of constantly updated educational materials and services that reaffirm our commitment to innovation, ensuring credibility to promote a standard of excellence in the laboratory environment.

Today we operate in several segments - from clinical analyzes with genetic tests to laboratory water; the suitability of cosmetics and medicines to quality of veterinary exams; the quality of blood components to the food we eat and the effluents we treat - but we do not ignore the principles we have adopted in more than 40 years.

Our values and principles are solid and we want to spread them even more because we are sure that they are the ones that connect us to our partners and clients. We are certain that we gain credibility not only because of our technical competence, but fundamentally for values such as ethics, experience, trust and innovation.

We take the opportunity to present our Services Catalog that will allow us to know some of the services we offer.

Marcio Biasoli Vinícius Biasoli President CEO Controllab Controllab

2 www.controllab.com / [email protected] HOW TO USE THIS CATALOG AND MAKE YOUR ORDER

In this catalog, we present some of the quality control services their quality control programs available. and programs that Controllab makes available to customers and partners. A great differential of this catalog is the unified To make your order, we make available for each quality control presentation of all the services and programs available per program the description, the testing, the program code and its testing, thus offering a complete solution to the client. respective presentation. Updating quality control programs occurs systematically. Therefore, if you are consulting the printed In the services, we explain the operation, its benefits and present catalog, it is important to check the online updates or with our the programs of quality control and their respective actuation customer service. See below how this information is available in segments. In the actuation segments, we list the services and the catalog.

How to make your order To enroll in quality control programs, the laboratory can order online through www.controllab.com or contact our customer service.

Brazil Clients Phone: +55 21 3891-9900 Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Brasília time) Fax: +55 21 3891-9901 [email protected]

1 Program Area: Group of programs organized by area, method or test material.

2 Description: It has informa- tion pertinent to the program, such as: type of material, volu- me and others.

3 Ordering information: It displays all services and their respective quality control programs. For each program, we provide an identification code, the periodicity (1) and its presentation/format.

4 Available testing: It lists the tests/exams available in the program.

(1) in some programs we identify with “n” to inform the user that we have perio- dicities bimonthly, quarterly and others.

Consultation symbol The quality control programs identified with the “consulta- tion” symbol have been made available recently. These pro- grams require a minimum number of participants to form groups with their refe- rence values. Prior consulta- tion on the availability of the round is required, and can be immediate or scheduled.

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 3 EP PROFICIENCY TESTIN

The Proficiency Testing (EP), also known as external quality con- its testing. Subsequently, information such as: results, methods, trol (CEQ), is an effective tool for determining laboratory analy- equipment, reactives, and others used in the testing should be tical performance and a necessary requirement for laboratory sent to Controllab. accreditation processes and regulatory bodies. Upon receipt of the information, Controllab issues individual Controllab is accredited according to ISO/IEC 17043 (PEP003), laboratory assessment reports, global statistical reports with which gives it competence in the development and opera- technical and marketing information, and, where applicable, tion of Proficiency Testing programs, confirming the know-how considerations and technical reports of Controllab’s scientific and experience of more than 40 years of market conducting advisors. In addition to these documents, Controllab provides these programs. participation declarations, disclosure stamps and a proficiency certificate. All this process of sending the material, receiving the Proficiency testing programs are organized in the form of rounds information and issuing the reports is by definition known as in which a set of items (samples) with unknown results are sent round. These rounds occur at regular and continuous intervals simultaneously to the participating laboratories aiming to carry and are available for participation throughout the year. out the relevant testing. The testing performance by the partici- pating laboratory should occur in a similar way to the routine of

Online System: Management of Proficiency Testing Programs

By enrolling in proficiency testing programs, the laboratory will evaluation reports, communications and general information. have access to the “Online System” via Controllab’s website, which allows the participant to access information and tools for For laboratories with more than one technical unit, a tool is avai- program management. lable for the administrator to monitor the analytical performan- ce of multiple laboratory units in an easy and unified manner. The “Online System” offers several resources such as: monito- ring of shipments of samples, control of results to be sent, new

4 www.controllab.com / [email protected] PROFICIENCY TESTING EP Results Profile In this report the statistical results are presented with the perfor- In addition to the statistical information, considerations, bibliogra- mance of all analytical systems, allowing the laboratory to compare phical references and technical reports of Controllab’s scientific ad- its systems against the market and its group. visors are provided, when necessary.

Evaluation and Management Report In the evaluation report, the evaluations (compliance and non- Management reports allow the laboratory to verify overall perfor- compliance) of the testing/exams obtained by the laboratory in the mance over time and identify which testing/exams require imme- participation of the proficiency testing are presented. In addition to diate action. evaluations, the report provides statistical information that ena- bles the laboratory to follow-up its analytical performance against the market.

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 5 EP PROFICIENCY TESTING Certificates and Disclosure Materials Annually, the participating laboratory will receive the certificate In addition to the certificates, disclosure stamps are available to of participation and the Proficiency certificate for the testing/ be used in reports and mail, as well as participation plate and exams that obtained continuous participation and that reached desk display at the laboratories reception. the minimum degree of performance.

Get to know our complete line of Proficiency Testing Programs and their respective actuation seg- ments. Segments 999 Clinical Analyzes, Hemotherapy, Pathological Anatomy and Cytopathology 17

6 www.controllab.com / [email protected] INTERNAL CONTROL AND CERTIFIED CI REFERENCE MATERIAL

The internal control (CI) is responsible for the continuous mo- In order to ensure metrological traceability, allowing calibra- nitoring of the reproducibility of the laboratory analytical pha- tion of instruments and validation of methods, we use in cer- se, identifying and eliminating inherent errors in the analysis tain Internal Control Programs the Certified Reference Mate- process of quantitative and qualitative testing. Its purpose is rials (MRC) elaborated by us with recognition and competence to keep the variability of the testing analysis process under established in ABNT NRB ISO 17034:2017 (PMR 0009). control and to provide an opportunity to improve the activities developed in the laboratory. Controllab’s internal control programs are a modern tool to as- sist laboratories in continuously monitoring the quality of their By enrolling in the internal control programs, the participa- analytical systems, providing security in the issuance of their ting laboratory will have access to the service via CI ONLINE, a reports. powerful tool for the management of internal quality control, analysis and treatment of deviations related to batch variation, CI ONLINE + Integration reagent and calibrator stability, as well as such as the impre- Complete Management of Internal Quality Control and Inter- cision of the analysis process and its performance over time. laboratory Comparison A great advantage in the use of Controllab’s Internal Control CI ONLINE works via the web on any device, such as compu- Programs is that the samples are previously valued through ters, tablets and smartphones, allowing the user the mobili- the Proficiency Testing or interlaboratory, which gives them an ty to use anywhere, anytime with security, confidentiality and important reference for their valuation process. In addition to scalability. Another advantage is that it allows the Integration these benefits, the samples are produced with the most mo- of any Laboratory System, sending the results and receiving dern GMP quality standards and tested and approved in accor- the information of approval or not of the analytical run. The dance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17043 and ISO 13528 use of the “CI ONLINE Integration” fully automates the internal for homogeneity and stability performed in Controllab’s quality quality control from the receipt of samples to the approval of assurance laboratories accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025 analytical runs, increasing the safety and productivity of the (CRL0586). laboratory.

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 7 CI INTERNAL CONTROL AND CERTIFIED REFERENCE MATERIAL

Analytical System Monitoring The control center allows the user to analyze the behavior of the The system also allows the user to monitor their data through data of their routines anywhere (inside or outside the labora- the Levey-Jennings graph interactively, including actions and tory). According to acceptance rules preset by the laboratory, comments throughout the routine, and visualize the application the system issues alerts that signal out of specification data. of multiple rules.

Actions such as new valuation period, removal/change of data, In addition to monitoring the graph, the user has access to the changes of control rules and comments, can be performed in the statistical summary with monthly, cumulative (all data from the Data Entry area at any time by the user. All history is recorded to beginning of the use of the control material) and “in use” analy- ensure full traceability of your actions. sis (data statistics for the configured control rule) and statistics batch of the reagent kit used, Vitros® system users also have In CI ONLINE the laboratory defines for each test which control specific slide generation statistics. Data is easily viewed and rules should be used. In this process the laboratory should have any abrupt or gradual change in performance can be identified a specification of the quality defined to register the reference immediately. values and the multiple rules necessary to control its routine.

8 www.controllab.com / [email protected] INTERNAL CONTROL AND CERTIFIED CI REFERENCE MATERIAL

Control Center

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 9 CI INTERNAL CONTROL AND CERTIFIED REFERENCE MATERIAL

Control and MRC Materials: Controllab, Own and Third Party CI ONLINE provides the laboratories with access to the refe- traceability. The laboratory can register and use own and third rence values, statistics among participants, batches and vali- party control materials, thus allowing complete management dity, and for MRC certificates are provided with property value, of internal quality control. measurement uncertainty and all information for metrological

Analytical System Registration By accessing the Analytical Sys- tem registration, the laboratory can control all of its equipment, kits and controls used in its rou- tine. It will have the facility to manage all internal controls, check actions and comments regarding preventive, corrective and calibration maintenances. In addition, the user can register the package inserts and equip- ment guides facilitating its ma- nagement.

Get to know our complete line of Internal Control Programs and their respective actuation segments.

Segments 999 Clinical Analyzes, Hemotherapy, Pathological Anatomy and Cytopathology 17

How to enroll in CI ONLINE When enrolling in any quantitative program of internal quality Information for ordering control of Controllab the participant will have access to the Order number Program online CI of the respective program. If you are interested in CION01 CI ONLINE for use of own or third party control materials. using CI ONLINE with your own or third party control materials CION02 Integration CI ONLINE or if you want to automate the sending of results via integra- tion, we provide the information for requesting these services.

10 www.controllab.com / [email protected] LABORATORY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS I

The laboratory indicators are key elements in the management The laborator y per formance indicators program was developed and processes performance measurement practice, allowing to in partnership between Controllab and the Brazilian Society of comparatively evaluate, at national and international level, the Clinical Pathology/Laboratory Medicine (SBPC/ML) in order to results of the clinical laboratories before their peers and market encourage the continuous improvement of the clinical labora- leaders. This practice and metrics comparison process, also tory processes, contributing for the patient’s safety and incre- known by Benchmarking, provides the laboratories increased ased productivity and sustainability of the laboratory medicine effectiveness in the decision making before their strategies and sector. fosters the continuous improvement of their processes.

The Program and How it Works By applying for the Indica- tors Program, the laboratory starts to have access to the “Online System” via Con- trollab’s website, where the program operation is 100% online. The participant la- boratory must answer the indicators according to the periodicity defined in the Participant’s Manual as well as maintain the Laboratory Profile updated, allowing the correct comparison of the results presented in periodic reports. During the entire result re- port process, the Online Sys- tem informs and warns the participants on the indica- tors answering deadlines and send the communications by e-mail.

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 11 I LABORATORY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS

Data Analysis: At the end of the indicators answering deadli- Individual Report - It is generated for each of the program par ne, the data is submitted to an analysis before the elaboration ticipants with ver y impor tant statistical information for deci- of the graphs which will be presented in the management re- sion making. ports. Such previous analysis defines the applicability or not of - they allow the laboratory to identify its values segmentations for each indicator, according to technical and • Boxplot Graphs statistical analyses of the laboratories profile variables. In case concerning the distribution of data of all the laboratories. The a segmentation need is identified, the statistics and boxplot boxplot is adopted for the graphic representation of the data graphs are presented according to the adopted segmentation because it allows an optimal visualization of dispersion, sym- variable. metry, outlier barriers and outliers, regardless of the form on which the data is distributed. The boxplot is constituted based Data considered as being discrepant concerning the admissi- on the median and quartiles, decreasing the impact of the o ble results range (the latest defined upon the annual historical utliers andallows a n excellent exploratory analysis. analysis) are deleted so as not to affect the data statistics and the participant is communicated in its report. • Bar Graph - it presents to the laboratory its data over the months and its behavior (variations or trends) in the indicator Reports: At the end of the data analysis, two documents are ge- comparison period. They also show the values in sigma and nerated and made available in the online system ranking for each month.

Boxplot Graph with market data of an indicator and individual location of a laboratory (red dots).

Bar Graph of an indicator with laboratory data, indicating the month the value in Defects per Million of Opportunities (DMPO), the laboratory’s sigma and rankin.

12 www.controllab.com / [email protected] LABORATORY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS I

Results Profile – auxiliary document to the Individual Report which shows the laboratories performance compared to the indicator.

The laboratory also has access to: • Increased success probability in the process management; • Its values converted to sigma – such values show the capa- • Identificationof inconsistencies and improvement opportuni- city of any process to meet the proposed objective (generate ties in the processes, allowing interventions intended to main- products and services within the pre-established specification tain or improve the patients’ needs; limits). The sigma scale is originated by measuring the number • Awareness, incentive and training for use of indicator as a ma- of failures (products or services out of the intended specifica- tions) compared to the number of opportunities to generate nagement tool; such failures (products or services generated in the period), • Establishing Market Research Practices (Benchmarking). classified as follows: 2s, 4s e 6s are equivalent to 308.537, 6.210 and 3,4 failures per million of opportunities, respec- tively, in the services. A performance at 5 or 6 sigma levels Sporadic indicators and exploratory surveys can be considered as an excellent performance, goal idealized for each process (predictable process, with low probability of Indicators for which the data collection is more complex and for failures). A 3 to 4 sigma performance is understood as being which an occasional survey is more feasible and equally effec- an average performance expected for most of the process and tive. They can be requested on an occasional basis and include a performance below 3 sigma, a noncompetitive performance stratifications of some more comprehensive indicators and ex- for most of the processes. ploratory surveys under subjects of laboratory interest, such as • Ranking – laboratory positioning (its relative position) com- process characteristics related to a certain indicator. pared to other similar laboratories. The relative position of Sporadic indicators and exploratory surveys can be further used the laboratory compared to the similar other ones (same cha- racteristics) is always calculated whenever it is considered as for an initial study of indicators which can start to be requested relevant. Such ranking is obtained by ordering the results (an- on a continuous basis. nual, six-monthly or average of the quarter) and subsequent division into 5 parts (quintiles). In the 1st quintile are the re- sults with the best performances for the concerned indicator Behavioral study and, in the 5th quintile, the ones in need for improvement. The behavioral study is intended to help the laboratories to ex- • Comments and References – if the discussion group also de- plore the indicators and their results. It is conducted based on a ems as important, they can also be part of the report, with the program indicator (continuous or sporadic) or based on the re- objective to always seek for continuous improvement which sults of a sur vey and generates repor ts with comprehensive can be applied in the laboratory process, according to the ex- analyses about the subject. periences reported by other users. Discussion group Benefits from Participating in the Program The discussion group is responsible for defining and detailing • Standardization and definition of quality specifications; the indicators, analyzing the global results, clarifying doubts • Decision making based on actual process performance infor- and proposing improvements to the program. Always in line with mation; the main market directives, including the international scientific • Establishing specific goals for each indicator; initiatives and certification and/or accreditation programs.

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 13 I LABORATORY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Indicators Workshop Program Indicators:

Periodically the laboratories have the opportunity to participate Resource Management Indicators in meetings, with the purpose of listening to specialists; knowing • Absenteeism the practices and strategies adopted by laboratories with great performances; changing experience; evaluating the program and • Expenses with personnel contributing to its expansion. • Distribution of expenses

• Effectiveness in releasing the results through selfverification

• LIS efficiency:ystem S drop episodes

• LIS efficiency: Drop times

• General disallowance

• Disallowance per Operator

• Worked hours

• Corrective maintenance index

• Personal productivity: Pathological Anatomy and Cytopathology

• Personal productivity: Franchised collector

• Personal productivity: Own collector Indicadors Meeting • Personal productivity: Invoicing Online System • Personal productivity: General Upon application, the laboratory receives a password for access • Personal productivity: Reception Desk to the Online System, at Controllab’s website. The confidentia- • Personal productivity: Receptionist lity assurance is guaranteed by the numeric identification of • Personal productivity: Technical the participant, unique and non-transferable, and by the use of exclusive passwords for access to the data and reports in the • Turnover: General website. This system allows the user to: send its data; access • Turnover: Reception Desk and print documents; manage and delegate tasks; monitor dea- dlines; access information at any time and place; check forwar- • Average time between failures: Biochemistry equipment ded information and data. • Training: Compliance with the expected training load

• Training: Qualification events Confidentiality • Training: Training hours Controllab is committed to maintain the confidentiality of all the participants’ individual results. Such results are accessible • Training: In-house only by the participant, who is responsible for their disclosure. No member of Controllab’s advisory group or any other entity is Organizational Management Indicators provided with access to the laboratories’ data. • Received customers’ manifestations

• Answered customers’ manifestations Participation Certificate • Customers’ satisfaction: Private Individual

The laboratory’s continuous participation on the program can be • Physicians’ satisfaction disclosed to its customers and partners at the end of the cumu- lative period, when the Participation Certificate is issued. Process Indicators This certificate contains the indicators uninterruptedly reported • Accident with piercing or cutting device by the laboratory, since such data has been validated by statis- tics. The minimum period for partial certification is one semester. • Labor accident: General • Samples with less than 2 identifiers related to the patient

• Poorly identified samples

• Non-identified samples

• Delayed results: Non-admitted patients

• Coagulation: Coagulated Samples

• Collection at inappropriate time

• Delayed communication of critical results: Admitted patients

• Delayed communication of critical results: Non-admitted pa- tients

• Contamination: Microbiology samples

• Contamination: Blood culture samples

14 www.controllab.com / [email protected] LABORATORY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS I

• Contamination: Urine culture samples • Incorrect exam name: Non-admitted patients

• Internal Control: Out-of-specification results • Recollection: General

• Proficiency Test: Inappropriate performance • Recollection: Admitted patients

• Proficiency Test: Inappropriate performance related to a pre- • Recollection: Non-admitted patients viously treated cause • Poorly identified requests • Storage error: Incorrect storage before the analysis • Inappropriate medical requests related to informed clinical • Collection error: Incorrect sample issues: Admitted patients

• Collection Error: Incorrect volume ration of sample/anticoa- • Inappropriate medical requests related to informed clinical gulant issues: Non-admitted patients

• Collection error: Incorrect container • Unintelligible medical requests: Admitted patients

• Collection error: Insufficientolume v • Unintelligible medical requests: Non-admitted patients

• Transport error: Sample not received • Medical requests without clinical issues: Non-admitted pa- tients • Transport error: Samples damaged during transport • Incorrect released results • Transport error: Samples with excessive transportation time • Average TAT: INR • Transport error: Samples transported under incorrect tempe- rature • Average TAT: Potassium

• Result transcription errors due to LIS failure • Average TAT: Troponin

• Manual result transcription errors • Average TAT: WBC

• Incorrectly added exams and which were not part of the medi- • Average time to communicate critical results: Admitted pa- cal request: Admitted patients tients

• Incorrectly added exams and which were not part of the medi- • Average time to communicate critical results: Non-admitted cal request: Non-admitted patients patients

• Non-registered exams: Admitted patients

• Non-registered exams: Non-admitted patients Demographic Indicators

• Hemolysis: Biochemistry area samples • Report delivery

• Hemolysis: General samples • Exams per patient

• Index of Interpretation comments in reports • Served publics

• Unsuccessful communication of critical results • Collection system

• Incorrect Reports • Outsourcing

• Untaken reports • Average ticket

• Incorrect exam name: Admitted patients • Volume of exams

How to apply In order to apply to the indicators program, the laboratory Ordering information can make contact via [email protected] or by phone +55 21 3891-9900 and inform the program code. Order no. Program IND001 Clinical laboratories performance indicators.

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 15 TESTING ITEMS OF CONTROL PROGRAMS

In order to carry out the quality control programs for labora- similarity of the concentration range, levels or qualitative cha- tory testing, it is necessary to send the testing items. Testing racteristics of the testing against its homogeneity and stability items may be considered as sample, product, artifact, reference and the quantity supplied is enough for performing the testing material, equipment, standard, set of data or other information without significant changes in the routine. Testing items with used to perform said testing. Certified Reference Materials have extra requirements such as Certificates with property values, measurement uncertainty, The testing items shall have the quality observed in the aspect validated production process, and all information to ensure of similarity with the matrix analyzed in the laboratory routine, metrological traceability.

Virtual Microscopy There are tests where the shortage of the raw material or the We make available in the “Online System” tools for analysis low stability for the manufacturng of the item can make a qua- of virtual slides and videos and, when necessary, clinical ca- lity control program unfeasible, being necessary the use of ses and images are added. With this tool, the laboratory works other techniques of comparison and control. with the same resources as in the physical microscope only in a digital way, needing some moments of additional instructions Controllab, to meet human and veterinary clinical testing of that are available in the “Virtual Microscopy Instruction Guide”. microscopy, uses Virtual Microscopy technology in favor of quality to increase cases variability, allow more laboratories to participate and standardize content for users.


In 1976, Controllab started the first internal and external bioche- offered in quality control programs. This diversity of tests aims mistry control program for 20 laboratories and in 1977 expan- to meet the requirements of the laboratories and increasing te- ded its programs in other areas of the clinical laboratory and chnological innovation of the segments, taking into account the launched the partnership with SBPC/ML - Brazilian Society of laboratory accreditation processes and the regulatory bodies. Clinical Pathology, which remains solid today. In addition to proficiency testing and internal control servi- In the hemotherapy segment, we provide quality control pro- ces, we provide Performance Indicators, Instrument Calibration grams for donor selection, serological screening, blood compo- and Qualification, MRC - Certified Reference Material, Perfor- nents, transfusion medicine and clinical testing. mance Panel, Linearity/Calibration Verification and Education programs. Currently there are more than 2.000 testing for Clinical Labora- tories, Hemotherapy, Pathological Anatomy and Cytopathology

Get to know our complete line of Quality Control Programs for this segment. EP, CI and MRC Programs 18 CI ONLINE and Integration 7 Performance Indicators 11


C Clinical Analyzes H Hemotherapy A Pathological Anatomy and Cytopathology

Pathological Anatomy/Cytopathology 999 Clostridium tetani - Antibodies C H A 30 General Pathological Anatomy C H A 21 Dengue IgG, IgM and NS1 C H A 30 C H A Gynecological Cytopathology C H A 21 Entamoeba histolytica - Antibodies 30 C H A Non-Gynecological Cytopathology C H A 21 Yellow fever 30 C H A Dermatopathology C H A 21 Giardia lamblia - Antibodies 31 Helicobacter pylori - Antibodies C H A 31 Flow Cytometry 999 Herpes (HSV) C H A 31 CD34+ C H A 21 Histoplasmosis C H A 31 Diagnosis of Leukemia C H A 22 Leptospirosis C H A 31 Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) C H A 22 Mycoplasma pneumonie C H A 32 Lymphocyte Panel C H A 22 Parainfluenza 1,2,3 and 4 - Antibodies C H A 32 Erythrovirus B19 - Antibodies C H A 32 Coagulation/Haemostasis 999 Widal Reaction C H A 32 Platelet Aggregation C H A 22 Rubella C H A 32 Lupus Anticoagulant C H A 22 Measles C H A 33 Anti-Xa Activity C H A 23 Syphilis - Immunofluorescence C H A 33 Coagulation and Haemostasis C H A 23 Serology C H A 33 D-dimer C H A 23 Toxoplasmosis C H A 34 Varicella-Zoster C H A 34 Coprology/Occult Blood 999 Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) C H A 34 Coprology C H A 24 Zika virus C H A 35 Fecal Occult Blood C H A 24 Gasometry 999 Diabetes/ Hemoglobins Gasobio C H A 35 Diabetes mellitus C H A 24 Gasometry C H A 35 Glycated Hemoglobin C H A 25 Oximetry C H A 35 Hemoglobinopathies C H A 25 Diabetes Markers C H A 25 Genetics and Molecular Biology 999 C H A 25 Hemoglobin H Research Adenovirus C H A 36 C H A 25 Osmotic Fragility Aspergillus sp. C H A 36

Bordetella pertussis C H A 36 Neonatal Diagnosis 9 Brucella spp. C H A 36 Neonatal C H A 26 Chikungunya C H A 36 Immunoglobulin M - Umbilical Cord C H A 26 Chlamydia trachomatis C H A 36 Neonatal Therapy C H A 26 Cytogenetics Karyotype - G-band C H A 37 Neonatal screening C H A 26 Cytomegalovirus C H A 37 Neonatal Screening - Infectious Diseases C H A 27 Clostridium difficile C H A 37 Infectious diseases 999 Dengue C H A 37 C H A 37 Adenovirus - Antibodies C H A 27 Epstein Barr Anti-HAV (Hepatitis A) C H A 27 Factor V Leiden C H A 37 Anti-HBc (Hepatitis B) C H A 27 Yellow fever C H A 38 Anti-HDV (Hepatitis D) C H A 28 Hepatitis Delta (HDV) C H A 38 Aspergillus sp. - Antibodies C H A 28 Hepatitis E (HEV) C H A 38 Bartonella henselae - Antibodies C H A 28 Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) C H A 38 Bartonella quintana - Antibodies C H A 28 Histoplasma capsulatum C H A 38 Borrelia burgdorferi - Antibodies C H A 28 Molecular Biology I - HBV, HCV and HIV C H A 38 Brucellosis C H A 29 Molecular Biology II - HTLV C H A 39 Candida albicans - Antibodies C H A 29 Influenza A and B C H A 39 Mumps C H A 29 Janus kinase 2 (JAK-2) C H A 39 Chikungunya C H A 29 Legionella pneumophila C H A 39 Chlamydia trachomatis C H A 29 MTHFR C H A 39 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) C H A 30 Mycobacterium tuberculosis C H A 39


C Clinical Analyzes H Hemotherapy A Pathological Anatomy and Cytopathology

Mycoplasma pneumoniae C H A 40 Immunology / Proteins 999 NAT - Molecular Biology C H A 40 Allergy C H A 50 Neisseria gonorrhoeae C H A 40 Anticardiolipin C H A 51 Norovirus C H A 40 Anti-CCP C H A 51 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) C H A 40 Antiphospholipid antibodies C H A 51

Paracoccidioides brasiliensis C H A 40 Antistreptolysin O C H A 51

Prothrombin C H A 41 Anti-thyroperoxidase (Anti-TPO) C H A 51

Rotavirus C H A 41 Autoimmunity C H A 51

Fetal Sexing C H A 41 Cryoglobulins C H A 52 C H A Sporothrix schenckii C H A 41 FAN Hep2 52 C H A Genetic Link (Paternity / Maternity) C H A 41 Rheumatoid Factor 52 C H A Respiratory Viruses C H A 41 Circulating Immunocomplexes 52 C H A Zika virus C H A 42 Immunofixation of Proteins - Serum 53 Interleukins C H A 53 Hematology / Hematoscopy 999 C Reactive Protein (CRP) C H A 53 Bone Marrow Biopsy C H A 42 Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins C H A 53 Hematology Automation C H A 42 Hematoscopy C H A 43 Body liquids Hemoparasitology C H A 43 Vitreous humor C H A 54 Myelogram C H A 43 Cavity Liquids Cell Count by Automation C H A 54 LE Cell Search C H A 43 Multiparameter Cavity Liquids C H A 54 Reticulocytes Automation C H A 43 Sinovial Liquid Crystals / Crystalline Structu- Reticulocytes Manual C H A 43 res C H A 54

Donor Selection C H A 44 Amino Acid Liquor C H A 55 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) C H A 44 Automated Cell Counting Liquor C H A 55 Immunology Liquor C H A 55

Blood components Alzheimer’s Markers Liquor C H A 55 C H A Blood components 44 Tumor Markers Liquor C H A 56 Microscopy Liquor C H A 56 Histocompatibility 999 Multiparameter Liquor C H A 56 Antigen HLA-B-27 C H A 45 HIV Research Liquor C H A 57 Molecular Typification HLA C H A 45 HTLV Search Liquor C H A 57 Immunoassays/Endocrinology 999 Saliva C H A 57 Anemia C H A 45 Sweat C H A 57 Catecholamines C H A 46 Cardiac Markers 9 Specialized Hormones C H A 46 Coenzyme Q10 C H A 57 Hypertension Markers C H A 46 Cardiac Markers C H A 58 Bone Marrow / Growth Markers (Serum and C Reactive Protein (hsPCR) Urine) C H A 47 C H A 58 Tumor Markers C H A 47 Maternal-Fetal Medicine 999 Lipid profile C H A 48 Fetal Risk Assessment: 1st trimester C H A 58 Procalcitonin C H A 48 Fetal Risk Assessment: 2nd trimester C H A 58 Immunohematology/Transfusion Bacteriology - Amniotic Liquid C H A 59

Medicine Bacterioscopy GRAM C H A 59

Immunohematology Automation C H A 48 Biochemistry - Amniotic Liquid C H A 59 Immunohematology Eluate C H A 48 Lamellar Body Count (CCL) C H A 59 Immunohematology Phenotyping RH and Kell C H A 49 Fetal Growth C H A 59 General Immunohematology C H A 49 Fetal Fibronectin C H A 59 Immunohematology IAI C H A 49 Vaginal wash C H A 60 Immunohematology Cross-Exam C H A 49 Evaluation of fetal bilirubin C H A 60 Immunohematology TAD C H A 50 Pre-eclampsia Markers C H A 60 Immunohematology Titration Anti-A, Anti-B Pulmonary maturity C H A 60 and Anti-D C H A 50 Hemoglobin F Research - Flow Cytometry C H A 60


C Clinical Analyzes H Hemotherapy A Pathological Anatomy and Cytopathology

Surfactant / Albumin ratio (TDx-FLMII) C H A 60 Clinical Chemistry Premature rupture of membranes C H A 60 Amino Acids - Plasma C H A 71 Clement’s Test (TC) C H A 61 Biochemistry C H A 72 Maternal Screening C H A 61 Biliary Calculus C H A 73 Crystallization Test (Ferning Test) C H A 61 Cystatin C C H A 73 Test of Ianetta C H A 61 PH Determination Test C H A 61 TLR/ Point of Care (POC) Phenol Testing C H A 61 Biochemistry C H A 73 Nile Blue Test (Kittrich) C H A 62 BNP C H A 73 Kleihauer-Betke test (Hemoglobin F) C H A 62 Ketone C H A 74 Rosette Test C H A 62 Coagulation C H A 74 D-dimer C H A 74 Reproduction Medicine Drugs of Abuse C H A 74 Group A Streptococcus: antigen C H A 74 Sperm Biochemistry C H A 62 Filariosis C H A 74 Sperm Cell Count by Automation C H A 62 Glucose C H A 75 Sperm Cell Count on camera C H A 62 HCG (Serum and Urine) C H A 75 Sperm Morphology C H A 63 Hemoglobin - HemoCue (Donor Selection) C H A 75 Sperm Motility C H A 63 Troponin T C H A 75 Sperm Vitality C H A 63 Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) C H A 75

Microbiology Occupational Toxicology/Abuse Adenovirus - Antigen C H A 63 Drugs Bacilloscopy BAAR C H A 63 Drugs of Abuse - Hair C H A 75 C H A 76 Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology C H A 64 Drugs of Abuse - Saliva Drugs of Abuse - Urine by Automation C H A 76 Bacterioscopy GRAM C H A 64 Organochlorines and Organophosphates C H A 77 Clostridium difficile - Toxin A and B C H A 64 Toxicology (Serum, Urine and Total Blood) C H A 77 Clostridium difficile - Antigen C H A 65 Toxicology - Volatile (Serum, Urine and Total Blood) C H A 78 Colon Count - Urine C H A 65 C H A 65 Coproculture Urinelysis C H A 65 Cryptococcus neoformans - Antigen Organic Acids C H A 79 Culture of Epidemiological Surveillance (CVE) C H A 65 Urinery Sugars (Carbohydrates) C H A 79 Dosage of Beta D-glucan C H A 65 Amino Acids - Urine C H A 79 Dosage of Galactomannan C H A 66 Renal Calculus C H A 79 Leprosy C H A 66 Cytomegalic Inclusion Cells C H A 80 Helicobacter pylori - Antigen C H A 66 Protein Electrophoresis - Urine C H A 80 C H A Helicobacter pylori - Urease C H A 66 Mucopolysacarideos 80 Research on Erythrocytic Dysmorphism C H A 80 Histoplasmosis - Antigen C H A 67 C H A 80 Legionella - Antigen C H A 67 Porphobilinogen (PBG) C H A 81 Mycology C H A 67 Absorption test of D-xylose C H A 81 Norovirus - Antigen C H A 68 Risk of Kidney Stones C H A 81 Meningitis Panel C H A 68 Urinelysis Biochemistry C H A 81 Parasitology C H A 68 Urinelysis Abnormal Elements (EA) C H A 82 Search by Acantamoeba C H A 69 Urinelysis Sedimentoscopy and counting by Anaerobic Research C H A 69 Field and Camera C H A 82 C H A 83 Pneumocystis jiroveci C H A 69 Urinelysis Sedimentation by automation Urinelysis Sedimentation - Identification C H A 83 Rotavirus - Antigen C H A 70

Processes Qualification Therapeutic Drugs Monitoring Physical and Chemical Analysis of Water C H A 83 Immunosuppressive Drugs C H A 70 Microbiological Analysis of Water C H A 85 Therapeutic Drugs C H A 70 Spectrophotometer C H A 84

20 www.controllab.com / [email protected] PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY/CYTOPATHOLOGY

General Pathological Anatomy • Virtual items with clinical case of slides prepared from anato- micopathological material of human origin.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPAPG54 General Pathological Anatomy 5 items x 4 rounds - - -

Gynecological Cytopathology • Virtual items with clinical case of smears fixed and stained Preserv® and Gynoprep®. by the Papanicolau obtained from vaginal secretion by con- ventional methods, LiquiPrep®, SurePath,ThinPrep®, Cell- • Two individual items of different patients for each method.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCGI24 Gynecological Cytopathology 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

Cytopathology Non-gynecological - Liquids and Erushed • Virtual items with clinical case of slides prepared from cyto- pathological material of human origin.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCNGLQE24 Cytopathology Non-gynecological - 2 items x 4 rounds - - - Liquids and Erushed

Non-Gynecological Cytopathology - PAAF • Virtual items with clinical case of slides prepared from cyto- pathological material of human origin by the technique of as- pirative puncture by fine needle (PAAF).

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCNGPAAF24 Non-Gynecological Cytopathology 2 items x 4 rounds - - - - PAAF

Dermatopathology • Virtual items with clinical case of slides stained with hema- toxylin/eosin (H&E) from human skin biopsy material.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPDMTL44 Dermatopathology 4 items x 4 rounds - - -

FLOW CYTOMETRY CD34+ Available tests CD34+ and CD45+ absolute and percentage

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program • Total blood of 500µL. • Total blood of 2,5mL. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8ºC. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8ºC and after opened 20 days.

Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCD3434 CD34+ 3 items x 4 rounds CICD3421M CD34+ 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

EPCD34EX Extra CD34+ 1 item CICD3421N CD34+ 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 21 FLOW CYTOMETRY

Diagnosis of Leukemia • 1,5mL total blood. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8°C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCFDL14 Diagnosis of Leukemia 1 item x 4 rounds - - -

EPCFDLEX Extra Diagnosis of Leukemia 1 item

Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) • 250µL total blood. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8°C.

Available tests CD55+ CD14+ CD15+ CD59+ CD16+ CD64+ FLAER CD24+ CD66b+

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPHPN24 HPN 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPHPNEX Extra HPN 1 item

Lymphocyte Panel Available tests CD 2+ CD19+ CD56+ CD3+ CD8+ CD3+CD8+ CD14+ CD45+CD14- CD3-CD56/16 CD4+ CD3+CD4+ CD45+

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program • 500µL total blood. • 2,0mL total blood. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8°C. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8°C and after opened 20 days.

Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCFPL34 Lymphocyte Panel 3 items x 4 rounds CICFPL21M Lymphocyte Panel 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

EPCFPLEX Extra Lymphocyte Panel 1 item CICFPL21N Lymphocyte Panel 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item


Platelet Aggregation • Four tubes containing EDTA anticoagulant solution, Agonist • Up to 1 year of validity at <0ºC. Arachidonic Acid, ADP and Collagen.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPAPQT14 Platelet Aggregation 1 item x 4 rounds - - -

EPAPQTEX Extra Platelet Aggregation 1 item

Lupus Anticoagulant • 450μL lyophilized human plasma. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0ºC.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCOAL34 Lupus Anticoagulant 3 items x 4 rounds - - - EPCOALEX Extra Lupus Anticoagulant 1 item

22 www.controllab.com / [email protected] COAGULATION/HAEMOSTASIS

Anti-Xa Activity

• 1,0 mL freeze-dried human plasma. • Up to 2 years of validity at <0ºC.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPAATX34 Anti-Xa Activity 3 items x 4 rounds CIAATX22M Anti-Xa Activity 2x2xmonthly 2 leves x 2 items

EPAATXEX Extra Anti-Xa Activity 1 item CIAATX22N Anti-Xa Activitya 2x2xn 2 leves x 2 items

Coagulation and Haemostasis

• 1,0 mL freeze-dried human plasma. • Up to 2 years of validity at <0ºC.

Available tests

Coagulation factor VII activity of ristocetin cofactor immunological fibrinogen factor VIII heparin cofactor II (activity) Von Willebrand factor (antigenic) Functional Fibrinogen factor IX factor X Von Willebrand factor (multimers) Prothrombin time (TP) - Activity factor XI factor XIII (qualitative for severe disabi- Prothrombin time (TP) - Time lity) factor XII Prothrombin time (TP) - INR factor inhibitor IX factor XIII Time of activated partial thromboplastin factor inhibitor VII plasminogen (TTPa) - Time factor inhibitor VIII prekallikrein TCA (activated coagulation time) plasminogen tissue inhibitor functional protein C sample/patter ratio (factor III partial protein C (antigen) thromboplastin time) functional protein S protein C activate (resistance) free protein S protein S total Hemostasis I thrombin time (TT) reptilase time antiplasmin vitamin K antithrombin III Hemostasis II factor II anti-prothrombin IgG factor V anti-prothrombin IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCO34 Coagulation 3 items x 4 rounds CICOA25M Coagulation and Haemostasis I 2 levels x 5 items 2x5xmonthly EPCOHEI34 Hemostasia I 3 items x 4 rounds CICOA25N Coagulation and Haemostasis I 2x5xn 2 levels x 5 items EPCOHEII34 Haemostasis II 3 items x 4 rounds CICOA21N Coagulation and Haemostasis I 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item EPCOAEX Extra Coagulation 1 item CIHII22M Haemostasis II 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items EPCOHEIEX Extra Haemostasis I 1 item CIHII22N Haemostasis II 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items EPCOHEIIEX Extra Haemostasis II 1 item


• 500µL freeze-dried human plasma. • Qualitative.

• Up to 2 years of validity at <0ºC. • Quantitative.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPDD34 D-dimer 3 items x 4 rounds CIDD24M D-dimer 2x4xmonthly 2 levels x 4 items

EPDDEX Extra D-dimer 1 item CIDD24N D-dimer 2x4xn 2 levels x 4 items

CIDD21N D-dimer 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 23 COPROLOGY / HIDDEN BLOOD

Coprology I • Virtual items and lyophilized human and adult feces of 20g • Up to 5 years valid at 2 to 8ºC. each. Available tests macroscopic analyzes well digested muscle fibers bilirubin foreign bodies poorly digested muscle fibers reducing bodies vegetable debris iodophile flora mucus neutral fats (Sudam III) mucin pus red blood cells pH (strip) blood leukocytes degraded proteins yeasts non-degraded proteins microscopic analysis parasites dosages raw starch connective tissue digestible cellulose amino acids and ammonia non-digestible cellulose chemical analysis total organic acids crystals albumin fats

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCOFI24 Coprology I 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPCOFIEX Extra Coprology I 1 item

Coprology II • 1mL lyophilized human feces. • Up to 5 years valid at 2 to 8⁰C. • Pancreatic Elastase and Calprotectin: 200µL lyophilized hu- man feces. Available tests alpha I fecal antitrypsin pancreatic elastase trypsin search fecal calprotectin coproporphyrin search

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCOFII24 Coprology II 2 items x 4 rounds - - - EPCOFIIEX Extra Coprology II 1 item

Fecal Occult Blood • 1,0 mL lyophilized synthetic feces. • Up to 2 years of validity <0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPSF34 Hidden Blood 3 items x 4 rounds CISF51M Hidden Blood 2x5xmonthly 5 levels x 1 item

EPSFEX Extra Hidden Blood 1 item CISF11N Hidden Blood 2x1xn 1 level x 1 item


Diabetes mellitus • 300µL lyophilized human serum. • Up to 2 years of validity <0⁰C. Available tests anti-islet antibodies anti-GAD anti-tyrosine phosphatase pancreatic (ICA) anti-insulin anti-ZnT8

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPDMT34 Diabetes mellitus 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPDMTEX Extra Diabetes mellitus 1 item

24 www.controllab.com / [email protected] DIABETES/ HEMOGLOBINS

Glycated Hemoglobin

• 1,0mL total lyophilized blood. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C.

Available tests HbA1 HbA1c

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPHG34 Glycated Hemoglobin 3 items x 4 rounds CIHG21M Glycated Hemoglobin 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

EPHGEX Extra Glycated Hemoglobin 1 item CIHG21N Glycated Hemoglobin 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item www.controllab.com / [email protected]

Hemoglobinopathies • 100µL total lyophilized blood for Hemoglobinopathies. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C. • 500µL total lyophilized blood for Pesquisa Hemoglobin S.

Available tests Quantification and Identification Hemoglobin C Hemoglobin S Hemoglobin A1 Hemoglobin D Research Hemoglobin A2 Hemoglobin F Hemoglobin S

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPHN24 Hemoglobinopathies 2 items x 4 rounds CIHNS22M Hemoglobin S 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPHNEX Extra Hemoglobinopathies 1 item CIHNS22N Hemoglobin S 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

CIHN22M Hemoglobinopathies 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

CIHN22N Hemoglobinopathies 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Diabetes Markers • 2,0mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests 1.5 anhydroglucitol (1,5-AG) total ketone PTH - Related protein (R-PTH) free fatty acids gastrin PTH intact adiponectin free and total insulin somatomedin A (IGF2) beta hydroxybutyrate peptide C

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPMD34 Diabetes Markers 3 items x 4 rounds CIMD22M Diabetes Markers 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPMDEX Extra Diabetes Markers 1 item CIMD22N Diabetes Markers 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Hemoglobin H Research • Virtual items of blood smear stained by brilliant cresyl blue.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPHBH24 Hemoglobin H Research 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

Osmotic Fragility • 2,0 mL liquid total blood. • Up to 7 days of validity at 2 to 8°C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPFO24 Osmotic Fragility 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPFOEX Extra Osmotic Fragility 1 item

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 25 NEONATAL DIAGNOSIS

Neonatal Bilirubin • 1,0mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests direct bilirubin indirect bilirubin total bilirubin

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBDT34 Neonatal Bilirubin 3 items x 4 rounds CIBDT22M Neonatal Bilirubin 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBDTEX Extra Neonatal Bilirubin 1 item CIBDT22N Neonatal Bilirubin 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Immunoglobulin M - Umbilical Cord • 300μL lyophilized umbilical cord blood. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPDNIGM34 Immunoglobulin M - Umbilical Cord 3 items x 4 rounds CIDNIGM22M Immunoglobulin M - Umbilical Cord 2 levels x 2 items 2x2xmonthly EPDNIGMEX Extra Immunoglobulin M - Umbilical 1 item Cord CIDNIGM22N Immunoglobulin M - Umbilical Cord 2 levels x 2 items 2x2xn

Neonatal Care • 2,5mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests Aminophylline caffeine phenylalanine theophylline tyrosine

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTRNL34 Neonatal Care 3 items x 4 rounds CITRNL22M Neonatal Care 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTRNLEX Extra Neonatal Care 1 item CITRNL22N Neonatal Care 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Neonatal Screening I • Human blood on filter paper. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests 17OH progesterone TSH neonatal immunoreactive trypsin phenylalanine (PKU) T4 Hemoglobin profile and fractions: A1, A2, C, D, E, F and S

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTNI34 Neonatal Screening I 3 items x 4 rounds CITNI22M Neonatal Screening I 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTNIEX Extra Neonatal Screening I 1 item CITNI22N Neonatal Screening I 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

CITNI21N Neonatal Screening I 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

Neonatal Screening II • Human blood on filter paper. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests acylcarnitines biotinidase amino acids G6PD qualitative and quantitative analysis galactose

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTACL24 Acylcarnitines 2 items x 4 rounds CITACL22M Acylcarnitines 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTAM24 Amino acids 2 items x 4 rounds CITACL22N Acylcarnitines 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPTNB24 Biotinidase 2 items x 4 rounds CITAM22M Amino acids 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTNG24 G6PD 2 items x 4 rounds CITAM22N Amino acids 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPTGT24 Galactose 2 items x 4 rounds CITNB22M Biotinidase 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTACLEX Extra Acylcarnitines 1 item CITNB22N Biotinidase 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPTAMEX Extra Amino acids 1 item CITNG22M G6PD 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTNBEX Extra Biotinidase 1 item CITNG22N G6PD 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPTNGEX Extra G6PD 1 item CITGT22M Galactose 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTGTEX Extra Galactose 1 item CITGT22N Galactose 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

26 www.controllab.com / [email protected] NEONATAL DIAGNOSIS

Neonatal Screening - Infectious diseases • Human blood on filter paper. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests anti-cytomegalovirus IgM anti-rubella IgM anti-Treponema pallidum IgM anti-HIV anti-toxoplasm IgM anti-Trypanossoma cruzi IgG

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTNDI24 Cytomegalovirus 2 items x 4 rounds CITNDCMV22M Cytomegalovirus 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTNDII24 HIV 2 items x 4 rounds CITNDCMV22N Cytomegalovirus 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPTNDIII24 Rubella 2 items x 4 rounds CITNDHIV22M HIV 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTNDIV24 Toxoplasm 2 items x 4 rounds CITNDHIV22N HIV 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPTNDV24 Treponema pallidum 2 items x 4 rounds CITNDRU22M Rubella 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTNDVI24 Trypanossoma cruzi 2 items x 4 rounds CITNDRU22N Rubella 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPTNDIEX Extra Cytomegalovirus 1 item CITNDTXV22M Toxoplasm 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTNDIIEX Extra HIV 1 item CITNDTX22N Toxoplasm 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPTNDIIIEX Extra Rubella 1 item CITNTP22M Treponema pallidum 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTNDIVEX Extra Toxoplasm 1 item CITNDTP22N Treponema pallidum 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPTNDVEX Extra Treponema pallidum 1 item CITNDTC22M Trypanossoma cruzi 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTNDVIEX Extra Trypanossoma cruzi 1 item CITNDTC22N Trypanossoma cruzi 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items


Adenovirus - Antibodies • 500μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative). • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C. Available tests IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPILAV34 Adenovirus - Antibodies 3 items x 4 rounds CIILAV22M Adenovirus - Antibodies 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPILAVEX Extra Adenovirus - Antibodies 1 item CIILAV22N Adenovirus - Antibodies 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Anti-HAV (Hepatitis A) • 250μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with specific items for IgM (positive/ • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C. negative). Available tests IgG IgM total

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIHAV34 Anti-HAV (Hepatitis A) 3 items x 4 rounds CIIHAV24M Anti-HAV 250μL 2x4xmonthly 2 levels x 4 items

EPIHAVEX Extra Anti-HAV (Hepatitis A) 1 item CIIHAV24N Anti-HAV 250μL 2X4xn 2 levels x 4 items

CIIHAV21V3M Anti-HAV 3,0mL 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

CIIHAV21V3N Anti-HAV 3,0mL 2X1xn 2 levels x 1 item

Anti-HBc (Hepatitis B) • 300μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative). • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C. Available tests IgG IgM total

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIHBC34 Anti-HBc (Hepatitis B) 3 items x 4 rounds CIIHBC22M Anti-HBc (Hepatitis B) 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPIHBCEX Extra Anti-HBc (Hepatitis B) 1 item CIIHBC22N Anti-HBc (Hepatitis B) 2X2xn 2 levels x 2 items

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 27 INFECTIOUS DISEASES

Anti-HDV (Hepatitis Delta) • 300μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative). • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIHDV34 Anti-HDV (Hepatitis Delta) 3 items x 4 rounds CIIHDV22M Anti-HDV (Hepatitis Delta) 2 levels x 2 items 2x2xmonthly EPIHDVEX Extra Anti-HDV (Hepatitis Delta) 1 item CIIHDV22N 2 levels x 2 items Anti-HDV (Hepatitis Delta) 2x2xn

Aspergillus sp. - Antibodies • 200µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus niger Aspergillus furmigatus Aspergillus tamari

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIAA34 Aspergillus sp. - Antibodies 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPIAAEX Extra Aspergillus sp. - Antibodies 1 item

Bartonella henselae - Antibodies • 200µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIABH34 Bartonella henselae - Antibodies 3 items x 4 rounds - - - EPIABHEX Extra Bartonella henselae - Anti- 1 item bodies

Bartonella quintana - Antibodies • 200µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIABQ34 Bartonella quintana - Antibodies 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPIABQEX Extra Bartonella quintana - Anti- 1 item bodies

Borrelia burgdorferi - Antibodies • 200μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C. Available tests IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIABB34 Borrelia Burgdorferi - Antibodies 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPIABBEX Extra Borrelia Burgdorferi - Anti- 1 item bodies

28 www.controllab.com / [email protected] INFECTIOUS DISEASES

Brucellosis • 430μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • This program is exclusively for the Screening and Agglutina- • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C. tion Testing.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPILBRU24 Brucellosis 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPILBRUEX Extra Brucellosis 1 item

Candida albicans - Antibodies • 200μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C.

Available tests IgA IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIACA34 Candida albicans - Antibodies 3 items x 4 rounds - - - EPIACAEX Extra Candida albicans - Antibodies 1 item

Mumps • 200μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative). • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C.

Available tests IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPICAX24 Mumps 2 items x 4 rounds CIICAX22M Mumps 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPICAXEX Extra Mumps 1 item CIICAX22N Mumps 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Chikungunya • 200μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative). • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C. Available tests IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPILCHIK34 Chikungunya 3 items x 4 rounds CIILCHIK22M Chikungunya 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items EPILCHIKEX Extra Chikungunya 1 item CIILCHIK22N Chikungunya 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Chlamydia trachomatis • 500µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with items specific to IgG and IgA • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. (positive/negative). Available tests IgA IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPICLA34 Chlamydia trachomatis 3 items x 4 rounds CIICLA22M Chlamydia trachomatis 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items EPICLAEX Extra Chlamydia trachomatis 1 item CIICLA22N Chlamydia trachomatis 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 29 INFECTIOUS DISEASES

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) • 250µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with items specific to IgG and IgM • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. (positive/negative). Available tests avidity IgG IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPICMV34 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 3 items x 4 rounds CIICMVG24M Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG 2x4xmonthly 2 levels x 4 items EPICMVEX Extra Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 1 item CIICMVG24N Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG 2x4xn 2 levels x 4 items CIICMVG21N Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item CIICMVM34M Citomegalovíru(CMV) 3x4xmonthly 3 levels x 4 items CIICMVM34N Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 3x4xn 3 levels x 4 items CIICMVM31N Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 3x1xn 3 levels x 1 item

Clostridium tetani - Antibodies • 200μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative). • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C. Available tests IgG

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIACT34 Clostridium tetani - Antibodies 3 items x 4 rounds CIIACT22M Clostridium tetani - Antibodies 2 levels x 2 items 2x2xmonthly EPIACTEX Extra Clostridium tetani - Antibodies 1 item CIIACT22N Clostridium tetani - Antibodies 2 levels x 2 items 2x2xn

Dengue IgG, IgM and NS1 • 200μL human serum or lyophilized EDTA plasma. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative). • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests Dengue I Dengue II IgG IgM NS1

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPDGI34 Dengue I 3 items x 4 rounds CIDGI22M Dengue I 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items EPDGII34 Dengue II 3 items x 4 rounds CIDGI22N Dengue I 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items EPDGIEX Extra Dengue I 1 item CIDGI21N Dengue I 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item EPDGIIEX Extra Dengue II 1 item CIDGII21M Dengue II 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item CIDGII21N Dengue II 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

Entamoeba histolytica - Antibodies • 200μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C. Available tests IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIAEH34 Entamoeba histolytica - Antibodies 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPIAEHEX Extra Entamoeba histolytica - 1 item Antibodies

Yellow Fever • 50μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPILFBAM34 Yellow Fever 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPILFBAMEX Extra Yellow Fever 1 item

30 www.controllab.com / [email protected] INFECTIOUS DISEASES

Giardia lamblia - Antibodies • 200µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests IgG

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIAGDL34 Giardia lamblia - Antibodies 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPIAGDLEX Extra Giardia lamblia - Antibodies 1 item

Helicobacter pylori - Antibodies • 200µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative). • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIHPY34 Helicobacter pylori - Antibodies 3 items x 4 rounds CIIHPY22M Helicobacter pylori - Antibodies 2 levels x 2 items 2x2xmonthly EPIHPYEX Extra Helicobacter pylori - Antibodies 1 item CIIHPY22N Helicobacter pylori - Antibodies 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Herpes (HSV) • 250μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • The program meets the methods of analysis for Herpes Type I, II and I/II. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative).

Available tests IgG IgM total

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIHSV34 Herpes 3 items x 4 rounds CIIHSV22M Herpes 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPIHSVEX Extra Herpes 1 item CIIHSV22N Herpes 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Histoplasmosis • 500µL lyophilized human serum. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests anti-H anti-M

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIHST34 Histoplasmosis 3 items x 4 rounds CIIHST22M Histoplasmosis 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPIHSTEX Extra Histoplasmosis 1 item CIIHST22N Histoplasmosis 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Leptospirosis • 50μL liquid human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative). • Up to 2 years valid at < -20°C. Available tests IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPILEP34 Leptospirosis 3 items x 4 rounds CIILEP22M Leptospirosis 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPILEPEX Extra Leptospirosis 1 item CIILEP22N Leptospirosis 2x2x 2 levels x 2 items

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 31 INFECTIOUS DISEASES

Mycoplasma pneumonie • 100μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative). • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C. Available tests IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIMCP34 Mycoplasma 3 items x 4 rounds CIIMCP22M Mycoplasma 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPIMCPEX Extra Mycoplasma 1 item CIIMCP22N Mycoplasma 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Parainfluenza 1,2,3 and 4 - Antibodies • 200μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative). • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C. Available tests IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIAPF34 Parainfluenza 1,2,3 and 4 - Antibodies 3 items x 4 rounds CIIAPF22M Parainfluenza 1,2,3 and 4 - Antibo- 2 levels x 2 items dies 2x2xmonthly EPIAPFEX Extra Parainfluenza 1,2,3 and 4 - 1 item CIIAPF22N 2 levels x 2 items Antibodies Parainfluenza 1,2,3 and 4 - Antibo- dies 2x2xn

Erythrovirus B19 - Antibodies • 100μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C. Available tests IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIPRV24 Erythrovirus B19 - Antibodies 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPIPRVEX Extra Erythrovirus B19 - Antibodies 1 item

Widal Test • 200μL freeze-Dried serum. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative). • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C. Available tests S. paratyphi S. typhi

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIRWL34 Widal Test 3 items x 4 rounds CIIRWL22M Widal Test 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPIRWLEX Extra Widal Test 1 item CIIRWL22N Widal Test 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Rubella • 500µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative). • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests avidity IgG IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIRUB34 Rubella 3 items x 4 rounds CIIRUBG22M Rubella IgG 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPIRUBEX Extra Rubella 1 item CIIRUBG22N Rubella IgG 2X2xn 2 levels x 2 items

CIIRUBG21N Rubella IgG 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

32 www.controllab.com / [email protected] INFECTIOUS DISEASES

Measles • 30µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative) for lgG • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPISAR24 Measles 2 items x 4 rounds CIISAR22M Measles 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPISAREX Extra Measles 1 item CIISAR22N Measles 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Syphilis - Immunofluorescence • 60µL liquid human serum. • Qualitative • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 a 8⁰C. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative). Available tests IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPISIF34 Syphilis - Immunofluorescence 3 items x 4 rounds CIISIF22M Syphilis - Immunofluorescence 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPISIFEX Extra Syphilis - Immunofluorescence 1 item CIISIF22N Syphilis - Immunofluorescence 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Serology Available tests Proficiency Test Program Serology I Serology II • Freeze-Dried Human serum 500μL. anti-HIV anti-HCV • Up to 1 year of validity at <-20ºC. anti-HTLV anti-HBc • Unique items for each test. chagas anti-HBs Code Program Presentation syphilis HbsAg EPSOI44 Serology I 4 items x 4 rounds

EPSOII44 Serology II 4 items x 4 rounds

EPSOIEX Serology I extra 1 item

EPSOIIEX Serology II extra 1 item Internal Control Program Two Internal Control Programs, the Serological and Custom The Customized are programs that aim to quantitatively con- Profiles are available. trol the performance of each analytical system and the batch of the reagent in use. These controls are standardized accor- Valued by proficiency testing by different analytical systems ding to the laboratory analytical system with reading values (kits/methodologies), the Internal Control Program Serological between 1.5 and 4.5 times the value of the cut off point for non- Profiles is provided with 2 levels (positive/negative) that aim competitive kits, readings between 0.6 to 0, 9 for competitive to serve laboratories that use kits of different methodologies, kits and, for results in title, consider the title above 1/16. including immunochromatographic and immunoblot.

Internal Control Program Serological Profiles Customized Internal Control Program • 500uL lyophilized human serum. In order to carry out the budget of the customized programs, • Shelf life 2 years at <0ºC. the laboratory must inform the volume needed for the con- Code Program Presentation trol and which analytical systems are used in the routine. CISOPSHBS22M Anti-HBs 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items Code Program Presentation CISOPSHBS22N Anti-HBs 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items CISOCTHBS21M Anti-HBs 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item CISOPSHCV22M Anti-HCV 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items CISOCTHCV21M Anti-HCV 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

CISOPSHCV22N Anti-HCV 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items CISOCTHIV21M Anti-HIV 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

CISOPSHIV22M Anti-HIV 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items CISOCTCHA21M Chagas 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item CISOPSHIV22N Anti-HIV 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items CISOCTHBSAG21M HBsAg 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item CISOPSCHA22M Chagas 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items CISOCTSIF21M Sífilis 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item CISOPSCHA22N Chagas 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items CISOCTHTLV21M Anti-HTLV 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item CISOPSHBSAG22M HBsAg 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items Anti-HBc 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item CISOPSHBSAG22N HBsAg 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items CISOCTHBC21M CISOPSSIF22M Sífilis 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items CISOPSSIF22N Sífilis 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items CISOPSHTLV22M Anti-HTLV 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items CISOPSHTLV22N Anti-HTLV 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items CISOPSHBC22M Anti-HBc 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items CISOPSHBC22N Anti-HBc 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 33 INFECTIOUS DISEASES

Serology III • 300μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 1 1 year of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests anti-HBe HBeAg

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPSOIII34 Serology III 3 items x 4 rounds CISOAHBE22M Serology Anti-HBe 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPSOIIIEX Extra Serology III 1 item CISOAHBE22N Serology Anti-HBe 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

CISOAHBE21N Serology Anti-HBe 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

CISOHBE22M Serology HBeAg 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

CISOHBE22N Serology HBeAg 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

CISOHBE21N Serology HBeAg 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

Serology IV • 80μL liquid human serum. • Up to 1 1 year of validity at <-20⁰C.

Available tests Visceral leishmaniasis

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPSOIV34 Serology IV 3 items x 4 rounds CISOIV22M Serology IV 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPSOIVEX Extra Serology IV 1 item CISOIV22N Serology IV 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Toxoplasmosis • 500µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with items specific to IgG and IgM • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. (positive/negative).

Available tests avidity IgG IgA IgG IgM total

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPITOX34 Toxoplasmosis 3 items x 4 rounds CIITOX22M Toxoplasmosis 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPITOXEX Extra Toxoplasmosis 1 item CIITOX22N Toxoplasmosis 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

CIITOX21N Toxoplasmosis 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

Varicella-Zoster • 300μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative). • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C.

Available tests IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPILVZV34 Varicella-Zoster 3 items x 4 rounds CIILVZV22M Varicella-Zoster 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPILVZVEX Extra Varicella-Zoster 1 item CIILVZV22N Varicella-Zoster 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) • 250μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C. Available tests anti-EA IgG anti-EBNA IgG anti-VCA IgG anti-VCA/EA IgG Epstein Barr IgM anti-EA IgM anti-EBNA IgM anti-VCA IgM Epstein Barr IgG Epstein Barr Total

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIEBV34 Epstein-Barr (EBV) 3 items x 4 rounds CIIEBV22M Epstein-Barr (EBV) 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPIEBVEX Extra Epstein-Barr (EBV) 1 item CIIEBV22N Epstein-Barr (EBV) 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

34 www.controllab.com / [email protected] INFECTIOUS DISEASES

Zika Virus • 200μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Internal Control: supplied with 2 levels (positive/negative). • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C. Available tests IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPILZK34 Zika Virus 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPILZKEX Extra Zika Virus 1 item


Gasobio • 2,5mL synthetic gaseous solution with chemical addition. • Up to 2 years valid at 2 to 8⁰C. Available tests lactic acid (lactate) carbon dioxide (CO2) total pCO2 bicarbonate (HCO3-) base excess (BE) pO2 buffer base (BB) glucose potassium ionic calcium lithium oxygen saturation (SO2) chloride magnesium sodium creatinine pH urea

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPGB34 Gasobio 3 items x 4 rounds CIGB33M Gasobio 3x3xmonthly 3 levels x 3 items

EPGBEX Extra Gasobio 1 item CIGB33N Gasobio 3x3xn 3 levels x 3 items

CIGB31N Gasobio 3x1xn 3 levels x 1 item

Gasometry • 2,5mL gaseous synthetic solution. • Up to 2 years valid at 2 to 30°C. Available tests carbon dioxide (CO2) total pH pCO2 pO2

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPGA34 Gasometry 3 items x 4 rounds CIGA35M Gasometry 3x5xmonthly 3 levels x 5 items

EPGAEX Extra Gasometry 1 item CIGA35N Gasometry 3x5xn 3 levels x 5 items

CIGA31N Gasometry 3x1xn 3 levels x 1 item

Oximetry • 1,0mL total lyophilized blood. • Up to 2 years valid at <0°C. Available tests carboxyhemoglobin total hemoglobin metahemoglobin oxymyoglobin

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPOX34 Oximetry 3 items x 4 rounds CIOX22M Oximetry 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPOXEX Extra Oximetry 1 item CIOX22N Oximetry 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 35 GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY

Adenovirus - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL cell suspension. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMAV34 Adenovirus 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMAV22M Adenovirus 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMAVEX Extra Adenovirus 1 item CIBMAV22N Adenovirus 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Aspergillus sp. - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL cell suspension. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMASP34 Aspergillus sp. 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMASP22M Aspergillus sp. 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMASPEX Extra Aspergillus sp. 1 item CIBMASP22N Aspergillus sp. 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Bordetella pertussis - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL cell suspension. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMBLP34 Bordetella pertussis 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMBLP22M Bordetella pertussis 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMBLPEX Extra Bordetella pertussis 1 item CIBMBLP22N Bordetella pertussis 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Brucella spp. - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL cell suspension. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMBRU34 Brucella spp. 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMBRU22M Brucella spp. 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMBRUEX Extra Brucella spp. 1 item CIBMBRU22N Brucella spp. 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Chikungunya - Molecular Biology • 1,2mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMCHIK34 Chikungunya 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMCHIKP11N Chikungunya Positive 1x1xn 1 level x 1 item

EPBMCHIKEX Extra Chikungunya 1 item CIBMCHIKN11N Chikungunya Negative 1x1xn 1 level x 1 item

Chlamydia trachomatis - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL lyophilized cell suspension. • Up to 5 years valid at 2 a 8⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMCLA34 Chlamydia trachomatis 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMCLA22M Chlamydia trachomatis 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMCLAEX Extra Chlamydia trachomatis 1 item CIBMCLA22N Chlamydia trachomatis 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

36 www.controllab.com / [email protected] GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY

Cytogenetics Karyotype - band G • Virtual items of spinal metaphase and peripheral blood.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCITCG24 Karyotype - band G 2 items x 2 rounds - - -

Cytomegalovirus - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL lyophilized cell suspension. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMCMV34 Cytomegalovirus 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMCMV22M Cytomegalovirus 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMCMVEX Extra Cytomegalovirus 1 item CIBMCMV22N Cytomegalovirus 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Clostridium difficile - Molecular Biology • 500μL lyophilized cell suspension. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMCTD34 Clostridium difficile 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMCTD22M Clostridium difficile 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMCTDEX Extra Clostridium difficile 1 item CIBMCTD22N Clostridium difficile 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Dengue - Molecular Biology • 1,2mL lyophilized human plasma. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMDG34 Dengue 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMDGP11N Dengue Positive 1x1xn 1 level x 1 item

EPBMDGEX Extra Dengue 1 item CIBMDGN11N Dengue Negative 1x1xn 1 level x 1 item

Epstein Barr - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL cell suspension. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMEBV34 Epstein Barr 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMEBV22M Epstein Barr 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMEBVEX Extra Epstein Barr 1 item CIBMEBV22N Epstein Barr 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Factor V Leiden - Mutation Research • 500µL total lyophilized blood. • Up to 1 1 year of validity at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMFVL24 Factor V Leiden 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPBMFVLEX Extra Factor V Leiden 1 item

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 37 GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY

Yellow Fever - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMFBAM24 Yellow Fever - Molecular Biology 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPBMFBAMEX Extra Yellow Fever - Molecular 1 item Biology

Hepatitis Delta (HDV) - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMHDV34 Hepatitis Delta (HDV) 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPBMHDVEX Extra Hepatitis Delta (HDV) 1 item

Hepatitis E (HEV) - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL lyophilized human plasma. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMHEV34 Hepatitis E 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPBMHEVEX Extra Hepatitis E 1 item

Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL lyophilized cell suspension. • Up to 5 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMHSV34 Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMHSV22M Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMHSVEX Extra Herpes Simplex Virus(HSV) 1 item CIBMHSV22N Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Histoplasma capsulatum - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL cell suspension. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMHPC34 Histoplasma capsulatum 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMHPC22M Histoplasma capsulatum 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMHPCEX Extra Histoplasma capsulatum 1 item CIBMHPC22N Histoplasma capsulatum 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Molecular Biology I – HBV, HCV e HIV • 1,0mL lyophilized human plasma. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. • 800μL Total lyophilized blood.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMI34 Molecular Biology I 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMHBV21M Molecular Biology I - HBV 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

EPBMIEX Extra Molecular Biology I 1 item CIBMHBV21N Molecular Biology I- HBV 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

CIBMHCV21M Molecular Biology I- HCV 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

CIBMHCV21N Molecular Biology I - HCV 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

38 www.controllab.com / [email protected] GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY

Molecular Biology II – HTLV • 1,0mL lyophilized human plasma. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. • 800μL Total lyophilized blood.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMII34 Molecular Biology II 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMHTLV21M Molecular Biology II 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

EPBMIIEX Extra Molecular Biology II 1 item CIBMHTLV21N Molecular Biology II 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

Influenza A and B • 1,0mL cell suspension. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests Influenza A Influenza B

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMIFAB34 Influenza A and B 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMIFAB22M Influenza A and B 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMIFABEX Extra Influenza A and B 1 item CIBMIFAB22N Influenza A and B 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Janus kinase 2 (JAK-2) - Mutation Research • 500µL total lyophilized blood. • Up to 1 1 year of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests mutation research V617F gene JAK-2

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMJAK24 JAK 2 V617F 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPBMJAKEX Extra JAK 2 V617F 1 item

Legionella pneumophila - Molecular Diagnosis • 1,0mL cell suspension. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMLLP34 Legionella pneumophila 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMLLP22M Legionella pneumophila 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMLLPEX Extra Legionella pneumophila 1 item CIBMLLP22N Legionella pneumophila 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

MTHFR - Mutation Research • 500µL total lyophilized blood. • Up to 1 1 year of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests mutation research C677T and A1298C

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMMTHFR24 MTHFR 2 items x 4 rounds - - -


Mycobacterium tuberculosis - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL cell suspension. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMMBT34 Mycobacterium tuberculosis 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMMBT22M Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2 levels x 2 items 2x2xmonthly EPBMMBTEX Extra Mycobacterium tuberculosis 1 item CIBMMBT22N Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 39 GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY

Mycoplasma pneumoniae - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL cell suspension. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMMPN34 Mycoplasma pneumoniae 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMMPN22M Mycoplasma pneumoniae 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMMPNEX Extra Mycoplasma pneumoniae 1 item CIBMMPN22N Mycoplasma pneumoniae 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

NAT I and II - Molecular Biology • 1,2mL lyophilized human plasma. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests NAT I NAT II HCV HBV HIV

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPNATI34 NAT I - Molecular Biology 3 items x 4 rounds CINATHBV21M NAT HBV 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

EPNATII34 NAT II - Molecular Biology 3 items x 4 rounds CINATHBV21N NAT HBV 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

EPNATIEX Extra NAT I - Molecular Biology 1 item CINATHCV21M NAT HCV 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

EPNATIIEX Extra NAT II - Molecular Biology 1 item CINATHCV21N NAT HCV 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

CINATHIV21M NAT HIV 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

CINATHIV21N NAT HIV 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

Neisseria gonorrhoeae - Molecular Biology • 500μL lyophilized cell suspension. • Up to 5 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMNGH34 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMNGH22M Neisseria gonorrhoeae 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMNGHEX Extra Neisseria gonorrhoeae 1 item CIBMNGH22N Neisseria gonorrhoeae 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

NoroVirus - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL cell suspension. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMNOR34 NoroVirus 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMNOR22M NoroVirus 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMNOREX Extra NoroVirus 1 item CIBMNOR22N NoroVirus 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) - Molecular Biology • 1,5mL lyophilized cell suspension. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMHPV34 HPV 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMHPV22M HPV 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMHPVEX Extra HPV 1 item CIBMHPV22N HPV 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Paracoccidioides brasiliensis - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL inactivated cell suspension. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMPCB34 Paracoccidioides brasiliensis 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMHPV22M Paracoccidioides brasiliensis 2 levels x 2 items 2x2xmonthly EPBMPCBEX Extra Paracoccidioides brasiliensis 1 item CIBMHPV22N Paracoccidioides brasiliensis 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

40 www.controllab.com / [email protected] GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY

Prothrombin - Mutation Research • 500µL total lyophilized blood. • Up to 1 1 year of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests search of the 20210 G> A mutation of the prothrombin gene

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMMPRT24 Prothrombin 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPBMMPRTEX Extra Prothrombin 1 item

RotaVirus - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL cell suspension. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMRV34 RotaVirus 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMRV22M RotaVirus 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMRVEX Extra RotaVirus 1 item CIBMRV22N RotaVirus 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Fetal Sexing - Molecular Biology • 500µL lyophilized human plasma. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMSXF24 Fetal Sexing 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPBMSXFEX Extra Fetal Sexing 1 item

Sporothrix schenckii - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL cell suspension. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMSPS34 Sporothrix schenckii 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMSPS22M Sporothrix schenckii 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBMSPSEX Extra Sporothrix schenckii 1 item CIBMSPS22N Sporothrix schenckii 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Genetic Link (Paternity/Maternity) • Human blood on filter paper. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests conclusion genetic linkage index probability

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTP24 Genetic Link 1 case of duo or trio x - - - 4 rounds

EPTPEX Extra Genetic Link 1 case of duo or trio

Respiratory Viruses - Molecular Biology • 1,0mL lyophilized cell suspension. • Up to 5 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMVRT34 Respiratory Viruses 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMVRT22M Respiratory Viruses 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items EPBMVRTEX Extra Respiratory Viruses 1 item CIBMVRT22N Respiratory Viruses 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 41 GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY

Zika Virus - Molecular Biology • 1,2mL lyophilized human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. • 1,0mL lyophilized human urine.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMZK34 Zika Virus (Serum) 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMZKP11N Zika Virus (Serum) Positive 1x1xn 1 level x 1 item

EPBMZKU34 Zika Virus (Urine) 3 items x 4 rounds CIBMZKN11N Zika Virus (Serum) Negative 1x1xn 1 level x 1 item

EPBMZKEX Extra Zika Virus (Serum) 1 item

EPBMZKUEX Extra Zika Virus (Urine) 1 item


Bone Marrow Biopsy • Virtual items of slides prepared from bone marrow biopsy.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBMO34 Bone Marrow Biopsy 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

Hematology Automation OThe EP is divided into 3 different programs according to the gy Automation II (Cell Dyn Systems, except Sapphire and Esme- analytical systems: Hematology Automation I (All except the ralda models) and Hematology Automation IV (Systems SDH20 models present in Hematology Automation II and IV), Hematolo- and Pentra 60/80/80 XL).

Testings Hematology Automation I Hematology Automation II Hematology Automation IV Red blood Haematocrit Haemoglobin Lymphocyte MID CHCM HCM PCT PDW Platelets RDW VCM VPM Leukocytes Leukocytes WIC Leukocytes WOC Differential (Absolute and %) Basophiles Eosinophils Granulocytes Monocytes Neutrophils

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program • Hemato I and IV: Human liquid blood of 1,0 mL. • 2,0mL liquid human blood. • Hemato II: Human liquid blood of 500μL. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8°C after 20 days open. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8°C. • It meets the global count for all analytical systems and differential Code Program Presentation leukocytes for Counter 19, Labtest SDH 20, Micros ES 60, Mindray EPHHI34 Hemato I 3 items x 4 rounds BC5380, and Pentra 60/80/80 XL. EPHHII34 Hemato II 3 items x 4 rounds Code Program Presentation EPHHIV34 Hemato IV 3 items x 4 rounds CIHH32M Hemato 3x2xmonthly 3 levels x 2 items EPHHEX Extra Hemato I/IV 1 item CIHH32N Hemato 3x2xn 3 levels x 2 items EPHHIIEX Extra Hemato II 1 item CIHH31N Hemato 3x1xn 3 levels x 1 item

42 www.controllab.com / [email protected] HEMATOLOGY/HEMATOSCOPY

Hematoscopy • Virtual items with clinical case of blood smear stained by and right edges. May-Grunwald Giemsa from the center areas, tail and left

Available tests basophils erythroblasts monocytes neutrophilic rods cell identification promyelocytes blasts (immature cells) lymphocytes targeted neutrophils eosinophils neutrophil metamielocytes neutrophil myelocytes

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPHE34 Hematoscopy 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

Hemoparasitology • Virtual items from stained human blood smears. • Identification of hemoparasites such as Babesia sp., Bartonella sp., Leishmania sp., Microfilaria sp., Plasmodium sp., Among others.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPHT34 Hemoparasitology 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

Myelogram • Virtual items with clinical case of slides prepared from bone marrow aspirate.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPMILG34 Myelogram 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

LE Cell Research • Virtual items of blood smears stained by MayGrunwald Giem- sa.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPPCLE24 LE Cell Research 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

Reticulocytes Automation

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program • 1,0mL total blood. • 2,0mL total blood. • Up to 120 months of validity at 2 to 8ºC. • Up to 45 days of validity 2 to 8ºC and after open 20 days.

Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPREAG34 Reticulocytes Automation: Geral 3 items x 4 rounds CIREAG22M Reticulócitos: Geral 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPREAS34 Reticulocytes Automation: Sysmex 3 items x 4 rounds CIREAG22N Reticulócitos: Geral 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPREAGEX Extra Reticulocytes Automation: Geral 1 item CIREAG21N Reticulócitos: Geral 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

EPREASEX Extra Reticulocytes Automation: Sysmex 1 item CIREAS22M Reticulócitos: Sysmex 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

CIREAS22N Reticulócitos: Sysmex 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

CIREAS21N Reticulócitos: Sysmex 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

Reticulocytes Manual • Virtual items of smear prepared with human blood stained with New Methylene Blue.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPREM34 Reticulocytes Manual 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 43 HEMATOLOGY/HEMATOSCOPY

Donor Selection • 1,0mL human blood. • This program is exclusively for automated systems. • Up to 3 months of validity at 2 to 8ºC.

Available tests hematocrit hemoglobin microhematocrit

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPSDG34 Donor Selection 3 items x 4 rounds CISDH31M Donor Selection 3x1xmonthly 3 levels x 1 item EPSDGEX Extra Donor Selection 1 item CISDH31N Donor Selection 3x1xn 3 levels x 1 item

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) • VHS Alifax: 2,0mL human liquid blood. • Up to 30 days of validity at 2 to 8⁰C. • VHS General I and II: 3,0mL human liquid blood.

Hemossedimentação Geral I Hemossedimentação Geral II Hemossedimentação Alifax

Labor Import ESR Fast Detector Systems Alifax

Seddi Pette Humased 20/40

Sedivette Mini-Ves

Takives Seditainer

Wama Vacuette

Westergren Vacuplast

Wintrobe Ves Matic series

VHS Timer

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPVHSA34 VHS Alifax 3 items x 4 rounds CIVHSA210M VHS Alifax2x10xmonthly 2 levels x 10 items EPVHSGI34 VHS Geral I 3 items x 4 rounds CIVHSA25N VHS Alifax2x5xn 2 levels x 5 items EPVHSGII34 VHS Geral II 3 items x 4 rounds CIVHSA21N VHS Alifax2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item EPVHSAEX Extra VHS Alifax 1 item EPVHGIEX Extra VHS Geral I 1 item EPVHGIIEX Extra VHS Geral II 1 item


Blood components • Transfer Bag • Fresh-Frozen Plasma • Red blood cells Concentrate • Freeze-dried human plasma • Depleted Red Blood Concentrate • Liquid Human Plasma • Washed Red Blood Concentrate • Buffer Solution • Platelet concentrate • Scale (Weight): This program is exclusive for scales blood col- lection services. • Depleted Platelet Concentrate • Lyophilized Cryoprecipitate

Available tests balance (weight) hematocrit automation automation plate factor VIII free hemoglobin manual plate fibrinogen leukocyte automation residual plate degree of hemolysis leukocyte manual residual protein residual residual leukocyte TTPA blood culture microhematocrit hemoglobin automation pH (automation and strip)

44 www.controllab.com / [email protected] BLOOD COMPONENTS

Blood components (continuation)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBSHC34 Blood components 3 items x 4 rounds CIBSGH22M Degree of Hemolysis 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBSHCEX Extra Blood components 1 item CIBSGH22N Degree of Hemolysis 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items CIBSHPL22M Free Hemoglobin 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items Free Hemoglobin 2x2xn CIBSHPL22N 2 levels x 2 items Residual Plate 2x2xmonthly

Residual Plate 2x2xn CIBSPR22M 2 levels x 2 items Residual Protein 2x2xmonthly CIBSPR22N 2 levels x 2 items Residual Protein 2x2xn CIBSPR22M 2 levels x 2 items Residual Leukocyte 2x2xmonthly CIBSPR22N 2 levels x 2 items Residual Leukocyte 2x2xn CIBSLR22M 2 levels x 2 items CIBSLR22N 2 levels x 2 items


Antigen HLA-B-27 • 1,0mL liquid total blood. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8°C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTHLAB54 Antigen HLA-B-27 5 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPTHLABEX Extra Antigen HLA-B-27 1 item

Molecular Typification HLA • 1,0mL liquid total blood. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8°C.

Available tests Class I Class II HLA-A HLA-DRB1 HLA-B HLA-DQB1 HLA-C HLA-DPB1

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTMHLA53 Molecular Typification HLA 5 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPTMHLAEX Extra Molecular Typification HLA 1 item


Anemia • 2,0mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C

Available tests folic acid (folate) iron transferrin saturation methylmalonic acid hepcidin transferrin free iron fixing capacity (UIBC) holotrasncobalamina TSH total iron fixing capacity (TIBC) pre-albumin ferritin serum soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPAN34 Anemia 3 items x 4 rounds CIAN25M Anemia 2x5xmonthly 2 levels x 5 items

EPANEX Extra Anemia 1 item CIAN25N Anemia 2x5xn 2 levels x 5 items CIAN23M Anemia 2x3xmonthly 2 levels x 3 items CIAN23N Anemia 2x3xn 2 levels x 3 items CIAN21N Anemia 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 45 IMMUNOASSAYS/ENDOCRINOLOGY

Catecholamines • 3,0mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests dopamine epinephrine (adrenaline) norepinephrine (noradrenaline)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCAC34 Catecholamines 3 items x 4 rounds CICAC22M Catecholamines 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPCACEX Extra Catecholamines 1 item CICAC22N Catecholamines 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

Specialized Hormones • Hormones I and IV: 3,0mL human lyophilized serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. • Hormones II, III and V: 1,0mL lyophilized human serum. Available tests Specialized Hormones I PTH - Related Protein (R-PTH) 11-deoxycorticosterone (DOC) 17OH progesterone intact PTH 17-hydroxy-pregnenolone androstenedione SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) 18 hydroxycorticosterone androsterone DHEA sulfate (S-DHEA) 21-deoxycortisol beta HCG T3 (triiodothyronine) uptake 3 alpha androstanediol glucuronide cortisol T3 (triiodothyronine) free AMH (anti-mullerian hormone) DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) T3 (triiodothyronine) total corticosterone (compound b) estradiol (E2) T4 (thyroxine) free cortisone (compound E) free estriol (UE3) TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) DHT (dihydrotestosterone) total estriol (UE3) T4 (thyroxine) total GHBP estrona (E1) bioavailable testosterone cortisol binding globulin (CBG) FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) free testosterone glucagon GH (growth hormone) total testosterone inhibin A inhibin B hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) Specialized Hormones II free insulin free androgen index ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone) pregnenolone beta homa index erythropoietin (EPO) proinsulin IR homa index Specialized Hormones III reverse T3 (triiodothyronine) total insulin macroprolactin TBG (thyroxine-binding globulin) ghrelin start prolactin LH (luteinizing hormone) Specialized Hormones V monomeric prolactin leptin TRAB (anti-TSH receptor antibody) progesterone Specialized Hormones IV prolactin 11-deoxycortisol (compound s)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPHOI34 Hormones I 3 items x 4 rounds CIHO210M Hormones I 2x10xmonthly 2 levels x 10 items

EPHOII34 Hormones II 3 items x 4 rounds CIHO210N Hormones I 2x10xn 2 levels x 10 items

EPHOIII34 Hormones III 3 items x 4 rounds CIHO24M Hormones I 2x4xmonthly 2 levels x 4 items

EPHOIV34 Hormones IV 3 items x 4 rounds CIHO24N Hormones I 2x4xn 2 levels x 4 items

EPHOV34 Hormones V 3 items x 4 rounds CIHO22N Hormones I 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPHOIEX Extra Hormones I 1 item CIHOEA22M Hormones II 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPHOIIEX Extra Hormones II 1 item CIHOEA22N Hormones II 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPHOIIIEX Extra Hormones III 1 item CIHOM22M Hormones III 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPHOIVEX Extra Hormones IV 1 item CIHOM22N Hormones III 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPHOVEX Extra Hormones V 1 item CIHOT22M Hormones V 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

CIHOT22N Hormones V 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Hypertension Markers • 1,0mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests aldosterone angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) vasopressin (ADH) angiotensin I renin activity angiotensin II direct renin

46 www.controllab.com / [email protected] IMMUNOASSAYS/ENDOCRINOLOGY

Hypertension Markers (continuation)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPMH34 Hypertension Markers 3 items x 4 rounds CIMH22M Hypertension Markers 2 levels x 2 items 2x2xmonthly EPMHEX Extra Hypertension Markers 1 item CIMH22N Hypertension Markers 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Bone Marrow/Growth Metabolism Markers - Serum • 3,0mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests 1.25 (OH)2 vitamin D3 (calcitriol) total osteocalcin somatomedin C (IGF1) 25(OH) vitamin D (calcidiol) P1NP (Type I procollagen propeptide) telopeptide C (CTX) alkaline phosphatase (ALP) bone fraction IGF binding protein 1 (IGFBP-1) telopeptide N (NTX) intact osteocalcin binding protein 2 of IGF (IGFBP-2) vitamin A osteocalcin N-Mid binding protein 3 of IGF (IGFBP-3) vitamin E

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPMOS34 Bone Marrow/Growth Metabolism 3 items x 4 rounds CIMOS22M Bone Marrow/Growth Metabolism 2 levels x 2 items Markers - Serum Markers - Serum 2x2xmonthly

EPMOSEX Extra Bone Marrow/Growth Meta- 1 item CIMOS22N Bone Marrow/Growth Metabolism 2 levels x 2 items bolism Markers - Serum Markers - Serum 2x2xn

Bone Marrow/Growth Metabolism Markers - Urine • 10,0 mL lyophilized human urine. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests deoxypyridinoline (DPD) pyridinoline (PYD) telopeptide C (CTX) telopeptide N (NTX)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPMOU34 Bone Marrow/Growth Metabolism 3 items x 4 rounds CIMOU22M Bone Marrow/Growth Metabolism 2 levels x 2 items Markers - Urine Markers - Urine 2x2xmonthly CIMOU22N EPMOUEX Extra Bone Marrow/Growth Meta- 1 item Bone Marrow/Growth Metabolism 2 levels x 2 items bolism Markers - Urine Markers - Urine 2x2xn

Tumor Markers • Tumor Markers I and II: 2,0mL lyophilized human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. • Tumor Markers III and IV: 1,0mL lyophilized human serum. Available tests Tumor Markers I anti-thyroglobulin (Anti-Tg) Free PSA CA 125 beta-2-microglobulin Total PSA CA 15-3 BTA (bladder tumor antigen) Protein S-100 CA 72-4 CA 19-9 Tumor Markers III chromogranin A CA 27-29 alpha fetoprotein (AFP) cromogranin B CA 50 beta-hCG CYFRA 21-1 thyroglobulin (TG) Tumor Markers II neuron specific enolase (NSE) CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) pituitary glycoprotein hormones Tumor Markers IV squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC) intestinal vasoactive peptide (VIP) calcitonin (hCT) HE4 antigen pancreatic polypeptide (PP) tissue antigen polypeptide (TPA) Complexed PSA

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPMTI34 Tumor Markers I 3 items x 4 rounds CIMT25M Tumor Markers 2x5xmonthly 2 levels x 5 items

EPMTII34 Tumor Markers II 3 items x 4 rounds CIMT25N Tumor Markers 2X5xn 2 levels x 5 items

EPMTIII34 Tumor Markers III 3 items x 4 rounds CIMT21N Tumor Markers 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

EPMTIV34 Tumor Markers IV 3 items x 4 rounds CIMTC22M Tumor Markers IV 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPMTIEX Extra Tumor Markers I 1 item CIMTC22N Tumor Markers IV 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPMTIIEX Extra Tumor Markers II 1 item

EPMTIIIEX Extra Tumor Markers III 1 item

EPMTIVEX Extra Tumor Markers IV 1 item

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 47 IMMUNOASSAYS/ENDOCRINOLOGY

Lipid profile • 2,0mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests anti-LDL oxidized/peroxidized apolipoprotein E lipoprotein (a) apolipoprotein A-1 total cholesterol triglycerides apolipoprotein A-2 cholesterol HDL apolipoprotein B (Apo B100) cholesterol LDL Lipoprotein Electrophoresis apolipoprotein C-1 cholesterol VLDL alpha (HDL) apolipoprotein C-2 esters on cholesterol pre-beta (VLDL) apolipoprotein C-3 phospholipids beta (LDL)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPPL34 Lipid profile 3 items x 4 rounds CIPL22M Lipid profile 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPPLEX Extra Lipid profile 1 item CIPL22N Lipid profile 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Procalcitonin • 300μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPPCT34 Procalcitonin 3 items x 4 rounds CIPCT22M Procalcitonin 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPPCTEX Extra Procalcitonin 1 item CIPCT22N Procalcitonin 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items


Immunohematology Automation • 2,0mL liquid total blood. • This program is exclusively for analysis in automated and se- • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8⁰C. mi-automated systems.

Available tests ABO and Rhesus - Rh (D) systems search for extravascular antibodies - PAI (indirect coombs) search for intravascular antibodies - TAD (direct coombs)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIHA24 Immunohematology Automation 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPIHAEX Extra Immunohematology Automation 1 item

Immunohematology Eluate • 2,5mL suspension of red blood cells. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8⁰C.

Available tests direct coombs conclusion eluate IAI identification

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIHE24 Immunohematology Eluate 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPIHEEX Extra Immunohematology Eluate 1 item

48 www.controllab.com / [email protected] IMMUNOHEMATOLOGY/TRANSFUSION MEDICINE

Immunohematology Phenotyping RH and Kell Available tests antigens D, C, c, E, and, Cw, K, k, Kpa, Kpb genotypes of the RH system

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program • 1,0mL suspension of red blood cells. • 3,0mL suspension of red blood cells. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 a 8⁰C. • 4,0mL liquid human serum. • Exclusive to gel centrifugation and tube methodologies. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8⁰C.

Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIHFRK24 Immunohematology Phenotyping 2 items x 4 rounds CIIH31M Immunohematology 3x1xmonthly 3 units of erythrocytes and 3 units of serum EPIHFRKEX Extra Immunohematology Phenotyping 1 item CIIH31N Immunohematology 3x1xn 3 units of erythrocytes and 3 units of serum

General Immunohematology Available tests ABO and Rhesus - RH systems search for extravascular antibodies - Pai (indirect coombs)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program • 1,0mL suspension of red blood cells. • 3,0mL suspension of red blood cells. • 2,0mL liquid human serum. • 4,0mL liquid human serum. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 a 8⁰C. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 a 8⁰C.

• Exclusive to gel centrifugation and tube methodologies. Code Program Presentation

Code Program Presentation CIIH31M Immunohematology 3x1xmonthly 3 units of erythrocytes and 3 units of serum EPIHG34 General Immunohematology 3 items x 4 rounds CIIH31N Immunohematology 3x1xn 3 units of erythrocytes EPIHGEX Extra General Immunohematology 1 item and 3 units of serum

Immunohematology IAI Available tests identification of irregular antibodies - IAI

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program • 2,0mL liquid human serum. • 3,0mL suspension of red blood cells. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 a 8⁰C. • 4,0mL liquid human serum. • Exclusive to gel centrifugation and tube methodologies. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 a 8⁰C.

• It contains antibodies to the Rh, Kell, Duffy, Kidd, Lewis, P, Code Program Presentation MNS, Luth or Di systems. CIIH31M Immunohematology 3x1xmonthly 3 units of erythrocytes and 3 units of serum Code Program Presentation EPIHI24 Immunohematology IAI 2 items x 4 rounds CIIH31N Immunohematology 3x1xn 3 units of erythrocytes and 3 units of serum EPIHIEX Extra Immunohematology IAI 1 item

Immunohematology Cross-Exam • 1,0mL suspension of red blood cells. • This program must be contracted in concomitance with Gene- • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 a 8⁰C. ral Immunohematology.

Available tests Cross Proof ABO System and Rhesus System - Rh

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIHPC24 Immunohematology Cross-Exam 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPIHPCEX Extra Immunohematology Cross-Exam 1 item

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 49 IMMUNOHEMATOLOGY/TRANSFUSION MEDICINE

Immunohematology TAD Available tests Intravascular Antibody Research - TAD (direct coombs)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program • 1,0mL suspension of red blood cells. • 3,0mL suspension of red blood cells. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8⁰C. • Liquid human serum 4,0mL. • Exclusive to gel centrifugation and tube methodologies. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8⁰C.

Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIHT34 Immunohematology TAD 3 items x 4 rounds CIIH31M Immunohematology 3x1xmonthly 3 units of erythrocytes and 3 units of serum EPIHTEX Extra Immunohematology TAD 1 item CIIH31N Immunohematology 3x1xn 3 units of erythrocytes and 3 units of serum

Immunohematology Titration Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-D • 1,0mL liquid human serum. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8⁰C.

Available tests Titration Anti-A Titration Anti-B Titration Anti-D

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIHTAA24 Immunohematology Titration Anti-A 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPIHTAB24 Immunohematology Titration Anti-B 2 items x 4 rounds

EPIHTAD24 Immunohematology Titration Anti-D 2 items x 4 rounds

EPIHTAAEX Extra Immunohematology Titration Anti-A 1 item

EPIHTABEX Extra Immunohematology Titration Anti-B 1 item

EPIHTADEX Extra Immunohematology Titration Anti-D 1 item


Allergy • 500µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests Allergy I - Household dust D73 - G. domesticus F40 - Tuna

Total IgE D74 - Eurogliphus maynei F41 - Salmon panel HX2 D201 - B. tropicalis Allergy III - Animal epithelia Specific allergens: Allergy II - Seafood panel EX1 D1 - D. pteronyssinus panel FX2 Specific allergens: D2 - D. farinae Specific allergens: E1 - Cat’s epithelium D3 - D. microceras F3 - Fish (cod) E3 - Horse Dandruff F23 – Crab D70 - Acarus siro E5 - Dog Dandruff D71 - Lepidoglyphus destructor F24 - Shrimp

D72 - T. putrescentiae F37 - Blue mussel

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPALGI34 Allergy I 3 items x 4 rounds CIALGI22M Allergy I 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPALGII34 Allergy II 3 items x 4 rounds CIALGI22N Allergy I 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items 2 levels x 2 items EPALGIII34 Allergy III 3 items x 4 rounds CIALGII22M Allergy II 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items EPALGIEX Extra Allergy I 1 item CIALGII22N Allergy II 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items EPALGIIEX Extra Allergy II 1 item CIALGIII22M Allergy III 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items EPALGIIIEX Extra Allergy III 1 item CIALGIII22N Allergy III 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

50 www.controllab.com / [email protected] IMMUNOLOGY / PROTEINS

Anticardiolipin • 200μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C.

Available tests IgA IgG IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIACL24 Anticardiolipin 2 items x 4 rounds CIIACL22M Anticardiolipin 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPIACLEX Extra Anticardiolipin 1 item CIIACL22N Anticardiolipin 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Anti-CCP • 100μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPICCP34 Anti-CCP 3 items x 4 rounds CIICCP22M Anti-CCP 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPICCPEX Extra Anti-CCP 1 item CIICCP22N Anti-CCP 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items 2 levels x 1 item CIICCP21N Anti-CCP 2x1xn

Antiphospholipid antibodies • 200μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C.

Available tests beta-2-glycoprotein IgA beta-2- glycoprotein IgM phosphatidylserine IgG beta-2- glycoprotein IgG phosphatidylserine IgA phosphatidylserine IgM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPILSAF34 Antiphospholipid antibodies 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPILSAFEX Extra Antiphospholipid antibodies 1 item

Antistreptolysin O • 200μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIASOQL34 ASO Qualitative 3 items x 4 rounds CIIASO22M ASO 2x2monthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPIASOQT34 ASO Quantitative 3 items x 4 rounds CIIASO22N ASO 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPIASOQLEX Extra ASO Qualitative 1 item CIIASO21N ASO 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

EPIASOQTEX Extra ASO Quantitative 1 item

Anti-thyroperoxidase (Anti-TPO) • 200μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPITPO34 Anti-TPO 3 items x 4 rounds CIITPO22M Anti-TPO 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPITPOEX Extra Anti-TPO 1 item CIITPO22N Anti-TPO 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

CIITPO21N Anti-TPO 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

Autoimmunity • 200μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests Autoimmunity I RNP/Sm anti-centromere anti-DNA anti-RNP anti-ENA anti-Sm Autoimmunity III ENA Specific antibodies: ANCA anti-SS-A/SS-B Autoimmunity II anti-LKM1 anti-SS-A(Ro) anti-Jo1 anti-Mitocôndria anti-SS-B(La) anti-Scl70 anti-MPO

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 51 IMMUNOLOGY / PROTEINS

Autoimmunity (continuation) Anti-Muscle Straight tissue anti-transglutaminase (tTG) IgG Autoimmunity V anti-PR3 tissue anti-transglutaminase (tTG) IgA ASCA IgG, IgA and Total Autoimmunity IV gliadina IgG anti-endomysial IgG Autoimmunity VI anti-endomysial IgA gliadina IgA anti-reticulina IgG, IgM, IgA and Total

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPAUI24 Autoimmunity I 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPAUII24 Autoimmunity II 2 items x 4 rounds

EPAUIII24 Autoimmunity III 2 items x 4 rounds

EPAUIV24 Autoimmunity IV 2 items x 4 rounds

EPAUV24 Autoimmunity V 2 items x 4 rounds

EPAUVI24 Autoimmunity VI 2 items x 4 rounds

EPAUIEX Extra Autoimmunity I 1 item

EPAUIIEX Extra Autoimmunity II 1 item

EPAUIIIEX Extra Autoimmunity III 1 item

EPAUIVEX Extra Autoimmunity IV 1 item

EPAUVEX Extra Autoimmunity V 1 item

EPAUVIEX Extra Autoimmunity VI 1 item

Cryoglobulins • 2,0mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCGB34 Cryoglobulins 3 items x 4 rounds CICGB22M Cryoglobulins 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPCGBEX Extra Cryoglobulins 1 item CICGB22N Cryoglobulins 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

FAN HEp2 • 200µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Tests/ Available Patterns mitotic apparatus cytoplasmic mixed nuclear nucleolar

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPFH34 FAN HEp2 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPFHEX Extra FAN HEp2 1 item

Rheumatoid Factor • 200μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C. Available tests IgA IgG IgM anti-filaggrin antibodies anti-profilagrin antibodies

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIFRQL34 FR Qualitative 3 items x 4 rounds CIIFR22M FR 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPIFRQT34 FR Quantitative 3 items x 4 rounds CIIFR22N FR 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPIFRQLEX Extra FR Qualitative 1 item CIIFR21N FR 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

EPIFRQTEX Extra FR Quantitative 1 item

Circulating Immunocomplexes • 300µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPAIMC34 Circulating Immunocomplexes 3 items x 4 rounds CIAIMC22M Circulating Immunocomplexes 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items EPAIMCEX Extra Circulating Immunocomplexes 1 item CIAIMC22N Circulating Immunocomplexes 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

52 www.controllab.com / [email protected] IMMUNOLOGY / PROTEINS

Immunofixation of Proteins – Serum • 100μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIMFXSR34 Immunofixation 3 items x 4 rounds - - - EPIMFXSREX Extra Immunofixation 1 item

Interleukins • 300µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests Interleukin 1 Interleukin 2 Interleukin 5 Interleukin 6 Interleukin 8 Interleukin 10

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPINTR34 Interleukins 3 items x 4 rounds CIINTR22M Interleukins 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items EPINTREX Extra Interleukins 1 item CIINTR22N Interleukins 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

C Reactive Protein (CRP) • 500μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPIPCRQL34 PCR Qualitative 3 items x 4 rounds CIIPCRQL22M PCR Qualitative 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items EPIPCRQT34 PCR Quantitative 3 items x 4 rounds CIIPCRQL22N PCR Qualitative 2X2xn 2 levels x 2 items EPIPCQLREX Extra PCR Qualitative 1 item CIIPCRQL21N PCR Qualitative 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item EPIPCQTREX Extra PCR Quantitative 1 item CIIPCRQT22M PCR Quantitative 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items CIIPCRQT22N PCR Quantitative 2X2xn 2 levels x 2 items CIIPCRQT21N PCR Quantitative2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins • 3,0mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests Protein Electrophoresis complement C2 Specific proteins pre albumin complement C3 alpha-1-antitrypsin albumin complement C3 proactivador alpha-2-macroglobulin alpha I complement C4 ceruloplasmin alpha II complement C5 haptoglobin beta complement C8 hemopexin (Hpx) gamma complement C9 kappa-light chain Dosage IgA (immunoglobulins A) kappa-free light chain total proteins IgD (imunoglobulin D) lambda-light chain albumin IgE (imunoglobulin E) lambda-free light chain IgG (imunoglobulin G) retinol binding protein Immunoproteins I IgM (imunoglobulin M) light/light lambda kappa ratio C1 esterase inhibitor free light/light lambda kappa ratio acid alpha1-glycoprotein subclasses Immunoglobulin G (IgG) (1 to 4) AH-50 amyloid A Immunoproteins II complement C1q total complement (CH50/CH100)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPELIMI34 Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 3 items x 4 rounds CIPE25M Proteins 2x5xmonthly 2 levels x 5 items Immunoproteins II 3 items x 4 rounds EPIMII34 CIPE25N Proteins 2x5xn 2 levels x 5 items EPPE34 Protein Electrophoresis 3 items x 4 rounds 2 levels x 1 item CIPE21N Proteins 2x1xn EPELIMIEX Extra Protein Electrophoresis and 1 item Immunoproteins I

EPIMIIEX Extra Immunoproteins II 1 item EPPEEX Extra Specific Proteins 1 item

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 53 BODY LIQUIDS

Vitreous humor • 3,0mL simulated vitreous humor lyophilized. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests hyaluronic acid bicarbonate creatinine potassium sodium ascorbate chloride glucose total proteins urea

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPHMV34 Vitreous humor 3 items x 4 rounds CIHMV22M Vitreous humor 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPHMVEX Extra Vitreous humor 1 item CIHMV22N Vitreous humor 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Cavity Fluids Cell Count by Automation • 2,0mL simulated pleural, pericardial, ascetic and synovial ca- • Up to 3 months of validity at 2 a 8⁰C. vity fluid. Available tests nucleated cells red blood

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPLCCA34 Cavity Fluids Cell Count by Auto- 3 items x 4 rounds CILCCA22M Cavity Fluids Cell Count by Automa- 2 levels x 2 items mation tion 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items EPLCCAEX Extra Cavity Fluids Cell Count by 1 item CILCCA22N Cavity Fluids Cell Count by Automa- Automation tion 2X2xn

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids • 3,0mL simulated pleural, pericardial, ascetic cavity and lyophi- • Cytology and Cellular Identification: Virtual items with clinical lized synovial fluid. case of slides prepared in cytocentrifuge with biological fluids. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests Cavity Fluids Biochemistry alkaline phosphatase (ALP) CA 15-3 lactic acid (lactate) GT range CA 19-9 uric acid glucose CEA adenosine deaminase (ADA) lipase complement C3 albumin pH complement C4 amilase potassium total bilirubin total proteins Cavity Cell Count Liquids (Global) total calcium sodium nucleated cells chloride triglycerides cholesterol urea red blood creatinin density Cavity Fluid Immunology Cell Identification lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) alpha-1-acid glycoprotein ferritin CA 125 Cytology

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPLCBQ34 Cavity Fluids Biochemistry 3 items x 4 rounds CILC22M Cavity Fluids 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPLCIL34 Cavity Fluid Immunology 3 items x 4 rounds CILC22N Cavity Fluids 2X2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPLCCC34 Cavity Liquid Count chamber and 3 items x 4 rounds CILC21N Cavity Fluids 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item Cytology

EPLCBQEX Extra Cavity Fluids Biochemistry 1 item

EPLCILEX Extra Cavity Fluid Immunology 1 item

Sinovial Liquid Crystals/Crystalline Structures • Virtual items of slides prepared with synovial fluid. Available tests crystals artifacts cartilage cholesterol corticosteroids

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPLQSC34 Sinovial Liquid Crystals/Crystalline 3 items x 4 rounds - - - Structures

54 www.controllab.com / [email protected] BODY LIQUIDS

Amino Acid Liquid • 3,0mL simulated lyophilized CSF. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests aspartic acid cystine hydroxyproline lysine serine valine glutamic acid phenylalanine histidine methionine tyrosine alanine glycine isoleucine ornithine threonine asparagine glutamine leucine proline tryptophan

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPLQAM34 Amino Acid Liquid 3 items x 4 rounds CILQAM22M Amino Acid Liquid 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPLQAMEX Extra Amino Acid Liquid 1 item CILQAM22N Amino Acid Liquid 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Automated Cell Counting Liquor • 2,0mL simulated liquid. • Up to 3 months of validity at 2 to 8⁰C. Available tests nucleated cells red blood

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPLQCCA34 Automated Cell Counting Liquor 3 items x 4 rounds CILQCCA22M Automated Cell Counting Liquo 2 levels x 2 items 2x2xmonthly EPLQCCAEX Extra Automated Cell Counting 1 item Liquor CILQCCA22N Automated Cell Counting Liquor 2 levels x 2 items 2x2xn

Immunology Liquid • 3,0 mL simulated lyophilized liquid. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests cysticercosis cytomegalovirus schistosomiasis herpes syphilis toxoplasmosis

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPLQILI24 Cysticercosis 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPLQILII24 Cytomegalovirus 2 items x 4 rounds

EPLQILIII24 Schistosomiasis 2 items x 4 rounds

EPLQILIV24 Herpes 2 items x 4 rounds

EPLQILV24 Syphilis 2 items x 4 rounds

EPLQILVI24 Toxoplasmosis 2 items x 4 rounds

EPLQILIEX Extra Cysticercosis 1 item

EPLQILIEX Extra Cytomegalovirus 1 item

EPLQILIIIEX Extra Schistosomiasis 1 item

EPLQILIVEX Extra Herpes 1 item

EPLQILVEX Extra Syphilis 1 item

EPLQILVIEX Extra Toxoplasmosis 1 item

Alzheimer’s Markers Liquor • 2,0 mL simulated lyophilized liquid. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests beta amyloid protein 1-42 (peptide 1-42) phosphatide protein Total tau protein (t-tau)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPLQMAZ34 Alzheimer’s Markers Liquor 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPLQMAZEX Extra Alzheimer’s Markers Liquor 1 item

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 55 BODY LIQUIDS

Tumor Markers Liquid • 3,0 mL simulated lyophilized liquid. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests b-HCG CA 15-3 Specific Neuron Enolase (NSE) alpha-fetoprotein CA 19-9 Tumor Necrosis factor (TNF) prostate specific antigen (PSA) CEA CA 125 CYFRA 21-1

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPLQMT34 Tumor Markers Liquid 3 items x 4 rounds CILQMT22M Tumor Markers Liquid 2 levels x 2 items 2x2xmonthly EPLQMTEX Extra Tumor Markers Liquid 1 item CILQMT22N Tumor Markers Liquid 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Microscopy Fluid • BAAR and Gram: Virtual items with clinical case of smear with • Up to 6 months of validity at 15 to 30ºC. suspension simulating Liquid. • China ink: 100μL human liquid inactivated or simulated sus- pension. Available tests bacilloscopy BAAR bacterioscopy Gram Chinese ink (Direct fungus research)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPLQM34 Microscopy Fluid 3 items x 4 rounds CILQTC21M Chinese ink 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

EPLQMEX Extra Microscopy Fluid 1 item

Multiparameter Liquid • 3,0 mL simulated lyophilized liquid. • Cytology and Cell Identification: Virtual items with clinical • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. case of slides prepared with Liquid. Available tests Liquid I IgG index Cell Counting Liquid (Global) chlorides LDH (lactic dehydrogenase) nucleated cells glucose potassium red blood total proteins myelin basic protein Cell Identification total proteins Liquid II Cytology albumin quotient lactic acid Basophils sodium adenosine deaminase (ADA) Eosinophils TGO/AST albumin (dosage) urea Lymphocytes oligoclonal bands Macrophages chlorides Protein electrophoresis Monocytes CPK pre-albumin Neutrophils ferritin albumin qualitative observations glucose alpha I plasma cells IgA immunoglobulin alpha II IgG immunoglobulin beta IgM immunoglobulin gamma

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPLQI34 Liquid I 3 items x 4 rounds CILQ25M Liquid 2x5xmonthly 2 levels x 5 items

EPLQII34 Liquid II 3 items x 4 rounds CILQ25N Liquid 2X5xn 2 levels x 5 items

EPLQCC34 Liquid Cell Counting in chamber and 3 items x 4 rounds CILQ22M Liquid 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items Cytology CILQ22N Liquid 2X2xn 2 levels x 2 items EPLQIEX Extra Liquid I 1 item CILQ21N Liquid 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item EPLQIIEX Extra Liquid II 1 item

56 www.controllab.com / [email protected] BODY LIQUIDS

HIV Research Liquor • 2,0 mL simulated lyophilized liquid. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests HIV-1 HIV-2

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPLQHIV24 HIV Research Liquor 2 items x 4 rounds CILQHIV22M HIV Research Liquor 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPLQHIVEX Extra HIV Research Liquor 1 item CILQHIV22N HIV Research Liquor 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

HTLV Search Liquor • 2,0 mL simulated lyophilized liquid. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests HTLV-1 HTLV-2

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPLQHTLV24 HTLV Search Liquor 2 items x 4 rounds CILQHTLV22M HTLV Search Liquor 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPLQHTLVEX Extra HTLV Search Liquor 1 item CILQHTLV22N HTLV Search Liquor 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Saliva • 1,0mL lyophilized synthetic solution. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests 17-beta-oestradiol androstenedione estriol lysozyme progesterone 17OH progesterone cortisol estrone melatonin SDHEA alpha-amylase DHEA IgA pH testosterone

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPSLV34 Saliva 3 items x 4 rounds CISLV22M Saliva 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPSLVEX Extra Saliva 1 item CISLV22N Saliva 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Sweat • 50,0mL synthetic solution. • Up to 2 years valid at 2 to 8⁰C. Available tests chloride NaCl by conductivity sodium osmolality sweat

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPSR34 Sweat 3 items x 4 rounds CISR22M Sweat 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

EPSREX Extra Sweat 1 item CISR21N Sweat 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item


Coenzyme Q10 • 500μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCENQ34 Coenzyme Q10 3 items x 4 rounds CICENQ22M Coenzyme Q10 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPCENQEX Extra Coenzyme Q10 1 item CICENQ22N Coenzyme Q10 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 57 CARDIAC MARKERS

Cardiac Markers • 1,0mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. • Cardiac Markers II and CK MB Mass: 500μL lyophilized human serum. Available tests Cardiac Markers I LDH (total lactate dehydrogenase) Cardiac Markers II CPK (CK total) myoglobin BNP (brain natriuretic peptide) CK-MB activity troponin I NT-próBNP CK-MB mass troponin T homocysteine

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPMCI34 Cardiac Markers I 3 items x 4 rounds CIMCI25M Cardiac Markers I 2 levels x 5 items 2x5xmonthly EPMCII34 Cardiac Markers II 3 items x 4 rounds CIMCI25N Cardiac Markers I 2x5xn 2 levels x 5 items EPMCIEX Extra Cardiac Markers I 1 item CIMCI23N Cardiac Markers I 2x3xn 2 levels x 3 items EPMCIIEX Extra Cardiac Markers II 1 item CIMCBNP25M Cardiac Markers BNP 2 levels x 5 items 2X5xmonthly

CIMCBNP25N Cardiac Markers BNP 2X5xn 2 levels x 5 items

CIMCBNP21N Cardiac Markers BNP 2X1xn 2 levels x 1 item

CIMCNT25M Cardiac Markers NT-próBNP 2X5x- 2 levels x 5 items monthly

CIMCNT25N Cardiac Markers NT-próBNP 2X5xn 2 levels x 5 items

Cardiac Markers NT-próBNP 2X1xn CIMCNT21N 2 levels x 1 item

C Reactive Protein (hsPCR) Cardiac (Ultrasensitive) • 500μL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPPCRC34 C Reactive Protein (hsPCR) 3 items x 4 rounds CIPCRC22M C Reactive Protein (hsPCR) 2 levels x 2 items 2x2xmonthly EPPCRCEX Extra C Reactive Protein (hsPCR) 1 item CIPCRC22N C Reactive Protein (hsPCR) 2X2xn 2 levels x 2 items

CIPCRC21N C Reactive Protein (hsPCR) 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item


Fetal Risk Assessment: 1st trimester • 2,0mL lyophilized human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests Free BhCG Total hCG PAPP-A (pregnancy-associated plasma protein)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTMRF34 Fetal Risk Assessment: 1st trimester 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPTMRFEX Extra Fetal Risk Assessment: 1st 1 item trimester

Fetal Risk Assessment: 2st trimester • 1,0mL lyophilized human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests Free BhCG alpha-fetoprotein free estriol

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPRST34 Fetal Risk Assessment: 2st trimester 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPRSTEX Extra Fetal Risk Assessment: 2st 1 item trimester

58 www.controllab.com / [email protected] MATERNAL-FETAL MEDICINE

Bacteriology - Amniotic Fluid • 400μL simulated amniotic fluid lyophilized. • Up to 1 1 year of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests culture identification

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBLA34 Bacteriology - Amniotic Fluid 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPBLAEX Extra Bacteriology - Amniotic Fluid 1 item

Bacterioscopy GRAM • Virtual items of amniotic fluid sample smear.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPGRAM34 Bacterioscopy GRAM 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

Biochemistry - Amniotic Fluid • 3,0mL simulated amniotic fluid lyophilized. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests bilirubin glucose urea amylase free cortisol creatinine total proteins uric acid cpk

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBQLA34 Biochemistry - Amniotic Fluid 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPBQLAEX Extra Biochemistry - Amniotic Fluid 1 item

Lamellar Body Count (CCL) • 2,0mL simulated amniotic fluid lyophilized. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCCL34 Lamellar Body Count 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPCCLEX Extra Lamellar Body Count 1 item

Fetal Growth • 1,0 mL newborn lyophilized serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. • 1,0mL lyophilized human serum. Available tests IGF-1 IGFBP-1 IGFBP-3

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCRF34 Fetal Growth 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPCRFEX Extra Fetal Growth 1 item

Fetal Fibronectin • 1,0 mL simulated vaginal secretion. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPFRF34 Fetal Fibronectin 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPFRFEX Extra Fetal Fibronectin 1 item

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 59 MATERNAL-FETAL MEDICINE

Vaginal wash • 1,0 mL simulated vaginal secretion. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests creatinine urea total proteins

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPLDV34 Vaginal wash 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPLDVEX Extra Vaginal wash 1 item

Evaluation of fetal bilirubin • 3,0mL simulated amniotic fluid lyophilized. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPLABF34 Evaluation of fetal bilirubin 3 items x 4 rounds CILABF22M Evaluation of fetal bilirubin 2x2x- 2 levels x 2 items monthly EPLABFEX Extra Evaluation of fetal bilirubin 1 item CILABF22N Evaluation of fetal bilirubin 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Pre-eclampsia Markers • 500µL lyophilized human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests PlGF (placental growth factor) sFlT-1 (soluble tyrosine kinase) Relation sFlt-1 / PlGF

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPMPE34 Pre-eclampsia Markers 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPLDVEX Extra Pre-eclampsia Markers 1 item

Pulmonary maturity • 1,0mL simulated amniotic fluid lyophilized. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests bilirubin phosphatidylglycerol (FG) lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio (L / E)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPMTP34 Pulmonary maturity 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPMTPEX Extra Pulmonary maturity 1 item

Hemoglobin F Research - Flow Cytometry • 1,0mL liquid total blood. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPHFCF34 Hemoglobin F Research 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPHFCFEX Extra Hemoglobin F Research 1 item

Surfactant/Albumin ratio (TDx-FLMII) • 1,0mL simulated amniotic fluid lyophilized. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTDX34 Surfactant/Albumin ratio 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPTDXEX Extra Surfactant/Albumin ratio 1 item

Premature rupture of membranes • 1,0mL simulated vaginal secretion. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests alpha-fetoprotein IGFBP-1 PAMG-1 (alpha 1 placental microglobulin)

60 www.controllab.com / [email protected] MATERNAL-FETAL MEDICINE

Premature rupture of membranes (continuation)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPRPM34 Premature rupture of membranes 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

Clement’s Test (TC) • 3,0mL simulated amniotic fluid lyophilized. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTC34 Clement’s Test (TC) 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPTCEX Extra Clement’s Test (TC) 1 item

Maternal Screening • 1,0mL simulated amniotic fluid lyophilized. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. • 1,0mL lyophilized human serum. Available tests alpha-fetoprotein - serum alpha-fetoprotein - amniotic fluid inhibin A

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTM34 Maternal Screening 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPTMEX Extra Maternal Screening 1 item

Crystallization Test (Ferning Test) • Virtual items for vaginal smear swabs

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTTCL34 Crystallization Test 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

Test of Ianetta • Virtual items for vaginal smear swabs.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTIT34 Test of Ianetta 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

PH Determination Test • 1,0mL simulated vaginal secretion. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTPH34 PH Determination Test 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPTPHEX Extra PH Determination Test 1 item

Phenol Testing • 1,0mL simulated vaginal secretion. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTFN34 Phenol Testing 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPTFNEX Extra Phenol Testing 1 item

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 61 MATERNAL-FETAL MEDICINE

Nile Blue Test (Kittrich) • Virtual items of amniotic fluid sample smear.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTAN34 Nile Blue Test (Kittrich) 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

Kleihauer-Betke test (Hemoglobin F) • 1,0mL Liquid total blood. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTKB34 Kleihauer-Betke test 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPTKBEX Extra Kleihauer-Betke test 1 item

Rosette Test • Virtual Full Blood Items

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTRT34 Rosette Test 2 items x 4 rounds - - -


Sperm Biochemistry • 500μL lyophilized human sperm. • Up to 4 months of validity at 2 to 8⁰C. Available tests citric acid fructose zinc

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPEBQ34 Sperm Biochemistry 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPEBQEX Extra Sperm Biochemistry 1 item

Sperm Cell Count by Automation • Suspension of 1,0mL latex particles. • Up to 1 year valid at 2 to 8⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPECCA34 Sperm Cell Count by Automation 3 items x 4 rounds CIECCA31M Esperma Cont. Cel. por automação 3 levels x 1 item 3x1xmonthly EPECCAEX Extra Sperm Cell Count by Auto- 1 item mation CIECCA31N Esperma Cont. Cel. por automação 3 levels x 1 item 3x1xn

Sperm Cell Count on camera • 500μL liquid human sperm. • Up to 4 months of validity at 2 to 8⁰C.

Available tests sperm concentration Post-vasectomy coun

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPECC34 Sperm Cell Count on camera 3 items x 4 rounds CIECC41M Esperma Cont. Cel. em câmara 4 levels x 1 item 4x1xmonthly EPECCEX Extra Sperm Cell Count on camera 1 item CIECC41N Esperma Cont. Cel. em câmara 4 levels x 1 item 4x1xn

62 www.controllab.com / [email protected] REPRODUCTION MEDICINE

Sperm Morphology • Virtual items of slides with smear prepared from human sperm.

Available tests normal spermatozoa germinative elements peroxidase positive cell count red blood relevant defects leukocytes

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPELM34 Sperm Morphology 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

Sperm Motility • Items in progressive motility videos on a 30 second slide/co- • Items in motile video format in 30-second Makler camera. verslip.

Available tests Motility Progressive Motility percentage of sperm motility percentage of spermatozoa with progressive motility percentage of spermatozoa with non-movable non-progressive motility

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPEMO24 Sperm Motility 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

Sperm Vitality • Slide virtual items with smear prepared from human sperm stained with eosin-nigrosin.

Available tests percentage of live spermatozoa Sperm Vitality (Hypo-Osmotic) - Swelling Test total sperm alive sperm

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPEV34 Sperm Vitality 3 items x 4 rounds - - -


Adenovirus - Antigen • 200µL suspension lyophilized extracted from human feces or • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. cell culture.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPAV34 Adenovirus 3 items x 4 rounds CIAV22M Adenovirus 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPAVEX Extra Adenovirus 1 item CIAV22N Adenovirus 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Bacilloscopy BAAR

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program • Physical items and virtual items of smear prepared with inacti- • Qualitative: Slide with 2 smears of populations of inactiva- vated alcohol-acid resistant bacilli, simulating sputum. ted microorganisms Mycobacterium tuberculosis (positive • Up to 6 months of validity at 15 to 30°C. result ++ or +++ for BAAR) and Escherichia coli, both in- creased leucocytes and from cultures in the log phase of Code Program Presentation growth. EPLR34 Bacilloscopy BAAR 3 items x 4 rounds

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Bacilloscopy BAAR (continuation)

Internal Control Program (continuation) • Quantitative: Slide with smear prepared with inactivated alcohol-acid bacilli, simulating sputum. • Up to 3 months of validity at 15 to 30⁰C.

Code Program Presentation CILR345T Baciloscopia BAAR Qualitative 45 items 3x45xquarterly

CILR115N Baciloscopia BAAR Qualitative 15 items 1x15xn

CILRQT325T Baciloscopia BAAR Quantitative 25 items 1x25xquarterly

Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology • Lyophilized bacteria prepared from strains containing 400μL, • Up to 1 1 year of validity at < 0⁰C. simulating clinical materials from an outpatient or hospital • Hospital Bacteriology: The material may contain up to 3 diffe- source. rent microorganisms. Available tests Ambulatory Bacteriology Hospital Bacteriology culture culture identification (culture) of outpatient microorganisms identification (culture) of outpatient microorganisms antimicrobial susceptibility test antimicrobial susceptibility test

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBA34 Ambulatory Bacteriology 3 items x 4 rounds CIBABC1N Bacillus cereus 1xn 1 item CIBACA1N Candida albicans 1xn 1 item EPBH34 Hospital Bacteriology 3 items x 4 rounds CIBACSR1N Clostridios Sulfito redutor 1xn 1 item EPBAEX Extra Ambulatory Bacteriology 1 item CIBAEF1N Enterococcus faecalis 1xn 1 item EPBHEX Extra Hospital Bacteriology 1 item CIBAEC1N Escherichia coli 1xn 1 item CIBAHI1N Haemophilus influenzae 1xn 1 item CIBAKP1N Klebsiella pneumoniae 1xn 1 item CIBALM1N Listeria monocytogenes 1xn 1 item CIBAPM1N Proteus mirabilis 1xn 1 item CIBAPA1N Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1xn 1 item CIBASC1N Salmonella choleraesuis 1xn 1 item CIBASM1N Serratia marcescens 1xn 1 item CIBASA1N Staphylococcus aureus 1xn 1 item CIBASE1N Staphylococcus epidermidis 1xn 1 item CIBASS1N Staphylococcus saprophyticus 1xn 1 item CIBASPN1N Streptococcus pneumoniae 1xn 1 item CIBASPY1N Streptococcus pyogenes 1xn 1 item Other microorganisms on request

Bacterioscopy GRAM

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program • Physical items and virtual smear items from bacterial • Slide with 2 smears of populations of the microorganisms growth. Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, from cultures • Up to 6 months of validity at 15 to 30⁰C. in the log phase of growth.

Code Program Presentation • Up to 3 months of validity at 15 to 30⁰C EPLB34 Bacterioscopy GRAM 3 items x 4 rounds Code Program Presentation CILB345T Bacterioscopy GRAM 3x45xquarterly 45 items CILB115N Bacterioscopy GRAM 1x15xn 15 items

Clostridium difficile - Toxin A and B • 500µL lyophilized cell suspension. • Up to 5 years of validity at 2 to 8⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCDTAB34 Clostridium difficile - Toxina A and B 3 items x 4 rounds CICDTA22M Clostridium difficile - Toxina A 2 levels x 2 items 2x2xmonthly EPCDTABEX Extra Clostridium difficile - Toxina A and B 1 item CICDTA22N Clostridium difficile - Toxina A 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

CICDTB22M Clostridium difficile - Toxina B 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

CICDTB22N Clostridium difficile - Toxina B 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

64 www.controllab.com / [email protected] MICROBIOLOGY

Clostridium difficile - Antigen • 500μL lyophilized cell suspension. • Up to 1 1 year of validity at 2 to 8⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCDTAN34 Clostridium difficile 3 items x 4 rounds CICDTAN22M Clostridium difficile 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPCDTANEX Clostridium difficile extra 1 item CICDTAN22N Clostridium difficile 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Colon Count - Urine • 400μL suspension lyophilized simulating urine. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCCU34 Colon Count - Urine 3 items x 4 rounds CICCU22M Cont. de colônias - Urine 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPCCUEX Extra Colon Count - Urine 1 item CICCU22N Cont. de colônias - Urine 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Coproculture I • 400μL suspension lyophilized human feces. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests E. coli enteroinvasora E. coli enteroemorrágica Salmonella sp. E. coli enteropatogênica E. coli enterotoxigênica Shigella sp.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPMCPCI24 Coproculture I 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPMCPCIEX Extra Coproculture I 1 item

Coproculture II • 400μL suspension lyophilized human feces. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests Aeromonas sp. Plesiomonas sp. Yersinia sp. Campylobacter sp. Vibrio cholera Clostridium sp. Vibrio parahaemolyticus

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPMCPCII24 Coproculture II 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPMCPCIIEX Extra Coproculture II 1 item

Cryptococcus neoformans - Antigen • 500μL suspension lyophilized. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0°C

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCCNA34 Cryptococcus neoformans 3 items x 4 rounds CICCNA22M Cryptococcus neoformans 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPCCNAEX Extra Cryptococcus neoformans 1 item CICCNA22N Cryptococcus neoformans 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Culture of Epidemiological Surveillance (CVE) • Lyophilized swabs simulation non-sterille collection sites. • Up to 5 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests Culture of Epidemiological Surveillance (ERC) Culture of Epidemiological Surveillance (MRSA) research for carbapenem-resistant enterobacteria research for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Culture of Epidemiological Surveillance (ESBL) Culture of Epidemiological Surveillance (VRE) research for enterobacteria producing broad spectrum betalac- research for vancomycin-resistant enterococci tamases

Culture of Epidemiological Surveillance (GBS) research for Group B Streptococcus (GBS)

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Culture of Epidemiological Surveillance (CVE) (continuation)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPERC24 CVE (ERC) 2 items x 4 rounds CIERC21M CVE ERC 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

EPESBL24 CVE (ESBL) 2 items x 4 rounds CIERC21N CVE ERC 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

EPGBS24 CVE (GBS) 2 items x 4 rounds CIESBL21M CVE ESBL 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

EPMRSA24 CVE (MRSA) 2 items x 4 rounds CIESBL21N CVE ESBL 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

EPVRE24 CVE (VRE) 2 items x 4 rounds CIGBS21M CVE GBS 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

EPERCEX Extra CVE (ERC) 1 item CIGBS21N CVE GBS 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

EPESBLEX Extra CVE (ESBL) 1 item CIMRSA21M CVE MRSA 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

EPGBSEX Extra CVE (GBS) 1 item CIMRSA21N CVE MRSA 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

EPMRSAEX Extra CVE (MRSA) 1 item CIVRE21M CVE VRE 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

EPVREEX Extra CVE (VRE) 1 item CIVRE21N CVE VRE 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

Dosage of Beta D-glucan • Serum simulated of 500μL lyophilized bronchoaveolar lavage. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPDBDG34 Beta D-glucan 3 items x 4 rounds CIDBDG22M Beta D-glucan 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPDBDGEX Extra Beta D-glucan 1 item CIDBDG22N Beta D-glucan 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Dosage of Galactomannan • 500μL simulated freeze-dried human serum. • Up to 5 years of validity at 2 of 8⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPDGMNN34 Dosage of Galactomannan 3 items x 4 rounds CIDGMNN22M Dosage of Galactomannan 2x2x- 2 levels x 2 items monthly EPDGMNNEX Extra Dosage of Galactomannan 1 item CIDGMNN22N Dosage of Galactomannan 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Leprosy • Fixed and stained smear virtual items by the Ziehl-Neelsen cold method, prepared from intradermal scrapes of the right and left lobes and elbows. Available tests quantitative reading of BAAR Average Bacilloscopic Index

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPHNSN24 Leprosy 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

Helicobacter pylori - Antigen • 500μL lyophilized cell suspension. • Up to 5 years valid at 2 to 8°C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPHBPP34 Helicobacter pylori 3 items x 4 rounds CIHBPP22M Helicobacter pylori 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPHBPPEX Extra Helicobacter pylori 1 item CIHBPP22N Helicobacter pylori 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Helicobacter pylori - Urease • 500μL lyophilized cell suspension. • Up to 5 years valid at 2 a 8°C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPHBPPU34 Helicobacter pylori - Urease 3 items x 4 rounds CIHBPPU22M Helicobacter pylori – Urease 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPHBPPEX Extra Helicobacter pylori - Urease 1 item CIHBPP22N Helicobacter pylori – Urease 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

66 www.controllab.com / [email protected] MICROBIOLOGY

Histoplasmosis - Antigen • 500µL suspension lyophilized. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPHST34 Histoplasmosis 3 items x 4 rounds CIHST22M Histoplasmosis 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPHSTUEX Extra Histoplasmosis 1 item CIHST22N Histoplasmosis 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Legionella - Antigen • 500µL suspension lyophilized. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPLGLL34 Legionella - Antigen 3 items x 4 rounds CILGLL22M Legionella - Antigen 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPLGLLEX Extra Legionella - Antigen 1 item CILGLL22N Legionella - Antigen 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Mycology Available tests culture, identification and test of sensitivity, fungi, filaments and yeast.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program • Virtual items with clinical case of fungal strains conserved • Culture in Sabouraud and Mycosel Agar. in water of 1.0 mL. • Up to 1 month of validity at 20 to 25⁰C. • Up to 1 year of validity at 15 to 30⁰C. Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation CIMACR11N Acremonium sp. 1xn 1 item

EPMI34 Mycology 3 items x 4 rounds CIMASC11N Aspergillus clavatus 1xn 1 item

CIMALT11N Alternaria sp. 1xn 1 item

CIMASF11N Aspergillus flavus 1xn 1 item

CIMASFU11N Aspergillus fumigatus 1xn 1 item

CIMASN11N Aspergillus niger 1xn 1 item

CIMAST11N Aspergillus tamari 1xn 1 item

CIMBR11N Basidiobolus ranarum 1xn 1 item

CIMCAL11N Candida albicans 1xn 1 item

CIMCGL11N Candida glabrata 1xn 1 item

CIMCGU11N Candida guilhermondii 1xn 1 item

CIMCK11N Candida krusei 1xn 1 item

CIMCPL11N Candida parapsilosis 1xn 1 item

CIMCSP11N Candida sp. 1xn 1 item

CIMCCSP11N Mucor circinelloides 1xn 1 item

CIMCCR11N Cladophialophora carrionii 1xn 1 item

CIMCLR11N Cryptococcus laurentii 1xn 1 item

CIMCTN11N Cryptococcus neoformans 1xn 1 item

CIMCNN11N Cunninghanella sp. 1xn 1 item

CIMCVL11N Curvularia sp. 1xn 1 item

CIMEPF11N Epidermophyton floccosum 1xn 1 item

CIMFCT11N Fonsecaea compacta 1xn 1 item

CIMFCP11N Fonsecaea pedrosoi 1xn 1 item

CIMFAM11N Fusarium sp. 1xn 1 item

CIMHTS11N Histoplasma capsulatum 1xn 1 item

CIMFCP11N Hortae werneckii 1xn 1 item

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 67 MICROBIOLOGY

Mycology (continuation)

Internal Control Program (Continuation) Code Program Presentation CIMICR11N Isaria cretácea 1xn 1 item

CIMMMY11N Madurella mycetomatis 1xn 1 item

CIMMCA11N Microsporum canis 1xn 1 item

CIMMGY11N Microsporum gypseum 1xn 1 item

CIMMPU11N Monascus purpureus 1xn 1 item

CIMNOAS11N Nocardia asteroide 1xn 1 item

CIMNBR11N Nocardia brasiliensis 1xn 1 item

CIMPBR11N Paracoccidioides brasiliensis 1xn 1 item

CIMPAU11N Penicillium aurantiogriseum 1xn 1 item

CIMPCH11N Penicillium chrysogerum 1xn 1 item

CIMPSP11N Penicillium sp. 1xn 1 item

CIMPVE11N Phialophora verrucosa 1xn 1 item

CIMPHO11N Piedraia hortae 1xn 1 item

CIMPWI11N Prototheca wickerhamii 1xn 1 item

CIMRSP11N Rhizopus sp. 1xn 1 item

CIMRST11N Rhizopus stolonifera 1xn 1 item

CIMRHSP11N Rhodotorula sp. 1xn 1 item

CIMSAP11N Scedosporium apiospermum 1xn 1 item

CIMSYSP11N Neoscytalidium dimidiatum 1xn 1 item

CIMSSH11N Sporothrix sp. 1xn 1 item

CIMSHSP11N Syncephalastrum sp. 1xn 1 item

CIMFCPTME11N Trichopyton mentagrophytes 1xn 1 item

CIMTRU11N Trichopyton rubrum 1xn 1 item

CIMTCH11N Trichopyton schoenleinii 1xn 1 item

CIMTTO11N Trichopyton tonsurans 1xn 1 item

CIMTBE11N Trichosporon sp. 1xn 1 item

Norovirus - Antigen • 200µL lyophilized suspension extracted from human feces or • Up to 4 years valid at < 0⁰C. cell culture.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPNOR34 Norovirus 3 items x 4 rounds CINOR22M NoroVirus 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPNOREX Extra Norovirus 1 item CINOR22N NoroVirus 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Meningitis Panel • 500µL suspension lyophilized. • Up to 5 years valid at 2 to 8⁰C.

Available tests Pesquisa de Antigen: Neisseria meningitidis B E. coli k1 Neisseria meningitidis C Group B Estreptococcus Neisseria meningitidis W135 Haemophilus influenzae Type B Neisseria meningitidis Y Neisseria meningitidis A S. pneumonie

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPPDM34 Meningitis Panel 3 items x 4 rounds CIPDM22M Meningitis Panel 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPPDMEX Extra Meningitis Panel 1 item CIPDM22N Meningitis Panel 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Parasitology • Suspension of 1,0mL human feces and virtual slide items pre- • Up to 2 years valid at 2 to 8⁰C. pared from human feces.

68 www.controllab.com / [email protected] MICROBIOLOGY

Parasitology (continuation) Available tests Identification of intestinal parasites

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPPA34 Parasitology 3 items x 4 rounds CIPAL11M Ascaris lumbricoides 1xmonthly 1 item

EPPAEX Extra Parasitology 1 item CIPAL11N Ascaris lumbricoides 1xn 1 item

CIPEN11M Endolimax nana 1xmonthly 1 item

CIPEN11N Endolimax nana 1xn 1 item

CIPEC11M Entamoeba coli 1xmonthly 1 item

CIPEC11N Entamoeba coli 1xn 1 item

CIPEV11M Enterobius vermicularis 1xmonthly 1 item

CIPEV11N Enterobius vermicularis 1xn 1 item

CIPGDL11M Giardia lamblia 1xmonthly 1 item

CIPGDL11N Giardia lamblia 1xn 1 item

CIPSST11M Strongyloides stercoralis 1xmonthly 1 item

CIPSST11N Strongyloides stercoralis 1xn 1 item

Parasitology II • Virtual items of feces blades stained by modified Ziehl Neel- sen. Available tests Research: Microsporids Isospora belli Cryptosporidium

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPPAZNM24 Parasitology II 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

Acanthamoeba Research • Virtual items of corneal scaling stained by Giemsa.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPPATB34 Acanthamoeba Research 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

Anaerobic Research • 400μL lyophilized bacteria prepared from strains containing. • Up to 5 years valid at < 0⁰C Available tests Culture GRAM Identification TSA

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPPANB34 Anaerobic Research 3 items x 4 rounds CIPANB22M Anaerobic Research 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPPANBEX Extra Anaerobic Research 1 item CIPANB22N Anaerobic Research 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Pneumocystis jiroveci • Virtual items of simulated bronchoalveolar and sputum slides.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPPMCY34 Pneumocystis jirovec 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 69 MICROBIOLOGY

Rotavirus - Antigen • 200μL lyophilized suspension extracted from human feces or • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. cell culture.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPRV34 Rotavirus 3 items x 4 rounds CIRV22M RotaVirus 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPRVEX Extra Rotavirus 1 item CIRV22N RotaVirus 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items


Immunosuppressive Drugs • 2,0mL total lyophilized blood. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. • 2,0mL lyophilized human serum. Available tests Serum Total blood mycophenolic acid azathioprine dexamethasone cyclosporine everolimus sirolimus (rapamycin) tacrolimus

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPDI34 Immunosuppressive Drugs 3 items x 4 rounds CIDI22M Immunosuppressive Drugs 2 levels x 2 items 2x2xmonthly EPDIEX Extra Immunosuppressive Drugs 1 item CIDI22N Immunosuppressive Drugs 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Therapeutic Drugs I • 3,0mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests acetaminophen (paracetamol) digitoxin mitotane Valproic acid (sodium valproate) ethosuximide nitrazepam alprazolam phenytoin (diphenylhydantoin) oxcarbazepine amikacin phenobarbital posaconzole amiodarone and metabolite fluoxetine primidone bromazepam flurazepam quinidine caffeine gabapentin risperidone carbamazepine gentamicin salicylate (salicylic acid) clobazam haloperidol theophylline clonazepam lamotrigine tobramycin clozapine lidocaine topiramate diazepam lorazepam vancomycin digoxin methotrexate

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPDTI34 Therapeutic Drugs I 3 items x 4 rounds CIDT25M Therapeutic Drugs I 2x5xmonthly 2 levels x 5 items

EPDTIEX Therapeutic Drugs I 1 item CIDT25N Therapeutic Drugs I 2x5xn 2 levels x 5 items

CIDT21N Therapeutic Drugs I 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

Therapeutic Drugs II • 3,0mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests amitriptyline clomipramine doxepin oxazepam amoxiline chloramphenicol flunitrazepam procainamide biperiden chlorpromazine furosemide sulfamethoxazole buspirone clozapine imipramine thioridazine busulfan cotinine levetiracetam vigabatrin ceftriaxone desipramine maprotiline voriconazole citalopram demethylclopramine N-acetylprocainamide (NAPA) warfarin chlordiazepoxide disopyramide nortriptyline flecainide

70 www.controllab.com / [email protected] THERAPEUTIC DRUGS MONITORING

Therapeutic Drugs II (continuation)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPDTII34 Therapeutic Drugs II 3 items x 4 rounds CIDTII22M Therapeutic Drugs II 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPDTIIEX Extra Therapeutic Drugs II 1 item CIDTII22N Therapeutic Drugs II 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine • 3,0mL lyophilized human urine. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests acetylsalicylic acid ethosuximide methyprilone alobarbital phenylbutazone methosuximide amitriptyline phenylpropanolamine naproxen caffeine phenytoin paracetamol carbamazepine hydantoin primidone cotinine ibuprofen prochlorperazine chlordiazepoxide imipramine theophylline chlorpromazine maprotiline thioridazine chlorpropamide mephobarbital tolazamide doxepin meperidine tolbutamide doxylamine meprobamate trifluoroacetic acid strychnine metaqualone verapamil

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPDTIIIU34 Therapeutic Drugs III 3 items x 4 rounds CIDTIIIU22M Therapeutic Drugs III 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPDTIIIUEX Extra Therapeutic Drugs III 1 item CIDTIIIU22N Therapeutic Drugs III 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Therapeutic Drugs IV - Total Blood • 2,0mL total lyophilized blood. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests thiopurine methyl transferase-tpmt (azathioprine)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPDTIV34 Therapeutic Drugs IV 3 items x 4 rounds CIDTIV22M Therapeutic Drugs IV 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPDTIVEX Extra Therapeutic Drugs IV 1 item CIDTIV22N Therapeutic Drugs IV 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items


Amino Acids - Plasma • 200µL lyophilized human plasma. • Up to 2 years valid at 2 to 8⁰C.

Available tests aspartic acid arginine glutamine leucine tyrosine valine glutamic acid asparagine histidine methionine threonine alanine phenylalanine isoleucine serine tryptophan

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPDSAII24 Amino Acids - Plasma 2 items x 4 rounds CIDSAII22M Amino Acids - Plasma 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPDSAIIEX Extra Amino Acids - Plasma 1 item CIDSAII22N Amino Acids - Plasma 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 71 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY

Biochemistry • 3,0mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests Biochemistry I alpha galactosidase hexacosanoic acid uric acid alpha galactosidase A tetracosanoic acid bile acids alpha hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase alpha-L-Iduronase albumin (HBDH) biotinidase total amylase alpha-N-acetylglicosaminidase d-xylose direct bilirubin pancreatic amylase hepatic alkaline phosphatase total bilirubin salivary amylase intestinal alkaline phosphatase indirect bilirubin bicarbonate bone alkaline phosphatase total calcium biotinidase thermostable alkaline phosphatase HDL cholesterol Ionic calcium (placental) VLDL cholesterol total iron fixing capacity total cholesterol guanidinoacettate citrate (citric acid) CPK/CK (creatine kinase) hexosaminidase A CK-MB activity creatinine hexosaminidase A (activity) CK-MB mass angiotensin-converting enzyme(ECA) hexosaminidase B chlorides iron total hexosaminidase LDL cholesterol alkaline phosphatase (ALP) pancreatic trypsin phosphor cholinesterase tryptase gGT (gamma glutamyl transferase) cholinesterase inhibition of dibucaine glucose cortisol Biochemistry IV LDH (lactic dehydrogenase fractions) (1 to 5) total carbon dioxide (CO2) Vitamin B1 (thiamine) LDH 1 (lactic dehydrogenase total) non-prostatic acid phosphatase Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) LDH (lactic dehydrogenase) prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) Vitamin B3 (niacin) macroamylase total acid phosphatase magnesium fructosamine Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) potassium GLDH (glutamate dehydrogenage) Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) total proteins leucinaminopeptidase (LAP) Vitamin B7 (Biotin) sodium lipase TGO/AST lithium TGP/ALT mucoproteins (on tyrosine) Triglycerides osmolality urea T3 free Biochemistry II T3 pickup 5’Nucleotidase T3 reverse 7-dehydrocholesterol T3 total phytanic acid T4 free lactic acid T4 total free fatty acids (NEFA) pristine acid Biochemistry III aldolase docosanoic acid

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBQI34 Biochemistry I 3 items x 4 rounds CIBQ24M Biochemistry I a II 2x4xmonthly 2 levels x 4 items

EPBQII34 Biochemistry II 3 items x 4 rounds CIBQ24N Biochemistry I a II 2x4xn 2 levels x 4 items

EPBQIII34 Biochemistry III 3 items x 4 rounds CIBQ21N Biochemistry I a II 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

EPBQIV34 Biochemistry IV 3 items x 4 rounds CIBQIII22M Biochemistry III 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBQIEX Extra Biochemistry I 1 item CIBQIII22N Biochemistry III 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPBQIIEX Extra Biochemistry II 1 item CIBQIV2M Biochemistry IV 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBQIIIEX Extra Biochemistry III 1 item CIBQIV22N Biochemistry IV 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPBQIVEX Extra Biochemistry IV 1 item

72 www.controllab.com / [email protected] CLINICAL CHEMISTRY

Biochemistry V • 10mL total lyophilized blood. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) Vitamin B3 (niacin) Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBQV34 Biochemistry V 3 items x 4 rounds CIBQV22M Biochemistry V 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPBQVEX Extra Biochemistry V 1 item CIBQV22N Biochemistry V 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Biliary Calculus • 100mg spray synthetic biliary calculus. • Up to 2 years valid at 2 to 8⁰C. Available tests bilirubin cholesterol

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCB24 Biliary Calculus 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPCBEX Extra Biliary Calculus 1 item

Cystatin C • 500µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at 2 to 8⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPBQCC34 Cystatin C 3 items x 4 rounds - - - EPBQCCEX Extra Cystatin C 1 item


TLR Biochemistry • 1,0mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • TLR Biochemistry II HDL: Up to 2 years of validity at < 0°C. • TLR Biochemistry I: Up to 1 1 year of validity at < 0⁰C. Available tests TLR Biochemistry I glucose TLR Biochemistry II total cholesterol triglycerides cholesterol HDL

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTLRBQI10s34 TLR Biochemistry I 10 systems 3 items x 4 rounds CITLRBQI21M TLR Biochemistry I 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

EPTLRBQI20s34 TLR Biochemistry I 20 systems 3 items x 4 rounds CITLRBQI21N TLR Biochemistry I 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

EPTLRBQI30s34 TLR Biochemistry I 30 systems 3 items x 4 rounds CITLRBQII21M TLR Biochemistry II 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

EPTLRBQII10s34 TLR Biochemistry II 10 systems 3 items x 4 rounds CITLRBQII21N TLR Biochemistry II 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

EPTLRBQII20s34 TLR Biochemistry II 20 systems 3 items x 4 rounds

EPTLRBQII30s34 TLR Biochemistry II 30 systems 3 items x 4 rounds

EPTLRBQIEX Extra TLR Biochemistry I 1 item

EPTLRBQIIEX Extra TLR Biochemistry II 1 item

TLR BNP • 500µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at 2 to 8⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTRBNP34 TLR BNP 3 items x 4 rounds CITRBNP22M TLR BNP 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTRBNPEX Extra TLR BNP 1 item CITRBNP22N TLR BNP 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 73 TLR/POINT OF CARE (POC)

TLR Ketone • 500μL lyophilized synthetic solution. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTLRCTN34 TLR Ketone 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPTLRCTNEX Extra TLR Ketone 1 item

TLR Coagulation • 100μL lyophilized human blood. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests TAP - activity TAP - INR TAP - time

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTLRI34 TLR Coagulation 3 items x 4 rounds CITLRI22M TLR Coagulation 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTLRIEX Extra TLR Coagulation 1 item CITLRI22N TLR Coagulation 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

TLR D-dimer • 500µL lyophilized human plasma. • Up to 2 years of validity at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPDD34 D-dimer 3 items x 4 rounds CIDD24M D-dimer 2x4xmonthly 2 levels x 4 items

EPDDEX Extra D-dimer 1 item CIDD24N D-dimer 2x4xn 2 levels x 4 items

CIDD21N D-dimer 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

TLR Abuse Drugs • 500µL lyophilized human urine. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests acetaminophen ecstasy (MDMA) morphine amphetamines phencyclidine (PCP) opiates tricyclic antidepressant marijuana (THC) oxycodone barbiturates methadone propoxyphene benzodiazepines methamphetamine cocaine metaqualone

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTLRDAU34 TLR Abuse Drugs 3 items x 4 rounds CITLRDAU22M TLR Abuse Drugs 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTLRDAUEX Extra TLR Abuse Drugs 1 item CITLRDAU22N TLR Abuse Drugs 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

TLR Streptococcus group A: antigen • Lyophilized swab simulating oropharyngeal secretion. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTLRGAS24 TLR Streptococcus group A: antigen 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPTLRGASEX Extra TLR Streptococcus group A: 1 item antigen

TLR Filariosis • 100µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTLRFL44 TLR Filariosis 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPTLRFLEX Extra TLR Filariosis 1 item

74 www.controllab.com / [email protected] TLR/POINT OF CARE (POC)

TLR Glucose • 500μL synthetic solution with addition of dyes. • Up to 2 years valid at 2 to 8⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTLRGLI10s34 TLR Glucose 10 systems 3 items x 4 rounds CITLRGLI22M TLR Glucose 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTLRGLI20s34 TLR Glucose 20 systems 3 items x 4 rounds CITLRGLI22N TLR Glucose 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

EPTLRGLI30s34 TLR Glucose 30 systems 3 items x 4 rounds CITLRGLI21N TLR Glucose 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

EPTLRGLIEX Extra TLR Glucose 1 item

TLR HCG – Serum and Urine • 1,0mL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. • 1,0mL lyophilized human urine.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTLRHCGSU24 TLR HCG 2 items x 4 rounds CITLRHCGS21M TLR HCG - Serum 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

EPTLRHCGSUEX Extra TLR HCG 1 item CITLRHCGS21N TLR HCG - Serum 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

CITLRHCGU21M TLR HCG - Urine 2x1xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

CITLRHCGU21N TLR HCG - Urine 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

TLR Hemoglobin - HemoCue (Donor Selection)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program • 500µL liquid human blood. • 1,0mL liquid human blood. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8⁰C. • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8⁰C. Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPSDH34 TLR Hemoglobin - HemoCue 3 items x 4 rounds CISDH31M TLR Hemoglobin - HemoCue 3x1x- 3 levels x 1 item monthly EPSDHEX Extra TLR Hemoglobin - HemoCue 1 item CISDH31N TLR Hemoglobin - HemoCue 3x1xn 3 levels x 1 item

TLR Troponin T • 500µL freeze-Dried Human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTLRTPN34 TLR Troponin T 3 items x 4 rounds CITLRTPN22M TLR Troponina T 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTLRTPNEX Extra TLR Troponin T 1 item CITLRTPN22N TLR Troponina T 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

CITLRTPN21N TLR Troponina T 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

TLR Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) • 200µL lyophilized cell suspension. • Up to 5 years valid at 2 to 8⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTLRRSV34 TLR RSV 3 items x 4 rounds - - -



Abuse Drugs - Hair • Human hair with added drugs of abuse (200mg). • Qualitative e quantitative. • Up to 18 months of validity at 2 to 8⁰C. Available tests 6-acetylcodine cannabinol diazepam femproporex 6-acetylmorphine clonazepam diethylpropionate phencyclidine (PCP) alprazolam cocaine (cocaine + alcohol) dihydrocodeine flurazepam amphetamine cocaine ecstasy (MDMA) heroin benzoylecgonine codeine EDDP lorazepam cannabidiol crack (AEME) ephedrine marijuana (THC)

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 75 OCCUPATIONAL TOXICOLOGY/ABUSE DRUGS

Abuse Drugs - Hair (continuation) mazindol methadone nitrazepam temazepam MBDB methamphetamine norcocaine MDA midazolam nordiazepam MDEA morphine oxazepam

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPDACP24 Abuse Drugs - Hair 2 items x 4 rodada CIDACP22M Abuse Drugs - Hair 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPDACPEX Extra Abuse Drugs - Hair 1 item CIDACP22N Abuse Drugs - Hair 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Abuse Drugs - Saliva • 1,0mL lyophilized synthetic saliva. • Qualitative e quantitative. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests 6-acetylmorphine crack (AEME) MBDB norcocaine amphetamine desmethyltramadol MDA nordiazepam benzoylecgonine diazepam MDEA norpropoxyphene cannabidiol dihydrocodeine mephadex propoxyphene cannabinol ecstasy (MDMA) methadone oxazepam ketamine phencyclidine (PCP) methamphetamine temazepam clonazepam fentanyl midazolam tramadol cocaine (cocaine + alcohol) flunitrazepam morphine cocaine lorazepam nitrazepam codeine marijuana (THC) norcetamine

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPDASV24 Abuse Drugs - Saliva 2 items x 4 rodada CIDASV22M Abuse Drugs - Saliva 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPDASVEX Extra Abuse Drugs - Saliva 1 item CIDASV22N Abuse Drugs - Saliva 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Urinery Tract Abuse Drugs by automation • 3,0mL lyophilized human urine. • Qualitative e quantitative. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests amphetamine femproporex MDEA norpropoxyphene benzoylecgonine (cocaine) phenycyclidine (PCP) meperedine nortriptyline ketamine fentanyl methadone oxycodone clonazepam flunitrazepan methamphetamine propoxyphene cocaethylene lormetazepam metaqualone secobarbital cocaine LSD morphine tramadol codeine marijuana (THC) norcetamine zolpidem crack (AEME) mazindol norcocaine zopiclone ecstasy (MDMA) MDA nordiazepam

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPDAU34 Abuse Drugs urine 3 items x 4 rounds CIDAU22M Abuse Drugs urine 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPDAUEX Extra Abuse Drugs urine 1 item CIDAU22N Abuse Drugs urine 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

76 www.controllab.com / [email protected] OCCUPATIONAL TOXICOLOGY/ABUSE DRUGS

Organochlorines and Organophosphates • 5,0mL lyophilized human urine. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPOGF24 Organochlorines and Organophosphates 2 items x 4 rounds CIOGF22M Organochlorines and Organophos- 2 levels x 2 items phates 2x2xmonthly EPOGFEX Extra Organochlorines and Orga- 1 item nophosphates CIOGF22N Organochlorines and Organophos- 2 levels x 2 items phates 2x2xn

Toxicology I - Serum • Metals: 3,0mL lyophilized human serum. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. • No Metals: 2,0mL lyophilized human serum.

Available tests Metals manganese No metals Creatine aluminum nickel beta-2-microglobulin nicotine boron selenium bromide serotonin copper thallium plasma cholinesterase chrome zinc Cotinina

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTXS34 Toxicology I 3 items x 4 rounds CITXSM22M Toxicology I - Metals 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTXSEX Extra Toxicology I 1 item CITXSM22N Toxicology I - Metals 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

CITXSN22M Toxicology I - No Metals 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

CITXSN22N Toxicology I - No Metals 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Toxicology II - Urine • Trace elements: 10,0mL lyophilized human urine • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. • Metals: 6,0mL lyophilized human urine. Available tests Trace Elements trichloroacetic acid lead

1.2-dihydroxy-4- (N-acetylcysteinyl) bromide cobalt butane cyclohexane copper 2.5-hexanedione phenol chrome 4-chlorocatechol fluoride tin 2-ethoxyacetic acid hydroxypyrene lithium 2-thio-thiazolidine n-methylformamide magnesium 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) p-aminophenol manganese butoxyacetic acid pentachlorophenol mercury phenylglyoxylic acid thiocyanate nickel phenylmercaptrimic acid selenium formic acid Metals hippuric acid aluminum thallium mandelic acid antimony vanadium methyl-hippuric acid arsenic zinc trans trans muconic acid cadmium

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTXU34 Toxicology II 3 items x 4 rounds CITXUET22M Toxicology II - Elementos Traços 2 levels x 2 items 2x2xmonthly EPTXUEX Extra Toxicology II 1 item CITXUET22N Toxicology II - Elementos Traços 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

CITXUM22M Toxicology II - Metals 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

CITXUM22N Toxicology II - Metals 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 77 OCCUPATIONAL TOXICOLOGY/ABUSE DRUGS

Toxicology III - Total Blood • 3,0mL Metals e No Metals: Total lyophilized blood. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests Metals cobalt nickel bromide aluminum copper silver cyanide antimony chrome selenium cholinesterase erythrocyte arsenic tin thallium fluoride beryllium magnesium vanadium Iodine serotonin calcium manganese zinc zinc Protoporphyrin cadmium mercury No Metals lead molybdenum folic acid (folate)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTXST34 Toxicology III 3 items x 4 rounds CITXSTM22M Toxicology III - Metals 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTXSTEX Extra Toxicology III 1 item CITXSTM22N Toxicology III - Metals 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

CITXSTM22M Toxicology III - No Metals 2x2x- 2 levels x 2 items monthly

CITXSTM22N Toxicology III - No Metals 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Toxicology IV - Volatile (Serum) • 3,0mL lyophilized human serum • Up to 2 years valid at 2 to 8⁰C. • Aqueous solution of 4.0mL. Available tests acetone benzene ethylene glycol methanol ammonia ethanol isopropanol

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTXSL34 Toxicology IV 3 items x 4 rounds CITXSL22M Toxicology IV 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTXSLEX Toxicology IV extra 1 item CITXSL22N Toxicology IV 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Toxicology V - Volatile (Urine) • 5,0mL lyophilized human urine. • Up to 2 years valid at 2 to 8⁰C. • Aqueous solution with volatile analytes of 6.0 ml. Available tests acetaldehyde ethanol methanol total trichlorocompounds acetone formaldehyde methyl ethyl ketone trichloroethane ammonia isopropanol methyl-isobutyl ketone trichlorethylene

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTXUL34 Toxicology V 3 items x 4 rounds CITXUL22M Toxicology V 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTXULEX Extra Toxicology V 1 item CITXUL22N Toxicology V 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Toxicology VI - Volatile (Total Blood) • 3,0 mL total lyophilized blood with up to 2 years of validity at • Aqueous solution with volatile analytes of 4.0mL with up to 2 < 0°C. years of validity at 2 to 8°C. Available tests ethanol methanol acetone ammonia

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPTXSTL34 Toxicology VI 3 items x 4 rounds CITXSTL22M Toxicology VI 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPTXSTLEX Extra Toxicology VI 1 item CITXSTL22N Toxicology VI 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

78 www.controllab.com / [email protected] URINALYSIS

Organic Acids • 5,0mL lyophilized human urine. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests methylglutaric acid ketoisovaleric acid lactic acid suberic acid acetoxyacetic acid ethylmalonic acid methylmalonic acid 2-hydroxyglutaric acid adipic acid glutaric acid orotic acid 2-hydroxyvaleric acid 3-methylvaleric keto acid hydroxyphenyl lactic acid pyruvic acid 3-hydroxybutyric acid ketoisocaproic acid hydroxyphenyl pyruvic acid sebacic acid acid-hydroxy-3-methylgluta- ric acid

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPURAO34 Organic Acids 3 items x 4 rounds CIURAO22M Organic Acids 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPURAOEX Extra Organic Acids 1 item CIURAO22N Organic Acids 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Urinary Sugars (carbohydrates) • 5,0mL lyophilized human urine. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests fructose galactose glucose lactose maltose xylose

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPURAU34 Urinary Sugars 3 items x 4 rounds CIURAU22M Urinary Sugars 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPURAUEX Extra Urinary Sugars 1 item CIURAU22N Urinary Sugars 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Amino Acids - Urine • 5,0mL lyophilized human urine. • Up to 2 years valid at 2 to 8⁰C.

Available tests aspartic acid asparagine glycine isoleucine ornithine threonine glutamic acid cystine glutamine leucine proline tryptophan alanine citrulline hydroxyproline lysine serine valine arginine phenylalanine histidine methionine tyrosine

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPUAM24 Amino Acids - Urine 2 items x 4 rounds CIUAM22M Amino Acids - Urine 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPUAMEX Extra Amino Acids - Urine 1 item CIUAM22N Amino Acids - Urine 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Kidney stone • 100mg spray synthetic renal calculus. • Qualitative. • Up to 2 years valid at 2 to 8⁰C.

Available tests ammonium carbonate phosphate oxalate calcium cystine magnesium urate

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCRN24 Kidney stone 2 items x 4 rounds CICRN22M Kidney stone 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items EPCRNEX Extra Kidney stone 1 item CICRN22N Kidney stone 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 79 URINALYSIS

Cytomegalic Inclusion Cells • Virtual items of urinary inclusion cells in cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation

EPCIC24 Cytomegalic Inclusion Cells 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

Protein Electrophoresis - Urine • 5,0mL lyophilized human urine. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests Protein Electrophoresis beta Immunofixation albumin gamma alpha 1 total proteins alpha 2

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPUEFPT34 Protein Electrophoresis - Urine 3 items x 4 rounds CIUUEFPT22M Protein Electrophoresis - Urine 2 levels x 2 items 2x2xmonthly EPUIMFX34 Immunofixation - Urine 3 items x 4 rounds Protein Electrophoresis - Urine 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items EPUEFPTEX Extra Protein Electrophoresis - Urine 1 item CIUEFPT22N Immunofixation - Urine 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items EPUIMFXEX Extra Immunofixation - Urine 1 item CIUIMFX22M CIUIMFX22N Immunofixation - Urine 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Mucopolysacarideos • 5,0mL lyophilized human urine. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPURMPS24 Mucopolysacarideos 2 items x 4 rounds CIURMPS22M Mucopolysacarideos 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items EPURMPSEX Mucopolysacarideos extra 1 item CIURMPS22N Mucopolysacarideos 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Research on Erythrocytic Dysmorphism • Virtual items containing 10 normal and dysmorphic erythro- cyte structures.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPPDE104 Research on Erythrocytic Dysmorphism 10 items x 4 rounds - - -

Porphyrins • 5,0mL lyophilized human urine. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. Available tests coproporphyrin I heptaporphyrin pentaporphyrin uroporphyrin coproporphyrin III hexaporphyrin Total porphyrins

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPUPRF34 Porphyrins 3 items x 4 rounds CIUPRF22M Porphyrins 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPUPRFEX Extra Porphyrins 1 item CIUPRF22N Porphyrins 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

80 www.controllab.com / [email protected] URINALYSIS

Porphobilinogen (PBG) • 5,0mL lyophilized human urine. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPUPBG34 Porphobilinogen (PBG) 3 items x 4 rounds CIUPBG22M Porphobilinogen (PBG) 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPUPBGEX Extra Porphobilinogen (PBG) 1 item CIUPBG22N Porphobilinogen (PBG) 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Absorption test of D-xylose • 1,0mL lyophilized human urine. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPUPADX34 D-xylose 3 items x 4 rounds CIUPADX22M D-xylose 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPUPADXEX Extra D-xylose 1 item CIUPADX22N D-xylose 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Risk of Kidney Stones • 5,0mL lyophilized human urine. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests urinary acidification citrate (citric acid) sulfate cystine oxalate (oxalic acid)

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPURRCR34 Risk of Kidney Stones 3 items x 4 rounds CIURRCR22M Risk of Kidney Stones 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPURRCREX Extra Risk of Kidney Stones 1 item CIURRCR22N Risk of Kidney Stones 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

Biochemical Urinalysis I • 12,0mL lyophilized human urine. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests uric acid (urate) homocysteine pH by automation amylase IgA potassium total calcium IG G proteins chlorides magnesium sodium free cortisol microalbumin transferrin creatinine microalbumin / creatinine urea automation density myoglobin Research: phosphor urea nitrogen homocystine glucose osmolality myoglobin

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPURBQI34 Biochemical Urinalysis I 3 items x 4 rounds CIURBQI22M Biochemical Urinalysis I 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPURBQIEX Extra Biochemical Urinalysis I 1 item CIURBQI22N Biochemical Urinalysis I 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

CIURBQI21N Biochemical Urinalysis I 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 81 URINALYSIS

Biochemical Urinalysis II • 10,0mL lyophilized human urine. • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests 17-ketosteroids (17-KS) aldosterone histamine 17-hydroxycorticosteroids (17-OH) Cyclic AMP iodine 3-methoxythyramine (3-MT) arginine metanephrine 5-hydroxy indoleacetic acid (HIAA) asparagine nicotine aspartic acid beta-2-microglobulin norepinephrine (noradrenaline) gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) bismuth normetanefrine glutamic acid coproporphyrins (dosage) retinol binding protein homovanillic acid (HVA) cotinine serotonin methylmalonic acid dopamine uroporphyrin (dosage) orotic acid epinephrine (adrenaline) vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) iron alanine total hydroxyproline

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPURBQII34 Biochemical Urinalysis II 3 items x 4 rounds CIURBQII22M Biochemical Urinalysis II 2x2xmonthly 2 levels x 2 items

EPURBQIIEX Extra Biochemical Urinalysis II 1 item CIDURBQII22N Biochemical Urinalysis II 2x2xn 2 levels x 2 items

CIURBQI21N Biochemical Urinalysis I 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

Urinalysis Abnormal Elements (EA) Available tests bilirubin hemoglobin proteins ketone bodies leukocytes reading density per strips nitrite glucose pH in strip reading

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program • 12,0mL lyophilized human urine. • Liquid synthetic urine with addition of 5,0mL or 50,0mL • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. components.

Code Program Presentation • Up to 45 days of validity at 2 to 8⁰C. EPUREA34 EA 3 items x 4 rounds Code Program Presentation

EPUREAEX Extra EA 1 item CIUREA21V5M EA 5,0mL 2x1x5xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item CIUREA21V5N EA 5,0mL 2x5xn 2 levels x 1 item

CIUREA21V50M EA 50,0mL 2x1x5xmonthly 2 levels x 1 item

CIUREA21V50N EA 50,0mL 2x5xn 2 levels x 1 item

Urinalysis Sedimentoscopy and counting by Field and Camera • Lyophilized human urine of 1,0mL of sediment corresponding • Up to 2 years valid at < 0⁰C. to 10,0mL of urine in natura.

Available tests red blood cells leukocytes

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPURSEDM34 Sedimentoscopy and counting by 3 items x 4 rounds CIURSEDM21M Sedimentoscopy and counting by 2 levels x 1 item Field and Camera Field and Camera 2x1xmonthly

EPURSEDMEX Extra Sedimentoscopy and counting 1 item CIURSEDM21N Sedimentoscopy and counting by 2 levels x 1 item by Field and Camera Field and Camera 2x1xn

82 www.controllab.com / [email protected] URINALYSIS

Urinalysis Sedimentation by automation • 6,0ml synthetic solution with addition of constituents of hu- • Up to 30 days of validity at 2 to 8⁰C. man origin.

Available tests hemácias leucócitos

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPURSEDA34 Sedimentation by automation 3 items x 4 rounds CIURSEDA21M Sedimentation by automation 2 levels x 1 item 2x1xmonthly EPURSEDAEX Extra Sedimentation by automation 1 item CIURSEDA21N Sedimentation by automation 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item

Urinalysis Sedimentation - Identification • Items virtuais de lâminas de sedimento.

Available tests cristalúria cilindrúria microorganismos hematúria piúria

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPUCV34 Sedimentation - Identification 3 items x 4 rounds - - -


Physical and Chemical Analysis of Water Dialysis Water • Concentrated aqueous solution with sufficient volume for tri- • Specific items for each test. plicate analysis. • Up to 60 days of validity at 2 to 8°C.

Available tests apparent color nitrate turbidity fluoride sulfate

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPADL24 Dialysis Water 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPADLEX Extra Dialysis Water 1 item

Potable water • Concentrated aqueous solution with sufficient volume for tri- • Specific items for each test. plicate analysis. • Up to 60 days of validity at 2 to 8°C.

Available tests cyanide fluoride chloride total dissolved solids free residual chlorine sulfate apparent color turbidity toughness

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPAPT24 Potable water 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPAPTEX Extra Potable water 1 item

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 83 PROCESSES QUALIFICATION

Purified Water and Injectable • 1,0L purified water. • Up to 60 days of validity at 2 to 8°C. • Conductivity: Aqueous solution of 50,0mL.

Available tests acidity/alkalinity silicates free residual chlorine oxidizable organic substances conductivity

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPAFQ24 Purified Water and Injectable 2 items x 4 rounds CIAFQ21M Purified Water and Injectable 2 levels x 1 item 2x1xmonthly EPAFQEX Extra Purified Water and Injectable 1 item 2 niveis x 1 item CIAFQ21N Purified Water and Injectable 2x1xn


Proficiency Test Program Certified Reference Material • 50,0mL synthetic solution. • 250,0mL buffer solution. • Up to 60 days of validity at 15 to 30°C • Up to 1 1 year of validity at 25°C ±5°C

Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPCDVD24 Conductivity 2 items x 4 rounds MRCCDVD25N MRC Conductivity 25µS/cm 1xn 1 item

EPCDVDEX Extra Conductivity 1 item MRCCDVD50N MRC Conductivity 50µS/cm 1xn 1 item

MRCCDVD100N MRC Conductivity 100µS/cm 1xn 1 item

MRCCDVD500N MRC Conductivity 500µS/cm 1xn 1 item

MRCCDVD1400N MRC Conductivity 1400µS/cm 1xn 1 item

MRCCDVD5000N MRC Conductivity 5000µS/cm 1xn 1 item

MRCCDVD12800N MRC Conductivity 12800µS/cm 1xn 1 item

Spectrophotometer • 7,0mL synthetic solution. • Only the indicated wavelengths can be tested. • Up to 2 years valid at 2 to 8⁰C.

Available readings Multiple lengths between 340nm and 700nm (340nm, 400nm, 590nm, 600nm, 620nm, 635nm, 670nm, 700nm) in absorbance. 405nm, 420nm, 450nm, 460nm, 475nm, 500nm, 505nm, 510nm, 520nm, 530nm, 546nm, 550nm, 560nm, 578nm, 580nm,

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPEF34 Spectrophotometer 3 items x 4 rounds CIEF25M Spectrophotometer 2x5xmonthly 2 levels x 5 items Spectrophotometer 2X5xn 2 levels x 5 items EPEFEX Extra Spectrophotometer 3 items CIEF25N CIEF21N Spectrophotometer 2x1xn 2 levels x 1 item


Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program • 50,0mL Solution. • 250,0mL buffer solution. • Up to 60 days of validity at 15 to 30°C. • Up to 1 1 year of validity at 25°C ±5°C.

Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPPH24 pH 2 items x 4 rounds CISTPH4M pH 4,0 1x1xmonthly 1 level x 1 item

EPPHEX Extra pH 1 item CISTPH4N pH 4,0 1x1xn 1 level x 1 item

CISTPH7M pH 7,41 1x1xmonthly 1 level x 1 item

Certified Reference Material CISTPH7N pH 7,41 1x1xn 1 level x 1 item • 250,0mL buffer solution. CISTPH10M pH 10,0 1x1xmonthly 1 level x 1 item • Up to 1 1 year of validity at 25°C ±5°C. CISTPH10N pH 10,0 1x1xn 1 level x 1 item

Code Program Presentation MRCPH2N MRC pH 2,0 1xn 1 item

MRCPH4N MRC pH 4,0 1xn 1 item

MRCPH6N MRC pH 6,9 1xn 1 item

MRCPH9N MRC pH 9,2 1xn 1 item

MRCPH10N MRC pH 10,0 1xn 1 item

84 www.controllab.com / [email protected] PROCESSES QUALIFICATION

Microbiological analysis of water Water I • 400μL micro-organisms lyophilized. • Water de consumo humano, mineral e natural, purificada, de • Up to 5 years valid at < 0⁰C. piscina e diálise.

Available tests Total Coliform research Heterotrophic Bacterial Count Research for thermotolerant coliforms Research of E. coli

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPAAI34 Water I 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPAAIEX Extra Water I 1 item

Water II • 400μL micro-organisms lyophilized. • Purified, mineral and natural water. • Up to 5 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests Search for Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPAAII34 Water II 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPAAIIEX Extra Water II 1 item

Water III • 400μL micro-organisms lyophilized. • Mineral and natural water. • Up to 5 years valid at < 0⁰C.

Available tests Research o Enterococcus spp. Clostridium sulphite reducers.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPAAIII34 Water III 3 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPAAIIIEX Extra Water III 1 item

Determination of Endotoxin • 7,0 ml lyophilized endotoxins. • Dialysis Water. • Up to 1 1 year of validity at 2 to 8°C.

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPAAV24 Determination of Endotoxin 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPAAVEX Extra Determination of Endotoxin 1 items

Water - Injectable • 7,0ml lyophilized endotoxins. • Endoxins: Up to 1 1 year of validity at 2 to 8°C. • 400μL micro-organisms lyophilized. • Micro-organisms: Up to 5 years valid at 0⁰C.

Available tests Total count of mesophilic microorganisms Determination of Endotoxin

Proficiency Test Program Internal Control Program Code Program Presentation Code Program Presentation EPAAEI24 Water - Injectable 2 items x 4 rounds - - -

EPAAEIEX Extra Water - Injectable 1 item

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1 -9/A Testing/ Examination Programs 1-9 125 consult CA 125

15-3 consult CA 15-3

19-9 consult CA 19-9

1,2 dihydroxy-4- (N-acetylcysteinyl) Butane Toxicology II - Urine 77

1,25 (OH)2 vitamin D3 (calcitriol) Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Serum 47

1,5 anhydroglucitol (1,5-AG) Diabetes Markers 25

1,5-AG consult 1,5 anhydroglucitol (1,5-AG)

11- deoxycorticosterone Specialized Hormones 46

11- deoxycortisol (compound s) Specialized Hormones 46

17- ketosteroids (17-KS) Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

17- hydroxycorticosteroids (17-OH) Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

17-hydroxy- Pregnenolone Specialized Hormones 46

17-KS consult 17- ketosteroids (17-KS)

17-OH consult 17- hydroxycorticosteroids (17-OH)

17-OH progesterone Neonatal screening I 26

Specialized Hormones 46

Saliva 57

18-hydroxycorticosteroids Specialized Hormones 46

2-hydroxyglutaric acid Organic Acids 79

2-hydroxyvaleric acid Organic Acids 79

2-ethoxyacetic acid Toxicology II - Urine 77

2-thio-thiazolidine acid Toxicology II - Urine 77

2,5 hexanedione Toxicology II - Urine 77

21-deoxycortisol Specialized Hormones 46

25(OH) vitamin D (calcidiol) Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Serum 47

27-29 consult CA27-29

3-alpha androstanediol glucuronide Specialized Hormones 46

3-methylglutaric acid Organic Acids 79

3-methylvaleric keto acid Organic Acids 79

3- methoxythyramine (3-MT) Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

3-MT consult 3- methoxythyramine (3-MT)

3-hydroxybutyric acid Organic Acids 79

4-clorocatecol Toxicology II - Urine 77

5’Nucleotidase Biochemistry 72

5-ALA consult 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA)

5-HIAA consult 5-hydroxy indoleacetic acid (HIAA)

5-hydroxy indoleacetic acid (HIAA) Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) Toxicology II - Urine 77

6- acetylcodine Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

6-Acetylmorphine Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

7- dehydrocholesterol Biochemistry 72

αHBDH consult hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (αHBDH) A Abnormal Elements (EA) consult Urinalysis Abnormal Elements (EA)

ABO consult Systems ABO

Acantamoeba consult Search by Acantamoeba

Acarus siro consult D70 - Acarus siro

Acetaldehyde Toxicology V - Volatile (Urine) 78

Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

TLR Drugs of Abuse 74

Acetone Toxicology IV - Volatile (Serum) 78

Toxicology V - Volatile (Urine) 78

Toxicology VI - Volatile (Total Blood) 78

Acetoxyacetic acid Organic Acids 79

86 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

A Testing/ Examination Programs A Acetylcodine consult 6- acetylcodine

Acetylmorphine consult 6-Acetylmorphine

Acetylsalicylic acid Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Acid-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric Organic Acids 79

Acidity Purified Water and Injectable 84

Acremonium sp. Micology 67

ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone) Specialized Hormones 46

Activated Coagulation Time consult TCA (activated coagulation time)

Activity of ristocetin cofactor Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Acylcarnitines Neonatal screening II 26

Adenosine deaminase (ADA) Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Adenovirus Adenovirus - Antibodies 27

Molecular Biology 36

Adenovirus - Antigen 63

ADH consult Vasopressin (ADH)

Adipic acid Organic Acids 79

Adiponectin Diabetes Markers 25

ADP consult Platelet Aggregation

Adrenaline consult Epinephrine (Adrenaline)

Adrenocorticotropic hormone consult ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone)

AEME consult Crack (AEME)

Aeromonas sp. Coproculture II 65

AFP consult Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)

Agonis consult Platelet Aggregation

AH-50 Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

ALA consult 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA)

Alanine Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Plasma 71

Amino Acid - Urine 79

Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Alanine aminotransferase consult TGP/ALT

Albumin Coprology I 24

Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Biochemistry 72

Protein Electrophoresis - Urine 80

Albuminemia consult Albumin

Albuminuria consult Albumin

Albumin quotient Multiparameter Liquid 56

Aldolase Biochemistry 72

Aldosterone Hypertension Markers 46

Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Alive sperm Sperm Vitality 63

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Biochemistry 72

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) bone Biochemistry 72

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) bone fraction Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Serum 47

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) hepatic Biochemistry 72

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) Intestinal Biochemistry 72

Alkalinity Purified Water and Injectable 84

Allergy Allergy 50

Alobarbital Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

ALP consult Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)

Alpha (HDL) Lipid profile 48

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 87 AVAILABLE SERVICES

A Testing/ Examination Programs A Alpha I Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Alpha I Protein Electrophoresis - Urine 80

Alpha II Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 80

Multiparameter Liquid 53

Protein Electrophoresis - Urine 56

Alpha 1 antitrypsin Coprology II 24

Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Alpha 1 glycoprotein acid Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Alpha 1 placental microglobulin consult PAMG-1 (Alpha 1 placental microglobulin)

Alpha 2 macroglobulin acid Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) Tumor Markers 47

Tumor Markers Liquid 56

Fetal Risk Assessment: 2st trimester 58

Premature rupture of membranes 60

Maternal Screening 61

Alpha galactosidase Biochemistry 72

Alpha galactosidase A Biochemistry 72

Alpha hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (αHBDH) Biochemistry 72

Alpha-Amilase Saliva 57

Alpha-L-Iduronase Biochemistry 72

Alpha-N-acetylglicosaminidase Biochemistry 72

Alprazolam Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

ALT consult TGP/ALT

Alternaria sp. Micology 67

Aluminum Toxicology I - Serum 77

Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Alzheimer’s Markers Liquor Alzheimer’s Markers Liquor 55

Ambulatory Bacteriology Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

AMH (anti-mullerian hormone) Specialized Hormones 46

Amikacin Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Amilase Biochemistry - Amniotic Fluid 59

Biochemistry 72

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Amino Acid Neonatal screening II 26

Amino Acid - Plasma 71

Amino Acid - Urine 79

Amino Acid Liquor Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino acids and ammonia Coprology I 24

Aminophylline Neonatal Care 26

Amiodarone and metabolite Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Amitriptyline Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Ammonia Toxicology IV - Volatile (Serum) 78

Toxicology V - Volatile (Urine) 78

Toxicology VI - Volatile (Total Blood) 78

consult Amino acids and ammonia

Ammonium Kidney stone 79

Amoxiline Therapeutic Drugs II 70

AMP tricyclic Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Amphetamine TLR Drugs of Abuse 74

Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

88 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

A Testing/ Examination Programs A Amphetamine Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Amphetamine Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Amyloid A Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Anaerobic consult Anaerobic Research

Anaerobic Research Anaerobic Research 69

ANCA Autoimmunity 51

Androstenedione Specialized Hormones 46

Saliva 57

Androsterona Specialized Hormones 46

Anemia Anemia 45

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) Hypertension Markers 46

Biochemistry 72

Angiotensin I Hypertension Markers 46

Angiotensin II Hypertension Markers 46

Animal epithelia consult Allergy

Anti-A consult Immunohematology Titration Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-D

Anti-B consult Immunohematology Titration Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-D

Antibiogram consult Antimicrobial susceptibility test

Antibodies Antiphospholipid Antibodies Antiphospholipid 51

Antibodies Anti-profilaggrin Rheumatoid Factor 52

Antibodies Anti-filaggrin Rheumatoid Factor 52

Antibodies Anti-TSH receptor consult TRAB (Antibodies Anti-TSH receptor)

Anticardiolipin Anticardiolipin 51

Anti-CCP Anti-CCP 51

Anti-Centromere Autoimmunity 51

Anti-Citrulline consult Anti-CCP

Anti-Cytomegalovirus consult Neonatal screening - Infectious diseases

Anti-D consult Immunohematology Titration Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-D

Anti-DNA Autoimmunity 51

Anti-EA consult Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)

Anti-EBNA consult Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)

Anti-ENA Autoimmunity 51

Anti-Endomysial IgA Autoimmunity 52

Anti-Endomysial IgG Autoimmunity 52

Anti-filaggrin consult Antibodies Anti-filaggrin

Antifungigram consult Micology

Anti-GAD Diabetes mellitus 24

Antigen C Immunohematology Phenotyping RH and Kell 49

Antigen c Immunohematology Phenotyping RH and Kell 49

Antigen Cw Immunohematology Phenotyping RH and Kell 49

Antigen D Immunohematology Phenotyping RH and Kell 49

Antigen E Immunohematology Phenotyping RH and Kell 49

Antigen e Immunohematology Phenotyping RH and Kell 49

Antigen HE4 Tumor Markers 47

Antigen HLA-B-27 Antigen HLA-B-27 45

Antigen K Immunohematology Phenotyping RH and Kell 49

Antigen k Immunohematology Phenotyping RH and Kell 49

Antigen Kpa Immunohematology Phenotyping RH and Kell 49

Antigen Kpb Immunohematology Phenotyping RH and Kell 49

Anti-H consult Histoplasmosis

Anti-HAV (Hepatitis A) Anti-HAV (Hepatitis A) 27

Anti-HBc (Hepatitis B) Serology 33

Anti-HBc (Hepatitis B) 27

Anti-HDV (Hepatitis Delta) Anti-HDV (Hepatitis Delta) 28

Anti-HIV consult HIV

Anti-HTLV consult HTLV

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A Testing/ Examination Programs A Anti-Insulin Diabetes mellitus 24

Anti-Jo1 Autoimmunity 51

Anti-LDL oxidized/peroxidized Lipid profile 48

Anti-LKM1 Autoimmunity 51

Anti-M consult Histoplasmosis

Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Anaerobic Research 69

Anti-Mitochondria Autoimmunity 51

Antimony Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Anti-MPO Autoimmunity 51

Anti-mullerian hormone consult AMH (Anti-mullerian hormone)

Anti-Muscle Straight Autoimmunity 52

Anti-pancreatic islet antibodies (ICA) Diabetes mellitus 24

Antiplasmin Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Anti-PR3 Autoimmunity 52

Anti-profilaggrin consult Antibodies Anti-profilaggrin

Anti-Prothrombin IgG Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Anti-Prothrombin IgM Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Anti-reticulina IgA Autoimmunity 52

Anti-reticulina IgG Autoimmunity 52

Anti-reticulina IgM Autoimmunity 52

Anti-reticulina Total Autoimmunity 52

Anti-RNP Autoimmunity 51

Anti-Rubella consult Rubella

Anti-Scl 70 Autoimmunity 51

Anti-Sm Autoimmunity 51

Anti-SS-A (Ro) Autoimmunity 51

Anti-SS-A/SS-B Autoimmunity 51

Anti-SS-B (La) Autoimmunity 51

Antistreptolysin O Antistreptolysin O 52

Anti-Tg consult Anti-Thyroglobulin (Anti-Tg)

Antithrombin III Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Anti-Thyroglobulin (Anti-Tg) Tumor Markers 47

Anti-Thyroperoxidase (Anti-TPO) Anti-thyroperoxidase (Anti-TPO) 51

Anti-Toxoplasmosis Neonatal screening - Infectious diseases

Anti-TPO consult Anti-Thyroperoxidase (Anti-TPO)

Anti-Treponema pallidum Neonatal screening - Infectious diseases 27

Anti-Trypanossoma cruzi consult Neonatal screening - Infectious diseases

Anti-Tyrosine phosphatase Diabetes mellitus 24

Anti-VCA consult Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)

Anti-VCA/EA consult Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)

Anti-Xa Activity Anti-Xa Activity 23

Anti-ZnT8 Diabetes mellitus 24

Apparent color Dialysis Water 83

Potable water 83

Apo B100 consult Apolipoprotein B (Apo B100)

Apolipoprotein A-1 Lipid profile 48

Apolipoprotein A-2 Lipid profile 48

Apolipoprotein B (Apo B100) Lipid profile 48

Apolipoprotein C-1 Lipid profile 48

Apolipoprotein C-2 Lipid profile 48

Apolipoprotein C-3 Lipid profile 48

Apolipoprotein E Lipid profile 48

Arachidonic Acid consult Platelet Aggregation

Arginine Amino Acid - Plasma 71

90 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

A/B Testing/ Examination Programs A Arginine Amino Acid - Urine 79

Arginine Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Arsenic Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Artifacts Sinovial Liquid Crystals/Crystalline Structures 54

ASCA IgG Autoimmunity 52

ASCA IgA Autoimmunity 52

ASCA Total Autoimmunity 52

Ascaris lumbricoides Parasitology 69

Ascorbate Vitreous humor 54

ASO consult Antistreptolysin O

Asparagine Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Plasma 71

Amino Acid - Urine 79

Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Aspartate aminotransferase consult TGO/AST

Aspartic acid Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Plasma 71

Amino Acid - Urine 79

Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Aspergillus clavatus Micology 67

Aspergillus flavus consult Aspergillus sp.

Aspergillus flavus Micology 67

Aspergillus furmigatus consult Aspergillus sp.

Aspergillus furmigatus Micology 67

Aspergillus niger consult Aspergillus sp.

Aspergillus niger Micology 67

Aspergillus sp. Aspergillus sp. - Antibodies 28

Aspergillus sp. Aspergillus sp. 36

Aspergillus tamari consult Aspergillus sp.

Aspergillus tamari Micology 67

AST consult TGO/AST

AT-III consult Antithrombin III

Autoimmunity Autoimmunity 51

Automated Cell Counting Liquor Automated Cell Counting Liquor 55

Average Bacilloscopic Index Leprosy 66

Avidity IgG consult Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

consult Rubella

consult Toxoplasmosis

Azathioprine consult TiopUrine metil transferase-TPMT (Azathioprine) B B12 consult Vitamin B12

B19 consult Vitamin B7

B2-M consult Beta-2-microglobulin (B2-M)

BAAR Microscopy Fluid 56

Bacilloscopy BAAR 63

Leprosy 66

Babesia sp. Hemoparasitology 43

Bacilloscopy BAAR consult BAAR

Bacillus cereus Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Bacteriology - Amniotic Fluid Bacteriology - Amniotic Fluid 59

Bacterioscopy GRAM consult GRAM

Band G consult Cytogenetics Karyotype - band G

Barbiturates TLR Drugs of Abuse 74

Bartonella consult Bartonella henselae

consult Bartonella quintana

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B Testing/ Examination Programs B Bartonella henselae Bartonella henselae - Antibodies 28

Bartonella quintana Bartonella quintana - Antibodies 28

Bartonella sp. Hemoparasitology 43

Base excess (BE) Gasobio 35

Basidiobolus ranarum Micology 67

Basophiles Hematology Automation 42

Hematoscopy 43

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Benzene Toxicology IV - Volatile (Serum) 78

Benzodiazepines TLR Drugs of Abuse 74

Benzoylecgonine Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Beryllium Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Beta (LDL) Lipid profile 48

Beta D-glucan Dosage of Beta D-glucan 66

Beta globulin Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Protein Electrophoresis - Urine 80

Beta HCG Specialized Hormones 46

Tumor Markers Liquid 56

Beta homa consult Índice de Beta homa

Beta homa index Specialized Hormones 46

Beta Hydroxybutyrate Diabetes Markers 25

Beta-2-Glycoprotein IgA Antibodies Antiphospholipid 51

Beta-2-Glycoprotein IgG Antibodies Antiphospholipid 51

Beta-2-Glycoprotein IgM Antibodies Antiphospholipid 51

Beta-2-microglobulin (B2-M) Tumor Markers 47

Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Toxicology I - Serum 77

Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

BhCG Free Fetal Risk Assessment: 1st trimester 58

Fetal Risk Assessment: 2st trimester 58

Bicarbonate (HCO3-) Gasobio 35

Bicarbonate (HCO3-) Vitreous humor 54

Biochemistry 72

Bile acids Biochemistry 72

Biliary Calculus Biliary Calculus 73

Bilirubin Coprology I 24

Biochemistry - Amniotic Fluid 59

Pulmonary maturity 60

Biliary Calculus 73

Urinalysis Abnormal Elements (EA) 82

Bioavailable Testosterone Specialized Hormones 46

Biochemical Urinalysis Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Biochemistry Biochemistry - Amniotic Fluid 59

Biochemistry 72

Biochemistry V 73

Biotin consult Vitamin B7(Biotin)

Biotinidase Neonatal screening II 26

Biochemistry 72

Biperiden Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Bismuth Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Bladder tumor antigen consult BTA (Bladder tumor antigen)

Blasts (immature cells) Hematoscopy 43

Blood Coprology I 24

92 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

B/C Testing/ Examination Programs B Blood components Blood components 44

Blue mussel consult F37 - Blue mussel

BNP (brain natriuretic peptide) Cardiac Markers 58

Bone Marrow consult Bone Marrow Biopsy

Bone Marrow Biopsy Bone Marrow Biopsy 42

Bone Marrow/Growth Markers Bone Marrow/Growth Markers 47

Bordetella pertussis Bordetella pertussis 36

Boron Toxicology I - Serum 77

Borrelia burgdorferi Borrelia burgdorferi - Antibodies 28

Brain natriuretic peptide Consult BNP (brain natriuretic peptide)

Bromazepam Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Bromide Toxicology I - Serum 77

Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Brucellosis Brucellosis 29

BTA (Bladder tumor antigen) Tumor Markers 47

Buffer Base (BB) Gasobio 35

Buspirone Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Busulfan Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Butoxyacetic acid Toxicology II - Urine 77

Butyrylcholinesterase consult Plasma cholinesterase C C consult Hemoglobins

C Reactive Protein (CRP) C Reactive Protein (CRP) 53

C Reactive Protein (hsPCR) Cardiac (Ultrasensitive) C Reactive Protein (hsPCR) Cardiac (Ultrasensitive) 58

C-1 consult Apolipoprotein C-1

C1 esterase inhibitor Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

C1q consult Complement C1q

C2 consult Complement C2

C-2 consult Apolipoprotein C-2

C3 consult Complement C3

C-3 consult Apolipoprotein C-3

C4 consult Complement C4

C5 consult Complement C5

C8 consult Complement C8

C9 consult Complement C9

CA 125 Tumor Markers 47

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Tumor Markers Liquid 56

CA 15-3 Tumor Markers 47

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Tumor Markers Liquid 56

CA 19-9 Tumor Markers 47

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Tumor Markers Liquid 56

CA 27-29 Tumor Markers 47

CA 72-4 Tumor Markers 47

CA-50 Tumor Markers 47

Cadmium Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Caffeine Neonatal Care 26

Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Calcidiol consult 25(OH) vitamin D (calcidiol)

Calcitonin (hCt) Tumor Markers 47

Calcitriol consult 1,25 (OH)2 Vitamin D3 (calcitriol)

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 93 AVAILABLE SERVICES

C Testing/ Examination Programs C Calcium Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Calcium Kidney stone 79

Campylobacter sp. Coproculture 65

Candida albicans Candida albicans - Antibodies 29

Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Candida albicans Micology 67

Candida glabrata Micology 67

Candida guilhermondii Micology 67

Candida krusei Micology 67

Candida parapsilosis Micology 67

Candida sp. Micology 67

Cannabidiol Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Cannabinol Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Capillary Glycemia consult TLR Glucose

Carbamazepine Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Carbapenem-resistant enterobacteria Epidemiological Surveillance Cultures (CVE) 65

Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) Total Gasobio 35 Gasometry 35

Biochemistry 72

Carbonate Kidney stone 79

Carboxyhemoglobin Oximetry 35

Carcinoembryonic antigen consult CEA (Carcinoembryonic antigen)

Cartilage Sinovial Liquid Crystals/Crystalline Structures 54

Cat’s epithelium consult E1 - Cat’s epithelium

Catecholamines Catecholamines 46

Cavity Fluids consult Multiparameter Cavity Fluids

consult Cavity Fluids Cell Count by Automation

Cavity Fluids Cell Count by Automation Cavity Fluids Cell Count by Automation 54

CBG consult Cortisol binding globulin (CBG)

CCL consult Lamellar Body Count (CCL)

CCP consult Anti-CCP

CD14+ Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) 22

Lymphocyte Panel 22

CD15+ Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) 22

CD16+ Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) 22

CD19+ Lymphocyte Panel 22

CD2+ Lymphocyte Panel 22

CD24+ Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) 22

CD3+ Lymphocyte Panel 22

CD3+CD4+ Lymphocyte Panel 22

CD3+CD8+ Lymphocyte Panel 22

CD34+ CD34+ 21

CD3-CD56/16 Lymphocyte Panel 22

CD4+ Lymphocyte Panel 22

CD45+ CD34+ 21

Lymphocyte Panel 22

CD45+CD14- Lymphocyte Panel 22

CD55+ Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) 22

CD56+ Lymphocyte Panel 22

CD59+ Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) 22

CD64+ Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) 22

CD66b+ Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) 22

CD8+ Lymphocyte Panel 22

94 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

C Testing/ Examination Programs C CEA (Carcinoembryonic antigen) Tumor Markers 47

CEA (Carcinoembryonic antigen) Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

CEA (Carcinoembryonic antigen) Tumor Markers Liquid 56

Ceftriaxone Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Cells LE consult Cells LE Research

Cells LE Research Cells LE Research 43

Celular Identification Hematoscopy 43

Centromere consult Anti-Centromere

Certified Reference Material Conductivity 84

pH 84

Ceruloplasmin Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

CH100 consult Complement Total (CH50/CH100)

CH50 consult Complement Total (CH50/CH100)

Chagas Serology 33

CHCM Hematology Automation 42

Chikungunya Chikungunya 29

Molecular Biology 36

Chinese ink (Direct fungus research) Microscopy Fluid 56

Chlamydia trachomatis Chlamydia trachomatis 29

Molecular Biology 36

Chloramphenicol Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Chlordiazepoxide Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Chloride Gasobio 35

Vitreous humor 54

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Sweat 57

Biochemistry 72

Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Potable water 83

Chlorpromazine Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Chlorpropamide Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Cholesterol HDL Lipid profile 48

Biochemistry 72

TLR Biochemistry 73

Cholesterol LDL Lipid profile 48

Biochemistry 72

Cholesterol Total Lipid profile 48

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Sinovial Liquid Crystals/Crystalline Structures 54

Biochemistry 72

Biliary Calculus 73

TLR Biochemistry 73

Cholesterol VLDL Lipid profile 48

Biochemistry 72

Cholinesterase Biochemistry 72

Cholinesterase Erythrocyte Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Cholinesterase Inhibition of Dibucaine Biochemistry 69

Chrome Toxicology I - Serum 77

Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Chromogranin A Tumor Markers 47

Chromogranin B Tumor Markers 47

Chromosomes consult Cytogenetics Karyotype - band G

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 95 AVAILABLE SERVICES

C Testing/ Examination Programs C Cifra 21.1 consult CYFRA 21-1

Circulating Immunocomplexes Circulating Immunocomplexes 52

Citalopram Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Citrate (Citric acid) Sperm Biochemistry 62

Biochemistry 72

Citrate (Citric acid) Risk of Kidney Stones 81

Citric acid consult Citrate (Citric acid)

Citrulline Amino Acid - Urine 79

CK (creatine kinase) consult CPK/ CK (creatine kinase)

CK-MB Activity Cardiac Markers 58

Biochemistry 72

CK-MB Mass Cardiac Markers 58

Biochemistry 72

Cladophialophora carrionii Micology 67

Clement’s Test (TC) Clement’s Test (TC) 61

Clobazam Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Clomipramine Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Clonazepam Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Clostridium difficile Molecular Biology 37

Clostridium difficile - Toxin A and B 64

Clostridium difficile - Antigen 65

Clostridium sp. Coproculture II 65

Clostridium tetani Clostridium tetani - Antibodies 30

Clozapine Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Therapeutic Drugs II 70

CMV consult Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

CO2 total consult Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) Total Coagulation and Haemostasis Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Cobalt Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Cocaine TLR Drugs of Abuse 74

Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Cocaine (cocaine + alcohol) Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Cocaine + alcohol consult Cocaetileno (Cocaine + alcohol)

Cod consult Fish (Cod)

Codeine Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Coenzyme Q10 Coenzyme Q10 57

Collagen consult Platelet Aggregation

Colon Count Colon Count - Urine 65

Complement C1q Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Complement C2 Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Complement C3 Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Complement C3 Proactivador Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Complement C4 Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Complement C5 Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

96 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

C Testing/ Examination Programs C Complement C8 Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Complement C9 Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Complement Total (CH50/CH100) Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Compound B consult Corticosterone (Compound B)

Compound E consult Cortisone (compound E)

Compound S consult 11- deoxycortisol (compound s)

Concentration of mean corpuscular hemoglobin consult CHCM

Conductivity Purified Water and Injectable 84

Certified Reference Material 84

Conductivity 84

Connective tissue Coprology I 24

Copper Toxicology I - Serum 77

Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Coproculture Coproculture 65

Coprology I Coprology I 24

Coproporphyrin I Porphyrins 80

Coproporphyrin III Porphyrins 80

Coproporphyrin Research Coprology II 24

Coproporphyrins Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Corticosteroids Sinovial Liquid Crystals/Crystalline Structures 54

Corticosterone (compound B) Specialized Hormones 46

Cortisol Specialized Hormones 46

Saliva 57

Biochemistry 72

Cortisol binding globulin (CBG) Specialized Hormones 46

Cortisol Free Biochemistry - Amniotic Fluid 59

Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Cortisone (compound E) Specialized Hormones 46

Cotinina Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Toxicology I - Serum 77

Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

CPK/ CK Total (Creatine kinase) Multiparameter Liquid 56

Cardiac Markers 58

Biochemistry - Amniotic Fluid 59

Biochemistry 72

CR3 proactivador consult Complement C3 Proactivador

Crab consult Crab

Crab consult F23 - Crab

Crack (AEME) Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Creatine Toxicology I - Serum 77

Creatine kinase consult CPK/ CK (creatine kinase)

Creatinine Gasobio 35

Vitreous humor 54

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Biochemistry - Amniotic Fluid 59

Vaginal wash 60

Biochemistry 72

Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Cross-Exam Immunohematology Cross-Exam 49

Cryoglobulins Cryoglobulins 52

Cryptococcus laurentii Micology 67

Cryptococcus neoformans Cryptococcus neoformans - Antigen 65

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C/D Testing/ Examination Programs C Cryptococcus neoformans Micology 67

Cryptosporidium Parasitology 69

Crystalline Structures Sinovial Liquid Crystals/Crystalline Structures 54

Crystallization Crystallization Test (Ferning Test)

Crystals Coprology I 24

Crystals Sinovial Liquid Crystals/Crystalline Structures 54

Crystaluria Urinalysis Sedimentation - Identification 83

CTX consult Telopeptide C (CTX)

Culture Bacteriology - Amniotic Fluid 59

Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Anaerobic Research 69

Cunninghanella sp. Micology 67

Curvularia sp. Micology 67

CVE consult Epidemiological Surveillance Cultures (CVE)

Cyanide Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Potable water 83

Cyclic Citrulline Peptide consult Anti-CCP

Cyclohexane Toxicology II - Urine 77

Cyclosporine Immunosuppressive Drugs 70

CYFRA 21-1 Tumor Markers 47

Tumor Markers Liquid 56

Cylindruria Urinalysis Sedimentation - Identification 83

Cystatin C Cystatin C 73

Cysticercosis Immunology Liquid 55

Cystine Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Urine 79

Kidney stone 79

Risk of Kidney Stones 81

Cytogenetics Karyotype - band G Cytogenetics Karyotype - band G 37

Cytology Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Cytomegalic Inclusion Cells Cytomegalic Inclusion Cells 80

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Neonatal screening - Infectious diseases 27

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) - Infectious diseases 30

Molecular Biology 37

Immunology Liquid 55

Cytopathology Non-gynecological - Liquids and Erushed Cytopathology Non-gynecological - Liquids and Erushed 21

Cytopathology Non-gynecological - PAAF Cytopathology Non-gynecological - PAAF 21

Cytoplasmic FAN HEp2 52 D D Dimer consult Dimer D

D. farinae consult D2 - D. farinae

D. microceras consult D3 - D. microceras

D. pteronyssinus consult D1- D. pteronyssinus

D1- D. pteronyssinus Allergy 50

D2 - D. farinae Allergy 50

D201 - B. tropicalis Allergy 50

D3 - D. microceras Allergy 50

D70 - Acarus siro Allergy 50

D71 - Lepidoglyphus destructor Allergy 50

D72 - T. putrescentiae Allergy 50

D73 - G. domesticus Allergy 50

D74 - Eurogliphus maynei Allergy 50

Degraded proteins Coprology I 24

Degree of hemolysis Blood components 44

Dehydroepiandrosterone consult DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)

98 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

D Testing/ Examination Programs D Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate consult DHEA sulfate (S-DHEA)

Delta consult Hepatitis Delta (HDV)

Demethylclopramine Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Dengue Dengue IgG, IgM e NS1 30

Dengue Molecular Biology 37

Density Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Urinalysis Abnormal Elements (EA) 82

Deoxypyridinoline (DPD) Bone Marrow Metabolism / Growth Markers - Urine 47

Dermatopathology Dermatopathology 21

Desipramine Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Desmethyltramadol Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Determination of Endotoxin Determination of Endotoxin 85

Water - Injectable Water 85

Dexamethasone Immunosuppressive Drugs 70

D-glucan consult Beta D-glucan

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) Specialized Hormones 46

Saliva 57

DHEA sulfate (S-DHEA) Specialized Hormones 46

Saliva 57

DHEAS consult DHEA sulfate (S-DHEA)

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) Specialized Hormones 46

Diabetes Markers Diabetes Markers 25

Diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus 24

Diagnosis of Leukemia Diagnosis of Leukemia 22

Dialysis Water Dialysis Water 83

Diazepam Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Diethylpropionate Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Digestible cellulose Coprology I 24

Digitoxin Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Digoxin Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Dihidrocodeine Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Dihydrotestosterone consult DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)

Dimer D Dimer D 23

TLR Dimer D 74

Diphenylhydantoin consult Phenytoin (Diphenylhydantoin)

Direct bilirubin Neonatal bilirubin 26

Biochemistry 72

Direct coombs consult Intravascular Antibodies - TAD (direct coombs)

consult Immunohematology Eluato

Direct fungus research consult Chinese ink (Direct fungus research)

Disopyramide Therapeutic Drugs II 70

DNA consult Anti-DNA

Docosanoic acid Biochemistry 72

Dog Dandruff consult E5 - Dog Dandruff

Donor Selection Donor Selection 44

consult TLR Hemoglobin - HemoCue 44

Dopamine Catecholamines 46

Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Dosage of Galactomannan Dosage of Galactomannan 66

Doxepin Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Doxylamine Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

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D/E Testing/ Examination Programs D DPD consult Deoxypyridinoline (DPD)

Drugs of Abuse consult TLR Drugs of Abuse

Drugs of Abuse consult Drugs of Abuse - Hair

consult Drugs of Abuse - Saliva

consult Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation

Drugs of Abuse - Hair Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

D-xylose Biochemistry 72

Absorption test of D-xylose 81 E E. coli Water I 85

E. coli k1 Meningitis Panel 68

E1 consult Estrona (E1)

E1 - Cat’s epithelium Allergy 50

E2 consult Estradiol (E2)

E3 - Horse Dandruff Allergy 50

E5 - Dog Dandruff Allergy 50

EA consult Urinalysis Abnormal Elements (EA)

EBV consult Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)

ECA consult Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)

Ecstasy (MDMA) TLR Drugs of Abuse 74

Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

EDDP Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Eluato Immunohematology Eluato 48

ENA consult Anti-ENA

ENA Specific antibodies Autoimmunity Autoimmunity 51

Endolimax nana Parasitology 69

Endomysial IgA consult Anti-Endomysial IgA

Endomysial IgG consult Anti-Endomysial IgG

Endotoxin Determination of Endotoxin 85

Entamoeba coli Parasitology 69

Entamoeba histolytica Entamoeba histolytica - Antibodies 30

Enterobius vermicularis Parasitology 69

Enterococcus faecalis Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Enterococcus spp. Water III 85

Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli Coproculture I 65

Enteroinvasive E. coli Coproculture I 65

Enteropathogenic E. coli Coproculture I 65

Enterotoxigenic E. coli Coproculture I 65

Eosinophils Hematology Automation 42

Hematoscopy 43

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Ephedrine Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Epidemiological Surveillance Cultures (CVE) Epidemiological Surveillance Cultures (CVE) 65

Epidermophyton floccosum Micology 67

Epinephrine (Adrenaline) Catecholamines 46

Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

EPO consult Erythropoietin (EPO)

Epstein Barr consult Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)

Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) 34

Molecular Biology 37

ERC consult Epidemiological Surveillance Cultures (CVE)

Erythroblasts Hematoscopy 43

100 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

E/F Testing/ Examination Programs E Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) 44

Erythropoietin (EPO) Specialized Hormones 46

Erythrovirus B19 - Antibodies Erythrovirus B19 - Antibodies 32

ESBL consult Epidemiological Surveillance Cultures (CVE)

Escherichia coli Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Esters Cholesterol Lipid profile 48

Estradiol (E2) Specialized Hormones 46

Estriol (UE3) Free Specialized Hormones 46

Fetal Risk Assessment: 2st trimester 58

Estriol (UE3) Total Specialized Hormones 46

Saliva 57

Estrona (E1) Specialized Hormones 46

Saliva 57

Ethanol Toxicology IV - Volatile (Serum) 78

Toxicology V - Volatile (Urine) 78

Toxicology VI - Volatile (Total Blood) 78

Ethosuximide Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Ethylene glycol Toxicology IV - Volatile (Serum) 78

Ethylmalonic acid Organic Acids 79

Eurogliphus maynei consult D74 - Eurogliphus maynei

Evaluation of fetal bilirubin Evaluation of fetal bilirubin 60

Everolimus Immunosuppressive Drugs 70

Extravascular antibodies - PAI (indirect coombs) Immunohematology Automation 48

General Immunohematology 49 F F23 - Crab Allergy 50

F24 - Shrimp Allergy 50

F3 - Fish (Cod) Allergy 50

F37 - Blue mussel Allergy 50

F40 - Tuna Allergy 50

F41 - Salmon Allergy 50

Factor II Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Factor V Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Factor V Leiden - Mutation Research Molecular Biology 37

Factor VII Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Factor VIII Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Blood components 44

Factor IX Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Factor X Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Factor XI Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Factor XII Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Factor XIII Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Factor inhibitor VII Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Factor inhibitor VIII Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Factor inhibitor IX Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

FAN Hep2 FAN HEp2 52

Fats Coprology I 24

Fecal calprotectin Coprology II 24

Fecal Occult Blood Fecal Occult Blood 24

Femproporex Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Phenylalanine Neonatal Care 26

Neonatal screening I 26

Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Plasma 71

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F Testing/ Examination Programs F Phenylalanine Amino Acid - Urine 79

Fentanyl Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Ferning Test Crystallization Test (Ferning Test)

Ferritin Anemia 45

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Fetal bilirubin consult Evaluation of fetal bilirubin

Fetal Fibronectin Fetal Fibronectin 59

Fetal Growth Fetal Growth 59

Fetal Risk Assessment: 1st trimester Fetal Risk Assessment: 1st trimester 58

Fetal Risk Assessment: 2st trimester Fetal Risk Assessment: 2st trimester 58

Fetal Sexing Molecular Biology 41

FG consult Phosphatidylglycerol (FG)

Fibrinogen Blood components 44

Filaggrin consult Antibodies Anti-filaggrin

Fish (Cod) consult F3 - Fish (Cod)

FK506 consult Tacrolimus

FLAER Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) 22

Flecainide Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Flow Cytometry consult Lymphocyte Panel 21

consult Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)

consult CD34+

consult Diagnosis of Leukemia

Flunitrazepam Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Fluoride Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Dialysis Water 83

Potable water 83

Fluoxetine Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Flurazepam Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Folate consult Folic acid (folate)

Folic acid (folate) Anemia 45

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Follicle stimulating hormone consult FSH (Follicle stimulating hormone)

Fonsecaea compacta Micology 67

Fonsecaea pedrosoi Micology 67

Foreign bodies Coprology I 24

Formaldehyde Toxicology V - Volatile (Urine) 78

Formic acid Toxicology II - Urine 77

FR Rheumatoid Factor 52

Free androgen consult Free Androgen index

Free androgen index Specialized Hormones 46

Free fatty acids (NEFA) Diabetes Markers 25

Biochemistry 72

Free hemoglobin Blood components 44

Free iron fixing capacity (UIBC) Anemia 45

Biochemistry 72

Free light/light Lambda Kappa Ratio Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Free residual chlorine Potable water 83

Purified Water and Injectable 84

Fructosamine Biochemistry 72

Fructose Sperm Biochemistry 62

102 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

F / G Testing/ Examination Programs F Fructose Urinary Sugars (Carbohydrates) 79

FSH (Follicle stimulating hormone) Specialized Hormones 46

Functional Fibrinogen Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Furosemide Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Fusarium sp. Micology 67 G G. domesticus consult D73 - G. domesticus

G6PD Neonatal screening II 26

GABA consult Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)

Gabapentin Therapeutic Drugs I 70

GAD consult anti-GAD

Galactomannan consult Dosage of Galactomannan

Galactose Neonatal screening II 26

Urinary Sugars (Carbohydrates) 79

Gamma Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Protein Electrophoresis - Urine 80

Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Gamma glutamyl transferase consult gGT (Gamma glutamyl transferase)

Gasobio Gasobio 35

Gastrin Diabetes Markers 25

GBS consult Epidemiological Surveillance Cultures (CVE)

General Pathological Anatomy General Pathological Anatomy 21

Genetic Link Genetic Link (Paternity/Maternity) 41

Genotypes of the RH system Immunohematology Phenotyping RH and Kell 49

Gentamicin Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Germinative elements Sperm Morphology 63 gGT (gamma glutamyl transferase) Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Biochemistry 72

GH (Growth hormone) Specialized Hormones 46

GHBP Specialized Hormones 46

Ghrelin Specialized Hormones 46

Giardia lamblia Giardia lamblia- Antibodies 31

Parasitology 69

GLDH (glutamate dehydrogenage) Biochemistry 72

Gliadina IgA Autoimmunity 52

Gliadina IgG Autoimmunity 52

Globular Resistance consult Osmotic Fragility

Glucagon Specialized Hormones 46

Glucose Gasobio 35

Vitreous humor 54

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Biochemistry - Amniotic Fluid 59

Biochemistry 72

TLR Biochemistry 73

Urinary Sugars (Carbohydrates) 79

Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Urinalysis Abnormal Elements (EA) 82

Glutamate dehydrogenage consult em GLDH (glutamate dehydrogenage)

Glutamic acid Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Plasma 71

Amino Acid - Urine 79

Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Glutamine Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Plasma 71

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G/H Testing/ Examination Programs G Glutamine Amino Acid - Urine 79

Glutaric acid Organic Acids 79

Glycemia consult Glucose

Glycated Hemoglobin Glycated Hemoglobin 25

Glycine Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Urine 79

Glycosuria consult Glucose

GRAM Microscopy Fluid 56

Maternal-Fetal Medicine 59

Bacterioscopy GRAM 64

Anaerobic Research 69

Granulocytes Hematology Automation 42

Group B Estreptococcus Meningitis Panel 68

Group B Estreptococcus (GBS) Epidemiological Surveillance Cultures (CVE) 65

Growth hormone consult GH (Growth hormone)

Guanidinoacettate Biochemistry 72

Gynecological Cytopathology Gynecological Cytopathology 21 H Haematocrit Hematology Automation 42

Donor Selection 44

Blood components 44

Haemophilus influenzae Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Haemophilus influenzae Type B Meningitis Panel 68

Haloperidol Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Haptoglobin Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

HAV consult Anti-HAV (Hepatitis A)

HbA1 Glycated Hemoglobin 25

HbA1c Glycated Hemoglobin 25

HBc consult Anti-HBc (Hepatitis B)

HBDH consult Alpha hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (αHBDH)

HBe Serology III 34

HBeAg Serology III 34

HBs Serology 33

HBsAg Serology 33

HBV Molecular Biology 38

NAT - Molecular Biology I 40

hCG (Human chorionic gonadotrophin) Specialized Hormones 46

HCM Hematology Automation 42

HCO3- consult Bicarbonate (HCO3-)

HCV Serology 33

Molecular Biology 38

NAT - Molecular Biology I 40

HDV consult Anti-HDV (Hepatitis Delta)

Cardiac Markers Cardiac Markers 58

Helicobacter pylori Helicobacter pylori - Antibodies 31

Helicobacter pylori - Antigen 66

Helicobacter pylori - Urease 66

Hematology Automation Hematology Automation 42

Hematoscopy Hematoscopy 43

Hematuria Urinalysis Sedimentation - Identification 83

HemoCue consult TLR Hemoglobin - HemoCue

Hemoculture Blood components 44

Hemoglobin Hematology Automation 42

TLR Hemoglobin - HemoCue 42

Donor Selection 44

Blood components 44

104 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

H Testing/ Examination Programs H Hemoglobin Urinalysis Abnormal Elements (EA) 82

Hemoglobin A1 Hemoglobinopathies 25

Hemoglobin A1 Neonatal screening 26

Hemoglobin A2 Hemoglobinopathies 25

Neonatal screening 26

Hemoglobin C Hemoglobinopathies 25

Hemoglobin C Neonatal screening 26

Hemoglobin D Hemoglobinopathies 25

Neonatal screening 26

Hemoglobin E Hemoglobinopathies 25

Neonatal screening 26

Hemoglobin F Hemoglobinopathies 25

Hemoglobin F Research - Flow Cytometry 60

Neonatal screening 26

Hemoglobin F Research - Flow Cytometry Hemoglobin F Research - Flow Cytometry 60

Hemoglobin H consult Hemoglobin H Research

Hemoglobin H Research Hemoglobin H Research 25

Hemoglobin S Hemoglobinopathies 25

Neonatal screening 26

Hemoglobin Total Oximetry 35

Hemoglobinopathies Hemoglobinopathies 25

Hemoglobins Hemoglobinopathies 25

Neonatal screening I 26

Hemograma consult Hematology Automation

HemoParasitology HemoParasitology 43

Hemopexin (Hpx) Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Hemossedimentação (VHS) consult Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

Hemostasia consult Coagulation and Haemostasis

Heparin cofactor II (Activity) Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Hepatitis A consult Anti-HAV (Hepatitis A)

Hepatitis B consult Anti-HBc (Hepatitis B)

Hepatitis Delta consult Anti-HDV (Hepatitis Delta)

Hepatitis E (HEV) Molecular Biology 38

Hepcidina Anemia 45

Heptaporphyrin Porphyrins 80

Heroin Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 31

Molecular Biology 38

Immunology Liquid 55

Heterotrophic Bacterial Water I 85

HEV consult Hepatitis E (HEV)

Hexacosanoic acid Biochemistry 72

Hexaporphyrin Porphyrins 80

Hexosaminidase A Biochemistry 72

Hexosaminidase A (Activity) Biochemistry 72

Hexosaminidase B Biochemistry 72

Hexosaminidase total Biochemistry 72

HIAA consult 5-hydroxy indoleacetic acid (HIAA)

Hidantoína Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Hidroxipireno Toxicology II - Urine 77

Hidroxiproline Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Urine 79

Hipo-Osmótico consult Sperm Vitality (Hypo-Osmotic) - Swelling Test

Hippuric acid Toxicology II - Urine 77

Histamina Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Histidina Amino Acid Liquor 55

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H/I Testing/ Examination Programs H Histidina Amino Acid - Plasma 71

Histidina Amino Acid - Urine 79

Histocompatibilidade consult Molecular Typification HLA

Histocompatibilidade consult Antigen HLA-B-27

Histoplasma capsulTuna Molecular Biology 38

Micology 67

Histoplasmosis Histoplasmosis 31

Histoplasmosis - Antigen 67

HIV Neonatal screening - Infectious diseases 27

Serology 33

Molecular Biology 38

NAT - Molecular Biology I 40

HIV Research Liquor 57

HLA-A Molecular Typification HLA 45

HLA-B Molecular Typification HLA 45

HLA-B-27 consult Antigen HLA-B-27

HLA-C Molecular Typification HLA 45

HLA-DPB1 Molecular Typification HLA 45

HLA-DQB1 Molecular Typification HLA 45

HLA-DRB1 Molecular Typification HLA 45

Holotranscobalamin Anemia 45

Homa IR consult Índice de Homa IR

Homa IR index Specialized Hormones 46

Homocysteine Cardiac Markers 58

Biochemical Urinalysis I 81

Homocystine Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Homovanillic acid (HVA) Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Horse Dandruff consult E3 - Horse Dandruff

Hortae werneckii Micology 67

Hospital Bacteriology Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Household dust consult Allergy

HPN consult Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)

HPV consult Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Hpx consult Hemopexin (Hpx)

hsPCR consult C Reactive Protein (hsPCR) Cardiac (Ultrasensitive)

HSV consult Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)

HTLV Serology 33

Molecular Biology II 39

NAT - Molecular Biology II 40

Research Liquor HTLV 57

Human chorionic gonadotrophin consult hCG (Human chorionic gonadotrophin)

Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Molecular Biology 40

HVA consult Homovanillic acid (HVA)

HX2 consult painel HX2

Hyaluronic acid Vitreous humor 54

Hydroxyphenyl lactic acid Organic Acids 79

Hydroxyphenyl pyruvic acid Organic Acids 79

Hypertension Markers Hypertension Markers 47 I IAI consult Irregular antibodies - IAI

Ianetta consult Test of Ianetta

Ibuprofen Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

ICA consult Anti-pancreatic islet antibodies (ICA)

Identification Bacteriology - Amniotic Fluid 59

Identification Anaerobic Research 69

106 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

I Testing/ Examination Programs I Identification Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

IgA (Immunoglobulin A) Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Saliva 57

IgA (Immunoglobulin A) Biochemical Urinalysis 81

IgD (Immunoglobulin D) Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

IgE (Immunoglobulin E) Allergy 50

Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

IGF binding protein 1 (IGFBP-1) Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Serum 47

IGF binding protein 1 (IGFBP-1) Fetal Growth 59

Premature rupture of membranes 60

IGF binding protein 2 (IGFBP-2) Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Serum 47

IGF binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3) Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Serum 47

Fetal Growth 59

IGF1 consult Somatomedin C (IGF1)

IGF-1 Fetal Growth 59

IGF2 consult Somatomedin A (IGF2)

IGFBP-1 consult IGF binding protein 1 (IGFBP-1)

IGFBP-2 consult IGF binding protein 2 (IGFBP-2)

IGFBP-3 consult IGF binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3)

IgG (Immunoglobulin G) Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Biochemical Urinalysis 81

IgG index Multiparameter Liquid 56

IgM (Immunoglobulin M) Immunoglobulin M - Cordão Umbilical 26

Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Imipramine Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Immature cells consult Blasts (immature cells)

Immunofixation Immunofixation of Proteins - Serum 53

Protein Electrophoresis - Urine 80

Immunoglobulin A consult IgA (Immunoglobulin A)

Immunoglobulin D consult IgD (Immunoglobulin D)

Immunoglobulin E consult IgE (Immunoglobulin E)

Immunoglobulin G consult IgG (Immunoglobulin G)

Immunoglobulin M consult IgM (Immunoglobulin M)

Immunohematology Automation Immunohematology Automation 48

Immunohematology Cross-Exam Immunohematology Cross-Exam 49

Immunohematology Eluato Immunohematology Eluato 49

Immunohematology General Immunohematology General 49

Immunohematology IAI Immunohematology IAI 49

Immunohematology Phenotyping RH and Kell Immunohematology Phenotyping RH and Kell 48

Immunohematology TAD Immunohematology TAD 50

Immunohematology Titration Immunohematology Titration Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-D 50

Immunological fibrinogen Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Immunology Liquid Immunology Liquid 55

Immunoproteins Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins

Immunoreactive trypsin (IRT) Neonatal screening I 26

Immunosuppressive Drugs Immunosuppressive Drugs 70

Indirect bilirubin Neonatal bilirubin 26

Biochemistry 72

Indirect coombs consult Search for extravascular antibodies - PAI (indirect coombs)

Influenza A and B Molecular Biology 39

Inhibin A Specialized Hormones 46

Inhibin A Maternal Screening 61

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 107 AVAILABLE SERVICES

I/J/K Testing/ Examination Programs I Inhibin B Specialized Hormones 46

Insulin consult Anti-Insulin

Insulin Free Diabetes Markers 25

Specialized Hormones 46

Insulin Total Diabetes Markers 25

Specialized Hormones 46

Intact osteocalcin Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Serum 47

Interleukin 1 Interleukins 53

Interleukin 10 Interleukins 53

Interleukin 2 Interleukins 53

Interleukin 5 Interleukins 53

Interleukin 6 Interleukins 53

Interleukin 8 Interleukins 53

Interleukins Interleukins 53

Intestinal parasites Parasitology 69

Intestinal vasoactive peptide (VIP) Tumor Markers 47

Intravascular Antibodies - TAD (direct coombs) Immunohematology Automation 48

Immunohematology TAD 50

Iodine Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Iodophile flora Coprology I 24

Ionic calcium Gasobio 35

Biochemistry 72

Iron Anemia 45

Biochemistry 72

Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Irregular antibodies - IAI Immunohematology IAI 49

Immunohematology Eluato 48

IRT consult Immunoreactive trypsin (IRT)

Isaria cretacea Micology 68

Isoleucine Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Plasma 71

Amino Acid - Urine 79

Isopropanol Toxicology IV - Volatile (Serum) 78

Toxicology V - Volatile (Urine) 78

Isopora belli Parasitology II 69 J JAK-2 consult Janus kinase 2 (JAK-2) - Mutation Research

Janus kinase 2 (JAK-2) - Mutation Research Molecular Biology 39

Jo-1 consult Anti-Jo1 K Kappa-Light chain Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Kappa-Light chain Free Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Karyotype consult Cytogenetics Karyotype - band G

Kell consult Immunohematology Phenotyping RH and Kell

Ketamine Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Ketoisocaproic acid Organic Acids 79

Ketoisovaleric acid Organic Acids 79

Ketone consult TLR Ketone

Ketone bodies Urinalysis Abnormal Elements (EA) 82

Ketone Total Diabetes Markers 25

Kidney stone Kidney stone 79

Kittrich consult Nile Blue Test (Kittrich)

Klebsiella pneumoniae Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Kleihauer-Betke Test (Hemoglobin F) Kleihauer-Betke Test (Hemoglobin F) 62 108 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

K/L Testing/ Examination Programs L Lactate consult Lactic acid (lactate)

Lactic acid (lactate) Gasobio 35

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Biochemistry 72

Organic Acids 79

Lactic Dehydrogenase (LDH) Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Biochemistry 72

Cardiac Markers 58

Lactic Dehydrogenase (LDH) 1 Total Biochemistry 72

Lactic Dehydrogenase (LDH) fractions (1 to 5) Biochemistry 72

Lactose Urinary Sugars (Carbohydrates) 79

Lambda-Light chain Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Lambda-Light chain Free Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Lamellar Body Count (CCL) Lamellar Body Count (CCL) 59

Lamotrigine Therapeutic Drugs I 70

LAP Consult em leucinaminopeptidase (LAP)

LDH consult Lactic Dehydrogenase (LDH)

Lead Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Lecithin consult Lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio (L / E)

Lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio (L / E) Pulmonary maturity 60

Legionella - Antigen Legionella - Antigen 67

Legionella pneumophila Molecular Biology 39

Leiden consult Factor V Leiden - Mutation Research

Leishmania sp. Hemoparasitology 43

Lepidoglyphus destructor consult D71 - Lepidoglyphus destructor

Leprosy Leprosy 66

Leptin Specialized Hormones 46

Leptospirosis Leptospirosis 31

Leucinaminopeptidase (LAP) Biochemistry 72

Leucine Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Plasma 71

Amino Acid - Urine 79

Leukemia consult Diagnosis of Leukemia

Leukocytes Coprology I 24

Hematology Automation 42

Blood components 44

Sperm Morphology 63

Urinalysis Abnormal Elements (EA) 82

Urinalysis Sedimentoscopy and counting by Field and Camera 82

Urinalysis Sedimentation by automation 83

Leukocytes WIC Hematology Automation 42

Leukocytes WOC Hematology Automation 42

Levetiracetam Therapeutic Drugs II 70

LH (Luteinizing hormone) Specialized Hormones 46

Lidocaine Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Light chain consult Kappa-Light chain

consult Lambda-Light chain

Light chain Free consult Kappa-Light chain Free

consult Lambda-Light chain Free

Light/light Lambda Kappa Ratio Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Lipase Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Biochemistry 72

Lipid profile Lipid profile 48

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L/M Testing/ Examination Programs L Lipoprotein (a) Lipid profile 48

Lipoprotein Electrophoresis Lipid profile 48

Liquid consult Multiparameter Liquid

consult Microscopy Fluid

consult Tumor Markers Liquid

consult Alzheimer’s Markers Liquor

consult Research Liquor HIV

consult Research Liquor HTLV

consult Immunology Liquid

consult Automated Cell Counting Liquor

consult Amino Acid Liquor

Liquids and Erushed consult Cytopathology Non-gynecological - Liquids and Erushed

Listeria monocytogenes Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Lithium Gasobio 35

Biochemistry 72

Toxicology II - Urine 77

LKM1 consult Anti-LKM1

Lorazepam Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Lormetazepam Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

LSD Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Lupus Anticoagulant Lupus Anticoagulant 22

Luteinizing hormone consult LH (Luteinizing hormone)

Lymphocyte Hematology Automation 42

Hematoscopy 43

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Lymphocyte Panel Lymphocyte Panel 22

Lysine Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Urine 79

Lysozyme Saliva 57 M Macroamylase Biochemistry 72

Macrophages Multiparameter Liquid 56

Macroprolactin Specialized Hormones 46

Madurella mycetomatis Micology 68

Magnesium Gasobio 35

Biochemistry 72

Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Kidney stone 79

Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Maltose Urinary Sugars (Carbohydrates) 79

Mandelic acid Toxicology II - Urine 77

Manganese Toxicology I - Serum 77

Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Maprotiline Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Marijuana (THC) TLR Drugs of Abuse 74

Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Matamphetamine Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Maternal Screening Maternal Screening 61

110 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

M Testing/ Examination Programs M Maternity consult Genetic Link

Mazindol Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

MBDB Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

MCH consult HCM

MCHC consult CHCM

MDA Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

MDEA Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

MDMA consult Ecstasy (MDMA)

Mean corpuscular hemoglobin consult HCM

Mean corpuscular volume consult VCM

Mean Plaquet Volume consult VPM

Measles Measles 33

Melatonin Saliva 57

Meningitis Panel Meningitis Panel 68

Meperedine Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Mephadex Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Mephobarbital Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Meprobamate Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Mercury Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Mesophilic microorganisms Water - Injectable Water 85

Metahemoglobin Oximetry 35

Metamphetamine TLR Drugs of Abuse 74

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Metanephrine Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Metaqualone Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

TLR Drugs of Abuse 74

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Methadone TLR Drugs of Abuse 74

Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Methanol Toxicology IV - Volatile (Serum) 78

Toxicology V - Volatile (Urine) 78

Toxicology VI - Volatile (Total Blood) 78

Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus Epidemiological Surveillance Cultures (CVE) 65

Methionine Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Plasma 71

Amino Acid - Urine 79

Methosuximide Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Methotrexate Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Methyl-hippuric acid Toxicology II - Urine 77

Methylmalonic acid Anemia 45

Organic Acids 79

Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Methyprilone Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Metil-Etil-Ketone Toxicology V - Volatile (Urine) 78

Metil-Isobutil-Ketone Toxicology V - Volatile (Urine) 78

Micology Micology 67

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M/N Testing/ Examination Programs M Microalbumin Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Microalbumin/creatinine Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Microfilaria sp. Hemoparasitology 43

Microhaematocrit Donor Selection 44

Blood components 44

Microorganisms Urinalysis Sedimentation - Identification 83

Microscopy Fluid Microscopy Fluid 56

Microsporids Parasitology 69

Microsporum canis Micology 68

Microsporum gypseum Micology 68

MID Hematology Automation 42

Midazolam Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Mitochondria consult Anti-Mitocôndria

Mitotane Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Mitotic apparatus FAN HEp2 52

Mixed FAN HEp2 52

Molecular Typification HLA Molecular Typification HLA 45

Molybdenum Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Monascus purpureus Micology 68

Monocytes Hematology Automation 42

Hematoscopy 43

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Monomeric prolactin Specialized Hormones 46

Mononucleosis consult Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)

Morphine TLR Drugs of Abuse 74

Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Motility Sperm Motility 63

MPO consult Anti-MPO

MRC consult Certified Reference Material 84

MRSA consult Epidemiological Surveillance Cultures (CVE)

MTHFR - Mutation Research MTHFR - Mutation Research 39

Mucin Coprology I 24

Mucopolysacarideos Mucopolysacarideos 80

Mucoproteins (on tyrosine) Biochemistry 72

Mucor circinelloides Micology 67

Mucus Coprology I 24

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Multiparameter Liquid Multiparameter Liquid 56

Mumps Mumps 29

Muscle Straight consult Anti-Muscle Straight

Mycobacterium tuberculosis Molecular Biology 39

Mycophenolic acid Immunosuppressive Drugs 70

Mycoplasma pneumoniae Mycoplasma 32

Molecular Biology 40

Myelin Basic Protein Multiparameter Liquid 56

Myelogram Myelogram 43

Myoglobin Cardiac Markers 58

Biochemical Urinalysis 81 N N-acetylprocainamide (NAPA) Therapeutic Drugs II 70

NaCl by conductivity Sweat 57

NAPA consult N-acetylprocainamide (NAPA)

Naproxen Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

112 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

N Testing/ Examination Programs N NAT Molecular Biology 40

NEFA consult Free fatty acids (NEFA)

Neisseria gonorrhoeae Molecular Biology 40

Neisseria meningitidis A Meningitis Panel 68

Neisseria meningitidis B Meningitis Panel 68

Neisseria meningitidis C Meningitis Panel 68

Neisseria meningitidis W135 Meningitis Panel 68

Neisseria meningitidis Y Meningitis Panel 68

Neonatal bilirubin Neonatal bilirubin 26

Neonatal Care Neonatal Care 26

Neonatal screening Neonatal screening I 26

Neonatal screening II 26

Neonatal screening - Infectious diseases 27

Neoscytalidium dimidiTuna Micology 67

Neuron specific enolase (NSE) Tumor Markers 47

Tumor Markers Liquid 56

Neutral fats (Sudam III) Coprology I 24

Neutrophil metamielocytes Hematoscopy 43

Hematoscopy 43

Neutrophilic rods Hematoscopy 43

Neutrophils Hematology Automation 42

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Niacin consult Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Nickel Toxicology I - Serum 77

Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Nicotine Toxicology I - Serum 77

Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Nile Blue (Kittrich) consult Nile Blue Test (Kittrich)

Nile Blue Test (Kittrich) Nile Blue Test (Kittrich) 62

Nitrate Dialysis Water 83

Nitrazepam Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Nitrite Urinalysis Abnormal Elements (EA) 82

N-methylformamide Toxicology II - Urine 77

N-Mid consult Osteocalcin N-Mid

Nocardia asteroide Micology 67

Nocardia brasiliensis Micology 67

Non-degraded proteins Coprology I 24

Non-digestible cellulose Coprology I 24

Non-movable non-progressive motility Sperm Motility 63

Non-prostatic acid phosphatase Biochemistry 72

Noradrenaline consult Norepinephrine (Noradrenaline)

Norcocaine Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Nordiazepam Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Norepinephrine (Noradrenaline) Catecholamines 46

Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Norketamine Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Normal spermatozoa Sperm Morphology 63

Normetanephrine Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 113 AVAILABLE SERVICES

N/O/P Testing/ Examination Programs N Norovirus Molecular Biology 40

Norovirus - Antigen 68

Norpropoxyphene Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Nortriptyline Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

NS1 consult Dengue IgG, IgM and NS3

NSE consult Neuron specific enolase (NSE)

NT-próBNP Cardiac Markers 58

NTX consult Ttelopeptide N (NTX)

Nuclear FAN HEp2 52

Nucleated cells Cavity Fluids Cell Count by Automation 54

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Nucleated cells Automated Cell Counting Liquor 55

Nucleated cells Multiparameter Liquid 56

Nucleolar FAN HEp2 52 O Oligoclonal bands Multiparameter Liquid 56

Opiates TLR Drugs of Abuse 74

Organic Acids Coprology I 24

Organic Acids 79

Organochlorines and Organophosphates Organochlorines and Organophosphates 77

Ornithine Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Urine 79

Orotic acid Organic Acids 79

Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Osmolality Biochemistry 72

Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Osmotic Fragility Osmotic Fragility 25

Osteocalcin N-Mid Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Serum 47

Outpatient microorganisms Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Oxalate (Oxalic acid) Kidney stone 79

Risk of Kidney Stones 81

Oxalic acid consult Oxalate (Oxalic acid)

Oxazepam Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Oxcarbazepine Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Oxidizable organic substances Purified Water and Injectable 84

Oximetry Oximetry 35

Oxycodone TLR Drugs of Abuse 74

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Oxygen saturation (SO2) Gasobio 35 Oxyhemoglobin Oximetry 35 P P1NP (Type I procollagen propeptide) Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Serum 47

PAAF consult Cytopathology Non-gynecological - PAAF

PAI consult Antibodies Extravasculares - PAI (Indirect coombs)

PAMG-1 Alpha 1 placental microglobulin Premature rupture of membranes 60

P-aminophenol Toxicology II - Urine 77

Pancreatic amylase Biochemistry 72

Pancreatic Elastase Coprology II 24

Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) Tumor Markers 47

Pancreatic trypsin Biochemistry 72

Panel HX2 Allergy 50

114 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

P Testing/ Examination Programs P Pantothenic acid consult Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)

PAP consult Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP)

PAPP-A (Pregnancy-associated plasma protein) Fetal Risk Assessment: 1st trimester 58

Paracetamol consult Acetaminophen (Paracetamol)

Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Micology 68

Parainfluenza 1,2,3 and 4 Parainfluenza 1,2,3 and 4 - Antibodies 32

Parasites Coprology I 24

Parasitology 69

Parasitology Parasitology 69

Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) 22

Parvovirus consult Erythrovirus B19 - Antibodies

Paternity consult Genetic Link

PBG consult Porphobilinogen (PBG)

pCO2 Gasobio 35 Gasometry 35

PCP consult Phencyclidine (PCP)

PCR consult C Reactive Protein (CRP)

PCT Hematology Automation 42

PDW Hematology Automation 42

Penicillium aurantiogriseum Micology 68

Penicillium chrysogerum Micology 68

Penicillium sp. Micology 68

Pentaclorophenol Toxicology II - Urine 77

Pentaporphyrin Porphyrins 80

Peptide 1-42 consult Protein Beta Amyloid 1-42 (Peptide 1-42)

Peptide C Diabetes Markers 25

Peroxidase positive cell count Sperm Morphology 63 pH Coprology I 24

Gasobio 35

Gasometry 35

Blood components 44

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Saliva 57

PH Determination Test 61

Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Urinalysis Abnormal Elements (EA) 82

Certified Reference Material 84

PH Determination Test PH Determination Test 61

Phencyclidine (PCP) TLR Drugs of Abuse 74

Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 75

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Phenobarbital Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Phenol Toxicology II - Urine 77

Phenol Testing Phenol Testing 61

Phenotyping RH consult Immunohematology Phenotyping RH and Kell

Phenylbutazone Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Phenylglyoxylic acid Toxicology II - Urine 77

Phenylmercaptrimic acid Toxicology II - Urine 77

Phenylpropanolamine Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Phenytoin (Diphenylhydantoin) Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Phialophora verrucosa Micology 68

Phosphate Kidney stone 79

Phosphatidylglycerol (FG) Pulmonary maturity 60

Phosphatidylserine IgA Antibodies Antiphospholipid 51

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 115 AVAILABLE SERVICES

P Testing/ Examination Programs P Phosphatidylserine IgG Antibodies Antiphospholipid 51

Phosphatidylserine IgM Antibodies Antiphospholipid 51

Phospholipids Lipid profile 48

Phosphor Biochemistry I 72

Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Phospho-Tau consult Phospho-Tau protein

Phytanic acid Biochemistry 72

Piedraia hortae Micology 68

Pituitary glycoprotein hormones Tumor Markers 47

Piuria Urinalysis Sedimentation - Identification 83

PKU consult Phenylalanine

Placental growth factor consult PlGF (Placental growth factor)

Plaquetocrit consult PCT

Plasma cells Multiparameter Liquid 56

Plasma cholinesterase Toxicology I - Serum 77

Plasminogen Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Plasminogen tissue inhibitor Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Plasmodium sp. Hemoparasitology 43

Platelet Aggregation Platelet Aggregation 22

Plates Hematology Automation 42

Blood components 44

Plesiomonas sp. Coproculture 65

PlGF (Placental growth factor) Pre-eclampsia Markers 60

Pneumocystis jiroveci Pneumocystis jiroveci 69

pO2 Gasobio 35 Gasometry 35

Point of Care consult Remote Laboratory Testing (TLR)

Poorly digested muscle fibers Coprology I 24

Porphobilinogen (PBG) Porphobilinogen (PBG) 81

Porphyrins Porphyrins 80

Posaconazole Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Post-vasectomy count Sperm Cell Count on camera 62

Potable water Potable water 83

Potassium Gasobio 35

Vitreous humor 54

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Biochemistry 72

Biochemical Urinalysis 81

PP consult Pancreatic polypeptide (PP)

PR3 consult Anti-PR3

Pre-Albumin Anemia 45

Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Pre-beta (VLDL) Lipid profile 48

Pre-eclampsia Markers Pre-eclampsia Markers 60

Pregnancy-associated plasma protein consult PAPP-A (pregnancy-associated plasma protein)

Pregnenolone Specialized Hormones 46

Prekallikrein Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Premature rupture of membranes Premature rupture of membranes 60

Primidone Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Pristine acid Biochemistry 72

Procainamide Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Procalcitonin Procalcitonin 48

Prochlorperazine Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

116 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

P Testing/ Examination Programs P Profilaggrin consult Antibodies Anti-Profilaggrin

Progesterone Specialized Hormones 46

Progesterone Saliva 57

Progressive motility Sperm Motility 63

Pró-Insulin Specialized Hormones 46

Prolactin Specialized Hormones 46

Proline Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Urine 79

Promyelocytes Hematoscopy 43

Propoxyphene TLR Drugs of Abuse 74

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Prostate specific antigen (PSA) Tumor Markers Liquid 56

Prostate specific antigen (PSA) Complexed Tumor Markers 47

Prostate specific antigen (PSA) Free Tumor Markers 47

Prostate specific antigen (PSA) Total Tumor Markers 47

Prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) Biochemistry 72

Protein Beta Amyloid 1-42 (Peptide 1-42) Alzheimer’s Markers Liquor 55

Protein C (Antigen) Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Protein C activate (resistance) Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Protein C Funcional Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Protein Electrophoresis Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Protein Electrophoresis - Urine 80

Protein Fosfo-Tau Alzheimer’s Markers Liquor 55

Protein Residual Blood components 45

Protein S Free Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Protein S Funcional Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Protein S Total Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Protein S-100 Tumor Markers 47

Protein Tau Total (t-tau) Alzheimer’s Markers Liquor 55

Proteins Totais Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Vitreous humor 54

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Biochemistry - Amniotic Fluid 59

Vaginal wash 60

Biochemistry 72

Protein Electrophoresis - Urine 80

Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Urinalysis Abnormal Elements (EA) 82

Proteus mirabilis Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Prothrombin consult Prothrombin time (TP)

consult Prothrombin - Mutation Research

consult Anti-Prothrombin

Prothrombin - Mutation Research Molecular Biology 41

Prothrombin time (TP) - Activity Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Prothrombin time (TP) - INR Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Prothrombin time (TP) - Time Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Prototheca wickerhamii Micology 68

PSA consult Prostate specific antigen (PSA)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Water II 85

PTH - Related protein (R-PTH) Diabetes Markers 25

Specialized Hormones 46

PTH Intact Diabetes Markers 25

PTH Intact Specialized Hormones 46

Pulmonary maturity Pulmonary maturity 60

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 117 AVAILABLE SERVICES

P/Q/R Testing/ Examination Programs P Purified Water and Injectable Purified Water and Injectable 84

Pus Coprology I 24

PYD consult Pyridinoline (PYD)

Pyridinoline (PYD) Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Urine 47

Pyridoxine consult Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

Pyruvic acid Organic Acids 79 Q Quick Test consult Remote Laboratory Testing (TLR)

Quinidine Therapeutic Drugs I 70 R Range of Platelet Distribution consult PDW

Range of Red Blood Cells Distribution consult RDW

Rapamycin consult Sirolimus (Rapamycin)

Raw starch Coprology I 24

RBP consult Retinol binding protein

RDW Hematology Automation 42

Red blood cells Coprology I 24

Hematology Automation 42

Cavity Fluids Cell Count by Automation 54

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Automated Cell Counting Liquor 55

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Sperm Morphology 63

Urinalysis Sedimentoscopy and counting by Field and Camera 82

Urinalysis Sedimentation by automation 83

Reducing bodies Coprology I 24

Relation sFlt-1 / PlGF Pre-eclampsia Markers 60

Remote Laboratory Testing (TLR) consult TLR Biochemistry

consult TLR BNP

consult TLR Ketone

consult TLR Coagulation

consult TLR Dimer D

consult TLR Drugs of Abuse

consult TLR Streptococcus group A: Antigen

consult TLR Filariosis

consult TLR Glucose

consult TLR HCG - Serum and Urine

consult TLR Hemoglobin - HemoCue (Donor Selection)

consult TLR Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

Renin Activity Hypertension Markers 47

Renin Direta Hypertension Markers 47

Reptilase consult Reptilase time

Reptilase time Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Research on Erythrocytic Dysmorphism Research on Erythrocytic Dysmorphism 80

Residual Leucocyte Blood components 44

Residual plate Blood components 44

Residual red blood cell Blood components 44

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Molecular Biology 41

TLR Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) 75

Reticulina consult Anti-reticulina IgA

consult Anti-reticulina IgG

consult Anti-reticulina IgM

consult Anti-reticulina Total

Relevant defects Sperm Morphology 63

Reticulocytes Reticulocytes Automation 43

Reticulocytes Manual 43 118 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

R/S Testing/ Examination Programs R Retinol binding protein Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Retinol binding protein Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Rh(D) consult Rhesus - Rh(D)

Rhesus - RH Immunohematology General 49

Immunohematology Cross-Exam 49

Rhesus - Rh(D) Immunohematology Automation 48

Rheumatoid Factor Rheumatoid Factor 52

Rhizopus sp. Micology 68

Rhizopus stolonifera Micology 68

Rhodotorula sp. Micology 68

Riboflavin consult Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Risk of Kidney Stones Risk of Kidney Stones 81

Risperidone Therapeutic Drugs I 70

RNP consult Anti-RNP

RNP/Sm Autoimmunity 51

Rosette consult Rosette Test

Rosette Test Rosette Test 62

Rotavirus Molecular Biology 41

Rotavirus - Antigen 70

R-PTH consult PTH - Related protein (R-PTH)

RSV consult Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

consult TLR Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

Rubella Neonatal screening - Infectious diseases 27

Rubella 32 S S. paratyphi consult Widal Test

S. pneumonie Meningitis Panel 68

S. typhi consult Widal Test

S-100 consult Protein S-100

Salicilato (Salicylic acid) Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Salicylic acid consult Salicilato (Salicylic acid)

Saliva Saliva 57

Salivary amylase Biochemistry 72

Salmon consult F41 - Salmon

Salmonella choleraesuis Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Salmonella sp. Coproculture 65

Sample/patter ratio (factor III partial thromboplastin time) Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Scale (Weight) Blood components 44

SCC consult Squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC)

Scedosporium apiospermum Micology 68

Schistosomiasis Immunology Liquid 55

Scl 70 consult Anti-Scl 70

S-DHEA consult DHEA sulfate (S-DHEA)

Seafood consult Allergy

Search by Acantamoeba Search by Acantamoeba 69

Sebacic acid Organic Acids 79

Organic Acids 79

Secobarbital Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Sedimentoscopy - Identification Urinalysis Sedimentation - Identification 83

Sedimentoscopy and counting by Field and Camera Urinalysis Sedimentoscopy and counting by Field and Camera 82

Sedimentoscopy by automation Urinalysis Sedimentation by automation 83

Selenium Toxicology I - Serum 77

Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Serine Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Plasma 71

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 119 AVAILABLE SERVICES

S Testing/ Examination Programs S Serine Amino Acid - Urine 79

Serology Serology 33

Serology IV 34

Serotonin Toxicology I - Serum 77

Serratia marcescens Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Serum soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) Anemia 45

Sex hormone binding globulin consult SHBG (Sex hormone binding globulin)

sFlT-1 (Soluble tyrosine kinase) Pre-eclampsia Markers 60

SGOT consult TGO/AST

SGPT consult TGP/ALT

SHBG (Sex hormone binding globulin) Specialized Hormones 46

Shigella sp. Coproculture I 65

Shrimp consult F24 - Shrimp

Silicates Purified Water and Injectable 84

Silver Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Sinovial Liquid Crystals/Crystalline Structures Sinovial Liquid Crystals/Crystalline Structures 54

Sirolimus (Rapamycin) Immunosuppressive Drugs 70

Sm consult Anti-Sm

Sodium Gasobio 35

Vitreous humor 54

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Multiparameter Liquid 56

Sweat 57

Biochemistry 72

Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Sodium valproate consult Valproic acid (sodium valproate)

Soluble tyrosine kinase consult sFlT-1 (soluble tyrosine kinase)

Somatomedin A (IGF2) Diabetes Markers 25

Somatomedin C (IGF1) Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Serum 47

Specialized Hormones Specialized Hormones 46

Specific allergens Allergy 50

Specific Proteins Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Spectrophotometer Spectrophotometer 84

Sperm consult Sperm Biochemistry

consult Sperm Cell Count by Automation

consult Sperm Cell Count on camera

consult Sperm Morphology

consult Sperm Motility

consult Sperm Vitality

Sperm Biochemistry Sperm Biochemistry 62

Sperm Cell Count on camera Sperm Cell Count on camera 62

Sperm Cell Count by Automation Sperm Cell Count by Automation 62

Sperm Morphology Sperm Morphology 63

Sperm Motility Sperm Motility 63

Sperm Vitality (Hypo-Osmotic) - Swelling Test Sperm Vitality 63

Sphingomyelin consult Lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio (L / E)

Sporothrix schenckii Molecular Biology 41

Sporothrix sp. Micology 68

Squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC) Tumor Markers 47

SS-A (Ro) consult Anti-SS-A (Ro)

SS-A/SS-B consult Anti-SS-A/SS-B

SS-B (La) consult Anti-SS-B (La)

Staphylococcus aureus Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Staphylococcus epidermidis Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Staphylococcus saprophyticus Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Start prolactin Specialized Hormones 46

120 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

S/T Testing/ Examination Programs S Stercobilin Coprology I 24 sTfR consult Serum soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR)

Streptococcus pneumoniae Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Streptococcus pyogenes Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Strongyloides stercoralis Parasitology 69

Strychnine Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Subclasses Immunoglobulin G (IgG) (1 a 4) Specific Proteins, Protein Electrophoresis and Immunoproteins 53

Sudam III consult Neutral fats (Sudam III)

Sulfamethoxazole Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Sulfate Risk of Kidney Stones 81

Dialysis Water 83

Potable water 83

Sulphite-reducing clostridia Ambulatory and Hospital Bacteriology 64

Sulphite Reducers Clostridia Water III 85

Surfactant consult Surfactant / Albumin ratio (TDx-FLMII)

Surfactant/ Albumin ratio (TDx-FLMII) Surfactant/ Albumin ratio (TDx-FLMII) 60

Sweat Sweat 57

Swelling Test consult Sperm Vitality (Hypo-Osmotic) - Swelling Test

Syncephalastrum sp. Micology 68

Sperm concentration Sperm Cell Count on camera 62

Syphilis Syphilis - Immunofluorescence 33

Serology 33

Immunology Liquid 55

Systems ABO consult Immunohematology Automation

consult Immunohematology General

consult Immunohematology Cross-Exam T T. putrescentiae consult D72 - T. putrescentiae

T3 (triiodothyronine) uptake Specialized Hormones 46

Biochemistry 72

T3 (triiodothyronine) Free Specialized Hormones 46

Biochemistry 72

T3 (triiodothyronine) Reverse Specialized Hormones 46

Biochemistry 72

T3 (triiodothyronine) Total Specialized Hormones 46

Biochemistry 72

T4 (thyroxine) Free Specialized Hormones 46

Biochemistry 72

T4 (thyroxine) Total Neonatal screening I 26

Specialized Hormones 46

Biochemistry 72

Tacrolimus Immunosuppressive Drugs 70

TAD consult Intravascular Antibodies - TAD (direct coombs)

Targeted Neutrophils Hematoscopy 43

Tau Total (t-tau) consult Protein Tau Total (t-tau)

TBG (Thyroxine-binding globulin) Specialized Hormones 46

TC consult Clement’s Test (TC) 61

TCA (activated coagulation time) Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Tdx-FLMII consult Surfactant / Albumin ratio (TDx-FLMII)

Telopeptide C (CTX) Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Serum 47

Telopeptide C (CTX) Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Urine 47

Telopeptide N (NTX) Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Serum 47

Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Urine 47

Temazepam Drugs of Abuse - Hair 75

Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Test of Ianetta Test of Ianetta 61

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 121 AVAILABLE SERVICES

T Testing/ Examination Programs T Teste da Crystallization (Ferning Test) Teste da Crystallization (Ferning Test) 61

Testosterone Free Specialized Hormones 46

Testosterone Total Specialized Hormones 46

Saliva 57

Tetracosanoic acid Biochemistry 72

TG consult Thyroglobulin (TG)

TGO/AST Multiparameter Liquid 56

Biochemistry 72

TGP/ALT Biochemistry 72

Thallium Toxicology I - Serum 77

Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

THC consult Marijuana (THC)

Theophylline Neonatal Care 26

Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Therapeutic Drugs Therapeutic Drugs 70

Thermostable alkaline phosphatase (placental) Biochemistry 72

Thermotolerant coliforms Water I 85

Thiamine consult Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Thiocyanate Toxicology II - Urine 77

Thioridazine Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Therapeutic Drugs III 71

Threonine Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Plasma 71

Amino Acid - Urine 79

Thrombin Time (TT) Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Thromboplastin consult sample/patter ratio (factor III partial thromboplastin time)

Thyroglobulin (TG) Tumor Markers 47

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone consult TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)

Thyroxine consult T4 (thyroxine) Free

consult T4 (thyroxine) Total

Thyroxine-binding globulin consult TBG (Thyroxine-binding globulin)

TIBC consult Total iron fixing capacity (TIBC)

Time of Activated Partial Thromboplastin (TTPa) - Time Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Tin Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

TiopUrine metil transferase-TPMT (Azathioprine) Immunosuppressive Drugs 70

Therapeutic Drugs IV - Total Blood 71

Tissue antigen polypeptide (TPA) Tumor Markers 47

Tissue anti-transglutaminase (tTG) IgA Autoimmunity 52

Tissue anti-transglutaminase (tTG) IgG Autoimmunity 52

Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) consult Tissue anti-transglutaminase (tTG) IgA

consult Tissue anti-transglutaminase (tTG) IgG

Titration Anti-A Immunohematology Titration Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-D 50

Titration Anti-B Immunohematology Titration Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-D 50

Titration Anti-D Immunohematology Titration Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-D 50

TLR Biochemistry TLR Biochemistry 73

TLR Coagulation TLR Coagulation 74

TLR Dimer D TLR Dimer D 74

TLR Drugs of Abuse TLR Drugs of Abuse 74

TLR Filariosis TLR Filariosis 74

TLR Glucose TLR Glucose 75

TLR HCG TLR HCG - Serum e Urine 75

TLR Hemoglobin - HemoCue TLR Hemoglobin - HemoCue (Donor Selection) 75

TLR Ketone TLR Ketone 74

122 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

T Testing/ Examination Programs T TLR Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) TLR Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) 75

TLR Streptococcus group A: Antigen TLR Streptococcus group A: Antigen 74

TLR Troponin T TLR Troponin T 75

TNF consult Tumor Necrosis factor (TNF)

Tobramycin Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Tolazamide Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Tolbutamide Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Topiramate Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Total acid phosphatase Biochemistry 72

Total bilirubin Neonatal bilirubin 26

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Biochemistry 72

Total calcium Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Biochemistry 72

Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Total Coliform Water I 85

Total dissolved solids Potable water 83

Total iron fixing capacity (TIBC) Anemia 45

Total osteocalcin Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Serum 47

Total porphyrins Porphyrins 80

Total sperm Sperm Vitality 63

Total trichlorocompounds Toxicology V - Volatile (Urine) 78

Toughness Potable water 83

Toxicology consult Toxicology I - Serum

consult Toxicology II - Urine

consult Toxicology III - Total Blood

consult Toxicology IV - Volatile (Serum)

consult Toxicology V - Volatile (Urine)

consult Toxicology VI - Volatile (Total Blood)

Toxicology I - Serum Toxicology I - Serum 77

Toxicology II - Urine Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Toxicology IV - Volatile (Serum) Toxicology IV - Volatile (Serum) 78

Toxicology V - Volatile (Urine) Toxicology V - Volatile (Urine) 78

Toxicology VI - Volatile (Total Blood) Toxicology VI - Volatile (Total Blood) 78

Toxin A Clostridium difficile - Toxin A and B 64

Toxin B Clostridium difficile - Toxin A and B 64

Toxoplasmosis Neonatal screening - Infectious diseases 27

Toxoplasmosis 34

Immunology Liquid 55

TPA consult Tissue antigen polypeptide (TPA)

TPMT consult TiopUrine metil transferase-TPMT (Azathioprine)

TPO consult Anti-TPO

TRAB (Antibodies Anti-TSH receptor) Specialized Hormones 46

Tramadol Drugs of Abuse - Saliva 76

Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Trans trans muconic acid Toxicology II - Urine 77

Transferrin Anemia 45

Biochemical Urinalysis I 81

Transferrin saturation Anemia 45

Treponema pallidum Neonatal screening - Infectious diseases 27

Trichlorethylene Toxicology V - Volatile (Urine) 78

Trichloroacetic acid Toxicology II - Urine 77

Trichloroethane Toxicology V - Volatile (Urine) 78

Trichopyton mentagrophytes Micology 68

Trichopyton rubrum Micology 68

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T/U Testing/ Examination Programs T Trichopyton schoenleinii Micology 68

Trichopyton tonsurans Micology 68

Trichosporon sp. Micology 68

Tricyclic antidepressant TLR Drugs of Abuse 74

Trifluoroacetic acid Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

Triglycerides Lipid profile 48

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Biochemistry 72

TLR Biochemistry 73

Triiodothyronine consult T3 (triiodothyronine) uptake

consult T3 (triiodothyronine) Free

consult T3 (triiodothyronine) Total

consult T3 (triiodothyronine) Reverse

Troponin I Cardiac Markers 58

Troponin T Cardiac Markers 58

TLR Troponin T 75

Trypanossoma cruzi Neonatal screening - Infectious diseases 27

Trypsin Search Coprology II 24

Tryptase Biochemistry 72

Tryptophan Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Plasma 71

Amino Acid - Urine 79

TSA consult Antimicrobial susceptibility test

TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Neonatal screening I 26

Anemia 45

Specialized Hormones 46

t-tau consult Protein Tau Total (t-tau)

tTG consult Tissue anti-transglutaminase (tTG) IgA

consult Tissue anti-transglutaminase (tTG) IgG

TTPA Blood components 44

Tumor Markers Tumor Markers 47

Tumor Markers Liquid Tumor Markers Liquid 56

Tumor Necrosis factor (TNF) Tumor Markers Liquid 56

Tuna consult F40 - Tuna

Turbidity Dialysis Water 83

Potable water 83

Type I procollagen propeptide consult P1NP (Type I procollagen propeptide)

Tyrosine Neonatal Care 26

Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Plasma 71

Amino Acid - Urine 79

Tyrosine phosphatase consult Anti-Tyrosine phosphatase U UE3 consult Estriol (UE3) Free consult Estriol (UE3) Total

UIBC consult Free iron fixing capacity (UIBC)

Urato consult Uric acid (urate)

Urea Gasobio 35

Vitreous humor 54

Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Urea Multiparameter Liquid 56

Biochemistry - Amniotic Fluid 59

Vaginal wash 60

Urea Biochemistry 72

Biochemical Urinalysis 81

124 www.controllab.com / [email protected] AVAILABLE SERVICES

U/V Testing/ Examination Programs U Urea nitrogen Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Uric acid (urate) Multiparameter Cavity Fluids 54

Biochemistry - Amniotic Fluid 59

Biochemistry 72

Kidney stone 79

Biochemical Urinalysis 81

Urinalysis consult Biochemical Urinalysis

consult Urinalysis Abnormal Elements (EA)

consult Urinalysis Sedimentoscopy and counting by Field and Camera

consult Urinalysis Sedimentation by automation

consult Urinalysis Sedimentation - Identification

Urinalysis Abnormal Elements (EA) 82

Urinalysis Sedimentoscopy and counting by Field and Camera 82

Urinalysis Sedimentation by automation 83

Urinalysis Sedimentation - Identification 83

Urinary acidification Risk of Kidney Stones 81

Urinary Sugars Urinary Sugars (Carbohydrates) 79

Urinoculture consult Colon Count

Urobilinogen Urinalysis Abnormal Elements (EA) 82

Uroculture consult Colon Count

Uroporphyrin Porphyrins 80

Biochemical Urinalysis II 82 V Vaginal wash Vaginal wash 60

Valine Amino Acid Liquor 55

Amino Acid - Plasma 71

Amino Acid - Urine 79

Valproic acid (sodium valproate) Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Vanadium Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Vancomycin Therapeutic Drugs I 70

Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci Epidemiological Surveillance Cultures (CVE) 65

Vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) Biochemical Urinalysis II 82

Varicella-Zoster Varicella-Zoster 34

Vasopressin (ADH) Hypertension Markers 46

VCM Hematology Automation 42

Vegetable debris Coprology I 24

Verapamil Therapeutic Drugs III - Urine 71

VHS consult Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

Vibrio cholera Coproculture II 65

Vibrio parahaemolyticus Coproculture II 65

Vigabatrin Therapeutic Drugs II 70

VIP consult Intestinal vasoactive peptide (VIP)

Viral Hepatitis I Molecular Biology 38

Viral Hepatitis II Molecular Biology 39

Visceral leishmaniasis Serology IV 34

Vitamin A Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Serum 47

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Biochemistry IV 72

Biochemistry V 73

Vitamin B12 Anemia 45

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Biochemistry IV 72

Biochemistry V 73

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Biochemistry IV 72

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Biochemistry V 73

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) Biochemistry IV 72

Biochemistry V 73

www.controllab.com / [email protected] 125 AVAILABLE SERVICES

V/W/X/Y/Z Testing/ Examination Programs V Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Biochemistry IV 72

Biochemistry V 73

Vitamin B7(Biotin) Biochemistry IV 72

Biochemistry V 73

Vitamin E Bone Marrow/Growth Markers - Serum 47

Vitamin K Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Vitreous humor Vitreous humor 54

VMA consult Vanillylmandelic acid (VMA)

von Willebrand consult Von Willebrand factor (antigenic)

von Willebrand consult Von Willebrand factor (multimers)

Von Willebrand factor (antigenic) Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Von Willebrand factor (multimers) Coagulation and Haemostasis 23

Voriconazole Therapeutic Drugs II 70

VPM Hematology Automation 42

VRE consult Epidemiological Surveillance Cultures (CVE) W Warfarinafenin Therapeutic Drugs II 70

Water - Injectable Water Water - Injectable Water 85

Water I Water I 85

Weight consult Scale (Weight)

Well digested muscle fibers Coprology I 24

WIC consult Leukocytes WIC

Widal consult Widal Test

Widal Test Widal Test 32

Willebrand consult Von Willebrand factor (antigenic) consult Von Willebrand factor (multimers)

WOC consult Leukocytes WOC X Xylose Urinary Sugars (Carbohydrates) 79 Y Yeasts Coprology I 24

Yellow fever Yellow fever 30

Molecular Biology 38

Yersinia sp. Coproculture II 65 Z Zika Virus Zika Virus 35

Molecular Biology 42

Zinc Sperm Biochemistry 62

Toxicology I - Serum 77

Toxicology II - Urine 77

Toxicology III - Total Blood 78

Zinc protoporphyrin 78

ZnT8 consult Anti-ZnT8

Zolpidem Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

Zopiclone Drugs of Abuse Urine by automation 76

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Location From To Page 72 Biochemistry IV Listed test/item Vitamin C Removed test/item Vitamin C

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