Constitution Template

One of the most important tasks for any Student Council is to draw up a . A constitution should set out the general objectives and functions of the Council and the rules that govern it, for example:

GENERIC Constitution (Template):

CONSERVATOIRE (or HME , hereby Conservatoire) Students’ Council


1. The CONSERVATOIRE Students’ Council (the “Council”) is devoted to the educational interests and welfare of its Members.

2. The Council will seek at all times to:

- ensure that the diversity of its membership is recognized and that equal access is available to all Members of whatever origin or orientation; a. pursue its aims and objectives independent of any or religious group; and b. pursue equal opportunities by taking positive action within the to facilitate participation of groups discriminated against by society.

3. The CONSERVATOIRE has a duty to ensure that the Council operates in a fair and democratic manner and is held to proper account for its finances. The Council therefore works alongside the CONSERVATOIRE in ensuring that the affairs of the Council are properly conducted and that the educational and welfare needs of the Council’s Members are met.

CONSERVATOIRE Students’ Council Constitution

1. NAME The name of the organisation shall be the INSERT NAME Council’ (hereinafter referred to as the ‘SC’).

2. OBJECTS The SC shall have for its objects: - promoting the interests and welfare of Students at the CONSERVATOIRE during their course of study and representing, supporting and advising Students a. being the recognised representative channel between Students and the CONSERVATOIRE and any other external bodies; and b. providing social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities and forums for discussions and debate for the personal development of its Students c. foster and encourage freedom of speech and take measures to encourage and build a student community which celebrates the diversity of members


The Institution will provide basic facilities for the SC and the council will review the details of the facilities provided from INSERT TIME LIMIT e.g. yearly.

There shall be a complaints procedure available to all students or groups of students who are dissatisfied in their dealings with the SU or claim to have been unfairly disadvantaged by it. The procedure will include provisions to ensure that complaints are dealt with promptly and fairly, with effective remedies.

4. MEMBERSHIP AND AFFILIATIONS a. All students pursuing a course of study at the CONSERVATOIRE (hereinafter referred to as ‘The institution’) are automatically members of the SU. b. The SC may recognise and support student societies subject to the approval of the SC Committee. c. The SC shall have no links with external political or religious organisations.


The SC shall be supported by an Committee (President and Vice President) which will report to the SC Committee. The SC Committee will be chaired by the President. The Executive Committee comprises of INSERT NUMBER Officers of the SU.


a. The President – elected annually by the members for one academic year. b. The Vice-President – elected annually by the members for one academic year. c. Other positions etc.


The of the President and Vice President and committee (INSERT/DELETE AS APPROPRIATE) shall be held in the INSERT TERM Term by a universal . The election process shall be overseen by INSERT JOB TITLE.

a. To stand as a sabbatical President, the student needs to be completing a course of study in the year preceding the Presidency or take a sabbatical year out between the course. b. The President and the Vice-President may each stand for a maximum of two one-year terms. Terms of office run from INSERT DATES. c. Exceptionally, the post may be filled on a non-sabbatical basis by a student currently registered on a full-time course of study (undergraduate or postgraduate) who has been offered an unconditional place to study for the academic year in which the Presidency would be held, subject to the approval of the INSERT JOB TITLE. d. Any student intending to stand for election as Vice-President or as a member of the SC Committee, must ensure that they have a place to study at the CONSERVATOIRE for the following year. Failure to secure a place at the CONSERVATOIRE will nullify the election of that individual. e. In the event of the resignation of a serving member of the Committee, or of no representative being nominated in any category, the President shall have the power to co-opt a member.

7. ROLE OF THE PRESIDENT a. The SC President is elected by the Students’ Council in accordance with the provision of the CONSERVATOIRE Students’ Council Constitution approved by the CONSERVATOIRE Council. The SC President, who is responsible for ensuring that the SC operates in accordance with the Constitution, is an ex-officio member of the CONSERVATOIRE Council (IF APPLICABLE) and chairs the SC Committees. The SC President represents the students in regular liaison between CONSERVATOIRE management and administration and provides student feedback on current issues. a. In addition to the duties at paragraph a, above, the duties of the SC President will include the following (DELETE AS APPROPRIATE/IF APPLICABLE):

● be the first officer of the Council and shall represent the Council in all external matters and shall be the principal channel of communication between the Council and the institution ● be empowered to act on behalf of Council members between matters of a minor, non-contentious, or urgent nature, having taken into consideration the opinions of the SC Executive Committee, save that all actions must be reported to the appropriate body at the next opportunity ● be responsible, subject to relevant committees, for the administration of the daily business of the Council ● be responsible for advising the Executive Committee on ways to meet the continuing and future needs of the Council's membership in the most efficient and appropriate way ● sign all , agreements and undertakings into which the Council may enter ● attend conferences and training events relevant to the post ● be responsible for upholding this Constitution and its ● chair all Council sub-committees unless otherwise requested by the Council Executive ● whenever possible, ensure that the SC works as a motivated team and encourage Executive Committee members to work to the best of their ability ● draft the Council budget and monitor expenditure in conjunction with the Finance and Resources Trustee and Chief Executive ● be the official spokesperson of the SC to the media and other external bodies ● be the main signatory to the Council account ● To contribute regularly to the collection of student feedback ● To represent regularly the student body on committees and working parties ● To represent the institution externally at the request of the INSERT JOB TITLE ● To be available to take part in special institution events ● To organise SC representation on institution committees ● To organise student activities

b. On a day-to-day basis, in all matters concerned with SC affairs, the SC President liaises with the INSERT JOB TITLE e.g. Principal. The INSERT JOB TITLE is the senior member of institution staff who is responsible for the Students’ Council. c. On financial matters the SC President liaises with the INSERT JOB TITLE or a nominated member of finance staff. The SC President is expected to maintain appropriate accounts of all SC income and expenditure, with associated receipts. The SC President will be briefed on simple account keeping by the Head of Finance or a nominee prior to taking up his/ her position. A handover session will take place at the end of the academic year between the outgoing and incoming SC Presidents and the Head of Finance or a nominee. In the course of the academic year the SC President will be expected to present termly updates of the SC Accounts to the Head of Finance or nominee, prior to the release of grant. Annual accounts must be approved by the Council, usually at its Autumn meeting, together with a budget of planned income and expenditure for the new academic year. **THIS IS DEPENDENT ON HOW YOUR ACCOUNTS ARE APPROVED, PLEASE ALTER AS NECESSARY OR IF APPLICABLE.


a. An Annual General Meeting can be held once a year, usually in the INSERT TERM e.g. Autumn Term, when the accounts will be presented. All other General Meetings shall be termed Extraordinary General Meetings. b. An Extraordinary Meeting must be convened by the President of the SC at the written request of any of the following: ● The SC President ● Any of the Officers ● Any 15 members of the SC

c. At least fourteen days’ notice shall be given of all Annual General Meetings, and at least 48 hours’ notice of all Extraordinary General Meetings.

- The majority vote of those members present and at a General Meeting shall be accepted. - The Quorum for any General Meeting shall be 20 members of the SC.


All Student Officers must: a. be responsible for the day-to-day conduct of the affairs of the Council b. act within the powers delegated to it by the Members of the Council c. be responsible for the implementation of those of the Council.

All Student Officers are required to: a. ensure the notion of “Students First” is central b. provide effective representation for all members c. be accountable to all Students for their actions d. ensure that a genuine spirit of equal opportunity and diversity pervades the Council and to support and represent Students who face discrimination e. build and maintain professional working relationships with other Officers, all institution Staff and members of other Students’ Councils f. uphold the Constitution of the Students’ Council g. provide direction deliver high quality services and opportunities to all students of CONSERVATOIRE

10. THE SC COMMITTEE/COUNCIL (IF APPLICABLE) a. The functions of the Committees shall be generally to direct matters appertaining to the welfare of the students and social, cultural and leisure life of the members in the institution; and to carry out the wishes of the general student body as far as these are practicable. b. The Committee shall ordinarily meet once every other week during term time. No two consecutive weeks during term time should pass without a meeting. Committee meetings are to be chaired by the President or Vice-President, or, in their absence, by a member of the Committee elected by a majority of those present. c. An extra Committee meeting can be called at any time by at least two of the four Officers or three other members of the Committee. Requests should be made to the President in writing at least 24 hours in advance. d. A quorum for a Committee meeting should be at least a third of the current total of Committee members, of whom two must be Officers. e. Minutes shall be kept of all Committee Meetings and General Meetings; minutes are to be provided promptly to the Deputy Director. f. All financial expenditure shall be controlled by the President as advised by the Committee. g. Each member of the Committee shall have one vote when present at a meeting, with the President having the casting vote in the event of a tie. h. Any member of Committee failing to attend three consecutive meetings during the year of office, without apologies having been accepted, shall be considered to have resigned. i. The SC members are required to have an official handover for the next incoming council members. This could be done in whatever fashion the members choose to. Eg. a meeting, a document etc.


1. Any club or society shall be recognised by the Council provided that: a. a petition for its formation signed by 10 members is presented to the Council Executive b. the club present a constitution with the petition. This constitution should include: i. The name of the club/society ii. The aims objectives of the club/society (which shall not be those contrary to those of the Council) iii. Regulations relating to membership eligibility iv. Provision for the election of the committee of officers v. The responsibilities of the committee of officers

2. The club(s) constitution shall be subject to approval by the Executive Committee 3. The club shall be accountable to the Executive Committee and, ultimately, Council General Meetings 4. The recognition of a club may be withdrawn by the Executive Committee if the Executive Committee receives that the club or society is not operating in accordance with its constitution.


a. Amendments to the Constitution may be adopted by a two-thirds majority of those members present and voting at General Meetings. b. At least two weeks’ notice (in term time) of any proposed amendments to this constitution shall be given by the President. c. Any amendments shall become operative only after the approval of the Council.