25 Years Advancing Access to Medical Technology

Manifesto for Medical Technology – 2015 Making the UK the World’s Most Life Sciences Friendly Country Introduction

The Medical Technology industry makes a The NHS faces ever increasing demands at a vital contribution to economic growth in our time when the country needs to contain country. The industry employs 76,000 people public spending. The imperative for the NHS in over 3000 companies, mostly small and to do more for less is well recognised. medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Many Medical technology is part of the solution. companies are working closely with Our manifesto sets out how Government can Universities and research institutions. The widen patient access to the latest industry is worth some £17 billion and has technologies and treatments, create achieved growth of greater than 6% in recent efficiency savings for the NHS and grow the years. Our country also has the most highly industry to generate wealth for our country. regarded universal healthcare system in the world, the NHS. The NHS, in turn, is highly To make this happen, we need Government dependent on technology produced by the to champion the industry and look for action industry to enhance the efficiency of services in four distinct areas. and to drive continuous improvement in their delivery.

A single system for the nurturing 1 and spread of innovation

Rigorous application of evidence to 2 reduce variation in health outcomes

Breaking down budgetary 3 barriers to service change

Support to grow competitive companies 4 through the right economic initiatives and development of skills


A single system Rigorous application for the nurturing of evidence to reduce and spread of variation in health innovation outcomes

Top-down, centralised control over the uptake The NHS Outcomes Framework provides 1of innovation and spread of best practice is 2excellent yardsticks for patient experience not the way ahead. There have been and outcomes. For many conditions, the numerous organisations involved in this evidence to determine the right treatments is process, leading to a cluttered and confusing well-established. ABHI recommends: innovation landscape. ABHI recommends: • Diversity of patient outcomes should be • NHS England must define a single process for the dissemination of measured against use of this evidence and unacceptable variation in outcomes successful innovation. should be targeted for reduction. • The newly-created Academic Health • Information on patient outcomes should Science Networks (AHSNs) must play a be presented in a way that is both central role in bringing in innovative technologies. They must be given the accessible and understandable to all. This will be one of the most important funding, including multiyear settlements, applications for ‘big data’ and should space and certainty to grow working include metrics on local NHS relationships that connect the NHS, performance against other regions or industry and academic institutions. The providers, as well as international route map for this process should be clearly signposted and recognise that it is benchmarking. normal and appropriate for health systems • The NHS Innovation Scorecard, showing to seek innovation in this way. Any such how innovative treatments and process does not obviate the need for technologies have been applied, should appropriate levels of evidence nor should be expanded to include all relevant NICE it replicate the work of the National guidance and the implementation of other Institute for Health and Care Excellence proven technologies. (NICE). • The NHS inspection regime should • The Government should also sponsor a address the uptake of innovation as part Plagiarism Award – a prize for the timely of its routine assessments. and successful implementation of ideas borrowed from elsewhere. • There should be structural linkages between the key elements of the adoption and diffusion process: assessment, coding, tariff, commissioning policies, procurement and measurement.


Breaking down Support to grow budgetary barriers to competitive companies service change through the right economic initiatives and development of skills

These barriers are significant and persistent. The UK is home to some of the world’s largest 3Budgetary silos between different NHS 4life science companies and a vibrant organisations frequently mean that the ecosystem of SMEs which thrives on exports. benefits of investing in new approaches in There is huge potential for economic growth one place can only be realised in another. in the medical device industry, both through This lack of joined up, system-wide budgeting international investment and the development means that many desirable service changes of smaller, indigenous companies. ABHI simply do not happen. Furthermore, annual recommends: budgeting cycles with the need for in-year • There must be firm, continued support for savings are an active disincentive to invest in investment, alignment with schemes for technologies that may yield longer term funding and tax relief and continued rewards. ABHI recommends: growth in the export agenda for the • The limitations of the existing financial sector. arrangements must be acknowledged. • The direction of travel towards a 20% level Changes must include payment system reform, the use of transitional funds and of corporation tax and relief on energy multiyear settlements for all NHS taxation should be continued, as should commitment to the R&D tax credit and organisations. patent box initiatives. • The National Tariff Payment System must • The government should retain its have a faster (e.g. bi-annual) update cycle to enable the timely adoption of innovation significant role in promoting careers in science, technology, engineering and and encourage disinvestment in treatments no longer regarded as best manufacturing and its focus on practice. apprenticeships and other training schemes. • Commissioning and provider incentives should be aligned and should link to the uptake of proven innovations. • NICE’s remit should be broadened to cover all public spending impacts, not only those in the NHS.


Industry will support this process by responding to the local health and care needs identified, for example by AHSNs, developing appropriate technologies and generating supporting evidence. Furthermore, through secondments and training, industry can help develop innovation leadership in the NHS, whilst promoting the country as a world leading location for research, development and investment. Our industry will continue to provide many thousands of skilled jobs. It will continue to provide technologies that help deliver high quality outcomes to patients, support the health system to deliver cost effective care and improve the wealth of our nation.


ABHI Advancing Access to Medical Technology

Vision “The Association of British Healthcare To lead the advocacy Industries (ABHI) is of the UK medical the industry association for the technology industry medical technology sector in the UK.” Mission To champion the benefits and use of safe and effective medical technologies “ABHI’s mission is to champion the to deliver high quality benefits and use of safe and effective medical technologies to patient outcomes deliver high quality patient outcomes. With over 240 members, ABHI leads the advocacy of the industry in order to advance access Switchboard to medical technology. Our +44 (0) 20 7960 4360 membership includes some of the Membership leading multinational businesses in Angela Jeffery the sector in the UK right the way Membership Development Manager through to small and medium sized +44 (0) 20 7960 4364 enterprises (SMEs).”

Events Liz Carrington Manager, Events +44 (0) 20 7960 4380

International Exhibitions Sarah Izon Exhibitions Executive +44 (0) 20 7960 4376


Association of British Healthcare Industries 250 London SE1 8RD T 020 7960 4360 F 020 7960 4361 [email protected]