Idtxution Worldwatch Inst., Washington, P.C
SE-022 608 AOTROR' Hates, Denis 'rtmiAt Energy: The Solar P'rosnect.Worldwatch Paper 11,,,, IdTxuTION Worldwatch Inst., Washington, P.C. Mar .71 VA".4.CDAtE iegible due to small 1141$ 83p.; Parts may be mar inally type ;AVAILABLE FROM Worldwaich Institute, 776 Massachusetts Avenue, ; W.W., Washington, D,C.20038 ($2.:00 BIM PRICE MP-$0.83 P/us Postage. HC Not Available from EDRS DESCRIPTORS Depleied Resources; *Energy; Environment; *Environmental Influences; Fuels; *Futures (of .Society); Natural Resources; *Solar Radiation; *Technology; *World Problems TDENTIFIERS *Solar Energy ABSTRACT 0 T Tliis paper, one of 'a series published by the Worldwatch Institlite to identify i.snd focus atteption onglobal . problemsi is adapted fro..the .author's book, "Rays of Hope: rhe Transition to a Post-etr.eum World.v The author examines the qurtent energy problems of the world, and determines thatthe 'energy patterns of the past dare not the prologue to the future. The inadequacies associated with energy alternatives-to petrole9m,sxch as coal and nuclear fusion, areidentified and discusSed. Thus, soctety- is left with only the, solar oPtions: wind,falling water, biomass, and dtrect sunlight. The ;historical dévelopmept,rtechnol'ogy, 'and current status of each' of the sdlar options' isdetailed. The social and politiCal ramifications. of theconversion to a society based On solar energy are° concludes tthat 'the conversion to °solar energy is tec'hnically feasible,ecoltiomically sound, and environmentally' attractive. (BT) / _> 4********4F******************************(****4i*********1*******,********** * * Documents, acquired by ERIC inClide maiy,informal uni*nblished * materials not,available from other source4 .ERIC makes every ef fort * * ;to obtain the best copy available..Neve14heless, items of marginal , * * reproducibility are oftenencOuntered a'#this affects the quality * * o'c the microfiChe and hardcopyreproluet ons BRIC makes available -* * via the ERIC Document ReproduotionServi e(EDRS).
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