Popular Woodworking Magazine November 2010 #186
1 Easy Trick Stops Sags in Your Finish Forever NOVEMBER 2010 ■ #186 Country Corner Cabinet Easier Ways to Do Tombstone Doors & Fancy Curves Miter Box Saws: Cheap, Accurate, A Cinch to Find Ticking Sticks: A Carpentry Trick To Fit Any Door How to Age Your Projects So They Don’t Look Fake US $5.99 11 Free Video Visit with the Builder of this Project: Visit popularwoodworking.com/nov 10 0 FnL1 04 0120 01 JUYrVyBQdWJsaWNhdGlvbnMsIEluYyAo 02 SW9sYSBkaXZpc2lvbikPR3JlZ29yeSBL 03 cnVlZ2VyAEu7AL4EMTAuNAI4MAExBVVQ Qy1BDDA3NDQ3MDAxMzU1NgA= 74470 01355 6 Display until November 29, 2010 popularwoodworking.com ~~c1_1011_PWM_Cover_US.inddc1_1011_PWM_Cover_US.indd C1C1 99/10/10/10/10 112:13:412:13:41 PPMM Meet a new company with a 64 year heritage. We’re new to the neighborhood. But not the industry. For more than 60 years, Canadian-based General Mfg. has been designing, producing and selling high quality, reliable woodworking machinery. Now we’ve opened our first American distribution center in Murfreesboro, TN. This new venture will allow us to better serve our American distributors and their customers. So you’ll enjoy faster, easier access to our extensive line of woodworking products. And know that whatever you build, your tools were built on a long, proud heritage of trust. For more information visit general.ca. www.general.ca General® International USA Inc., 760 Jessica St., Murfreesboro, TN 37130 For more information, go to PWFREEINFO.COM. ~~c2-03_1011_PWM_TOC.inddc2-03_1011_PWM_TOC.indd c2c2 99/8/10/8/10 33:37:58:37:58 PPMM CONTENTS NOVEMBER 2010 36 40 48 FEATURES 30 Hanging Corner 40 Cut, Glue & 48 Fit Doors with Cupboard Sand Veneer Ticking Sticks Graceful curves and a clever tombstone-panel Simple and inexpensive tools are the core of a This traditional trick used by carpenters can door add a stylish challenge to this 18th- successful veneering job.
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