April 30: "Ahead of the Fi II in Curve" comes out (a.k.a. , Baltimore biography). th la II The California Tech VOLUME CII, NUMBER 24 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA APRIL 27, 2001

CAL1ECH STU... Will they rebuild the Houses: DENTSAWARDED BY IRAM P ARVEEN BILAL suggestions on building suites, structures. the costs and benefits of main­ FULBRIGHT having more space to socialize At first, rumors were spread "taining the outer she ll while Ideas are built into realities in ha ll ways, creating faculty concerning the renovation. renovating the interi or. Continu­

BY M ARK WHEELER after long periods of time, espe­ house masters, e ncouragin g What began as a whispers has in g on the same topic, she ex­ cially in an atmosphere like th at greater interaction among the become quite a hubbub be­ pressed that no set figure has Yuki Takahashi 's curiosity of Caltech, which does not wel­ houses, and going co-ed. When cause no one knows exactl y been announced for the plan. about outer space was sparked come sudden changes. After all, Caltech did go co-ed, some work what is going to happen. The She added, "Cal tech is entering after he read 250 pages of an it was just around three decades on the Houses began, but the biggest question haunting ev- into a capital campaign and the as tronomy encyclopedia. Yuki ago that Cal tech became co-ed " big project" eryone is over the renovation of the undergraduate was nine at the time. Such is the after a long and patient struggle never went any­ hi storical signifi­ houses shou ld be a priority." kind of intellectual verve two by students and faculty, and also where. How­ cance of the How are all the decisions go­ students at Californi a Institute of changed the list of academic ever, after a sur­ houses. On this in g to be made? The President Techn ology have shown in re­ options offered by introducing vey of faci lities particul ar issue, has created a committee called ce ivin g prestigious Fulbright humanities majors . by the Cal tech Miriam Feldblum, the Task Force on Undergradu­ Scholarship Awards for 2001- On the same lines, certain as­ administration, Special Assistant ate Residence Life Initiati ves. 2002. Takahashi, a senior gradu­ pects of campus life, which the project has to the President, The Task Force consists of stu­ atin g in the spring, and PhD can­ haven ' t been discussed in a begun once said, "Undoubt­ dents, faculty, staff members, didate Jeffrey G. Linhardt wi ll while, are once again issues, agaIn . Booty House ed ly, the South and Caltech alumni . use the award to spend the aca­ such as the renovation of the un­ The survey Houses are more Feldblum, who is coordinating demic year studying abroad. dergraduate houses. Efforts to yielded numerous problems hi storically significant that the the Task Force, said that it was Linhardt will spend time in renovate the Houses date back with the Houses including fire­ North Houses in this aspect." formed because the Houses are two separate labs in the Nether­ to the '60s. In fact, only seven safety, plumbing, heating, air­ Most probably would extrapo­ a central issue for many con­ land s, with the ongoing goal of years after the North Houses conditioning, and electrical wir­ late that the North houses will stitue nts on campus and th ey designing new vaccines th at in­ were built, the Institute spon­ ing issues, and called for a huge be totally de molished from need to have input from every­ duce a particular immune re­ sored student trips to colleges infrastructure modernization Feldblum's statement, but no one affected. Feldblum has even sponse. His research is con­ around the US to analyze cam­ and upgrade. Because these is­ certain decision has been made taken tours of some Houses ask­ ce rn ed with de ndrimers, a pus residential facilities there. sues are intricately related to the o n the situation . However, ing for suggestions about reno­ spherical polymer or chemical The students came back and sub­ design of the Houses, there Feldblum did mention that, es­ vations. The Task Force is ask­ compound that can serve as a mitted a report on the changes seems to be a call for major re­ pecially for the North houses, ing for student feedbac k on these kind of scaffolding for different they wanted to make, including storation and renovation of the admini strati on was considering Issues. vacc ines. The dendrimers con­ tain various anti gens on their Task Force On UnderlUaduate Residence Life Initiatives Member List: surface that bind to a vari ety of vices different antibodies. Linhardt Kim Border -Professor of Economics, Division of Humanities Martha-Helene Stapleton - Student, ASCIT President, BS '03 hopes to develop a number of and Social Sciences, Chair of the Faculty, BS '74 (expected) such synthetic vaccines, eventu­ Chris Brennen - Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Divi­ sion of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Vice President of Stu­ Eric Tuttle - Student, Lloyd House, BS '01 (expected) all y testing them in humans. Dana Vukajlovich - Student, Dabney House, IHC Chair, BS Linhardt, 28, and hi s wife, dent Affairs '02 (expected) Dawn, will spend the year in Rick Canny - Assistant Manager, Physical Plant, Engineering & Estimating KimWest - Director of Residence Life, Student Affairs Europe. Then, following hi s post-doctorate work, he will Elisa Chan - Student, ,Avery House, BS '02 (expected) Hubert Dubb - Caltech BS '56 The Task Force is meeting from January to June this year. At seek a position with a U.S. uni­ the end of June, it will write up a report outlining recommenda­ versity. He wants to start his own Laura Elliott - Student, Blacker House, BS '03 (expected) tions and suggestions. lab to continue hi s research in Miriam Feldblum - Faculty Associate, Division of Humanities When asked about student accommodations during the reno­ biomedical engineering, and and Social Sciences, Special Assistant to the President vations, which clearly would take more than a summer, Feldblum look s forward as well to teach­ Scott Fraser - Professor of Biology, Division of Biology said that one of the ideas was to build a swing house. No space ing and mentoring students. Harry B. Gray - Professor of Chemistry, Division of Chemis­ try, Director of Beckman Institute has been decided for that residence, but the area just north of "I've always felt that one of the Avery was originally planned for more undergraduate housing. beautiful things about life is that Debra Dison Hall- Caltech BS '74 She said that the Task Force is exploring different ideas. it's not predestined, but is a dy­ Cathy Jurca - Professor of Literature, Division of Humanities namic path that's constantly be­ and Social Sciences, Chair of the Committee on Student Hous­ ing For more information regarding the Task Force, please read ing redefined by our exposure to the formal mandate on page 3 outlining the questions the new experiences," says Monica Kohler- UCLA, Caltech PhD, former RA of Page House, '95 ' ' . administration would like to address. Linhardt. "I'm confident that my Tom Mannion - Director of Campus Auxiliary & Business Ser- life wi ll be enriched by my re­ PLEASE SEE R ENOVATIONS ON PAGE 3 search experience in the Neth­ e ~ r1 a nd s." Takahashi's research interest Inside the Tech concerns the origin of the uni­ CORRECTION verse. He wi ll pursue a Master The Usual Features of Philosophy degree in astro­ There was a gruesome mistake in last week's Tech. Evidently, physics at Cambridge Univer­ the Tech editors lost it! They're usually not this crazy or care­ you know what's look inside to see si ty in England. He chose Cam­ less; but their deadline was coming up, and then there were all inside! what we have! bridge, he says, because of its these yummy strawberry donuts that distracted them. And so, "multicultural atmosphere and they just forgot to proof-read everything! Sorry! It won't hap­ its strength in the observation of pen again ... we promise. So, their ... uhh ... we mean cosmic microwave background, they're ... uhhh, third times the charm? SO THERE!

PLEASE SEE AWARDS ON PAGE 2 April 27, 200 1 2 The California Tech Features

seems to be sounding like an idiot, of course, but it's important to recognize all but when the encounter actually it is separate from that reality, natural. happens. In fact, it seems like By its very nature a crush is a Often you the whole point of your exist­ transitory, ephemeral creature. w 0 u I d ence is to prepare for these "ac­ To prolong the happy feelings know a per- cidental" meetings and to attract they bring, we often cannot help son for years attention from the "crushee." but act on our crushes even without being attracted to him BY JIALAN WANG makes us focus our attention on You try to act normal, you try to though they may not have any one particular person when there at all, but then one day it just hits stay cool, but somehow, you've foundation in reality. But even Note: As I have yet to discover are so many other equally good you. Whereas you used to be forgotten how to do it. if you do genuinely like the per­ a way to discuss a gender-neu­ candidates? able to say or do whatever you Unfortunately, a crush is often son, the magic of the crush can tral person without sounding Looking back on the people felt like around him without fear more dri ven by your own imagi­ never be recovered after it has silly, I'm going to use generic that I have had crushes on, the of judgement, having a crush nation than anything exceptional been revealed. male third-person intermittently whole process seems entirely makes you keenly aware of your in the person you covet. Al­ When we actually interact with even though it does not reflect arbitrary. Now that I no longer every word and gesture. My though it usually has some ba­ the objects of our desi re, our fan­ the gender ratio of the reader­ like these peopl~ even I don't personal experience of crushes sis in reality, a crush is essen­ tasies become actual people who ship. I also apologize in ad­ have a clue a~ tially fan­ absurdly insist on being them­ vance for my abuse of the sec­ to why I liked •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tasy. We all selves instead of conforming to ond-person form and my ram­ them in the first have ideal- what we want them to be. Real­ pant person-sh~fting. place. Al­ ized no­ ity is inevitably messier, uglier, though a per­ tions of and more complicated than the Your heart beats just a Iittle bit son would love, ro- person you had a crush on, and faster, your laugh rises just a have to be mance, and if it was merely a flight of in­ little bit louder, and secretly you somewhat ap­ the perfect substantial fancy, as most of smile. It's springtime in Cali­ pealing to be­ man / them are, it is often better just fornia, and the air is pungent gin with, my woman , to restrain yourself. But if you with the scent of crush. The theory is that and when still like someone after all of the cru sh is a peculiar phenomenon crushes arise someone giddiness has died down, there's which is particularly endemic to from the subtle desirable no better time than now for ro­ teenaged girls but experienced idiosyncrasies com e s mance. by pretty much all of us. that we so of- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• along, we Even though it is so common­ ten ignore. Whether it's the way can be described most accu­ can't help but project all of these place, exactly how crushes arise someone tilts his head when he rately as losing involuntary con­ fantasies onto that person has always been a mystery to smiles, that cute Canadian ac­ trol of motor function. When the whether they fit them or not. Caltech 40-58, Pasadena, CA 91 125 me. Of course, there are obvi­ cent, or something else equally person I like is in the room, I When you have a crush on editorial desk: (626) 395--6153 ous cases of those people who trifling, it's the details that mat­ have to consciously direct my someone, that person is perfect. advertising desk: (626) 395-6154 editorial email: [email protected] just hit you over the head with ter. In fact, I think that the very legs to walk, my eyes to blink, Behind the rose-colored lenses advertiSing email: [email protected] ISSN 0008-1582 their drop-dead gorgeousness, beauty of the crush is in its and my lips to move without of a crush, w~ don't see volca­ but most of us are just ordinary unpredictability. We're not something stupid coming out of nic zits, abnormal obsessions VOLUME ClI, NUMBER 24 folk. At the same time, however, maximizing a utility function or them (I usually fail at this part). with Magic: The Gathering, or APRIL 27 , 2001 there are always people who see searching for an optimally com­ We've all tried to plan our routes the inability to carryon coher­ the beautiful and extraordinary patible DNA sequence. It is nei­ through the day in order to "ac­ ent conversation; we only see EDITOR Neda Afsarmanesh in each of us. But there still is a ther a choice nor an obligation. cidentally" run into the person what we want to. Janet Qi Zhou big difference between seeing It's somehow just natural. we have a crush on, sometimes A crush is a welcome bit of the good in people and actually However, the way we act un­ even rehearsing exactly what whimsy in a reality that doesn't BUSINESS MANAGER being attracted to them. What der the influence of a crush we're going to say - inevitably always do what we want it to, Tasha Vanesian


COpy EDITORS Jason Mirchell Kenneth Kllo the relic radiation from the Big Elisabeth Adams BY KEVIN TSE Sam Yeager selected Heisman candidate boys. Losing Bang." Upon his return from En­ TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANT Vikram Dendi QB Drew Brees from Purdue to retirement in the off-sea­ gland, Takahashi will pursue his STAFF WRITERS The 200 I NFL Draft came William Fung who will most likely back-up son, the Cowboys drafted QB PhD at the University of California, SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR and went Saturday night with Roben- Li Justin Kao verteran QB Doug Flutie bar­ Quincy Carter in the second Berkeley. In the meantime, he con­ Jonathan Foster a lot of trades and some big Iram Parveen Bilal FEATURE WRITERS ring any serious injuries to round, though most thought tinues working on a proposal to winners, including the Seattle Rumi Chunara Justin Ho Flutie. They also bolstered he should be a sixth or sev­ NASA to establish an international Kevin Tse Jason Meltzner Seahawks, San Diego Charg­ Jialan Wang their stagnant running game enth round pick. The Cow­ observatory on the Moon, and re­ ADVISER ers, and St. Louis Rams. The Hall Daily by selecting TCU RB boys didn't do much to im­ mains hopeful that he will one day MINTS Seahawks ran away with the Jonathan Foster LaDainian Tomlinson. The prove on their disappointing fulfill his lifelong ambition to be an draft, getting 20-year old WR Chargers can't do much season last year by drafting astronaut. from NC worse than their 1-15 record a couple of questionable "The more I think about it, the DEADLINES State and G Steve from last season. players in the early rounds. more I'm convinced that changes Advertising: 5 p.m. Monday Hutchinson from the Univer­ Announcements (Mints): noon Monday The Rams also helped . Other key points to mention are what make life fulfilling," he Letters to the Editor: 6 p.m. Tuesday sity of Michigan. Though it Unsolicited Articles noon Monday themselves by upgrading a were Atlanta's trading draft says. "So I'll always be proactive was suspected that Seattle Published weekly excepl during vacation defense that gave up 471 picks with San Diego to about trying new things. And I try and examination periods by tlle Associated coach Mike Holmgren really Students of the California Institute of Tech· points last season (which climb up to the # I slot and to make my decisions with the idea nology, lne. The opinions expressed herein are wanted Heisman candidate was worse than even the l­ take Virginia Tech QB of making my life and the lives of stri ctly those of the authors and advertisers. WR David Terrell (also from Letters and announcemems are welcome. IS Chargers). In the first Micheal Vick as the first pick others more dynamic." All contributions should include the author's UM), Robinson and is ex­ name and phone number and the intended date round they took Miami DT overall. Vick might make the The Fulbright award.is the U.S. pected to make an immediate of publication. The preferred submission , ASU LB Chargers regret trading away government's premier scholarship method is to e-mail tech @ugcs.calt ech.edu impact on an offense that with the body of the arti cle appearing in plain , and OSU their first pick if Vick does program. It was established by Con­ text. Alternatively. you may submit copy (pref· lacked firepower last year. erably on Macintosh 3.5 di sk) to the Tech mail­ DT to fill holes well. The Bears picked up a gress in 1946 to foster mutual un­ Robinson should give new box outside SAC room 40. The editors reserve left by cuts and free agency. couple of Wol verines by get­ derstanding among nations through the ri ght to edit and abridge all submissions QB Matt Hasselbeck a good for literacy, expediency. etc. All articles are Though they lost ting WR David Terrell and educational and cultural exchanges. the property of the authors. Authors and col­ target, while Hutchinson (all umnists retain all intellectual property ri ghts. to the Lions, the Rams were RB Anthony Thomas (aka: Linhardt's Fulbright is sponsored by Big-IO first team) will give Advertising should be submitted as cam· able to steal away the "A-train"). The Redskins the Netherland-America Founda­ era-ready art, but the Tech can also do simple him good protection. typesetting and arrangement. All advertising CB from made their defense younger tion, which seeks to promote rela­ inquiries should be directed to tlle busi ness In a distant second in terms the for a with CB Fred Smoot (argu­ tions between the U.S. and the Neth­ manager. For email. please use of success during the draft [email protected]. Do not send ad measly second- and fourth­ ably the top corner in the erlands. Fulbright awards enable inquiries to the editors. were the Chargers. They were For subscription infonnation, please send round draft pick. draft) and added depth at re­ U.S. students and artists to benefit mail to "Subscriptions" or call (626) 395- able to get a steal with the first The consensus loser in the ceiver with WR Rod from unique resources in every cor­ 6154. pick in the second round and Printed by News-Type Service. Glendale. draft were the Dallas Cow- Gardner. ner of the world. We live for the One. We die for the One. The California Tech 3 April 27, 2001 News

system necessary to improve graduate Residence Life Ini­ the operation of Caltech's cently focused on the s pe­ the quality of residential life RENOVATIONS tiatives is charged to inves­ board plan? cific needs of freshman. Re­ on campus? What role does CONTINUED fROM PAGE 1 tigate the conditions and What has been the impact flecting on curre nt research· the Master of Student Houses needs of undergraduate hous­ of the system of Houses a nd and findings concerning the (MOSH) now play on campus? ing on campus, and to iden­ At Caltech, structural plans House governance on the Freshman year, how does the How well does our current ti fy ways in which to i m­ lor undergraduate residences quality of residence Jife on Cal tech housi ng system com­ system of residence life and prove the quality of resi­ nave a lw ays been integrally campus (including features pare? What improvements undergraduate housing en­ dence life. Specifically, the linked with larger social vi­ such as rotation, student gov­ can be made to the housing able Caltech to comply with task force is to consider the lions of campus residential ernance of the houses, intra­ and residence life system for government rules and regu­ kinds of structural improve­ life. As an educational insti­ house and inter-house tradi­ Freshmen? lation s that affect under­ ments, major renovations, iUtion, Cal tech has a strong tions)? What are the benefits What has been the impact graduate residence life, in­ and new residence halls that 'esponsibility to provide for of the Houses? Do they ben­ of Avery House as an option cluding drug and alcohol may be required to substan­ he social development of its efit all students? Do they for undergraduate students? policies, se:t.ual and racial tially improve the quality of itudents, and foster their provide for the social devel­ Is Avery House an appropri­ harassment policies, the undergraduate residence life jrowth as good citizens. opment of all students and ate model for future resi­ American with Disabilities at Caltech. As part of its harting in 1928, a special their growth as good citi­ dence halls? Should renova­ Act, and so on? In what mandate, the taskforce :ommittee, led by Robert zens? What changes or im­ tion of existing student housing ways do we need to improve s hould address the following l1i llikan, Arthur Noyes, and provements could be made to or future residence ha ll s incor­ our compliance, and thus issues and questions. iVilliam Munro, issued rec­ improve the quality of resi­ porate the mixtures of under­ also the overall quality of The renovation of dormito­ Irnmendations to create at dence life? What is the effect graduates, graduate students and residence life? ries a nd the construction of :altech a Idistinctive type of of the physical architecture faculty found in Avery? What are the different costs new residences have been a itudent life and social of the houses on student life? Is the current Residential involved in different con­ burgeoning area of campus Irganizationi' that would be What is the impact of the cur­ Advisor (RA) system work­ struction and renovation sce­ growth across other univer­ Irgan i zed arou nd a I series of rent housing system on recruit­ ing as well as it should? narios? The task force s ities. What can we learn -esidence halls, each provid­ ing students? Does it have a dif­ What do RA's see as the ben­ should consider and outline from the comparable renova­ ng for not more than 75 stu­ ferentiated effect on different efits and costs of the system? plans for renovation and con­ tion and construction experi­ lents. The committee sought to kinds of students? How do students perceive struction that range in cost ences elsewhere? What :reate a system of residential life Other universities have re- RA's? Are changes to the RA and financial commitment. hat would offer all the real mer­ amenities and improvements ISof the fraternity housing sys­ in student housing should be em without incurring the seri­ considered? Should the RETIREMENT INSURANCE MUTUAL FUNDS TRUST SERVICES TUITION fiNANCING IUS evils which that system hous ing system be better in­ Irings with it. tegrated with or provide ad­ In the seventy years follow­ ditional facilities for non­ ng the creation of the South academic activities on cam­ louses (Dabney, Fleming, pus, including sports, music, hcketts, and Blacker), and performing arts? :altech has seen the building A goal of the 1989 Cal tech If the North Houses (Rud­ Master Plan was to provide lock, Lloyd, Page) in the on campus housing for 100% TIAA -CREF provides 1960s, and the construction of the undergraduate student If Avery House in 1996. body. There are currently )ver the decades, the chang­ 835 bed spaces available to financial solutions to ng conditions of societal life undergraduates on campus, md developing needs of of which 560 are in the Stu­ :altech students have led to dent Houses, ] 07 in Avery lew structural plans and vi­ House, and 168 in other last a lifetime. ,ions. Avery House, while housing (Marks, Chester, Del node led o n the layout of the Mar, and Catalina resi­ ;outh H ouses, was con­ dences), some of which may :eived as an innovative resi­ be displaced by future con­ lence hall, providing for a struction. What is the opti­ nix of undergraduates, mal number of bed spaces? Building your assets is one thing. Figuring out lraduate students, and fac­ Do we need to consider the how those assets can provide you with a Ilty to encourage greater in­ construction of one or more comfortable retirement is quite another. With TIAA-CREF, eraction and varied kinds of new undergraduate residence you can receive:* Isage. At present, our under­ halls? At TIAA-CREF, we can help you with both . You jraduate housing consists of What is the array of resi­ can count on us not only while you're saving and • Cash withdrawals he seven Undergraduate dential styles and structural planning for retirement, but in retirement, too . • Systematic or fixed-period payments** louses, Avery House and an plans to be considered in the Issorted mi x of add i tional needed renovations or new Just call us. We'll show you how our flexible range of • Interest-only payments lormitory and apartment op­ construction? Should we payout options can meet your retirement goals. • Lifetime income payments*' ion s . Remaining at the core design plans or options for )f Caltech ' s undergraduate single-sex floors, cultural With TIAA-CREf, you benefit from something few • A combination of these 'esidence life is the distinc­ floors , suites, or apartmen l other companies can offer: a total commitment to "Guaranteed by the claims-paying ability of the insurer. jve system of student houses style wings? How would dif­ your financial well-being, today and tomorrow. hat was imagined in 1928. ferent residential options and The Task Force on Under- renovation proposals affect • Note: Availability may depend on your employer's retiremeM plan provisions contract. Under federal tax law, withdrawals prior to age 59X may be subject to restrictions. and may also be subject to a 10% additional tax. Additional restrictions also Special Women Needed! apply to the TIAA Traditional Annuity. fhere is a great t1eed for egg dOt1ors! 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By NICHOLAS KNOUF science and religion course few reasons for your nomi­ Every year, ASCIT recog­ nation to help convince us to nizes five faculty and two give your nominee an award. By MELISSA DEARMAN foster a worldwide commu­ academic pursuits. teaching assistants, without Nominate as many many in­ The Center for Theology nity of scientists and reli­ "Funding can often be an regard to title, who excel in structors and teaching assis­ and th e N atu ra l Sc iences g ious intellectuals actively obstacle to developing new inspiring and motivating stu­ tants as you feel have se t an (CTNS), Scie nce and Reli­ engage in formulating and college courses, these grants dents; who show approach­ exempl a ry stand a rd for gio n Course Program, today addressing questions of ulti­ offer professors the ability to ability and concern for stu­ teaching. a nnounced that they have mate concern." introduce new curriculum," dents ; and who a re effective To nominate a professor or awarded California Institute In addition to California said Peter Hess, associate and efficient communicators teaching assistant for the of Te chnology with a Institu e of Techn-ology, director of the CTNS Science of course material (from the ASCIT Teaching Awards: $ 10,000 grant to fund the de­ $ 10,000 course grants have and Religion Course Pro­ ASCIT resolutions). -Send mail to: Director of velopment of a new course been awarded to schools gram. "These awards allow As Director of Academic Academic Affairs, MC 64-58 focu s ing on the ongoing dia­ from across the United States professors to engage ques­ Affairs for ASCIT and Chair -E-mail teaching- lo gue between science and and schools in Australia, tions of growing import of the Academics and Re­ awards @ugcs.caltech.edu religion. The grant is one of Bangladesh, Canada, Czech world wide." search Committee (ARC), it -Fill out the online form 100 awards gi ven to colleges Republic, China, Estonia, The Center for Theology is my plea- at the ARC and universities around the Germany, Hong Kong, India, and the Natural Sciences sure to so­ website, world in CTNS annual Sci­ Iran, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, (CTNS) is a non-profit inter­ licit nomi­ http:// e nc e and R e ligion Course Nigeri a, Pakistan , Philip­ national member organiza­ nations for donutcaltech.trluI Award Competition. Califor­ pines, Poland, Romania, tion , affiliated with the the 25th - arc ni a rn stitute of Technology Russia, Scotland, Singapore, Graduate Theological Union ASCIT - Fill out professor Al a n Hajek re­ Slovakia, Sweden, The Neth­ in Berkeley, CA. The Center Teaching the form ce ive d the aw a rd for his erlands, Uganda, Ukrai ne, promotes the creative mutual Awards. found In course e ntitled Probability, and the United Kingdom . interaction between theology This year's your hou se the Phil osophy of Re li g ion The awa rd is divided evenly and the n a tural s c iences award is lounges a nd th e Philosophy of Sci­ between the course instruc­ through resea rch, teaching, open for Nomina­ ence. tor and the institution. For a and public service. For addi­ instructors ti o ns close " As the pace a nd scope of complete li sting of this years tional information about the for the May 2nd at sc ie ntifi c di s cove ry in­ winning schools, please vi sit CTNS Science and Religion 2000-2001 school year, as 5PM, with winners to be an­ creases, as scie nce and tech­ the CTNS website at Course Program, please visit well as third term of the nounced May 14th. nological discoveries perme­ www.ctns .org the CTNS website at 1999-2000 school year. Thank you for your nomi­ ate th e everyday world of re­ Establi s hed in 1994, the www.ctns.org. Each nomination should nations. li g io us a nd c ultural tradi­ CTNS Science and Religion The John Templeton Foun­ inc I ude the names of the Nicholas Knouf Director of tions, courses, which criti­ Course Program (SRCP) has dation was founded in 1987 nominee, the person making Academic Affairs, ASCIT cally address the relationship granted 669 awards for new by internationally renowned the nomination, and the MC 64-58 between science and our re­ courses in science and reli­ investment manager Sir John course title. Please state a arc_chai [email protected] ligious e xperiences become gion. It is estimated that Templeton to encourage the +------­ increasingly vital," said Dr. these awards have resulted in pursuit of religious and sci­ Ted Peters, director of the more than 1,500 new courses entific knowledge. For more CTNS Science and Religion offerings on campuses information about the John Leadership prizes awarded Course Program. "By bring­ around the world and ap­ Templeton Foundation visit Congratulations to the following recipients of the 2001 ing science and religion into proximately 40,000 students its website at leadership prizes! contact with one another at have included science and www.templeton.org. universities our goal is to religion dialogue in their Robert L. Noland Leadership Scholarships: what truly the filmmakers could be say­ set s ing to banish human contact, Laura Brogoch, Elisa Chiang, people as humans are cruel and lov­ Dan Daly, and Eric Tuttle apart from ing will only hurtful. But he the rest of dogs, besides their primal in­ Frederic W. Henrichs, Jr. Memorial the animal stinct for survival, ha ve de­ Award: kingdom veloped trust even as neces­ Mark Barrett and Iljie Kim 1cket then, e s ­ sities for survival have been peciallyas secured. Eve n in what hu­ Bibi Jentoft-Nilsen Memorial Award: something mans define as poverty and Stlll) s o exclu- emotional wastelands then , Bryan Eastin sively hu- the example of dogs would by Justin Ho man as tend to poi nt to love, for Doris Everhart Service Award: love IS without it one would be sub­ Melinda Turner Amo res Pe rros (B+) compared to an animal. huma n. " Amo res P e rros" roug hly With th e portrayal of man's " Amores Perros" was an­ Mabel Beckman Prize: tra n s la te d fr o m Spa ni s h , best fri e nd a longside the hu­ other nominee, besides that means " Love's a Bitc h", a man characters in this raptur­ martial arts movie, for best Jit Kee Chin metapho r that the filmmak­ o us sketch, one is bound to fore ig n film . Unfortunate ly ers do not tread upon li ghtl y. think th at there is something thi s film does not a ppear Th e m ov ie is aboundin g lost in th e tra nslati o n. E quat­ quite as compre hensible in JAPANESE with canines, displaying a in g love with "bitch" in E n­ subtitles juxtaposed with a w ide ra nge of loyalty a nd g li sh has a thoro ug hly nega­ movie whe re simply seeing WOMEN NEEDED (NOW 0" this SUMMER) !!! Physician is assisting a couple wanting to start a family. PLEASE HELP!!! Inquire "donor savagery th a t is meant to ti ve connotation but the re is w as amazin g . Although I , program" at ~bsite ..wwW.physician.yourmd.com" or toll free (800)862-5158 paralle l the vo latility of hu­ something pure in a dog' s cannot fully appreciate the man re lationships . It is an affection for its owner that significance of this movie, I EGG DONOR REQUIRED apt ana logy as one considers makes me wonder that eve n admire this film for putting Couple seeks egg donor. Must be very attractive, the n a ture of man's best in this tale in which its char­ a face on the gritty mass of have excellent health history. 18-28 years old, 5'5"- friend faithful and comfort­ acters are lost and disillu­ people south of the border ing, ye t rooted in primalness sioned, the makers meant to and portraying human cru­ 5'9". Preferences: R1500 SAT, athletic, brown hair. a nd with the potential for proffer at least a glimmer elty in the tide of poverty and Compensation is $25000. Email photos and scores ferocity. One may wonder hope. On one level, I suppose hopelessness. to [email protected]. Th.1 j e C a Z;-t-:l;ornla • T.1 ec h 5 April 27, 2001 ARC

sibly during lunch. The advisor should serve in the following capacities: as a means to feel out ARC Announcement Minutes the faculty, provide advice on review all changes to the academic matters, be willing to The Academic and Research · course catalog. This includes ARC Meeting: Wed, 4118 , of asking existing members of . proof and possibly sign on to any Committee 1 (~RC) is now in not only cryecking course de- 4: 10PM said committees to provide a fi­ open letters which may be sent scriptio"nsfor typographical Present: Nick Knouf (Chair), AI nal report of sorts and for the ' ~ekt:rif;:~Ki)t:~!~!~j~~~~~ ' to the faculty, help us determine dent-Faculty Committees. errors but also approving aIJ Valdi via (Secretary), Tim Crosby new a ppointees to submit the appropriate channels for pur­ Signupsfor these committees go major course content changes, (Blacker R ep), Isaac Hilburn monthly reports, as appropriate. suing certain matters, provide up on Friday,Apri127, and come , changes to option require- (Fleming Rep), Veasna Sok (Rud­ The ARC agrees to meet twice the ARC with some continuity, .down Monday;:(!$priI30, at 5PM· . ments, and creation of new dock Rep), Clinton Conley (Lloyd a month. and be a means for the ARC to P~scriptions ' oUheSecoll1mitt~'S options. It'also handles stu­ Rep) and h a m Parveen Bila l Student-Faculty Conference: receive faculty responses and . are below. Students appointed to dent petitions and monitors (Page Rep) Traditionally, there is a Student­ feed-back. these committees will be required student exchange programs. Faculty Conference every couple CS I: There is a consensus to .. make regular reports to the The committee meets about Re p-At-Large: The ARC is of years (3 lately) during which ARC. Man nks to the cur- . among the ARC that the CS de­ charged with interviewing can­ there are daylong di scussions ' rentmem~r f these commit- ": once a month with lengths partment should offer a more didates for this position and se­ about a great variety of student ted, both faculty and students, varying tremendously. Pro­ practical introductory track for lecting two stude nts. It is de­ related topics. Currently the ARC . whoprovided vatuable informa- spective members should be CS 123 then what is currently be­ cided that interviews will take will plan on hosting one early next comfortable working with the ing offered. Is there a problem of Deans, the Registrar, and fac­ place this Monday (4/23) be­ year and there is a movement for staff and/or money within the de­ tween 10:00-11 :30PM. holding the conference at least ev­ ulty me~bers. partment for such a course se­ Teaching Awards: The ARC ery 2 years or possibly every year. quence? Several ARC members needs to solicit nominations AI raises a concern that each con­ Educational Outreach - agree to investigate this issue. from the stu.dent body to come ference could try to re-invent the two students Russian: Tim states that the up with 10 professors and 5 TA's wheel as a 3 year time interval .iii/Academic Policies -" two The main activities of the current Russian Lit lecturer will Educational Outreach to propose to the ASClT BoD provides very little overlap among students Com­ no longer be teaching and that it for their selection of the annual students and hence accountabil­ Academic Policies has not met mittee recently have been to is unknown whether he will be 5 professor a nd 2 TA teaching ity. in the past three years, as most of collect information about the replaced or the program can­ awards, with a web form avail ­ Tim makes the point that the dis­ the issues are handled either by feasibility of creating the post celled. Tim says he will talk to able this year. The awards will cussions at the conference should tfIe.faculty boafdor by U ASH: , of an Educational Outreach H&SS to see what's up. At the be presented at the mid-May be well-published to serve as a ref­ Coordinator. Students inter­ very least the ARC should make Faculty Board Meeting. Last erence for future students. The Core Curriculum Steering ested in K-12 outreach activi­ a statement to the department so year there was a luncheon at format is described as consisting Committee (CCSC) - two tjes would be most interested that our voice is heard. Nick ex­ Avery before the 40' clock fac­ of two folU ms, one open to all stu­ ~tuqents .n ~:; in this committee. presses interest in talking to ulty meeting for the nominees dent input and one carried out by ¥'The CCSC isr~sponsible for . Leon Bellan, the student who and awardees to socialize with organized committees well-pre­ 'Changes to the core classes . Faculty/Student Advisors organized a petition drive to save each other; this event will be pared for the conference itself. (Ma 1&2, Ph 1&2, etc.). Re­ - three students the department. held again thi s year. John Lee, Tim makes a point that it would c~nt actions of the committe~ This committee did not meet Library: There is currently a the Dabney Rep, arrives. There be very desirable to see a large pa~e ~en tbe ' ~ggi!ion ofC9re last yea~. · Headed by the plan to close Millikan library is discussion surrounding the distribution of student input, in lab and the new ~~nu cour~e, Deans and the MOSH, Fac­ and to place its books on reserve lifetime achievement awards, addition to the same usual sus­ Ma 7. The committee meets ulty/StudentAdvlsoTs was set as a means to open up more ad­ two of which are given out an­ pects. up to improve the faculty ad­ ministrative space on campus. nually; this degrades the award Faculty Advisor: The confer­ CC:S~ m~mber vising system. So far the student reaction to this in the eyes of many, and the ence issue raises the issue of ood knowl~ 1/ proposed plan has been decid­ ARC votes to discontinue this obtaining a Faculty Advisor for Library Committee - two edly negative, it is decided that practice and reserve the award the ARe. AI says that one of the students the ARC should consult with the for special occasions. bigges t problems facing the This cOrllmittee is headed by various students on the library Student-Faculty Committees: ARC is a lack of continuity Professor Kevin Gilmartin and committees. The ARC has been given the job which an advisor could help es­ . deals with issues pertaining to The paper ballots for the teach­ of appointing the Academic tablish. Nick prompts the ARC the Institute's libraries. Note ing awards were distributed to Policies, Core Curriculum Steer­ to state potential candidates. that this committee is differ­ all house representatives, with in g Committee, Library, and The position should be defined ent from the Ad-Hoc Library the exception of Ricketts (rep Faculty Advising committee stu­ as a liaison between the faculty Task Force, which is studying not present). dent reps by the IHe. Nick pro­ and ARC with meetings ap­ ways of improving library ser­ Meeting adjourned at 5:30PM. poses a pla n to advertise the proximately once a month pos- vice on campus. sig n-ups s tarting with this Friday's Tech (4120) until next Wednesday (4/25) with inter­ Lovely furnished ~\\N (O~ views being he ld e ithe r that house available to ot; . ~ Thursday (4/26) or Monday (41 30). There will be a new policy share rent with a fe­ i.&t ~ male student. Con­ venient location just ~.. ' ~ e.s-tau10 off Main Street, * * Award Winner * * Alhambra near Paris ...... $534 shopping district. Sydney ...... $799 Rio de Janeiro .... $794 Full utilities avail­ San JOle, C.R ....$521 able. Beautiful piano THE LUZHIN DEFENCE ( [11:30J210 450 7:30 1 . and organ inside, THE GOLDEN BOWL (R) (100J 4:00 7:00 9:50 too! $450/month.

PANI( (R) Please contact either Food To Go Welcome [12 :15]2:35 4:55 715 9:35 OPEN 7 DAYS TAILOR OF PANAMA (R) Daisy at (626) 282- 7202 Melrose Ave. [11 :45]220 4:55 7:30 10:05 7582 or Connie at Tel: 449-8018 CENTER OF THE WORLD (NR) 2475 E. Colorado · Pasadena 323.934.8722 [12:30J 255 5:20 745 (626) 284-3627. between Sierra Madre Blvd. & Altadena Dr. Free Parking In Rear www.statravel.com lilJTRAVEL I April 27, 2001 . 6 The California Tech Comics DILBERT® by Scott Adams FoxTrot by Bill Amend







f':()rThe Tech!

"r·. PI'" I ~,,- " The Tech! ork Fo ro The Tech'! ork For The Tech! The California Tech 7 , April 27, 2001 DEAN

that cholesterol levels are causal. I . Wang, Ji alan (200 I) The Dean's Corner If so that steak might even be bet­ California Tech , Vol 102, (Num­ ter than the same amount of car­ ber 22), p. 4. bohydrates since a high carbohy­ 2. Taubes, G 200 I , Science, You are what you eat drate diet raises LDL and reduces 291, 2536-2545 HDL! And worse yet! If fat is re­ 3. Cholesterol is water in­ (revisited) the fat moved from a food, then the per­ soluble, and circulates in the is monosaturated, centage of other classes of food­ blood bound to proteins: Low by Jean-Paul Revel i.e. mainly oleic acid, the stuffs is, of course, increased. So Density Lipoprotein ("bad cho­ the la-fat yogurt, by definition wi ll lesterol") ferries cholesterol P a - healthy component of olive oil be higher in carbohydrate, than from the liver towards other or­ tients recovering (mono-unsaturated fat raises HDL the regular stuff. So, I guess until gans like the heart , and is an from heart attacks were di­ more than carbohydrate would there is clearer evidence that it important factor in blood vessel In the March 30th issue of Sci­ vided into two groups, one ad­ (supposedly good), and reduces would negatively affect your sur­ disease; High Density Lipopro­ ence magazine, contributing cor­ vised to eat a sensible diet, simi­ LDL (also beli eved good)). 45 % vival, enjoy that steak and add the tein (HDL), returns cholesterol respondent Gary Taubes tells an lar to what is considered a healthy of the steak's fat consists of stearic french fries! Or maybe play it safe to the li ver and therefore con­ astounding story about the food diet here, the other told to have a acid a saturated fat which is neu­ and instead have broccoli (not the sidered "good cholesterol." ingredient that everyone seems to Mediterranean diet, with little tral (it raises both LDL and HDL) other "green vegetable"???? men­ 4. Data quoted by Gary Taubes love to hate most. This enemy no I meat, more fish and lots of veg­ and the remaining 4% is polyun­ tioned above!) and originally published by Wil­ of course is fat, particularly in the etables. No differences in HDL saturated, which improves choles­ A bientot. liam Taylor at Harvard, and form of saturated fat. The story (see footnote 2), LDL and other terol levels (very good). (Better Warren Browner at UCSF and told seems so strikingly against indicators were found between the eat butter rather than margarine others at Mc Gi II . otherwise commonl y expressed two groups, yet after 4 years, there with that steak, because the tran's­ opinions, and appeared in print at were 14 heart attacks in the group fatty acids in the margarine raise a time so close to the traditional following the Mediterranean plan, LDL and lower HDL, yuck). Jean-Paul Revel day of pranks (no, not Ditch Day, and 44 for those on the American Of course this analysis assumes that's tomorrow), but the day of plan. pranks in the outside world, April The French researchers believe first, Fool's Day, th at it seemed that their results speak to the posi­ [RIP"pHnG O[PQ[55IDn possible that the mticle was ajoke. tive effect of a diet rich in poly­ \~'W\v. Cri pp I ingDeprcssion. co m f eedback@criprlingdcpression. com All chlol"~I~TS ~ t e purdy licuona!. All~ re~mb[en(~ hi I carefu ll y scanned the rest of an)' p<'rson5 !i~ll1\: or d~aJ i~ ,oincidcnl.ll. unsaturated fatty acids (found in I he ~ ic ...~ CXrlles.~ ar~ mOK oftllc auIl'lOf'. the issue, and also the next one, vegetable based foodstuffs) . It tll.IUtnMo/ihcrr...... s{>Jpcrs!.;JfforC:rIICch . that of April 6, for any indication would seem that other stuff than that the report was in fact a cholesterol is important also! So thoughtless and potentially harm­ don't invest in Olestra , but buy I'M G\.AI7 Wf Allf AffOlll7EI7 50 MUCW ful attempt at "humor". But I stock in pita bread bakeries or TIME fOil \.EISUilE ANI7 IlfCllfATION found no indication that the mtiele makers of hummus. Actually no, was ajoke in very bad taste (sic). invest in hydroponics or in com­ So I will try to summarize the as­ panies that make, or operate fleets tounding revelations it holds. of refligerated trucks. That way Over the years, the story goes, more vegetables could be made direct links were discovered be­ avai lable year round in Northern tween the uptake of saturated fats, countries, where crudities can be and the level of cholesterol in the hard to come by, especially, said blood. There also appears to be a one wag, because "in the area I co nnection between increased work in there's not a single gro­ cholesterol (as LDL, low density cery store." Others opine that "the lipoprotein3) and atherosclerosis, only green leafy vegetable these the vascular disease at the root of populations consume regularly is many heart attacks. And so, link­ tobacco" (those guys should take ing these results it was concluded Bot I). that eating fat caused deaths from In fact there is even evidence heart attacks. that raisin g cholesterol levels

Wl'EIlE I CA~ , NAY I Mil" Ignored, or perhaps even ac­ might even be beneficial in some SO ... HOW Allf YOU II I7IlE,IlM Wl'EIlE I'M I-lfTEI7 MEfT GIIl.S I-lKE COJ.!'E CHf~ 1700NG TIM' AeOVE THf IlfSTilAINTS Of TECH, AWAY fllOM THf HOIlIlOIlS EVEIIY~jlYl/ tively buried, were statistical cases! On a visit toJapan, David Wf". SfN.. . l-€T Mf JUST SAY Of TNIS IN5UI.Ilil PillS ON ... / analyses, done first at Harvard, Jacobs of the U. of Minnesota was I Hili/I II (1111111,1 ... ANI7 50 SEXIST and supported by studies at UC struck by the fact that physicians I ~ San Francisco and at Mc Gill there were placing their patients which suggested that lowering fat on diets intended to rai se choles­ consumption might not affect sur­ terol levels. This was to ward off vival in a very striking fashion. It a prevalent type of stroke, which seems that individuals with a high was killing as many Japanese at ri sk of heart disease could expect the time as Americans di ed of to gain, on average, an extra year heart attacks. Back in the States, I SETTfil ilfAI7 THAT TEeH AIlTlCl-€ by shunning saturated fat. Healthy it was found that, in fact, men with ON IlHfCTlON AGAIN. non smokers, however, might add low levels of cholesterol were at 3 days to 3 months. While cutting greater risk of stroke, cancer and f~t consumption in America other diseases than men with would delay 42,000 deaths each higher levels. The death rate from year, "the net increase in life ex­ these causes decreased as choles­ pectancy would average out to terol levels were raised. Things only 3 to 4 months". "A woman got worse again only when cho­ who would otherwise die at 65 lesterollevels were higher yet. In could expect to live two ex tra the case of women, if anything, 15 TH~ Io1AIlIANAS TIlENOi H~Y TIM, YOU SHOUW THANK HIM SHOllWN'T THAT '1/' BE AN IIW'HII? AN EKilMP\.E Of A TllfNCH? weeks" by life time abstinence. "If the hi gher their cholesterol the fOIl HIS V,Il>-WISl-€ I~SIGUT. I' ... USE MY rU!lNK YOU BAT. she lived to be 90, she could ex­ longer they lived. pect 10 extra' weeks" for her life So what's to keep us from en­ of denial. joying that Porterhouse steak? / \ A lack of correlation between One could argue that it is mainly cholesterol and heart disease is their effect on our pocket books. also strikingly illustrated in a Taubes explains that, after broil­ study carried out in Lyon (France) ing, a Porterhouse would be about by researcher Michel de Lorgeri!. half fat and half protein. 51 % of April 27, 2001 8 The California, Tech Mints

Work-Study Opportunity at JPL: Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory Archival Data Analysis for Studyin g Temporal and Spectral Properties of Gamma-Ray Sources. This is an announcement of op­ The Financial Aid Office has applications and/or information on the following as portunity for 1 or 2 undergraduate.students in physics or astronomy to participate in a part-time work­ well as additional undergraduate scholarships. All qualified students are encouraged study research program to process and analyze archival data obtained by the Burst and Transient Spec­ to apply. Our office is located at 355 S. Holliston, second floor. troscopy Experiment (BATSE) on board the NASA Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory. The major sc ienti fic objecti ve is to study the properties of gamma-ray emi ssion from cosmic sources including Summary information: bl ack hol es and acti ve galactic nuclei and neutron-star systems. For this research, it would be useful if Information, applications and recommendations for the 2001-2002 UPPER CLASS th e student had some experience with programming as well as working with the Interactive Data Lan­ guage (IOL) package. Employment would be on a part-time work-study basis during the school year MERI and possibly up to 40 hours per week during the summer. Contact information: Dr. James C. Ling, JPL T AWARDS COMPETITION are available at www.finaid.calrech.edu 169-327. Phone: (818)354-2819. E-mail: [email protected] Please visit our web site at htrp:/lwww.finaid.calrech.edulnews.hrml for complete The Math Department announces two categories of prizes offered this year to Cal tech undergraduates. information on the following scholarships: The E.T. Bell Undergraduate Mathematics Research Prize: A cash prize of $500 awarded for the best original mathematics paper written by a Caltech Junior or Senior. Contestants for the Bell prize * Scholarships sponsored by SHARE must be nominated by a faculty member familiar with their work. Students who wish to be considered * Win cash in EDFUND photo contest! for this pri ze should contact a member of the Mathematics faculty prior to the end of the second term to * Windstar Environmental Studies Scholarship Program for 200 I di scuss the nature of the research. If the entry is sufficiently worthy, the faculty member will nominate * Vermont Student Assistance Corporation the contestant and act as sponsor. Each student is entitled to only one entry. All contestants nominated * P.L.A.T.O. must submit their papers in final form to their faculty sponsors by the end of the fourth week of the third National Institutes of Health Scholarship Program term, (April 30). A faculty committee will then judge the papers and announce its decision before the * end of the third term. The committee may award duplicate prizes in case of more than one outstanding * American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society (AESF) entry. The name of the winner (or winners) will appear in the commencement program. * John Gyles Education Awards The Morgan Ward Competition: Any Caltech freshman or sophomore may enter this contest. An * Danville-Alamo Branch of the American Association of University Women entry may be individual (submitted by one student) or joint (submitted by a group of two or more (AAUW) students). Each student is entitled to at most three entries, of which two may be individual. An entry is to consist of a mathematical problem, together with a solution or significant contribution toward a Attention all undergraduate students on Financial Aid: The last date to request solution. The problem may have any source, but this source should be stated in the entry. The entries any change to your 2000-0 I Financial Aid Award is Tuesday, May I, 200 I. Requests may be judged on the basis of the nature of the problem, originality and elegance of the solution. Any for 2000-01 changes made after May I will not be considered. Please contact the outsid e references used should be indicated. Entries from each contestant or group must be placed in an Financial Aid Office at Ext. 6280 if you have any questions. envelope and delivered to the Mathematics Office, 253 Sloan, during the fourth week of the third term. Summer Work Study: Information and applications for 200 I Summer Work Study The names of the contestant, or the names of all participants in the case of a joint entry, must be written on the envelope only, not on the entry. The Judging Committee will consist of three undergraduate. The are available in the Financial Aid Office. If you are interested in Summer Work judges will select a group of finalists and submit their entries to the mathematics department faculty Study, please submit the required application as soon as possible, but no later than who will make awards to the winners. Prizes will ordinarily be awarded for the 2 to 4 best entries, the June 1,2001. Your entire financial aid application must be complete by June I in value of each prize being $75. Prizes for individual entries will be limited to one to a contestant, and no order to be considered for Summer Work Study. If awarded, the Work Study funding group may receive more than one prize. will begin with the July 2nd payroll. Guitar classes at CIT for the spring quarter will meet on Tuesdays in SAC Room I, starting on April 3 as follows: Beginning Guitar Class 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM. Intermediate Guitar Class 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM. Advanced Guitar Class 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM. Classical and flamenco repertoires are explored, but techniques transfer to other styles of guitar. The Beginning Class includes a jazzJfolk chord system. Classes are free to Cal tech students and other members of the Cal tech community (space permitting). Undergrads can receive 3 units of credit. The instructor, Darryl Denning, has an international back­ ground in peformance, teaching and recording (two of his CDs are available in the Bookstore). Mr. Denning can be reached at (323) 465-0881 or by email at [email protected]. The Guitar Home Page is atwww.music.caltech.edulguitar.html The dance troupe will be offering FREE dance classes Spring quarter. On Thursdays from9-1O:30pm, an introduction to modem dance series will be taught by professional instructor Liz Maxwell. Ms. All Juniors are invited to attend a workshop about Watson Fellowship opportuni. Maxwell received her BFA and MFA degrees from The Juilliard School and the University of Washing­ ties on Wednesday, May 9th at noon in the Carriage House. Sandwiches from Eddie's ton , res pectively. She has spent 30 years in modem dance, touring extensively throughout the US and Market will be served. Please RSVP to [email protected] no later than Friday, May Europe with several di stingui shed companies. Relocating to LA in 1994, Ms. Maxwell has been on the 4th and a menu will be sent to you for your selection. facult y of CalArts, CSULB , Moorpark, Loyola Marymount, and Scripps .teaching dance technique, William Bennett Munro Memorial Seminar, Friday, April 27,4:00 pm, 25 Baxter. composition , and specializing in dance history. These classes will begin on April 12 and run through "Science and an African Logic" presented by Professor Helen Verran, Department of May 31 in the Braun multipurpose room. No prior experience is required, and no special clothing or History and Philosophy of Science, Melbourne University. shoes are needed. Free ballet classes taught by volunteer instructors will begin April 7. Beginning ballet meets from 1-2pm, intermediate ball et meets from 2-3pm, and advanced ballet meets from 3-4pm. For Cal tech Library System Presents: the beg inning class, no special shoes are required. For more information, please visit our website at "A Quick Review for Humanities and Social Sciences Staff": Review the content www. its.caltech.edul-tlVupe. To sign up on our mailing list or to reserve a place in the modem class, and use of the Library's subscription databases most useful for Humanities and Social pl ease send an email to [email protected]. Sciences. The main emphasis will be on Web of Science, MLA and FirstSearch for Gay/LesbianlBisexual Discussion Group: Looking for a safe and supportive place to discuss issue locating and verifying journal article citations and books. We will talk about how to such as coming out, being out, dealing with family, coping with a homophobic culture, and being GLB identify and access full text e-journals, including JSTOR.There will be extra time for at Caltech'l Want somewhere just to make new friends? We invite you to the Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual questions and hands-on. All are welcome. Tuesday, May I , 12:00-1 :OOpm , Sherman Disc uss ion Group, which meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month from 8: 15 until 10: 15pm Fairchild Library, Room 328. in the Health Center Lounge. This is a confidential meeting and does not imply anything about a Also: "Quick Review of Online resources for Electrical Engineering and Computer perso n's sexual orientation - only that s/he is willing to be supportive in this setting. The group usually Science": Need quick access to electrical engineering and computer information re­ di scusses a particular relevant topic and then moves on to the general discu ss ion. Refreshments are sources? Confused about distinctions between IEEE, INSPEC, ACM, NCSTRL and served. If you would like more information , please call ext. 8331 Community Service Opportunities Abound! The Caltech Y offers students and staff a variety of CaltechCSTR? Not sure how or when to access INSPEC or the ACM Digital Li­ ways to parti cipate in communi ty service. Opportunities include working with Habitat for Humanity, brary? This speedy session is designed to help all members of the EE and CS commu­ Uni on Sta ti on Homeless Shelter, math tutoring (on or off campus), reading tutoring, and working at nities improve their research skills and expand their access to information options. local hos pitals. One-time community service events are planned each term and opportunities for ser­ Wednesday, May 2, 12:00- 1: OOpm , Sherman Fairchild Library, Room 328. vice on a reg ul ar basis exi st. Undergraduates with federal work-study can receive $15/hr for their Please register at the CLS website: htrp:lllibrary. caltech. edullearninglform.hrm. For community se rvi ce work. To be added to the community service interest email li st, or for more infor­ more information contact: Kathleen McGregor, x6713 or, kathleen @library.caltech.edu mation about the Community Service Program, please contact Kristin Abbott at kabbott@caltech. edu Free Chamber Music Concert: Wednesday, May 9, 2001 , 8:00 pm in Dabney or call 626/395-3180. Or, stop by the Caltech Y in the Center for Student Services (formerly Keck Lounge. This event is Free & Open to the Public. House) for a complete li sting of opportunities.

c~~/ To submit a Mint, e-mail THE [email protected] CALIFORNIATECH USGS PUBLIC LECTURE SERIES: "PENT-UP mail your announcement Caltech 40-58 STRE SS PUTS THE SQUEEZE ON L.A." BY KEN HUDNUT to Caltech 40-58 Attn: Pasadena, CA 91126 MAY 1, 8:00 - 9:00 PM Mints. Submissions should BAXTER LECTURE HALL be no longer than 150 BIOTECHNOLOGY JOB FAIR words. Email is preferred. . MAY 2, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM The editors reserve the WINNETT LOUNGE right to edit and abridge all THE CAPITOL STEPS material. Deadline is noon May 4 and 5, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Wednesday. Unless spec i- BECKMAN AUDITORIUM fied, all mints will nm for FOR TICKETS AND INFORMATION CALL 626 two weeks. 395-4652 OR EMAIL ElIE~TS@C~L TECI:I ED!.! I