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Imran Awan entering federal court for his arraignment Sept. 1, 2017. (Screenshot from One America News used with permission) ∧∧

Awan Funneling ‘Massive’ Data O∧ ff Congressional Server, Dems Claim It’s Child’s HOMEWORK

LUKE ROSIAK Investigative Reporter 7:20 PM 09/26/2017

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Democratic congressional aides made unauthorized access to a House server 5,400 times and funneled “massive” amounts of data off of it. But there’s nothing to see here, Democrats told : They were just storing and then re-downloading homework assignments for Imran Awan’s elementary-school aged kids and family pictures.

A congressional source with direct knowledge of the incident contradicted the Post’s account, saying that now-indicted IT aide Imran Awan and his associates “were moving terabytes off-site so they could quote ‘work on the files'” and that they desperately tried to hide what was on the server when caught, providing police with what law enforcement immediately recognized as falsified evidence and an indication of criminal intent.

WATCH ROSIAK’S REPORTING ON AWAN CASE SO FAR: The Post described the amount of data improperly flowing out of the congressional network as “massive.” One congressional source told Circa it was “terabits.”

A terabyte is a million megabytes; a terabit is about one-tenth of that. Awan’s three children are in elementary school or younger. A book report in Word document format could clock in at under a megabyte, even if it were 100 pages long. To fill a terabyte with family photos, a person would need 250,000 photos.

Rules aside, there would be little reason for a staffer to upload his children’s homework and family photos to a congressman’s server. For one, cloud services such as Google Drive and Google Photos readily provide that functionality, with a web interface. The congressional computer was a server with no monitor, so you couldn’t view the photos on it, and they had to have been uploaded onto it by another computer. It makes little sense that Awan would upload personal data from a home computer onto a House server only to re-download it.

Awan’s wife, Hina Alvi, was the sole person that was supposed to be authorizing the Caucus server, and she could have uploaded pictures of her children without attracting attention.

Yet she accessed it only 300 times as part of her job, while other people — including Awan’s two brothers and his friend Rao Abbas — accessed it 5,400 times. It’s unclear why extended family and friends would be uploading Awan’s kids’ homework and pictures more than their own mother would.

The Post did not note the “massive” outgoing data and unauthorized access until the 40th Do You Think Imran Awan Is Guilty Of and 42nd paragraphs of its story, after it had Further Crimes? quoted multiple defense attorneys and ventured into a lengthy and seemingly Yes No irrelevant but humanizing backstory on Awan’s

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ItsSi gpn rini nwtit hh LeinakeddIlnine was “Evidence Far Exceeds Log In Sign in Intrigue” in the probe, yet it quoted only a congressional staffer who, TheDCNF’s congressional source said, would not have been able to make assurances that there was Completing this poll entitles you to Daily Caller news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our nothing to the criminal investigation, because Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Congress has been fire walled from the criminal probe since it was turned over.

The Post also did not specify that data was also being backed up online via unofficial Dropbox accounts. Wasserman Schultz has acknowledged that the accounts were used for congressional data, and that she has used the service in violation of House rules “for years.”

The server was under the auspices of Xavier Becerra, who left Congress Jan. 24 to become California attorney general and asked for the server to be wiped at that time. Police first asked for a copy and received what they identified as an elaborately falsified image, leading police to ban them from the network immediately because they viewed it as an attempt to tamper with a criminal investigation and an indication of clear criminal intent, TheDCNF reported before the Post story ran. The Awans were banned from the House network Feb. 2.

The Post reported:

By midsummer [2016], with the approval of the House Administration Committee, the Inspector General’s Office was tracking the five employees’ logins. In October, they found “massive” amounts of data flowing from the networks they were accessing, raising the possibility that an automated program was vacuuming up information, according to a senior House official familiar with the probe.

Initially, investigators could not see precisely what kind of data was moving off the server due to legal protections afforded by the Constitution’s “speech and debate” clause, which shields lawmakers’ deliberations from investigators’ eyes.

Investigators found that the five IT employees had logged on at one server for the Democratic Caucus more than 5,700 times over a seven-month period, according to documents reviewed by The Post. Alvi, the only one of the five who was authorized to access that server, accounted for fewer than 300 of those logins, documents show.

The invocation of “speech and debate” suggests that Democrats barred law enforcement from looking at the apparent data breach. The Post — which has highlighted the importance of cybersecurity and the intolerability of hacks on government — suggested finding any of this odd would be “unfounded conspiracy theories and intrigue.”

Yet, according to a senior congressional official familiar with the probe, criminal investigators have found no evidence that the IT workers had any connection to a foreign government. Investigators looking for clues about espionage instead found that the workers were using one congressional server as if it were their home computer, storing personal information such as children’s homework and family photos, the official said.

There are indications that Awan is less than a doting family man, and that he would use his congressional position for ill. Three women have called police on him in the last three years. One is his stepmother, Samina Gilani, who said she was kept “in captivity.” In court documents, she alleged: “Imran Awan threatened that he is very powerful and if I ever call the police [he] will do harm to me and my family members back in and one of my cousins here in Baltimore … Imran Awan did admit to me that my phone is tapped and there are devices installed in my house to listen my all conversations … Imran Awan introduces himself as someone from U.S. Congress or someone from federal agencies.”

A second told police she felt “like a slave,” and a third said she “just wanted to leave.” The latter two were apparently in romantic relationships with Awan, who lived in small apartments in Alexandria, Va. that he paid for while he lived with his wife.

Awan began selling off many of the multiple houses that his family owns around the time he learned he was subject of the cybersecurity probe, and wired money to Pakistan, resulting in Awan and his wife being indicted for bank fraud.

The Post confirmed that Democratic IT aides had no experience, such as Rao Abbas, who worked at McDonald’s. But it did not mention that an Iraqi politician tied to Hezbollah sent $100,000 to a company the family set up while working for Congress, and that Awan had a secret account unknown to authorities, [email protected], that was tied to the name of an intelligence specialist working for Rep. Andre Carson of Indiana. The intelligence specialist denies knowing anything about the account.

Imran Awan: A Continuing DCNF Investigative Group Series

Court docs Own Wife Turns, Says He 'Threatened To Harm The Lives' Imran Awan 'Very Strongly' Wants To Block Review Of Hard Drive, Was Using Alias Lawyer Says Congressmen Wanted Invoices Falsified Sending Money To Police Officer In Pakistan Funneling 'Massive' Data Off Congressional Server, Dems Claim It's Child's Homework 'Like a Slave': Three Muslim Women, At Least One Of Them Bloodied, Called Police on Imran Had Secret Server, Caught Falsifying Evidence To Cover It Up Imran Still Has Copy Of House Laptop DWS Said Has Sensitive Leg-Branch Info DWS Laptop Found at 3AM In Phone Booth With Letter To Prosecutors Awan Asks Judge To Remove GPS, Citing Possible Emergency With Kids--Who Are In Pakistan Has Secret, Still-Active House [email protected] To Intelligence Specialist DWS 'Islamophobia' Claim Prompts Angered Witnesses To Go Public Rep. Yvette Clarke Quietly Signed Away $120,000 In Missing Equipment Imran, Hina Indicted For Conspiracy Against U.S. DWS Now Says Laptop She Sought To Keep From Police Was Awan's, Not Hers Liquidating $1.8M In Real Estate When Arrested, Some Still Pending DWS Seemingly Planned To Pay Suspect Even While He Lived In Pakistan Lawyer Is Longtime Clinton Associate Arrested At Airport After Wiring $300k To Pakistan FBI Seized Smashed Hard Drives From Home Ex-DNC Head 'Negotiating' With Police Over Letting Them See Evidence Dems Tying Themselves Into Knots To Ignore Criminal Probe 'You'd Like Him:' Associates Describe 'Cunning,' Charismatic Con Artist In Personal Lives, Evidence Of Massive Cons The IT guys in the House criminal probe could read these members' emails

The Awans and their associates collected more than $5 million in pay from congressional offices, often drawing chief-of-staff level pay though there is reason to believe many didn't even show up. They are suspected of cybersecurity violations. The money is broken down by year, congressional office and family member paid: Imran, Abid and Jamal Awan and Hina Alvi, Natalia Sova and Rao Abbas.

Show current members only Click a year to sort by payments that year

Member 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total

Gregory Meeks (D-NY)

Robert Wexler (D-FL) Left office 2010

Xavier Becerra (D-CA) Left office 2017

Chris Bell (D-TX) Left office 2004

Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH) Left office 2008

Jim Costa (D-CA)

Hilda Solis (D-CA) Left office 2009

Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)

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Tags: , Imran Awan, Investigative Group, Washington Post, Xavier Becerra

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