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897. .. Ea 4-2. ¥/Rf{A Tt,Vf;L

897. .. Ea 4-2. ¥/Rf{A Tt,Vf;L

.DlRECTV Ptlg~3 of3

~37 . . S.e>:t'ii~TAP::-Hft; 85.6 ; courifi'y· 844 . 850 . • ''.S0611CTAP: ,. Hollda~· tt 'Ha.ppenings · ·· 861, :642 . ::sONICl'AP: Honky 865 _.,' ·· tor, k.Tavern , . .897.. . .833 . SO~l~. T.:AP.; H' ~ vJ~ · 838· :sONICTAP: Hottest 861 Hits . 810 . · SO~l~TAP: Hui:bano · .848 · SONfCT~: l:fype, , ~f ; -SONICTAP: lrik'd . SONICTAP.~ {[ish - - -·· LOCALS 10 ea BJ a . W~lf.~Q~t -WEfQ.JP~~}; 4-2. ; ¥/rf{A tt,Vf;l 55 W~f(NBC):. W~WD (1,NQ) BJ 58 WFBD!INDJ •IE!!! 48: :W{J:~ (IN~) ·« WS.BE'(PBS)' SJ WEAR (A.BC) m " j : Wf~X m WKa.~ (CJl$)· m 5 3'~ .. 'Tfle f.olJ6w)ng c_h~n~~l~ }~quife ~ ~~l . d,l$f:l . or:eq1,11ptnent: Mt-fz~_, G~ ~g-r, Hopttt,h.attn~~ ;-.,~L!V,,"Orice, . JilTN, V~Me, . ~J~~~~~•< Eagle ; Br.oadCastlng ~ and ,.Fr~ Speed! TV• .Please.call .1-a00-531'" 5~for. more fnformat'iol:k DIRECTV Page 1 of2

~ CHOICE jJackage h:n:mj 150+ digital channels Prtnt channels for· ?.IP Code- 3257& EH ESPANOL

Canal Once• 447 Dtsney :XO Em! 292 ~lavislon Cartoon Netwod< Iii!! 296 Enlace Christian '448 Un""sfon (cste) (Este) HD Tclevfsion~ NATIONALS .. {HD) l!m 107 . ~ney Channel (East) m 290 !f?li Televf~t9n. ... , Bl 305 .RFD iv 345 A&E Rl165 Ofsney Chanqel 291. ION Televis.(on West ~06 ReetzChai;tnel 238 ABC Family, Bl 311· (W~t) . ' . Independent Atrn ml564 Sciericetha'hne< mr 2s-t AUDIENCE liml 239 01sney,Juolor channetea 189 Channel (IFC) ShopHQ, 316 AXSTVHD liiill 340 Disney XO , Bl 292 Investigation Ill§! 285 Sptke Em 241 Al .iaieera America 347 El Entertainment B!I 236 Dfscovery {ID) Syfy Channel &iJ 2414 American Movie 8) 25-4 ESPN' mi 206 Jewelry TeteVlston 313 TBS Bl 2'47 Classics (AMC) ESPN2 ma 209 Jewish life· 366 Televis!OO• TCT Network Jn Bl 282 ESJ>l-4EWS m 201 TLC m2ao BBC America Bl 264 ESPNU ea 208 Lffetlme Iii 252 Lifetime Movie m 253 TNT Bl 245 BYUTV 374 EWTN 370 Network 1V Gulde Netwcirl( 273 BabyFll'stW. 293 fX l!i!3 248 LinkTV 375 TV Land ' Em 304 Black Entertainment El 329 l!lil 231 TVOM 328 Televtsfdti (BEJ') IMVJV 214 .Fox Business Network 1!!!1 359 MHz WORlDVIEW" 2183. TeenN1ck· 300. Bloomberg T~~Vfs~on &I 353 Cha'Onei !!.ml 360 The Wotd 'Wo~ . 373 . BraV<> 183. 237 MLB Network mm 213 f?XSports f m 211) l56 Travel c~ · Bil 277 OAT liiiil 327 MSNBc m Free Speech TV" 3~ iiiJ Trlnl~ B~sting 3n CNBC ED 355 MTV 3)1 Fuse 339 MTV2 333 Network (iBN} . C!NBC World 357 GEM·NET (Global 2068 TruiY Bl 246 CNN r8!l 202 Expansion Media NASA 'TV 346 Ei§I 212 Tlnler Classic Movies SJ 256 CSPAN 1 350 Network)~ . NFL Network (TCM) CSPAN 2 351 GOOlV 365 NRB 378 UP 338 Bl 296 GSN 233 NatfOnal Geographic BJ 276. m242 Cartoon NetwOrk Channel USANetwork (£ast} . · Golder) Eag.l~: 363 VH1 1111335 Cartoon Network 297 Broadta5tini' Ntck Jr. 301 NickelodeOn (East) Ba 299 VclOCity . ea 281 (West) ., HtTN• 438 WEi W0.rne1fs 260 tZhrt$tfan .Telemfon 376· HalllT)~, chanriel ml ~1Z Nlcke~ {Wes() ~· Entertafhment'. Nlcktoons Network 302 N'etwork (CTJi) Headllile Ne\.ls ~ 204 Wea~w.,<:haooel 'RJ.362 Church Charii'lel 371 Hlstory'Channel m 269 OWN Bil i79 WeatherNatlon 361 ceiltrat Bl 249 comedy Home & Garden Sil 229 PBS 0 Wortd~ 367 Cooking Ch.annel Bii 232 TeleVisfon.{HGTY) ; ·Pursuit Chan~ 604 Televfsion Days tar 369 Home ShQppfng 240 QVC Em 275 Discovery Ch~rinel Gil 278 Network. QVC Plus 315 Hope• 368

SONICTAP: 60'5'. 803 sONrcr.J.P: :.oance 859 SONICTAP: Malt·Sbop 802 SONICTAP: SUvi:fr 822 Revolution SONICT AP:' Fie.Sta 870 Oldies Screen SONICTAP: 70"s Hits: 804 Tropical SONtCT AP: Mariachi 876 SONICTAJJ:: Slrtter- 836 SONICTAP! 8-Tracle 840 SONICTAP: Gospel 827 SONICTAP: Metro 853 Songwritei.s SONICTAP: 80's Hits 805 Glory ' Blend SONICTAP: Smooth 851 SONI CTAP: 90's Hits 806 SONl.CTAP: Great 855 SONICTAP: tk>dem 81'4 Jazz. SONICTAP: Adult 832 Standards Country SOHICTAP:,.SofUftts 849 Alternative SONICTAP~ Hit 809 SONICTAP: MUsica De 8n SONICT.AP; 858 SONICTAP: Adult 821 Country . Las Arnetic'as 'SubTerranean Contemporary SONICTAP: Hooky 811 SQNICTAP: New Age 856 SOHICTAP_::Synwtionfc · 864 SONltTAP: . '834 TonkTavem SoNlCTAP: Rat Pack 807 SONICTAP: The 8'J6 Alternative SONICTAP:·Jfot.Jamz 82~ SONIC-(AP: Reality · 838 Bodmbox 818 Bites . . SONlq:APJ: ~ :Spiiit 826 http://www.,directv.com/DTV APP/co~parefprintablePackageChannels.jsp.?packageld=960008.&skutd=sk... 4728/2014 DlRECTv Pagc.2 of2

SO.NlCTAP: Beautiful 820' SONICTAP: Hottest 'SONICTAP: Red, Rack· 810 SONICTAP !-'Today's 816 l~rumentals Hf ts a.nd Blues Hits . SONICTAP: Big 801 SONICTAP: 1Hurbano 875 SONICTAP; Renae '863 SOHICTAP:· 808 Band/Swing SONICTAP: Hype 847 SONICT.AP: Retro 845 Tradltfonal COUntry SQllllCTAP: Btuearass 812 SQNICTAP:. lnl

~r.G!\l~ Wru;, ~= . I

4'.he following channels reqUlre.a spedaldfsh or.equipment: MHz, GEM NET, Hope· Cha~, JlTV, Once, H!TN, V·Me, Enlace, Golden Ea:gte Broadcasting, and Free Speech TV. Please call 1·800·531·5~ for(more fnforrilatfon.


~ XTRA µackage ~ 21 u+ digital. chunnels , ..-tt .a :.


Ca~l-Once" ~4a Uniyfston (Este) Dlsney)~D HD v~--

NATIONAlS ·~· ~:eEdHD) ·~ :21'Q7_.6··~. H°'~,·11._~w flt:fi i~~ H.9,pe' 368 6.vt. • 275· ~ ...... ;J ....~ , _, Hub ,.i.94 Qvc·Plus 31$ ABC Family .&!J,.3,11 ·gisspeypey.. : _.·· ~a.,,nne!l_lle.. f(¢~) , Bl:l.90." ION Televl5ioo 1111.3Q5 · !W-1fi:y l4S ....uER1ri.i. 1 HERn"'~ "87 "'1 ""~ t ~.,,. l"'u le'.i.."s'on_ui...-t .. '30.6 Ret?IZChannel ~~f iliANNer" ·~ • · (West)' ' · ·· · l~~pe~t .Ffit;" • ~ Science Ch111.1net ~ ~1?~··. AUOfENCE .l!B!l·239 Disney J~:C~~J,.&J 289: ~ Channel (IFCJ ShopHQ ., u /j,Xs;ri/ HD J!!ll-140 f?ISAAY.XP ml 292 lnvestfsatlon Bi 285 c.:..Jl

.AAmer:··, :_·,·l . '!l.'l~ee.,_· r._·".'ik.JAmet1Cal.' ·. 3'47' ' E~f~..t~!Ulntneht !:! 2_36_ Dtscovery (ID) . . . .,... -- · · :B!liiA . .,,,_. . · "' v e a 254 """'., ..... 206 Jew~lryT~~Sion l13. :Syfy'ChailrielTBS aa-- ·24r c~s'{M\C) £sPN1 . m 209 Jewish Life ~66 · to Network; 3n AnimaCPtahet .mm 2si EsP~EWs· m 201 r~Levts1on• · ""L.;;. · · ll'l3 , · ... ..,,., . . "'"' . """ .,no Ufp•i-e .m... _.,i::'i ' "' _.;260:24· .5.· !·.;;nae,.,·.,·-~_,._ .:"'··,:.· . . ,_, 2~ . ESP11u """'~"'° ~""" ""1'"' -Tt.r.r ca 1n.u .n· 37~.- · EWJl4 lio Ufetime MOvte Sil 25! ·· ,,.,., · tlat?Y.flJ'S,t;TV". . . . 1.9,1 FX ._.,... .,,,.:4. 8 .· ~L.1.nK'TV. rk '575 WlV.. · ~&.a_ ..nd~ · Network Clll_..· . 32~'"'. SJ ;:...,.~:•_ (harinel bS 266 fX~ otan l U'8 , ,.,..,.; 2n· TV n..- _3··.,0.. ;~!;~'t'·e· ·rta' •n-t m 329 F)o(' ..... · " · ne. ·m 259 - \,Ill<; +A/ B~WI I ,...... JMVTV 214 T~tk' . 303 Televtsfon (~ET) Food.Network m 231 · MHz·WC>fUJMEw- lt8l «r~'ch'ar\net •~t17 · Bloombe_. J:'elf!Ytslort,111_. :_153_ foxiklstr\ess ~rt<:-111359 . · · , · "'- c;.,,..+ ...... J; . .D~Javo. -· ., . ""'7- .Fox N~. Channel . ,._..:....:. iK>.O · ·.Ml:BMS'.'N' ·sc•twotk , ealilll, l3•. 56f~ 'Chl··~ll.'='a:nne- ~l~~sroanE~~ .U'IUu1is Ow CBS Sports Network Bl 22f 'Ftii Sport5·{ .. ·. E!!!I 219 ' l CMT 1111327 Fox' Sports 2 , m 618; MTV EID 31·1 ~-!f~~~tk· ll!J~~ CNBC l!ml 355 'MM )31' J. ' . ·~ . , rim CNBC World 357 ~::: Speech TV* ~; : NASA TV ·;M6 -m:~~f~~~$tlbi; 372 NN m 202 .:NBA TV m 2,t6 . TnilV .. ~~} Bl'246 :~. t_· ri.·'i -i:a·_ ii_. .;,.r:o·.· GExpEMa_nNsETfon(G_ _..~jatal 2068< unrs .. ~"'0 ...... ,..,,ttn , '7<1 ~ nQ\,; IClloQ ~~ · ~Classic Movatton 174 W. ea~~;..ttcn " ;_3__ ,61' orv N'etwort< 81'230 Headltne -~ t9 204 . -~ 151 Wo~H~t '361 Daystar 369 HtstorYChal'\Oel Bl i.69. PBS (f, TeleYf~fOri~ Destination Amertca m 2a6 Home a Garden ea 229 Punuft .Cbannet 604 . · plvof·Cbannel '1.67 Discovery ChaMel Bf 278 Television (HGIV) Home Shopping ~· ·SONICTAP:~.60's B03 SONICTAP: ·coll* 831- .SoN!<;rAP~ .Jm 852 SGNICT~';satsa '·874 Revolution .RO.ck,, , ~IQ'~-: ~tin Hits. 1m SONJCW.: stiowtunes · 823. SONIC'fAP: 7: .$)'s Hlis @5 F.a'1; fleSta &7Q'·: SOtltqAP: loW· 119. ~AJ>:., s.r:.: 836 ir<>Pka( --· ·· · · SQnp SorilWrit '< ' sONICT~ AdUtt .. 832 •' ~ - Altematlve SONICTAP: 639 SONICTAP! Matt SboP 802 :.rmsoNtaAP:: . Sri'IOOitf 851 'SONICTAP.: Adtdt 82t .-FJAShb;iCk/~ Wave Oldies . ·Cont-emporacy SONICTAP.':· Fo~ ~k 813 5QN1_crAP,: .Ma rtatht 87'6 SONff'TAP: SoffHlts ~ $0NICTAP: ~Fuq' ~~t ~3o 853 Spike SON!PTAP; &3<4 JadGroove 824 ·. t<>Unge


~NIGTAP: .Sea.utffut -820· SONICTAP.:-Hair 829 SONICTAP: Mustca.De 812 SONlCW:.'The· :~ ' : < ns~ntals GU liar Las Americas Boombb~ .. : ,50Nfc 'AP: . :801 - ~CTAP': Hallelujati' 82~ · SQNIPfAP..!: ~Al,e ·. 856 SOMICTAP:TM ,868· ~nd1IWini- 'SOOICJAP; Hit: ~~AP:t . -ScJ\®.l S+t Ptaygroood SC».IJCTAP:·· m·ss· 812 ·g>Untry_ • SONICTAP: The Spfrtt · ~~ SONl~AP~ .Bl~ 854 , . SONIGTAP~ Honky 811 SONICTAP: PUMPt ¥1 SONICTAP:ttltS . "(Q.day',$". 816 SONI CTAP : Clas$lc -831 i'<>nk.ravem . SONICTAP:;Rat .Pack 861 Hits Blend . . SONlCTAP.; ffQt.hJnz .825 SoNICTAP: ReatltY m ~iCTAP: 8.(18. S()tJlCTAP~~ ~50 SC>NicTAP: f:IOttest ·818 Bites T~t!O~f~ Ja~ V~l&lend Hits-,·-· . . 810 SONICTAP: Y2k Hits ·&17 875 ' ~f~: .Red) ·~ :a51 SONICTPR&B .:- :(~lc,. ', 842 .SONltn\P: Hll'Darlo sot

l-ilJl ULTIMATE package ~ 2z5+ digital dwnnels

Prfnt dlanriels fot UP C~ · 3257.8 EH ESPANOL

UnfVisiofl Deportes El!!I 455 . .· ~ 410 V·me* 4;4(1



~CORE (East) 8535 ENCOREB~ ·~·. ENCORE' suspense: 53' lvG,.., 'lbfi lirte(ad'lve 602 ENCORE (W~t) 536 ENCORE Classic, ·537 .•ENCORE Westems· tto. ~!efildng · Netwoif<· ENCORE Action Bl $441 ENCORE Fa.mlly: :54z. · ~jmdancet'l sit ; ihe Movie Chanritil !!>3 {East) · TM'~MOvfe' .Ctiannel l!ll 55~ (Westr · http:J/www.din;ctv;~m/J)TVAP.PlCQlJl:Pan.VpwrtablePaekflg~hannels.jsp,?pac~~ld""'l l20008&s~l~=s.... 472"8/201'4'. DIRECTV Page2 of2

SONiCTAP: .6Q"s 803 SONICTAP~ Cotl~ge 831 SONICTAP: Irish 883 SONICTAP~: Retra 845 Revolution Rock · SONICTAP: Italian 88f Disco. SONICTAP! 7'1.s Hits 8().4 SONICTAP: Dance 859 Bistro Blend SONltTAP: Rocken 878 SONICTAP: 8-Tracks 840 SONICTAP: Familiar 880 SONICTAP: Jaz.z 852 Espanol SONICTAP; 80's Hits 805 Favorlt;es: SONICTAP: Uittn Hits 871 SONICTAP: Salsa 87.f SONICTAP: 90's Hits 806 SONICTAP:.-Ftesta 870 SONICTAP: Latin Jazz 879 SONICTAP: SllQwtunes 823 Tropical SOHICTAP: Sflky-Sou.l 843 SONICTAP: 839 Ftashbaek/New Wave

SATELLITE RADIO 'SON ICJAP: Adult 8l2 SONICTAP: Folk Rock 813 SQNICTAP: Llght 866 SONICTAP: .Stiver·· 82i Alternative · sONICTAP: F~l Metal 830 Classical Sc:teeil· SONICTAP!· Adult 821 Jacket SONICTAP! Love 819 SONICTAP? Singer· 836 Contemporary SONICTAP.: Gaspel 8i7 SOngs Songwriter$ ... SONICTAP: 834 Glor:y SONICTAP: .Ma,,lt Shop 802 SOHICTAP: Smooth 851 Alternative SONICTAP: Great 855 Oldies - Jan SOHICTAP: BaUamosl 869 Standards SONICTAP: Mariachi · 876 SONICTAP: Soft Hits 849 SONICTAP: Be-Tween 867 SONICTAP: Groove 824 SONICTAP: Metro 853 SONICTAP: Spike 841 SONICTAP! .$eaut1ful 820 Lounge Blend . SONtcTAi>:. 858 lnstnmen~ls. SONICTAP: l:laf.r 829 SON!CTAP: Modem 81.f subTerranean SONICTAP-: .BiS · 801 Guitar Country ·· SONICTAP.: ' Symphonic 864 Band/Swing SONIC.TAI>": Halleluj~h '828 SONICTAP: Mc!Qert\ 86(> SoNICJAP,: The .846 S0NICTM:: Bfuegfass- 812 SONIC'tAP: Hlt" ... .. 809 Workout ·· Boomllox, · ~~ICTAP: 8(~· 854 Co~try SONICTAP: Muska De an SONICTAfi :The 868 SONICTAP: Classtc 837 SONICTAP: Holld~ys 815 las Ameflcas Playground Hits Blend & HapPE!nings· SONICTAP: New fl/6e 856 SONldAP!The Spfrit 826 SOHICTAP: Classfc 850 SONICTAP: Honky 811 SONICTAP: Old 844 SONJCfAP: i:ooay's 816 Jazz Vocal Blend Tonk Tavern School Funk Hits ' SONICTAP: Classic 842 SONICTAP: Hot Jamz 825 SONICTAP; POMPI 861 SONlctAP:.. 808 R&B SONICTAP: H9ttest 818 SONICTAP: Rat Pack 807 Tradltlonat Cqt11try SONICTAP: Classic 833 Hits SONICTAP: ~!!Uty 838 SOHICTAP.:· 884 Rock SONICTAP~ Hurbano 875 Bites . Trallqt!.llffy . SONICTAP: Classic 862 SONICTAP: '}fype 847 SONICTAP: R:_~ ...R9Ck 810 817 Rock Warkotif SOtUCTAP: lnk'd 835 and Blues · · ~m~f~(~· Hits 857 SONICTAP: 848 SONICTAP: ~eggae 863 Cof(eeh()Use Rock ., ... LOCALS WALA cF'o*J 10 WEIQ.(PBS}. ea 42 WFNA(CW) Bil 55 WPMJ (NBC). m 1s WAWO(IND) i!l8 58 WFBD {INDJ 83 48 WJTC (IND} 44 WSRE (PB~)' Bl 23 WEAR (ABC) 8213 WFGX (MNry w 35 WKRG (CBS} ea 5 "The following Channets require a special dish or equipment: MHz, GEM NET, 1-lOQe. qiannel, JLTV, Once, HITN, V-flte, Enlace, Golden Eagle Br.oadcastlng, and Free Speech TV~ Please call 1-800·531·5~ for more lnformatlon.

http://www.directv.comlDTV APP/compare.{printablePackageChann:e1s.~sp?paokageld=I I 20008&skuid.=s... 4/28ao 14 .DIRECTV Pa,&eJ .of3

l'1'Jl PREMIER package b:rrrrE:d zs5+ dig ital ch<.J 1111 els · ~Tiil


441 ·~~ · UnM.~lon ~es .. 11J .4$5'· ' rntil\2 • .Z9.6 v.rne• ·· · .440 .er· ~: Jiil 192 •4ot .. HATIOH Al S

•~o 267

PREMIUMS • 'ssrAru.w< Ho -~t at:s20- r:ux -~6 : · : =ikJV1eiiAX ea s~i rtMi ·Kfds rr: ~ny ·.so~ _ActlonMAKfiQ. . ·a sf9 HBO .(East) .m. sd1 . ·Qutdo;Or Chan~ 6QO HD . ·Cj~ax Ea.sf" I\!!! ~1~ HBO {'fY~st) mra.10-4 · S!iOW:m,~E BJ ~5 Sh.owttmeBeyond · H~;~.55.0 .. http://www;direetv:com/D'PV APP/compateiprintablePackag¢ChanneisjsJl?package1d=960QMbkuid~" .:.4a ·s7fo1.4 DIRECTV Page 2 of3

CfnemaxWest Bl 516 HBO 2. (East) BJ 502 SHOWTIMt (West) ID 5'46 Slu>wttme ~HD m 551 ENCORE (East) l!!!3 535 HBO 2 (West}. 505 SHOWTIME:~2 BD 547 Showtime Women·HD SI 552 ENCORE (West) 536 HBO Comedy l:iD Sil 506 SHOWTIME.Extteme BJ 549 SoJ\daoceTV 557 ENCORE .ktlon 1!11541 HBO Famlly ·(£~s~ mm 501 SHOWTIME,~se BB 548 TMC Xtra:t:IP e~st Bl 555 ENCORE. Bll)C.~ 540 HBO FamJlY.°·tW"est) 508 STARZ (Eas,,t} 08 .521 rvG,-.The liltecacffve 602, Horseradng Re,~ The Movie Channel .553 (East)

PfH:MIUMS ' ENCORE ClasSfC: 537 HBO Latino Ba 511 STARZ (West) Bl 528 The Movie Channel Bi1 55'4 .EN.CORE Family ro · HBO Stg~ture lll850l STARZ Cinema HD m 531 (W~J ThrtllerMAX HD Ill 522 ENCORE S"'5~nse 539 HBO Zone HD B!J 509' ~ srARZ Comedy HD Bil 526 ENCORE Westerns 53g · MAX t.atlno ml.52) STARZE* lii3 529 ESPN ClassiC:Spotts 614 MllreMAX. ~517 STARZ JnBfack 11111 530 nEGIONAl SPORT NElWOHl: Jtalfan 881 SOHICTAP: Regional 873 Revolutfon Rock Btstro Blend Nectcan SQNICTAP ~ ?rJs Hits 804 SONICTAP: Pance 859 somCTAP: 'Italian 882' SOHlCTAP~ Retro 8'45 SONICTAP.: '8-T~ks i!40 SONICTAA::tarniliar 880 Contemporary Disco· . . SONICT'AP{SO'~ Hits. 805 Favorft~~ · . · SONICJAP.: .!,~zz . 852 ~~~~~: RQ(k~11 ~78 SONICTAP;\!X>'s Hits' 806 870 SONICTAPrlatfn Hits 871 spano.· . . t~gtP;, .Flesta SONICTAf!~ ~(sa 874 SONICrAP~ Adult 832 SONICTA~ ·~tlltJazz . 879 Alternative SONICTAP~ .. 839 SONICTAP! · t~ht . 866 SONICiAJl! Sr!O'Wtunes 823 SONICTAP:. AdlJlt 821 Flashback/New Wave Classtcal SONICTAl>! :S{lky'Soul 843 Conteli'lporary SONICTAP: Fotk Rock 813 SONICTAP: li>V'e- 819 SONJCTAP r. Silver 822 SONICTAP: 834 SONldAP!'-FUU Metat' 830 SoniS Screen Alternative Jacket SONICTAP: Malt Shop 802 SONICTAP: Stnaer· 836 SONICTAP: Batla.mosl 869 SON.ICTAP: ~l 827 Oldt~ . Soilgwrf tei's SONICTAP: ee:Tween 867 GlQry - SONICTAP; Mariachi 876 SONICTAP: SJ'l)®th 851 SONICTAP: BeaUttful 820 SONICTAP: Great 855 SONICTAP: Metro 853 Jazz Instrumentals Standards Bltmd SONlCTAP: Soft Hits 849 SONICTAP: Big 801 SONICTAP: Groove 824 SONICTAP: Modern 814 SONICTAP~ Spike 841 Lounge Collltfy . SONICTAP: 858 Band/Swing ' 829 SONICTAP! BJU'egrass 812 SONJCTAP: Hair SON.ICTAflWi1«> . :. MQd.erri,. 860 SubTerranean Guitar . SONICTAP: Symp~k 864 SONICTAP: · B~s · ' 854 SONICTAP: Hatlelujah 828 Mus1ca De SONICTAP: tamaval 877 ·stiNiJlP: an SONICTAP: 'The 846 Brasllelro · SONICTAI>: Hit. 809 Las Americas BoornOOx Country · SONfCTAP: New Age 856 SONICTAP: Classic 837 sot-{ICTAP: The 868 SONICTAP: Holidays-,& 815 SONICTAP: Old School 84'4 PlawrQUn! Today's 816 Jazz Vocal 8\erld Tonk Tavern SONICTAP: Qassfc 8'42 SONI CTAP: Piatio 865 Hfts sof-OCTAP: .Hot Jamz 825 SONICTAP: Rat Pack 807 SONICTAP:- 808 R&.8 818 SONICTAP: qasslc 833 SONICTAP: )fottest SONICTAP: Reality 838 TradlUonal COuntfy Rock Hits Bites , SONICTAP: 884 862 .SONIOTAf':;f;J(Jr:bano 875 810 Tranquility SONJC:fAP: "Fl}fp.Ei 847 http://[email protected]/DTVAPP/compa~printablePackageChannels.jsp?p.aqkageld=-960014&sk.u.ld;=sk, .. 4/2812014 DIRECTV Pagel of3

SONICTAP: Classic SONICTAP; lnk'd 835 SONICTAP: Red, Rock SONICTAP:~ \'2k Hits 817 Rock wo·rl: .Zen 857 SONICTAP: 848 SOHICTAP: Reggae 863 ~ff~houSe Rock LOCAL S WALA (FQX) 10 WEIQ(PBSJ ma 42 '.Nf'NA (Cy/) IBl8 55 WPMJ (~BCl Ill 15 WAWD (IND); llm 58 WFBD (IND) · Bl 48 WJTC(!NDJ 4of WSRE (PBS) Bl 23 WEAR (ABC) ,B!J 3 WFGX(MNT} Bii 35 WKRG {CBS) · BJ 5

"The following !=bannels releaseall 1-800-531 - ~formore Information.

http://www.airectv.com/DTVAP~/compar:w'printablePao kageChannels.jsp?packageld=960014&skut~=sk... 4128/ll>l 4

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